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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De la nutrition à l'étiquetage nutritionnel : une histoire de la domestication marchande et politique des nutriments / From nutrition to nutrition label : a history of the market and political domestication of nutrients

Séguy, Laure 25 September 2014 (has links)
La thèse propose de retracer l’histoire de l’utilisation et de l’encadrement des informations relatives à la qualité nutritionnelle des produits alimentaires circulant sur les marchés. Elle s’inscrit ainsi dans le cadre de la sociologie économique en s’intéressant plus particulièrement et dans une perspective historique à l’émergence de dispositifs visant à « équiper » le choix nutritionnel des consommateurs. Parmi ces dispositifs, l’étiquetage nutritionnel et les allégations nutritionnelles et de santé, correspondant, pour le premier, à la manifestation scripturale et réglementaire de la qualité nutritionnelle des produits agroalimentaires et, pour les secondes, à son utilisation marketing, sont au cœur de l’étude. Après avoir retracé les débuts de l’utilisation marketing de la dimension santé des aliments, à travers l’exemple des campagnes publicitaires de la fin du dix-neuvième siècle de la marque américaine d’avoine pour le petit déjeuner Quaker Oats, la thèse se concentre sur l’évolution des règlements encadrant à la fois étiquetage et marketing nutritionnels. Elle prend ainsi comme point de départ l’Amérique des années quarante pour arriver finalement à la situation européenne actuelle et opère donc un déplacement à la fois chronologique et géographique entre l’Amérique et l’Europe, en passant par l’Angleterre. Ce déplacement permet de mesurer les difficultés propres à la mesure nutritionnelle des aliments, à son expression et à sa mobilisation dans le cadre de stratégies aussi bien privées que publiques qui visent à orienter, persuader et équiper les individus dans leurs choix de vie et de consommation. L’étude montre en outre qu’au niveau européen, les notions de santé et de bonne alimentation, au-delà des avancées et controverses scientifiques en la matière, ont aussi des déclinaisons différentes selon les pays et les secteurs d’activités. Ainsi, en matière de réglementation des informations nutritionnelles marchandes, les pays du Nord tels que le Royaume-Uni ou les pays Nordiques ont depuis une vingtaine d’années au moins, intégré cette réglementation dans le cadre de politiques de santé publique plus globales, contrairement aux pays du Sud comme la France ou l’Italie. Ces différences se retrouvent ainsi au niveau européen, comme en témoigne le règlement européen n°1169/2011, voté en 2011. Ce règlement, bien qu’ayant rendu l’étiquetage nutritionnel obligatoire, est marqué par des incohérences et des faiblesses qui reflètent bien les difficultés propres à la « capture » des caractéristiques nutritionnelles des produits et à leur « mise en boîte ». / The question of the display of nutritional information on food products has been largely dealt with from an Anglo-Saxon perspective, especially in the United States; this study aims to examine the problem from a European perspective. Drawing upon the theoretical framework of economic sociology, this dissertation focuses on the social and historical factors surrounding the emergence of apparatus that aim to « equip » consumers’ nutritional choices. Among these devices, nutritional labeling and health and nutrition claims are central to the study. The former is the scriptural and regulatory description of nutritional quality and the latter, the expression of this quality in a marketing context. After an in depth consideration of early examples of the use of nutrition based rhetoric in marketing through the example of the Quaker Oats brand's advertising campaigns of the late nineteenth century, the dissertation studies the evolution of the rules and regulations on labeling and nutritional marketing. Mapping this historical trajectory means drawing a line from the United States in the 40s to the current situation in the European Union. This analysis thus operates a chronological and geographical movement from America to Europe via the United Kingdom. This movement sheds light on the specific difficulties attached to the nutritional measuring of food products, to its expression and to its use in private and public strategies aimed at guiding, persuading and equipping individuals faced with lifestyle and consumption choices. The study also shows how inside the European Union, the definition of notions such as good health and proper alimentation, as well as being informed by scientific knowledge and controversies, is also subjected to both geographical and socio-professional variations. For example, Northern European countries such as the United Kingdom or Scandinavia have been integrating the question of the regulation of nutritional information on food products into public health policies unlike southern countries such as France or Italy. These differences have an effect on European food labeling policy, as in the case of the European regulation n°1169/2011, voted in 2011. Although it does make nutrition labels compulsory on a majority of products, this ruling bares incoherencies and flaws that deeply reflect the problems linked to the “capturing” and “boxing” of food products' nutritional characteristics.

