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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Boken versus appen, läromedel i olika förpackningar : En komparativ studie av uppgiftsuppbyggnaden i fyra olika stavningsläromedel för åk 1-3 / Book versus app, teaching materials in different packages. : A comparative study of task structure in four different teaching aids for grades 1-3

Hjelmberg, Evelina January 2016 (has links)
This study investigates the similarities and differences that exist between different types of teaching material for spelling in grades 1–3, in book form and digital form. The study focuses on how the teaching material designs tasks and how it corresponds to theories of spelling. The method is comparative analysis of the four analysed teaching aids. In performing this comparison the study proceeds from a theory of the mental lexicon and theories of writing development. The result shows that when the pupils work in both forms of teaching material they get practice in their phonological, semantic, syntactic and orthographical awareness. The analysis reveals a difference between the design of tasks in the book Stava 3 and the digital application Qnoddarnas värld. Through the app and the book the pupils can practise their phonological awareness in different ways. The app speaks the sounds and the words, whereas in the book the pupils themselves make the sounds. The book contains text and pictures, while the app has voices that speak and things that move. In the book there are more difficult tasks in the chapter, in Qnoddarnas värld one is automatically taken to the next level, and in the Stavningslek app the pupil can practise at the same level without being taken further. The study can make teachers aware of what the teaching materials offer, what the pupil is able to practise, and teachers can thus choose the right material for each pupil.


PATRICIA CASTRO FERREIRA 07 August 2013 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo teve por objetivo refletir sobre estratégias para o design de materiais didáticos digitais direcionados à pós-graduação. Inúmeras investigações vêm sendo desenvolvidas sobre planejamento, desenvolvimento, qualidade e avaliação de materiais digitais com fins educacionais. Desses relatos, podemos evidenciar a importância da experimentação para aprimorar conhecimentos, identificar recursos em potencial e desenvolver habilidades para a proposição desses materiais. Sob essa perspectiva, a presente tese abordou o planejamento, a produção e a análise de materiais didáticos digitais para duas disciplinas oferecidas pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Design da PUC-Rio. A pesquisa foi orientada a práticas que promovessem flexibilidade de produção e de uso dos materiais educacionais, permitindo ao professor maior autonomia sobre a sua atividade didática. As duas experiências analisadas apontam para o fato de que não se pode definir um modelo único para atender iniciativas de ensino voltadas para a pós-graduação. Cada demanda requer um planejamento específico, considerando a arquitetura pedagógica e as estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem. A investigação caracterizou-se como uma pesquisa do tipo exploratória com abordagem qualitativa, justificada pelo objeto de estudo que se encontra em um movimento de construção e experimentação a partir da realização de diversas experiências de criação e uso. A pesquisa buscou proporcionar uma ampliação dos referenciais existentes sobre a elaboração e análise de materiais educacionais, assim como contribuir como incentivo à reflexão sobre novos espaços virtuais para a produção de conhecimento na Pós-graduação em Design. / [en] This research had as objective to reflect on strategies for the design of digital learning materials aimed at post-graduate courses. Several investigations have been undertaken on planning, development, quality and evaluation of digital material for educational purposes. From these reports, we highlight the importance of experimentation to enhance knowledge, identify potential resources and skills for the proposition of these materials. From this perspective, this thesis addressed the design, production and analysis of digital learning materials for two courses offered by the Post-graduate Program in Design at PUC-Rio. The research was oriented towards practices that promote flexibility in production and use of educational materials, allowing greater autonomy to the teachers over their teaching activity. The two examined experiments point to the fact that it is not possible to define a single model for addressing educational initiatives aimed at graduate school. Each demand requires a specific plan, considering the pedagogical architecture and strategies for teaching and learning. The investigation was characterized as a exploratory research with qualitative approach, justified by the object of study that is in a movement of construction and experimentation from carrying out various experiments to create and use. The research sought to provide an expansion of existing references on the preparation and analysis of educational materials, as well as contributing as an incentive to reflect on new virtual spaces for the production of knowledge at the Post-graduate in Design.

Hur stor är utvecklingsmöjligheten av procedur- och begreppsförmågan i ett digitalt läromedel? : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys / How much can you develop the procedural and conceptual knowledge through a digital teaching material? : A qualitative content analysis

Jassim, Essma, Repa, Theresa Karolina January 2022 (has links)
Det finns ett stort utbud av digitala läromedel idag vilket kräver ökad kompetens att kunna värdera och välja lämpligt digitalt läromedel till undervisningen. Flera digitala läromedel marknadsförs som program innehållandes färdighetsträning. Färdighetsträning har handlat om att utveckla procedur- och begreppsförmågan frånskilt från de matematiska förmågorna: problemlösnings-, resonemangs- och kommunikationsförmågan.  Enligt forskning främjas utvecklingen av procedur- och begreppsförmågan om de tränas parallellt med de ovan nämnda matematiska förmågorna. Forskare menar att procedur- och begreppsförmågan utvecklas främst genom rika uppgifter där procedurer och begrepp diskuteras. Forskare menar dock att färdighetsträning i digitala läromedel ofta är designade som frågesportslekar vilket tenderar till att enbart främjar ytligt lärande. Forskare säger även att designen i digitala läromedel kan innehålla överflöd av visualiseringar som påverkar koncentrationen negativt. De säger också att återkopplingen oftast kommenterar svarets korrekthet istället för att stödja elevens utveckling av sin matematiska förståelse. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på om det digitala läromedlet Bingel erbjuder färdighetsträning som involverar dessa matematiska förmågor vid träning av procedur- och begreppsförmågan. Vidare undersöks hur designvalet kan påverka utvecklingen av procedur- och begreppsförmågan. För att besvara studiens syfte använder studien två olika ramverk som dels ser till designen av det digitala läromedlet, dels hur det digitala läromedlet involverar matematiska förmågor. Resultatet visar att designen av uppgiftstypen inte involverar fler matematiska förmågor förutom procedur- och begreppsförmågan och träningen av procedurer och begrepp främjar enbart ytligt lärande. Vidare visar designen gällande återkopplingen att den inte uppmuntrar till att utveckla djupare förståelse. / There is a big variety of digital teaching materials today which requires higher digital competence to choose the appropriate digital teaching material for the education. Several digital teaching materials are marketed as containing skills training. Skills training has been about developing procedural and conceptual knowledge apart from the other mathematical competences: communication, reasoning and problem-solving competency. Studies have shown that the development of procedural and conceptual knowledge fosters when practiced parallel with the other mathematical competencies mentioned above. Procedural and conceptual knowledge foster through rich tasks where procedures and concepts are discussed, according to researchers. Furthermore, researchers claim that skills training in digital teaching materials are often designed as pop-quizzes which only foster surface learning. Researchers also claim that the design often contains an abundance of visual effects which can impair concentration. They also say that the feedback given is often in the form of comments on the correctness of the answers rather than the improvement of the student’s own development of mathematical understanding. The purpose of this study is to examine if the digital teaching material Bingel offers skills training that involves these competencies in the practicing of procedural and conceptual knowledge. Furthermore, this study examines if the design can affect the development of the procedural and conceptual knowledge. This study uses two different theoretical frameworks to be able to look into the design of the digital teaching material and also how the mathematical competencies are integrated. Results show that the design of the task does not involve more mathematical competencies other than the procedural and conceptual knowledge which are trained to foster surface learning. Furthermore, the design of the feedback does not foster deeper understanding.

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