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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diskussionsforum som en kunskapsresurs : Legitimitet och kunskapsbyggande i ett forum för föräldrar med barn som har medfödda hjärtfel

Melander, Ida January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats behandlar interaktioner i ett diskussionsforum på Familjeliv.se, där deltagarna är föräldrar eller blivande föräldrar till barn eller foster med ett medfött hjärtfel. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur detta forum kan fungera som en kunskapsresurs och en plats där deltagarna förhandlar sig fram till gemensamma förståelser om till exempel hjärtfelsdiagnosen och livet med ett medfött hjärtfel. Genom analyser av dels de inledande presentationerna från deltagare som positionerar sig som nya, dels av de diskussioner som följer på dessa presentationer fokuserar studien legitimitet i två bemärkelser: legitimiteten i medlemskapet och legitimeringar i interaktionerna som ingår i kunskapsförhandlingen och bygger upp gemensamma förståelser. Resultaten från studien visar inledningsvis att det finns tydligt återkommande drag i presentationerna, något som tyder på att det finns sociala normer och överenskommelser för vilka forumet är till för, hur deltagandet är uppbyggt och vad som utgör ett legitimt medlemskap. Därefter visar analyserna av de efterföljande diskussionerna bland annat hur deltagarna tydligt orienterar sig kring vad som är legitimt att säga och på vilka grunder, där exempelvis det egna barnets diagnos och erfarenheterna från denna verkar vara avgörande. Detta skisserar ut en bild av forumets funktion och visar på en medvetenhet hos deltagarna vad gäller vad de kan bidra med i förhållande till vården. Analyserna visar även hur interaktionerna är uppenbart flerröstade och rymmer såväl professionell expertis, i form av rekontextualiserade samtal med vårdpersonal, som rekontextualiseringar av deltagarnas egna erfarenheter av hjärtfelen. Genomgående innebär forumet också ett jämförelsematerial där deltagarnas rekontextualiseringar tillsammans bygger en bild av hur saker och ting förhåller sig, som sedan kan appliceras på enskilda deltagares situation. Studien indikerar därmed att forumet kan fungera som en intern kunskapsbank. / This thesis investigates the interaction on an online discussion forum, where the participants are parents or expectant parents of children with congenital heart defects. The aim of the study is to shed light on how this forum can function as a source of knowledge and a place where joint understandings about for example the diagnosis and the life with this medical condition are negotiated in interaction. Analyzing both the initial presentations written by newcomers in the forum, and the discussions following these presentations, the study draws on the concept of legitimacy in two ways: the legitimacy in relation to the forum membership and the legitimations that are used to construct a shared understanding between the participants. The results from the study indicate that there are recurring patterns in the presentations written by new members when introducing themselves in the forum threads. This in turn suggests that there are social norms regarding which participants the forum is directed towards, how the participation is organized and what constitutes a legitimate membership in the community. In addition, a key result from the analysis of the interactions following these presentations is the participants’ navigation of what information is legitimate in which situation, where the own child’s diagnosis and type of heart defect is of great importance. This shows awareness among the participants regarding the nature of the forum’s contribution in relation to healthcare professionals. Furthermore, the analysis also shows how the interactions are strikingly multi-voiced, in that the participants through the discursive process of recontextualization make use of both previous conversations with doctors and other medical professionals, as well as their own experience of the children’s heart defects. The forum then serves as a comparison where these recontextualizations are used to negotiate a joint understanding, which subsequently can be applied to the participants’ individual storylines. The study therefore indicates that the forum can function as a resource of knowledge.

