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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mathematical Expression Detection and Segmentation in Document Images

Bruce, Jacob Robert 19 March 2014 (has links)
Various document layout analysis techniques are employed in order to enhance the accuracy of optical character recognition (OCR) in document images. Type-specific document layout analysis involves localizing and segmenting specific zones in an image so that they may be recognized by specialized OCR modules. Zones of interest include titles, headers/footers, paragraphs, images, mathematical expressions, chemical equations, musical notations, tables, circuit diagrams, among others. False positive/negative detections, oversegmentations, and undersegmentations made during the detection and segmentation stage will confuse a specialized OCR system and thus may result in garbled, incoherent output. In this work a mathematical expression detection and segmentation (MEDS) module is implemented and then thoroughly evaluated. The module is fully integrated with the open source OCR software, Tesseract, and is designed to function as a component of it. Evaluation is carried out on freely available public domain images so that future and existing techniques may be objectively compared. / Master of Science

The development of a web based designer for simulating dynamic system by remotely accessing MATLAB using java and XML

Chan, Wai Lun 01 January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Shared mental models as a cultural phenomenon : fact or fiction? Using the card-sorting method to investigate the shared mental models of web users

Vorster, Lize 03 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MPhil (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study, the mental models of the target audience of the FACT web site (official Stellenbosch University HIV/Aids web site) were investigated and compared with the structure of the web site (representing the mental model of the expert). The target audience were divided into six groups representing three different race groups (white, coloured and black) and the two sexes (male and female).

Die invloed van die Universiteit Stellenbosch se jaarboeke op die beeld van die Universiteit

