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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of primary atomization in sprays using Direct Numerical Simulation

Crialesi Esposito, Marco 21 December 2019 (has links)
[ES] La comprensión de los fenómenos físicos que acontecen en la región densa (también conocida como campo cercano) durante la atomización de los sprays ha sido una de las mayores incógnitas a la hora de estudiar sus aplicaciones. En el sector industrial, el rango de interés abarca desde toberas en aplicaciones propulsivas a sprays en aplicaciones médicas, agrícolas o culinarias. Esta evidente falta de conocimiento obliga a realizar simplificaciones en la modelización, provocando resultados poco precisos y la necesidad de grandes caracterizaciones experimentales en la fase de diseño. De esta manera, los procesos de rotura del spray y atomización primaria se consideran problemas físicos fundamentales, cuya complejidad viene dada como resultado de un flujo multifásico en un régimen altamente turbulento, originando escenarios caóticos. El análisis de este problema es extremadamente complejo debido a la ausencia sustancial de teorías validadas referentes a los fenómenos físicos involucrados como son la turbulencia y la atomización. Además, la combinación de la naturaleza multifásica del flujo y su comportamiento turbulento resultan en una gran dificultad para afrontar el problema. Durante los últimos 10 años, las técnicas experimentales han sido finalmente capaces de visualizar la región densa, pero la confianza, análisis y efectividad de dichos experimentos en esta región del spray todavía requiere de mejoras sustanciales. En este contexto, esta tesis trata de contribuir al entendimiento de estos procesos físicos y de proporcionar herramientas de análisis para estos flujos tan complejos. Para ello, mediante Direct Numerical Simulations se ha afrontado el problema resolviendo las escalas de movimiento más pequeñas, y capturando todas las escalas de turbulencia y eventos de rotura. Uno de los objetivos de la tesis ha sido evaluar la influencia de las condiciones de contorno del flujo entrante en la atomización primaria y en el comportamiento turbulento del spray. Para ello, se han empleado dos condiciones de contorno diferentes. En primer lugar se ha empleado una condición de contorno sintética para producir turbulencia homogenea a la entrada, simulando el comporamiento de la tobera. Una de las características más interesantes de este método es la posibilidad de retocar los parámetros dentro del algoritmo. En particular, la escala de longitud integral se ha variado para evaluar la influencia de las estructuras mas grandes de la tobera en la atomización primaria. El análisis de la condición de contorno sintética también ha permitido el diseño óptimo de simulaciones de las cuales se han derivado estadísticas turbulentas significativas. En este escenario, se han llevado a cabo estudios más profundos sobre la influencia de propiedades de las estructuras turbulentas como la homogeneidad y la anisotropía tanto en el espectro de los flujos como en las estadísticas de las gotas. Para tal fin, se han desarrollado metodologías novedosas para computar el análisis espectral y la estadística de las gotas Entre los resultados de este análisis destaca la independencia de la condición de contorno de entrada en las estadísticas de las gotas, mientras que por otra parte, recalca que las características turbulentas desarrolladas en el interior de la tobera afectan a la cantidad total de masa atomizada. Estas consideraciones se encuentran respaldadas por el análisis espectral realizado, mediante el cuál se concluye que la turbulencia multifásica comparte el comportamiento universal descrito por las teorías de Kolmogorov. / [CAT] La comprensió dels fenòmens físics que succeïxen en la regió densa (també coneguda com a camp pròxim) durant l'atomització dels sprays ha sigut una de les majors incògnites a l'hora d'estudiar les seues aplicacions. En el sector industrial, el rang d'interés comprén des de toveres en aplicacions propulsives a sprays en aplicacions mèdiques, agrícoles o culinàries. Esta evident falta de coneixement obliga a realitzar simplificacions en la modelització, provocant resultats poc precisos i la necessitat de grans caracteritzacions experimentals en la fase de disseny. D'esta manera, els processos de ruptura del spray i atomització primària es consideren problemes físics fonamentals, la complexitat dels quals ve donada com resultat d'un flux multifàsic en un règim altament turbulent, originant escenaris caòtics. L'anàlisi d'este problema és extremadament complex a causa de l'absència substancial de teories validades dels fenòmens físics involucrats com són la turbulència i l'atomització. A més, la combinació de la naturalesa multifàsica del flux i el seu comportament turbulent resulten en una gran dificultat per a afrontar el problema. Durant els últims 10 anys les tècniques experimentals han sigut finalment capaces de visualitzar la regió densa, però la confiança, anàlisi i efectivitat dels experiments en esta regió del spray encara requerix de millores substancials. En este context, esta tesi tracta de contribuir en l'enteniment d'estos processos físics i de proporcionar ferramentes d'anàlisi per a estos fluxos tan complexos. Per a això, per mitjà de Direct Numerical Simulations s'ha afrontat el problema