Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] DEGENERATION"" "subject:"[enn] DEGENERATION""
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Diffusion-weighted MRI and delayed contrast enhancement of degenerated intervertebral discNiinimäki, J. (Jaakko) 01 September 2009 (has links)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides methods to study the microstructure and functional properties of tissues that can be utilized to acquire information about the degenerative processes in the spine. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the value of diffusion-weighted MRI and quantification of delayed gadolinium enhancement in assessing intervertebral disc degeneration.
An experimental degeneration model was used to evaluate the sensitivity of diffusion-weighted MRI and T2 relaxation time measurements in detecting early degenerative changes in the disc. In six pigs, an annular disc lesion was induced surgically, after which the discs were repeatedly MR imaged for up to eight weeks. T2 relaxation time of the lesioned discs decreased postoperatively, whereas apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) initially increased, but at eight weeks decreased when compared to the control discs.
The value of ADC in degeneration of human discs was evaluated by imaging 228 voluntary middle-aged men. ADC values of the three lowest lumbar intervertebral discs were measured and disc degeneration was visually graded. The reduction in ADC between visually normal and moderately degenerated discs was 4%, whereas severely degenerated discs showed 5% higher ADC values than normal discs. T2 signal intensity of the discs was significantly correlated with the ADC values. Because of a considerable overlap between ADC values of normal and degenerated discs the clinical relevance of the ADC measurements of lumbar intervertebral discs remains questionable.
A method to quantify delayed enhancement of the nucleus pulposus after intravenous gadolinium contrast agent injection was developed to evaluate the diffusion of small solutes into the disc. Twenty male volunteers were imaged in order to correlate the measured change in the T1 relaxation rate with visually evaluated degenerative changes. The percentual change of T1 relaxation rate for individual discs was up to 126%, and a positive trend was observed between the delayed enhancement and the disc degeneration grades.
In order to study the factors that determine the intensity of delayed enhancement, T1 relaxation rate measurements were further correlated with lumbar artery stenosis, bone marrow changes adjacent to endplates, endplate defects, and ADC of the disc. Lumbar artery stenosis and ADC values of the discs were not correlated with enhancement, while disc space narrowing and the presence of degenerative endplate changes had a strong correlation, suggesting an important role for the endplate in maintaining the integrity of the disc.
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Association of impaired blood supply with painful lumbar disc degenerationKurunlahti, M. (Mauno) 23 May 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of diminished arterial blood flow in painful disc degeneration.
Diffusion in intervertebral discs of 37 asymptomatic adults measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and their lumbar arterial blood supply measured by magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) correlated significantly.
End plate degeneration in intervertebral discs evaluated with MRI was analysed with reference to disc distress evaluated with computed tomography (CT) discography, and a significant correlation between end plate degeneration and disc degeneration was found among 36 low back pain patients. Intradiscal pain caused by discography did not correlate with end plate degeneration.
There were significantly more atheromatous plaques in the abdominal aorta among 29 chronic low back pain patients compared to 52 asymptomatic people, especially in the age group under 50 years.
Occlusion of lumbar arteries in MRA correlated significantly with disc degeneration in MRI among 113 sciatica patients. Furthermore, the disc degeneration and the occlusion of lumbar arteries were severe among 41 sciatica patients and 41 asymptomatic people.
During a three-year follow-up, the occlusion of lumbar arteries in MRA correlated significantly with physical and mental ability measured by a self-efficacy questionnaire at every assessment point (1,2,3 years). Furthermore, the intensity of back pain at 1 year and leg pain at 2 years correlated with the occlusion of lumbar arteries. Re-stenosis of lumbar arteries within 3 years correlated significantly with medical consultations for low back pain, prolonged low back pain and prolonged sciatica during one year before the baseline assessment.
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The heritability and morphology of lumbar Modic changes and their association with painMäättä, J. (Juhani) 15 November 2016 (has links)
Low back pain (LBP) causes enormous costs to society. Certain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings, including disc degeneration and disc herniation, have been associated with LBP in epidemiologic studies. Even though LBP should be considered a biopsychosocial condition, there is a need to define the possible existence of specific pathological conditions beyond LBP. One of these possible conditions is Modic change (MC). Modic changes are subchondral and vertebral bone marrow changes revealed by MRI. Although their association with LBP has been previously studied, some results remain contradictory, and we need to explore MC more thoroughly and to determine whether they are a feature of intervertebral disc degeneration or whether they exist in isolation. Moreover, it is unknown whether heritability is a contributing factor to MC.
