Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] ENHANCEMENT"" "subject:"[enn] ENHANCEMENT""
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Performance Enhancement of Organic Solar Cells by Interface Layer EngineeringLin, Yuanbao 01 November 2021 (has links)
Organic photovoltaics (OPVs) have received tremendous attention in recent years due to their numerous attractive attributes such as, the potential for high power conversion efficiency (PCE), mechanical flexibility, and the potential for large-scale manufacturing via low-cost techniques. To date, the record PCE values for bulk-heterojunction (BHJ) OPVs exceed 18% for single-junction cells thanks to the rapid development of donors and acceptors materials for active layer. However, the progress of hole-transporting layer (HTL) systems, which is a key device component to reduce the additional performance losses of OPVs, has been limited with only a handful of materials available like PEDOT:PSS and MoOX. In this thesis, I introduce serval materials to unitize as hole-selective contact in high-performance OPVs.
Firstly, the application of liquid-exfoliated two-dimensional transition metal disulfides (TMDs) is demonstrated as the HTLs in OPVs. The solution processing of few-layer WS2 suspensions was directly spun onto transparent indium-tin-oxide (ITO) electrodes yield solar cells with superior power conversion efficiency (PCE), improved fill-factor (FF), enhanced short-circuit current (JSC), and lower series resistance than devices based on PEDOT:PSS. Based on PM6:Y6:PC71BM BHJ layer, the cells with WS2 HTL exhibit the highest PCE of 17% thanks to the favorable photonic structure and reduced bimolecular recombination losses in WS2-based cells.
Next, the self-assembled monolayer (SAM) namely 2PACz is utilized as hole-selective contact directly onto the ITO anode. The 2PACz modifies the work function of ITO while simultaneously affecting the BHJ layer’s morphology deposited atop. This ITO-2PACz anode is utilized in OPV with PM6:BTP-eC9:PC71BM, showing a remarkable PCE of 18.0%. The enhanced performance is attributed to reduced contact-resistance, lower bimolecular recombination losses, and improved charge transport within the BHJ layer. Lastly, the previously 2PACz SAM was functionalized with bromide functional groups, namely Br-2PACz, which is investigated as hole-extracting interlayers in OPVs. The highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) energy of Br-2PACz was measured at -6.01 eV, and significant changes the work function of ITO electrodes upon chemical functionalization. OPV cells based on PM6:BTP-eC9:PC71BM using ITO/Br-2PACz anodes exhibit a maximum PCE of 18.4%, outperforming devices with ITO/PEDOT:PSS (17.5%), resulting from lower interface resistance, improved hole transport, and longer carrier lifetimes.
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Synthesis of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons via MechanochemistryWang, Cong 18 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Studie potenciálu intenzifikace přenosu tepla ve výrobním procesu / Study of potential of heat transfer enhancement in process plantNěmeček, Zbyněk January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is a study of the potential of heat transfer enhancement in the process of hydrogenation refining of oil. The simulation of the process and the heat-hydraulic analysis of the heat exchanger network are performed using the software tools. Based on the obtained results and the results of the optimization study, a new heat exchanger is placed in the process and its parameters are subject to further calculations. The aim is to study the possibilities of heat transfer enhancement for the newly used heat exchanger and to discuss aspects connected with the use of selected software.
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No description available.
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Automatická detekce výpadku ve vrstvě nervových vláken / Automatic detection of neural fibers lossesVáclavek, Martin January 2010 (has links)
This work is focused on detection of loss in nerve fibre layer on colour pictures of retina, witch are makes by fundus camera. It describe every simple objects of retina, optic nerve head, macula lutea and vascular bed. It detect optic nerve head and his near area, witch is general for detection of breakdownds. It use several metodes of picture adjusting for picture elaboration and objects detection (segmentation, thresholding, enhancement, hough transformation ). The detection of loss in nerve fibre layer is based on comparing of statistic parameters ( average, standart deviation, skewness coefficient and kurtosis coefficient histogram, entropy ) in choosed areas with and withou destruction of nerve layers. Vascular bed have badwatsh on results, cause of this we using hand choosing of essay.
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Identifikace řečové aktivity v rušeném řečovém signálu / Identification of Speech Activity in Noisy Speech SignalPelikán, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This paper is focused on identification of pauses in noisy speech signal and following filtering of the noise from the signal. Firstly the signal processing methods are theoretically described, then voice activity detectors and in the end noise filtering methods are described. Several voice activity detectors were created and their pause detection rate was compared.