Tecnologias da educação: identificando o reflexo do chat e fórum de discussão no processo de aprendizagem no ensino superior / Identifying effects of chat and discussion forum in the learning process in Higher Education

Quintana, Alexandre Costa 03 February 2016 (has links)
A utilização de tecnologias da educação, não somente nos cursos à distância, mas também nos cursos presenciais, representa uma tentativa de contribuir para o processo de aprendizado, que tradicionalmente se desenvolve com as ações em sala de aula. O presente estudo teve como foco explorar o uso da tecnologia sob a perspectiva da Satisfação e Eficácia de Aprendizagem, da Percepção do estudante e do Desempenho. Foi realizado um experimento de campo em uma turma da disciplina Contabilidade Introdutória, do curso presencial de Ciências Contábeis de uma Universidade Pública Federal. A pesquisa foi conduzida a partir da divisão da turma em dois grupos (Tratamento e Controle), que foram invertidos de um bimestre para outro, com aproximadamente 30 estudantes em cada grupo. Esse número variou em função das desistências, e, de forma distinta do esperado, as notas dos dois grupos na avaliação inicial do experimento foram estatisticamente diferentes. As evidências apontam que isso, possivelmente, ocorreu devido a um efeito de composição: os grupos tinham características diferentes no que se refere à inserção no mercado de trabalho e ao fato de o estudante ter feito o curso técnico em Contabilidade. Para responder ao objetivo do estudo, que foi identificar o reflexo do uso de chat e fórum de discussão no processo de aprendizagem, partiu-se de um questionário inicial para identificar o perfil das turmas, e da aplicação de uma prova inicial em cada bimestre, para evidenciar o nível de conhecimento prévio que o grupo possuía sobre o tema de estudo daquele bimestre. Em cada bimestre foram realizados dois chats e um fórum de discussão no grupo de tratamento. Ao final de cada bimestre foi aplicado um questionário sobre Satisfação e Eficácia de Aprendizagem para os dois grupos, um questionário sobre Percepção dos estudantes sobre o uso da tecnologia, para os grupos de tratamento de cada bimestre, e, ao final, foi aplicada uma prova em cada bimestre para conhecer o desempenho dos estudantes na disciplina. Foram aplicados testes de médias para identificar se havia diferença entre o desempenho dos grupos, testes de correlação entre as intervenções nos chats e o desempenho dos estudantes, para verificar a interferência da participação no desempenho, e foi utilizada análise fatorial para explicar a interferência dos resultados obtidos nas questões relacionadas ao Technology Acceptance Model de Davis (1989) nos resultados do questionário de percepção sobre o uso da tecnologia. Concluiu-se que o reflexo do uso de chat e fórum de discussão é percebido no desempenho dos estudantes e na percepção da utilidade destas ferramentas no processo de aprendizagem. Além disso, notou-se que a idade é um fator que provoca reflexo nos resultados, visto que os mais jovens têm um desempenho melhor quando utilizam a tecnologia. Os resultados sugerem que a percepção dos estudantes sobre a utilidade da tecnologia no processo de aprendizagem é um fator que interfere nos efeitos de seu processo de aprendizagem, e que a satisfação em aprender não está totalmente relacionada à eficácia do processo de aprendizagem, principalmente quando este envolve o uso de tecnologias da educação. / The use of education technologies, not only in distance learning but also on-campus courses, is an attempt to contribute to the learning process traditionally developed through classroom actions. This study aimed to explore the use of technology from the perspective of Satisfaction and Learning Effectiveness, Student Perception, and Performance. A field experiment was conducted in an Introductory Accounting class of an undergraduate on-campus Accounting course at a Federal Public University. The research was conducted by dividing the class into two groups (treatment and control), each with approximately 30 students. The groups were reversed from one two-month period to another. The number of students varied depending on dropouts, and, different to what was expected, the grades of the two groups in the initial evaluation of the experiment were statistically different. Evidence suggests that this was probably due to a composition effect: the groups had different attributes with respect to inclusion in the labor market and/or the fact that the student had already completed a technical degree in Accounting. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, which was to identify the effects of the use of chat and a discussion forum in the learning process, an initial questionnaire was used to identify the groups\' profile. As well, an initial test was applied in each two-month period to reveal the groups\' previous level of knowledge on the topics of that period. In each two-month period, there were two chats and a discussion forum in the treatment group. At the end of each period a questionnaire on Satisfaction and Learning Effectiveness was applied to both groups, as well as a questionnaire on the students\' perception of the use of technology to the treatment group of each two-month period, and finally a test to measure the students\' achievement in the subject. Mean tests were applied to identify whether there were differences between the performance of groups, and correlation tests were applied between the students\' contributions in chat rooms and performance, to check the influence of participation in their performance. The factor analysis was also used in order to explain the interference of the results obtained in the questions related to the Technology Acceptance Model by Davis (1989) in the questionnaire results about perception of the use of technology. This study concluded that the effects of the use of chat and discussion forums are perceived in the students\' performance and in their perception of the usefulness of these tools in the learning process. Moreover, it was noted that age is a factor that causes an effect on the results, since younger students had better performance when using technology. The results suggest that the students\' perception of the usefulness of technology on the learning process is a factor that interferes with the effects of their learning process, and that satisfaction in learning is not totally related to the effectiveness of the learning process, especially when it involves the use of education technologies