This study explored the heritability and morphology of MC and their association with severe, prolonged and disabling LBP. The data consisted of two general population samples, TwinsUK from the United Kingdom (mainly female), and the Hong Kong Disc Degeneration Cohort (HKDDC) from Hong Kong, China. The TwinsUK sample included a longitudinal ten-year follow-up, whereas the HKDDC sample was cross-sectional.
The heritability of MC was found to be 30%. Modic changes were associated with other MRI findings such as disc degeneration, disc displacement and Schmorl’s nodes. A greater size of MC increased these associations. Type 1 MC were more strongly associated with disc displacement and disc degeneration than Modic type 2 change. Modic changes appeared to be independently associated with disabling LBP; severe, prolonged LBP; and back-related disability. Posterior MC and MC in the whole antero-posterior (AP) length of the vertebral body were more strongly associated with severe, prolonged LBP than other MC. A greater number and size of MC increased this association. In terms of disc degeneration, MC were independently associated with loss of disc height and disc signal intensity. Incident MC were independently associated with loss of disc height and disc bulge in a ten-year follow-up.
Modic changes are heritable, and are associated with severe and disabling LBP. The location, size and number of MC affect the association of MC with other MRI findings, LBP and back-related disability. / Tiivistelmä
Alaselkäkivusta aiheutuu valtavat kustannukset yhteiskunnalle. Tietyt magneettikuvauslöydökset, kuten välilevyrappeuma ja välilevytyrä, on yhdistetty alaselkäkipuun epidemiologisissa tutkimuksissa. Alaselkäkipua arvioidaan yleensä biopsykososiaalisen mallin avulla, koska sen syytekijät tunnetaan huonosti. Lannerangan Modic-muutoksia pidetään yhtenä mahdollisena alaselkäkivun syytekijänä. Modic-muutokset ovat rustonalaisia, nikaman luuytimen muutoksia, jotka näkyvät magneettikuvantamisella. Tulokset Modic-muutosten ja alaselkäkivun yhteydestä ovat kuitenkin ristiriitaisia. Modic-muutosten sijainnin, koon ja muodon vaikutus alaselkäkipuun tunnetaan edelleen puutteellisesti. Lisäksi niiden perinnöllisyys on epäselvä.
Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin Modic-muutosten perinnöllisyyttä ja tarkempaa morfologiaa, kuten sijaintia ja kokoa lannerangassa, sekä selvitettiin niiden yhteyttä haittaavaan ja voimakkaaseen alaselkäkipuun. Tutkimus perustui kahteen väestöperäiseen aineistoon: TwinsUK-kaksosaineistoon (pääosin naisia) Yhdistyneistä kuningaskunnista ja Hong Kong Disc Degeneration -kohorttiin Hongkongista, Kiinasta. TwinsUK-aineisto sisälsi seurantatietoja 10 vuoden ajalta, ja Hongkongin aineisto oli kerätty yhdestä aikapisteestä.
Modic-muutosten perinnöllisen osuuden todettiin olevan 30 %. Modic-muutokset olivat yhteydessä muihin magneettikuvauslöydöksiin kuten välilevyrappeumaan, välilevypullistumaan ja Schmorlin keräsiin. Tyypin 1 Modic-muutokset olivat voimakkaammin yhteydessä välilevypullistumiin ja -rappeumaan kuin tyypin 2 muutokset. Modic-muutokset olivat yhteydessä toimintakykyä alentavaan ja voimakkaaseen, pitkittyneeseen alaselkäkipuun. Koko nikaman läpimitan käsittävät ja nikaman takaosassa sijaitsevat muutokset olivat voimakkaammin yhteydessä alaselkäkipuun. Muutosten suurempi koko ja yhteislukumäärä lannerangassa voimistivat sen yhteyttä alaselkäkipuun. Modic-muutokset olivat yhteydessä välilevyn madaltumiseen ja signaali-intensiteetin laskuun. Kymmenen vuoden seuranta-aikana ilmaantuneet Modic-muutokset olivat yhteydessä välilevyn madaltumiseen ja välilevypullistumaan.
