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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Numerické modelování proudění v bezpečnostních objektech malých vodních nádrží / Numerical Modelling of Flow over Spillway in Small Dams

Vaněk, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
The master´s thesis deals with the numerical modeling of flow in the emergency spillways of small dams. It is solved the flow rate capacity of a weir and of spillway called „duckbill-type“. Sharp crested weirs and long crested weirs are modeled using numerical simulations in ANSYS. Hydraulically complex spillway called „duckbill-type“ was modeled in the Flow-3D. The results of the discharge coefficients are compared with data in the hydraulic literature.

Posouzení tepelné pohody v nízkoenergetickém rodinném domku s teplovzdušným vytápěním / Assessment of thermal comfort in a low-energy family house with warm-air heating

Kos, Jan January 2008 (has links)
The task of this master´s thesis is an evaluation of warm-air heating system in a low energy family house from the viewpoint of thermal comfort during winter season. The CFD simulation using CCM+ code was used for this purpose. The environment parameters in the central living room were evaluated for two variants – with underfloor heating and without it. The thermal comfort was evaluated using indices according ČSN EN ISO 7730 standard.

CFD simulace proudění rozváděcím mechanismem turbodmychadla / CFD Simulation of Turbocharger Regulating Mechanism

Drdla, Adam January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide research into turbocharger regulation, and analyze the force load of vanes in the VNT mechanism of Garrett turbocharger by CFD simulation. In the thesis there is one model with two different mesh densities. It describes the relevance of supercharging vehicle engines and the kinds of supercharging aggregates in the introduction. Then, the thesis is divided into two chapters. The first chapter provides research, describing primary principle of supercharging, turbocharger construction and kinds of air regulation. The practical part of the thesis solves the force load of VNT mechanisms. It was necessary to optimalize the 3D Garrett turbocharger model, create two meshes with different element densities, specify boundary conditions and analyse the results of both cases. A general description of solved problems, comparison of results of force load vanes and propose simplifying and verifying the CFD calculation are included in the conclusion.

Vliv výrobních nepřesností na vznik přídavných momentů na kormidle jachty / Manufacturing inaccuracies influence on an appearence of the additional moment on a sailboat rudder

Kazda, Adam January 2016 (has links)
This Master’s thesis is dedicated to a generation of an additional torque, which can occur due to the inaccuracy of the manufacturing. This issue is inspired by a real case from 2013. In this work CFD modeling is used to investigate three different sources of the additional torque: misalignment of the rudder, deviation of the propeller shaft and asymmetry of the rudder. A simplified 2D simulation is done for all three cases. This simulation is more suitable for a jet powered boat. Therefore the asymmetry of the rudder is investigated also in a 3D case, where the rotational component of the flow behind the propeller is included.

Développent d’une méthodologie de couplage thermo-hydraulique et thermomécanique pour l’évaluation du comportement sous irradiation des assemblages combustibles de RNR-Na / Development of a thermal-hydraulics/thermomechanics coupling model for the evaluation of the behavior of SFR fuel assemblies under irradiation