Gous, Chantelle 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study the focus is on the yearbooks of the Stellenbosch University with spesific reference to the consumer friendliness thereof. The researcher focused on the General Yearbook as well as an extract from the Humanities Yearbook of the Stellenbosch University. The goals of this study is to firstly determine (a) what is the present image that prospective students have of the Stellenbosch University, (b) if the SU Yearbooks have any impact on the image formation of these prospective students and (c) if so, what is the exact impact of the yearbooks on the image formation process of these students and how can it be improved. There are five important factors that measure the consumer friendliness of a document. These factors refer to the physical access to a document, the external structure, the ergonomy of a document, the style of writing and the cognitive access (understanding) of the text. These factors are closely tied to each other, but for the sake of this study, the researcher decided to focus only on the factors that directly influence the consumer friendliness of a document. The researcher decided on four stylistic aspects that influence the consumer friendliness of a document. These refer, firstly, to the external structure of a document with specific reference to the margins, headings and paragraphs in the chosen document. Secondly, the focus is on the information distribution of the document, i.e. the organisation and representation of information. The third aspect refers to forms of address in the document including both references to the writer as well as to the reader. The last aspect that is researched in this study is the style concept of formality. The researcher primarily focuses on difficult words and phrases in the text as well as the use of passive and active sentence constructions. The researcher also tests the concept of consumer-friendliness with a usability test based on an extract taken out of the Yearbook of Humanities. The researcher’s hypothesis claimes that the yearbooks of the Stellenbosch University are not consumer-friendly and that this can have a negative influence on the image that the prospective student forms of the SU. By determining this perception under the prospective students in the study, the researcher could find a suitable solution from the results to improve the image that the current documentation reflects and also to help the yearbooks of the SU fulfill its purpose which is to serve as an accessible information guide that is consumer-friendly. The Integrated Model for Formation and Projection, the IFP-model, on which this study is based, determines that different messages in a document can have an effect on the image of an institution. These messages can however be manipulated in order to determine or adjust the image of an institution. 123 respondents from the Paarl Gymnasium High School and Luckhoff High took part in this study. Gender and race were incorporated as independent variables in the study. These respondents’ attitudes were measured by means of questionnaires as the primary methodology. Statistical methods were used in order to determine the results from the questionnaires and to identify certain tendencies from the research. The results show that prospective students show a preference for yearbooks that are more consumer-friendly. As the hypothesis predicted, prospective students have a very positive image of the Stellenbosch University. After the introduction to the yearbooks, these images changed to a more neutral, and even in some cases to a more negative image of the University. By means of testing the different style aspects in this study, the researcher also concluede that the respondents preferred a more people-oriented and consumer-friendly yearbook. The respondents in this study had a definite preference for a yearbook which is more consumer-friendly en that therefore have a more positive influence on the image of the University. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie word daar gefokus op die jaarboeke van die Universiteit Stellenbosch met spesifieke verwysing na die gebruikersvriendelikheid daarvan. Die navorser het gefokus op die Algemene Jaarboek en ’n uittreksel uit die Jaarboek Lettere en Wysbegeerte van die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Die doelwitte van hierdie studie is om te bepaal wat is (a) voornemende studente se huidige beeld van die Universiteit Stellenbosch, (b) of die US-jaarboeke enige invloed het op die beeldvormingsproses (van die US) van hierdie voornemende studente en (c) indien wel, wat is die uitwerking van die jaarboeke op die beeldvormingsprosesse en hoe kan dit verbeter word? Daar is vyf belangrike faktore waaraan die gebruikersvriendelikheid van ‘n teks gemeet kan word. Hierdie faktore verwys na die fisiese toegang tot die dokument, die uiterlike struktuur, die ergonomie van die dokument, die skryfstyl en laastens die kognitiewe toegang (verstaanbaarheid) van die teks. Die faktore hou sterk verband met mekaar, maar vir die doeleindes van hierdie studie het die navorser haar studie beperk tot slegs die faktore wat die gebruikersvriendelikheid van die teks beïnvloed, sowel as die faktore wat ‘n invloed het op die beeldvormingswaarde van ‘n teks. Die navorser het vier stilistiese aspekte gekies wat met die gebruikersvriendelikheid van ’n dokument verband hou. Hierdie vier aspekte verwys eerstens na die uiterlike struktuur van ’n teks met spesifieke verwysing na die kantlyne, opskrifte en paragrawe van die betrokke dokument. Die tweede aspek verwys na die inligtingsverspreiding van die dokument en dit behels die organisering en voorstelling van inligting in die betrokke dokument. Die derde aspek verwys na die aanspreekvorme in die dokument met spesiale fokus op die aanspreekvorme wat verwys na die leser asook dié wat verwys na die skrywer. Laastens, word die stylaspek formaliteit ook in hierdie studie bespreek deur te fokus op moeilike woorde en frases asook passief- en aktiefkonstruksies in die dokument. Die aspek gebruikersvriendelikheid word in geheel getoets deur die respondente bloot te stel aan ’n tipe begripstoets en sodoende te bepaal of die dokument gebruikersvriendelik is vir voornemende studente. Die navorser se hipotese in die studie was dat die jaarboeke van die US nie so gebruikersvriendelik is nie en dat dit ‘n negatiewe impak kan hê op die beeld wat die voornemende student van die US vorm. Deur hierdie persepsie te kon vasstel onder voornemende studente, kon die navorser uit die resultate ‘n werkbare oplossing kry om die beeld wat die dokumentasie tans skep te verbeter en ook om die US-jaarboek in sy doel te laat slaag – om ‘n toeganklike inligtingsgids te wees wat gebruikersvriendelik is. Die studie word gegrond op die Geïntegreerde Kommunikasiemodel vir Beeldvorming en -projeksie (Integrated Model for Formation and Projection, kortweg die IFP-model genoem). Hierdie model beweer dat verskillende deelboodskappe in ’n dokument ’n effek het op die beeld van die instansie. Hierdie boodskappe kan egter deur middel van dokumentontwerp-aspekte gemanipuleer word ten einde die beeld van die instansie te bepaal of te verstel. 123 respondente uit twee skole, naamlik Hoërskool Paarl Gimnasium en Hoërskool Luckhoff, het in hierdie studie deelgeneem. Geslag en ras is as onafhanklike veranderlikes in die studie in berekening gebring. Respondente se houdings is getoets met vraelyste as die primêre metodologie. Statistiese metodes is aangewend om die resultate van die vraelyste te verwerk en op grond daarvan is sekere tendense geïdentifiseer. Die resultate toon dat voornemende studente ’n voorkeur het vir ’n Jaarboek wat meer gebruikersvriendelik is. Soos die hipotese bepaal het, was voornemende studente se houdings teenoor die US baie positief. Na kennismaking met die US Jaarboeke, het hierdie beeld meer neutraal en in somminge gevalle meer negatief geword. Deur die verskillende stylaspekte te toets, kon die navorser ook bepaal dat die respondente ’n meer mensgerigte en gebruikersvriendelike Jaarboek verkies. Die respondente wat aan hierdie studie deelgeneem het verkies dus ’n Jaarboek wat meer gebruikersvriendelik is en wat sodoende ’n meer positiewe invloed sal hê op die beeld van die Universiteit Stellenbosch.

