Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] DURABILITY"" "subject:"[enn] DURABILITY""
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Influência da microfissuração causada nas primeiras idades na durabilidade de concretos ao longo do tempo (Self-Healing)Venquiaruto, Simone Dornelles January 2017 (has links)
A racionalização e industrialização da construção promoveram profundas modificações no processo construtivo e nas técnicas gerenciais no Brasil. Muitas empresas construtoras, para garantir competitividade no mercado, buscaram soluções capazes de aumentar a velocidade de suas obras, tais como a redução do período de escoramento. A retirada antecipada do escoramento submete a estrutura a carregamento precoce, podendo desencadear a microfissuração do concreto. Como consequência, as deformações instantâneas e lentas tendem a aumentar e, consequentemente, manifestações patológicas podem ocorrer com maior intensidade. Objetivando simular o dano causado pela retirada antecipada do escoramento em idades iniciais, este trabalho investigou a influência do carregamento precoce por compressão axial na durabilidade de concretos distintos. O programa experimental foi executado em duas etapas. A primeira, investigou a influência da microfissuração causada por carregamento precoce na durabilidade de concretos produzidos com três tipos de cimento (CPV-ARI, CPIV RS e CPII Z) e três relações água/cimento (0,35, 0,50 e 0,70). Os carregamentos dos corpos de prova foram realizados em laboratório nas idades de 1, 3 e 7 dias. Para cada idade de carregamento foram rompidas, até o limite, duas amostras de referência e, a partir do valor médio de ruptura obtido, determinava-se os percentuais de carga (25%, 50% e 75%) que seriam aplicados nos concretos. Após o período de cura de 28 dias, as amostras foram ensaiadas à Penetração de Íons Cloreto e à Absorção Capilar de Água. A segunda etapa do programa experimental investigou a influência do prolongamento da cura na recuperação do dano causado pelo carregamento dos concretos nas primeiras idades. Foram produzidos concretos com dois tipos de cimento (CPV-ARI e CPIV) e uma relação água/cimento (0,50). Parte dos concretos receberam pré-carregamento de 75% da carga de ruptura na idade de 3 dias e parte permaneceu intacta, para servir como referência. Os ensaios mecânicos e de durabilidade (penetração de íons cloreto) foram executados ao longo do tempo (3, 7, 28 e 91 dias). Os resultados da Etapa 1 mostraram que, para todas as misturas investigadas, houve elevação da penetração de cloretos e da absorção de água com o aumento da intensidade do carregamento e da relação água/cimento dos concretos. Também foi observado a existência de um processo de microfissuração causado pela ação dos pré-carregamentos dos concretos com pouca idade. Os melhores desempenhos foram obtidos para as misturas com cimentos pozolânicos e não submetidas ao carregamento. Os resultados observados na Etapa 2 mostraram que o aumento do período de cura dos concretos refletiu positivamente nos resultados dos ensaios mecânicos e de durabilidade. Nessa etapa, também foram realizados ensaios microestruturais complementares que permitiram observar que a continuidade da cura promoveu uma recuperação parcial das microfissuras (self-healing) nos concretos. No entanto, nem todas foram fechadas. Constatou-se que as magnitudes das microfissuras remanescentes eram tal que poderiam se tornar um caminho preferencial para a entrada de íons cloreto nos concretos. Conclui-se que todos os concretos analisados apresentaram a mesma tendência de comportamento, de redução da entrada de íons cloreto com o aumento do período de cura. No entanto, o diferencial dos resultados foi notado na intensidade dos valores observados, significantemente reduzidos para os cimentos pozolânicos. / The rationalization and industrialization of the construction promoted deep changes in the constructive process and on the management techniques in Brazil. Most of the construction companies look for solutions that allow it to increase the speed of the constructions to ensure competitiveness on the market, such as the reduction on the time of structure execution, as well as the period of scores and anticipating the beginning of the masonry building. The early removal of the scores put the structure in an early loading without giving enough time to part of the cement hydration reactions happen, starting the concrete micro cracking process. Consequently, the instantaneous and slow deformations tend to increase and hence, pathologies may occur with greater intensity. This work researches the influence of early loading, by axial compression, in the durability of different types of concrete. The experimental program was implemented in two stages. The first stage investigated the influence of the micro cracking caused by pre loading on the durability of concretes produced with three different types of cement classified based on the Brazilian standards (CPV-ARI, CPIV RS and CPII Z) and three water/cement ratios (0.35, 0.50 and 0.70). The samples loading were realized in laboratory at the ages of 1, 3 and 7 days. Two reference samples were loaded until the limit, for each age of loading, and according to this average value of loading the percentage of loading to be applied on the samples in order to perform the durability tests were calculated (25%, 50% and 75%). The samples were placed in humid chamber for 28 days. After the cure period the samples were tested to Chloride ions penetration and water capillary absorption. The second stage of the experimental program investigated the influence of prolonged healing in the recovery of the damage caused by the concrete loading at early ages (microcracks). Concretes were produced with two types of cement (CPV-ARI and CPIV) and a water/cement ratio of 0,50. Part of the concrete received preload 75% of the tensile strength at age 3 days and some remained intact to serve as reference. The mechanical and durability tests were performed over time (3, 7, 28 and 91 days). The results of the first stage of the experimental program demonstrated that, for all the cements the increasing of the chloride penetration and water absorption is directly related with the increasing of the pre loading applied, to the increasing of the water/cement ratio on the mixture and the reduction of the age of the pre loading.The results obtained in Stage-1 confirmed the existence of a microcracking process caused by the action of the preload concrete at a young age. The best performances were observed for mixtures with pozzolan cement and not subjected to loading. The continued healing promoted a partial recovery of microcracks, verified by scanning electron microscopy images (SEM). However, not all were closed. It was found that the magnitude of the remaining microcracks were such that it could become a preferred path for the entry of chloride ions in concrete. All examined concrete showed the same trend behavior, reduction of the entrance of chloride ions with increasing curing period. However, the spread of results was noticed in the intensity of the observed values, significantly reduced for pozzolanic cements.