Acosta, Francisco 15 October 2019 (has links)
Les faisceaux d'aiguilles des assemblages combustibles des réacteurs à neutrons rapides à caloporteur sodium (RNR-Na) se déforment au cours de leur irradiation, ce qui impacte l’écoulement du caloporteur et la distribution de températures dans l’assemblage, dont la connaissance est essentielle pour la démonstration de sûreté. De plus, les mécanismes à l’origine de cette déformation, à savoir le gonflement et le fluage thermique et d’irradiation, dépendent fortement de la température de la gaine du combustible, d'où l'existence d'un couplage entre les évolutions thermo-hydraulique et thermomécanique des assemblages. Par le passé, ce couplage a été négligé dans les simulations numériques, et une approche plus conservative a été privilégiée : les simulations thermo-hydrauliques étaient réalisées sans tenir compte de la déformation géométrique, et les distributions de températures résultantes étaient utilisées comme des données d'entrée pour les simulations thermomécaniques. L'objectif de cette thèse est de définir une méthodologie pour l'évaluation du comportement des assemblages combustibles de type RNR-Na sous irradiation en prenant en compte le couplage entre leurs évolutions thermo-hydraulique et thermomécanique.A cet effet, un nouveau couplage numérique a été développé entre le code industriel de dynamique des fluides numérique (CFD) STAR-CCM+ et DOMAJEUR2, code basé sur la méthode aux éléments finis, développé par le CEA et dédié à la modélisation du comportement thermomécanique des assemblages combustibles RNR-Na sous irradiation. Ce couplage a été réalisé par l'échange de la déformation de la gaine, calculée par DOMAJEUR2, et de son champ de températures, obtenu avec le modèle CFD qui prend en compte de manière explicite la déformation géométrique des aiguilles combustibles. De plus, les conditions aux limites thermo-hydrauliques utilisées dans les simulations CFD, comme le débit massique de sodium dans le faisceau, sont ajustées pour tenir compte de cette déformation.Cette méthodologie a été appliquée à des faisceaux respectivement de 7 et 19 aiguilles combustibles munies de fils espaceurs, avec des caractéristiques géométriques et des conditions aux limites représentatives des RNR-Na de quatrième génération, ont été analysés. Dans le cas des faisceaux combustibles fortement irradiés, les simulations couplées conduisent à une réduction significative de la déformation diamétrale des aiguilles combustibles, par rapport aux simulations non couplées, causée par la prise en compte de l'augmentation de la température de la gaine induite par la déformation. En raison de la déformation plus faible, la contrainte maximale de la gaine a été réduite. De plus, des simulations ont été menées afin de vérifier que, en situation de fonctionnement normal, la dépendance de la neutronique à l’évolution de la thermo-hydraulique et de la thermomécanique est faible. Enfin, une contribution à la validation de cette méthodologie de simulation couplée a été réalisée avec un benchmark numérique basé sur un outil de simulation couplé existant et en simulant l'irradiation d'un assemblage combustible expérimental. Contrairement à l'approche innovante développée dans le cadre de ce travail de thèse, l'outil de simulation existant utilise un modèle thermo-hydraulique simplifié et ne tient pas compte de l'impact de la déformation sur le débit massique du caloporteur, qui, selon les résultats de l'évaluation, a une importance majeure. La simulation de l'irradiation expérimentale a conduit à une déformation maximale de la gaine et un gradient de déformations en accord avec les grandeurs mesurées, bien que des limitations liées aux lois empiriques de gonflement utilisées dans DOMAJEUR2 pour le calcul du gonflement aient été identifiées. La reformulation de ces lois à l'aide de la méthodologie de simulation couplée développée constitue une perspective à ce travail de thèse. / The fuel pin bundles of Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors (SFR) undergo significant geometrical changes during their irradiation, which affect the coolant flow and temperature distributions in the fuel assemblies, the knowledge of which is essential for safety assessments. Moreover, as the mechanisms responsible for the deformation of the fuel bundles, namely the swelling and creep, strongly depend on the fuel cladding temperature, a coupling between the thermal-hydraulic and thermomechanical evolutions of the fuel assemblies exists. In the past, this coupling has been neglected, and a more conservative approach has been preferred. In this conservative approach, the thermal-hydraulic simulations are conducted without considering the geometrical deformation, and the resulting temperature distributions are used as input for the thermomechanical simulations. The objective of this thesis is to define a new methodology for the evaluation of the behavior of SFR fuel bundles under irradiation that considers the coupling between their thermal-hydraulic and thermomechanical evolutions.To this end, a new numerical coupling has been developed between the industrial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code STAR-CCM+ and DOMAJEUR2, a finite element code dedicated to the modeling of the thermomechanical behavior of SFR fuel assemblies under irradiation. The coupling has been implemented via the exchange of the cladding deformation, calculated by DOMAJEUR2, and its associated temperature field, obtained with a CFD model implemented in STAR-CCM+ that explicitly considers the geometrical deformation of the fuel pins. In addition, the thermal-hydraulic boundary conditions used in the CFD simulations, such as the sodium mass flow rate through the bundle, are also automatically adjusted to account for the deformation.Study cases consisting of bundles of 7 and 19 wire-wrapped fuel pins, with geometrical characteristics and boundary conditions representative of fourth generation SFRs, were analyzed in order to gain insight on the effects of the coupling. For highly irradiated fuel bundles, the coupled simulations were shown to lead to a significant reduction of the diametral strain of the fuel pins, with respect to non-coupled simulations, caused by the deformation-induced cladding temperature increase. Consequence of the lower deformation, the cladding maximal stress was also significantly reduced. Additionally, neutronic simulations were conducted in order to verify that, in nominal operational conditions, its coupling with thermal-hydraulics and thermomechanics is of minor importance. Finally, a contribution to the validation of the developed coupled simulation methodology was realized by performing a numerical benchmark against a preexisting coupled simulation tool, and by simulating the irradiation of an experimental fuel assembly. Unlike the novel approach developed in this work, the preexisting simulation tool employs a simplified thermal-hydraulic model and does not consider the impact of the deformation on the coolant mass flow rate, which was found to be of major importance. The simulation of the experimental irradiation yielded a maximal cladding deformation and deformation gradient that are in good agreement with the measured values, although limitations related to the empirical swelling laws employed in DOMAJEUR2 to compute the swelling were identified. The reformulation of these laws using the developed coupled simulation methodology constitutes a perspective of this work.

Validierung von 3-D Strömungsberechnungen im Modellversuch und Anwendung in der Studentenausbildung

Aigner, Detlef, Pohl, Reinhard January 2006 (has links)
Immer mehr Anwenderprogramme werden zum täglich genutzten Werkzeug des Ingenieurs zur Lösung vielfältiger Problemstellungen. Viele Aufgaben sind ohne die Computertechnik nicht mehr lösbar. Simulationen mit ein-, zwei- und allmählich zunehmend dreidimensionalen Programmen ermöglichen heute schon eine Komplexität der Betrachtung, die es ohne diese Programme nicht gäbe. Am Institut für Wasserbau und Technische Hydromechanik der TU Dresden werden daher verschiedene Praktika und Belege in Verbindung mit physikalischen Modellversuchen in die studentische Ausbildung integriert.

