Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] FLEET"" "subject:"[enn] FLEET""
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Indirect Tire Monitoring System - Machine Learning ApproachSvensson, Oskar, Thelin, Simon January 2017 (has links)
The heavy duty vehicle industry has today no requirement to providea tire pressure monitoring system by law. This has created issues sur-rounding unknown tire pressure and thread depth during active service.There is also no standardization for these kind of systems which meansthat different manufacturers and third party solutions work after theirown principles and it can be hard to know what works for a given vehicletype. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) put out a new study that determined that underinflated tires of 25% or less are 3 times more likely to be involved in a crash related to tire issues versus vehicles with properly inflated tires. The objective for this thesis is to create an indirect tire monitoring system that can generalize a method that detect both incorrect tire pressure and thread depth for different type of vehicles within a fleet without the need for additional physical sensors or vehicle specific parameters. Drivec Bridge hardware interprets existing sensors from the vehicle. By using supervised machine learning a classifier was created for each axle where the main focus was the front axle which had the most issues.The classifier will classify the vehicles tires condition. The classifier will be implemented in Drivecs cloud service and use data to classify the tires condition. The resulting classifier of the project is a random forest implemented in Python. The result from the front axle with a dataset consisting of 9767 samples of buses with correct tire condition and 1909 samples of buses with incorrect tire condition it has an accuracy of90.54% (±0.96%). The data sets are created from 34 unique measurements from buses between January and May 2017. The developed solution is called Indirect Tire Monitoring System (ITMS) and is seen as a process. The project group has verified with high accuracy that a vehicle has been classified as bad and then been reclassified as good over a time span of 16 days. At the first day offboard measurements were performed and it showed that the tires of the front axle were underinflated. The classifier indicated that the vehicle had bad classifications until day 14. At this day an offboard measurement was performed and it was concluded that they were no longer underinflated and the classifier indicated this as well. To verify the result the workshop was contacted and verified that the vehicle had changed tires of the front axle at day 14. This has verified that the classifier is able to detect change and stay consistent in the results over a longer time period.
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ProgramaÃÃo de caminhÃes de mÃltiplos tipos no transporte de derivados de petrÃleo para a construÃÃo de rodovias / Multi-type truck scheduling for the transportation of oil products for road construction sitesJosà Luciano Lopes da Costa Filho 25 November 2014 (has links)
O problema de programaÃÃo de caminhÃes à um tema de grande relevÃncia na gestÃo de frota das empresas. Estas enfrentam dificuldades em gerenciar seus veÃculos devido Ãs diversas variÃveis inerentes ao processo, tais como o tamanho ideal da frota, os diversos tipos de caminhÃes disponÃveis, a capacidade de carga do caminhÃo, as informaÃÃes tÃcnicas do cliente e o agendamento das viagens. No que se refere ao transporte de derivados de petrÃleo, existem diversas caracterÃsticas operacionais que dificultam a programaÃÃo de caminhÃes. Embora a literatura sobre a programaÃÃo de veÃculos seja vasta, as abordagens para a programaÃÃo de caminhÃes para este tipo de transporte ainda à limitada. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver um modelo de programaÃÃo inteira para a otimizaÃÃo da programaÃÃo de veÃculos de mÃltiplos tipos para o transporte de derivados de petrÃleo para obras de construÃÃo de rodovias. Dados reais sobre uma empresa de transporte desse setor foram coletados. Foi desenvolvido um modelo que buscasse a minimizaÃÃo da frota de caminhÃes disponÃveis. Como conclusÃes, pode-se ressaltar que a metodologia empregada serviu para minimizar a frota necessÃria no perÃodo analisado. O desenvolvimento de indicadores de desempenho permitiu avaliar a qualidade das soluÃÃes geradas. / The truck scheduling problem is an important topic in the companiesâ fleet management. Many companies face difficulties to manage their vehicles due to several variables inherent to the management process, such as the optimal fleet size, multiple types of trucks available, trucks capacity, the technical information from the clientâs construction site and trips scheduling. In terms of the transportation of oil products, there are many operational characteristics that make the truck scheduling difficult. Despite the extensive literature about vehicle scheduling, truck scheduling for this type of transport is limited. The purpose of this research study was to develop an Integer Programming model to optimize the multi-type truck scheduling for the transportation of oil products for road construction sites. Data from a real company were gathered. A model that aimed to minimize the truck fleet available was developed. The method used has minimized the available fleet in the period under review. The development of key performance indicators allows to evaluate the quality of the solutions created.