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Estudo de materiais metálicos para a fabricação de biorreatores anaeróbiosBorba, Antonio Pereira January 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo analisa dois tipos de aços inoxidáveis, o Austenítico AISI 316L e o Duplex AISI 318, para a fabricação de biorreatores. Esses aços possuem propriedades físicas e químicas que podem suprir as necessidades de resistências mecânicas e anticorrosivas dos ambientes dos biorreatores anaeróbicos. Para comparar os dois tipos de aço, foram feitos testes das propriedades mecânicas e químicas antes e depois da exposição ao ambiente de biorreação. Um protótipo de biorreator foi projetado no software Autodesk Inventor 2013 e construído com uma das ligas metálicas em estudo, o aço AISI 316L, criando um ambiente favorável aos testes de campo. Para tal utilizou-se processos de conformação e união de chapas por rebitagem e soldagem. As amostras dos aços para os testes mecânicos e de corrosão foram preparadas e inseridas no biorreator onde permaneceram por 14 meses. Os resultados dos ensaios mostraram que não houve alterações significativas nas propriedades mecânicas dos aços Duplex, porém as amostras de aço Austenítico apresentaram aumento na tensão de escoamento, na tensão limite de resistência e no módulo de elasticidade, demonstrando aumento na rigidez do material após a biorreação. Quanto às propriedades anticorrosivas os resultados apresentam uma leve vantagem do aço Duplex AISI 318 em relação ao Austenítico AISI 316L. Em relação à construção, os aços Austeníticos, por serem mais dúcteis, possuem melhor conformação; o Duplex AISI 318, por ter maior resistência mecânica, possibilita a construção com chapas mais finas, o que acarreta em redução de peso final do biorreator. O aço AISI 318 apresenta maior estabilidade nas propriedades mecânicas do que o AISI 316L. A relação favorável de custo-benefício da aplicação dos aços inoxidáveis na construção de biorreatores anaeróbios é comprovada pelas plantas de produção de biogás existentes em várias partes do mundo, principalmente na Europa. / The present study analyzes two kinds stainless steel, the Austenitic AISI 316L and the Duplex AISI 318 for manufacturing bioreactors. These kinds of stainless steel have the physical and chemical properties to meet the need the anticorrosive and mechanical resistances from the anaerobic bioreactors environments. Before and after the exposition to the bioreaction environment, both kinds of stainless steel were compared by testing their mechanical and chemical properties. A prototype bioreactor was designed in Autodesk Inventor 2013 software and built with on of the alloys in study, the AISI 316L, creating a favorable environment for fielding testing. For this purpose, we used the processes of forming and joining the plates by riveting and welding. The stainless steel samples for the mechanical and corrosion tests were prepared and placed in the bioreactor and they stayed there for fourteen months. Results show that there weren't significant changes in the mechanical properties of Duplex steel. However, Austenitic steel samples showed an increase in yield strength, resistence limit and in the elastic modulus, demonstrating an increase in the stiffness of the materials after bioreaction. The results show that there were not significant changes in mechanical properties, as the corrosive properties, results show a slight advantages of Duplex 318 compared to Austenitic AISI 316L. Regarding the construction, the Austenitic steel has better conformation, because it is more ductile and the Duplex steel has greater mechanical resistance and it enables the construction with thinner plates. Thus, the bioreactor becomes lighter. The AISI 318 steel has higher stability in mechanical properties than AISI 316L. The cost-benefit of the application of stainless steel in the construction of anaerobic bioreactors is proven by production plants of biogas worldwide, mainly in Europe.