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Depozice Ga a GaN nanostruktur na vodíkem modifikovaný grafenový substrát / Deposition of Ga and GaN nanostructures on graphene substrate treated by atomic hydrogenBárdy, Stanislav January 2016 (has links)
In this work we studied gallium on graphene. Depositions were done by Molecular beam epitaxy. We observed Raman enhancement and peak shifts by individual Ga islands. Simulation confirmed our assumption, that the enhancement is based on plasmonics effect that is also the main contribution of Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Another result is hydrogenation of graphene before deposition does have an effect on Ga structure and reduces diffusion length of Ga atoms.
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Development of platinum based nanoparticles to enhance cancer cell killing by gamma rays and carbon ion radiation / Développement de nanoparticules à base de platine visant à améliorer la destruction de cellules cancéreuses par des rayons gamma et par ions carboneSalado Leza, Daniela 25 November 2016 (has links)
La radiothérapie basée sur l'utilisation des photons de haute énergie (rayons X) est l'approche la plus courante dans le traitement du cancer. Toutefois, elle est limitée par la tolérance des tissus sains. Par conséquent, il est d'un intérêt majeur de développer de nouvelles techniques et protocoles pour améliorer le ciblage dans les tumeurs. Dans cette perspective, la hadronthérapie (irradiation de la tumeur par des protons ou des ions carbone) est considérée comme l'une des techniques les plus prometteuses car le dépôt d'énergie est maximum en fin de parcours, ce qui permet de cibler la tumeur. Pourtant, l’utilisation de cette modalité reste limitée du fait de la dose reçue par les tissus sains situés à l'entrée du faisceau.Pour améliorer les performances des thérapies par radiation, une nouvelle stratégie basée sur la combinaison de nanoparticules métalliques (nano-médecine) avec des rayonnements ionisants a été développée par le groupe. En effet, les nanoparticules ont une chimie de surface remarquable qui permet de les fonctionnaliser avec des ligands qui les rendent plus futiles et moins reconnus des macrophages afin de les concentrer dans les tumeurs.Le but de mon travail a été de développer des nanoparticules à base de platine (NPs de platine pelylée et des nanoparticules bimétalliques) visant à améliorer l’effet des rayonnements ionisants (photons et ions carbone) dans les cellules.Une méthode originale de synthèse en une seule étape combinant la radiolyse et la PEGylation in situ a été optimisée. Cette méthode a permis d’obtenir des NPs stables, de taille homogène (cœur métallique proche de 3 nm).L'impact biologique de ces nouvelles NPs a été évalué sur deux lignées de cellules cancéreuses humaines. Il a été observé que les NPs, non-toxiques, ont un mode d’internalisation qui dépend de la lignée cellulaire. Celles-ci sont, dans tous les cas, localisées exclusivement dans le cytoplasme. Les NPs de platine développées dans ce travail permettent d’amplifier significativement la destruction des cellules cancéreuses, en particulier lorsqu’un faisceau médical d’ions carbone est utilisé comme rayonnement. Les mécanismes moléculaires à l’origine de cet effet ont été étudiés grâce à l’utilisation d’une nanosonde biologique. Ces expériences ont montré que les NPs sont responsables de l’augmentation de dommages nanométriques, qui peuvent être létaux pour les cellules. Cet effet est attribué à des processus électroniques d’activation et de reneutralisation de la NP qui engendre une forte perturbation dans le volume nanométrique qui l’entoure tel que la production groupée de radicaux fortement réactifs et toxiques.En conclusion, ce travail à l’interface de la physique, chimie et biologie montre les capacités des NPs à base de platine à améliorer l’éradication par radiation des cellules cancéreuses. / Radiotherapy based on the use of high energy photons (X-rays) is the most common approach in cancer treatment. However, its implementation is limited by the tolerance of healthy tissue. Therefore, it is of major interest the development of new techniques and protocols to improve the selectivity of radiation effects within the tumor. In this perspective, the hadrontherapy (tumor irradiation by protons or carbon ions) is considered as one of the most promising techniques due to the energy deposition of ions in depth which is maximum at the end of the track. However, the use of this modality remains restricted by the lower but significant damage induced to the normal tissue located at the entrance of the ion beam.To improve the performance of radiation therapies, a new strategy based on the combination of metallic nanoparticles (nanomedicine) with ionizing radiations was studied. These treatments have been developed by the group. Indeed, the nanoparticles present a remarkable surface chemistry that allows their functionalization with ligands which make them less recognized by macrophages allowing an important accumulation of these nano-agents selectively into the tumors.The goal of my work was thus to develop platinum based nanoparticles (mono- and bimetallic Pt NPs) to enhance the effect of radiations (photons and carbon ions) into the cells.A novel one-step method of synthesis combining radiolysis and in situ PEGylation has been optimized. This method enabled to obtain stable NPs with a uniform size (metallic core diameter close to 3 nm) and shape. The biological impact of these new Pt NPs was evaluated in two human cancer cell lines.It has been observed that non-toxic Pt NPs have an internalization pathway that strongly depends on the cell line. These are, in all cases, exclusively localized in the cytoplasm. The Pt NPs developed in this work significantly enhanced cancer cell killing, particularly when medical carbon ions are used to irradiate.The molecular mechanisms underlying this effect were investigated through the use of a bio-nanoprobe. These experiments showed that NPs are responsible for the increase of nanometric damage, lesions that can be lethal to cells. This effect is attributed to an electronic activation processes and to the reneutralisation of NPs, which generates a strong perturbation in the surrounding nanometer volume producing highly reactive and toxic free radical clusters.In conclusion, this work at the interface of physics, chemistry and biology shows the potential of platinum NPs to improve the eradication of cancer cells by radiation.