Modic-muutokset ovat perinnöllisiä ja ne ovat yhteydessä voimakkaaseen sekä toimintakykyä heikentävään alaselkäkipuun. Muutosten tyypin lisäksi niiden sijainti, koko ja lukumäärä tulee huomioida alaselkäkipua arvioitaessa.
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Cognitive and behavioral characteristics of frontotemporal lobar degenerationSuhonen, N. M. (Noora- Maria) 29 August 2017 (has links)
Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) is the second commonest cause of dementia after Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in patients <65 years. Its most frequent clinical subtype is behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) characterized by behavioral change and executive deficits. FTLD also encompasses two variants of primary progressive aphasia (PPA) characterized by language deficits. The majority of familial FTLD cases are linked to the C9ORF72 expansion mutation.
As both cognitive and behavioral changes are core diagnostic features of FTLD, neuropsychological assessment is vital. However, neuropsychological literature is inconclusive regarding the most functional measures for detecting FTLD. Current knowledge on the cognitive profile of patients with the C9ORF72 expansion is scarce.
The aims of this thesis were threefold: (1) to identify the cognitive measures that optimally serve the differential diagnosis of FTLD, (2) to characterize the neuropsychological profile of C9ORF72 expansion; and (3) to examine the utility of the Modified Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI-mod) in differentiating FTLD, AD, and mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The participants comprised FTLD, AD, and MCI patients diagnosed in the University Hospitals of Oulu and Kuopio. The patients underwent a detailed neuropsychological assessment including the CERAD neuropsychological battery (CERAD-NB) and the FBI-mod.
While bvFTD was characterized by verbal fluency, working memory, and verbal comprehension deficits relative to AD, AD was associated with greater episodic memory impairments. The poorer delayed recall in AD was further evident on the memory tests of the CERAD-NB; however, its overall utility in the differentiation between FTLD and AD was limited. The C9ORF72 expansion carriers showed more severe executive deficits than non-carriers. The C9ORF72 expansion may further be associated with slowly progressing FTLD. On the FBI-mod, bvFTD was linked to amplified behavioral symptoms relative to AD, MCI, and PPA.
Findings highlight the importance of incorporating a broad cognitive battery in the neuropsychological evaluation of FTLD. Though the clinical phenotype of C9ORF72 expansion appears broad, executive impairment likely is a core feature of bvFTD patients with the expansion. The use of the FBI-mod is recommended as a structured measure for behavioral symptoms of bvFTD. / Tiivistelmä
Otsa-ohimolohkorappeumat on Alzheimerin taudin (AT) jälkeen yleisin työikäisten dementiaa aiheuttava sairausryhmä. Sen yleisin alamuoto on otsalohkodementia, jonka ensioireita ovat käyttäytymisen muutokset ja toiminnanohjauksen ongelmat. Sairausryhmään kuuluu myös kaksi kielellisin oirein ilmenevää alatyyppiä. C9ORF72-toistojaksomutaation on todettu selittävän suurimman osan perinnöllisistä tapauksista.
Kognitiivisten ja käyttäytymiseen liittyvien muutosten arvioiminen on keskeinen osa taudin diagnostiikkaa. Tutkimustiedon perusteella on epäselvää, mitkä neuropsykologiset menetelmät soveltuvat parhaiten otsa-ohimolohkorappeumien tunnistamiseen. Tieto C9ORF72-mutaation kantajien kognitiivisesta profiilista on niukkaa.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli löytää neuropsykologisia menetelmiä, joista on hyötyä otsa-ohimolohkorappeumien erotusdiagnostiikassa ja selvittää C9ORF72-mutaation kantajien neuropsykologisia erityispiirteitä. Lisäksi haluttiin tutkia käytösoireita kartoittavan FBI-mod -läheiskyselyn hyödyllisyyttä otsa-ohimolohkorappeumien, AT:n ja lievän kognitiivisen heikentymän (MCI) erottamisessa. Aineisto koostui Oulun ja Kuopion yliopistosairaaloissa diagnosoiduista otsa-ohimolohkorappeuma-, AT- ja MCI-potilaista, joille oli tehty CERAD-tehtäväsarja, laaja neuropsykologinen tutkimus sekä FBI-mod.