resolent les escales de moviment més menudes, al mateix temps que es capturen totes les escales de turbulència i esdeveniments de ruptura. Un dels objectius de la tesi ha sigut avaluar la influència que les condicions de contorn del flux entrant tenen en l'atomització primària i en el comportament turbulent del spray. Per a això, s'han empleat dos condicions de contorn diferents. En primer lloc s'ha empleat una condició de contorn sintètica per a produir turbulència homogènia a l'entrada, simulant el comportament de la tovera. Una de les característiques més interessants d'este mètod és la possibilitat de retocar els paràmetres dins de l'algoritme. En particular, l'escala de longitud integral s'ha variat per a avaluar la influència de les estructures mes grans de la tovera en l'atomització primària. L'anàlisi de la condició de contorn sintètica també ha permés el disseny òptim de simulacions de les quals s'han derivat estadístiques turbulentes significatives. En este escenari, s'han dut a terme estudis més profunds sobre la influència de propietats de les estructures turbulentes com l'homogeneïtat i l'anisotropia tant en l'espectre dels fluxos com en les estadístiques de les gotes. Per a tal fi, s'han desenrotllat metodologies noves per a computar l'anàlisi espectral i l'estadística de les gotes. Entre els resultats d'esta anàlisi destaca la independència de la condició de contorn d'entrada en les estadístiques de les gotes, mentres que d'altra banda, es recalca que les característiques turbulentes desenrotllades en l'interior de la tovera afecten a la quantitat total de massa atomitzada. Estes consideracions es troben recolzades per l'anàlisi espectral realitzat, per mitjà del qual es conclou que la turbulència multifásica compartix el comportament universal descrit per les teories de Kolmogorov. / [EN] The understanding of the physical phenomena occurring in the dense region (also known as near field) of atomizing sprays has been long seen as one of the biggest unknown when studying sprays applications. The industrial range of interest goes from nozzles in combustion and propulsion applications to medical sprays, agricultural and food process applications. This substantial lack of knowledge is responsible for some important simplification in modeling, that often result to be inaccurate or simply partial, leading to the evident need of large experimental characterization during the design phase. In fact, the spray breakup and primary atomization processes are indeed fundamental problems of physics, which complexity results from the combination of a multiphase flow in a highly turbulent regime that leads to chaotic scenarios. The analysis of this problem is extremely problematic, due to a substantial lack of definitive theories about the physical phenomena involved, namely turbulence and atomization. Furthermore, the combination of the multiphase nature of the flow and its turbulent behavior makes substantially difficult to address the problem. Only within the last 10 years, experimental techniques have been capable of visualizing the dense region, but the experiments reliability, analysis and effectiveness in this region still requires vast improvements. In this scenario, this thesis aims to contribute in the understanding of these physical process and to provide analysis tools for these complex flows. In order to do so, Direct Numerical Simulations have been used for addressing the problem at its smallest scale of motion, while reliably capturing all turbulence scales and breakup events. The multiphase nature of the flow is accounted for by using the Volume of Fluid method. One of the goal of the thesis was to assess the influence of the inflow boundary conditions on the primary atomization and on the spray's turbulence behavior. In order to do so, two different boundary conditions were used. In a first place, a synthetic inflow boundary condition was used in order to produce a homogeneous turbulence inflow, simulating the nozzle behavior. One of the interesting features of this method was the possibility of tweaking the parameters within the algorithm. In particular, the integral length scale was varied in order to assess the influence of nozzle larger turbulent structures on the primary atomization. The analysis on the synthetic boundary condition also allowed to optimally design simulations from which derive meaningful turbulence statistics. On this framework, further studies were carried over on the influence of turbulent structures properties, namely homogeneity and anisotropy, on both the flows spectra and droplets statistics. In order to achieve this goal, novel procedures for both computing the flow spectra and analyzing droplets were developed and are carefully addressed in the thesis. The results of the analysis highlight the independence of droplets statistics from the inflow boundary condition, while, on the other hand, remarking how the total quantity of atomized mass is significantly affected by the turbulence features developed within the nozzle. This considerations are supported by the spectrum analysis performed, which also highlighted how multiphase turbulence shares the universal features described in Kolmogorov theories. / Crialesi Esposito, M. (2019). Analysis of primary atomization in sprays using Direct Numerical Simulation [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/133975 / TESIS

