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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Veiksniai, lemiantys Cannabis sativa L. dediferenciacijos procesą in vitro / Factors affecting Cannabis sativa L. dedifferentiation process in vitro

Lankelytė, Modesta 21 June 2013 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamajame darbe pateikiama 2011–2012 metais Aleksandro Stulginskio universiteto Agronomijos fakulteto Agrobiotechnologijos laboratorijoje tirtų veiksnių, lemiančių sėjamosios kanapės dediferenciacijos indukciją hipokotilių ir skilčialapių kultūroje, tyrimų rezultatai. Darbo objektas – 10 dienų eksplantai auginti MS terpėje su skirtingais augimo reguliatorių kiekiais. Darbo metodai: Sėjamosios kanapės sėklos plautos po tekančiu vandeniu 1 val., 15 min. sterilintos 0,2 % kalio permanganato tirpale, 2 min. laikytos 70 % etanolio vandeniniame tirpale, 9 min. 10 % natrio hipochlorite ir 3 kartus po 5 min. mirkytos distiliuotame vandenyje. Sterilios sėklos daigintos ant MS maitinamosios terpės be augimo reguliatorių, papildytoje 10 g l-1 sacharozės ir 8 g l-1 Difco-Bacto agaru. MS terpėje su skirtingais augimo reguliatorių kiekiais auginta po 60 eksplantų. Kas keturias savaites eksplantai perkelti į šviežią tos pačios sudėties maitinamąją terpę. Vertintas kaliaus susidarymo dažnis (%), šaknų formavimosi dažnis (%), šaknų kiekis iš eksplanto (vnt.) bei ūglių formavimosi dažnis (%). Darbo rezultatai. Įvertinus sėjamosios kanapės kaliaus indukcijos tyrimų rezultatus nustatyta, kad sėjamosios kanapės izoliuoti hipokotilio audiniai nedideliu dažniu geba formuoti kalių ir terpėje be augimo reguliatorių. Naudojant vienos grupės (auksiną arba citokininą) augimo reguliatorių didžiausias kaliaus formavimosi dažnis gautas terpėje, papildytoje 0,5 mg l-¹ α... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The master work presents the results of factors affecting Cannabis sativa L. dedifferentiation process in vitro. Research was investigated at the Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology, Faculty of Agronomy of Aleksandras Stulginskis University in 2011 - 2012. Investigation in vitro was carried out with Cannabis sativa L. hypocotyls and cotyledons explants. Object of the work – 10 days explants grown in MS medium with different growth regulators concentrations. Method of the work – Cannabis sativa L. seeds were washed under running water for 1 h and surface sterilized with 0.2 % potassium permanganate for 15 min. sterilized and for 2 min. in 70 % ethanol, then sterilized in 10 % sodium hypochlorite for 9 min. and rinsed 3 times for 5 min. with sterile distilled water. Sterile seeds sprouted on MS nutrient medium without growth regulators, supplemented with 10 g l-1 sucrose and 8 g l-1 Difco Bacto-agar. MS medium with different growth regulators concentrations were grown 60 explants. Every four weeks, explants were transferred to the same composition fresh medium. The callus formation frequency (%), root formation frequency (%), root number of the explant (units) and the frequency of shoot formation (%) were evaluated. The results of the work – Cannabis sativa L. hypocotyls tissues with low frequency can form callus and without growth regulators in the medium. Using a single group of growth regulators (auxin or cytokinin) highest callus formation frequency obtained in the medium... [to full text]

Cannabis sativa L. morfogenezės indukcija in vitro / Cannabis sativa L. morphogenesis induction in vitro