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Unapređivanje elektrokinetičke remedijacije sedimenta zagađenog teškim metalima / Enhancement of electrokinetic remediation of heavy metal contaminated sedimentRajić Ljiljana 28 October 2010 (has links)
<p>Od primenjenih elektrokinetičkih tehnika:<br />konvencionalna, elektrodijalitička (uz primenu CEM), zatim tretman<br />uz izmenu polariteta na elektrodama, primena pomeranja anode ka<br />katodi, bipolarnih elektroda kao i povećane dužine katodnog prostora,<br />na uzorku Ni zagađenog kaolina (model matriks) najveću efikasnost<br />uklanjanja Ni pokazale su primena pomeranja anode ka katodi (51%<br />odnosno 82% bez uračunavanja katodnog regiona kaolina) i primena<br />bipolarnih elektroda uz povećani katodni prostor (45%).<br />Primenom bipolarnih elektroda uz povećan katodni prostor kao<br />unapređene EK tehnike prečišćavanja sedimenta sa visokim ANC<br />postignute su efikasnosti od 44% za uklanjanje Ni odnosno 36%,<br />42% i 43% za uklanjanje Ni, Cd i Pb u smeši, redom. Ove efikasnosti<br />su približno dvostruko veće u odnosu na efikasnosti konvencionalnih<br />tretmana, a uviđa se neznatni uticaj prisustva Cd i Pb na efikasnost<br />uklanjanja Ni. Procena rizika na osnovu različitih kriterijuma utvrdila<br />je da je sediment zagađen Ni nakon tretmana siguran za okolinu.<br />Sediment zagađen Ni, Cd i Pb je prema sadržaju Ni i Pb siguran po<br />okolinu, ali se poređenjem različitih kriterijuma procene rizika koji su<br />korišćeni u toku rada dobijaju informacije koje se u manjoj ili većoj<br />meri potvrđuju što ukazuje na neophodnost postojanja jedinstvenih i<br />sveobuhvatnih kriterijuma procene rizika. Navedeno potvrđuje da je<br />primena bipolarnih elektroda uz povećan katodni prostor efikasna<br />tehnika prečišćavanja sedimenta koji je zagađen Ni i Pb pri<br />koncentracijama koje su navedene u radu.<br />Primenom pomeranja anode ka katodi uz povećan katodni<br />prostor kao unapređene EK tehnike prečišćavanja sedimenta sa<br />niskim ANC postignute su efikasnosti od 25% za uklanjanje Ni<br />odnosno 17%, 24% i 62% za uklanjanje Ni, Cd i Pb u smeši, redom.<br />Ove efikasnosti su približne za Ni odnosno dvostruko i trostruko veće<br />za Cd i Pb, redom u odnosu na efikasnosti konvencionalnih tretmana.<br />Može se utvrditi da je efikasnost unapređenog procesa značajno<br />povećana, ali poređenjem krajnih koncentracija metala u sedimentu<br />nakon tretmana sa kriterijumima procene rizika, utvrđeno je da jedino<br />prema sadržaju Pb sediment se može smatrati sigurnim po akvatičnu<br />sredinu dok prema sadržaju ostalih metala spada u visoko rizičnu<br />klasu (>50%).</p> / <p> As the result of applying electrokinetic techniques:<br /> conventional, electrodialytic, treatment with electrode polarity<br /> exchange, moving anode, using bipolar electrodes and increased<br /> cathodic compartment length, on Ni contaminated kaolin (model<br /> matrix) the most efficient were moving anode technique (51% or<br /> 82% without calculating the cathode region of kaolin) and using<br /> bipolar electrodes and increased cathodic compartment length (45%).<br /> Using bipolar electrodes and increased cathodic compartment<br /> length as enhanced EK technique for remediation of sediment with<br /> high ANC resulted in 44% of Ni removal and 36%, 42% i 43% for<br /> removal of Ni, Cd and Pb, respectively. This technique nearly<br /> doubled efficiency after conventional treatment and there is slight<br /> influence of Cd and Pb on Ni removal. Risk assessment based on<br /> different criteria determine that Ni contaminated sediment is safe for<br /> the environment after EK treatment. According to Dutch standards it<br /> is classified as Class 1/2. Ni, Cd and Pb contaminated sediment is<br /> safe for the environment according to Ni and Pb content after EK<br /> treatment according to Dutch standards but comparing the risk<br /> assessment arise from different criteria in some cases it do not<br /> provide the same information. This indicates that it is of great<br /> importance to develop unique risk assessment criteria. According to<br /> the results using bipolar electrodes and increased cathodic<br /> compartment is efficient EK remediation technique of Ni and Pb<br /> contaminated sediment at the concentrations used for these<br /> investigations.<br /> Using the moving anode technique and increased cathodic<br /> compartment length as enhanced EK technique for remediation of<br /> sediment with low ANC resulted in 25% of Ni removal and 17%,<br /> 24% and 62% for removal of Ni, Cd and Pb, respectively. It can be</p> <p> concluded that efficiencies after enhanced technique compare to<br /> conventional treatments are significantly increased but the final metal<br /> concentrations (except Pb) in sediment after treatment according to<br /> risk assessment criteria are highly hazardous for the environment<br /> (>50%).</p>