Étude numérique des effets du couplage du rayonnement thermique aux jets turbulents libres de vapeur d'eau / Numerical investigation of the effects of coupled radiative heat transfer on free turbulent jets of water vapor

Mateu armengol, Jan 13 June 2019 (has links)
Le rayonnement thermique joue un rôle important dans un large éventail d'applications de génie thermique comprenant des écoulements turbulents. La motivation principale de cette thèse est le besoin croissant de précision et fiabilité dans les simulations numériques appliqué à ce domaine.Cette thèse s’intéresse tout particulièrement à la compréhension physique de l’impact du rayonnement thermique sur la dynamique des fluides et le transfert thermique, ainsi que de l’influence des fluctuations turbulentes sur le transfert radiatif dans les écoulements à couche de cisaillement.L'objectif de cette thèse est de fournir des données haute-fidélités de jets libres turbulents couplés au rayonnement thermique afin de développer et de valider des modèles turbulents d’écoulements à couche de cisaillement prenant en compte les interactions de couplage. À cette fin, les jets libres turbulents sont décrits par des simulations numériques directes (DNS) couplées à une méthode de Monte-Carlo réciproque pour résoudre l'équation de transfert radiatif. La dépendance spectrale des propriétés radiatives est prise en compte avec la méthode Correlated-k (ck). L'étude numérique est réalisée avec la plus grande fidélité pour être aussi représentative que possible d'un jet réel dans un milieu participatif. La simulation est optimisée en termes de temps de calcul en tirant parti d'une méthode d'accélération appelée Acoustic Speed Reduction et en injectant de la turbulence artificielle pour améliorer les conditions d'entrée.Deux simulations directes de jets chauffés couplés au rayonnement thermique sont réalisées. D'une part, un jet chauffé avec un rayonnement modéré a été simulé et l’analyse de ses données DNS couplées a permis de dériver une nouvelle loi d’échelle pour la décroissance du profil de température. Cette mise à l'échelle rend compte des effets de la densité modifiée due à un rayonnement modéré. De plus, cela permet de distinguer si le rayonnement thermique modifie ou non la nature des mécanismes de transfert thermique dans la région développée du jet. D'autre part, un jet libre fortement chauffé a été calculé afin de quantifier les effets du rayonnement sur les champs de température et de vitesse moyens ainsi que sur les moments de second ordre.Outre les données DNS couplées, un solver RANS pour les écoulements à densité variable couplé au rayonnement thermique a été développé au cours de cette thèse. L'objectif était de quantifier directement la précision des modèles turbulents existants et d'identifier les paramètres clés pour une modélisation plus poussée des interactions de couplage. / Radiation plays an important role in a broad range of thermal engineering applications comprising turbulent flows. The growing need for accurate and reliable numerical simulations to support the design stages of such applications is the main motivation of this thesis.Of special interest in this work are the free-shear flows and the fundamental understanding of how radiation can modify their fluid dynamics and heat trans- port as well as how their turbulence fluctuations can alter radiative transfer. The goal of this thesis is to provide high-fidelity data of turbulent free jets coupled with thermal radiation in order to develop and validate free-shear turbulent models accounting for coupling interactions. To this end, turbulent free jets are described by direct numerical simulations (DNS) coupled to a reciprocal Monte- Carlo method to solve the radiative transfer equation. The spectral dependency of the radiative properties is accounted for with an accurate Correlated-k (ck) method. The numerical study is carried out with state-of-the-art fidelity to be as representative as possible of an actual jet in a participating medium. The simulation is optimized in terms of processing time taking advantage of an acceleration method called Acoustic Speed Reduction and by injecting artificial turbulence to enhance inlet boundaries.Two direct simulations of heated jets coupled with thermal radiation are carried out. On the one hand, a heated jet with moderate radiation is simulated. The analysis of its high-fidelity coupled DNS data has allow to derive a new scaling law for the decay of the temperature profile. This scaling accounts for the effects of modified density due to moderate radiation. Moreover, it allows for distinguishing whether thermal radiation modifies the nature of heat transfer mechanisms in the jet developed region or not. On the other hand, a strongly heated free jet is computed in order to quantify the effects of radiation on mean temperature and velocity fields as well as on second order moments.Besides the coupled DNS data, a RANS solver for variable-density flows coupled with thermal radiation has been implemented during the course of this thesis. The goal is to directly quantify the accuracy of the existing turbulent models, and to identify key parameters for further modeling of coupling interactions.