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Influência das condições de ensaio da ASTM C 1260 na verificação da reação álcali-agregadoValduga, Laila January 2007 (has links)
A reação álcali-agregado é uma patologia do concreto conhecida há mais de 60 anos no meio técnico, e envolve os álcalis, provenientes em maior parte do cimento, e certos constituintes mineralógicos dos agregados. O produto desta reação é um gel higroscópico, que, em contato com a água, aumenta de volume consideravelmente. Os danos decorrentes da reação envolvem principalmente o desenvolvimento de um quadro de fissuração intenso, o que acarreta outras diversas manifestações patológicas, e movimentações de peças estruturais. Os relatos mais freqüentes de ocorrência da reação sempre foram em estruturas hidráulicas, tais como as barragens, em função do permanente contato com a água. Entretanto, nos últimos anos, diversos outros tipos de estruturas têm sido afetados, inclusive fundações de edificios, deixando o problema em evidência. O único modo de combater a reação é prevení-la através do uso de adições minerais, e para tal se faz necessário avaliar o agregado em questão, dispondo de um método de ensaio confiável. Este trabalho buscou analisar um dos métodos de ensaio mais utilizados no mundo todo para avaliar a reação álcali-agregado, a ASTM C 1260. Foram modificados alguns parâmetros de moldagem para verificar a influência destes nos resultados de expansão fornecidos pelo ensaio. Avaliaram-se os fatores: relação água/cimento, consistência da argamassa e forma do grão de agregado, e no total foram conduzidos 63 diferentes ensaios de expansão para analisar a influência destes fatores. Ensaios auxiliares foram realizados para justificar os resultados, e utilizou-se tratamento estatístico para verificação da validade dos mesmos. Foi observado que a forma de britagem do agregado, para posterior realização do ensaio, interfere diretamente nas condições de moldagem. E, o mais importante: isto resulta em expansões diferenciadas na idade de avaliação do agregado. Para evitar classificações errôneas de agregados através do uso da ASTM C 1260, uma norma usada em vários países, sugere-se que sejam fixados o maior número possível de parâmetros de moldagem. / The alkali-aggregate reaction 1s a concrete pathology known for more than 60 years, involving the alkalis (mostly from the cement), and some mineralogical components of the aggregates. The product o f this reaction is a hygroscopic gel that, in contact with water, has its volume greatly increased. The damage resulting from this reaction is mainly a situation of intense craking, which causes other pathological manifestations and movements of the structure. The most frequent reports o f this reaction have always been in hydraulic structures, such as dams, caused by the permanent contact with water. However, in the last few years, many other kinds of structures have been affected, including building foundations; which brought the problem to international evidence. The only way to prevent the expansion caused by the reaction is the use o f mineral admixtures as a substitute o f part o f the cement content, but first it is necessary to evaluate the aggregate in use, with a satisfactory test method. This work' s purpose is to analyze one o f the test methods commonly used throughout the world to evaluate the alkali-aggregate reaction, the ASTM C 1260. Some molding parameters have been modified so as to check their influence on the results of expansion obtained through this test. These factors have been evaluated: water/cement ratio, mortar consistency and shape of the aggregate particle. A total of 63 different tests of expansion were conducted to evaluate their influence. Additional tests were done so as to justify the results, and statistical analysis was used to validate the results. It was observe that the way the aggregate is crushed, for subsequent execution of the test, directly interferes in the conditions of molding. And, the most important: the way the aggregate is crushed results in different expansions and it is increased with the age of the evaluation of the test. To prevent a erroneous classification o f the aggregates through the use of ASTM C 1260, a standard used in many countries, it is suggested that test conditions should be better defined.
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A influência da umidade de compactação na durabilidade, rigidez e resistência de um solo fino artificialmente cimentadoVelazquez, Luis Enrique Gonzalez January 2016 (has links)
A engenharia geotécnica frequentemente tem limitações de caráter econômico e ambiental. É por isso que a técnica de melhoramento das propriedades do solo pode se tornar uma alternativa de solução em diversos casos, como na construção de bases de pavimentos, camada de suporte em fundações superficiais, revestimento de canais e na proteção de taludes em barragens. Este trabalho faz parte de uma dissertação de mestrado que tem por objetivo avaliar a influência do teor de umidade de compactação, peso específico aparente seco e teor de agente cimentante na durabilidade, rigidez e resistência de um solo fino artificialmente cimentado. Para isso foram realizados ensaios de compressão simples após ciclos de molhagem e secagem, ensaios de perda de massa, rigidez inicial e ensaios de compressão triaxial. Os resultados mostraram que quanto maior o teor de cimento, o peso específico aparente seco e o teor de umidade para os teores estudados (17%, 20%, e 23%), maior é a resistência e menor é a queda da rigidez inicial após ciclos de molhagem e secagem, assim também menor é a perda de massa, mostrando um melhor desempenho quanto à durabilidade. Verificou-se que a metodologia apresentada por Consoli (2014) é válida para a previsão de parâmetros de resistência ao cisalhamento de solos com diferentes teores de umidade. / Geotechnical engineering often has limitations of economic and environmental natures, which is why the ground improvement technique can become an alternative solution in many cases, as in pavement base layers, support layers under shallow foundations, canal coating and in slope protection of earth dams. This work is part of a M.Sc. dissertation, which aims to assess the influence of the moisture content, porosity and cement content on durability, initial stiffness and strength of an artificially cemented fine-grained soil. A number of unconfined compression tests were carried out after wetting and drying cycles, together with weight loss and initial shear stiffness tests. Triaxial compression tests were also done. The results show that as higher the amount of cement, porosity and moisture content for the studied concentrations (17%, 20% and 23%), the greater is the resistance and lower is the drop of initial stiffness after wetting and drying cycles, as well as smaller the weight loss, showing a better performance in terms of durability. It was verified that, the methodology presented by Consoli (2014) is valid for predicting soil shear strength parameters with different moisture contents.