Politische Online-Öffentlichkeit : abseits vom Mainstream der Printmedien? / Print vs. online media

Abendschön, Simone January 2005 (has links)
The internet offers citizens new possibilities to participate in political communication by setting topics on the agenda of public discussion that are neglected by the conventional media. The article examines if and how the topics of the new emerging political public on the web differ from the topics generated by traditional media. The empirical analysis reveals that the topics are mostly the same. However, the analysis also shows that a clear separate public sphere exists that deals with topics outside the political mainstream.

Relationship between Online Social Identity¡BImpression Management and Virtual Community Citizenship Behavior ¢wAn Exploratory Study of Online Game Discussion Forum

Kuo, Keng-Fu 28 October 2012 (has links)
This study investigate how the players' virtual community citizenship behavior were influence by online social identity and impression management of online game discussion forum. A questionnaire was designed for the online survey that resulted in a total of 692 valid responses. The results suggested that the player were more spontaneous involved in organizational citizenship behavior when they had higher identity on discussion forum. The player had more positive action in organizational citizenship behavior when they had higher attention on self impression management. This research is different from those past gaming community researches focus on the user's addiction and motivation, and give suggestions for future research.

När röken lagt sig : Erfarenheter av cannabis som smärtlindring vid kronisk ryggsmärta / When the smoke clears : Experiences of cannabis as pain relief for chronic back pain

Höjman, Martin, Uppfeldt, John January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Nästan hälften av alla personer med kroniska ryggsmärtor anser att de inte får en tillräckligt god smärtlindring. Kronisk ryggsmärta definieras som smärta i ryggen vilken varar längre än den förväntade tiden för smärta efter operation eller som förekommer i mer än sex månader. Vanliga behandlingsmetoder för kroniska ryggsmärtor är smärtlindrande läkemedel, värme och/eller kylterapi och massage. I tidigare studier har personer med kroniska ryggsmärtor upplevt att de ses som gnälliga och missförstådda i mötet med vården där de har haft svårt att tala om alternativa smärtlindringsmetoder. Syfte: Att beskriva personers erfarenheter av att använda cannabis som smärtlindring vid kronisk ryggsmärta. Metod: Kvalitativ innehållsanalys av inlägg i diskussionsforum på internet. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i fyra kategorier: Smärtlindring med subkategorin Sidoeffekter/Bieffekter, Jämförelse med andra läkemedel, Sociala aspekter och Vårdmötet. Slutsats: Personer med kroniska ryggsmärtor är en notoriskt svårbehandlad patientgrupp. Cannabis har i denna studie visat sig ge god smärtlindring för vissa personer och vidare även lindrat illamående och sömnsvårigheter. Klinisk betydelse: Denna studie avser att öka kunskapen om personer med kroniska ryggsmärtor och deras erfarenheter av cannabis som smärtlindrande läkemedel. Förhoppningsvis leder resultatet till att förståelsen från sjuksköterskor ökar gentemot dessa personer och deras lidande och på så sätt förbättrar omvårdnaden i vårdmötet. / Background: Almost half of all people with chronic backpain argues that they receive insufficient pain relief. Chronic backpain is defined as pain that persists longer than expected after surgery or pain that remains after six months. Common treatments for chronic backpains are painkillers, massage, heat and/or cold therapy. People with chronic backpain feel they are winy and misunderstood in health care encounters and have problems talking about alternative ways of pain relief. Purpose: To describe peoples experiences of cannabis use for chronic backpains. Method: Qualitative content analysis of posts in discussion forums on internet. Results: Four categories emerged from analyzing the data: Pain relief with the subcategory side effects, comparison with other drugs, social aspects and health care encounters. Conclusion: People with chronic backpain is a notorious difficult patient group to treat. Cannabis has in this study shown to give some people sufficient pain relief and even helped with nausea and sleep problems. Clinical importance: This study aims at increasing knowledge about people with chronic backpain and their experiences of cannabis use as a pain killer. Hopefully the results of this study leads to increasing nurses’ understanding towards this group of people and their suffering, doing this will increase caring in healthcare encounters.