Markevičiūtė, Greta 21 June 2013 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamajame darbe pateikiami sėjamosios kanapės eksplanto tipo ir maitinamosios terpės sudėties poveikio mofogenezei in vitro tyrimų rezultatai. Darbo objektas – sėjamosios kanapės stiebo ir lapkočio segmentai. Darbo metodai: Sėjamosios kanapės eksplantai auginti MS, B5 ir White maitinamosiose terpėse, papildytose įvairiais augimo reguliatorių deriniais. Vertintas kaliaus susiformavimo dažnis (%), ūglių susiformavimo dažnis (%) ir šaknų susiformavimo dažnis (%). Darbo rezultatai. Sėjamosios kanapės morfogenezės procesas didžiąja dalimi priklauso nuo bazinės maitinamosios terpės sudėties. Izoliuoti stiebo segmentai intensyviausiai kalių indukavo bazinėje B5 maitinamojoje terpėje, o lapkočio segmentai − B5 maitinamojoje terpėje, papildytoje 1,0 mg l-1 TDZ + 0,5 mg l-1 NAR arba 1,0 mg l-1 KIN + 0,5 mg l-1 NAR. Pridėtinių ūglių formavimasis intensyviausiai vyko bazinėje B5 maitinamojoje terpėje, papildytoje 1,0 mg l-1 TDZ + 0,5 mg l-1 NAR (iš stiebo segmento audinių) ir 1,0 mg l-1 KIN + 0,5 mg l-1 NAR (iš lapkočio audinių). Izoliuoti stiebo segmentai didžiausiu dažniu šaknis formavo B5 maitinamojoje terpėje, papildytoje 1,0 mg l-1 KIN + 0,5 mg l-1 NAR, o lapkočio segmentai − 1,0 mg l-1 TDZ + 0,5 mg l-1 NAR. Tirti stiebo segmentai pasižymėjo didesne geba formuoti kalių, pridėtinius ūglius ir šaknis nei izoliuoti lapkočio segmentai. / The master work presents the effect of explants type and medium composition on morphogenesis in vitro of hemp. Object of the research – stem segments and leafstalk of hemp. Research methods. To study hemp morphogenesis in vitro hypocotyls and leafstalk were used as explants. Explants were placed on MS, B5 and White media supplemented with different combinations of growth regulators. The percentage of callus formation, shoot induction and root formation were evaluated. Research results. The current study indicates that there is strong medium composition effect on morphogenesis in vitro of hemp. From tested media most intensive callus genesis was observed on B5 medium, but from leafstalk – on B5 medium with 1.0 mg l-1 TDZ + 0.5 mg l-1 NAA or 1.0 mg l-1 KIN + 0.5 mg l-1 NAA. The growth regulators combination 1.0 mg l-1 TDZ + 0.5 mg l-1 NAA on B5 media was the most suitable for stem segments shoots induction while growth regulators combination 1.0 mg l-1 KIN + 0.5 mg l-1 NAA promoted the highest frequency of shoots induction from leafstalk segments. The highest root formation frequency was observed on the same basal medium supplemented with 1.0 mg l-1 KIN + 0.5 mg l-1 NAA from stem segments, but from leafstalk – on B5 medium with 1.0 mg l-1 TDZ + 0.5 mg l-1 NAA. Generally, the stem segments exhibited a higher morphogenic response than leafstalk of hemp.

Cannabis use : social risk factors and knowledge of health risks in a sample of adolescents.

Van Niekerk, Antoinette Elisabeth. January 1997 (has links)
A study was conducted at a Durban high school which has a mixture of socioeconomic classes and races. All grade 10 pupils present on the day of the study were asked to complete a questionnaire under examination-like conditions. The aim was to determine the prevalence of dagga smoking as well as the pupils' knowledge of the effects and health risks of dagga smoking and the prevalence of associated features such as alcohol use, cigarette smoking and sexual activity. Dagga smoking was found to occur commonly (22.9%) and to be mainly a white male group activity. There was a strong association with cigarette smoking and alcohol abuse and a general lack of knowledge concerning the adverse health effects of dagga smoking. Peer pressure and relief of stress were cited as the commonest reasons for dagga smoking. More information and life skills training is required for this group of students as well as further research into substance abuse related topics in general. / Thesis (M.Med.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1997.

Spectral differentiation of Cannabis sativa L from maize using hyperspectral indices.

