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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


GUPTA, ASHIMA January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Using Model Generation for Data Warehouse Conceptual to Physical Schema Mapping

Nicholson, Delmer William, Jr January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Auxílio do Data Warehouse e suas ferramentas à estratégia de CRM analítico / The helpful that DW and your tools can give to the strategy of CRM analytic

Cazarini, Aline 29 July 2002 (has links)
Atualmente, uma das grandes vantagens competitivas que uma empresa possui em relação a seu concorrente é a informação sobre seu cliente. As estratégias de Customer Relationship Management (CRM), propiciam o profundo conhecimento do cliente, para que a empresa possa tratá-lo de forma personalizada e reconhecê-lo como seu principal patrimônio. Segundo TAURION (2000) e DW BRASIL (2001), para suportar essa tecnologia, é necessário que as empresas possuam um repositório de dados históricos de clientes. O Data Warehouse (DW) possui diversas características que utilizam, de forma adequada e eficiente, ferramentas de desenvolvimento de modernos bancos de dados. Através da ferramenta Data Mining (DM), é possível descobrir novas correlações, padrões e tendências entre informações de uma empresa pela extração e análise dos dados do DW. A análise dos dados também pode ser feita através de sistemas On Line Analytical Proccess (OLAP), os quais ajudam analistas a sintetizar informações sobre as empresas, por meio de comparações, visões personalizadas, análise histórica e projeção de dados em vários cenários. Diante deste contexto, parece possível afirmar que o DW, juntamente com o OLAP, podem proporcionar grande suporte à estratégia de CRM. Desta forma, esta pesquisa apresenta como objetivo identificar e analisar as principais contribuições que o DW e suas ferramentas podem dar à estratégia CRM Analítico. / Nowadays, the great competitive advantage that a company possesses in relation to your competitor is the information about its customer. The strategies of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) provide deep knowledge about the customer, so that the company can treat them in a personalized way and it recognizes them as its main patrimony. According to TAURION (2000) and DW BRASIL (2001), to support that technology, it is necessary that the companies possess a repository of customers\' historical data. Data Warehouse (DW) possesses several characteristics that use, in appropriate and efficient way, tools of development of modern databases and, through the too Data Mining (DM) discovers new correlations, pattems and tendencies among information of a company, for the analysis of the data of DW. The analysis of the data can also be made through the systems On Line Analytical Proccess (OLAP), which help analysts and executives to synthesize information on the companies, by means of comparisons, personalized visions, historical analysis and projection of data in several sceneries. In this context, it can be stated that DW and DM can provide great support to the strategy of CRM. Thus, this work presents as objective to identify the main contributions that DW and their tools can give to the strategy of Analytical CRM.

Riktlinjer för att förbättra datakvaliteten hos data warehouse system / Guiding principles to improve data quality in data warehouse system