Otsalohkodementiaa sairastavat suoriutuivat AT-potilaita heikommin sanasujuvuutta, työmuistia ja kielellistä käsityskykyä arvioivissa tehtävissä, kun taas tapahtumamuisti oli heikompi AT:a sairastavilla. Myös CERAD-tehtäväsarjassa AT-potilaat suoriutuivat heikommin viivästetyn mieleenpalautuksen tehtävissä, mutta kokonaisuutena tehtäväsarjan kyky erotella otsa-ohimolohkorappeumaa ja AT:a sairastavat oli rajallinen. C9ORF72-mutaation kantajilla toiminnanohjauksen ongelmat olivat vaikeampia kuin ei-kantajilla. Lisäksi havaittiin, että C9ORF72-mutaatioon liittyvä sairaus voi edetä hyvin hitaasti. FBI-mod erotteli hyvin otsalohkodementiaa sairastavat AT- ja MCI-potilaista sekä otsa-ohimolohkorappeumien kielellistä muotoa sairastavista.
Tulokset korostavat laajan neuropsykologisen tutkimuksen merkitystä otsa-ohimolohkorappeumien diagnostiikassa. Vaikka C9ORF72-mutaation kliininen kuva on vaihteleva, ovat toiminnanohjauksen ongelmat keskeinen osa taudinkuvaa. FBI-mod -kyselyn käyttö on suositeltavaa otsalohkodementiaan liittyvien käytösoireiden strukturoidussa arvioinnissa.
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Molecular genetics of early-onset Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal lobar degenerationKrüger, J. (Johanna) 19 October 2010 (has links)
Alzheimer's disease (AD) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) are the two most common neurodegenerative diseases leading to early onset dementia (< 65 years). Mutations in the amyloid precursor protein (APP), presenilin 1 (PSEN1) and presenilin 2 (PSEN2) genes cause a proportion of familial early-onset AD (eoAD), while the microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT) and progranulin (PGRN) mutations have been identified in FTLD patients. Only a few PSEN1 and APP mutations have previously been found in Finnish AD patients, and one MAPT mutation in a FTLD family, while the role of PGRN in Finnish FTLD patients is unknown. Increasing evidence suggests that mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress also play an important role in neurodegenerative diseases.
The aim here was to investigate the genetics of eoAD and FTLD in the population of the province of Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland. Sequencing analysis of the APP, PSEN1 and PSEN2 genes was performed to determine whether mutations in these genes could be detected. The MAPT and PGRN genes were analysed in the FTLD patients by sequencing and MAPT haplotypes were determined. The contributions of mtDNA and its maintenance enzymes to eoAD and FTLD were studied by comparing the frequencies of mtDNA haplogroups and their clusters between the patient groups and controls and by screening for the five common POLG1 mutations (T251I, A467T, P587L, W748S, Y955C), two common mtDNA mutations (m.3243A>G, m.8344A>G) and mutations in the PEO1 and ANT1 genes.
This is the first report of a significant association between the mtDNA haplogroup cluster IWX and FTLD. The H2 MAPT haplotype was also associated with FTLD in our cohort. No significant differences in the frequencies of the mtDNA haplogroups were observed between the eoAD patients and controls, nor were there any pathogenic mutations detected in the genes analysed.
The findings suggest that possession of the mtDNA haplogroup cluster IWX and the H2 MAPT haplotype may be possible risk factors for FTLD in our cohort. The absence of any pathogenic mutations in the MAPT, PGRN, APP or PSEN genes in our series, together with the previous reports of only a few mutations found in this region, supports a minor role for these genes in the aetiology of eoAD and FTLD in Northern Ostrobothnia and indicates that this population may have its own genetic features. There may be other, still unknown genetic factors to be discovered, that explain familial diseases in the region.
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Genetic risk factors for intervertebral disc degenerationKelempisioti, A. (Anthi) 23 March 2016 (has links)
Low back pain (LBP) is the leading cause of years lived with disabilities worldwide. Intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration is a strong contributing factor to LBP. Recent studies have shown that genetic determinants contribute markedly to IVD degeneration but knowledge about the actual genes involved as well as their roles is still limited. The aim of this thesis work was to study genetic factors that may predispose to IVD degeneration. Using both family and case-control association study designs, variants in five genes showed association with IVD degeneration on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in a population-based sample and among patients with sciatica due to lumbar disc herniation (LDH).
