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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Policy Research of Quality Management from Multiphasic Environmental Assessment Procedure in Elderly Care Facilities

Tsay, Shwu-feng 20 October 2006 (has links)
The objective of this study is to test if the hypothesis of the environmental gerontology theory can be applied to a cross-cultural environment. This study examined the applicability and functionality of the Multiphasic Environmental Assessment Procedure (MEAP), a tool based on the environmental gerontology theory, and assessed the quality of elderly care facilities in Taiwan. Special emphasis was placed in examining the functionality of the MEAP from the cross-cultural standpoint and also in identifying the associations or potential impacting factors of care quality. This is the first study with the application of the MEAP to examine the quality of the two major care facilities in Taiwan. Results of this study provide not only an insight into the characteristics of the elderly care facilities ,and a reference for policy making and regulation, but also valuable data for cross-cultural comparisons. The study employed the MEAP to achieve the stated objectives and further evaluated the differences in the characteristics of the two major elderly care facilities, namely the nursing homes and assisted-living facilities in Kaohsiung city in Taiwan. This cross-sectional research was conducted with questionnaires by 687 employees (excluding foreign workers) and 429 residents in 35 nursing homes and 41 assisted living facilities in Kaohsiung city were interviewed. Participants were selected from residents who were conscious and without cognitive disorder for face-to-face questionnaire interviews. For facilities with ten or more residents, 50% of the eligible residents were selected for this interview. For facilities having less than ten residents, all those qualified residents were interviewed. Results were analyzed on the basis of institutional units rather than the individual basis. Results showed that the MEAP effectively evaluated the associations of the multiple environmental factors with the quality of life of the two major elderly care facilities in Kaohsiung city. Standardized multiple quality indexes mode showed that the assisted-living facilities have better overall quality than nursing homes do. The major findings are: 1.The major residents of elderly care facilities in Kaohsiung city were the socioeconomically less privileged residents, including house wifes, the disabled, and widowed. The service most needed was personal care such as bathing. 2.Based on the MEAP, a total of eight significant variables were compared between nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Among these variables, nursing homes were better in staff resource than that of the assisted living facilities. Assisted-living facilities were better in all other seven variables including functional abilities, activities in community, acceptance of problem behavior, physical amenities, social-recreational aids, and orientational aids and staff facilities. 3.The staff members of both nursing homes and assisted living facilities have better SCES than that of their residents. 4.Compared to assisted living facilities, the nursing homes were superior in staff level and staff resources but inferior in comfort, security, and control. No differences were observed in services, autonomy, rapport and morale. 5.The characteristics of organizational management, such as ownership, type and size, were important impacting factors of care quality. The nonprofit-nursing homes were better scored in six of the eight quality indexes than the ones owned by privately-for-profit. 6.Factors that influenced the quality of the nursing homes include number of workers, number of beds, number of residents, ownership, functional abilities, actively level, activities in community, occupancy rate and type of elderly care facility. 7.Factors that influenced the quality of assisted living facilities include occupancy rate, number of residents, number of workers, activity level and type of elderly care facility. 8.The regression model for the outcome of multiple environmental quality indexes with the structure and process indexes is related in nursing homes. The regression model indicates that the model significantly predicted outcome quality index (morale) (R2 = 49.4%). Both structure quality index (comfort and safety) and process quality index (autonomy and rapport) were significant predicting factors of outcome quality index (morale). Autonomy was a negative predicting factor. 9.Standardized multiple environmental quality index indicated that based on the MEAP, assisted living facilities had a little bit higher quality than that of nursing homes in Kaohsiung city. In conclusion, this study confirmed the hypothesis that the MEAP can be applied effectively to evaluate the quality of elderly care facilities in a cross-cultural environment. However, cultural differences do have an impact on the functionality of the tool. Results of this study indicate that the two major elderly care facilities in Kaohsiung city have relatively similar characteristics, but the assisted living facilities are slightly better in overall quality than that of nursing homes. The major factors that impact the quality of elderly care facilities are the operational characteristics and efficience. Results of this study indicate that the MEAP provides very useful indicators for assessing the quality of elderly care facilities in Taiwan, especially for nursing homes. The MEAP identified more structure and process-related impacting factors than outcome-related impacting factors in this study. Concerning cultural difference, the MEAP could be benefited from some modification in certain measurements, especially in facility atmosphere(SCES), when applied in Taiwan.