Carlswärd, Martin January 2008 (has links)
Data warehouse system är något som har växt fram under 1990-talet och det har implementeras hos flera verksamheter. De källsystem som en verksamhet har kan integreras ihop med ett data warehouse system för att skapa en version av verkligheten och ta fram rapporter för beslutsunderlag. Med en version av verkligheten menas att det skapas en gemensam bild som visar hur verksamhetens dagliga arbete sker och utgör grundinformation för de framtagna analyserna från data warehouse systemet. Det blir därför väsenligt för verksamheten att de framtagna rapporterna håller en, enligt verksamheten, tillfredställande god datakvalitet. Detta leder till att datakvaliteten hos data warehouse systemet behöver hålla en tillräckligt hög kvalitetsnivå. Om datakvaliteten hos beslutsunderlaget brister kommer verksamheten inte att ta de optimala besluten för verksamheten utan det kan förekomma att beslut tas som annars inte hade tagits. Att förbättra datakvaliteten hos data warehouse systemet blir därför centralt för verksamheten. Med hjälp av kvalitetsfilosofin Total Quality Management, TQM, har verksamheten ett stöd för att kunna förbättra datakvaliteten eftersom det möjliggör att ett helhetsgrepp om kvaliteten kan tas. Anledningen till att ta ett helhetsperspektiv angående datakvaliteten är att orsakerna till bristande datakvalitet inte enbart beror på orsaker inom själva data warehouse systemet utan beror även på andra orsaker. De kvalitetsförbättrande åtgärder som behöver utföras inom verksamheter varierar eftersom de är situationsanpassade beroende på hur verksamheten fungerar även om det finns mer övergripande gemensamma åtgärder. Det som kommuniceras i form av exempelvis rapporter från data warehouse systemet behöver anses av verksamhetens aktörer som förståeligt och trovärdigt. Anledningen till det är att de framtagna beslutunderlagen behöver vara förståliga och trovärdiga för mottagaren av informationen. Om exempelvis det som kommuniceras i form av rapporter innehåller skräptecken bli det svårt för mottagaren att anse informationen som trovärdig och förståelig. Förbättras kvaliteten hos det kommunikativa budskapet, det vill säga om kommunikationskvaliteten förbättras, kommer datakvaliteten hos data warehouse systemet i slutändan också förbättras. Inom uppsatsen har det tagits fram riktlinjer för att kunna förbättra datakvaliteten hos data warehouse system med hjälp av kommunikationskvaliteten samt TQM. Riktlinjernas syfte är att förbättra datakvaliteten genom att förbättra kvaliteten hos det som kommuniceras inom företagets data warehouse system. Det finns olika åtgärder som är situationsanpassade för att förbättra datakvaliteten med hjälp av kommunikationskvalitet. Ett exempel är att införa en möjlighet för mottagaren att få reda på vem som är sändaren av informationsinnehållet hos de framtagna rapporterna. Detta för att mottagaren bör ha möjlighet att kritisera och kontrollera den kommunikativa handlingen med sändaren, som i sin tur har möjlighet att försvara budskapet. Detta leder till att öka trovärdigheten hos den kommunikativa handlingen. Ett annat exempel är att införa inmatningskontroller hos källsystemen för att undvika att aktörer matar in skräptecken som sedan hamnar i data warehouse systemet. Detta leder till att mottagarens förståelse av det som kommuniceras förbättras. / The data warehouse system is something that has grown during the 1990s and has been implemented in many companies. The operative information system that a company has, can be integrated with a data warehouse system to build one version of the reality and take forward the decision basis. This means that a version of the reality creates a common picture that show how the company’s daily work occurs and constitutes the base of information for the created analysis reports from the data warehouse system. It is therefore important for a company that the reports have an acceptable data quality. This leads to that the data quality in the data warehouse system needs to hold an acceptable level of high quality. If data quality at the decision basis falls short, the company will not take the optimal decision for the company. Instead the company will take decision that normally would not have been taken. To improve the data quality in the data warehouse system would therefore be central for the company. With help from a quality philosophy, like TQM, the company have support to improve the data quality since it makes it possible for wholeness about the quality to be taken. The reason to take a holistic perspective about the data quality is because lacking of the data quality not only depends on reasons in the data warehouse system, but also on other reasons. The measurement of the quality improvement which needs to perform in the company depends on the situation on how the company works even in the more overall actions. The communication in form of for example reports from the data warehouse system needs to be understandable and trustworthy for the company’s actors. The reason is that the decision basis needs to be understandable and trustworthy for the receiver of the information. If for example the communication in form of reports contains junk characters it gets difficulty for the receiver of the information to consider if it is trustworthy and understandable. If the quality in the communication message is improving, videlicet that the communication quality improves, the data quality in the data warehouse will also improve in the end. In the thesis has guiding principles been created with the purpose to improve data quality in a data warehouse system with help of communication quality and TQM. Improving the quality in the communication, which is performed at the company’s data warehouse to improve the data quality, does this. There are different measures that are depending on the situations to improve the data quality with help of communication quality. One example is to introduce a possibility for the receiver to get information about who the sender of the information content in the reports is. This is because the receiver needs to have the option to criticize and control the communication acts with the sender, which will have the possibility to defend the message. This leads to a more improved trustworthy in the communication act. Another example is to introduce input controls in the operative system to avoid the actors to feed junk characters that land in the data warehouse system. This leads to that the receivers understanding of the communication improves.

