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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'encadrement post-formation et le transfert des apprentissages en milieu de travail en contexte de coopération internationale

Larouche, Ghislaine January 2006 (has links)
Thèse diffusée initialement dans le cadre d'un projet pilote des Presses de l'Université de Montréal/Centre d'édition numérique UdeM (1997-2008) avec l'autorisation de l'auteur.

Exploration des connaissances relatives à la collaboration interprofessionnelle chez les finissants d'une école de service social

Fortier, Linda January 2003 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Análise palinoestratigráfica e paleoambiental de Depósitos Aptianos-Albianos (Cretáceo Inferior) da Bacia do Espírito Santo, Brasil

Michels, Fernando Heck January 2017 (has links)
A Bacia do Espírito Santo possui importantes campos de petróleo e gás em exploração, entretanto poucos trabalhos micropaleontológicos estão disponíveis para esta região uma vez que a maior parte deste conhecimento é relativo a relatórios internos de empresas de petróleo e gás. Este trabalho apresenta uma análise bioestratigráfica e paleoambiental de sucessões sedimentares do intervalo Aptiano-Albiano das formações Mariricu (Membro Itaúnas), São Mateus e Regência. A amostragem é derivada de dois poços (BES-01 e BES-02) perfurados na porção emersa da bacia. Dentre as 24 amostras, 18 revelaram assembleias palinológicas diversificadas, incluindo 51 táxons de plantas terrestres (23 de esporos e 28 de grãos de pólen), 4 táxons de algas (3 dinocistos e 1 alga clorofícea), bem como táxons não determinados de palinoforaminíferos, fungos, escolecodontes e acritarcos. Os grãos de pólen de gimnospermas são dominantes em ambos os poços, principalmente representados pela abundância e diversidade de Classopollis; outros gêneros de grãos de pólen e esporos ocorrem subordinados. A análise bioestratigráfica se baseou nos intervalos cronoestratigráficos de espécies-guias comparadas com biozoneamentos estabelecidos principalmente para a própria Bacia do Espírito Santo, como também para as demais bacias marginais brasileiras As amostras do BES-01 apresentaram idade Albiano inferior, enquanto para as amostras do poço BES-02 foi atribuída idades entre o Aptiano superior e o Albiano inferior (sem distinção). Os dinocistos e os palinoforaminíferos são restritos a alguns níveis do poço BES-01; a assembleia monoespecífica distinta do gênero Subtilisphaera representa o primeiro registro da Ecozona Subtilisphaera na Bacia do Espírito Santo, indicando a ocorrência mais ao sul desta ecozona nas bacias marginais brasileiras. Comparando a frequência da matéria orgânica particulada nas amostras (palinomorfos, fitoclastos e matéria orgânica amorfa), se interpretou o ambiente deposicional como uma região costeira ocasionalmente influenciada por transgressões marinhas. A palinoflora representa a fase final da Província Dicheiropollis etruscus/Afropollis documentada em várias bacias marginais no Brasil e na África, principalmente definida por elementos gimnospérmicos fortemente adaptados a condições climáticas quentes e secas. / The Espírito Santo Basin comprises important oil and gas fields, mostly in active exploration. However, few micropaleontological contributions are available for this region, once most part of its knowledge is concerning to internal reports of oil and gas companies. This work presents a biostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental analysis from an Aptian-Albian succession of Mariricu (Itaúnas Member), São Mateus and Regência formations. Sampling is derived from two wells (BES-01 and BES-02), drilled in the onshore portion of the basin. Among 24 samples, 18 revealed abundant and diverse assemblages of palynomorphs, including 51 taxa related to terrestrial plants (23 of fern spores, and 28 of gimnospermic pollen grains), 4 algae (3 of dinocysts and 1 chlorophicean), as well as no determined taxa of foraminiferal linings, fungi, scolecodonts and acritarch. Gimnospermic pollen grains are dominant in both wells, mainly represented by an expressive abundance and diversity of Classopollis; other gimnospermic pollen grains and pteridophitic spores are subordinate. Biostratigraphic assignments are based on the ranges of certain guide species compared with schemes mainly established for the Espírito Santo Basin, as well as to other Brazilian marginal basins The samples of BES-01 were defined as early Albian in age, whereas an age from late Aptian to early Albian (without distinction) was assigned for the samples of well BES-02. Dinocysts (mainly Subtilisphaera) and foraminiferal linings are restricted to certain levels of the well BES-01. A distinctive monospecific assemblage of the Subtilisphaera in some samples reflects the first record of the Subtilisphaera Ecozone in the Espírito Santo Basin, representing its most meridional occurrence in the Brazilian marginal basins. Comparing the frequency of palynological content in both wells (palynomorphs, phytoclasts and amorphous organic matter), the depositional environment is interpreted as a coastal area, episodically influenced by marine transgressions. The palynofloral content of the assemblages is assumed to represent the final stage of the Dicheiropollis etruscus/Afropollis Province, which is well documented in several marginal basins of Brazil and Africa, mainly defined by a gimnospermic elements, strongly adapted to warm and dry climate conditions.