We performed a candidate gene association study of the known variants implicated in IVD degeneration in a Finnish cohort of 538 young individuals with a moderate degree of lumbar IVD degeneration on MRI. We were able to confirm the associations of variants in the IL6, SKT, and CILP genes, which provides further evidence for true associations. Based on our earlier linkage study in Finnish sciatica families, we performed a candidate gene analysis and identified IL17F as a potential candidate gene. To the best of our knowledge this is the first study to observe an association between this gene and discogenic sciatica. Both IL-6 and IL-17 are pro-inflammatory cytokines with elevated expression levels in herniated tissues, which suggest a role in IVD degeneration. Study of the role of genes coding for inflammatory mediators is of interest as it may contribute to the understanding of the overall inflammatory response of the disc.
In addition, we reported on the involvement of SKT in the etiology of lumbar disc herniation (LDH) both in Japanese and Finnish case-control samples. Experimental studies in mice have shown that Skt homozygous mutants exhibit disc abnormalities resulting in a kinky tale phenotype. We hypothesized that the human homolog SKT could have long-term importance in the onset of IVD degeneration by making the discs more vulnerable. Finally, through linkage studies and in the subsequent association analyses, the role of CHST3 as a novel risk factor for IVD degeneration was identified. CHST3 encodes an enzyme that catalyzes the sulfation of chondroitin, and mutations in this gene are associated with spondylepiphyseal dysplasia and humerospinal dysostosis. In our study, we identified this gene using genome –wide linkage based on data from a Southern Chinese family and speculated that mild CHST3 reduction caused by the reported susceptibility SNP could result in disc degeneration in adults in conjunction with other risk factors.
This thesis provides new information about the genetic background of IVD degeneration and new insights into the etiology of the disease. The specific roles of these genes in the IVD function and pathogenesis of sciatica are not clear however, and need to be elucidated. / Tiivistelmä
Alaselkäkipu on yksi yleisimmistä sairauksista ja johtava syy työkyvyttömyyteen. Välilevyrappeuma myötävaikuttaa merkittävästi alaselän kipuun. Vaikka aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että perintötekijöillä on vahva osuus välilevyrappeumaan, altistavat geenit ja niiden rooli tunnetaan huonosti. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli arvioida tiettyjen perintötekijöiden osuutta välilevyrappeumassa ja tunnistaa taudille altistava geeni perheaineistossa aiemmin havaitulta kromosomialueelta. Aineistoina tutkimuksessa olivat perheaineistot sekä laajat potilas-kontrolliaineistot suomalaisesta ja aasialaisista väestöistä. Tutkimuksessa osoitimme, että perimän vaihtelut viidessä tutkitussa geenissä altistivat erilaisille välilevyrappeuman taudin muodoille.
Tutkimus, jossa analysoimme aiemmin tunnistettuja alttiusgeenejä, vahvisti IL6, SKT ja CILP geenien vaihteluiden osuuden taudin alttiustekijöinä. Tutkimusaineistona oli pohjoissuomalainen syntymäkohortti, jossa välilevyrappeuma oli määritetty magneettikuvauksella (MRI). Suomalaisessa perheaineistossa tehdyn kokogenomin laajuisen kartoituksen pohjalta analysoimme IL17F geenin mahdollisena uutena alttiusgeeninä oireiselle välilevytaudille. Kahdesta geenin variantista koostuva haplotyyppi assosioitui tautiin merkitsevästi.
Lisäksi osoitimme, että SKT-geenin tietty muutos altistaa välilevyn pullistumille sekä japanilaisessa että suomalaisessa potilasaineistossa. Hiirikokeissa on havainnoitu, että SKT-geenin homotsygootti mutaatio johtaa välilevy-poikkeamaan, joka edelleen aiheuttaa hiiren poikkeavan häntäilmiasun-. Hypoteesimme oli, että ihmisen SKT -geeni voi myötävaikuttaa välilevypullistuman kehittymiseen altistamalla välilevyt rappeumalle. Edelleen, laajassa usean populaation aineiston käsittävässä tutkimuksessa osoitimme CHST3-geenin muutoksen altistavan välilevyrappeumalle. Peittyvästi periytyvät muutokset tässä geenissä aiheuttavat perinnöllisiä harvinaisia luusairauksia.