Die invloed van mediaberiggewing op die beeldvormingsprosesse van die NG Kerk : 'n ondersoek na die uitwerking van mediaberigte op lidmate se beeld van die NG Kerk

Smith, Elna 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study determines whether media reporting has any influence on members’ image formation processes of the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC). The aim of this study was (a) to determine respondents’ attitudes towards the Church, (b) to determine respondents’ image of the Church, (c) to establish whether media reporting has any influence on members’ image formation of the DRC, and (d) to define such influence, if any. This study is based on the Integrated Communication Model for Image Formation and Projection (the IFP model) as theoretical foundation. The IFP model suggests that certain document design aspects, such as content, style, structure and graphics, may influence a company or organisation’s image. Following on the IFP model this study determined the effect that rhetorical content devices in media reports have on DRC members’ image of the Church. The rhetorical devices that were analysed are direct criticism, contrast, laden words, implication phenomena, sarcasm and insinuation. The study investigated how these rhetorical devices are employed to have a harmful effect on the image of the DRC. A total of 127 respondents, all of them DRC members, were selected from four congregations in the Boland region. The congregations are situated in Worcester (rural), Malmesbury (semi-rural), Paarl (semi-urban) and Durbanville (urban). Gender and age were incorporated as independent variables of this study. Members’ attitude and image with regard to the DRC and media reporting were determined by means of a questionnaire survey as primary methodology, while the possible influence of media reporting was established through a text analysis (rhetorical discourse analysis, or RDA) – another primary methodology. Professor Martin Kidd from Stellenbosch University’s Centre for Statistical Consultation prepared the statistical processing of the survey responses. The results are depicted by means of histograms and other statistical methods. The results show that members’ attitudes towards, and image of, the Church are less positive than what the Church may have hoped for: Members generally have a cautiously positive image of the Church. In addition, results indicate that media reporting does indeed influence the image formation processes of the DRC; that this influence is negative, and that it contributes to a less positive image of the Church. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie bepaal of mediaberiggewing enige invloed op die beeldvormingsprosesse van individue van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde (NG) Kerk het. Die doel van die ondersoek was (a) om respondente se houding teenoor die Kerk te bepaal, (b) om respondente se beeld van die NG Kerk te bepaal, (c) om vas te stel of mediaberiggewing enige invloed op lidmate se beeldvormingsprosesse van die NG Kerk het, en (d) om sodanige invloed, indien enige, te omskryf. Die Geïntegreerde Kommunikasiemodel vir Beeldvorming en -projeksie, oftewel die IFPmodel (“Integrated Communication Model for Image Formation and Projection”), is die teoretiese model waarbinne die studie uitgevoer sal word. Die IFP-model beweer dat sekere dokumentontwerpaspekte, soos inhoud, styl, struktuur en grafika, ʼn instansie se beeld kan beïnvloed. Na aanleiding hiervan het dié studie dus die uitwerking van inhoudelike retoriese meganismes in mediaberigte op NG Kerk-lidmate se beeld van die Kerk bepaal. Die retoriese meganismes wat ontleed is, is direkte kritiek, kontras, gelade woorde, implikasieverskynsels, sarkasme en insinuasie. Daar is ondersoek ingestel na hoe hierdie retoriese meganismes aangewend word om die beeld van die NG Kerk negatief te beïnvloed. Altesaam 127 respondente, almal NG Kerk-lidmate, is uit vier gemeentes in die Bolandomgewing gekies. Die gemeentes is geleë in Worcester (platteland), Malmesbury (semiplatteland), in die Paarl (semistad) en Durbanville (stad). Geslag en ouderdom is as onafhanklike veranderlikes in aanmerking geneem. Lidmate se houding en beeld ten opsigte van die NG Kerk en mediaberiggewing is deur middel van ʼn vraelysondersoek as primêre metodologie bepaal, terwyl die moontlike invloed van die mediaberigte met behulp van ʼn teksanalise (retoriese diskoersanalise, of RDA) – nóg ʼn primêre metodologie – ontleed is. Prof Martin Kidd van die Universiteit Stellenbosch se Sentrum vir Statistiese Konsultasie het die vraelysantwoorde statisties verwerk. Die uitslag word met histogramme en ander statistiese metodes uitgebeeld. Die resultate toon dat lidmate se houding jeens, en beeld van, die Kerk minder positief is as wat die Kerk dalk hoop: Lidmate het in die algemeen ʼn versigtig positiewe beeld van die Kerk. Resultate suggereer voorts dat mediaberiggewing wél die beeldvormingsprosesse van die NG Kerk beïnvloed; dat sodanige invloed negatief is, en dat dit gevolglik tot ʼn minder positiewe beeld van die Kerk onder lidmate bydra.

