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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


YESSICA ROSAS CUEVAS 04 October 2021 (has links)
[pt] Neste trabalho, aborda-se a modelagem e controle de um quadricóptero para navegação autônoma em ambientes agrícolas. Os modelos cinemático e dinâmico do veículo aéreo são computados a partir do formalismo de Newton-Euler, incluindo efeitos aerodinâmicos e características das hélices. O sistema de movimento do quadricóptero pode ser dividido em dois subsistemas, um translacional e outro rotacional, responsáveis pelo controle de posição nos eixos x, y, z, and atitude do veículo no espaço Cartesiano. A primeira abordagem de controle é linear, se presenta dois controladores, um controlador proporcional-derivativo (PD) e o adaptativo baseado no espaço de estados. A segunda abordagem é não-linear e baseada em um controlador adaptativo a fim de lidar com a presença de incertezas nos parâmetros do sistema. Simulações numéricas são executadas em Matlab para ilustrar o desempenho e a viabilidade da metodologia de controle proposta. Simulações computacionais 3D são executadas em Gazebo para verificar a navegação autônoma em um campo agrícola. / [en] In this work, we address the modeling and control design of a quadrotor for autonomous navigation in agricultural environments. The kinematic and dynamic models of the aerial vehicle are derived following the Newton-Euler formalism. The motion system of the quadrotor can be split into two subsystems, that is, translational and rotational subsystems, responsible for controlling the position along the longitudinal, transverse and vertical axes of the Cartesian space as well as its orientation about the corresponding axes. The first linear control approach is based on the proportional-derivative (PD) controller, whereas the second nonlinear control approach is based on an adaptive controller in order to deal with the presence of uncertainties in the system parameters. Numerical simulations are carried out in Matlab to illustrate the performance and feasibility of the proposed control methodology. Gazebo was used to perform the 3D simulations for verifying autonomous navigation in agricultural fields.


ABEL ARRIETA CASTRO 01 October 2014 (has links)
[pt] Atualmente nos veículos terrestres a melhora de seu desempenho é permanente. Esta melhora, em grande parte está relacionada com seus sistemas de controle. Para o desenho de sistema de controle, tais como, sistema eletrônico de estabilidade ou controle anti-capotagem é preciso prever o comportamento do veículo sob certas condições dinâmicas. Esta predição do comportamento dinâmico do veículo é feita por meio de modelos matemáticos que dependem diretamente de seus parâmetros, tais como a massa, a posição do centro da gravidade, os momentos de inércia entre outros. Tendo em consideração o contexto apresentado, os parâmetros dinâmicos do veículo tem um papel fundamental na melhora do desempenho do veículo, assim como a otimização de seus subsistemas. Esta dissertação apresenta o desenvolvimento de um procedimento de estimação dos parâmetros dinâmicos do veículo e a calibração do modelo matemático desenvolvido. Para o processo de estimação se desenvolvem dois modelos do veículo, um feito em MATLAB com 4 graus de liberdade (GDL) e ou outro é trabalhado como uma caixa preta (black-box), que é obtida por meio da biblioteca de ligações dinâmicas (DLL) de um programa de simulação veicular. Métodos de otimização, tais como Evolução Diferencial, Generalized Pattern Serach, Mesh Adaptative Pattern Search e Nelder Mead, são utilizados para estimar os parâmetros dinâmicos do veículo, isto por meio da minimização de um objetivo definido como a diferença entre a resposta real do veículo (obtida do programa de simulação veicular) e a calculada por cada método de otimização. Os parâmetros dinâmicos estimados com o melhor método de otimização, são inseridos no modelo matemático feito em MATLAB para calibrar o modelo. Finalmente, o modelo já calibrado é simulado com diferentes manobras para comprovar a robustez do método e a coerência dos parâmetros estimados. / [en] Nowadays, performance improvement on ground vehicles is prefominant. This improvement is highly correlated with its control systems. To design its control system, with parts as electronic system for stabilization or anti-rollover control, it is necessary to provide the behavior of the vehicle in certain dynamics conditions. This prediction, of the dynamics behavior of the vehicle, is done by mathematical models that depend directly on its dynamics parameters such as gravity center position, inertia moments, among others. Taking into account the actual background, dynamics parameters of the vehicle have an importante role in the improvement of vehicle s performance, as well as in the optimization of its subsystems. This thesis presentes the vehicle and calibration of the mathematical model developed. For the estimation step, two vehicle models were developed, the first one was done in MATLAB with 4 DOF and the other was treated as a black box, which is obtained by Dynamic-Link Libraries (DLLs) from the free vehicular simulation software. Optimization methods, such as Differential Evolution, Generalized Pattern Search, Mesh Adaptive Pattern Search and Nelder Mead, were used to estimate vehicle s dynamics parameters. The fitness function is defined as a difference between the real response of the vehicle (given by vehicular simulation software) and one calculated with each optimization method. The dynamics parameters estimated with the best optimization method are input for the mathematical model developed in MATLAB to calibrate the model. Finally, the calibrated model is simulated with different maneuvers, this is done to test the robustness of the method and the coherence of estimated parameters.