INFORMATION ET FORMATION <br />DANS L'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR<br />Transactions cognitives et informatives de l'étudiant lors du parcours doctoral <br />et rôle du professionnel de l'information et de la documentation

Chabot, Edith 24 November 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Le changement de paysage informationnel et communicationnel a obligé depuis quelques années, les professionnels de l'information et de la documentation à s'interroger non seulement sur leurs pratiques mais également sur celles des utilisateurs des systèmes d'information. Les nouveaux espaces d'information et de savoirs, leur multiplication et leur vitesse, facilitent-ils ou non l'accès à l'information, changent-ils les modes d'apprentissage, augmentent-ils les possibilités d'intercompréhension ? Et face à cette évolution, quel doit être le rôle du professionnel de l'information pour aider chacun à acquérir des capacités auto-informatives ?<br /><br />Depuis les années 1980, des formations à l'Information Scientifique et Techniques (IST) ont été mises en place en France dans l'enseignement supérieur. Cependant le bilan de ces formations, faisant état des difficultés rencontrées qui fragilisent leur existence dans la durée, suscite de nouvelles interrogations liées entre autres au manque de partenariat avec les universitaires et à la difficile coordination entre différents types de médiations développées essentiellement en Premier Cycle. D'autre part, ces enseignements mettent-ils l'étudiant en situation de prendre en main son pouvoir d'information ? Peut-on aider l'apprenant à s'autoformer, à s'auto-informer au sein des structures éducatives et diriger l'émergence de l'autodirection de ses études ne relève-t-il pas du paradoxe ? Les expériences de travail autonome, menées en France dans l'enseignement secondaire, au cours des années 1970-80, ont en partie échoué tant elles remettaient en cause le fonctionnement de l'institution éducative et obligeaient l'enseignant à opérer une "conversion d'attitude".<br /><br />En étudiant le parcours de deux doctorants qui effectuent leurs travaux dans deux contextes différents, celui des sciences "dures" et celui des sciences humaines, nous montrons comment chacun interagit, selon les moments de la recherche doctorale, auprès d'interlocuteurs appartenant à différents pôles de direction, pour s'informer et se former. L'analyse des transactions informatives et cognitives organisées entre les jeunes chercheurs et leur environnement met en évidence l'importance du contexte dans le processus de production de thèse et permet d'observer le rôle des acteurs dans la formation. Les résultats de cette étude amènent à proposer une autre implication de la communauté universitaire dans la formation de l'étudiant. En rompant avec la traditionnelle transmission du savoir, il deviendrait possible d'encourager l'étudiant à apprendre à s'informer, se former et devenir tout au long de sa vie.

L'encadrement post-formation et le transfert des apprentissages en milieu de travail en contexte de coopération internationale

Larouche, Ghislaine January 2006 (has links)
Thèse diffusée initialement dans le cadre d'un projet pilote des Presses de l'Université de Montréal/Centre d'édition numérique UdeM (1997-2008) avec l'autorisation de l'auteur.