Using Mobile Communication Tools In Web Based Instruction

Avenoglu, Bilgin 01 May 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis investigates the perceptions of students about using mobile communication tools in web-based instruction. A mobile learning portal that can be used by different mobile devices was designed for this purpose. This portal included a mobile discussion forum and a course information system. Sixty undergraduate and five graduate students from METU/CEIT department used this portal as a supportive learning activity in three different courses throughout two-three, and four-week periods. The discussion subjects related to course content were created by instructors in these courses and students used this portal by sending messages or creating new subjects. Assignment results and announcements were inserted into the system by the instructors of these courses. A user evaluation instrument was developed by the researcher and validated by field experts. At the end of the study, perceptions of students were collected about mobile learning, mobile learning technologies and mobile discussion forums by using this instrument. Descriptive statistics were calculated according to the responses of students. The study results show that most of the students enjoyed using mobile technologies in education and they want to use mobile technologies in other courses. Although they like using mobile technologies, they did not increase the level of learning and motivation of the students much. Furthermore, mobile technologies did not increase the communication between students and between students and teachers despite their highly developed communication capabilities. Students could easily use the mobile technologies but small screen sizes and limited keypads hindered them from performing the operations. According to students, the cost of using mobile technologies is quite important whereas the data communication security is not important.

Negotiating ‘Finnishness’ : The discursive construction of Finnish national identities in online discussions around immigration

Sinersaari, Inna January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines how national identities are discursively constructed in online discussions around immigration in Finland. The discursive construction of Finnish national identities is analyzed both in the light of the construction of ‘sameness’ and of ‘otherness’, drawing upon critical discourse analysis and the notion of a nation as an imagined community. The analyzed data is from a Finnish discussion forum, Suomi24. The discussions analyzed generally construct an exclusionary identity: Finnishness is often represented as something inherent and impossible to combine with, for example, Islam or Russianness. Elite discourses as well as discourses previously identified in Hommaforum, a Finnish ‘immigration critical’ forum, were reproduced in the discussions, implying that online discussions, in addition to reproducing elite discourses, can also foster them. The prevalence of exclusionary discourses and stereotypical representations in a moderated discussion forum speaks for the normalization of such ways of talking about immigration, ‘us’ and ‘others’.