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Estudo comparativo da influência da adição de pet e pp pós-consumo na produção do concreto estruturalCorrea, Priscila Marques January 2015 (has links)
A reciclagem é uma alternativa para o emprego dos resíduos plásticos; diminuindo custos e preservando recursos naturais não renováveis. O setor da construção civil tem absorvido parte destes rejeitos, tornando-os subprodutos importantes, os quais podem ter desempenho tão satisfatório quanto os produtos já existentes, além de ecologicamente corretos. Esse trabalho aponta uma nova utilização destes resíduos, propondo a substituição parcial da areia natural por PET e PP (ambos pós-consumo) na forma de flocos em diversas formulações, objetivando a produção de concreto estrutural com agregados leves para a aplicação na construção civil. A pesquisa foi dividida em duas etapas: na primeira foi avaliado o teor adequado (em volume) em diferentes tempos de cura para cada polímero de maneira a garantir um bom desempenho mecânico em termos de resistência à compressão. Nesta etapa, o teor analisado que garantiu o melhor resultado foi o de10% tanto para o PET como para o PP. Na segunda etapa este teor foi utilizado para verificar a influência da adição destes resíduos no desempenho mecânico e na durabilidade do concreto para 28 e 90 dias de cura. Foram realizados ensaios de caracterização mecânica, física, química, térmica e morfológica das amostras com e sem adição dos flocos poliméricos. Os resultados da primeira etapa da pesquisa mostraram que o teor máximo com melhor desempenho mecânico foi de 10% v/v. Na segunda etapa, houve um pequeno decréscimo na resistência à compressão axial nas amostras com polímeros quando comparada à referência. Amostras com flocos de PET obtiveram menor teor de vazios e, portanto, menor absorção de água quando comparadas às amostras com PP, indicando uma possível melhor interação do PET com a matriz cimentícia. Para as amostras com PP, houve um maior teor de vazios e maior absorção de água quando comparados às amostras referência e com adição de PET. Entretanto, o PP agiu como excelente barreira à penetração dos íons cloretos, reduzindo a porcentagem de carga passante em comparação ao concreto com PET e referência, o que pode ser considerado como um resultado promissor ao se considerar seu uso (PP) como possível substituto da areia. / Recycling is an alternative to the use of plastic residues, thus contributing to the reduction of costs and preserving non-renewable natural resources. The construction sector has absorbed part of these residues, by transforming them into important by-products, which can have similar performance as the existing products and can also be considered as an environmentally friendly product. This study focus on the use to these residues to partially replace natural sand by PET and PP (both post-consumer) flakes in different contents (by volume), aiming to produce structural concrete with lightweight aggregate for civil construction use. The study was divided into two stages: in the first stage the ideal polymer content was evaluated at different curing ages in terms of compressive strength. In this this stage, the ideal polymer content that provided the best result was 10% for both PET and PP. In the second stage, this ideal polymer content was used to verify the influence of the use of these residues on the mechanical performance and durability of concrete for 28 and 90 days of curing. Mechanical characterization tests were performed, followed by physical, chemical, thermal and morphological characterization of specimens with and without the addition of polymer flakes. In the first stage of the research, it was observed a reduction in the compressive strength as the polymer content increases, except for the 10% content, which did not show major differences compared to the reference mix. In the second stage, it was observed a small decrease in the mechanical behaviour for the samples with polymer addition compared to the reference mix. In terms of durability, the specimens with PET addition presented lower void content and lower water absorption when compared to PP, which may indicate an improved interaction of PET flakes to the cementitious matrix. The specimens with PP presented higher void content and water absorption when compared to PET and reference mixes. However, the addition of PP seems to have acted as a barrier to the penetration of chloride ions, reducing the percentage of passing load compared to PET and reference mixes, which leads to the fact that this polymer (PP) may be a good option as sand replacement in structural concrete.