Sustainability at multiple scales: interactions between environment, economic and social indicators at the country, city and manufacturing facility scale

Jordan, Benjamin Raines 04 April 2012 (has links)
The simplicity of the Environmental Kuznets (EKC) curve concept motivated this study of the relationships between environmental, economic and social indicators at the country, city/regional and manufacturing facility scale. The study builds on almost 20 years of research on the EKC, which has shown conflicting results for confirmation of the EKC hypothesis that the environment first degrades, then improves, with increasing economic wealth. Most EKC studies use country-scale income or GDP as the primary economic indicator of interest; this study experiments with city/regional GDP at the local scale and a country-scale "market maturity" indicator commonly used by the corporation studied. The manufacturing facility scale analysis is new territory in the EKC literature. Firm-scale studies in the past have been just that, evaluating firm environmental performance across a specific industry. This effort evaluates manufacturing facility performance within the same firm across a set of 21 countries of interest to the corporation. This study is unique in a few other ways. Including multiple scales in the same study is not common in the EKC literature. Typically, a study would focus on one or a few indicators at one specific scale. The actual environmental and social outcome variables used here are also somewhat unique. Generally speaking, the results reported here will fall into the "mixed" bucket relative to the 20 years of existing EKC literature; however, a possible research platform is established based on the possible nesting of multiple scales within the same research effort.

A novel air sampling and analytical method for determination of airborne bronopol

Smyth, John Charles 01 June 2006 (has links)
Bronopol has been used as a preservative in drugs and cosmetics since 1964. Bronopol has low dermal irritancy at levels commonly used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals but it is significantly irritating at higher concentrations. Laboratory testing of bronopol indicates a low potential for dermal sensitization; however, a number of case reports demonstrate human allergenic reactions. No reports were identified on the allergenic properties of bronopol for the inhalation route of exposure. In 1983 approximately 5,200 people in the United States were occupationally exposed to bronopol. Current novel uses of bronopol include mold remediation and the sanitizing of ventilation system components. These new applications have the potential to expose vast new populations to the chemical. Since 89 million people in the United States work in indoor environments and 50 million Americans suffer from allergies, it is likely that a sizeable portion of these populations will be exposed to bronopol. This is significant since the dermal sensitizing properties of bronopol suggest that the material may also be a respiratory sensitizer, potentially resulting in chemically induced asthma. More people are being diagnosed with asthma today than at any time in the past; the causes of this increased prevalence are largely unknown. In this work an existing ultraviolet spectrophotometric method for analysis of bronopol has been combined with conventional industrial hygiene air sampling techniques. No combined air sampling and analytical method for bronopol has previously been published in the literature. A calibration curve has been developed with a linear range of 1 ug/ml to 25 ug/ml. The instrumental limit of detection is 1 ug/ml with an instrumental limit of quantitation of ca. 3 ug/ml. During chamber sampling trials analytical recovery for treated glass fiber filters yielded a sampling recovery efficiency averaging 99.9 %. Bronopol concentration obtained during chamber sampling trials ranged from 10.80 mg/m3 to 21.59 mg/m3, with a pooled coefficient of variation of 4.33 % for all chamber sampling sets. Treated glass fiber filters spiked with bronopol were found to be stable for a period of 48 hours; derivatized bronopol solutions were found to be stable for a period of fourteen days.