Die balans tussen die ekspressiewe en relasionele boodskappe in donasiebriewe van die Universiteit Stellenbosch : ‘n ondersoek na die effek daarvan op beeldvorming

Van Wyk, Anica 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study the balance between relational and expressive messages on the image formation and projection of a document is studied. To study the effect of these messages, a case study was done on one of the donation letters of Stellenbosch University (SU). The purpose of the research was firstly to established what the image formation and projection of the SU was. The quality of the SU’s image and communication had to be determined. Secondly, the degree of attachment between die SU and respondents was measured to see if it had any influence on the way that they perceived the SU. The IFP-model (Image Formation and Projection model) served as a theoretical basis for the study – the model postulates that various document design aspects and concepts such as image, identitity and culture influence each other. The model was then used to a) identify problematic areas in the documentation b) form the basis of the questionnaire and c) explain the connection between the image formation and projection, and the style aspects in die document. The third goal of the research was to operationalize the relational and expressive messages by manipulating specific style aspects. The researcher had determined that the two messages were imbalanced in the original donation letter, to the extent that the reader did not have any real ‘presence’ in the document. The researcher then proceeded to design a second version of the donation letter, but with the relational and expressive messages brought into balance. Alumni of the SU were chosen as respondents for the study. The Stellenbosch Foundation distributed the questionnaires, along with the two versions of the letter. The researcher had decided upon e-mail as a distribution channel to discount any geographical bias. Two variables were used: Race (coloured and white persons) and age. Younger than 35 years of age, and 35 years of age or older than 35 were chosen as arbitrary cutoff points for respondents. The results were processed statistically so that trends and data could be displayed clearly. Results showed that alumni do have a positive image of the SU, as well as its communication. Alumni also feel reasonably connected to the SU. A strong preference was however shown for the redesigned donation letter, wherein the two messages are balanced out. This means that the SU’s image is projected in a more positive way in a document where the reader has a bigger presence. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie is daar ondersoek watter invloed ‘n wanbalans tussen die relasionele en ekspressiewe boodskappe in ‘n dokument op die beeldvorming en projeksie van daardie dokument het. Vir hierdie ondersoek is een van die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se donasiebriewe as gevallestudie gebruik. Die doel van die navorsing was eerstens om te bepaal hoe die beeldvorming enprojeksie van die US daar uitsien. Daar moes dus vasgestel word hoe gunstig die beeld van die US is en wat die opvatting oor die US se kommunikasie is. Tweedens is gepoog om die graad verbondenheid en verhouding tussen die US en die respondente te meet, om te sien of dit ‘n invloed het op hoe hulle die US sien. Die IFP-model (Image Formation and Projection) dien as ‘n teoretiese basis vir die studie – die model postuleer dat verskeie dokumentontwerp-aspekte en konsepte soos beeld, identiteit en kultuur, ‘n wedersydse invloed op mekaar het. Die model is dus gebruik om a) probleemareas in die dokument te identifiseer, b) die basis van die vraelys te vorm, en c) die verband tussen die beeldvorming en projeksie van die US, en die stilistiese aspekte te verduidelik. Die derde doel van die navorsing was om die relasionele en ekspressiewe boodskappe te operasionaliseer in verskeie stylaspekte, sodat dit gemanipuleer kan word. Die navorser het bepaal dat daar ‘n wanbalans bestaan tussen die twee boodskappe in die oorspronklike donasiebrief, en dat hierdie wanbalans veroorsaak dat die leser nie werklik ‘n ‘teenwoordigheid’ in die dokument het nie. Om die effek van hierdie wanbalans te toets, is ‘n tweede weergawe van die brief ontwerp, waarin die twee boodskappe in balans gebring word. Alumni van die US is as teikengroep gekies vir die studie. Die Stellenbosch Stigting het vraelyste, tesame met die twee weergawes van die donasiebrief aan hulle gestuur. Die navorser het besluit op e-pos as ‘n distribusiemetode om enige geografiese bevooroordeeldheid te voorkom. Die twee veranderlikes was ras (bruin en wit persone) en ouderdom. Jonger as 35, en 35 of ouer as 35 is gekies as arbitrêre afsnypunt vir respondente. Die resultate is statisties verwerk om duidelike tendense en data te bekom. Resultate het getoon dat die alumni wel ‘n positiewe beeld van die US het, asook sy kommunikasie. Alumni voel ook nog redelik verbonde aan die US. ‘n Voorkeur is egter getoon vir die herontwerpte brief, d.w.s. waar die balans tussen die boodskappe eweredig is. Dit dui aan dat die US se beeld beter uitgedra sal word (of op ‘n positiewer wyse) as die leser ingetrek word deur die teks.

Verstaanbare vorms - 'n lesergerigte ondersoek na die effek van die veranderinge aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch se Afrikaanse voorgraadse aansoekvorm