Riktlinjer för att förbättra datakvaliteten hos data warehouse system / Guiding principles to improve data quality in data warehouse system

Carlswärd, Martin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Data warehouse system är något som har växt fram under 1990-talet och det har implementeras hos flera verksamheter. De källsystem som en verksamhet har kan integreras ihop med ett data warehouse system för att skapa en version av verkligheten och ta fram rapporter för beslutsunderlag. Med en version av verkligheten menas att det skapas en gemensam bild som visar hur verksamhetens dagliga arbete sker och utgör grundinformation för de framtagna analyserna från data warehouse systemet. Det blir därför väsenligt för verksamheten att de framtagna rapporterna håller en, enligt verksamheten, tillfredställande god datakvalitet. Detta leder till att datakvaliteten hos data warehouse systemet behöver hålla en tillräckligt hög kvalitetsnivå. Om datakvaliteten hos beslutsunderlaget brister kommer verksamheten inte att ta de optimala besluten för verksamheten utan det kan förekomma att beslut tas som annars inte hade tagits.</p><p>Att förbättra datakvaliteten hos data warehouse systemet blir därför centralt för verksamheten. Med hjälp av kvalitetsfilosofin Total Quality Management, TQM, har verksamheten ett stöd för att kunna förbättra datakvaliteten eftersom det möjliggör att ett helhetsgrepp om kvaliteten kan tas. Anledningen till att ta ett helhetsperspektiv angående datakvaliteten är att orsakerna till bristande datakvalitet inte enbart beror på orsaker inom själva data warehouse systemet utan beror även på andra orsaker. De kvalitetsförbättrande åtgärder som behöver utföras inom verksamheter varierar eftersom de är situationsanpassade beroende på hur verksamheten fungerar även om det finns mer övergripande gemensamma åtgärder.</p><p>Det som kommuniceras i form av exempelvis rapporter från data warehouse systemet behöver anses av verksamhetens aktörer som förståeligt och trovärdigt. Anledningen till det är att de framtagna beslutunderlagen behöver vara förståliga och trovärdiga för mottagaren av informationen. Om exempelvis det som kommuniceras i form av rapporter innehåller skräptecken bli det svårt för mottagaren att anse informationen som trovärdig och förståelig. Förbättras kvaliteten hos det kommunikativa budskapet, det vill säga om kommunikationskvaliteten förbättras, kommer datakvaliteten hos data warehouse systemet i slutändan också förbättras. Inom uppsatsen har det tagits fram riktlinjer för att kunna förbättra datakvaliteten hos data warehouse system med hjälp av kommunikationskvaliteten samt TQM. Riktlinjernas syfte är att förbättra datakvaliteten genom att förbättra kvaliteten hos det som kommuniceras inom företagets data warehouse system.</p><p>Det finns olika åtgärder som är situationsanpassade för att förbättra datakvaliteten med hjälp av kommunikationskvalitet. Ett exempel är att införa en möjlighet för mottagaren att få reda på vem som är sändaren av informationsinnehållet hos de framtagna rapporterna. Detta för att mottagaren bör ha möjlighet att kritisera och kontrollera den kommunikativa handlingen med sändaren, som i sin tur har möjlighet att försvara budskapet. Detta leder till att öka trovärdigheten hos den kommunikativa handlingen. Ett annat exempel är att införa inmatningskontroller hos källsystemen för att undvika att aktörer matar in skräptecken som sedan hamnar i data warehouse systemet. Detta leder till att mottagarens förståelse av det som kommuniceras förbättras.</p> / <p>The data warehouse system is something that has grown during the 1990s and has been implemented in many companies. The operative information system that a company has, can be integrated with a data warehouse system to build one version of the reality and take forward the decision basis. This means that a version of the reality creates a common picture that show how the company’s daily work occurs and constitutes the base of information for the created analysis reports from the data warehouse system. It is therefore important for a company that the reports have an acceptable data quality. This leads to that the data quality in the data warehouse system needs to hold an acceptable level of high quality. If data quality at the decision basis falls short, the company will not take the optimal decision for the company. Instead the company will take decision that normally would not have been taken.</p><p>To improve the data quality in the data warehouse system would therefore be central for the company. With help from a quality philosophy, like TQM, the company have support to improve the data quality since it makes it possible for wholeness about the quality to be taken. The reason to take a holistic perspective about the data quality is because lacking of the data quality not only depends on reasons in the data warehouse system, but also on other reasons. The measurement of the quality improvement which needs to perform in the company depends on the situation on how the company works even in the more overall actions.</p><p>The communication in form of for example reports from the data warehouse system needs to be understandable and trustworthy for the company’s actors. The reason is that the decision basis needs to be understandable and trustworthy for the receiver of the information. If for example the communication in form of reports contains junk characters it gets difficulty for the receiver of the information to consider if it is trustworthy and understandable. If the quality in the communication message is improving, videlicet that the communication quality improves, the data quality in the data warehouse will also improve in the end. In the thesis has guiding principles been created with the purpose to improve data quality in a data warehouse system with help of communication quality and TQM. Improving the quality in the communication, which is performed at the company’s data warehouse to improve the data quality, does this.</p><p>There are different measures that are depending on the situations to improve the data quality with help of communication quality. One example is to introduce a possibility for the receiver to get information about who the sender of the information content in the reports is. This is because the receiver needs to have the option to criticize and control the communication acts with the sender, which will have the possibility to defend the message. This leads to a more improved trustworthy in the communication act. Another example is to introduce input controls in the operative system to avoid the actors to feed junk characters that land in the data warehouse system. This leads to that the receivers understanding of the communication improves.</p>