Sustainable Phosphorus Management in Sweden : A study of phosphorus recycling from wastewater sludge in several municipalities of the Östergötland County

Haile, Henok Debessai January 2015 (has links)
The Swedish Environmental Agency (SEPA) proposed a national target to increase the rate of phosphorus recycling from wastewater sludge in 2013. Reusing phosphorus from wastewater sludge by spreading it on arable lands raises the risk of contamination and substance deposition in soils. In addition to quantifying the targeted rate of recycling, the proposal has also introduced new thresholds that limit the concentrations of undesired substances in wastewater sludge. This thesis assesses the potential challenges and opportunities in implementing the proposed measure in the Swedish municipality settings. Both qualitative and quantitative data have been gathered from three selected mid-sized Swedish municipalities in the Östergötland County and other data sources. The analytical framework of the thesis is based on the Systems Framework for Phosphorus Recovery and Reuse. Several discrepancies between the national goal to increase phosphorus recycling and local circumstances that affect local decision-making have been identified in this thesis. Reducing the flow of undesired substances into the wastewater stream raises goal conflict and is an enormous challenge which requires regulating the way chemicals are consumed in society. From the policy perspective, the national environmental objectives framework is ambiguous with regards to how local decisions should be directed in line with the national goals. The proposed measure should hierarchically be unequivocal and its implementation needs to be coordinated across all geographical scales. The thesis also highlights that there are significant local opportunities for addressing other sustainability goals through phosphorus recycling measures. Sweden’s commitment to creating a resource-efficient phosphorus cycle affirms that the key for a sustainable phosphorus management is the transformation of path-dependent social and technical systems.

An?lise da percep??o da qualidade ambiental e de servi?os tur?sticos em Jo?o Pessoa/PB

Machado, Bruno Lima 12 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:51:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BrunoLM_DISSERT.pdf: 2677185 bytes, checksum: 59d6c7f2a5582f186ddaa89a7bb20002 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-12 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Diante da crescente preocupa??o com os aspectos ambientais e os impactos negativos que s?o ou que podem ser gerados quando uma destina??o tur?stica ? oferecida, intensifica-se a urg?ncia de adotar ferramentas capazes de promover a sustentabilidade dessa destina??o e tamb?m criar a vantagem competitiva necess?ria dentro do mercado, agregando valor aos produtos e servi?os tur?sticos. Neste contexto, o presente estudo tem como objetivo principal analisar a percep??o do turista sobre a qualidade ambiental e de servi?os tur?sticos apresentados no destino Jo?o Pessoa (PB). A escolha do objeto de estudo justifica-se por Jo?o Pessoa estar inserida numa realidade onde se encontra relev?ncia ambiental, o que pede uma aten??o referente ao comportamento dos envolvidos no processo tur?stico local. Como procedimentos metodol?gicos da pesquisa, optou-se por uma revis?o bibliogr?fica, levantamento de dados secund?rios e uma pesquisa emp?rica, de cunho quantitativo, aplicando-se a caracteriza??o s?cio demogr?fica da amostra definida e as an?lises descritiva e fatorial das dimens?es e vari?veis obtidas com base nos modelos de pesquisa ECOSERV de Khan (2003), SERVQUAL de Parasuraman, Berry e Zeithalml (1985) e SERVPERF de Cronin e Taylor (1992). Tal question?rio, que de acordo com os resultados se mostrou confi?vel, permitiu analisar o desempenho, depois de adaptado, da destina??o em quest?o. Os resultados forneceram uma an?lise detalhada do perfil dos visitantes e do desempenho das dimens?es e vari?veis da qualidade ambiental e de servi?os tur?sticos, apontando, neste sentido, caminhos mais assertivos, na tomada de decis?o gerencial, a exemplo do marketing verde, para compor um destino tur?stico coerente com os produtos e servi?os oferecidos

Avaliacao de metais e elementos - traco em aguas e sedimentos das bacias hidrograficas dos rios Mogi - Guacu e Pardo, Sao Paulo