As práticas discursivas de uma tutora em fóruns de discussão do curso de pedagogia a distância da UFJF: foco estratégias que contrinuem para a promoção da aprendizagem colaborativa

Barros, Juliana de Carvalho January 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-12-21T11:35:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 julianadecarvalhobarros.pdf: 3333465 bytes, checksum: fbd466824c16806069877c31ee83b81a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-12-22T12:40:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 julianadecarvalhobarros.pdf: 3333465 bytes, checksum: fbd466824c16806069877c31ee83b81a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-22T12:40:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 julianadecarvalhobarros.pdf: 3333465 bytes, checksum: fbd466824c16806069877c31ee83b81a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Este trabalho visa investigar a atuação de uma tutora no fórum de discussão no contexto de ensino a distância. Mais especificamente, seu objetivo é identificar e analisar, por meio das práticas discursivas da tutora, estratégias que possam contribuir para a promoção da aprendizagem colaborativa no fórum de discussão. Embora a literatura saliente a importância dessa contribuição, existem poucos trabalhos que apresentam à tutores/professores subsídios práticos que contribuam para sua atuação nos fóruns de discussão. O trabalho está ancorado nas postulações de Vygotsky sobre o desenvolvimento e a aprendizagem, teorias precursoras das reflexões sobre a aprendizagem colaborativa. A aprendizagem colaborativa foi considerada, no presente trabalho, a partir de sua mediação pelo computador centrando-se nos seguintes teóricos: Silva (2006), Pallof & Pratt (2002), Tijiboy et ali (2009), os quais entendem que a construção do conhecimento se dá de forma conjunta e colaborativa. Teorias sobre a argumentação, focando principalmente as marcas argumentativas propostas por Koch (1984, 1997), as situações argumentativas colaborativas de Damianovic (2009), e as postulações sobre a argumentação de Ducrot (1987) foram também adotadas. O contexto da pesquisa é uma disciplina do curso de graduação em Pedagogia a distância da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora através da Universidade Aberta do Brasil (UAB). O corpus de análise constitui-se das práticas discursivas da tutora em 6 fóruns de discussão realizados na disciplina investigada. Os resultados desse estudo apontam estratégias que podem favorecer a aprendizagem colaborativa nos fóruns de discussão, oferecendo, assim, subsídios teóricos e práticos que orientam a atuação dos professores e/ou tutores nos fóruns de discussão. Apontam-se também contribuições teórico-metodológicas que dizem respeito ao uso da argumentação para os estudos sobre a promoção da aprendizagem colaborativa mediada pelo computador. / This thesis aims at investigating the practices of a tutor in an online discussion forum for distance education. Specifically, it aims at identifying and analyzing through the tutor’s discursive practices, pedagogical strategies that may add to the development of collaborative learning in the discussion forum. Even though the literature emphasizes the importance of this contribution, there are few studies that present both tutors and professors with practical examples that guide their performance in virtual learning environment. On theorethical grounds, the work discusses Vygotsky´s notions on the development of Cognition and Learning, which are a precursor to the idea of collaborative learning. In this work, we focus on collaborative learning supported by the computer, highlighting the reflections of the following experts: Silva (2006), Pallof & Pratt (2002), Tijiboy et ali (2009), who understand that knowledge construction is accomplished by interaction. Besides, a review and a discussion of Argumentation Theory is carried out, focusing the argumentative marks proposed by Koch (1984, 1997), Damianovic’s (2009) collaborative argumentative situations, and Ducrot’s (1987) postulations on argumentation. The context of this research is an online discipline of the Pedagogy distance graduation course of Federal University of Juiz de Fora, through Universidade Aberta do Brasil (UAB) project. The corpus of analysis is the tutor’s discursive practices in six discussion foruns. The results of this study point out strategies that may encourage collaborative learning in online discussion forums, providing theoretical and practical support that guide professors and tutors’ performance in the online environment. This study also presents theoretical and methodological contributions to the use of argumentation in studies on collaborative learning supported by the computer.