Auxílio do Data Warehouse e suas ferramentas à estratégia de CRM analítico / The helpful that DW and your tools can give to the strategy of CRM analytic

Aline Cazarini 29 July 2002 (has links)
Atualmente, uma das grandes vantagens competitivas que uma empresa possui em relação a seu concorrente é a informação sobre seu cliente. As estratégias de Customer Relationship Management (CRM), propiciam o profundo conhecimento do cliente, para que a empresa possa tratá-lo de forma personalizada e reconhecê-lo como seu principal patrimônio. Segundo TAURION (2000) e DW BRASIL (2001), para suportar essa tecnologia, é necessário que as empresas possuam um repositório de dados históricos de clientes. O Data Warehouse (DW) possui diversas características que utilizam, de forma adequada e eficiente, ferramentas de desenvolvimento de modernos bancos de dados. Através da ferramenta Data Mining (DM), é possível descobrir novas correlações, padrões e tendências entre informações de uma empresa pela extração e análise dos dados do DW. A análise dos dados também pode ser feita através de sistemas On Line Analytical Proccess (OLAP), os quais ajudam analistas a sintetizar informações sobre as empresas, por meio de comparações, visões personalizadas, análise histórica e projeção de dados em vários cenários. Diante deste contexto, parece possível afirmar que o DW, juntamente com o OLAP, podem proporcionar grande suporte à estratégia de CRM. Desta forma, esta pesquisa apresenta como objetivo identificar e analisar as principais contribuições que o DW e suas ferramentas podem dar à estratégia CRM Analítico. / Nowadays, the great competitive advantage that a company possesses in relation to your competitor is the information about its customer. The strategies of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) provide deep knowledge about the customer, so that the company can treat them in a personalized way and it recognizes them as its main patrimony. According to TAURION (2000) and DW BRASIL (2001), to support that technology, it is necessary that the companies possess a repository of customers\' historical data. Data Warehouse (DW) possesses several characteristics that use, in appropriate and efficient way, tools of development of modern databases and, through the too Data Mining (DM) discovers new correlations, pattems and tendencies among information of a company, for the analysis of the data of DW. The analysis of the data can also be made through the systems On Line Analytical Proccess (OLAP), which help analysts and executives to synthesize information on the companies, by means of comparisons, personalized visions, historical analysis and projection of data in several sceneries. In this context, it can be stated that DW and DM can provide great support to the strategy of CRM. Thus, this work presents as objective to identify the main contributions that DW and their tools can give to the strategy of Analytical CRM.


Marques, Delano Brandes 27 February 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-17T14:52:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Delano Brandes Marques.pdf: 3918036 bytes, checksum: 599a5c86f30b5b6799c9afd54e7b5de7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-02-27 / This work aims the implantation of an Integrated System that, besides allowing a better, more efficient and more practical monitoring, makes possible the control and optimization of problems related to the oil industry. In order to guarantee fuel s quality and normalization, the development of efficient tools that allow it s monitoring of any point (anywhere) and for any type of fuel is indispensable. Considering the variety of criteria, a decision making should be based on the evaluation of the most varied types of space data and not space data. In this sense, Knowledge Discovery in Databases process is used, where the Data Warehouse and Data Mining steps allied to a Geographic Information System are emphasized. This system presents as objective including several fuel monitoring regions. From different information obtained in the ANP databases, an analysis was carried out and a Data Warehouse model proposed. In the sequel, Data Mining techniques (Principal Component Analysis, Clustering Analysis and Multiple Regression) were applied to the results in order to obtain knowledge (patterns). / O presente trabalho apresenta estudos que visam a implantação de um Sistema Integrado que, além de permitir um melhor monitoramento, praticidade e eficiência, possibilite o controle e otimização de problemas relacionados à indústria de petróleo. Para garantir qualidade e normalização do combustível, é indispensável o desenvolvimento de ferramentas eficientes que permitam o seu monitoramento de qualquer ponto e para qualquer tipo de combustível. Considerando a variedade dos critérios, uma tomada de decisão deve ser baseada na avaliação dos mais variados tipos de dados espaciais e não espaciais. Para isto, é utilizado o Processo de Descoberta de Conhecimento, onde são enfatizadas as etapas de Data Warehouse e Data Mining aliadas ao conceito de um Sistema de Informação Geográfica. O sistema tem por objetivo abranger várias regiões de monitoramento de combustíveis. A partir do levantamento e análise das diferentes informações usadas nos bancos de dados da ANP foi proposto um modelo de data warehouse. Na seqüência foram aplicadas técnicas de mineração de dados (Análise de Componentes Principais, Análise de Agrupamento e Regressão) visando à obtenção de conhecimento (padrões).