Tämä väitöstutkimus tarjoaa uutta tietoa välilevyrappeuman geneettisestä taustasta ja auttaa taudin syiden tutkintaa. Geenien rooli välilevyn toiminnassa ja muutosten vaikutus taudin kulkuun vaativat kuitenkin vielä lisätutkimuksia.
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Culture and phenotype of canine valvular interstitial cellsHeaney, Allison Mahoney January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Clinical Sciences / Barret J. Bulmer / Degenerative valve disease is the most common cardiac affliction facing our canine population. To date, canine research has focused on characterizing the disease itself and the histopathological features. Because of the ability to routinely repair or replace diseased valves in human medicine, research focus in humans has been on perfecting these techniques rather than elucidating etiology. The recent interest in valvular interstitial cells has been primarily due to their capacity to degrade collagen with the knowledge that disorganized collagen is a hallmark characteristic of degenerative valve disease. In this project, an easily reproducible cell culture protocol for canine valvular interstitial cells was developed. These cells were phenotyped by utilization of RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry. The use of these cells in a research project looking at response to endothelin exposure with and without protection of vitamin E is demonstrated as an example of the unlimited possibilities for these cells to elucidate not only the etiology of the disease process but also the response to therapy.
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Multimodal magnetic resonance imaging of frontotemporal lobar degenerationBeaumont, Helen January 2015 (has links)
Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) is a heterogeneous group of illnesses which can be difficult to diagnose. Modern diagnostic criteria require the presence of imaging abnormalities, but these are not always seen in the early stages of the illness. Hence there is a need to consider the use of more advanced MR techniques. This thesis reports the results of a multimodal MRI study of patients with FTLD, and considers two things: how well data from the different modalities can classify patients, and how well the different modalities can identify affected tissue. FTLD is thought to involve alterations in cerebral blood flow, but it is possible that microvascular changes will alter additional perfusion parameters, such as the time taken for blood to reach the tissue (the arrival time). Multi-time point arterial spin labelling (ASL) measurements have the ability to extract the relevant parameters. I consider the parameters involved in modelling these data, and report the accuracy of cerebral blood flow (CBF) measurement achievable in a clinically acceptable time. FTLD patients have atrophy in the frontal and temporal lobes, regions problematic for MRI because of susceptibility artefacts caused by adjacent air spaces. I consider two ASL MR read-out sequences (gradient-echo and spin-echo)and show that spin-echo images give higher signal in frontal and temporal regions than gradient-echo. ASL, T1-weighted and diffusion-weighted images were collected for a group of 17 FTLD patients and 18 controls. I found decreased CBF in highly atrophied regions of cortical grey matter in patients, but this deficit was not seen when corrected for atrophy. An increased arrival time was seen in regions adjacent to the atrophied regions, but a decreased arrival time was seen in the atrophied regions; this is a novel finding. The diffusion metrics of fractional anisotropy (FA) and particularly mean diffusivity (MD) are found to be highly sensitive to differences in FTLD patients. I speculate that this is an increased sensitivity to atrophy because of the increased signal from cerebrospinal fluid. I combine the regional values of all the modalities in a classification method to distinguish patients from controls, and establish a combination of region and modality that classified 21/22 subjects correctly. This exploratory study is the first time all three modalities have been combined in a study of FTLD patients; it shows that combining MR modalities may lead to improved classification of FTLD patients and better identification of affected tissue.