Sibandze, Phila. 31 October 2013 (has links)
Cannabis sativa L. is a drug producing crop that is illegally cultivated in South Africa. The South African Police Service (SAPS) use aerial spotters on low flying fixed wing aircrafts to identify cannabis from other land cover. Cannabis is usually intercropped with maize to conceal it from law enforcement officers. Therefore the use of remote sensing in identifying and monitoring cannabis when intercropped with maize and other crops is imperative. This study aimed to investigate the potential of hyper spectral indices to discriminate cannabis from maize under different cropping methods, namely, monocropped and intercropped. Cannabis and maize were grown in a greenhouse. The spectral signatures were measured in a dark room environment. Green pigments (chlorophyll and carotenoid) from the treatments were also measured. These pigments were then compared with their respective indices. Photosynthetic reflective index (PRI) and Carotenoid Reflective Index (CRI) were two of the indices used to discriminate cannabis from maize using carotenoid content while the Red Edge Position (REP) and the narrow band Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) used chlorophyll content and morphological differences respectively to discriminate the two plant species. CRI and NDVI proved to be capable of identifying cannabis under the two cropping conditions. NDVI showed a 25% spectral over lap for the monocropped treatments and 60% over lap for the intercropped treatments. CRI displayed 18% and 58% over lap for the monocropped and intercropped treatments, respectively. As a result CRI emerged as the most suitable index for discriminating cannabis from maize. With proper calibration of airborne or space borne imagery, the study offers potential to detect cannabis using remote sensing technology. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2010.

När röken lagt sig : Erfarenheter av cannabis som smärtlindring vid kronisk ryggsmärta / When the smoke clears : Experiences of cannabis as pain relief for chronic back pain

Höjman, Martin, Uppfeldt, John January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Nästan hälften av alla personer med kroniska ryggsmärtor anser att de inte får en tillräckligt god smärtlindring. Kronisk ryggsmärta definieras som smärta i ryggen vilken varar längre än den förväntade tiden för smärta efter operation eller som förekommer i mer än sex månader. Vanliga behandlingsmetoder för kroniska ryggsmärtor är smärtlindrande läkemedel, värme och/eller kylterapi och massage. I tidigare studier har personer med kroniska ryggsmärtor upplevt att de ses som gnälliga och missförstådda i mötet med vården där de har haft svårt att tala om alternativa smärtlindringsmetoder. Syfte: Att beskriva personers erfarenheter av att använda cannabis som smärtlindring vid kronisk ryggsmärta. Metod: Kvalitativ innehållsanalys av inlägg i diskussionsforum på internet. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i fyra kategorier: Smärtlindring med subkategorin Sidoeffekter/Bieffekter, Jämförelse med andra läkemedel, Sociala aspekter och Vårdmötet. Slutsats: Personer med kroniska ryggsmärtor är en notoriskt svårbehandlad patientgrupp. Cannabis har i denna studie visat sig ge god smärtlindring för vissa personer och vidare även lindrat illamående och sömnsvårigheter. Klinisk betydelse: Denna studie avser att öka kunskapen om personer med kroniska ryggsmärtor och deras erfarenheter av cannabis som smärtlindrande läkemedel. Förhoppningsvis leder resultatet till att förståelsen från sjuksköterskor ökar gentemot dessa personer och deras lidande och på så sätt förbättrar omvårdnaden i vårdmötet. / Background: Almost half of all people with chronic backpain argues that they receive insufficient pain relief. Chronic backpain is defined as pain that persists longer than expected after surgery or pain that remains after six months. Common treatments for chronic backpains are painkillers, massage, heat and/or cold therapy. People with chronic backpain feel they are winy and misunderstood in health care encounters and have problems talking about alternative ways of pain relief. Purpose: To describe peoples experiences of cannabis use for chronic backpains. Method: Qualitative content analysis of posts in discussion forums on internet. Results: Four categories emerged from analyzing the data: Pain relief with the subcategory side effects, comparison with other drugs, social aspects and health care encounters. Conclusion: People with chronic backpain is a notorious difficult patient group to treat. Cannabis has in this study shown to give some people sufficient pain relief and even helped with nausea and sleep problems. Clinical importance: This study aims at increasing knowledge about people with chronic backpain and their experiences of cannabis use as a pain killer. Hopefully the results of this study leads to increasing nurses’ understanding towards this group of people and their suffering, doing this will increase caring in healthcare encounters.

