Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] COUNTRY"" "subject:"[enn] COUNTRY""
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Räcker Svenskheten Till? : En studie i svenska företags användning av svenskheten som differentieringsverktyg vid en utlandsetableringJägerlind, Susanna, Mårtens, Carolina January 2007 (has links)
<p>Sverige är i ekonomiska sammanhang ett litet land, en begränsad hemmamarknad tvingar företag utomlands för att möjliggöra en expansion. Sverige är internationellt känt som en designnation och uttrycken ”Swedish Grace” samt ”Swedish Modern” har blivit synonymt med kvalitet, säkerhet och nytänkande. Problemet som denna uppsats ämnar att undersöka är i vilken utsträckning svenska design-</p><p>företag anpassar eller standardiserar svenskheten vid en utlandsetablering.</p><p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att med en jämförande studie utvärdera och analysera hur tre stycken små och ett stort svenskt designföretag väljer marknadsföringsstrategi</p><p>vid en utlandsetablering. Vi har ingående studerat dessa fyra företag och datainsamlingen har skett med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med representanter från företagen.</p><p>Vår undersökning har visat att valet att anpassa eller standardisera svenskheten är kunskap- och erfarenhetsstyrt, men även beroende av företagets storlek. Skillnaderna vi sett mellan det stora och de mindre företagen kan följaktligen kopplas samman med ekonomiska förutsättningar samt deras erfarenhet från den nya marknaden.</p>
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Lyckans land? : En ekonometrisk studie över nationshemvistens påverkan på upplevd lycka.Pistol, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
<p>Does the country people live in affect the probability of them experiencing happiness? Can a country variable in an ordinal regression model be affected when microeconomic and macroeconomic factors are added to the model? The possible outcomes are either that the country variable affects less when the additional predictors are added to the model, or that they stay the same. The micro data is collected from the European Social Survey database, the macro data is collected from the World Bank. The country variable becomes less substantial when additional variables are added to the model. The variable with the most influence over expected happiness apart from the country variable is whether the individual often socializes with friends or not. It’s statistically significant that the supervened variables make the country variable less volatile in some cases.</p>
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Host country nationals to the rescue: a social categorization approach to expatriate adjustmentToh, Soo Min 30 September 2004 (has links)
The present study proposes a significant role for host country nationals (HCNs) in the expatriate adjustment process. Based on self-categorizaton theory, newcomer socialization research, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) research, and models of expatriate adjustment, I present a model proposing how social categorization processes influence HCNs' willingness to engage in adjustment-facilitating organizational citizenship behaviors (AOCBs). I further propose that these behaviors have a significant impact on expatriates' adjustment and in turn, other important job-related outcomes of the expatriate. Hypotheses were tested on 115 expatriates and 53 HCNs. Expatriates were contacted directly or via an organizational contact. HCNs were either contacted directly or nominated by their expatriate counterpart to participate in the study. Results reveal support for the main tenets of the model. The willingness to engage in AOCBs was related to outgroup categorization, collectivism, and perceptions of justice. Social support provided by HCNs was found to significantly relate to HCNs' perceptions of their expatriate co-worker's adjustment. Expatriates, however, indicated that spousal adjustment and language ability were more important for their own adjustment. Adjustment was related to other key expatriate outcomes. The research and managerial implications of these results are discussed.
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IT governance in Tanzanian public sector organisationsNfuka, Edephonce Ngemera January 2012 (has links)
In many public sector organisations, the use of Information Technology (IT) has become important for sustaining and extending public service delivery. This has caused there to be a critical dependency on IT, which calls for a specific focus on effective IT governance. Accordingly, the success factors for effective IT governance must be determined and adhered to if an organisation wishes to increase the contribution of IT towards achieving its objectives. Much research has been carried out on IT governance effectiveness and the necessary success factors, but not with a focus on organisations from a developing country such as Tanzania. The context in these organisations is characterised by IT resources, knowledge and culture constraints as well as by an increasing level of IT investment and applications. In this research, we analyse how IT governance practices are implemented in Tanzanian public sector organisations (TaPSOs) and benchmark their levels of maturity. Furthermore, we analyse and identify the critical success factors (CSFs) that contribute to effective IT governance in TaPSOs. Subsequently, we analyse the effects of these CSFs on IT governance performance and develop and evaluate a CSFs framework for implementing effective IT governance in TaPSOs. We find weak IT governance practices, especially in terms of processes. This was also pointed out by the lower level of IT governance maturity in TaPSOs in contrast to public sector organisations in developed countries. Furthermore, we find that the identified CSFs have a significant effect on IT governance performance in TaPSOs. In addition, the designed CSFs framework is found to be important for providing guidelines to be used by IT and business management personnel for implementing effective IT governance. This CSFs framework for implementing effective IT governance in TaPSOs consists of the IT governance focus areas, CSFs, activities, roles, IT resources and environment in which it should be implemented. In contrast to existing frameworks from the research literature, the designed CSFs framework offers a holistic view by focusing on the five IT governance focus areas.