Towards a General Framework for Systems Analysis of Inefficiencies Along the Pharmacological Treatment Chain / Mot en allmän ram för systemanalys av ineffektiviteter längs den farmakologiska behandlingskedjan

Lindström, Emma Danell January 2020 (has links)
In order for a medication treatment to be considered successful, several roles and functions along the pharmacological treatment chain must function and cooperate effectively. The chain can most easily be described as five transitions; diagnosis, prescription treatment, dispensing, drug use and finally results and follow-up. Unfortunately, there are many problems and inefficiencies in the pharmacological drug chain. Unfortunately, those who study medication errors and their solutions have focused on individual parts of the pharmacological treatment system. However, for this reason, this study aims to develop a general framework for system analysis of inefficiencies along the pharmacological treatment chain. Due to the size of the problem, this project focused on medication adherence. Adherence can be defined as to what extent the patient follows the medication treatment plan. Adherence has many known problems and difficulties, among other things, it has major financial consequences. It can also be difficult to measure compliance, and there is no recognized perfect method. A system dynamic model is a theoretical image of a real system or object, which is a model used to understand the nonlinear behavior of complex systems. These models are useful when considering interventions and their effects when there are complex relationships. The project started with a literature study, and then went into data collection. Here, a search design and refinements were designed to find relevant articles. Once the articles were selected, the data was compiled from the articles and the analysis began. Here, factors and effects on adherence were identified as well as other interesting information from the articles. When the information was compiled and analyzed, the system dynamic model was created. The model was then sent via email to experts in the field to validation and revise the model. During the data collection, 23 relevant articles were found, compiled into 38 factors associated with compliance. In addition to these factors, 8 were excluded because they were too disease-specific or too ambiguous in their effect of adherence. The various articles studied many different chronic diseases, but hypertension was the most common. How adherence was measured in the articles also varied greatly, however, some form of self-report or questionnaire was most common method used. Three out of seven experts responded to the sent-out model and provided valuable comments. Although these are not sufficient to validate the model, their views showed that a validation can be designed in this way. The model would have to be sent to a larger set of experts and stakeholders, but because these experts are recognized in their fields, it gave weight to the results even though they were few reviewers. With the support of the literature and the experts’ statement, it was concluded that this model provides a good foundation and structure to continue to build upon. In addition, the model has proven to have many key relationships and cornerstones with important and relevant factors. It is also concluded that it is possible to translate the model into quantitative patterns, which is based on the fact that the factor itself can be translated quantitatively. Overall, it is also finally concluded that the model created in this project could be of great use in future projects when working towards a framework for system analysis of inefficiencies along the pharmacological treatment chain.

Low-dimensional modeling and analysis of human gait with application to the gait of transtibial prosthesis users

Srinivasan, Sujatha 22 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Vibration Analysis and Reduction of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots / Analyse et réduction des vibrations des Robots Parallèles à Câbles

