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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Clínquer Coprocessado: Produto de Tecnologia Integrada para Sustentabilidade e Competitividade da Indústria de Cimento / Co-processed Clinker: Integrated Technology Product for the Cement Industry Sustainability and Competitiveness

Maríngolo, Vagner 08 August 2001 (has links)
Em agosto de 2001 havia, no Brasil, sete fábricas de cimento com licença para o co-processamento de resíduos industriais em seus fornos, em substituição à matriz energética, e 14 outras em vias de adquiri-la. Há mais de cinco anos, a Companhia de Cimento Ribeirão Grande conta com efetiva participação de uma mistura (blend) de resíduos industriais de diferentes correntes no processo. O clínquer co-processado é hoje o componente principal do cimento portland da fábrica, o qual manteve resistências mecânicas à compressão às idades de 1, 3, 7 e 28 dias sempre acima dos limites normativos mínimos exigidos. Para atestar a imobilidade dos componentes inorgânicos incorporados ao clínquer, utilizaram-se ensaios microscópicos e análises químicas por espectrometria de absorção atômica e de raios X em clínqueres industriais não co-processados e co-processados; testes de lixiviação em cimentos de laboratório; química mineral por microssonda eletrônica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura em clínqueres dopados com Zn, V e Pb. Os resultados levaram, em linhas gerais, às seguintes considerações: - A microestrutura dos clínqueres co-processados manteve-se preservada com a introdução do blend no sistema. - As matérias-primas e o combustível fóssil respondem por boa parte dos elementos traços presentes no sistema. O blend introduz aporte extra dos elementos traços presentes na composição, enriquecendo seletivamente o clínquer co-processado. - Há, de maneira geral, compatibilidade grande dos elementos traços com o clínquer, mesmo de elementos voláteis como cádmio e mercúrio. Já cobalto e, principalmente, chumbo, são os que se mostraram menos compatíveis. - Nos clínqueres experimentais, alita incorporou preferencialmente zinco e chumbo, e belita, vanádio. - Não houve solubilização significativa de nenhum elemento de relevância ambiental dos cimentos, atestando sua retenção nos retículos cristalinos dos minerais formadores do clínquer portland. A qualidade ambiental do clínquer portland co-processado deve abranger sua propriedade de reter elementos traços em solução sólida, a manutenção da integridade das relações texturais, e a garantia da imobilidade de componentes tóxicos no produto final, através de um controle sistemático dos clínqueres e também dos cimentos. / In August 2001, in Brazil, there were seven cement plants with and an increasing number of others on the way to get the permit to co-processing, i.e. burning industrial wastes in their kilns as substitutes for fossil fuels. For over five years now the Companhia de Cimento Ribeirão Grande has counted on partial substitution of a blend of different waste streams for fossil fuels in the burning process. Co-processed clinker makes up today the main component of their Portland cement, which has shown mechanical strengths at 1, 3, 7 and 28 days permanently above standardized minimal limits. In order to assess the immobility of trace elements incorporated to the clinkers, a methodology was used which comprised carrying out microscopy and chemical analysis by atomic absorption and X-ray spectrometry of both conventional and co-processed clinkers, leaching tests on laboratory cements prepared with co-processed clinkers, mineral chemistry by electronic microprobe and scanning electronic microscopy on experimental clinkers doped with Zn, V and Pb. The results led to the following general statements: - Co-processed clinkers showed sound microstructure just like conventional clinkers. - Raw materials – limestone, clay and iron ore – and fossil fuels account a great deal for the amounts of trace elements involved in the burning process. According to its composition, the blend enriches selectively co-processed clinkers. - A general compatibility of trace elements – even highly volatile ones such as Cd and Hg – in clinker was observed. Co and especially Pb, however, were comparatively incompatible. - Alite of experimental clinkers incorporated preferentially Zn and Pb while belite incorporated V. - No elements showed any significant solubility from laboratory cements, thus attesting retention of environmentally relevant trace elements in the crystal lattice of clinker mineral phases. Co-processed Portland clinker must present environmental quality by retaining trace elements in solid solution, while being able to keep sound textural relationships, and guarantee immobility of toxic components on the final product. This should be attested through a systematic control of clinkers and also of cements.