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EU Origin Marking : - A Study of Swedish Meat ConsumersKlint, Olle, Löfström, Patrik January 2005 (has links)
The incentive to investigate the origin of meat products and their related consumer atti-tudes have shown to be a serious and debated topic especially after receiving a lot of focus in media. The specific origin discussed in this thesis lies within the suggestion of introducing an EU origin marking or what also can be referred to as “Made in EU” labelling. During the investigation of whether this creates a negative or positive attitude many factors are needed to be considered. The nationalistic feelings that still exist within the member states is one of the major obstacles but also information and consumer awareness concerning what EU stand for. The focus is on Swedish consumers’ perspective and the effects of implementing “Made in EU” are considered solely on the Swedish market. The theoretical framework is constructed around the central concept of country of origin (COO) that can be noted as of key relevance when investigating consumer behaviour. An analysis model is also introduced to give a deeper understanding of the connections between findings and the theoretical concepts. The fundamental methodology that was cho-sen in order to investigate these attitudes was found to be through the use of focus groups. These were carried out in combination with a secondary data analysis for the clarification of knowledge concerning the topic. What results shown from this study and the connected conclusions can be summarised in a few lines. First, Swedish consumers had generally a negative attitude towards introducing this label. The reason was that the consumers on one hand could not associate the origin as EU at the same time as Swedish consumers prefer to buy Swedish meat which is related to the Swedish model. Secondly, the factors brought forward that were influencing the COO shows what the attitude consist of, for instance stereotypes and perception. Thirdly, this research has managed to bring together new findings, previous COO studies with theoretical concepts and thereby created knowledge about Swedish ethnocentrism and cultural and economical aspects the Swedish consumers use when evaluating meat. Finally, the research method and theoretical concepts can be applied to other areas such as different products or countries.
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Lyckans land? : En ekonometrisk studie över nationshemvistens påverkan på upplevd lycka.Pistol, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
Does the country people live in affect the probability of them experiencing happiness? Can a country variable in an ordinal regression model be affected when microeconomic and macroeconomic factors are added to the model? The possible outcomes are either that the country variable affects less when the additional predictors are added to the model, or that they stay the same. The micro data is collected from the European Social Survey database, the macro data is collected from the World Bank. The country variable becomes less substantial when additional variables are added to the model. The variable with the most influence over expected happiness apart from the country variable is whether the individual often socializes with friends or not. It’s statistically significant that the supervened variables make the country variable less volatile in some cases.
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Räcker Svenskheten Till? : En studie i svenska företags användning av svenskheten som differentieringsverktyg vid en utlandsetableringJägerlind, Susanna, Mårtens, Carolina January 2007 (has links)
Sverige är i ekonomiska sammanhang ett litet land, en begränsad hemmamarknad tvingar företag utomlands för att möjliggöra en expansion. Sverige är internationellt känt som en designnation och uttrycken ”Swedish Grace” samt ”Swedish Modern” har blivit synonymt med kvalitet, säkerhet och nytänkande. Problemet som denna uppsats ämnar att undersöka är i vilken utsträckning svenska design- företag anpassar eller standardiserar svenskheten vid en utlandsetablering. Syftet med uppsatsen är att med en jämförande studie utvärdera och analysera hur tre stycken små och ett stort svenskt designföretag väljer marknadsföringsstrategi vid en utlandsetablering. Vi har ingående studerat dessa fyra företag och datainsamlingen har skett med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med representanter från företagen. Vår undersökning har visat att valet att anpassa eller standardisera svenskheten är kunskap- och erfarenhetsstyrt, men även beroende av företagets storlek. Skillnaderna vi sett mellan det stora och de mindre företagen kan följaktligen kopplas samman med ekonomiska förutsättningar samt deras erfarenhet från den nya marknaden.