Universality of Kolmogorov's Cascade Picture in Inverse Energy Cascade Range of Two-dimensional turbulence / 2次元乱流のエネルギー逆カスケード領域における、コルモゴロフのカスケード描像の普遍性について

Mizuta, Atsushi 23 May 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第18446号 / 理博第4006号 / 新制||理||1578(附属図書館) / 31324 / 京都大学大学院理学研究科物理学・宇宙物理学専攻 / (主査)准教授 藤 定義, 教授 佐々 真一, 教授 早川 尚男 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Numerical Investigation of Combustion Noise of Turbulent Flames / 数値解析による乱流火炎の燃焼騒音に関する研究

Abhishek, Lakshman Pillai 26 March 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第21100号 / 工博第4464号 / 新制||工||1694(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科機械理工学専攻 / (主査)教授 黒瀬 良一, 教授 中部 主敬, 教授 吉田 英生 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

Phenomenological identification of bypass transition onset markers using temporal direct numerical simulation of flat plate boundary layer

Muthu, Satish 07 August 2020 (has links)
Temporally developing direct numerical simulations (T-DNS) are performed and validated for bypass transition of a zero pressure gradient flat plate boundary layer to understand the interplay between pressure-strain terms and flow instability mechanisms, and to propose and validate a phenomenological hypothesis for the identification of a robust transition onset marker for use in transition-sensitive Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Results show that transition initiates at a location where the slow pressure-strain term becomes more dominant than the rapid term in the pre-transitional boundary layer region. The slow pressure strain term is responsible for the transfer of turbulence energy from the streamwise component to other components while the rapid pressure strain term counteracts with the slow term in the pre-transitional regime before transition onset akin to a shear sheltering like effect. The relative magnitudes of the slow and rapid terms thus provide a basis for the development of physically meaningful large-scale parameters that can be used as a transition onset marker for Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes RANS simulations.

Particles and Bubbles Collisions Frequency in Homogeneous Turbulence and Applications to Minerals Flotation Machines