Les céréales et les produits céréaliers au Moyen Empire. Histoire technique et économique / Cereal and cereals Products in the Middle Kingdom. Technical and Economic History

Bats, Adeline 17 December 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat, intitulée « Les céréales et les produits céréaliers au Moyen Empire. Histoire technique et économique » a pour objectif d’appréhender le rôle des céréales dans l’alimentation humaine, mais également de s’interroger sur la capacité de l’agriculture céréalière à dégager des excédents et par conséquent des richesses à l’origine d’une différentiation sociale. Les céréales cultivées durant le Moyen Empire, à savoir l’orge commune et le blé amidonnier, ont été introduites en Égypte en provenance du Proche-Orient durant le Néolithique. Ces deux plantes volontairement sélectionnées sont, comme les techniques agraires, adaptées à l’environnement nilotique. Après la récolte, les céréales sont entreposées dans différentes structures conformes aux besoins futurs. Le silo permet la conservation sur le long terme et par conséquent l’épargne, en prévision de pénuries alimentaires mais également dans le but d’accumuler de la richesse. Car, si la culture des céréales est destinée à subvenir en grande partie aux besoins alimentaires des Égyptiens, les terres agraires, les stocks et les produits transformés (pain et bière) servent également comme moyens de paiement. Enfin, ces biens sont employés aussi pour entretenir les liens de dépendances et les fidélités politiques. / Entitled "Cereal and cereals Products in the Middle Kingdom. Technical and Economic History", this PhD thesis aims to understand the role of cereals in human nutrition, but also to examine the capacity of cereal agriculture to generate surpluses and consequently wealth, which is the source of social differentiation. Cereals grown during the Middle Kingdom, namely barley and emmer, were introduced into Egypt from the Near East during the Neolithic period. These two deliberately selected plants are, like agrarian techniques, adapted to the Nilotic environment. After harvest, the cereals are stored in different structures in accordance with future needs. The silo allows long-term conservation and therefore savings, in anticipation of food shortages but also in order to accumulate wealth. Because, if the cultivation of cereals is intended to provide a large part of the Egyptians’ food needs, agrarian land, stocks and processed products (bread and beer) are also used as means of payment. Finally, these assets are also used to maintain dependency and political loyalty.

Proyecto Wayu: Granola a base de Quinua y Cañihua con frutas liofilizadas / Wayu Project: Granola made of Quinoa and Cañihua with freeze dried fruits

Arias Panaifo, Ana Lucia, Carrillo Dextre, Gonzalo Alonso, Isla Arbulú, Karla Mercedes, Iturri Aliaga, Rohy David, Montesinos Wong, Oscar Alejandro 07 July 2020 (has links)
El trabajo de investigación se basa principalmente en el desarrollo de la marca Wayu, la cual consiste en la producción y comercialización vía online y en tiendas especializadas de granola de cereales andinos con fruta liofilizada. Esto en respuesta a la problemática de no encontrar un snack saludable que brinde las energías necesarias para realizar sus actividades diarias a nuestro público objetivo, el cual está compuesto por hombres y mujeres entre 18 y 35 años de Lima Metropolitana de los niveles socioeconómicos A y B que llevan un estilo de vida saludable. Para ello, el trabajo busca solucionar la problemática de nuestros consumidores mientras que consideramos una cuota de responsabilidad social al trabajar de cerca con las comunidades andinas de la zona Puerto Inca de Huancayo. Los experimentos realizados nos permitieron validar la intención de los consumidores finales mediante sus comentarios en las publicaciones de redes sociales y mensajes directos, asimismo, se validó el interés por parte de las tiendas especializadas de contar con nuestro producto como parte de su catálogo de bienes ofrecido al público objetivo que apuntamos. La estructura del trabajo se divide inicialmente en la descripción de la problemática a solucionar y el respectivo diseño del modelo del negocio. Todas las fases del trabajo llegan a un punto en común: justificar la viabilidad del negocio. Por último, se quiere demostrar si la inversión del proyecto puede ser recuperada en el tiempo trazado. / The research work is mainly based on the development of the Wayu brand, which consists of the production and mainly online and in specialized stores of Andean cereal granola with lyophilized fruit. This in response to the problem of not finding a healthy snack that provides the calories necessary to carry out their daily activities to our target audience, which is composed of men and women between 18 and 35 years of Metropolitan Lima from socioeconomic levels A and B who leads a healthy lifestyle. For this, the work seeks to solve the problems of our consumers while we consider a share of social responsibility when working near the Andean communities in the Puerto Inca area of Huancayo. The experiments carried out allow us to validate the intention of the final consumers through their comments in the social media publications and direct messages, specifically, the interest on the part of the specialized stores to have our product as part of their catalog of offered goods is validated. the target audience we are targeting. The work structure is divided into the description of the problem to be solved and the respective design of the business model. All the phases of the work to a common point: justify the viability of the business. Finally, it is wanted to demonstrate if the investment of the project can be recovered in the plotted time. / Trabajo de investigación