Legalisering eller inte : en kvalitativ intervjustudie om ungdomars attityder inför en möjlig legalisering av cannabis i Sverige

Ida, Bengtsson, Ida, Bondesson January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att få en djupare förståelse kring ungdomars attityder och deras upplevda livsvärld inför en möjlig legalisering av cannabis i Sverige. För att besvara syftet formulerade vi en frågeställning: Vilka tidigare kunskaper och erfarenheter formar ungdomarnas attityder till droger och hur ser deras attityder ut gentemot cannabis idag? Detta undersökte vi genom kvalitativa intervjuer med ungdomar mellan 15-20 år på ett kulturhus i en mellanstor stad i södra Sverige. Vi ville undersöka vad det är som påverkar ungdomarna i deras formande av attityder gentemot cannabis och en legalisering av cannabis i Sverige samt hur dessa attityder ser ut idag. För att få en så djup förståelse för individernas upplevda livsvärld som möjligt genomförde vi enskilda intervjuer med tio ungdomar som alla har olika erfarenheter och kunskaper. Resultatet visade att det finns en stor bristfällig kunskap när det kommer till droger i allmänhet samt att denna kunskap saknas både i skolan men också i hemmet. Det framkom också att många av ungdomarna någon gång hade provat cannabis eller befunnit sig i kretsar där ett brukande av cannabis pågick. Detta visade sig senare vara en stor bidragande faktor till deras attityder gentemot cannabis och en legalisering av cannabis i Sverige. Med hjälp av Festingers teori om kognitiv dissonans visade analysen att den kognitiva dissonansen var en bidragande faktor till deras attityder. Utifrån Scheffs teori om hänsynsemotionssystemet, med fokus på sociala band, skam och stolthet, bidrog tryggheten och otryggheten hos informanterna till deras attityder. Den otillräckliga kunskapen, tryggheten och otryggheten bildade tillsammans grunden för ungdomarnas attityder inför en möjlig legalisering av cannabis i Sverige. Utifrån Mead fanns det brister i rollövertagandet i formandet av deras attityder. / The aim of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of young people's attitudes and their perceived life-world face a possible legalization of cannabis in Sweden. To answer the aim we formulated a question: What prior knowledge and experiences shape young people's attitudes to drugs and what are their attitudes towards cannabis today? This, we investigated through qualitative interviews with young people aged 15-20 years at an arts center in a medium large town in southern Sweden. We wanted to explore what affects the youth in their shaping of attitudes towards cannabis and legalization of cannabis in Sweden and how these attitudes are today. To gain a deeper understanding of individuals' perceived life-world as possible, we conducted individual interviews with ten young people who all have different experiences and knowledge. The results showed that there is a great lack of knowledge when it comes to drugs in general, and that this knowledge is lacking both in school but also at home. It also emerged that many of the young people had tried cannabis or been in circles where use of cannabis was ongoing. This later proved to be a major contributing factor to their attitudes towards cannabis and a legalization of cannabis in Sweden. Using Festingers theory of cognitive dissonance, the analysis showed that it was a contributing factor to their attitudes. Based on Scheffs theory of the “deference-emotion system”, focusing on social bonds, shame and pride, the security and insecurity of informants influence their attitudes. The insufficient knowledge, security and insecurity together formed the foundation for young people's attitudes towards a possible legalization of cannabis in Sweden. Based on Mead, there were deficiencies in the role takeover when shaping their attitudes.