Fayed, Hassan El-Hady Hassan 20 January 2014 (has links)
The collisions frequency of dispersed phases (particles, droplets, bubbles) in a turbulent carrier phase is a fundamental quantity that is needed for modeling multiphase flows with applications to chemical processes, minerals flotation, food science, and many other industries. In this dissertation, numerical simulations are performed to determine collisions frequency of bi-dispersed particles (solid particles and bubbles) in homogeneous isotropic turbulence. Both direct numerical simulations (DNS) and Large Eddy simulations (LES) are conducted to determine velocity fluctuations of the carrier phase. The DNS results are used to validate existing theoretical models as well as the LES results. The dissertation also presents a CFD-based flotation model for predicting the pulp recovery rate in froth flotation machines. In the direct numerical simulations work, particles and bubbles suspended in homogeneous isotropic turbulence are tracked and their collisions frequency is determined as a function of particle Stokes number. The effects of the dispersed phases on the carrier phase are neglected. Particles and bubbles of sizes on the order of Kolmogorov length scale are treated as point masses. Equations of motion of dispersed phases are integrated simultaneously with the equations of the carrier phase using the same time stepping scheme. In addition to Stokes drag, the pressure gradient in the carrier phase and added-mass forces are also included. The collision model used here allows overlap of particles and bubbles. Collisions kernel, radial relative velocity, and radial distribution function found by DNS are compared to theoretical models over a range of particle Stokes number. In general, good agreement between DNS and recent theoretical models is obtained for radial relative velocity for both particle-particle and particle-bubble collisions. The DNS results show that around Stokes number of unity particles of the same group undergo expected preferential concentration while particles and bubbles are segregated. The segregation behavior of particles and bubbles leads to a radial distribution function that is less than one. Existing theoretical models do not account for effects of this segregation behavior of particles and bubbles on the radial distribution function. In the large-eddy simulations efforts, the dissertation addresses the importance of the subgrid fluctuations on the collisions frequency and investigates techniques for predicting those fluctuations. The cases studied are of particles-particles and particles-bubbles collisions at Reynolds number Re<sub>λ</sub> = 96. A study is conducted first by neglecting the effects of subgrid velocity fluctuations on particles and bubbles motions. It is found that around Stokes number of unity solid particles of the same group undergo the well known preferential concentration as observed in the DNS. Effects of pressure gradient on the particles are negligible due to their small sizes. Bubbles as a low inertia particles are very sensitive to subgrid velocity and acceleration fields where the effects of pressure gradient in the carrier phase are dominant. However, particle-bubble radial distribution functions from LES are not as low as that from DNS. To account for the effects of subgrid field on the dispersion of particles and bubbles, a new multifractal methodology has been developed to construct a subgrid vorticity field from the resolved vorticity field in frame work of LES. A Poisson's solver is used to obtain the subgrid velocity field from the subgrid vorticity field. Accounting for the subgrid velocity fluctuations (but neglecting pressure gradient) produced minor changes in the radial distribution function for particle-particle and particle-bubble collisions. We conclude from this study that for accurate particle tracking in LES the subgrid velocity fluctuations must be dynamically realizable field (temporally and spatially correlated with the large scale motion). Adding random SGS velocity fluctuations is not enough to capture the correct radial distribution functions of dispersed phases especially for bubbles-particles collisions where the pressure gradient term ( or acceleration Du<sub>f</sub>′/Dt) is responsible for particle-bubble segregation around particle Stokes number near one. A CFD-based model for minerals flotation machines has been developed in this dissertation. The objective of flotation models is to predict the recovery rate of minerals from a flotation cell. The developed model advances the state-of-the-art of pulp recovery rate prediction by incorporating validated theoretical collisions frequency models and detailed hydrodynamics from two-phase flow simulations. Spatial distributions of dissipation rate and air volume fraction are determined by the two-phase hydrodynamic simulations. Knowing these parameters throughout the machine is essential in understanding the effectiveness of different components of flotation machine (rotor, stator or disperser, jets) on the flotation efficiency. The developed model not only predicts the average pulp recovery rate but also it indicates regions of high/low recovery rates. The CFD-based flotation model presented here can be used to determine the dependence of recovery rate constant at any locality within the pulp based on particle diameter, particle specfic gravity, contact angle, and surface tension. / Ph. D.

Edge states and transition to turbulence in boundary layers

Khapko, Taras January 2016 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is the numerical study of subcritical transition to turbulence in boundary-layer flows. For the most part, boundary layers with uniform suction are considered. Constant homogeneous suction counteracts the spatial growth of the boundary layer, rendering the flow parallel. This enables research approaches which are not feasible in the context of spatially developing flows. In the first part, the laminar–turbulent separatrix of the asymptotic suction boundary layer (ASBL) is investigated numerically by means of an edge-tracking algorithm. The obtained edge states experience recurrent dynamics, going through calm and bursting phases. The self-sustaining mechanism bears many similarities with the classical regeneration cycle of near-wall turbulence. The recurrent simple structure active during calm phases is compared to the nucleation of turbulence events in bypass transition originating from delocalised initial conditions. The implications on the understanding of the bypass-transition process and the edge state's role are discussed. Based on this understanding, a model is constructed which predicts the position of the nucleation of turbulent spots during free-stream turbulence induced transition in spatially developing boundary-layer flow. This model is used together with a probabilistic cellular automaton (PCA), which captures the spatial spreading of the spots, correctly reproducing the main statistical characteristics of the transition process. The last part of the thesis is concerned with the spatio-temporal aspects of turbulent ASBL in extended numerical domains near the onset of sustained turbulence. The different behaviour observed in ASBL, i.e. absence of sustained laminar–turbulent patterns, which have been reported in other wall-bounded flows, is associated with different character of the large-scale flow. In addition, an accurate quantitative estimate for the lowest Reynolds number with sustained turbulence is obtained / <p>QC 20160429</p>

Study of generation, growth and breakdown of streamwise streaks in a Blasius boundary layer.