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Evaluation and application of electroanalysis for the determination of antioxidantsRagubeer, Nasheen January 2007 (has links)
The role of antioxidants in the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases has been well documented. The use of synthetic antioxidants has decreased due to the ssociation of these compounds with certain cancers. Thus, the search for novel natural antioxidants has gained much focus in research. Most common methods of determining antioxidant capacity are the radical generated assays and biological assays such as lipid peroxidation and the nitroblue tetrazolium assay. Electrochemical methods have been proposed for the determination of bio-active compounds such as antioxidants. The electrochemical methods of cyclic voltammetry and square wave voltammetry were evaluated for the determination of antioxidant capacity initially examining known antioxidants and then using plant extracts of Sutherlandia frutescens as a case study. The antioxidant properties determined by electrochemical methods were validated utilising the non-biological methods of the DPPH, TEAC, ferrozine and FC assay and biological pharmacological methods. The results indicated that Sutherlandia frutescens contains potent antioxidant compounds that are able to reduce lipid peroxidation. The electrochemical techniques of square wave voltammetry and cyclic voltammetry were applied for the screening of a large number of extracts of various algae for the detection of antioxidant compounds. The results indicated that electrochemistry can be used as a preliminary method for the rapid screening of a large number of crude samples for antioxidant compounds. Electrochemical methods were also evaluated as a method for guiding the isolation and purification of antioxidant metabolites in Sargassum elegans. Solvent partitioning and fractionation of the marine alga allowed for the purification of antioxidant compounds. At each step of purification electrochemical methods were utilized to determine which fractions contained the more potent antioxidant compounds and thus guide further purification. The purified antioxidant compounds were elucidated using NMR to determine the structure of the antioxidant compounds.
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Neuroprotective mechanisms of nevirapine and efavirenz in a model of neurodegenerationZheve, Georgina Teurai January 2008 (has links)
AIDS Dementia Complex (ADC) is a neurodegenerative disorder implicated in HIV-1 infection that is associated with elevated levels of the neurotoxin, quinolinic acid (QA) which causes a cascade of events to occur, leading to the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), these being ultimately responsible for oxidative neurotoxicity. In clinical studies, Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs), efavirenz (EFV) and nevirapine (NVP) have been shown to potentially delay the progressive degeneration of neurons, thus reducing the frequency and neurological deficits associated with ADC. Despite these neuroprotective implications, there is still no biochemical data to demonstrate the mechanisms through which these agents offer neuroprotection. The present study aims to elucidate and further characterize the possible antioxidant and neuroprotective mechanisms of NVP and EFV in vitro and in vivo, using QA-induced neurotoxicity as a model. Research has demonstrated that antioxidants and metal chelators have the ability to offer neuroprotection against free radical induced injury and may be beneficial in the prevention or treatment of neurodegeneration. Hence the antioxidant and metal binding properties of these agents were investigated respectively. Inorganic studies, including the 1, 1-diphenyl-2 picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay, show that these agents readily scavenge free radicals in vitro, thus postulating the antioxidant property of these agents. The enhancement of superoxide radical generation and iron mediated Fenton reaction by QA is related to lipid peroxidation in biological systems, the extent of which was assayed using the nitroblue tetrazolium and thiobarbituric acid method respectively. Both agents significantly curtail QA-induced lipid peroxidation and potentially scavenge superoxide anions generated by cyanide in vitro. Furthermore, in vivo results demonstrate the ability of NVP and EFV to protect hippocampal neurons against lipid peroxidation induced by QA and superoxide radicals generated as a consequence thereof. The alleviation of QA-induced oxidative stress in vitro possibly occurs through the binding of iron (II) and / or iron (III), and this argument is further strengthened by the ability of EFV and not NVP to reduce iron (II)-induced lipid peroxidation in vitro directly. In addition the ferrozine and electrochemistry assay were used to measure the extent of iron (II) Fe[superscript 2+] and iron (III) Fe[superscript 3+] chelation activity. Both assays demonstrate that these agents bind iron (II) and iron (III), and prevent redox recycling of iron and subsequent complexation of Fe[superscript 2+] with QA which enhances neuronal damage. Both NNRTIs inhibit the endogenous biosynthesis of QA by inhibiting liver tryptophan 2, 3-dioxygenase activity in vivo and subsequently increasing hippocampal serotonin levels. Furthermore, these agents reduce the turnover of hippocampal serotonin to 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid. NVP and not EFV increase 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid and norepinephrine levels in the hippocampus. The results of the pineal indole metabolism study show that NVP increases the synthesis of melatonin, but decreases N-acetylserotonin, 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid and 5-hydroxytryptophol levels. Furthermore, it shows that EFV decreases 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid and melatonin synthesis. Behavioural studies using a Morris water maze show that the post-treatment of rats with NVP and EFV significantly improves QA-induced spatial memory deficits in the hippocampus. This study therefore provides novel information regarding the neuroprotective mechanisms of NVP and EFV. These findings strengthen the argument that these NNRTIs not only have antiviral effects but possess potential neuroprotective properties, which may contribute to the effectiveness of these drugs in the treatment of ADC.
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