Trajectories of Cannabis Use Disorder: Risk and Developmental Factors, Clinical Characteristics, and Outcomes

Kosty, Derek 18 August 2015 (has links)
Efforts to objectively inform cannabis discourses include research on the epidemiology of cannabis abuse and dependence disorders or, collectively, cannabis use disorder (CUD). For my dissertation I identified classes of individuals based on intraindividual CUD trajectory patterns and contrasted trajectory classes with respect to clinical characteristics of CUD, developmental risk factors, and psychosocial outcomes. Identifying differences between trajectory classes provides evidence for the validity of trajectory-based CUD constructs and informs the development of comprehensive models of CUD epidemiology and trajectory-specific intervention approaches. My dissertation used data from the Oregon Adolescent Depression Project, a prospective epidemiological study of the psychiatric and psychosocial functioning of a representative community-based sample randomly selected from nine high schools across western Oregon. Four waves of data collection occurred between mid-adolescence and early adulthood and included diagnostic interviews and self-report questionnaires. Onset and offset ages of all CUD episodes were recorded. The reference sample included 816 participants who completed all diagnostic interviews. A series of latent class growth models revealed three distinct CUD trajectory classes through age 30: (1) a persistent increasing risk class; (2) a maturing out class, marked by increasing risk through age 20 and then a decreasing risk through early adulthood; and (3) a stable low risk class. Rates of cannabis dependence were similar across the persistent increasing and the maturing out classes. Trajectory classes characterized by a history of CUD were associated with a variety of childhood risk factors and measures of psychosocial functioning during early adulthood. Participants who were male, had externalizing disorders, and had psychotic experiences during early adulthood discriminated between the persistent increasing and the maturing out classes. Future research based on more diverse samples is indicated, as are well-controlled tests of associations between risk factors, trajectory class membership, and psychosocial outcomes. A better understanding of these relationships will inform etiological theories of CUD and the development of effective intervention programs that target problematic cannabis use at specific developmental stages. Designing targeted versus undifferentiated interventions for those at greatest risk for adult psychosocial impairment could be a cost-effective way to mitigate the consequences of CUD.

Sociální dopady u kontrolovaných uživatelů cannabinoidů / social impacts on controlled users of cannabinoid substances

CIGLEROVÁ, Diana January 2015 (has links)
Aside from drug users who are addicted and sometimes need expert aid, there are also individuals who can prevent the unfavourable consequences of drug use, i.e. the controlled users. These users are concealed and official records about them do not exist. This diploma thesis deals with the controlled users and their social impact. During the recent years researchers focused mainly on the controlled use of hard drugs, such as heroin or cocaine, but there is still only a very few studies dealing with the controlled use of cannabis drugs. In the theoretical part of the work cannabis is characterised from general and botanical point of view and its basic kinds (cannabis sativa, cannabis indica, cannabis ruderalis) and forms (marijuana, bhang, bhang oil) are described. Next chapter is dedicated to a brief history of cannabis drugs in the world. Other discussed topics are cannabis as a remedy as well as health consequences of cannabis drugs use. Next, the most frequent social circumstances which can cause an individual to start taking cannabis drugs are described and a typology of cannabis drugs users is introduced. The last chapter deals with the theoretical models of controlled drug use and the theory of controlled drug use in general. The aim of the work was to find out what relationship the controlled users of cannabis substances have to the respective drug. Two research questions were formulated. The first one is about whether the cannabis drug use caused any significant change in the lives of controlled users or not. The second one's purpose is to find out when it is not suitable for the controlled users of cannabis drugs to use the drug. The research sample consisted of 12 communication partners from Pilsen, seven male and five female, in the age between 21 and 35 years. The communication partners were selected for the research by snowball method. Only those individuals who were over 18 and have at least two year experience with the respective substance were selected for the research to ensure that only controlled users and no experimental users are included. Another condition was at least ten separate experiences with the use of respective drug. Individuals under research must not have suffered any damage from the cannabis drug use and must not have undergone any drug addiction treatment. The communication partners also must not have been legally prosecuted with regard to drugs. The research took place between January and April 2015. The empirical part of the work is based on a qualitative research. Data were collected via narrative interviews. In the course of this type of interview the individual under study is encouraged to narrate freely. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and are enclosed in the attachments section of the work. The data obtained from the interviews were compiled via anchored theory. The first two degrees of coding were employed in the work open coding and axial coding. The work can serve as a practical guide for cannabis drug users to become controlled users of these substances or to achieve total abstinence. It can also be used to provide complex information about the topic to general public.