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Multi-scale investigation and resistivity-based durability modeling of EShC containing crystalline admixturesAzarsa, Pejman 01 October 2018 (has links)
It is well-known that concrete permeability is a good indicator of its expected durability until it remains uncracked. However, in various stages of its service life, different types of cracking in concrete can be developed due to exposure to different deterioration processes such as early plastic shrinkage or chloride-induced reinforcement corrosion. Although these cracks may not endanger concrete’s structural performance from the mechanical point of view, they create a pathway for aggressive ions that can initiate degradation processes, lead to increase in concrete permeability and thus reduce its durability. Cracking in concrete might not be preventable, but its capability to naturally seal small cracks, named autogenous self-healing (SH), provides an additional feature to manufacture more durable concrete structures. However, natural self-healing capability of concrete is limited and therefore it is typically omitted in the design of concrete structures. Hence, more attention has been recently paid to Engineered Self-healing Concrete (EShC) which is associated with artificially triggered healing mechanisms into the cementitious matrix by incorporating various substances such as crystalline products. EShC helps in reducing concrete permeability; thus, increasing its service-life and durability. Due to formation of needle-shaped pore-blocking crystals, Crystalline Admixtures (CA), as a candidate from the Permeability-Reducing Admixtures (PRA) category, can be implemented into concrete mixtures to fabricate EShC concretes. Crystalline waterproofing technology is not new, but still is unknown to many researchers, engineers, and construction industry professionals. The lack of knowledge of its microstructure and self-healing properties limits CA’s proper usage in the construction industry. The techniques to assess the self-healing capability of mortar and concrete are not well-standardized yet. No research work has been done to address certain durability characteristics of this material (i.e. electrical resistivity (ER) or chloride diffusivity) especially when combined with Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCM) and Portland Limestone Cement (PLC). Since the resistance of concrete against ions’ penetration is a function of its permeability, it might be a straightforward and reliable parameter to rapidly evaluate concrete’s durability during its intended service life. Hence, electrical resistivity measurement is considered as an indirect and alternative tool for other time-consuming permeability testing techniques to examine the CA’s efficiency as it modifies the concrete’s microstructure by crystals’ deposition; thus, leads to permeability improvement.
In comparison to previous studies, on a larger scale, this thesis aims to systematically study the effects of CA on the microstructural features, self-healing properties and long-term durability and resistivity of cement-based materials and in addition, draw some comprehensive conclusions on the use of CA in new and repair applications. This study is divided into three major phases to propose all-inclusive work on using CA in construction industry. To satisfy the goals of each individual phase, a test matrix consisting of a series of four mixes with variables such as use of PLC or presence of CA in powder form is considered.
In order to address to the lack of research and industry knowledge discussed above, this PhD thesis includes the following phases: Phase (I) In this phase, the main focus is on the microstructural properties and the changes in the pore structure and chemical compositions of the cement phase of mortar mixes when treated with CA. These microstructural features are studied using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Scanning Transmission Electron Holography Microscope (STEHM). Moreover, physical and chemical characteristics of the hydration products are determined using image analysis and Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) Spectroscopy, respectively. Phase (II) This phase is allocated to macro-level investigation of durability characteristics such as chloride/water permeability and electrical resistivity of concrete structures containing CA and PLC cement. To non-destructively measure the chloride ion concentration in the field conditions, both changes in corrosion potential of rebars and concrete electrical resistivity in treated circular hollow-section steel reinforced columns exposed to simulated marine environment is monitored and compared over a 2-year period with control samples. In addition, laboratory-size concrete samples are studied to investigate the effects of CA presence on long-term resistivity, rapid chloride permeability, water permeability and chloride diffusivity of concrete. Later, a resistivity-based model is developed to predict long-term performance of concretes incorporating slag or metakaolin, studied in various environmental conditions. The long-term goal of this phase is to develop a standard design guideline and durability-based model. Phase (III) Using an innovative self-healing testing method [1], quantitative analysis of crack closure ability and self-healing potential of CA treated and control concretes with OPC or PLC cement is accomplished during this phase.
The obtained results from first phase showed that hydrated CA particle revealed fine, compact, homogenous morphology examined by STEHM and its diffraction pattern after water-activation indicated nearly amorphous structure, however, diffuse rings, an evidence for short-range structural order and sub-crystalline region, were observed which requires further investigation. The SEM micrographs taken from specimen’s fractured surface showed formation of pore-blocking crystals for all treated mixes while similar spots in un-treated sections were left uncovered. Although needle-shaped crystals were observed in the treated mortar specimens, but not all of them had shapes and chemical compositions other than ettringite (well-known to form needle-like crystals). Using backscatter SEM images and EDX spectrums, examination of polished mortar sections with and without CA also showed typical hydration phases, forming in the control system.