Stabilité et durabilité des hydrates du système clinker sulfoalumineux-gypse

Desbois, Tiffany 26 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans un projet de recherche de solutions de bétons à impacts environnementaux réduits. Nous focalisons la présente étude sur le clinker sulfoalumineux en mélange avec du gypse. Son bilan environnemental est plus favorable que celui des clinkers Portland (plus faibles émissions de CO2 et consommation d'énergie, lors de la production). Nous présentons dans ce manuscrit une étude expérimentale du comportement physico-chimique des liants obtenus par mélange de clinker sulfoalumineux et de gypse, et décrivons les propriétés constructives de ces derniers. L'hydratation du clinker sulfoalumineux étant responsable de la formation d'ettringite, nous vérifions la stabilité en milieu humide de telles compositions. Dans un premier temps, nous avons identifié les proportions de gypse pour lesquelles le liant est stable en présence d'eau, i.e. sans apparition de fissures à l'échelle macroscopique. Ce domaine de stabilité est influencé favorablement par la maturité du matériau au moment du contact avec l'eau. Nous avons par ailleurs utilisé des plans d'expériences factoriels afin d'étudier l'influence de la teneur en alcalins ainsi que celle de la température : les résultats révèlent un bon comportement du matériau peu sensible à ces facteurs, dans un large domaine d'emploi. La caractérisation physique de mortiers et de bétons est complétée par une étude de l'hydratation de ces liants : le suivi du processus d'hydratation a montré que la fissuration des éprouvettes instables n'a pas pour origine la formation supplémentaire d'hydrates. Pour finir, nous présentons une étude de la rhéologie et de la résistance en compression ainsi qu'une évaluation du risque de corrosion qui permettent d'identifier des domaines d'emploi pour ce liant.

Beitrag zur numerischen Untersuchung der Bewegungs- und Beanspruchungsprofilen in einer Kugelmühle unter Verwendung von physikalisch begründeten Stoßparametern

Tichý, Richard 22 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die am häufigsten für die Zerkleinerung des Zementklinkers eingesetzte Kugelmühle stellt eine relativ einfache Maschine dar, in der sehr komplizierte dynamische Wechselwirkungen herrschen. Die direkte Messung der Beanspruchungsintensitäten ist heutzutage immer noch eine schwierige Aufgabe. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sind die Spektren der Beanspruchungsgrößen sowie einige spezifische integrale Größen mit der Methode der diskreten Elemente (DEM) untersucht worden. Eine besondere Aufgabe bestand in der Ermittlung der Parameter des viskoelastischen Kontaktmodells und der den Zementklinker charakterisierenden mechanischen Größen. Die reale Abbildung der Stoßvorgänge wurde anhand vereinfachter Modelle der Messprüfstände validiert. Mit den ermittelten Parametern sind numerische Untersuchungen durchgeführt worden, mit denen ihre Auswirkung auf die Zielgrößen bestimmt wurde. In Hinsicht auf eine mögliche konstruktive Weiterentwicklung sind Simulationen mit festgelegten betrieblichen und zu variierenden konstruktiven Parametern durchgeführt worden.

Možnosti využití popílků po SNCR pro výrobu portlandského cementu / Possibilities of utilization of fly ash from SNCR technology in the production of Portland cement

Kozlová, Romana January 2016 (has links)
The Master thesis deals with utilization possibilities of fly ash after selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) process for Portland cement preparation as a correction component to the raw material with regard to contaminated fly ash by ammonium sulphate or ammonium hydrogensulfate that is one of the products from SNCR process. Presented thesis was focused on behaviour of raw meal with ammonia hydrogensulfate contaminated fly ash after SNCR during burning of Portland clinker in simulated kiln conditions. The thesis deals with Portland clinker preparation from this kind of raw mix and it studies mainly clinker quality, clinker phases and structure. Quantitative phase composition of prepared samples of clinker was performed by optical microscopy measurements using point counting method and XRD analysis (Rietveld method). Hydration heat flow of prepared clinker was measured by Isothermal Calorimetry. TG-DTA analysis of prepared raw meal was studied due to better comparison of prepared samples and better understanding of processes during burning process.