Caracterização química da planta Cannabis sativa L. a partir de sementes apreendidas pela Polícia Federal no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

Borille, Bruna Tassi January 2016 (has links)
A Cannabis sativa L. (canábis) contém centenas de substâncias químicas em diferentes classes, contudo, a classe dos canabinoides é encontrada unicamente nesta espécie. Popularmente conhecida como maconha, a canábis é a droga ilícita mais consumida no mundo, sendo o Δ9-tetrahidrocanabinol (Δ9-THC), o principal canabinoide de interesse toxicológico, por ser o responsável pela maioria dos efeitos psicotomiméticos ocasionados e estar associado ao uso abusivo da planta. De outro modo, há alguns anos, vem crescendo significativamente o interesse em pesquisas científicas com a canábis, devido aos importantes efeitos terapêuticos que alguns canabinoides têm apresentado. O canabidiol (CBD), por exemplo, é um canabinoide que além de modular os efeitos eufóricos do Δ9-THC, tem apresentado importantes atividades farmacológicas. Embora haja um crescente aumento nas toneladas de apreensões de canábis realizadas no Brasil, não existem dados que caracterizem o perfil químico e a potência da droga que é utilizada ilegalmente no país. Outro aspecto singular com relação às apreensões de canábis refere-se à nova forma de tráfico internacional de drogas, que vem crescendo significativamente no país. Trata-se da remessa de sementes de canábis em pequenas quantidades através de empresas de transporte. Desta forma, este estudo foi realizado a partir de sementes de canábis apreendidas pela Superintendência de Polícia Federal no Rio Grande do Sul. As sementes foram germinadas e as plântulas foram cultivadas, secas e analizadas, sendo todos os passos em condições controladas. As metodologias analíticas utilizadas foram: espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo (NIRS), espectrometria de massas por ressonância ciclotrônica de íons com transformada de Fourier (FT-ICR MS) e cromatografia à gás com detector de massas (CG/EM). O elevado número de compostos presente nas plantas torna os dados obtidos muito complexos, onde pequenas diferenças entre amostras podem ser negligenciadas. Por isso, foram utilizadas as seguintes ferramentas quimiométricas: HCA, PCA, PLS-DA e SVM-DA. As diferentes metodologias de análise utilizadas neste trabalho, permitiram a análise de um total de 73 amostras de canábis que forneceram dados sob químicos, bem como aspectos distintos e relevantes em toxicologia. As informações obtidas por NIRS associadas às ferramentas quimiométricas HCA e PCA possibilitaram agrupar 29 amostras de canábis em diferentes períodos de crescimento; e as ferramentas quimiométricas PLS-DA e SVM-DA permitiram classificar 29 amostras de canábis em diferentes períodos de crescimento com 100% de acerto. O altíssimo poder de resolução da FT-ICR MS possibilitou a identificação 123 compostos canabinoides e metabólitos a partir das análises realizadas em 73 amostras de canábis, o que resultou na compilação de um abrangente perfil químico de canabinoides, até então não obtido. A eficiência de separação da CG acoplada à identificação dos compostos utilizando EM tornou possível a diferenciação de 73 amostras de canábis em tipo fibra ou tipo droga, além da caracterização do perfil químico de canabinoides e terpenoides presentes nas amostras, obtido pela análise em CG/EM. Desta forma, os dados gerados com o desenvolvimento desta tese possibilitaram a identificação e o conhecimento do perfil químico de amostras de canábis apreendidas no Brasil, apresentando informações até então desconhecidas pela polícia brasileira, bem como pelos profissionais da saúde, comunidade científica, órgãos governamentais e políticos do país e também para a população em geral. / Cannabis sativa L. (cannabis) contains hundreds of different classes of chemicals, however, the class of cannabinoids is found only in this plant. Popularly known marijuana, cannabis is the most used illicit drug worldwide, and the Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), the main cannabinoid regarding toxicological interest, being responsible by the majority of psychotomimetic effects and it is associated with the abuse of the plant. Otherwise, for a few years has grown significantly the interest and scientific research with cannabis due to significant therapeutic effects that certain cannabinoids have shown. The cannabidiol (CBD), for example, is a cannabinoid which in addition to modulate the euphoric effects of Δ9-THC, it has shown significant pharmacological activity. Although there is a growing increase in tons of cannabis seizures conducted in Brazil, there are no data which characterize the chemical profile and potency of the drug that is illegally used in the country. Another unique aspect regarding cannabis seizures refers to the new form of international drug trafficking that has grown significantly in the country. This is the shipment of cannabis seeds in small quantities by transportation companies. Thus, this study was based on samples from cannabis seeds seized by the Superintendence of the Federal Police in Rio Grande do Sul. The seeds were germinated and the seedlings were grown, dried and analyzed, all of the steps under controlled conditions. The analytical methods used were: near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The high number of compounds presente in plants renders them very complex data set, where small differences between samples may be wasted. Therefore, the following chemometric tools were used: HCA, PCA, PLS-DA and DA-SVM. The different methods of analysis used in this study allowed the analysis of a total of 73 samples of cannabis that provided data on chemical and distinct and relevant aspects in toxicology. Information obtained by NIRS chemometric tools associated with HCA and PCA group allowed 29 samples of cannabis in different periods of growth; and chemometric tools PLS-DA and SVM-DA can be classified 29 samples of cannabis in different periods of growth with 100% accuracy. The very high resolution power of FT-ICR MS possible to identify 123 compounds cannabinoids and metabolites from the analyzes carried out on 73 samples of cannabis, which resulted in the compilation of a comprehensive chemical profile of cannabinoids, has not been surpassed. The GC separation efficiency coupled with the identification of compounds using MS made it possible to differentiate 73 cannabis samples in type or fiber type drug, besides the characterization of the chemical profile of cannabinoids and terpenoids present in the samples obtained through the analysis on GC/MS. Thus, the data generated with the development of this thesis allowed the identification and knowledge of the chemical profile of cannabis samples seized in Brazil, presenting information previously unknown to Brazilian police as well as by health professionals, the scientific community, government agencies and politicians of the country and also to the general population.