Baklouti, Sana 11 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à améliorer le positionnement statique et la précision de suivi de trajectoire des Robots Parallèles à Câbles (RPC) tout en prenant en compte leur élasticité globale. A cet effet, deux stratégies de commandes complémentaires valables pour toute configuration de RPC sont proposées.Tout d'abord, une analyse de robustesse est réalisée pour aboutir à une commande robuste des RPC référencée modèle. Un modèle de RPC approprié est défini en fonction de l'application visée et les principales sources d'erreurs de pose de la plate-forme mobile sont identifiées.Une première méthode de commande est proposée sur la base des résultats de l'analyse de robustesse. Cette première méthode réside dans le couplage d'une commande référencée modèle d’un contrôleur PID.Dans le cadre de cette thèse, un modèle élasto-dynamique de RPC est exprimé afin de compenser le comportement oscillatoire de sa plate-forme mobile dû à l'élongation des câbles et de son comportement dynamique.La deuxième méthode de commande utilise des filtres "input-shaping" dans la commande référencée modèle proposée afin d'annuler les mouvements oscillatoires de la plate-forme mobile. Ainsi, le signal d'entrée est modifié pour que le RPC annule automatiquement les vibrations résiduelles. Les résultats théoriques obtenus sont validés expérimentalement à l'aide d'un prototype de RPC non redondant en actionnement et en configuration suspendue. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent la pertinence des stratégies de commande proposées en termes d'amélioration de la précision de suivi de trajectoire et de réduction des vibrations. / This thesis aims at improving the static positioning and trajectory tracking accuracy of Cable- Driven Parallel Robots (CDPRs) while considering their overall elasticity. Accordingly, two complementary control strategies that are valid for any CDPR configuration are proposed.First, a robustness analysis is performed to lead to a robust model-based control of CDPRs. As a result, an appropriate CDPR model is defined as a function of the targeted application and the main sources of CDPR moving-platforms pose errors are identified.A first control method is determined based on the results of the robustness analysis. This first method lies in the coupling of a model-based feed-forward control scheme for CDPR with a PID feedback controller.Here, an elasto-dynamic model of the CDPR is expressed to compensate the oscillatory motions of its moving-platform due to cable elongations and its dynamic behavior.The second control method uses input-shaping filters into the proposed model-based feed-forward control in order to cancel the oscillatory motions the movingplatform. Thus, the input signal is modified for the CDPR to self-cancel residual vibrations.Experimental validations are performed while using suspended and non-redundant CDPR prototype. The proposed feed-forward model-based control schemes are implemented, and their effectiveness is discussed.Results show the relevance of the proposed control strategies in terms of trajectory tracking accuracy improvement and vibration reduction.

Hierarchical Continuous Time Dynamic Modelling for Psychology and the Social Sciences

Driver, Charles C. 14 March 2018 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation bemühe ich mich, den statistischen Ansatz der zeitkontinuierlichen dynamischen Modellierung, der die Rolle der Zeit explizit berücksichtigt, zu erweitern und praktisch anwendbar zu machen. Diese Dissertation ist so strukturiert, dass ich in Kapitel 1 die Natur dynamischer Modelle bespreche, verschiedene Ansätze zum Umgang mit mehreren Personen betrachte und ein zeitkontinuierliches dynamisches Modell mit Input-Effekten (wie Interventionen) und einem Gaußschen Messmodell detailliert darstelle. In Kapitel 2 beschreibe ich die Verwendung der Software ctsem für R, die als Teil dieser Dissertation entwickelt wurde und die Modellierung von Strukturgleichungen und Mixed-Effects über einen frequentistischen Schätzansatz realisiert. In Kapitel 3 stelle ich einen hierarchischen, komplett Random-Effects beinhaltenden Bayesschen Schätzansatz vor, unter dem sich Personen nicht nur in Interceptparametern, sondern in allen Charakteristika von Mess - und Prozessmodell unterscheiden können, wobei die Schätzung individueller Parameter trotzdem von den Daten aller Personen profitiert. Kapitel 4 beschreibt die Verwendung der Bayesschen Erweiterung der Software ctsem. In Kapitel 5} betrachte ich die Natur experimenteller Interventionen vor dem Hintergrund zeitkontinuierlicher dynamischer Modellierung und zeige Ansätze, die die Art und Weise adressieren, mit der Interventionen auf psychologische Prozesse über die Zeit wirken. Das berührt Fragen, wie: 'Nach welcher Zeit zeigt eine Intervention ihre maximale Wirkung', 'Wie ändert sich die Form des Effektes im Laufe der Zeit' und 'Für wen ist die Wirkung am stärksten oder dauert am längsten an'. Viele Bei-spiele, die sowohl frequentistische als auch bayessche Formen der Software ctsem verwenden, sind enthalten. Im letzten Kapitel fasse ich die Dissertation zusammen, zeige Limitationen der angebotenen Ansätze auf und stelle meine Gedanken zu möglichen zukünftigen Entwicklungen dar. / With this dissertation I endeavor to extend, and make practically applicable for psychology, the statistical approach of continuous time dynamic modelling, in which the role of time is made explicit. The structure of this dissertation is such that in Chapter 1, I discuss the nature of dynamic models, consider various approaches to handling multiple subjects, and detail a continuous time dynamic model with input effects (such as interventions) and a Gaussian measurement model. In Chapter 2, I describe the usage of the ctsem software for R developed as part of this dissertation, which provides a frequentist, mixed effects, structural equation modelling approach to estimation. Chapter 3 details a hierarchical Bayesian, fully random effects approach to estimation, allowing for subjects to differ not only in intercept parameters but in all characteristics of the measurement and dynamic models -- while still benefiting from other subjects data for parameter estimation. Chapter 4 describes the usage of the Bayesian extension to the ctsem software. In Chapter 5 I consider the nature of experimental interventions in the continuous time dynamic modelling framework, and show approaches to address questions regarding the way interventions influence psychological processes over time, with questions such as 'how long does a treatment take to reach maximum effect', `how does the shape of the effect change over time', and 'for whom is the effect strongest, or longest lasting'. Many examples using both frequentist and Bayesian forms of the ctsem software are given. For the final chapter I summarise the dissertation, consider limitations of the approaches offered, and provide some thoughts on possible future developments.