LEMES, MARCOS J. de L. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:44:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:57:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Realidade socioeconômica e ambiental de um agrupamento de bairros da zona norte de Teresina, Piauí /

Cunha, Paulo Borges da. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Manuel Rolando Berrios Godoy / Banca: Silvia Aparecida Guarnieri Ortigoza / Banca: Maria Juraci Zani dos Santos / Banca: Agostinho Paula Brito Cavalcanti / Banca: Lindon Fonseca Matias / Resumo: Os fenômenos de crescimento urbano desordenado das grandes cidades brasileiras trouxeram consigo uma série de problemas que sacrificam a saúde e o conforto dos seus habitantes. Para tanto, torna-se necessário o conhecimento evolutivo do assentamento humano nas áreas urbanas, para que se possa fazer um planejamento e gestão ambiental e, assim, proporcionar um conforto melhor para os seus habitantes, sem causar grandes impactos ao meio ambiente. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as realidades socioeconômica e ambiental no arranjo espacial do "mosaico ocupacional" da zona norte de Teresina, Piauí, onde estão inseridos os bairros de Matadouro, Matinha, Pirajá e Vila Operária. Para tentar vislumbrar a realidade socioeconômica e ambiental dos bairros pesquisados, o estudo utilizou a metodologia de Kawakubo, Luchiari e Morato (2005), aplicada à realidade da área de estudo, no que concerne à mensuração da qualidade ambiental urbana, a partir de dados disponibilizados pelo IBGE (2000), e se fundamenta na elaboração de índices dos temas: domicílios improvisados, áreas verdes, esgotamento sanitário, abastecimento de água e coleta de lixo, e na construção de um índice sintético, o Índice de Qualidade Ambiental Urbana. Para verificar o contraste entre os bairros, com relação às percepções dos moradores sobre a estrutura urbana da região, foi aplicado o teste Estatístico Qui-quadrado, utilizandose as frequências absolutas das respostas do questionário. Ressalte-se que a realidade é dinâmica e contraditória e as transformações são rápidas, apesar de, em muitas ocasiões, não haver percepção de forma imediata / Abstract: The phenomenon of the disorderly urban sprawl of big cities has brought a series of problems that sacrifices the health and comfort of its inhabitants. That is why it becomes necessary to know the evolutionary human settlement in urban areas, so you can make an environmental planning and management, and thus provide a better comfort for its inhabitants without causing major impacts to the environment. This paper aims to analyze the socioeconomic and environmental realities in the spatial arrangement of the "occupational mosaic" of the northern part of Teresina, Piauí, where the neighborhoods of Matadouro, Matinha, Pirajá and Vila Operária are located. In order to try to catch a glimpse of the environmental and socioeconomic reality of the neighborhoods surveyed, the methodology of Kawakubo, Luchiari and Morato (2005) was used, applied to the reality of the study area regarding the measurement of urban environmental quality, from data provided by IBGE (2000), and it is based on the development of indexes of subjects (improvised homes, green areas, sewage, water supply and garbage collection) and the construction of a synthetic indicator, the Urban Environmental Quality Index. To see the contrast between the districts regarding the perceptions of residents on the urban structure of the region, we applied the Chi-square statistic test using the absolute frequencies of the answers from the questionnaires. We emphasize that the reality is dynamic and contradictory and the changes are fast, although in many occasions, there is no immediate perception / Doutor