Tecnologias da educação: identificando o reflexo do chat e fórum de discussão no processo de aprendizagem no ensino superior / Identifying effects of chat and discussion forum in the learning process in Higher Education

Alexandre Costa Quintana 03 February 2016 (has links)
A utilização de tecnologias da educação, não somente nos cursos à distância, mas também nos cursos presenciais, representa uma tentativa de contribuir para o processo de aprendizado, que tradicionalmente se desenvolve com as ações em sala de aula. O presente estudo teve como foco explorar o uso da tecnologia sob a perspectiva da Satisfação e Eficácia de Aprendizagem, da Percepção do estudante e do Desempenho. Foi realizado um experimento de campo em uma turma da disciplina Contabilidade Introdutória, do curso presencial de Ciências Contábeis de uma Universidade Pública Federal. A pesquisa foi conduzida a partir da divisão da turma em dois grupos (Tratamento e Controle), que foram invertidos de um bimestre para outro, com aproximadamente 30 estudantes em cada grupo. Esse número variou em função das desistências, e, de forma distinta do esperado, as notas dos dois grupos na avaliação inicial do experimento foram estatisticamente diferentes. As evidências apontam que isso, possivelmente, ocorreu devido a um efeito de composição: os grupos tinham características diferentes no que se refere à inserção no mercado de trabalho e ao fato de o estudante ter feito o curso técnico em Contabilidade. Para responder ao objetivo do estudo, que foi identificar o reflexo do uso de chat e fórum de discussão no processo de aprendizagem, partiu-se de um questionário inicial para identificar o perfil das turmas, e da aplicação de uma prova inicial em cada bimestre, para evidenciar o nível de conhecimento prévio que o grupo possuía sobre o tema de estudo daquele bimestre. Em cada bimestre foram realizados dois chats e um fórum de discussão no grupo de tratamento. Ao final de cada bimestre foi aplicado um questionário sobre Satisfação e Eficácia de Aprendizagem para os dois grupos, um questionário sobre Percepção dos estudantes sobre o uso da tecnologia, para os grupos de tratamento de cada bimestre, e, ao final, foi aplicada uma prova em cada bimestre para conhecer o desempenho dos estudantes na disciplina. Foram aplicados testes de médias para identificar se havia diferença entre o desempenho dos grupos, testes de correlação entre as intervenções nos chats e o desempenho dos estudantes, para verificar a interferência da participação no desempenho, e foi utilizada análise fatorial para explicar a interferência dos resultados obtidos nas questões relacionadas ao Technology Acceptance Model de Davis (1989) nos resultados do questionário de percepção sobre o uso da tecnologia. Concluiu-se que o reflexo do uso de chat e fórum de discussão é percebido no desempenho dos estudantes e na percepção da utilidade destas ferramentas no processo de aprendizagem. Além disso, notou-se que a idade é um fator que provoca reflexo nos resultados, visto que os mais jovens têm um desempenho melhor quando utilizam a tecnologia. Os resultados sugerem que a percepção dos estudantes sobre a utilidade da tecnologia no processo de aprendizagem é um fator que interfere nos efeitos de seu processo de aprendizagem, e que a satisfação em aprender não está totalmente relacionada à eficácia do processo de aprendizagem, principalmente quando este envolve o uso de tecnologias da educação. / The use of education technologies, not only in distance learning but also on-campus courses, is an attempt to contribute to the learning process traditionally developed through classroom actions. This study aimed to explore the use of technology from the perspective of Satisfaction and Learning Effectiveness, Student Perception, and Performance. A field experiment was conducted in an Introductory Accounting class of an undergraduate on-campus Accounting course at a Federal Public University. The research was conducted by dividing the class into two groups (treatment and control), each with approximately 30 students. The groups were reversed from one two-month period to another. The number of students varied depending on dropouts, and, different to what was expected, the grades of the two groups in the initial evaluation of the experiment were statistically different. Evidence suggests that this was probably due to a composition effect: the groups had different attributes with respect to inclusion in the labor market and/or the fact that the student had already completed a technical degree in Accounting. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, which was to identify the effects of the use of chat and a discussion forum in the learning process, an initial questionnaire was used to identify the groups\' profile. As well, an initial test was applied in each two-month period to reveal the groups\' previous level of knowledge on the topics of that period. In each two-month period, there were two chats and a discussion forum in the treatment group. At the end of each period a questionnaire on Satisfaction and Learning Effectiveness was applied to both groups, as well as a questionnaire on the students\' perception of the use of technology to the treatment group of each two-month period, and finally a test to measure the students\' achievement in the subject. Mean tests were applied to identify whether there were differences between the performance of groups, and correlation tests were applied between the students\' contributions in chat rooms and performance, to check the influence of participation in their performance. The factor analysis was also used in order to explain the interference of the results obtained in the questions related to the Technology Acceptance Model by Davis (1989) in the questionnaire results about perception of the use of technology. This study concluded that the effects of the use of chat and discussion forums are perceived in the students\' performance and in their perception of the usefulness of these tools in the learning process. Moreover, it was noted that age is a factor that causes an effect on the results, since younger students had better performance when using technology. The results suggest that the students\' perception of the usefulness of technology on the learning process is a factor that interferes with the effects of their learning process, and that satisfaction in learning is not totally related to the effectiveness of the learning process, especially when it involves the use of education technologies