Cereálie - aktivní složky, biologické účinky a vybrané aplikace v potravinářství / Cereals - Active Substances, Biological Effects and Selected Applications in Food Industry

Lichnová, Andrea January 2014 (has links)
The presented doctoral thesis is focused on the study of the biological effects of active compounds found in cereals, on the development of methods of analysis these effects, on the determination of the content of active substances and characterization of the relationship between composition and biological effects of cereals and cereal products. For the analysis several kinds of raw cereal samples (flakes, flour, germ, bran), flavored extruded cereal products and also samples of paddy and husked rice were chosen. To major types of analysed active compounds belong mainly phenolic compounds in the form of glycosides and aglycones, and also saccharides. Group parameters such as total polyphenols, flavonoids and total and reducing saccharides were determined spectrophotometrically, individual phenolics and saccharides were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). TEAC, DPPH and CLAMS methods were used to determine the antioxidant activity. Indirect methods of determination of substances with antioxidant effect were used as well. Results of the total antioxidant activity were compared with values of antimutagenic/genotoxic activity obtained by several microbial test systems. Antimutagenic effect was expressed as a percentage of inhibition of effect of standard mutagen and could be considered as a potential preventive effect of cereals to DNA arising primarily by free radicals effect. The highest values of group and individual phenolics, antioxidant and antimutagenic activity were found in germs, bran, in buckwheat products and in coloured and raw rice. In flavoured cereal products addition of chocolate or fruit positively influences content of active phenolic substances as well as sugars, antixidant and antimutagenic activity. In a representative sample of Czech population, questionnairy study was performed to monitor interest in cereals and consumer preferences. The most of consumers consider cereals with chocolate flavour as less healthy than confirmed results of laboratory analyses. In this study some new food products were developed. Several types of model cereal products containing plant (fruit, vegetables) extracts were proposed. Extracts were added to cereals in freeze-dried and encapsulated form. The highest positive effect exhibited addition of local forrest fruit extract. Within preparation of encapsulated extracts several methods of preparing lipid or saccharides particles were also tested. The encapsulation efficiency of the methods and stability and size of particles were analysed. Optimal type of fortified cereal foods could be suggested based on the acquired results. Selected cereals were used as alternative carbon substrates (processed or raw) for the cultivation of microorganisms to produce enriched biomass usable in the feed industry. We can conclude that cereals in raw as well as processed form belong to universal foods and rich sources of biologically active substances. They can be processed by many ways. They can be used for direct consumption, as a part of new products and also undirectly as a substrate for feedstock.