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Metodologia para análise de confiabilidade de pneus radiais em frotas de caminhões de longa distância. / Reliability methodology for radial tires analysis in highway transport fleets.Gilberto Jorge Haviaras 21 September 2005 (has links)
A análise de pneus em frotas de caminhões de longa distância atualmente é realizada apenas para efeito de controle de estoque e determinação de causas de falhas. A metodologia de análise de confiabilidade apresentada neste trabalho, utilizando dados obtidos de pneus sucatados, sistematiza a mensuração e análise de perda de vida útil causada por cada tipo de falha: as amostras são analisadas, verificando-se qual distribuição de probabilidade que melhor modela as amostras avaliadas quando comparadas às distribuições Weibull, normal, log-normal e exponencial; o modelo sugere uma forma de efetuar análises de confiabilidade das falhas mais freqüentes, sendo estas classificadas segundo as perdas de tempo de vida do produto. A metodologia ora proposta foi aplicada na análise de confiabilidade de pneus 295/80R22.5 empregados em frota de transporte rodoviário. Para tanto foram analisadas sucatas provenientes de 10 frotas, verificando-se que a confiabilidade do pneu é melhor representada por uma distribuição de Weibull. A aplicação desta metodologia possibilita a identificação das principais causas das falhas mais críticas, permitindo à empresa focar os esforços em medidas preventivas adequadas e definir o tempo de remoção antes da falha para obter o menor custo. / Long distance truck tire analysis is done nowadays only for the purposes of warehouse control and failure cause determination. The analysis methodology presented in this study, using tire data obtained in scrap tires, systematizes the measurement and analysis of useful tire life time losses caused by each failure type: the samples are analyzed, verifying which probability distribution best fits the evaluated samples when comparing Weibull, normal, log-normal and exponential distributions; the model suggests a way to carry out the reliability analysis of the most common failures classifying them according to product life losses. The proposed methodology was used to analyze the reliability of 295/80R22.5 tires applied in highway transport fleets. For that purpose scrap tires samples from 10 fleets were analyzed and one can verify tire reliability is better represented by a Weibull distribution. The application of this methodology makes it possible to identify the main causes of the most critical failures, allowing the fleet to focus efforts on appropriate preventive measures and define replacement time before failure to obtain the lowest cost.
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Panorama do transporte rodoviário de madeira bruta e em toras na região do Arco de Desflorestamento na Amazônia / Overview of road transport of wood raw and logs in the Arc of Deforestation in AmazoniaMariana Peres de Lima 02 October 2014 (has links)
A madeira é uma commoditie de extrema importância no Brasil e possui grande diversidade de utilização sendo matéria-prima para obtenção de energia, na forma de carvão e biomassa, produção de celulose e papel, construção civil, indústria farmacêutica etc. O modal rodoviário é a principal forma de transporte de carga florestal no Brasil, como também na região deste estudo denominada como \"Arco de Desflorestamento\". O objetivo deste trabalho foi elaborar um panorama do transporte rodoviário de madeira bruta e em toras, possibilitando o entendimento e a melhor compreensão da atividade de forma a subsidiar discussões a cerca da legislação e políticas públicas visando sua adequação à realidade da região em questão. O trabalho se estruturou em torno de um capítulo introdutório sobre o panorama atual, seis capítulos com estudos científicos e um capítulo contendo uma revisão bibliográfica geral de contextualização do cenário proposto. Os resultados destacaram a detecção de agentes internos: condutor, empresa, terceiros e externos: instituições fiscalizatórias, sociedade civil, e o mercado de madeira são componentes que interferem direta ou indiretamente na atividade. Críticas no processo de formação de preço do frete foram constatadas e novas metodologias para esta formação foram elaboradas. Novas equações para a determinação do frete foram propostas inserindo as variáveis quantitativas: volume de madeira (m³), distância (km) e horas efetivas (h), além das qualitativas como satisfação na atividade e permanência na atividade. O melhor coeficiente do modelo de frete encontrado foi R² = 0,973 e R² (adj) = 0,972. Em relação à frota constatou-se que a Combinação Veicular de Carga - CVC que mais se destaca é o biminhão (49,66%). Verificou-se também que o comprimento variável das toras, somado aos diâmetros muitas vezes irregulares nas diferentes extremidades do fuste, impede que a carga seja acomodada e disposta de forma organizada. Este fato gera um aumento dos espaços vazios que traz consequências graves à segurança do