Etude des liens entre immersion et présence pour la mise au point d'un simulateur de conduite de deux-roues motorisé / Study of the relationship between immersion and presence to develop a powered two-wheelers simulator

Dagonneau, Virginie 12 October 2012 (has links)
Les environnements virtuels, et en particulier les simulateurs de conduite à plate-forme dynamique, posent la délicate question de la restitution multisensorielle en vue de générer la bonne "illusion" pour leurs utilisateurs. Si la réalité virtuelle est reconnue pour la limitation des coûts, le gain temporel et la contrôlabilité et reproductibilité des situations étudiées, la problématique de la validité de ces outils de recherche (ou de formation) est cruciale pour la transférabilité des connaissances produites.Constituant une première étape dans le processus de validation du simulateur IFSTTAR, ce travail s’appuie sur une démarche originale reposant sur une double évaluation, par élément et globale. Il s’agit (i) de configurer de manière optimale les caractéristiques immersives et interactives du simulateur liées au mouvement de roulis afin de produire une illusion d’inclinaison crédible et acceptée, et (ii) d’évaluer, de manière globale, différentes configurations du simulateur (modèles dynamiques de véhicule) au moyen de mesures objectives (temps de familiarisation) et subjectives (présence, mal du simulateur).Prises dans leur ensemble, les sept études menées durant cette thèse ont permis de valider une plage de restitution du mouvement de roulis pertinente pour produire une sensation d’inclinaison sans entraîner de déséquilibre critique ou de sensation de chute. Un angle d’inclinaison du simulateur au-delà de 11,4 degrés est ainsi déconseillé pour éviter toute sensation de chute, néanmoins cette valeur est susceptible d’être influencée par divers facteurs (e.g., présence d’informations visuelles, positionnement de l’axe de roulis). Ces études ont également permis d’identifier, en conduite passive, les paramètres nécessaires ainsi que les contributions relatives des informations visuelle et inertielle pour la production d’une sensation d’inclinaison crédible. En conduite active, l’évaluation du degré de contrôle des participants en fonction du modèle dynamique de véhicule (virtuel) a permis de pointer les faiblesses actuelles du simulateur IFSTTAR afin de proposer plusieurs pistes de développement. / Virtual environments, and specifically motion-based driving simulators, raise the delicate question of multisensory cueing in order to produce the good "illusion" to the users. If virtual reality is well acknowledged for cost limitation, validity issue of these research (or training) tools is critical for knowledge transfer of new results.As a first step in the validation process of the IFSTTAR motorcycle simulator, this work relies upon an original design based on a double approach : by element and global. It consists in (i) optimal balancing of simulator’s immersive and interactive characteristics linked to roll motion so as to yield a believable and embraced leaning illusion, and (ii) evaluating more generally different simulator configurations (vehicle dynamic models) through objective (training length) and subjective measures (presence, simulator sickness).Taken as a whole, the seven studies conducted during this thesis enable the validation of the relevant range of roll motion cueing to produce a leaning sensation without leading to a critical unbalance or fall sensation. A leaning angle of the simulator beyond 11.4 degrees is not recommended to avoid any fall sensation, however this figure can be influenced by various factors (e.g., visual informations, roll axis location). These studies also allow to identify, in passive driving situations, the necessary parameters as well as the relative contribution of visual and inertial informations for the production of a believable leaning sensation. In an active driving situation, the evaluation of the degree of users control through different (virtual) vehicles dynamic models has permitted to highlight the weaknesses of IFSTTAR simulator in order to set several guidelines for further development.