Brandt, Luca January 2001 (has links)
<p>Transition from laminar to turbulent flow has beentraditionally studied in terms of exponentially growingeigensolutions to the linearized disturbance equations.However, experimental findings show that transition may occuralso for parameters combinations such that these eigensolutionsare damped. An alternative non-modal growth mechanism has beenrecently identified, also based on the linear approximation.This consists of the transient growth of streamwise elongateddisturbances, mainly in the streamwise velocity component,called streaks. If the streak amplitude reaches a thresholdvalue, secondary instabilities can take place and provoketransition. This scenario is most likely to occur in boundarylayer flows subject to high levels of free-stream turbulenceand is the object of this thesis. Different stages of theprocess are isolated and studied with different approaches,considering the boundary layer flow over a flat plate. Thereceptivity to free-stream disturbances has been studiedthrough a weakly non-linear model which allows to disentanglethe features involved in the generation of streaks. It is shownthat the non-linear interaction of oblique waves in thefree-stream is able to induce strong streamwise vortices insidethe boundary layer, which, in turn, generate streaks by thelift-up effect. The growth of steady streaks is followed bymeans of Direct Numerical Simulation. After the streaks havereached a finite amplitude, they saturate and a new laminarflow, characterized by a strong spanwise modulation isestablished. Using Floquet theory, the instability of thesestreaks is studied to determine the features of theirbreakdown. The streak critical amplitude, beyond which unstablewaves are excited, is 26% of the free-stream velocity. Theinstability appears as spanwise (sinuous-type) oscillations ofthe streak. The late stages of the transition, originating fromthis type of secondary instability, are also studied. We foundthat the main structures observed during the transition processconsist of elongated quasi-streamwise vortices located on theflanks of the low speed streak. Vortices of alternating signare overlapping in the streamwise direction in a staggeredpattern.</p><p><strong>Descriptors:</strong>Fluid mechanics, laminar-turbulenttransition, boundary layer flow, transient growth, streamwisestreaks, lift-up effect, receptivity, free-stream turbulence,nonlinear mechanism, streak instability, secondary instability,Direct Numerical Simulation.</p> / QC 20100518

Impact of the chemical description on direct numerical simulations and large eddy simulations of turbulent combustion in industrial aero-engines / Impact de la description chimique dans une simulation numérique directe et une simulation aux grandes échelles de la combustion turbulente dans des foyers aéronautiques

Franzelli, Benedetta Giulia 19 September 2011 (has links)
Le développement de nouvelles technologies pour le transport aérien moins polluant est de plus en plus basé sur la simulation numérique, qui nécessite alors une description fiable de la chimie. Pour la plupart des carburants, la description de la combustion nécessite des mécanismes détaillés mais leur utilisation dans une simulation numérique de combustion turbulente est limitée par le coût calcul. Des mécanismes cinétiques réduits et des méthodes de tabulation ont été proposés pour surmonter ce problème. Ces descriptions chimiques simplifiées ayant été développées dans le cadre de configurations laminaires, cette thèse propose de les évaluer dans des configurations turbulentes: une DNS de flamme prémélangée méthane/air de type Bunsen et une LES d’un brûleur expérimental. Les mécanismes sont analysés en termes de structure de flamme, paramètres de flamme globaux, longuer de flamme, prediction des concentrations en espèces majoritaires et des émissions polluantes. Une méthodologie pour évaluer a priori la capacité d’un mécanisme à prédire correctement des phénomènes chimiques tridimensionnels est proposée en se basant sur les résultats de flammes laminaires monodimensionnelles non étirées et étirées. Il ressort que, d’une part, pour construire un mécanisme réduit, il est nécessaire de faire un compromis entre coût calcul, robustesse et qualité des résultats. D’autre part, la qualité des résultats de DNS et LES de configurations tridimensionnelles turbulentes peut être anticipée par une analyse du comportement des schémas réduits dans des configurations simplifiées de flammes monodimensionnelles laminaires non étirées et étirées. / A growing need for numerical simulations based on reliable chemistries has been observed in the last years in order to develop new technologies which could guarantee the reduction of the enviromental impact on air transport. The description of combustion requires the use of detailed kinetic mechanisms for most hydro-carbons. Their use in turbulent combustion simulation is still prohibitive because of their high computational cost. Reduced chemistries and tabulation methods have been proposed to over-come this problem. Since all these reductions have been developed for laminar configurations, this thesis proposes to evaluate their performances in simulations of turbulent configurations such as a DNS of a premixed Bunsen methane/air flame and a LES of an experimental PREC-CINSTA burner. The mechanisms are analysed in terms of flame structure, global burning parameters, flame length, prediction of major species concentrations and pollutant emissions. An a priori methodology based on one-dimensional unstrained and strained laminar flames to evaluate the mechanism capability to predict three-dimensional turbulent flame features is therefore proposed. On the one hand when building a new reduced scheme, its requirements should be fixed compromising the computational cost, the robustness of the chemical description and the desired quality of results. On the other hand, the quality of DNS or LES results in three-dimensional configurations could be anticipated testing the reduced mechanism on laminar one-dimensional premixed unstrained and strained flames.