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Le réseau d'électricité de Tianjin (Chine) : 1900-1960 : histoire et valorisation patrimoniale / The electric system of Tianjin (China) : 1900-1960 : history and value enhancement as heritageHuang, Jiali 28 March 2019 (has links)
Tianjin s’est avérée un lieu de rencontres et d’échanges entre les Chinois et les étrangers pendant plus de 150 ans. Face au risque d’effondrement du pays, les pionniers chinois au tournant du XXe siècle ont lancé les premières tentatives de modernisation à Tianjin pour devenir autonomes en termes industriels et techniques et rétablir l’image de la Chine dans l’arène internationale. Aujourd’hui, confrontée à la crise de perte d’identité, la municipalité de Tianjin cherche activement à sauvegarder son patrimoine lié au passé et significatif pour le futur. À travers une étude sur l’électrification de Tianjin et sur la conservation de ses vestiges, cette thèse montre qu’il existe un point commun à ces deux actions à deux époques différentes : l’apprentissage de connaissances modernes auprès de l’Occident et leur appropriation en Chine qui donne la force à cet ancien pays pour rajeunir. Nous allons démontrer que l’électrification de Tianjin était un témoin important de l’autonomie acquise allant du contrôle absolu par les étrangers à la gestion réussie par les Chinois. La mondialisation au XIXe et XXe siècles nous offre un axe pour décrypter les actions des compagnies d’électricité étrangères pour pénétrer le marché chinois. Nous étudierons les conflits entre la technicité de l’électrification – extension du réseau – et le démembrement de la ville pendant la domination des entrepreneurs et administrateurs européens. Nous traiterons ensuite de l’intégration progressive et de la gestion systématique du réseau électrique sous le monopole étatique chinois après la fin de l’impérialisme en Chine. / Tianjin has been such a place where Chinese and the foreigners met each other and exchanged frequently for over 150 years. Facing the risk of a dissembling country, the Chinese pioneers led the modernization at the dawn of the 20th century in order to achieve industrial et technical autonomy and to recover China’s image on the international arena. Today, confronted to the crisis of identity lost, the municipality of Tianjin strives to protect its own heritage, inherited from the past and is significant for the future. Based on a study of the history of electrification and of the conservation of the vestiges, this dissertation shows the common point between these two actions in two periods: to learn modern knowledge from the western world and apply it to China. This application gives China the full energy to rejuvenate. We are going to demonstrate that electrification was an important witness of the Chinese regain of autonomy in the technical perspective. They turned from staying under foreigners’ control to succeeding in its effective management. The globalization in the 19th and 20th centuries appears a path to decipher the actions taken by the foreign electric firms to penetrate the Chinese market. We will study the conflicts between the technical requirement of electricity, which is the network extension, and the separation of the electric service in the city under the domination of European administrators and entrepreneurs. We will further the integration of these separate networks and their systematic management under the state monopoly after imperialism ended in China. The urgent task of industrial brownfields conservation and their transformation into hubs for creative activities raise an issue for us to look into the effectiveness of the legal framework of heritage protection, which was introduced one century ago and has been improved all the time. Based on the politics of Tianjin for heritage, we will explore the possibilities and sound ways of enhancing the value of its old electric network.
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