Study of leaching behavior of tin in Zinc-clinker and Mixed Oxide

Bertilsson, Olle January 2018 (has links)
Due to the increasing usage of Sn in different electronics, such as solders and in touchscreens, together with Boliden Rönnskärs increased intake of electronic waste as a secondaryraw material, a Zn-containing product called Zn-clinker has increasing amounts of Sn. TheZn-clinker is shipped to Boliden Zn-smelter in Odda, where the Zn-clinker is mixed in withcalcine (roasted concentrate) and leached in several steps. Since Zn-clinker is a product froma halogen removal in a clinker-furnace, the feed material (Mixed Oxide), for this furnace, wasalso investigated since there are plans to replace clinkering with soda-washing in the future.Most of the Sn ends up in the leaching residue which then is deposited in the mountaincaverns close by the Boliden Odda smelter. Boliden is studying the possibility to recoverPb/Ag and Sn content from the leaching residue and create a valuable by-product. Bystudying how the leaching of Sn behaves, together with a characterization of the materials, thefollowing question should be answered: “During which sulphuric acid leaching conditions, ofZn-clinker and Mixed Oxide, is the leaching of Sn minimized?” The leaching results for Zn-clinker showed that 8-10% Sn will leach out, despite changingtemperature, redox potential, time and pH. A characterization of the material with SEM-EDSand XRD-analysis was also conducted to see if Sn could be identified in any phases in thematerials. The studies provided enough evidence that Zn2SnO4 could be concluded to be themain phase in the leaching residue for Zn-clinker, a form that would not leach underconditions presented in this project. However, 8-10% of the Sn will come together with Feand when Fe leach out, so does Sn. The leaching results for Mixed Oxide pointed towards that different phases from them foundin Zn-clinker was present. Sn losses varied between 10-20% but raised to 47% whentemperature was changed to 80 °C during leaching. The SEM-EDS analysis showed that theidentified Sn-phases contained more Sn than in Zn-clinker and together with the leachingresults, a conclusion that Sn would mainly be found as SnO2 or SnO in the Mixed Oxide, butthere is still uncertainty about the distributions of these forms. Unfortunately half of the As leached out during the soda-washing for Mixed Oxide, creating aleachate with Cl, F and As that need to be taken care of. This could be challenging andpresenting a costly side-project for the route different from the Zn-clinker route used today.Another observation was that PbCO3 formed during the soda-washing, a phase that willconsume more sulphuric acid during leaching.

Os compostos do clínquer Portland: sua caracterização por difração de raios-X e quantificação por refinamento de Rietveld. / Portland clinker phases: their characterization by X-ray diffraction and quantification by Rietveld refinement.