Results from phase II showed that concretes treated with CA had almost 50% lower water penetration depth and thus smaller permeability coefficient when compared with the virgin OPC or PLC concretes. According to salt ponding test results, the use of CA helped in enhancing the resistance to chloride penetration compared to control concrete. This improvement increases with increasing in concrete age. Strong linear relationship between Surface Resistivity (SR) and Bulk Resistivity (BR) data was observed which indicates that these test methods can be used interchangeably. The presence of SCM in concrete indicated considerable increase in both SR and BR compared to control concrete. Concretes incorporating slag or metakaolin have tendency to react more slowly (or rapidly in MK case), consume calcium hydroxide over time, form more Calcium Silicate Hydrate (C-S-H) gel, densify internal matrix, and also reduce OH- in the pores’ solution; thus, increase concrete electrical resistivity. For laboratory specimens, environmental conditions such as temperature variation and degree of water saturation indicated considerable effects on electrical resistivity measurements. As temperature or water content of concrete decreases, its electrical resistivity greatly increases by more than 2-3 times from reference environmental condition. This is mostly because of variation or accessibility in electron mobility. Experimental results from field investigation showed that electrical resistivity readings were highly influenced by the presence of rebar and concrete moisture conditions. In addition, concrete cover thickness and CA addition into cementitious matrix had a negligible effect on its resistivity.
In the last phase, an optical microscope was used to measure the average crack width. OPC samples had an average measured crack width of 0.244 mm as compared to 0.245 mm for OPC-CA, 0.251 mm for PLC, and 0.247 mm for PLC-CA. Self-healing test results also showed 90% self-healing ratio for CA modified mix within few days after starting experiment. Addition of CA into the mix led to higher rates of healing and full crack closure (width up to 250 µm) when compared to reference concrete. An empirical equation that relates water initial flow rate to the crack width (Q∝〖CW〗^3) was also proposed in this phase. Presence of PLC and CA in the mixture resulted in positive improvement in crack-closing capability and self-healing ratio. / Graduate / 2019-09-11
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A study of architecture for art, design and visual media in the West Midlands from the 20th century onwards based on the perceptions of individualsCooper, Carol January 2017 (has links)
The study investigates how museum and gallery buildings can be designed to give functional longevity and appeal. It considers this in terms of their design and relation to their surroundings and use in the context of changing social, cultural, political and economic factors. Post World War II the typological design and layout of these buildings was challenged; partly as a result of the influence of modernism and also as new modes of art production challenged the spaces and display modes. Financial instability and class perception have always been problematic and increased public expectations add to issues that need addressing. The study investigates how these factors have impacted on these buildings and if this has influenced their design and use. It considers the regional context of the West Midlands and also draws comparisons to other areas in England to investigate ways of addressing contemporary issues to achieve longevity of use. The study considers the historical influence of the typological developments. Examples from the West Midlands and investigation of the area’s historical background are used to identify if regional idiosyncrasies exist and if these influence a building’s longevity. This establishes their contemporary context and objectively reviews the resulting implications of appearance and function in relation to the social, cultural and economic issues that may be dominant within this region. A qualitative interview methodology and analysis is used to examine the views of a multidisciplinary group of museum and gallery users, capturing a snapshot in time of their views on the appearance, understanding and use of these buildings. This information is analysed and discussed in conjunction with the findings of the relevant literature. The comparison of the information researched raises regional and national issues associated to design and use of these buildings. Four key themes related to the longevity of use emerged; architectural design, location, economic viability and inclusivity.