Modelo de negocio: T’andino, pan artesanal con cereales andinos / T’andino, handmade bread with Andean cereals

Altamirano Campos, Alisson Diana, Goicochea Garcia, Yaritza Ilyke, Omonte Salazar, Cesar Alejandro, Portugal Reyna, Klaudia Rocio Candy, Utus Salazar, Karolinne Brigite 04 December 2020 (has links)
Hoy en día, hay una creciente tendencia por consumir productos más saludables y al mismo tiempo también hay un gran interés del público por adquirir y consumir productos elaborados artesanalmente. Proponemos contribuir a esta tendencia, mediante el presente trabajo de investigación, de esta manera presentamos un pan elaborado artesanalmente, libre de preservantes, el cual tiene como principales ingredientes dos granos andinos, maca y quinua, que contribuyen positivamente a la salud cuando se consume regularmente. El producto esta ideado para formar parte de la vida cotidiana de las personas, sin hacer un esfuerzo grande, pues el pan es un alimento que se consume frecuentemente en los desayunos y forman parte de loncheras y/o refrigerios de las personas. Actualmente, en el mercado existen marcas que ofrecen panes con características similares, sin embargo, carecen de diversidad de productos en lo que respecta la variedad de presentación, sabores e insumos. Por este motivo, pretendemos satisfacer la creciente demanda a través de nuestros productos, y ofrecer al público lo que actualmente no encuentran en otras marcas; variedad de presentación, delicioso sabor e innovación en la elaboración del pan artesanal con insumos más variados. Asimismo, para la validación del negocio propuesto utilizamos herramientas como el design thinking para realizar los experimentos y la metodología concierge para validar las intenciones de compra y compras concretadas de nuestros productos, con los resultados obtenidos se procedió a realizar las proyecciones de ventas, para finalmente conocer el rendimiento financiero del emprendimiento. / Nowdays, there is a growing trend to consume healthier products and at the same time there is also a great public interest in acquiring and consuming artisan products. We propose to contribute to this trend, by means of the present research work, in this way we present a handmade bread, free of preservatives, which has as main ingredients two Andean grains, maca and quinoa, which contribute positively to health when consumed regularly. The product is designed to become part of people's daily lives, without making a great effort, as bread is a food that is frequently consumed at breakfast and forms part of people's lunch boxes and/or snacks. Currently, there are brands in the market that offer bread with similar characteristics, however, they lack diversity of products in terms of variety of presentation, flavors and inputs. For this reason, we intend to satisfy the growing demand through our products, and offer the public what they currently do not find in other brands; variety of presentation, delicious taste and innovation in the elaboration of artisanal bread with more varied inputs. Likewise, for the validation of the proposed business we used tools such as design thinking to carry out the experiments and the concierge methodology to validate the purchase intentions and concrete purchases of our products, with the results obtained we proceeded to make the sales projections, to finally know the financial performance of the venture. / Trabajo de investigación

Proyecto Wayu: Granola a base de Quinua y Cañihua con frutas liofilizadas / Wayu Project: Granola made of Quinoa and Cañihua with freeze dried fruits

Arias Panaifo, Ana Lucia, Carrillo Dextre, Gonzalo Alonso, Isla Arbulú, Karla Mercedes, Iturri Aliaga, Rohy David, Montesinos Wong, Oscar Alejandro 31 July 2020 (has links)
El trabajo de investigación se basa principalmente en el desarrollo de la marca Wayu, la cual consiste en la producción y comercialización vía online y en tiendas especializadas de granola de cereales andinos con fruta liofilizada. Esto en respuesta a la problemática de no encontrar un snack saludable que brinde las energías necesarias para realizar sus actividades diarias a nuestro público objetivo, el cual está compuesto por hombres y mujeres entre 18 y 35 años de Lima Metropolitana de los niveles socioeconómicos A y B que llevan un estilo de vida saludable. Para ello, el trabajo busca solucionar la problemática de nuestros consumidores mientras que consideramos una cuota de responsabilidad social al trabajar de cerca con las comunidades andinas de la zona Puerto Inca de Huancayo. Los experimentos realizados nos permitieron validar la intención de los consumidores finales mediante sus comentarios en las publicaciones de redes sociales y mensajes directos, asimismo, se validó el interés por parte de las tiendas especializadas de contar con nuestro producto como parte de su catálogo de bienes ofrecido al público objetivo que apuntamos. La estructura del trabajo se divide inicialmente en la descripción de la problemática a solucionar y el respectivo diseño del modelo del negocio. Todas las fases del trabajo llegan a un punto en común: justificar la viabilidad del negocio. Por último, se quiere demostrar si la inversión del proyecto puede ser recuperada en el tiempo trazado.

