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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tarptautinių teismų įtaka tarptautinės teisės normų kūrimui / The international courts influence on creation of international law rules

Bertašienė, Rūta 11 December 2006 (has links)
Šiame magistro baigiamajam darbe nagrinėjama dviejų teismų – Tarptautinio teisingumo teismo ir Europos teisingumo teismo daroma įtaka tarptautinių teisės normų kūrimui. Tarptautinė teisė šiuo metu apima labai plačias ir sudėtingas tarptautinio pobūdžio sferas. Tačiau tarptautinėje teisėje nėra institucijos, kuri priimtų visuotinai privalomus tarptautinius teisės aktus. Šioje sistemoje tarptautinės teisės subjektai patys kuria tarptautines teisės normas ir principus, ir patys jų laikosi. Nemažą, nors ir netiesioginę įtaką kuriant bei plėtojant tarptautinės teisės normas turi ir tarptautiniai – pasauliniai bei regioniniai – teismai. Daugeliu atvejų minėtų tarptautinių teismų priimami sprendimai turėjo įtakos sprendžiant panašias bylas ir ateityje bei įtvirtinant tarptautinius visuotinai pripažįstamus teisės principus. Be to, tiek Tarptautinis teisingumo teismas, tiek Europos teisingumo teismas ne tik sprendžia ginčus tarp šalių, bet taip pat „užpildo“ egzistuojančias parlamentinės kontrolės spragas. / Influence on creation of international law rules by two courts – the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Justice is analyzed in this master’s final job. The international law covers wide and difficult range of the international spheres. But there is no institution in the international law, which would enact the international acts. Subjects themselves create law rules and principles at the same time sticking to them. The international courts – global and regional have quite big although indirect influence on development of the international law rules. In many cases, judgments made by the international courts, had the influence on solving similar cases in the future and on assessing internationally conventional law principles. Furthermore the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Justice not only solve issues between sides, but also “fill” the gap in the parliamentary control.

Nacionalinių teismų teisė ir pareiga kreiptis į Europos Teisingumo Teismą / The right and obligation of the national courts to apply to the European Court of Justice

Oleškevič, Jolanta 02 January 2007 (has links)
Magistro baigiamojo darbo pavadinimas „Nacionalinių teismų teisė ir pareiga kreiptis į Europos Teisingumo Teismą“. Darbą sudaro įvadas, keturios dalys, išvados ir pasiūlymai. Magistro darbe nagrinėjami teisės ir pareigos kreiptis dėl preliminaraus nutarimo probleminiai aspektai, didžiausią dėmesį skiriant kreipimosi į ETT ir asmens iš Bendrijos kilusios teisės apsaugos santykio analizei. Autorė darbe remiasi Lietuvos ir užsienio šalių autorių moksliniais darbais, konferencijų medžiaga, ETT jurisprudencija. / The title of the thesis is “The Right and Obligation of the National Courts to Apply to the European Court of Justice”. The thesis consists of introduction, four parts, conclusions and suggestions. The work includes the analysis of the problematic aspects related to the right and obligation to apply for the preliminary ruling. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the relation between the cases of appeal to the ECJ and the protection of a person’s right arising from the Community. The author of the work refers to the scientific works of Lithuanian and foreign authors, conference material, the jurisprudence of the ECJ.

The Role Of The European Court Of Justice In The Integration Process Of The European Union.

Guner, Selin Ece 01 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyses the role of the European Court of Justice in the process of European integration. The role of the Court of Justice as an important supranational institution is discussed by taking into account various decisions of the Court that established the fundamental principles of the European Union Law. The thesis also analyses the contribution of the Court from the perspective of its interactions with the other actors within the EU. In this framework, the thesis will seek to answer such questions as: What are the contributions of the European Court in the development of the EU legal system? How did the Court play such an important role in the process of European integration? Finally, how did the interactions of the European Court with the other actors affect the process of European integration?

A Study Of Article 23 Of The Protocol On The Statute Of The Court Of Justice: Experience Of The United Kingdom

Aklar, Korhan 01 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis describes the system of submitting observations envisaged in Article 23 of the Protocol on the Statute of the European Court of Justice. The thesis seeks to illustrate and criticize the utilization of the system enshrined in Article 23 by the member states of the European Union. The experience of the United Kingdom is analyzed by examining the preliminary ruling judgments that the government of the United Kingdom has submitted observations in order to describe the system and demonstrate its application by a member state of the European Union.

Úloha generálních advokátů v soudním systému Evropské unie / The role of the Advocates General in the Judicial System of the European Union

Vitáčková, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
The role of the Advocates General in the Judicial System of the European Union This thesis deals with the important procedural adaptation of the specific institute of the jurisdiction of the EU. An Advocate-General is a member of the Court of Justice whose role is to provide, in accordance with Article 252 TFEU, the submission of public, wholly impartial, independent and reasoned opinions in cases which, under the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union, require his participation. Although a similar function is not anchored in many jurisdictions of the Member States of the European Union, it has found its application within the framework of the functioning of the Court of Justice of the European Union. This thesis provides a thorough analysis of the position and role of the Advocate General, the sources of inspiration for and the development of this institute within the framework of the Union's judiciary system, in order to point out the importance of the role of his work. The thesis is divided into four parts which consist of sub-chapters. The first part is devoted to the French legislation of the institute of the Public Rapporteur, as a source of inspiration for the Union's Advocate General. The legal regulation of the Public Rapporteur is described within the context of the entire...