Caracterização química da planta Cannabis sativa L. a partir de sementes apreendidas pela Polícia Federal no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

Borille, Bruna Tassi January 2016 (has links)
A Cannabis sativa L. (canábis) contém centenas de substâncias químicas em diferentes classes, contudo, a classe dos canabinoides é encontrada unicamente nesta espécie. Popularmente conhecida como maconha, a canábis é a droga ilícita mais consumida no mundo, sendo o Δ9-tetrahidrocanabinol (Δ9-THC), o principal canabinoide de interesse toxicológico, por ser o responsável pela maioria dos efeitos psicotomiméticos ocasionados e estar associado ao uso abusivo da planta. De outro modo, há alguns anos, vem crescendo significativamente o interesse em pesquisas científicas com a canábis, devido aos importantes efeitos terapêuticos que alguns canabinoides têm apresentado. O canabidiol (CBD), por exemplo, é um canabinoide que além de modular os efeitos eufóricos do Δ9-THC, tem apresentado importantes atividades farmacológicas. Embora haja um crescente aumento nas toneladas de apreensões de canábis realizadas no Brasil, não existem dados que caracterizem o perfil químico e a potência da droga que é utilizada ilegalmente no país. Outro aspecto singular com relação às apreensões de canábis refere-se à nova forma de tráfico internacional de drogas, que vem crescendo significativamente no país. Trata-se da remessa de sementes de canábis em pequenas quantidades através de empresas de transporte. Desta forma, este estudo foi realizado a partir de sementes de canábis apreendidas pela Superintendência de Polícia Federal no Rio Grande do Sul. As sementes foram germinadas e as plântulas foram cultivadas, secas e analizadas, sendo todos os passos em condições controladas. As metodologias analíticas utilizadas foram: espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo (NIRS), espectrometria de massas por ressonância ciclotrônica de íons com transformada de Fourier (FT-ICR MS) e cromatografia à gás com detector de massas (CG/EM). O elevado número de compostos presente nas plantas torna os dados obtidos muito complexos, onde pequenas diferenças entre amostras podem ser negligenciadas. Por isso, foram utilizadas as seguintes ferramentas quimiométricas: HCA, PCA, PLS-DA e SVM-DA. As diferentes metodologias de análise utilizadas neste trabalho, permitiram a análise de um total de 73 amostras de canábis que forneceram dados sob químicos, bem como aspectos distintos e relevantes em toxicologia. As informações obtidas por NIRS associadas às ferramentas quimiométricas HCA e PCA possibilitaram agrupar 29 amostras de canábis em diferentes períodos de crescimento; e as ferramentas quimiométricas PLS-DA e SVM-DA permitiram classificar 29 amostras de canábis em diferentes períodos de crescimento com 100% de acerto. O altíssimo poder de resolução da FT-ICR MS possibilitou a identificação 123 compostos canabinoides e metabólitos a partir das análises realizadas em 73 amostras de canábis, o que resultou na compilação de um abrangente perfil químico de canabinoides, até então não obtido. A eficiência de separação da CG acoplada à identificação dos compostos utilizando EM tornou possível a diferenciação de 73 amostras de canábis em tipo fibra ou tipo droga, além da caracterização do perfil químico de canabinoides e terpenoides presentes nas amostras, obtido pela análise em CG/EM. Desta forma, os dados gerados com o desenvolvimento desta tese possibilitaram a identificação e o conhecimento do perfil químico de amostras