Copper and zinc speciation in the Tamar Estuary

Pearson, Holly Beverley Clare January 2017 (has links)
The chemical speciation of trace metals controls their potential bioavailability and therefore toxicity to exposed organisms. Despite previous studies demonstrating the ameliorative effects of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) on metal toxicity, the effectiveness of ligands from varying sources and of potentially variable composition in controlling speciation has not been studied in detail in estuarine waters. In addition, the effect of DOC on radionuclide contaminants in combination with trace metals has not been investigated in any waters. This is of particular interest in the estuarine environment, where both anthropogenic and natural ligands, and contaminants that pose a potential threat to ecosystem health, can be present. Competitive ligand exchange adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry (CLE-AdCSV) with complexation capacity titrations was employed to determine the speciation of dissolved Cu and Zn, two metals that possess revised environmental quality standards (EQS) which now account for potential metal bioavailability. Dissolved metal concentrations in the < 0.4 and < 0.2 μm filter fractions of samples from the Tamar Estuary were determined during seasonal transects made over a calendar year. Samples were taken over a full salinity range (0-35) and from locations thought to contain DOC from a variety of sources (e.g. terrigenous, biogenic, sewage). No seasonal trends in metal speciation were identified, but a semi-quantitative assessment of DOC type using 3-D fluorimetry showed domination of humic and fulvic type ligands in the upper estuary, and biogenic-type ligands in the lower estuary, the former appearing the most important in controlling Cu and Zn complexation. Filter size fraction differences showed a major portion of the dissolved metal is associated with the 0.2 ≥ 0.4 μm fraction, indicating an importance of larger molecule ligands in controlling potentially bioavailable metal. Sample ligand concentrations ([L_x]) ranged from 1-372 nM (Cu) and 3-412 nM (Zn), and metal-ligand conditional stability constants (log K_(ML_x )) from 10.5-13.5 (Cu) and 7.5-10 (Zn), which are similar to reported literature. Calculated free metal ion concentrations ([M2+]) of 0.3 – 109 nM (Zn) and 1.4 x 10-13 – 7.3 x 10-11 M (Cu) compared well (92% showed no significant differences (P = 0.02)) with direct measurements of [Zn2+] made for the first time in estuarine waters using “Absence of Gradients and Nernst Equilibrium Stripping” (AGNES) after optimisation for estuarine waters. AGNES fully complements CLE-AdCSV in terms of analytical capability and shows that methods are now available that are capable of directly determining [Zn2+] in estuarine waters for use in environmental monitoring studies. Calculations made using the chemical equilibrium speciation programme Visual MINTEQ (VM) showed [Cu2+] and [Zn2+] could be predicted to within one order of magnitude of measured values when log K_(ML_x ) and [L_x] are determined and input into the model. This was in contrast to poor agreement between measured and predicted [M2+] when VM was used with the NICA-Donnan complexing model, which assumes a set portion of the total DOC concentration input is fulvic acid that actively complexes metals. These results corroborate a lack of identification of a relationship between metal speciation in the Tamar samples and DOC concentration, highlighting that knowledge of DOC type, log K_(ML_x )and L_x are important when assessing environmental risk, setting EQSs and for accurate modeling of [Cu2+]. Finally, a combined chemical and biological study investigating the effects of mixtures of DOC, Zn and the radionuclide tritium (3H) on the marine mussel presents the first evidence of a protective effect of Zn on DNA damage caused by 3H. The association of 3H with DOC remains elusive and an assessment of DOC type is recommended for future research, but the study emphasises the importance of investigating mixture effects in order to avoid inaccurate risk assessment and potentially costly site remediation.

Variação temporal da comunidade zooplantônica em arroios impactados por mineração na bacia hidrográfica do Arroio Candiota, RS, Brasil