Cardinality estimation in ETL processes

Lehner, Wolfgang, Thiele, Maik, Kiefer, Tim 22 April 2022 (has links)
The cardinality estimation in ETL processes is particularly difficult. Aside from the well-known SQL operators, which are also used in ETL processes, there are a variety of operators without exact counterparts in the relational world. In addition to those, we find operators that support very specific data integration aspects. For such operators, there are no well-examined statistic approaches for cardinality estimations. Therefore, we propose a black-box approach and estimate the cardinality using a set of statistic models for each operator. We discuss different model granularities and develop an adaptive cardinality estimation framework for ETL processes. We map the abstract model operators to specific statistic learning approaches (regression, decision trees, support vector machines, etc.) and evaluate our cardinality estimations in an extensive experimental study.

Die Datenbankforschungsgruppe der Technischen Universität Dresden stellt sich vor

Wolfgang, Lehner 27 January 2023 (has links)
Im Herbst 2012 feiert der Lehrstuhl Datenbanken an der Technischen Universität Dresden sein 10-jähriges Bestehen unter der Leitung von Wolfgang Lehner. In diesem Zeitraum wurde die inhaltliche Ausrichtung im Bereich der Datenbankunterstützung zur Auswertung großer Datenbestände weiter fokussiert sowie auf Systemebene deutlich ausgeweitet. Die Forschungsgruppe um Wolfgang Lehner ist dabei sowohl auf internationaler Ebene durch Publikationen und Kooperationen sichtbar als auch in Forschungsverbünden auf regionaler Ebene aktiv, um sowohl an der extrem jungen und agilen Software-Industrie in Dresden zu partizipieren und, soweit eine Forschungsgruppe dies zu leisten vermag, auch unterstützend zu wirken. [Aus: Einleitung]

Duomenų gavimas iš daugialypių šaltinių ir jų struktūrizavimas / Data Mining from Multiple Sources and Structurization

Barauskas, Antanas 19 June 2014 (has links)
Šio darbo idėja yra Išgauti-Pertvarkyti-Įkelti (angl. ETL) principu veikiančios sistemos sukūrimas. Sistema išgauna duomenis iš skirtingo tipo šaltinių, juos tinkamai pertvarko ir tik tuomet įkelia į parinktą saugojimo vietą. Išnagrinėti pagrindiniai duomenų gavimo būdai ir populiariausi šiuo metu ETL įrankiai. Sukurta debesų kompiuterija paremtos daugiakomponentinės duomenų gavimo iš daugialypių šaltinių ir jų struktūrizavimo vieningu formatu sistemos architektūra ir prototipas. Skirtingai nuo duomenis kaupiančių sistemų, ši sistema duomenis išgauna tik tuomet, kai jie reikalingi. Duomenų saugojimui naudojama grafu paremta duomenų bazė, kuri leidžia saugoti ne tik duomenis bet ir jų tarpusavio ryšių informaciją. Darbo apimtis: 48 puslapiai, 19 paveikslėlių, 10 lentelių ir 30 informacijos šaltinių. / The aim of this work is to create ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) system for data extraction from different types of data sources, proper transformation of the extracted data and loading the transformed data into the selected place of storage. The main techniques of data extraction and the most popular ETL tools available today have been analyzed. An architectural solution based on cloud computing, as well as, a prototype of the system for data extraction from multiple sources and data structurization have been created. Unlike the traditional data storing - based systems, the proposed system allows to extract data only in case it is needed for analysis. The graph database employed for data storage enables to store not only the data, but also the information about the relations of the entities. Structure: 48 pages, 19 figures, 10 tables and 30 references.

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