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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of the space collaboration system : its history, image quality and effectiveness for joint case conference

Yamauchi, Kazunobu, Ikeda, Mitsuru, Ota, Yoshihiro, Yang, Shu, Ishigaki, Takeo, Itouji, Eiichiro, Adachi, Shuji, Hirota, Shouzou, Kohno, Michio, 山内, 一信 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Enabling Smart Driving through Sensing and Communication in Vehicular Networks

Li, Dong 18 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Using Enterprise Collaboration Systems During a Pandemic : What factors influence the value derived from the push to working through Enterprise Collaboration Systems during the Covid-19 pandemic?

Brundin, Nicklas Joar January 2021 (has links)
Why do individuals derive different value when working remotely using Enterprise Collaboration Systems during Covid-19? This mixed methodology research used a Service-Dominant Logic lens and undertook a literature review, qualitative interviews and a quantitative survey to identify the characteristics and variables that impacted perceived value for individual Australian Actors. To assist future studies it also developed an equivalency model of value and the desire to work remotely. The research found the strongest predictive variable is the suitability of the workspace, followed by a list of a dozen significant variables. By knowing these variables and their predictive weights, Actors can adjust them to optimise the value derived from working remotely through ECSs.


MARIA ELIZABETE NEVES RAMOS 26 June 2020 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa busca compreender o Pacto Nacional pela Alfabetização na Idade Certa (PNAIC) e suas mudanças no período 2013-2019, tendo como fio condutor a percepção de seus atores e como lócus o Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Como política de âmbito nacional, o PNAIC foi instituído pelo MEC como um compromisso formal assumido pelos governos Federal, Distrito Federal, Estados e Municípios, em regime de colaboração, com o objetivo de que todas as crianças fossem alfabetizadas até a conclusão do ciclo de alfabetização. Envolveu, assim, relações federativas complexas e uma multiplicidade de organizações. A tese dialoga com parte da literatura sobre implementação, especialmente com os modelos de Matland (1995) sobre ambiguidade e conflito na implementação de políticas públicas, e adota uma abordagem interpretativista (YANOW, 2000) para investigar os sentidos construídos pelos atores em relação ao PNAIC, com ênfase nas principais mudanças que aconteceram na sua configuração entre 2013 e 2018. No caso específico do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, a despeito da descontinuidade do PNAIC em âmbito nacional, a implementação da política foi sustentada em 2019 por iniciativa do Comitê Gestor estadual, junto a 75 dos 92 municípios fluminenses. Entre os resultados da implementação do PNAIC no Estado do Rio de Janeiro constatou-se que muitos municípios criaram em suas próprias secretarias um departamento ou seção de alfabetização, e que grande parte dos professores alfabetizadores foi em busca de mais formação, tanto em nível de graduação como de pós-graduação. Como principais conclusões, pode-se atribuir aos sentidos construídos pelos atores em relação ao PNAIC algumas modificações na própria configuração da política, ocorridas ao longo do tempo. Desde o seu lançamento, a ideia de Pacto suscitou uma mobilização dos diversos atores e instituições em torno do compromisso com a alfabetização, e exerceu um papel de convocação à participação e à adesão dos Estados e Municípios. No âmbito federal, a mudança da primeira para a segunda configuração do PNAIC atribuiu gestão um lugar de destaque com o objetivo de que a formação continuada de professores alfabetizadores ganhasse capilaridade e alcançasse os Municípios mais distantes, e conferiu a coordenação geral às Secretarias Estaduais em lugar das universidades. No tocante à coordenação de formação do PNAIC no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, as interpretações dos agentes implementadores sobre formação continuada estavam vinculadas à promoção da autonomia do professor e a formas de interação mais horizontais entre universidade e escola, privilegiando a formação continuada como intercâmbio de experiência. Esses também eram princípios e valores que vinham norteando o trabalho da UFRJ com a formação de professores de tal forma que se pode afirmar que as interpretações e experiências formativas da UFRJ pautaram as atividades de formação continuada do PNAIC no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Por fim, os sentidos dados pelos atores envolvidos na coordenação do PNAIC fizeram com que a Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, a UNDIME e a UFRJ se articulassem em torno de um projeto para dar continuidade ao Pacto pela alfabetização no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. / [en] This research aims to understand the National Pact for Literacy at the Right Age (PNAIC) and its changes in the period 2013-2019, having as a guideline the perception of its actors and as a lócus the State of Rio de Janeiro. As a national policy, the PNAIC was instituted by the MEC as a formal commitment made by the Federal government, the Federal District, the States and the Municipalities, in a collaborative system, with the goal that all children should be literate until the end of the literacy cycle. Thus, it involved complex federative relationships and a multiplicity of organizations. The thesis dialogues with part of the literature on implementation, especially with Matland s (1995) models of ambiguity and conflict in public policy implementation, and adopts an interpretative approach (YANOW, 2000) to investigate the meanings constructed by actors about the PNAIC, with emphasis on the main changes that took place in its configuration between 2013 and 2018. In the specific case of the State of Rio de Janeiro, despite the discontinuity of the PNAIC nationwide, the implementation of the policy was sustained in 2019 by the state Steering Committee initiative, with 75 of the 92 municipalities of Rio de Janeiro. Among the results of the implementation of the PNAIC in the state of Rio de Janeiro, it was found that many municipalities created in their own secretariats a department or section of literacy, and that most of the literacy teachers were looking for more training, both in graduation and post-graduation level. As main conclusions, it can be attributed to the meanings constructed by the actors in relation to the PNAIC some changes in the policy configuration itself, which occurred over time. Since its inception, the idea of the Pact has prompted a mobilization of various actors and institutions around the commitment to literacy and it has played an important role motivating the participation and adherence of States and Municipalities. At the federal level, the change from the first to the second PNAIC configuration gave management a prominent place, aiming that the continuing education of literacy teachers would get capillarity and reach the most distant municipalities, assigning the overall coordination to the State Secretariats in place of the universities. Regarding the coordination of formation of the PNAIC in the State of Rio de Janeiro, the interpretations of the implementing agents on continuing education were linked to the promotion of teacher autonomy and to more horizontal forms of interaction between university and school, favoring continuing education as exchange of experience. These were also principles and values that had been guiding UFRJ s work with teacher training in such a way that it can be stated that the interpretations and formative experiences of UFRJ guided the PNAIC s continuing education activities in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Finally, the meanings given by the actors involved in the coordination of the PNAIC, led the Rio de Janeiro State Secretariat of Education, UNDIME and UFRJ to articulate themselves around a project to continue the Pact for Literacy in Rio de Janeiro. / [fr] Cette recherche vise à comprendre le Pacte National pour l Alphabétisation au Bon Âge (PNAIC) et ses évolutions au cours de la période 2013-2019, ayant pour fil conducteur la perception de ses acteurs et comme lieu l état de Rio de Janeiro. En tant que politique nationale, le PNAIC a été institué par le MEC en tant qu engagement formel pris par le gouvernement fédéral, le district fédéral, les états et les municipalités, de manière collaborative, dans le but que tous les enfants soient alphabétisés jusqu à la fin du cycle d alphabétisation. Elle a donc impliqué des relations fédératives complexes et une multitude d organisations. La thèse dialogue avec une partie de la littérature à propos de la mise en oeuvre, en particulier avec les modèles d ambiguïté et de conflit de Matland (1995) dans la mise en oeuvre des politiques publiques, et adopte une approche interprétative (YANOW, 2000) pour étudier les significations construites par les acteurs par rapport au PNAIC, en mettant l accent sur les principaux changements intervenus dans sa configuration entre 2013 et 2018. Dans le cas spécifique de l état de Rio de Janeiro, malgré la discontinuité du PNAIC à l échelle nationale, la mise en oeuvre de la politique s est poursuivie en 2019 à l initiative du Comité de pilotage de l état, avec 75 des 92 municipalités de Rio de Janeiro. Parmi les résultats de la mise en oeuvre du PNAIC dans l état de Rio de Janeiro, on a constaté que de nombreuses municipalités créaient dans leurs propres secrétariats un département ou une section d alphabétisation, et que la plupart des alphabétiseurs recherchaient une formation supplémentaire, soit au niveau du premier cycle ou comme étudiant diplômé. Comme principales conclusions, on peut attribuer aux significations construites par les acteurs par rapport au PNAIC certains changements dans la configuration politique elle-même, qui se sont produits au fil du temps. Depuis sa création, l idée du Pacte a suscité une mobilisation de divers acteurs et institutions autour de l engagement en faveur de l alphabétisation et a joué un rôle déterminant dans la participation et l adhésion des états et des municipalités. Au niveau fédéral, le passage de la première à la deuxième configuration PNAIC a donné à la direction une place de choix avec l objectif que la formation continue des alphabétiseurs atteigne la capillarité et atteigne les municipalités les plus éloignées, et a donné une coordination globale aux secrétaires d état en place des universités. Concernant la coordination de la formation du PNAIC dans l état de Rio de Janeiro, les interprétations des agents d exécution sur la formation continue étaient liées à la promotion de l autonomie des enseignants et à des formes plus horizontales d interaction entre l université et l école, privilégiant la formation continue comme échange d expériences. Ce sont également des principes et des valeurs qui ont guidé le travail de l UFRJ avec la formation des enseignants de telle manière que l on peut affirmer que les interprétations et les expériences formatrices de l UFRJ ont guidé les activités de formation continue du PNAIC dans l état de Rio de Janeiro. Enfin, les significations données par les acteurs impliqués dans la coordination du PNAIC ont conduit le Secrétariat d état à l éducation de Rio de Janeiro, UNDIME et l UFRJ à s articuler autour d un projet de poursuite du Pacte d alphabétisation dans l état de Rio de Janeiro.