Quinua Power

Bernardo Espinoza, Patricia, Cepeda Mogollon, Gisella Lucero, Pacasi Huanaco, Claudia Paola, Rojas Muñoz, Flor Maximina, Tacca Limachi, Everardo 23 February 2021 (has links)
Quinua Power ha sido creado con el fin de brindar una nueva propuesta de consumo de cereales a todas aquellas personas que buscan cuidar su alimentación y a los que combaten alguna enfermedad alimenticia que les impida desarrollar su crecimiento o desenvolvimiento en el ámbito estudiantil. Este producto consiste en la elaboración de cereales en base a la quinua. Este es considerado como un grano andino esencial en la alimentación de toda persona, debido a sus propiedades nutricionales. En la región, el Perú y Bolivia son los principales productores de este grano y cada año se establecen metas de consumo nacional, en busca de fortalecer la salud nutricional de las personas, pero en especial de sus niños. Las operaciones de producción y venta se iniciarán en Lima Metropolitana. Este producto está dirigido a hombres, mujeres y niños que se encuentren entre los 15 a 35 años de edad y pertenezcan a los niveles socioeconómicos C y D, quienes, en la actualidad, presentan mayor crecimiento de consumo de este tipo de productos. Este proyecto tendrá una duración de 3 años; para iniciar las operaciones será necesario invertir S/23,585.00, de los cuales el 80% será aporte de los accionistas y el 20% será financiado a través de un inversionista ángel. Entre los indicaros obtenidos para este proyecto, se tiene un costo promedio ponderado de capital de 16.67%, VAN de S/19,884 que indica que en el plazo de 3 años se recupera la inversión y una TIR de 60.90% que indica que el proyecto es rentable. Finalmente, con estos indicadores podemos confirmar que el proyecto es viable pues tiene un adecuado tiempo de recuperación y altos índices de rentabilidad / Quinoa Power has been created with the purpose of providing a new option for consuming cereals to all those who seek to take care of their diet and to those who fight any nutritional disease that prevents them from developing their growth or development in the student environment. This product consists of the production of cereals based on quinoa. This is considered an essential Andean grain in the diet of everyone, due to its nutritional properties. In the region, Peru and Bolivia are the main producers of this grain and each year national consumption goals are established, seeking to strengthen the nutritional health of people, but especially of their children. Production and sale operations will begin in Metropolitan Lima. This product is aimed at men, women and children who are between 15 and 35 years of age and belong to socioeconomic levels C and D, who, at present, show the highest growth in consumption of this type of product. This project will last for 3 years; to start operations, it will be necessary to invest S / 23,585.00; of which 80% will be a shareholder contribution and 20% will be financed through an angel investor. Among the indicators obtained for this project, there is a weighted average cost of capital of 16.67%, NPV of S / 19,884 that indicates that the investment is recovered within 3 years and an IRR of 60.90% that indicates that the project is profitable. Finally, with these indicators we can confirm that the project is viable since it has an adequate recovery time and high profitability rates. / Trabajo de investigación

A proteomic analysis of drought and salt stress responsive proteins of different sorghum varieties