Esterhuyse, Elana 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to gain more insight with regards to the comprehensibility of the revised Afrikaans undergraduate application form (see Form B in Excerpt 2) of the Stellenbosch University (SU), especially in comparison to the previous version of 2011 (see Form A in Excerpt 1), to be able to guide document designers with designing a better form. Answers to the following question were searched for: Do prospective students regard the revised Form B as more understandable than the previous Form A? The revised form was changed by a team of experts, as requested by the SU, in order to make the form more understandable. There were 140 male and female, white and coloured grade 11 respondents of both Vredendal High and Vredendal Secondary. This study was launched in light of the South African Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 that took effect on 1 April 2011. In terms of section 22 of this Act, documents must be written in plain and simple language, because consumers have got the right to information that they understand (2008:32). Plain language is practical attitudes about the meaning of good written work, the goal of that and what benefits the reader the most. It is also our intellectual understanding of the way in which people read, the questions readers ask about a document, and readers’ reaction towards various forms of document design (De Stadler, 2012:3). Three parts of the two versions of the SU’s Afrikaans undergraduate form was used, specifically the cover, the program and personal information, and the responsibility of the prospective student. The forms were judged according to its comprehensibility, design and logic order by using a between-group design after respondents had to fill in the parts of the form by using fictional information on an information page. With that, respondents also had to underline words in the form they didn’t understand and fill in a questionnaire. Most of the information was statistically processed. To be able to make comparisons between the forms, a twee-way-variance-analysis was done with alternative form/gender and form/race as independent variables. By using the data collected, it became clear that respondents didn’t like a specific version of the form more than the other version. It also became clear that respondents had huge problems filling in both forms. Even though respondents perceived the form’s comprehensibility, design and logical build-up in the same way, more respondents left out questions in Form B. This, against what we would have anticipated, means that respondents made better sense of Form A. It can even mean that, in contrast to their experience, respondents made more sense of the design and logical build-up of the questions in Form A, compared to the questions in Form B. This result is not a good outcome for the team of experts who made the changes to the revised form. It may be, however, that the SU didn’t allow the team to make enough changes, and because of that the forms are not really perceived as different from one another. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om meer insig te kry oor die verstaanbaarheid van die hersiene Afrikaanse voorgraadse aansoekvorm (Vorm B in Bylae 2) van die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US), hoofsaaklik in vergelyking met die vorige 2011-weergawe (Vorm A in Bylae 1), sodat ’n verbeterde vorm daargestel kan word. Op die volgende vraag is daar antwoorde gesoek: Beskou voornemende studente Vorm B as meer verstaanbaar as Vorm A? Die hersiene vorm is deur ’n taakspan, wat opdrag van die US gekry het, verander met die doel om meer verstaanbaar te wees. Die proefpersone was 140 manlike en vroulike, wit en kleurling graad 11-leerders van beide Hoërskool Vredendal en Vredendal Sekondêr. Die ondersoek is geloods in die lig van Suid-Afrika se gepromulgeerde Verbruikersbeskermingswet 68 van 2008 wat vanaf 1 April 2011 in werking getree het. Volgens hierdie wet moet besighede tekste skep in verstaanbare taal, want verbruikers het die reg tot inligting in gewone en verstaanbare taal (2008:32). Verstaanbare taal is “[p]raktiese houdings oor wat goeie skryfwerk is, wat die doel daarvan is en wat in die beste belang van die leser is. [Dit is ook die v]erstandige aannames oor hoe mense lees, die vrae wat lesers te stel het oor enige dokument, [en] lesers se reaksies tot verskillende vorme van dokumentontwerp” (De Stadler, 2012:3) Drie gedeeltes van die twee weergawes van die US se Afrikaanse voorgraadse aansoekvorm is in die ondersoek gebruik, spesifiek die voorblad, program- en persoonlike besonderhede, en verantwoordelikhede van die voornemende student. Die vorms is ten opsigte van verstaanbaarheid, ontwerp en logiese orde beoordeel deur ’n tussengroepontwerp te gebruik nadat proefpersone die genoemde gedeeltes van een vorm aan die hand van fiktiewe inligting in ’n inligtingsbladsy moes gebruik. Tesame hiermee moes hulle ook moelike woorde in die vorm onderstreep en ’n vraelys invul. Die meeste van die inligting is statisties verwerk. Om vergelykings te kon tref tussen die vorms, is twee-rigting-variansie-analises gedoen met alternatief vorm/geslag en vorm/ras as onafhanklike veranderlikes. Uit die data wat versamel is, blyk duidelik dat deelnemers nie ’n voorkeur vir een spesifieke weergawe gehad het nie. Dit is ook duidelik dat deelnemers ernstige probleme gehad het met die invul van beide vorms. Alhoewel deelnemers se ervaring ten opsigte van die vorm se verstaanbaarheid, uiterlike ontwerp en logiese ordening dieselfde was, het deelnemers meer antwoordvelde in Vorm B as Vorm A oopgelos. Dit kan, teen die verwagting in, beteken dat deelnemers Vorm A makliker of meer verstaanbaar as Vorm B gevind het. Dit kan selfs, in teenstelling met hulle ervaring, beteken dat deelnemers meer sin van die uiterlike ontwerp en logiese ordening van die vrae in Vorm A as die vrae in Vorm B kon maak. Hierdie resultaat is dus nie ’n goeie uitkoms vir die span wat die vorm moes hersien nie. Dit mag egter wees dat die US die ontwerpers nie toegelaat het om genoeg veranderinge aan die hersiene vorm aan te bring nie, en daarom verskil die vorms nie genoeg van mekaar nie.