Conflict of norms in European Union law and the legal reasoning of the European Court of Justice

Conway, Gerard Martin January 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines the topic of conflict of norms in European Union (EU) law and the legal reasoning of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), arguing that the framework of conflict of norms provides conceptual insight into justification and the role of value choices in legal reasoning. After examining the theory of conflict of norms, which seems to have been relatively under-studied generally and especially in EU law, it examines three particular aspects of norm conflict resolution in the legal reasoning of the ECJ and EU law: conflict of interpretative norms, especially the opposition between conserving and innovative interpretation; conflicts of human rights norms, looking in particular at the idea of a hierarchy of rights and of specificationism in the articulation of rights; and conflicts of competence norms. It concludes that the scope exists for a fuller justification of the choice of norms in the legal reasoning of the ECJ and generally in EU law and offers a perspective on how the values articulated by the EU suggest particular approaches to norm conflict resolution by the ECJ in its decision-making in these fields, in particular, a greater resort to lex specialis and originalist or historical interpretation, in contrast to its current method.


ALLAN STANLEY SARAIVA 07 June 2002 (has links)
[pt] O Tribunal Europeu de Justiça começou sua trajetória como um tribunal internacional bastante fraco que sofria dos mesmos problemas enfrentados por outras instituições da mesma natureza. Assim, a questão crucial a ser respondida é como o Tribunal foi capaz de alterar os fundamentos do sistema jurídico comunitário, fortalecendo as bases de seu próprio prestígio político. O procedimento de reenvio prejudicial, criado pelo artigo 177 do Tratado de Roma, estabelece um vínculo direto entre os tribunais nacionais e o Tribunal Europeu, atruindo aos primeiros a responsabilidade pela aplicação das decisões do último. Isso siguifica que todas as sanções previstas pelo direito nacional podem ser aplicadas aos julgamentos do Tribunal Comunitário. Devido ao apoio dos tribunais nacionais, a maior ameaça política ao Tribunal Europeu - a ameaça da desobediência - foi em grande medida superada. / [en] The European Court of Justice began as a fairly weak international tribunal, suffering from many of the problems faced by institutions of the same nature. So the crucial question to be answered is how the Court was able to change the foundations of theCommunity legal system, thus strengthening the bases of its own political prestige. The preliminary ruling procedure created by the Article 177 of the Treaty of Rome establishes a direct link between the national courts and the European Court, ascribing to the former the responsibility for the application of the decisions of the latter. lt means that all sanetions available under national law can be applied to the European court judgements.

Odůvodnění soudních rozhodnutí evropských soudů / Reasoning in the judgements of European courts

Vilímková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
This thesis concerns the topic of legal reasoning in the judgements of European courts. The first part of the paper presents the analysis of the theoretical aspects of legal reasoning, specifically the legal obligation for this practice, as well as an examination of the origins and arguments for the existence of this obligation. Furthermore, the way that the legal reasonings are embedded in the law of the Czech Republic, and in EU legislation, is discussed and examined in detail. The final part of the paper consists of a comparison of legal reasonings of the Czech courts and the European Court of Justice. The relevant aspects of the legal reasoning are explained with regard to the practice of two European courts: European Court of Justice and Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic, respectively.

Evropský soudní dvůr jako politický aktér / The European Court of Justice as a political actor

Vikarská, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
The ECJ as a Political Actor In both the US and in the EU, the judiciary is often accused of being political. This thesis does not attempt to compare and contrast the two grand judiciaries; they are too dissimilar to be compared in this context. It only deals with the judiciary of the EU, trying to analyse its presumably 'political' character: why is it that political and legal scholars label the Court as 'political' or 'activist'? This thesis seeks to investigate the validity of these accusations by proposing a synthesis of various political theories and a certain clarification of the terminology in the context of the European judiciary. Chapter 1 deals with the ECJ as an institution, discussing its functioning and its presumably constitutional character. Chapter 2 then focuses on the notions of 'politics' and 'political', firstly in terms of their definitions by various authors and consequently in terms of the various political theories of European integration. Chapter 3 then deals with the central question of the thesis: is the ECJ a political actor or not? The analysis in the third chapter is split into five dimensions: (1) the judges' motivations in adjudication, (2) the appointment of judges, (3) the subject-matter of the Court's adjudication, (4) the institutional balance within the Union,...

Mezinárodní civilní procesní právo v Evropské unii. Vymáhání a soudní ochrana práv průmyslového vlastnictví se zaměřením na mezinárodní soudní příslušnost / International civil procedure in the European Union. Enforcement and Litigation in the Matters of the Industrial Property Rights with a Focus to the Jurisdiction

Kalapáčová, Martina January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this work is to provide a general view on legislation of enforcement of industrial property rights within the European Union with a closer focus to regulation of jurisdiction of courts to dispute resolution. The work deals with a current legislation, with jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice and of czech courts and in the end it deals also with de lege ferenda and proposals of means how to improve the current legislation and make it more effective, so the competitive position of the European Union towards asian countries and towards the United States of America would strenghten.

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