Fernandes, André Pereira Teixeira January 2017 (has links)
A bacia hidrográfica do Arroio Candiota está situada no sudoeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Sofre intensa atividade antrópica, como mineração de carvão e calcário, pecuária, silvicultura e agricultura. Apresenta ainda em seu território a Usina Termelétrica Presidente Médici - UTPM - Candiota II. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a variação temporal da comunidade zooplanctônica, representada por Rotifera, Cladocera e Copepoda, a partir das variáveis ambientais e atributos funcionais em alguns arroios impactados pelos diferentes usos da bacia hidrográfica do Arroio Candiota. Foram realizadas coletas trimestrais de água e zooplâncton com o intuito de caracterizar as estações climáticas do ano, durante o período de abril/2007 a outubro/2014. As coletas ocorreram em sete estações amostrais diferentes, totalizando 161 unidades amostrais. As variáveis físicas e químicas selecionadas para este trabalho foram pH, turbidez, ferro dissolvido, oxigênio dissolvido e temperatura. Para as análises estatísticas foram utilizados modelos lineares generalizados (GLM), cálculo da diversidade das espécies, que envolveu duas medidas baseadas em distâncias topológicas, a distinção taxonômica (Δ*) e a diversidade taxonômica (Δ), análise de espécies indicadoras (ISA) e análise de atributos indicadores (ITA). Foram identificados 152 táxons ao total das coletas. Rotifera foi predominante com 122 espécies, após Cladocera com 16 espécies e Copepoda com 14 espécies. Os resultados mostraram que o pH foi a única variável que apresentou resultado significativo com valores positivamente proporcionais para a abundância de espécies. Em relação à riqueza de espécies, as variáveis pH, ferro dissolvido e oxigênio dissolvido influenciaram positivamente ao longo do tempo. O cálculo da diversidade e distinção taxonômica demonstrou que das 161 unidades amostrais, 127 mostraram valores de diversidade conforme o esperado ao acaso na natureza. Quatro unidades amostrais apresentaram valores da diversidade acima do esperado e 31 exibiram valores abaixo do esperado ao acaso. A ISA identificou duas espécies indicadoras da estação amostral 1 e cinco espécies indicadoras da estação amostral 2. Foram encontradas cinco espécies indicadoras específicas do inverno, cinco do outono, quatro da primavera e nove espécies indicadoras no verão. A ITA demonstrou que espécies de tamanho C4 (≥ 1000 μm), tiveram maior ocorrência no inverno e primavera. O atributo funcional “coletores e raspadores” foi considerado indicador para as estações amostrais EA1 e EA3 por cinco espécies. Os resultados encontrados não demonstraram um gradiente contínuo de crescimento ou declínio da abundância e riqueza de espécies ao longo do tempo. Assim, a comunidade zooplanctônica parece ser mais fortemente influenciada pelas características naturais de Candiota, como relevo e rede de drenagem, com exceção dos riachos que recebem diretamente efluentes da mineração de carvão. / The Arroio Candiota watershed is located in the southwestern state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. It suffers intense human activity, such as mining of coal and limestone, livestock, forestry and agriculture. It also presents in its territory the Thermoelectric Plant Presidente Medici - UTPM - Candiota II. This study aimed to analyze the temporal variation of zooplankton community, represented by Rotifers, Cladocera and Copepoda, from the environmental variables and functional attributes in some streams impacted by different uses of the Arroio Candiota watershed. Quarterly sampling of water and zooplankton were conducted in order to characterize the seasons of the year, during the period April/2007 to October/2014. The collections occurred in seven different sampling stations, totaling 161 sampling units. The physical and chemical variables selected for this study were pH, turbidity, dissolved iron, dissolved oxygen and temperature. For statistical analysis we used generalized linear models (GLM), calculating the diversity of species, which involved two measures based on topological distances, the taxonomic distinction (Δ*) and taxonomic diversity (Δ), indicator species analysis (ISA) and indicators atributes analysis (ITA). There were identified 152 taxa to the total collections. Rotifera was predominant with 122 species, 16 species of Cladocera and 14 species of Copepoda. The results showed that pH was the only variable that showed significant results with positive values proportional to the abundance of species. The variables pH, dissolved iron and dissolved oxygen positively influenced the richness of species over time. The calculation of diversity and taxonomic distinction showed that of the 161 sampling units, 127 showed diversity of values as expected at random in nature. Four sampling campaigns showed values of diversity than expected and 31 showed values lower than expected by chance. The ISA has identified two indicator species of the sampling station 1 and 5 indicator species of sampling station 2. We found five specific indicator winter species, five in autumn, four in spring and nine summer indicator species. The ITA has shown that species of C4 size (≥ 1000 μm), were more frequent in winter and spring. The functional attribute "collectors and scrapers" was considered indicator for the sampling stations 1 and 3 with five species. The results did not demonstrate a continuous gradient of growth or decline in abundance and species richness over time. Thus, the zooplankton community seems to be more strongly influenced by Candiota natural features like topography and drainage network, except for streams that receive wastewater directly from coal mining.