Utmaningar vid implementering av ett e-kollaborationssystem för volontärer i en pingstförsamling / Possible challenges during the implementation of an e-collaboration system for use by volunteers in a Pentecostal congregation

Hsu, Erica January 2018 (has links)
Allt fler religiösa organisationer har börjat använda sig av informationsteknik i sin verksamhet i takt med den digitala teknologins frammarsch i samhället. På grund av deras starka fokus på evangelisation är församlingar inom protestantiska samfund, och då i synnerhet pingstförsamlingar, i hög grad benägna att ta till sig informations- och kommunikationsteknik (IKT). Tidigare studier inom detta forskningsområde har fokuserat på hur religiösa samfund använder IKT för att nå ut med sitt budskap samt på aktiva medlemmars användning av teknik och sociala medier. Få studier har undersökt implementering av interna informationssystem i religiösa organisationer. Syftet med detta arbete är att för en församling inom pingstkyrkan i en svensk kontext genomföra en förstudie till implementeringen av ett e-kollaborationssystem, för att identifiera eventuella problem som kan uppstå och vilka åtgärder som kan vidtas för att förebygga dessa. Detta arbete utformades som en fallstudie där datainsamlingen främst bestod av intervjuer och en enkätundersökning med volontärer som arbetar i församlingen, samt observationer av delar av verksamheten vari volontärer deltar. Ur resultatet från intervjuerna och enkäten identifierades förväntade problem i samband med implementeringen av ett e-kollaborationssystem. I likhet med de problem som finns beskrivna i litteraturen handlar dessa främst om användarmotstånd eller felaktig användning av systemet på grund av användarnas ovana eller ointresse av ny teknik. Likaså överensstämmer volontärernas uppfattningar gällande de viktigaste faktorerna för att använda ett e-kollaborationssystem – utbildning inom systemet, uppfattad nytta och fördelar med systemet, men framför allt att systemet ska vara lättanvänt - med de som beskrivs i litteraturen. Studiens resultat är inte direkt generaliserbar då den endast studerat en församling, men resultatet skulle kunna användas som underlag för projekt som utförs i andra organisationer och under liknande förutsättningar. Vidare kan denna studies resultat jämföras med en verklig, framtida implementering av ett e-kollaborationssystem i en religiös organisation. / As digital technology gain ground in society, an increasing number of religious organizations are beginning to use information technology within their operations. Due to their strong focus on evangelism, Protestant congregations – in particular those belonging to the Pentecostal movement – are strongly inclined to adopt information and communications technologies (ICTs). Previous research in this field has focused on how religious communions use ICT to reach people with their message, and on their members’ use of technology and social media. Few studies have investigated the implementation of internal information systems in religious organizations. The aim of this research work was to conduct a preliminary study on the implementation of an e-collaboration system for a Pentecostal congregation in a Swedish context, in order to identify the problems that may arise and measures that can be taken to prevent these. This research work was designed as a case study, the data gathering of which consisted primarily of interviews with and a questionnaire answered by volunteers who work in the congregation, along with observations of parts of the operations of the congregation. The results of the interviews and the questionnaire were analyzed, and the problems that were expected to arise in connection with the implementation of the e-collaboration system were identified. These were found to correspond to a high degree with those discussed in the literature, and primarily revolved around user resistance to or incorrect use of the system based on unfamiliarity with and lack of interest in new technology. Moreover, the volunteers’ opinions corresponded to what is described in the literature as regards what the most important factors in use of an e-collaboration system: training in, perceived usefulness and advantages of, and – in particular – ease of use of the system. It is not possible to directly generalize using the results of this study due to the fact that it was based on a single congregation, but the results may be used as a basis for projects conducted in other organizations and under similar circumstances. Furthermore, the results of this study can be compared to those of a real, future implementation of an e-collaboration system within a religious organization.