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Estudo de durabilidade de pinturas \"frias\" e convencionais expostas ao envelhecimento natural. / Study of the durability of \"cool\" and convenctional paints exposed to natural aging.Isabela Libório Martins da Silva 09 December 2016 (has links)
O uso de pinturas \"frias\", em coberturas e fachadas, é uma estratégia utilizada para melhorar a sensação térmica dos usuários por meio do aumento desempenho térmico das edificações, potencializar a eficiência energética e mitigar ilhas de calor. Por outro lado, a exposição ao longo do tempo pode alterar a capacidade refletiva dessas superfícies, devido à deposição de sujidades e crescimento microbiológico. Esse estudo tem o objetivo de avaliar a manutenção da capacidade refletiva, a alteração da cor, do aspecto e da emissividade de pinturas expostas por três anos ao envelhecimento natural. Para esse estudo foram produzidos, em laboratório, dois grupos de tintas tipo premium, para uso em superfícies externas de fachadas e coberturas, com dois acabamentos: acetinado (PVC 30%) e fosco (PVC 50%), nas cores: branco, cinza, amarelo e marrom, que são cores usualmente utilizadas em fachadas e coberturas no Brasil. Um grupo é composto por tintas convencionais, formuladas com pigmentos inorgânicos naturais e orgânicos. O outro grupo é composto por tintas formuladas com pigmentos, com alta capacidade de refletância solar na região do infravermelho próximo, conhecidos como pigmentos \"frios\". Ainda há um terceiro grupo de tintas que foi coletado do mercado e utilizado como referência. Na exposição ao envelhecimento natural o microclima é um dos fatores determinantes no tipo de degradação da pintura, por isso esse estudo contempla os três microclimas predominantes do Estado de São Paulo: rural (Pirassununga), urbano (São Paulo) e costeiro (Ubatuba). Nesse trabalho estão sendo apresentados os resultados obtidos com três anos de exposição e já foi possível observar redução da refletância inicial, alteração de cor (diminuição do índice L luminosidade) e indícios de crescimento microbiológico. / The application of cool paints, on roofs and facades components, is a strategy to improve indoor thermal comfort for users in rooms that are not air conditioned. Increasing the thermal performance of buildings, enhance thermal efficiency and mitigate urban heat island. On the other hand, the exposure of paints over time can change reflectance capability of the surface, due to dirty deposition and microbiological colonization. The objectives of this study is evaluate the level of maintenance of reflectance, emissivity, color and visual aspects of paints after three years of natural aging exposure. Two groups of \"premium\" type paints, formulation recommended for applications on facades and roofs, we prepared in laboratory. Each group of paints was produced with two sheen type, two ratios pigment to binder, gloss finish (PVC 30%) and silk finish (PVC 50%), for the colors white, yellow, grey and brown, which are the most used colors in facades and roofs in Brazil. One group, the standard paint, was produced with natural inorganic and organic pigments and the other group was produced with cool pigments, which has high solar reflectance capacity in the near-infrared spectrum. Additionally, a third group of paints was acquired from the market and used as reference data. The microclimate is one of the key factors for paint degradation by natural aging, so in this study was considered three major microclimates of São Paulo State: rural (Pirassununga City),urban (São Paulo city) and oceanic climate (Ubatuba). The present study shows the results of the paints after three years exposure, which was observed significant reduction in reflectance, color change (reduction of the luminance L index) and evidences of microbiological colonization.
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Análise experimental de aduelas pré-moldadas em concreto de alto desempenho para passarelas estaiadas / Theoretical and experimental analysis of precast barrel staves in high performance concreteRodrigo Vieira da Conceição 19 March 2008 (has links)
Embora a utilização do concreto de alto desempenho (CAD) para a fabricação de elementos pré-moldados seja frequentemente usado na construção civil, o presente trabalho apresenta um estudo do emprego de microconcreto em aduelas tubulares de pequenas espessuras protendidas dentro de critérios fabris, com materiais regionais, a fim de repassar para a iniciativa privada os resultados colhidos das análises já elaboradas. As aduelas servirão para compor o tabuleiro de passarelas estaiadas, com a intenção de projetar uma estrutura que, além de harmônica aos olhos e arrojada, também seja econômica, pois se aplicando a protensão nas aduelas que formam o tabuleiro, pode-se explorar uma das características que os concretos de alto desempenho e resistência têm de melhor, que é a resistência à compressão (> 80MPa). Os materiais utilizados na dosagem do microconcreto para a confecção dos elementos em escala real, foram os seguintes: CP V ARI RS, sílica de ferro-silício em substituição volumétrica ao cimento em 10%, três tipos de areias de cava da região para o melhor empacotamento das partículas reduzindo os vazios, pedrisco basáltico com dimensão máxima de 9,5 mm em consonância com as características geométricas do elemento estrutural e da armadura e um superplastificante para atingir a consistência desejada. Levaram-se em conta na produção desse trabalho os recentes desenvolvidos havidos na reologia dos concretos frescos, ação da carbonatação e ação de cloretos. A consistência do concreto foi um fator importante para a determinação do traço, pois o concreto foi lançado nos moldes a uma altura de 2,40 m, permanecendo coeso. A concretagem foi realizada através de betonadas consecutivas para o total preenchimento do molde, onde em todas as betonadas foram realizadas a mesma seqüência de mistura pré-estabelecida. Foram moldadas duas aduelas em escala real, as quais foram estudadas seguindo a simulação do processo de montagem e uso da passarela, a fim de se analisar as solicitações atuantes e as formas de ruína das aduelas acopladas. As resistências mecânicas dos corpos-de-prova foram analisadas nas idades de 1, 3, 7, 28, 63 e 91 dias, cujos resultados de resistência à compressão simples, compressão diametral e o módulo de elasticidade atingiram ao previsto no projeto. O acabamento superficial, o tempo de