Martial Arts as a markup language

Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis describes the modeling of Martial Arts as a markup language. Up until now Martial Arts has already been documented in books, videos, tradition and other methods. Though to represent Martial Arts knowledge consistently and uniformly in a digital era, we introduce the Martial Arts Markup Language (MAML), which is based on XML. Because XML provides a standardized, serializable and portable format, MAML also enables sharing among students, teachers and their peers across different platforms, media and networks. MAML provides the ability, with appropriate XML tools, to document a Martial Arts style in a structured way. To achieve this, we first analyze the aspects that comprise Martial Arts; and how its states and processes relate to one another. We model in MAML describing the stances, transitions, punches, blocks, techniques, combinations, reactions and patterns used in Martial Arts. We discuss the implementation of MAML by observing and extracting the definable aspects in existing Martial Art Instructive Documents. The MAML Schema assures that the details of a Martial Arts Style’s elements are consistent. Current simulation efforts will be explained as well as areas for future development. We have described Martial Arts by observing what has already been done and creating a structured standard to document them. We hope to enable practitioners’ abilities to learn from and develop their arts by providing a resource in which they can interact with. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

La facture / The invoice

Magnier-Merran, Kevin 29 September 2015 (has links)
Document polyvalent, la thèse a pour ambition de démontrer que le détail juridique que la facture constitue en apparence, peut masquer des problématiques épineuses. La facture a été victime d'un détournement de fonction en raison de la pratique courante de l'insertion de données qui ne figureraient pas sur une facture rudimentaire. Il y a eu une inflation de la charge juridique contenue dans le document. C'est la possibilité du « phénomène contentieux » autour de l'acceptation d'une clause insérée dans la facture qui a permis à cette dernière d'intégrer la sphère contractuelle. Ce mouvement inflationniste s'est doublé d'une appropriation étatique du document. La juridicité du document a été renforcée par le législateur au nom d'un renforcement des conditions de libre concurrence conférant alors au document une dimension technique. Le document est alors marqué du sceau de l'autonomie, celle-ci menaçant alors d'autres droits fondamentaux et notamment, le principe de légalité, au nom d'une transparence invasive. La facture est alors sans aucun doute alors une image double. Ce qui saisit, c'est la trajectoire vécue par un document plus que polyvalent ayant pour point de départ une pratique naturelle et parvenant à un point d'arrivée technique et pesant. Le droit de la facture traduit fidèlement l'état d'un droit sous tension en ce que la législation obligatoire sur la facture est contraignante et ne répond pas aux exigences de sécurité juridique. / Versatile paper, the thesis aims to demonstrate that the legal detail that the bill is apparently can hide thorny issues. The bill was the victim of a function of diversion due to the common practice of inserting data that do not appear on a rudimentary bill. There was an inflation of legal charge contained in the document. It is the possibility of " disputes phenomenon " around the acceptance of a clause in the bill which allowed the latter to integrate the contractual sphere. However, this movement is accompanied by another paradigm shift, when the legislature wished to seize the invoice into a competitive tool. Juridicity document has been strengthened by the legislature in the name of strengthening the conditions of free competition while giving the document a technical dimension. The document is then marked with the seal of autonomy, it then threatening other human rights, including the principle of legality, on behalf of invasive transparency. The invoice is then undoubtedly be a double image. What grabs is the trajectory experienced by a paper more versatile than having to base a natural practice and achieving a technical point of arrival and weighing. The right of the bill accurately reflects the state of a power law in that mandatory legislation on the invoice is binding and does not meet the requirements of legal certainty .

Knowledge for Understanding Table-Form Documents

SUGIE, Noboru, LUO, Qin, WATANABE, Toyohide 20 July 1994 (has links)
No description available.

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