Avaliação das áreas de conflito de uso em APP na microbacia Ribeirão do Veado, Piratininga (SP) por meio de geotecnologias / Evaluation of the use of conflict areas in app in the watershed Ribeirão do Veado, Piratininga (SP) by geotechnologies

Felipe, Andrea Cardador [UNESP] 26 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T16:53:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2015-02-26Bitstream added on 2015-05-14T16:59:21Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000829442.pdf: 838433 bytes, checksum: c1cdd0def4f056c47ab0cca832be8c2e (MD5) / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a microbacia Ribeirão do Veado, localizada no município de Piratininga/SP, mapeando as classes de uso e ocupação do solo e seus respectivos conflitos nas Áreas de Preservação Permanentes (APPs), num intervalo de 39 anos, por meio de fotografias aéreas de 1972 e imagem de satélite Landsat-5 de 2011. A área de estudo localiza-se geograficamente entre as coordenadas 49º06’33” a 49º09’54” de longitude W Gr. e 22º23’24” a 22º26’07” de latitude S, apresentando uma área de 1831,27ha. Para a realização dessa pesquisa, utilizou-se a carta planialtimétrica de Bauru (SF-22-Z-B-I-4) em formato digital, editada pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE (1973) em escala 1:50000. A imagem de satélite, bandas 3, 4 e 5 do satélite Landsat - 5, sensor TM (Thematic Mapper), de 22 de junho de 2011, órbita 221, ponto 75, com resolução espacial de 30 x 30 metros, cedidas pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE). O Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG) utilizado foi o Idrisi Selva e o software, o CartaLinx. A Legislação Ambiental foi a base para a verificação correta das APPs ao longo da drenagem e das ... / The present study aimed to analyze Ribeirão do Veado Watershed, located in the municipality of Piratininga / SP, mapping the types of use and land cover and their conflicts in the Areas of Permanent Preservation (APPs) in an interval of 39 years, through aerial photographs from 1972 and satellite image Landsat-5 2011. The study area is located geographically between the coordinates 49º06'33 to 49º09'54 W longitude Gr. and 22º23'24 to 22º26'07 S latitude, presenting an area of 1831,27ha. For this study, we used the planialtimetric letter of Bauru (SF-22-ZBI-4) in digital format, published by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE (1973) in scale 1: 50000. The satellite image, bands 3, 4 and 5 of Landsat - 5, Sensor TM (Thematic Mapper), to June 22, 2011, orbit 221, paragraph 75, with spatial resolution of 30 x 30 meters, provided by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE). The Geographic Information System (GIS) used was Idrisi Selva, and the software, CartaLinx. The environmental legislation was the basis for the correct verification of the APPs along the drain and sources. The results of the mapping of the areas of use and land cover totalized ten classes of use in 1972, and pasture showed the largest occupation, with 68.07% of the total area. The mapping of 2011 showed eleven classes of use, demonstrating pasture as the highest land cover, with 57.96% of the area, confirming that the region has intense activity in cattle. The conflict maps of use of the land of 1972 and 2011 showed results that prove that the man is interfering with the natural landscape, even observing the increase of the forest from 11.46% to 30.28%, they are not being preserved enough, and most of the areas considered of Permanent Preservation (APP), according to Federal Law No. 12,651 / 12, are undocumented, even knowing they are critical to the ecological balance and the right water ...

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