Análise palinoestratigráfica e paleoambiental de Depósitos Aptianos-Albianos (Cretáceo Inferior) da Bacia do Espírito Santo, Brasil

Michels, Fernando Heck January 2017 (has links)
A Bacia do Espírito Santo possui importantes campos de petróleo e gás em exploração, entretanto poucos trabalhos micropaleontológicos estão disponíveis para esta região uma vez que a maior parte deste conhecimento é relativo a relatórios internos de empresas de petróleo e gás. Este trabalho apresenta uma análise bioestratigráfica e paleoambiental de sucessões sedimentares do intervalo Aptiano-Albiano das formações Mariricu (Membro Itaúnas), São Mateus e Regência. A amostragem é derivada de dois poços (BES-01 e BES-02) perfurados na porção emersa da bacia. Dentre as 24 amostras, 18 revelaram assembleias palinológicas diversificadas, incluindo 51 táxons de plantas terrestres (23 de esporos e 28 de grãos de pólen), 4 táxons de algas (3 dinocistos e 1 alga clorofícea), bem como táxons não determinados de palinoforaminíferos, fungos, escolecodontes e acritarcos. Os grãos de pólen de gimnospermas são dominantes em ambos os poços, principalmente representados pela abundância e diversidade de Classopollis; outros gêneros de grãos de pólen e esporos ocorrem subordinados. A análise bioestratigráfica se baseou nos intervalos cronoestratigráficos de espécies-guias comparadas com biozoneamentos estabelecidos principalmente para a própria Bacia do Espírito Santo, como também para as demais bacias marginais brasileiras As amostras do BES-01 apresentaram idade Albiano inferior, enquanto para as amostras do poço BES-02 foi atribuída idades entre o Aptiano superior e o Albiano inferior (sem distinção). Os dinocistos e os palinoforaminíferos são restritos a alguns níveis do poço BES-01; a assembleia monoespecífica distinta do gênero Subtilisphaera representa o primeiro registro da Ecozona Subtilisphaera na Bacia do Espírito Santo, indicando a ocorrência mais ao sul desta ecozona nas bacias marginais brasileiras. Comparando a frequência da matéria orgânica particulada nas amostras (palinomorfos, fitoclastos e matéria orgânica amorfa), se interpretou o ambiente deposicional como uma região costeira ocasionalmente influenciada por transgressões marinhas. A palinoflora representa a fase final da Província Dicheiropollis etruscus/Afropollis documentada em várias bacias marginais no Brasil e na África, principalmente definida por elementos gimnospérmicos fortemente adaptados a condições climáticas quentes e secas. / The Espírito Santo Basin comprises important oil and gas fields, mostly in active exploration. However, few micropaleontological contributions are available for this region, once most part of its knowledge is concerning to internal reports of oil and gas companies. This work presents a biostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental analysis from an Aptian-Albian succession of Mariricu (Itaúnas Member), São Mateus and Regência formations. Sampling is derived from two wells (BES-01 and BES-02), drilled in the onshore portion of the basin. Among 24 samples, 18 revealed abundant and diverse assemblages of palynomorphs, including 51 taxa related to terrestrial plants (23 of fern spores, and 28 of gimnospermic pollen grains), 4 algae (3 of dinocysts and 1 chlorophicean), as well as no determined taxa of foraminiferal linings, fungi, scolecodonts and acritarch. Gimnospermic pollen grains are dominant in both wells, mainly represented by an expressive abundance and diversity of Classopollis; other gimnospermic pollen grains and pteridophitic spores are subordinate. Biostratigraphic assignments are based on the ranges of certain guide species compared with schemes mainly established for the Espírito Santo Basin, as well as to other Brazilian marginal basins The samples of BES-01 were defined as early Albian in age, whereas an age from late Aptian to early Albian (without distinction) was assigned for the samples of well BES-02. Dinocysts (mainly Subtilisphaera) and foraminiferal linings are restricted to certain levels of the well BES-01. A distinctive monospecific assemblage of the Subtilisphaera in some samples reflects the first record of the Subtilisphaera Ecozone in the Espírito Santo Basin, representing its most meridional occurrence in the Brazilian marginal basins. Comparing the frequency of palynological content in both wells (palynomorphs, phytoclasts and amorphous organic matter), the depositional environment is interpreted as a coastal area, episodically influenced by marine transgressions. The palynofloral content of the assemblages is assumed to represent the final stage of the Dicheiropollis etruscus/Afropollis Province, which is well documented in several marginal basins of Brazil and Africa, mainly defined by a gimnospermic elements, strongly adapted to warm and dry climate conditions.