Ações mediadoras de alunos no fórum de um curso semipresencial de especialização

Cunha, Ana Lygia Almeida 06 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:22:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Lygia Almeida Cunha.pdf: 1406487 bytes, checksum: 741de00d82c8f11b74cf0347dadb46d4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-06 / This research is inserted in the realm of Applied Linguistics studies and aims to identify mediating actions performed by students in the 2007 class of the Specialization Course Teaching and Learning of the Portuguese Language for through the interpretation of messages posted in the discussion forum. During the activities developed in the course of Linguistic Pragmatics discipline, the finding that some students when interacting with their classmates acted as mediators led to the conception of this research whitch investigated the conditions that can make the student a mediator, thus contributing to the study of semiotic-pedagogic mediation that takes place in the online context. By starting from the Vygotsky s notion of mediation (1967/2008), the theoretical foundation of this study was grounded in authors interested in researching on the conditions under which interaction through forums are carried out in the online courses such as Gunawardena (1999), Garrison e Anderson (2003), Pallof e Pratt (2004), Coffin et al. (2005, 2006), Celani e Collins (2006), Collins (2008), Coll e Monereo (2010), Monereo e Pozo (2010), among others. The interpretation of messages posted by student mediators was based on the hermeneutic orientation supported by Ricoeur (2002, 2006, 2009), for whom the actions expressed in written texts can become an object of science. The research interpretation indicates the importance of the discussion forum as a privileged space for mediations made by students toward their peers / Este trabalho inscreve-se entre os estudos da Linguística Aplicada e tem como objetivo identificar ações mediadoras desempenhadas por alunos da turma de 2007 do Curso de Especialização Ensino-Aprendizagem da Língua Portuguesa por meio da interpretação de mensagens postadas nas discussões do fórum de discussão. Durante os trabalhos desenvolvidos no período de oferta da primeira disciplina, Pragmática Linguística, a constatação de que alguns alunos da turma de 2007 atuavam como mediadores, ao interagir com os colegas, levou à realização da presente pesquisa, que consistiu na investigação das condições que podem fazer do aluno um mediador, contribuindo, assim, para o estudo da mediação semiótico-pedagógica que se dá em contexto online. Partindo-se da noção de mediação de Vygotsky (1967/2008), buscou-se, em trabalhos de autores interessados no estudo das condições em que se realiza o ensino-aprendizagem online e na interação por meio do fórum como Gunawardena (1999), Garrison e Anderson (2003), Pallof e Pratt (2004), Coffin et al. (2005, 2006), Celani e Collins (2006), Collins (2008), Coll e Monereo (2010), Monereo e Pozo (2010), entre outros subsídios teóricos para a interpretação das mensagens postadas por alunos mediadores, com base na orientação da hermenêutica de Ricoeur (2002, 2006, 2009), para quem as ações expressas em textos escritos podem tornar-se objeto da ciência. Às considerações às quais levou a pesquisa indicam a importância do fórum como um espaço privilegiado para a mediação feita por alunos com relação a seus colegas

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