lançamento, adensamento, desforma, cura e o transporte foram adequados para o reaproveitamento dos moldes. Com os resultados obtidos das análises realizadas com os dois módulos do tabuleiro, verificou-se a possibilidade de construir passarelas com elementos tubulares de pequena espessura protendidos com barras de Dywidag pelo sistema de protensão proposto. Verificou-se também uma pequena amplitude das deformações e deslocamentos das aduelas no processo de montagem e uso da passarela, assim como no transporte das aduelas. Não foram observadas a formação de quaisquer tipos de fissuras durante todo o processo envolvido, quais sejam, desmoldagem, estocagem, transporte, lançamento e utilização simulada. / Although the use of high performance concrete (HPC) for precast elements manufacture is frequently used in civil construction, this work presents a study of the utilization of microconcrete in prestressed small thicknesses tubular barrel stave, in manufacturing criteria, with regional materials, in order to repass to private initiative the already elaborated analyses results. Barrel stave will serve to compose cable-stayed footbridge deck, with the intent to project a structure that, beyond pleasant and bold, must be also economic, therefore applying prestress in barrel stave to form the deck, it\'s possible to explored the most important high performance and strength concrete characteristics, the compressive strength (> 80MPa). The used materials to design a microconcrete for the elements confection in real scale, are the following: CP V ARI RS, ferrosilicon silica fume in 10% volumetric substitution to the cement, three types of regional sands for optimum particles packing to reduce the emptinesses, 9,5 mm basaltic grave in accord with the geometric characteristics of the structural element and reinforcement, and superplasticizer additives to reach the desired consistency. Recent researches about fresh concrete rheology, carbonation and chloride action had been taken in account in the production of this work. The consistency was an important factor for concrete design, therefore the concrete would be was launched in 2,40 m height molds, remaining united. The molding was carried through consecutive load concrete mixer operation for the total fulfilling of the mold, where in all load of a concrete mixer had been carried through the same sequence of pre-established mixture. Two were molded barrel stave full scale, which were studied in the simulation of process of assembly and use of footbridge in order to examine the requests engaged in the forms of ruin from barrel stave coupled. The mechanical strength of the samples had been analyzed in ages of 1, 3, 7, 28, 63 and 91 days, whose results of simple compressive strength, diametrical compression and the modulus of elasticity had reached to the foreseen in project. The superficial finishing, the time of launching, compacting, desmoulding, cure and the transport had been adjusted for molds reuse. With the results of analyses conducted with two modules of deck, there was the possibility of building footbridges with tubular elements of small thickness prestressed with bars of Dywidag the system protention proposed. There was also a small extent of deformation and displacement of barrel stave in process of assembly and use of footbridge as well as the transport of barrel stave. Not been observed the formation of any types of cracks during all the involved process, which are, desmoulding, storage, transport, launching and simulated use.
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Qualidade e durabilidade das estruturas de concreto armado: aspectos relativos ao projeto / Quality and durability of reinforced concrete structures: design approachAna Maria da Silva Brandão 16 April 1998 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, tem-se observado grande preocupação do meio técnico com relação ao desempenho insatisfatório das construções. Alguns diagnósticos feitos sobre a ineficiência dessas construções apontam, dentre outras causas, as deficiências de projeto, juntamente com a utilização de materiais inadequados. Neste trabalho, abordam-se a qualidade e a durabilidade das estruturas de concreto armado, concentrando-se em aspectos de projeto. O enfoque principal consiste na garantia da qualidade das estruturas, a partir da melhoria da qualidade dos respectivos projetos estruturais. Esta melhoria pode ser conseguida, basicamente, de duas formas: através da implantação de um sistema de garantia da qualidade de projetos estruturais e mediante elaboração de especificações apropriadas de projeto. Assim, são propostas algumas diretrizes para o controle da qualidade de projetos estruturais. Apresenta-se, também, um estudo sobre o comportamento do concreto armado face à agressividade ambiental, a partir do qual são discutidos diversos critérios de projeto, com vistas à durabilidade das estruturas, aspecto que está intimamente relacionado com a qualidade. Por fim, apresentam-se algumas aplicações práticas dos conceitos e dos procedimentos abordados, com o objetivo primordial de demonstrar a aplicação da metodologia proposta para o controle da qualidade de projetos estruturais. / In the last years, it has been observed a great concern about the unsatisfactory performance of the constructions. Some studies on the inefficiency of these constructions point, among other causes, to faulty designs, along with the use of inadequate materials. This work draws the attention to quality and durability of reinforced concrete structures, concentrating on design aspects. The main approach consists of ensuring the structure quality by improving the respective structural design quality. This improvement can be achieved, basically, by two ways: through implementation of a quality assurance system for structural design and by means of appropriate design specifications. Thus, this work gives guidance for the development of structural design quality control and also presents a study on the behavior of reinforced concrete subjected to aggressive environments. This study forms a basis for the presentation of some durability design criteria, which is largely related to the structure quality. Finally, some practical applications of the concepts and procedures covered in the text are presented, aiming primarily at demonstrating the application of the methodology proposed for structural design quality control.
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