transporte rodoviário florestal ocasionando o excesso de comprimento, altura e lateral. A carga transportada ainda restringe o tipo de carroceria que é exclusiva para atividade, fato este que limita a possibilidade de transporte de outros tipos de cargas. O levantamento constatou que a frota possui uma idade média avançada (18,22 anos), fato este que dificulta os condutores adequarem-se à legislação em vigor que fixa requisitos técnicos de segurança para o transporte de toras de madeira bruta por veículo rodoviário de carga. Pontos falhos foram detectados na legislação, destacando-se as obrigatoriedades impostas pela resolução não se encontrarem em consonância com a realidade da frota, principalmente pela idade avançada, causando críticas dos condutores ao governo. Como resultado final deste estudo foi elaborado o panorama da atual situação e levantados os principais problemas, assim como indicadas possíveis soluções em termos de iniciativas e programas do governo para a renovação da frota de transporte de madeira bruta e em toras na região. / The wood is a very important commodity in Brazil and is very useful as has great diversity in the feedstock being material for several products such as: energy wood (coal and biomass), cellulosic production (pulp and paper), pharmaceutical, nautical industries and construction. In Brazil different transport modal to transporting forest load is used, but the mainly transport is through the road and in the region studied the name \"Arc of deforestation\" is the major way to dispose wood production. The need to provide an overview of transporting raw wood and logs make easier understanding and provide improvements in transport legislation and guide to policies to fit the reality of the region in question. This work was structured with an introductory chapter about the general problem, and six chapters more, based on scientific articles and literature review. This work in a general view obtained important results for constructing the panorama. The results showed different components agents internal (driver, direct and indirect companies), and external agents (institution of monitoring government, the society and the wood market) that can interfere directly or indirectly in the activity. The traditional methodology about freight was criticized and new methodologies were proposed to improve the method. New models for freight were also proposed inserting quantitative and qualitative variables and the best model coefficient was R² = 0.973 and R² (adj) = 0.972. The best model variables selected in this study were: timber volume (m³), distance (km), effective hours (he) for quantitative variables and for qualitative variables: satisfaction in the activity, and permanence in the work. Regarding the truck fleet it was found that about the CVC (combination vehicular cargo) truck trailer (6 axes) was the most ordinary in this study (49.66%). It has been found that the length of logs plus the irregular diameters in the different extremities of the logs impossible the correct stacking timber. Because of the spaces originates from the bad accommodation of the logs has serious consequences for the safety of wood road transporting generating an excessive cargo in length, height and width. This is a form of equivalence volumetric. Another problem is that the trailers exclusive for the activity and this fact limits the possibility of carrying other types of cargo, decreasing the competitiveness. This study allowed to establish that the fleet has an old average age and this fact hinders truck drivers to fit on the present legislation (Resolution n. 246 of July 2007.) This resolution fixes technical safety requirements for the road transportation of logs. In this resolution were detected a critical point that the obligation imposed is not compatible with the reality and the old average age of fleet (18.2 years), provoking criticism by the truck drivers about the government. This study was able to satisfy to proposed a new overview raising problems, indicating improvements and suggestions such as: initiatives and government programs for the renewal of the fleet log road transportation and changes in the public politicians.
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Legislativní změny zavedené za účelem snižování průměrného věku vozidel v České republice / Legislative changes introduced to reduce the average age of vehicles in the Czech RepublicČamek, Michal January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze the impact of legislative changes motivated by the effort to reduce the average age of registered passenger cars. The topic has been chosen with regard to the growing social demand that strives to eliminate older, non-ecological vehicles. This thesis describes Czech legislative norms that influence in this issue and compares them with similar standards in selected EU countries. The thesis uses a specific sample of vehicles to prove that the legislative and administrative environment is not at a sufficient level to achieve appointed target.