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Förbättrar intensiv träning prestationen hos motionärer?Markinhuhta, Annelie January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka huruvida en stor andel av intensiva grenspecifika pass utvecklade den aeroba kapaciteten hos motionärer som tränar inför Vasaloppet. Två testmetoder användes; ett maximalt laktattest på rullskidor utomhus och ett maximalt cykeltest på en cykelergometer inomhus. En utav fp genomförde ett tidstest på rullskidor på en given sträcka istället för laktattestet. Båda testerna genomfördes före och efter en 11-veckors träningsperiod som bestod av 41 procent medel- och högintensiva pass som genomfördes grenspecifikt. Det betyder intervaller på rullskidor eller i skidgång samt snabbdistanspass på rullskidor. Övriga 59 procent av träningspassen genomfördes på en lågintensiv nivå, vilket är mindre än de 70-80 procent som normalt förespråkas för en uthållighetsidrottare. 4 försökspersoner (fp) på motionsnivå deltog (4 män och 1 kvinna). Fp 3 förbättrade prestationen markant med 20 procent genom en minskning av blodlaktatkoncentrationer vid givna hjärtfrekvenser (HR), sålunda en förbättring av dels den aeroba laktattröskeln (LT) som den anaeroba laktattröskeln (AT). Fp 4 förbättrade prestationen med 15 procent genom att åka den givna sträckan under tidstestet på en snabbare tid vid andra tillfället. Fp 2 avverkade en 500m längre sträcka under andra rullskidtestet och förbättrade på så sätt sin prestation med 10 procent, fp fick dock en försämring av AT och hade högre blodlaktatkoncentrationer vid andra testtillfället. Fp 1 förbättrade LT men försämrade AT. Sammanfattningsvis, visar studien att ett 11-veckors träningsprogram bestående av mycket grenspecifik träning på högre intensiteter ledde till en klar prestationsförbättring hos två av fp, gällande alla parametrar som testades. De övriga två fp uppvisade vissa förbättringar men högre laktatkoncentrationer vid några mättillfällen.
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Epidemiology of child psychiatric disorders in Addis Ababa, EthiopiaDesta, Menelik January 2008 (has links)
Although mental disorders are common among children all over the world, information on the extent and types of child psychiatric disorders in Ethiopia is extremely limited. A study was conducted in an urban setting of Ethiopia to look at the prevalence of child psychiatric disorders and their correlates. A two-phase survey was performed. In the first phase, parents of 5000 children in Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia, were interviewed using the Reporting Questionnaire for Children (RQC). In the second phase, parents of all screen-positive children (n=864) and parents of 1537 screen-negative children were interviewed using the revised parent version of the Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents (DICA-R), a semi-structured diagnostic instrument that is based on the third revised edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-III-R). This thesis discusses the results of that study in comparison with other child mental health studies in Ethiopia and elsewhere. At the recommended cut-off score of 1, the sensitivity, specificity, predictive values and likelihood ratios of the RQC to DICA-R diagnoses were acceptable. The RQC had high accuracy with a misclassification rate of 17%. The weighted prevalence for any DSM-III-R diagnosis was 17%. The most prevalent condition was enuresis (12.1%) followed by simple phobia (5.5%). The prevalence rates of all other identified conditions were below 1%. Children's age, severe economic problems, and single parenthood were found to be risk factors for any DSM-III-R diagnosis in children. Male sex, younger age, and lower achieved educational grade of the child were all independently associated with childhood enuresis. The odds of having enuresis were significantly higher for children in families with extreme poverty and in children from single-parent homes. The risk of having enuresis was significantly higher in children who had anxiety disorders (AD) and disruptive behaviour disorders (DBD). Sex was significantly associated with disruptive behaviour disorders while grade level, age, family size, ethnicity, poverty, and single parenthood were not. Anxiety disorders were significantly associated with sex, ethnicity, and extreme poverty but not with the other socio-demographic variables. The absence of mood disorders and somatoform disorders, of which symptoms are often encountered in both children and adults at clinical settings and the low prevalence rates of most identified conditions, were probably related to the lack of awareness or alternative explanations at the community level regarding the understanding of behaviour changes. Campaigns of public mental health education with the aim of providing scientific information to society are highly recommended. While Ethiopia works towards mainstreaming mental health into its health care system, training health care workers in applying simple screening tools like the RQC is recommended.
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Determinants of Entrepreneurship : A Cross Country Analysis of Firm FormationKroksgård, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
Economic theory suggests that numerous factors are affecting entrepreneurship (demographic, political, cultural, geographical, and economical). There has been a lot of research on this topic, and many factors have been identified as individually related to the level of entrepreneurship in a region or country. However, despite the fact that a large number of factors have been identified as individually related to new firm formation (NFF), no one has been able to give a definitive an-swer as to which factors are the most important for increased NFF and economic growth (Calido-ni et al. 2007). And differences across countries remain unexplored. (Freytag & Thurik 2007). This study takes a stab at both of these largely unexplored areas; trying to ascertain which vari-ables, out of 22 selected, appear to be the most relevant determinants of firm formation across countries today. Data on firm formation across countries from the WB‟s Entrepreneurship Survey was used to construct three measure of entrepreneurship. Stepwise regression was used to esti-mate the most significant variables. Three different measures of “entrepreneurship”, three mod-els, all yielded four significant variables in multivariate regression, some were overlapping be-tween the models for a total of eight variables found especially significant. One finding is particu-larly interesting in relation to Sweden; The cost of enforcing contracts was found to be one of the most important determinants of NFF, and since Sweden has relatively high costs of enforcing contracts; the combination of these two observation leads to a policy suggestion: If Sweden wants to increase NFF it should decrease the costs of enforcing contracts.
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