Ngara, Rudo January 2009 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Sorghum (Sorghum bicolorï, a drought tolerant cereal crop, is not only an important food source in the semi arid/arid regions but also a potential model for studying and gaining a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of drought and salt stress tolerance in cereals. This study reports on a proteomic analysis of sorghum proteomes in response to salt and hyperosmotie stresses. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) in combination with mass spectrometry (MS) was used to separate, visualise and identify sorghum proteins using both sorghum cell suspension cultures and whole plants. The sorghum cell suspension culture system was used as a source of culture filtrate (CF) proteins. Of the 25 visualised CBB stained CF spots, 15 abundant and well-resolved spots were selected for identification using a combination of MALDI- TOF and MALDI- TOFTOF MS, and database searching. Of these spots, 14 were positively identified as peroxidases, germ in proteins, oxalate oxidases and alpha-galactosidases with known functions in signalling processes, defense mechanisms and cell wall metabolism. Following 200 mM NaCl and 400 mM sorbitol stress treatments, the expression/abundance of a protein spot similar to a rice wall-associated protein kinase was upregulated in the sorghum secretome in response to both stresses. Amino acid sequence alignment of the matching peptides between these two proteins showed that the sorghum CF spot possesses a protein kinase domain. Therefore, this protein could possibly participate in cell signalling functions, which link the external environment with the cell's cytoplasm. Using whole plant systems, a comparative study of leaf protein expression between two sorghum varieties, AS6 (salt sensitive) and MN1618 (salt tolerant) was conducted. Forty well resolved spots of varying abundances were picked for MS analysis. Of these, 28 were positively identified, representing proteins with functions in carbohydrate metabolism (60.7%), proton transport (17.9%), protein synthesis (7.1%), hydrolytic functions (7.1%), nucleotide metabolism (3.6%) and detoxification (3.6%). Using PDQuest™ Advanced 2D Analysis Software version 8.0.1 (BIO-RAD), a comparative analysis of leaf proteome expression patterns between the two sorghum varieties was conducted. The results indicated proteins with similar expression patterns as well as qualitative and quantitative differences between the two leaf proteomes. The effect of 100 mM NaCI on leaf proteome expression between the two sorghum varieties was also studied. Western blotting analysis of leaf, sheath and root tissues using Hsp70 antibodies showed that this treatment induced Hsp70 expression, a known stress protein, in both varieties. Thereafter, the partially annotated leaf proteome map was used to landmark other salt responsive proteins. Examples of differential expression patterns included glutathione S transferase and hydroxynitrile lyase proteins whose abundances were upregulated in both varieties, while the large subunit of RuBisCo was downregulated in AS6 but upregulated in MN1618. Qualitative spot expression differences in response to salt stress were also observed between the two sorghum varieties but these remained unidentified after both MALDI-TOF and MALDI-TOF-TOF MS, possibly indicating novel and previously uncharacterised sorghum proteins. The results of this study can be used as reference tools by proteomics researchers worldwide as well as a foundation for future studies.

From the scamander to syracuse: studies in ancient logistics

Barker, Peter Frederick 31 October 2005 (has links)
This dissertation discusses logistical aspects of the Persians invasion of Greece; the Athenian need for timber for building warships; supply problems in their assault on Syracuse; and the march of Alexander's army from Macedonia into Asia. The amount of cereals needed by the Persian and Greek armies and navies is calculated from modern nutritional data and an estimate of the numbers of combatants. The location and size of the Persian food dumps; the excavation of the Athos canal; and the ships and materials needed to build the bridges of boats are considered. The Athenian need for ship-timber led to the costly occupation of Amphipolis. An assured supply of cereals was one motive for the disastrous Sicilian Expedition. The Athenian fleet was an inefficient long-range support for an army which had to protect its non-combatant sailors. This was realised by Alexander the Great, who crossed the Hellespont without naval support. / Classics and Modern European Languages / M.A. (Classics)

From the scamander to syracuse: studies in ancient logistics

Barker, Peter Frederick 31 October 2005 (has links)
This dissertation discusses logistical aspects of the Persians invasion of Greece; the Athenian need for timber for building warships; supply problems in their assault on Syracuse; and the march of Alexander's army from Macedonia into Asia. The amount of cereals needed by the Persian and Greek armies and navies is calculated from modern nutritional data and an estimate of the numbers of combatants. The location and size of the Persian food dumps; the excavation of the Athos canal; and the ships and materials needed to build the bridges of boats are considered. The Athenian need for ship-timber led to the costly occupation of Amphipolis. An assured supply of cereals was one motive for the disastrous Sicilian Expedition. The Athenian fleet was an inefficient long-range support for an army which had to protect its non-combatant sailors. This was realised by Alexander the Great, who crossed the Hellespont without naval support. / Classics and Modern European Languages / M.A. (Classics)

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