Revisiting Species Sensitivity Distribution : modelling species variability for the protection of communities / La SSD revisitée : modéliser la variabilité des espèces pour protéger les communautés

Kon Kam King, Guillaume 29 October 2015 (has links)
La SSD (Species Sensitivity Distribution) est une méthode utilisée par les scientifiques et les régulateurs de tous les pays pour fixer la concentration sans danger de divers contaminants sources de stress pour l'environnement. Bien que fort répandue, cette approche souffre de diverses faiblesses sur le plan méthodologique, notamment parce qu'elle repose sur une utilisation partielle des données expérimentales. Cette thèse revisite la SSD actuelle en tentant de pallier ce défaut. Dans une première partie, nous présentons une méthodologie pour la prise en compte des données censurées dans la SSD et un outil web permettant d'appliquer cette méthode simplement. Dans une deuxième partie, nous proposons de modéliser l'ensemble de l'information présente dans les données expérimentales pour décrire la réponse d'une communauté exposée à un contaminant. A cet effet, nous développons une approche hiérarchique dans un paradigme bayésien. A partir d'un jeu de données décrivant l'effet de pesticides sur la croissance de diatomées, nous montrons l'intérêt de la méthode dans le cadre de l'appréciation des risques, de par sa prise en compte de la variabilité et de l'incertitude. Dans une troisième partie, nous proposons d'étendre cette approche hiérarchique pour la prise en compte de la dimension temporelle de la réponse. L'objectif de ce développement est d'affranchir autant que possible l'appréciation des risques de sa dépendance à la date de la dernière observation afin d'arriver à une description fine de son évolution et permettre une extrapolation. Cette approche est mise en œuvre à partir d'un modèle toxico-dynamique pour décrire des données d'effet de la salinité sur la survie d'espèces d'eau douce / Species Sensitivity Distribution (SSD) is a method used by scientists and regulators from all over the world to determine the safe concentration for various contaminants stressing the environment. Although ubiquitous, this approach suffers from numerous methodological flaws, notably because it is based on incomplete use of experimental data. This thesis revisits classical SSD, attempting to overcome this shortcoming. First, we present a methodology to include censored data in SSD with a web-tool to apply it easily. Second, we propose to model all the information present in the experimental data to describe the response of a community exposed to a contaminant. To this aim, we develop a hierarchical model within a Bayesian framework. On a dataset describing the effect of pesticides on diatom growth, we illustrate how this method, accounting for variability as well as uncertainty, provides benefits to risk assessment. Third, we extend this hierarchical approach to include the temporal dimension of the community response. The objective of that development is to remove the dependence of risk assessment on the date of the last experimental observation in order to build a precise description of its time evolution and to extrapolate to longer times. This approach is build on a toxico-dynamic model and illustrated on a dataset describing the salinity tolerance of freshwater species

Valuation and Hedging of Foreign Exchange Barrier Options / Ocenění a zajíštění měnových bariérových opcí

Mertlík, Jakub January 2004 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is in analyzing and empirically testing the various valuation models and hedging schemes of foreign exchange barrier options and their robustness with respect to changing of market conditions. The purpose of the main empirical section is to get a detailed understanding of the static and dynamic performance of the analyzed models for the barrier options payoff mainly in the extreme market conditions, where we performed a benchmarking of the various hedging schemes. As a by-product, we analyzed the accomplishment of some of the model assumptions in real world setting, and the model dependency of the barrier options.

臺灣貨幣需求的研究-Hendry's ECM方法的應用 / Research of Money Demand of Taiwan - apply Hendry's ECM methodology

林明聰, Lin, Ming Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用Hendry's ECM Methodology的內容,建立台灣貨幣需求模形,並計算其彈性以與國內相關貨幣需求文獻比較。

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