Unsteady Numerical Simulations of Transcritical Turbulent Combustion in Liquid Rocket Engines / Simulations Numériques Instationnaires de la combustion turbulente et transcritique dans les moteurs cryotechniques

Ruiz, Anthony 09 February 2012 (has links)
Ces cinquantes dernières années, la majorité des paramètres de conception des moteurs cryotechniques ont été ajustés en l'absence d'une compréhension détaillée des phénomènes de combustion, en raison des limites des diagnostiques expérimentaux et des capacités de calcul. L'objectif de cette thèse est de réaliser des simulations numériques instationnaires d'écoulements réactifs transcritiques de haute fidélité, pour permettre une meilleure compréhension de la dynamique de flamme dans les moteurs cryotechniques et finalement guider leur amélioration. Dans un premier temps, la thermodynamique gaz-réel et son impact sur les schémas numériques sont présentés. Comme la Simulation aux Grandes Echelles (SGE) comporte des équations filtrées, les effets de filtrages induits par la thermodynamique gaz-réel sont ensuite mis en évidence dans une configuration transcritique type et un opérateur de diffusion artificiel, spécifique au gaz réel, est proposé pour lisser les gradients transcritiques en SGE. Dans un deuxième temps, une étude fondamentale du mélange turbulent et de la combustion dans la zone proche-injecteur des moteurs cryotechniques est menée grâce à la Simulation Numérique Directe (SND). Dans le cas non-réactif, les lâchers tourbillonnaires dans le sillage de la lèvre de l’injecteur jouent un rôle majeur dans le mélange turbulent et provoquent la formation de structures en peigne déjà observées expérimentalement dans des conditions similaires. Dans le cas réactif, la flamme reste attachée à la lèvre de l'injecteur, sans extinction locale, et les structures en peigne disparaissent. La structure de flamme est analysée et différents modes de combustion sont identifiés. Enfin, une étude de flamme-jet transcritique H2/O2, accrochée à un injecteur coaxial avec et sans retrait interne, est menée. Les résultats numériques sont d'abord validés par des données expérimentales pour l'injecteur sans retrait. Ensuite, la configuration avec retrait est comparée à la solution de référence sans retrait et à des données experimentales pour observer les effets de ce paramètre de conception sur l'efficacité de combustion. / In the past fifty years, most design parameters of the combustion chamber of Liquid Rocket Engines (LREs) have been adjusted without a detailed understanding of combustion phenomena, because of both limited experimental diagnostics and numerical capabilities. The objective of the present thesis work is to conduct high-fidelity unsteady numerical simulations of transcritical reacting flows, in order to improve the understanding of flame dynamics in LRE, and eventually provide guidelines for their improvement. First real-gas thermodynamics and its impact on numerical schemes are presented. As Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) involves filtered equations, the filtering effects induced by real-gas thermodynamics are then highlighted in a typical 1D transcritical configuration and a specific real-gas artificial dissipation is proposed to smooth transcritical density gradients in LES. Then, a Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) study of turbulent mixing and combustion in the near-injector region of LREs is conducted. In the non-reacting case, vortex shedding in the wake of the lip of the injector is shown to play a major role in turbulent mixing, and induces the formation of finger-like structures as observed experimentally in similar operating conditions. In the reacting case, the flame is attached to the injector rim without local extinction and the finger-like structures disappear. The flame structure is analyzed and various combustion modes are identified. Finally, a LES study of a transcritical H2/O2 jet flame, issuing from a coaxial injector with and without inner recess, is conducted. Numerical results are first validated against experimental data for the injector without recess. Then, the recessed configuration is compared to the reference solution and to experimental results, to scrutinize the effects of this design parameter on combustion efficiency.

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