Luciano de Andrade Gobbo 14 March 2003 (has links)
O projeto enfocou a aplicação da difração de raios-X (DRX) na caracterização e quantificação dos compostos cristalinos do clínquer de cimento Portland, através do método de Rietveld, constituindo-se em contribuição pioneira sobre o tema em âmbito nacional. Foram utilizadas 40 amostras de clínquer provenientes de cinco diferentes unidades fabris, visando ampla representatividade do material de estudo. O clínquer de cimento Portland é o material sinterizado e peletizado, resultante da calcinação de uma mistura adequada de calcário e argila e, eventualmente, de componentes corretivos. Os compostos metaestáveis do clínquer Portland podem ser subdivididos em três grupos distintos: os silicatos cálcicos (C3S e C2S), a fase intersticial (C4AF, C3A, C12A7), e o grupo dos componentes menos freqüentes como o periclásio, a cal livre e os sulfatos. As proporções destes compostos são parâmetros importantes no controle de processo industrial de clinquerização. O método de Rietveld tem por base a simulação de todo o perfil difratométrico a partir de parâmetros estruturais das fases constituintes, permitindo refinar parâmetros de natureza instrumental e cristalográfica. A comparação do difratograma calculado com o observado e redução das diferenças através do método de mínimos quadrados permitem a obtenção de resultados quantitativos. DRX-Rietveld apresentou-se como uma técnica de quantificação de elevada reprodutibilidade com vantagens de cunho técnico e logístico com relação aos dois métodos correntemente utilizados no Brasil (microscopia e cálculo potencial de Bogue). Técnicas analíticas adicionais permitiram comparar resultados quantitativos obtidos por DRX-Rietveld e também correlacionar características dos compostos com o seu perfil difratométrico. A microscopia óptica foi a técnica de maior importância para comparações tanto qualitativas como quantitativas. A microscopia eletrônica (MEV-EDS) permitiu a aferição de fases não identificadas por microscopia óptica, como o C12A7 e sulfatos. A técnica de dissolução seletiva, aplicada para a concentração da fase intersticial, deu suporte para a aferição quantitativa de teores de polimorfos do C3A. A técnica mostrou resultados coerentes com a microscopia e o cálculo potencial de Bogue, sendo que constituintes não quantificados nestes puderam ser introduzidos (C12A7 e sulfatos), bem como possibilitou a distinção entre polimorfos de um mesmo composto (C3A). A redução no tempo de análise e a diminuição da subjetividade das análises, face às metodologias usuais, constituem fatores importantes da técnica visando atender os interesses da indústria do cimento. / The project has focused on the application of X-ray diffraction (XRD) on the characterization and quantification of the Portland cement clinker crystalline compounds using the Rietveld method. The present research represents a pioneer scientific contribution on the theme in Brazil. Overall forty clinker samples from five distinct kiln lines were collected for analysis aiming to get a broad representativeness of various cement process parameters. Portland cement clinker is the sintered and pelletized product from calcination of an adequate mix of limestone and clay and minor corrective materials. The metastable Portland clinker compounds are subdivided into three main groups: calcium silicates (C3S and C2S), matrix (C4AF, C3A, C12A7) and minor components as periclase, free lime and sulfates. The proportioning of these phases are important parameters to the industry clinkering process. The Rietveld XRD method is based on the simulation of the whole diffraction spectrum from the components structural data, allowing for refining instrumental and crystallographic parameters. By comparing the calculated and actual diffractograms and minimizing differences mathematically through a least squares method quantitative values are obtained. The Rietveld XRD has shown to be a high reproducible quantification technique, with technical and logistics advantages in comparison to the more usual microscopy and Bogue potential calculation. Additional analytical techniques have given reference data to compare quantitative results obtained from Rietveld XRD and to correlate characteristics of the compounds with their diffractogram profile. Optical microscopy was the most relevant technique for comparison both qualitative and quantitatively. Scanning electronic microscopy - energy dispersive system has allowed recognition of phases that could not otherwise be identified by optical microscopy, like C12A7 and sulfates. Selective dissolution of silicates carried out in order to concentrate matrix compounds sustained the quantitative results of C3A polimorphs found by Rietveld XRD. Rietveld has shown coherent results with both microscopy and Bogue potential calculation, but additionnally made it possible quantifying other compounds like C12A7 and sulfates, as well as distinguishing C3A polimorphs. The significant time saving and subjectivity minimization it provides makes up key-factors for the cement industry needs.

Příprava a vlastnosti belitického slínku / Preparation and Properties of Belite Clinker

Havlík, Leoš January 2019 (has links)

Možnosti redukce šestimocného chromu při hydrataci portlandského cementu / Possibilities of hexavalent chromium reduction within portland cement hydration

Mončeková, Miroslava January 2012 (has links)
The issue of Hexavalent chromium toxicity to Portland cement hydration is a very actual these days. It takes much effort to obtain a cement containing Cr(VI) less than 2 ppm. The primary objective of this diploma theses is to find appropriate reducing substances and specify their efficiency, as well as to make an attempt to optimize their dosage. As reducing substances there were plumbed sulphites and tin(II) salts. The influence of reducing substances applied to the hydration and cement properties were validated by strenght tests, the calorimetric measurement and the volume-variation measurement. And also the changes in hydration products microstructure of Portland clinker after the gypsum replacement by sulphite ions were plumbed. The study of microstructure is based on SEM and XRD methods.

Sledování vývoje AFt fází ve směsných portlandských cementech s fluidním popílkem / Monitoring the Development of AFt Phases in Mixed Portland Cement with FBC Ash

Martykán, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on evaluation of the possibilities of using FBC ash for production of blended cement and monitoring the hydration process, specially creation of the AFt phases.

Vliv oxidů těžkých kovů na tvorbu a vlastnosti portlandského slínku / Influence of heavy metal oxides on the formation and properties of Portland clinker

Kašpárková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The Master’s thesis is focused on a study of the effect of increased content of heavy metals present in a raw meal on the formation and properties of prepared clinker and acquired cement. Main attention is devoted to changes on the physical, mechanical, microstructural and hydration properties. The theoretical part contains an overview of clinker minerals occurring in Portland cement including the possibility of incorporation of heavy metals into their structure and affecting the properities of the cement. In the experimental part, there is compared the effect of heavy metal oxides on the composition and hydration properties of portland clinker and physical-mechanical and microstructural properities of cement pastes prepared from this clinker.

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