Development and Validation of Advanced Theoretical Modeling for Churn-Turbulent Flows and Subsequent Transitions

Montoya, Gustavo January 2015 (has links)
The applicability of CFD codes for two-phase flows has always been limited to special cases due to the very complex nature of its interface. Due to its tremendous computational cost, methods based on direct resolution of the interface are not applicable to most problems of practical relevance. Instead, averaging procedures are commonly used for these applications, such as the Eulerian-Eulerian approach, which necessarily means losing detailed information on the interfacial structure. In order to allow widespread application of the two-fluid approach, closure models are required to reintroduce in the simulations the correct interfacial mass, momentum, and heat transfer. It is evident that such closure models will strongly depend on the specific flow pattern. When considering vertical pipe flow with low gas volume flow rates, bubbly flow occurs. With increasing gas volume flow rates larger bubbles are generated by bubble coalescence, which further leads to transition to slug, churn-turbulent, and annular flow. Considering, as an example, a heated tube producing steam by evaporation, as in the case of a vertical steam generator, all these flow patterns including transitions are expected to occur in the system. Despite extensive attempts, robust and accurate simulations approaches for such conditions are still lacking. The purpose of this dissertation is the development, testing, and validation of a multifield model for adiabatic gas-liquid flows at high gas volume fractions, for which a multiple-size bubble approach has been implemented by separating the gas structures into a specified number of groups, each of which represents a prescribed range of sizes. A fully-resolved continuous gas phase is also computed, and represents all the gas structures which are large enough to be resolved within the computational mesh. The concept, known as GENeralized TwO Phase flow or GENTOP, is formulated as an extension to the bubble population balance approach known as the inhomogeneous MUltiple SIze Group (iMUSIG). Within the polydispersed gas, bubble coalescence and breakup allow the transfer between different size structures, while the modeling of mass transfer between the polydispersed and continuous gas allows including transitions between different gas morphologies depending on the flow situations. The calculations were performed using the computational fluid dynamic code from ANSYS, CFX 14.5, with the support of STAR-CCM+ v8.06 and v9.02. A complete three-field and four-field model, including a continuous liquid field and two to three gas fields representing bubbles of different sizes, were first tested for numerical convergence and then validated against experimental data from the TOPFLOW and MT-Loop facilities.

Experiments on vertical gas-liquid pipe flows using ultrafast X-ray tomography

Banowski, M., Beyer, M., Lucas, D., Hoppe, D., Barthel, F. 15 February 2017 (has links)
For the qualification and validation of two-phase CFD-models for medium and large-scale industrial applications dedicated experiments providing data with high temporal and spatial resolution are required. Fluid dynamic parameter like gas volume fraction, bubble size distribution, velocity or turbulent kinetic energy should be measured locally. Considering the fact, that the used measurement techniques should not affect the flow characteristics, radiation based tomographic methods are the favourite candidate for such measurements. Here the recently developed ultrafast X-ray tomography, is applied to measure the local and temporal gas volume fraction distribution in a vertical pipe. To obtain the required frame rate a rotating X-ray source by a massless electron beam and a static detector ring are used. Experiments on a vertical pipe are well suited for development and validation of closure models for two-phase flows. While vertical pipe flows are axially symmetrically, the boundary conditions are well defined. The evolution of the flow along the pipe can be investigated as well. This report documents the experiments done for co-current upwards and downwards air-water and steam-water flows as well as for counter-current air-water flows. The details of the setup, measuring technique and data evaluation are given. The report also includes a discussion on selected results obtained and on uncertainties.

CFD-baserad analys av Rusfors-dammen före och efter ombyggnad / CFD-based analysis of Rusfors dam before and after rebuilding

XU, XUSHENG January 2016 (has links)
Hydraulic model studies of the Rusfors dam were previously made, the purpose of which was to examine the rebuilding solution for safe discharge of its design flood. In this work, two-phases computational fluid dynamics simulations were conducted to provide essential insights that help better comprehend the model test results. The hydraulic characteristics investigated in numerical modelling included the velocity profile, flow pattern profile and energy dissipation capacity. Through analysis of the results obtained from numerical modelling and hydraulic model tests, the modified dam was found to have better energy dissipation capacity and sediment cleaning ability than the previous dam. / Hydrauliska modellstudier av Rusfors dammen tidigare gjort, vars syfte var att undersöka återuppbyggnaden lösning för säker urladdning av dess utformning översvämning. I detta arbete har två faser computational vätska dynamik simuleringar genomförts för att ge viktiga insikter som hjälper bättre begripa de modelltestresultaten. De aspekter som undersöks i numerisk modellering inkluderar hastighetsprofilen , strömningsmönstret profil och energiförbrukningskapacitet. Genom analys av resultaten från numerisk modellering och hydrauliska modellförsök, var den modifierade dammen visade sig ha bättre energiförbrukningskapacitet och sediment rengöringsförmåga än tidigare dammen.

Hypersonic Conceptual Design Tool Comparison

Wnek, James G. 01 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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