A formação do professor da educação básica e a semicultura

Carvalho, Eliete Martins Cardoso de [UNESP] 11 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:33:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-03-11Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:04:30Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 carvalho_emc_dr_mar.pdf: 1789152 bytes, checksum: 4f08844bbeab4a2d685447c168cc3a3e (MD5) / This study aims at analysing the Formation of Educational Professionals Policies of Basic Education in Brazil, in the semi-formation context. We assume that the teachers formation policies were based on the mass teachers certification in a short period of time, rather than the teachers formation itself. In this documental and bibliographic-analytical research, we initially tried to understand the historic of teachers formation in Brazil and its development from Colonial Times until now, as well as the teachers formation thematic in space and time, outlining the globalization scenery and the implications that affect education and society. This new educational context, lined from the new world order spread trough international organisms and media and state organs, unleashed a meaningful change analysis in education. Proceeding the discussion, we analyzed the Professionals Formation Policies of Basic Education in Brazil, through the Leis de Diretrizes e Bases Nacionais nº 9394/96 (Brazilian Education Basic Tenets Law) and other rules determined by MEC, which orient the professional formation of Basic Education. From this point, we described the systems created to offer these courses and the partnerships established between the Union, states, Federal District and cities, that aim at the teachers formation of Basic Education in public schools. Based on Adorno (1996) Theorie der Halbbildung (Semi-culture Theory), we also approach the semi-formation (Halbbildung) as a determination of capitalist contemporary society opposing the formation (Bildung), as well as its possible relation with the massification, the teaching cultural industry and the teacher semi-formation. The results made evident that the teachers formation policies in Brazil offer cultural formation possibilities, because the academic liberty of partners institutions remains... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Análise palinoestratigráfica e paleoambiental de Depósitos Aptianos-Albianos (Cretáceo Inferior) da Bacia do Espírito Santo, Brasil