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Full Service Leasing / Full Service LeasingRichter, Ján January 2009 (has links)
Aim of this master thesis is to describe the service of Full Service Leasing, as a modern form of financing and management of assets, primarily automobile fleet. Description of full service leasing is designed as a comprehensive and complete guide to support reader's position when deciding to finance and manage a fleet by this service. Whether the reader is an entrepreneur, CFO, fleet manager, new employee of leasing company, or anyone who is interested in this service, this master thesis will give him information that would otherwise be obtained only very fragmented. Chapters individualy present full service leasing from different perspectives and author's comments are linking them in a single unit.
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Rozvozní problém s heterogenními vozidly / Vehicle routing problem with heterogeneous fleetKünzelová, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with the new modification of vehicle routing problem -- 3PL vehicle routing problem with heterogeneous fleet and split delivery. In addition to classical vehicle routing problem, we consider a heterogeneous suppliers fleet and also external carrier, which charges a fixed value per unit of transported goods. The reader is first introduces to vehicle routing problem, its history and possible solutions. Furthermore, the reader is acquainted with logistics and logistics providers. In the main part of this thesis is described 3PL vehicle routing problem and its mathematical model. At first we try to get optimal solution via CPLEX solver. But since this is an NP-hard task, heuristic method is proposed (in two variants) for solving this problem. The heuristic is then tested on the selected test tasks. Results obtained using the proposed heuristics are compared with the optimal solution. Even larger problems are then solved using this heuristics. In the end other modifications and possible improvements of this heuristic method are proposed.
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Obnova vozového parku spoločnosti PRP logistics s.r.o. / Renewal of vehicle fleet in PRP logistics s.r.o.Gálová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation work focuses on renovation of carriage stock of PRP logistics s.r.o with the use of TOPSIS method. The work describes the main law regulations in truck transportation, law modification of its enterprising as well as theoretical basis of multicriteria analysis. It specifically deals with the description and analysis of company's carriage stock, a part of the work is also a detailed definition of particular steps taken within TOPSIS method, including calculations. This work consists of two parts -- theoretical and practical.
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Optimalizácia procesov a vozového parku vo vybranom podniku / Processes and vehicle fleet optimization at the selected companyMrúzová, Martina January 2015 (has links)
Subject of this diploma thesis Processes and vehicle fleet optimization at the selected company is to make the processes more effective and to reduce costs associated with operation of vehicle fleet at selected enterprise. The average cost per kilometer, usage of journeys made by vehicles, strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise are observed within analyzes. Processes are evaluated overall through analyzes and after that, suggested suitable solutions are provided.
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Podpora principů operačního výzkumu v TASW orientovaném na autodopravu / Support the Principles of Operation´s Research in TASW Oriented on Road TransportHabarta, Přemysl January 2011 (has links)
In this contemporary world, when the globalization is on the first place, is possible to satisfy one's needs immediately. Road haulage becomes in last few years a significant market's part, which is necessary to the right function in all branches in the Czech Republic. The aim of this thesis is to analyse level of principle operation's research's support in TASW solution for the society, which is directed at road transport. Simultaneously I project a study, which supports a solution for small shippers, who aren't able or willing to acquire an expensive software for haulage entrepreneurship. I characterize issues of transportation's company to achieve my aim and I think about the principle's uses and method of operation's research in process of haulage entrepreneurship. I analyse a situation of operation's research's support with TASW, which is oriented on haulage entrepreneurship. After that I describe a study, where I project a solution for small shippers, which takes in the consideration the components of operation's research in their processes and TASW and this contributes to make the decision of small shippers easier to buy the suitable software for haulage. This thesis is divided into few parts -- at the begging I theoretically follow up haulage entrepreneurship, its division and kind of current freight. I describe the price creation to make really obvious, which knowledge the shipper have to know. I explain particular disciplines of research's operation, which are connected to make more effective the workings of haulage entrepreneurship. I use these results of the theoretical parts to create my own model of haulage entrepreneurship. I analyse the market's system in the Czech market, which is fixed to support process of haulage entrepreneurship, which applies the principles of operation's research. In conclusion I compare the variants of using different types of IS for transport. The biggest benefit of my thesis I see in that also the laymen can understand it. It makes easier to choose a specialized software for haulage entrepreneurship and the process analyse binding on possibly company's analyse and on field operation's research, which enable more effective delivery.
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