PAULA ARAUJO DA COSTA 16 June 2021 (has links)
[pt] A pesquisa Arranjos Institucionais de implementação: Analisando o Consórcio Cederj aborda uma política de educação a distância no ensino superior, que vem acontecendo desde os anos 2000 e está em consonância com os dispositivos legais, uma vez que tem como objetivo ampliar e interiorizar, na modalidade semipresencial, o ingresso à educação superior, em particular o acesso aos cursos de formação de professores. O objetivo da pesquisa ao investigar o Consórcio Cederj é analisar o arranjo institucional de implementação, com ênfase no regime de colaboração existente entre os entes federativos (Governo Estadual, através da Fundação Cecierj; Governos Municipais e Governo Federal, com a participação da UAB). Essa investigação à luz da literatura sobre implementação de políticas é relevante, devido à escassez de estudos dessa estudos dessa política educacional fundamentada no referencial teórico da ciência política, especialmente no conceito de arranjo institucional de implementação e no modelo ambiguidade-conflito de Matland. A pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa, realizada mediante análise de conteúdo temática com dados documentais acessados via a Lei de Acesso à Informação. Através dos documentos examinados, foi possível mapear alguns elementos do arranjo institucional como: instrumentos, incentivos e responsabilidades existentes entre os entes federativos. Assim como, identificar o modelo de implementação, proposto por Matland (1995). Esse estudo buscou avançar nas produções acadêmicas sobre o Consórcio Cederj e a educação a distância, utilizando o referencial advindo do campo da ciência política sobre implementação de políticas públicas. / [en] Institutional Arrangement for Implementation: Analyzing the Cederj Consortium, it deals with a distance education policy in higher education, which has been going on since the 2000s, which is in line with legal provisions, since it aims to expand and internalize, in the semi-presential modality, admission higher education, in particular access to teacher training courses. The objective of the research when investigating the Cederj Consortium is to analyze the institutional implementation arrangement, through the collaboration regime existing between the federal entities (State Government, through the Cecierj Foundation; Municipal Governments and the Federal Government, with the participation of UAB). This investigation in the light of the literature on policy implementation is relevant, due to the scarcity of studies on this study of this educational policy based on the theoretical framework of political science, especially in the concept of institutional implementation arrangement and in Matland s ambiguity-conflict model. The research is of a qualitative nature, carried out through thematic content analysis with documentary data accessed via the Access to Information Law. Through the analyzed documents, it was possible to map some elements of the institutional arrangement, such as: instruments, incentives and responsibilities existing between the federal entities. As well as, identify the implementation model, proposed by Matland (1995). This study sought to advance academic production on the Cederj Consortium and distance education, using the framework from the field of political science on the implementation of public policies.

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