de canábis apreendidas no Brasil, apresentando informações até então desconhecidas pela polícia brasileira, bem como pelos profissionais da saúde, comunidade científica, órgãos governamentais e políticos do país e também para a população em geral. / Cannabis sativa L. (cannabis) contains hundreds of different classes of chemicals, however, the class of cannabinoids is found only in this plant. Popularly known marijuana, cannabis is the most used illicit drug worldwide, and the Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), the main cannabinoid regarding toxicological interest, being responsible by the majority of psychotomimetic effects and it is associated with the abuse of the plant. Otherwise, for a few years has grown significantly the interest and scientific research with cannabis due to significant therapeutic effects that certain cannabinoids have shown. The cannabidiol (CBD), for example, is a cannabinoid which in addition to modulate the euphoric effects of Δ9-THC, it has shown significant pharmacological activity. Although there is a growing increase in tons of cannabis seizures conducted in Brazil, there are no data which characterize the chemical profile and potency of the drug that is illegally used in the country. Another unique aspect regarding cannabis seizures refers to the new form of international drug trafficking that has grown significantly in the country. This is the shipment of cannabis seeds in small quantities by transportation companies. Thus, this study was based on samples from cannabis seeds seized by the Superintendence of the Federal Police in Rio Grande do Sul. The seeds were germinated and the seedlings were grown, dried and analyzed, all of the steps under controlled conditions. The analytical methods used were: near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The high number of compounds presente in plants renders them very complex data set, where small differences between samples may be wasted. Therefore, the following chemometric tools were used: HCA, PCA, PLS-DA and DA-SVM. The different methods of analysis used in this study allowed the analysis of a total of 73 samples of cannabis that provided data on chemical and distinct and relevant aspects in toxicology. Information obtained by NIRS chemometric tools associated with HCA and PCA group allowed 29 samples of cannabis in different periods of growth; and chemometric tools PLS-DA and SVM-DA can be classified 29 samples of cannabis in different periods of growth with 100% accuracy. The very high resolution power of FT-ICR MS possible to identify 123 compounds cannabinoids and metabolites from the analyzes carried out on 73 samples of cannabis, which resulted in the compilation of a comprehensive chemical profile of cannabinoids, has not been surpassed. The GC separation efficiency coupled with the identification of compounds using MS made it possible to differentiate 73 cannabis samples in type or fiber type drug, besides the characterization of the chemical profile of cannabinoids and terpenoids present in the samples obtained through the analysis on GC/MS. Thus, the data generated with the development of this thesis allowed the identification and knowledge of the chemical profile of cannabis samples seized in Brazil, presenting information previously unknown to Brazilian police as well as by health professionals, the scientific community, government agencies and politicians of the country and also to the general population.

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