Michels, Fernando Heck January 2017 (has links)
A Bacia do Espírito Santo possui importantes campos de petróleo e gás em exploração, entretanto poucos trabalhos micropaleontológicos estão disponíveis para esta região uma vez que a maior parte deste conhecimento é relativo a relatórios internos de empresas de petróleo e gás. Este trabalho apresenta uma análise bioestratigráfica e paleoambiental de sucessões sedimentares do intervalo Aptiano-Albiano das formações Mariricu (Membro Itaúnas), São Mateus e Regência. A amostragem é derivada de dois poços (BES-01 e BES-02) perfurados na porção emersa da bacia. Dentre as 24 amostras, 18 revelaram assembleias palinológicas diversificadas, incluindo 51 táxons de plantas terrestres (23 de esporos e 28 de grãos de pólen), 4 táxons de algas (3 dinocistos e 1 alga clorofícea), bem como táxons não determinados de palinoforaminíferos, fungos, escolecodontes e acritarcos. Os grãos de pólen de gimnospermas são dominantes em ambos os poços, principalmente representados pela abundância e diversidade de Classopollis; outros gêneros de grãos de pólen e esporos ocorrem subordinados. A análise bioestratigráfica se baseou nos intervalos cronoestratigráficos de espécies-guias comparadas com biozoneamentos estabelecidos principalmente para a própria Bacia do Espírito Santo, como também para as demais bacias marginais brasileiras As amostras do BES-01 apresentaram idade Albiano inferior, enquanto para as amostras do poço BES-02 foi atribuída idades entre o Aptiano superior e o Albiano inferior (sem distinção). Os dinocistos e os palinoforaminíferos são restritos a alguns níveis do poço BES-01; a assembleia monoespecífica distinta do gênero Subtilisphaera representa o primeiro registro da Ecozona Subtilisphaera na Bacia do Espírito Santo, indicando a ocorrência mais ao sul desta ecozona nas bacias marginais brasileiras. Comparando a frequência da matéria orgânica particulada nas amostras (palinomorfos, fitoclastos e matéria orgânica amorfa), se interpretou o ambiente deposicional como uma região costeira ocasionalmente influenciada por transgressões marinhas. A palinoflora representa a fase final da Província Dicheiropollis etruscus/Afropollis documentada em várias bacias marginais no Brasil e na África, principalmente definida por elementos gimnospérmicos fortemente adaptados a condições climáticas quentes e secas. / The Espírito Santo Basin comprises important oil and gas fields, mostly in active exploration. However, few micropaleontological contributions are available for this region, once most part of its knowledge is concerning to internal reports of oil and gas companies. This work presents a biostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental analysis from an Aptian-Albian succession of Mariricu (Itaúnas Member), São Mateus and Regência formations. Sampling is derived from two wells (BES-01 and BES-02), drilled in the onshore portion of the basin. Among 24 samples, 18 revealed abundant and diverse assemblages of palynomorphs, including 51 taxa related to terrestrial plants (23 of fern spores, and 28 of gimnospermic pollen grains), 4 algae (3 of dinocysts and 1 chlorophicean), as well as no determined taxa of foraminiferal linings, fungi, scolecodonts and acritarch. Gimnospermic pollen grains are dominant in both wells, mainly represented by an expressive abundance and diversity of Classopollis; other gimnospermic pollen grains and pteridophitic spores are subordinate. Biostratigraphic assignments are based on the ranges of certain guide species compared with schemes mainly established for the Espírito Santo Basin, as well as to other Brazilian marginal basins The samples of BES-01 were defined as early Albian in age, whereas an age from late Aptian to early Albian (without distinction) was assigned for the samples of well BES-02. Dinocysts (mainly Subtilisphaera) and foraminiferal linings are restricted to certain levels of the well BES-01. A distinctive monospecific assemblage of the Subtilisphaera in some samples reflects the first record of the Subtilisphaera Ecozone in the Espírito Santo Basin, representing its most meridional occurrence in the Brazilian marginal basins. Comparing the frequency of palynological content in both wells (palynomorphs, phytoclasts and amorphous organic matter), the depositional environment is interpreted as a coastal area, episodically influenced by marine transgressions. The palynofloral content of the assemblages is assumed to represent the final stage of the Dicheiropollis etruscus/Afropollis Province, which is well documented in several marginal basins of Brazil and Africa, mainly defined by a gimnospermic elements, strongly adapted to warm and dry climate conditions.

Nuage hypermassif, chocs et efficacité de formation stellaire / Hypermassive cloud, shock and stellar formation efficiency

Louvet, Fabien 22 September 2014 (has links)
Les étoiles massives, de type O ou B, sont d'une importance capitale pour le budget énergétique des galaxies et l'enrichissement du milieu interstellaire. Néanmoins, leur formation, contrairement à celle des étoiles de type solaire reste sujet à débats, sinon une énigme. Les toutes premières étapes de la formation des étoiles massives ainsi que la formation de leur nuage parent sont des thèmes qui stimulent une grande activité sur les plans théorique et observationnel depuis une décennie. Il semble maintenant acquis que les étoiles massives naissent dans des cœurs denses massifs, qui se forment au travers de processus dynamiques, tels que les flots de gaz collisionnels. Au cours de ma thèse, j'ai mené une étude approfondie de la formation des cœurs denses et des étoiles massives au sein de la structure hypermassive W43-MM1, localisée à 6~kpc du soleil. Dans un premier temps, j'ai montré une corrélation directe entre l'efficacité à former des étoiles et la densité volumique des nuages moléculaires, en décalage avec un certain nombre d'études précédentes. En effet, la distribution spatiale et de masse des cœurs denses massifs en formation au sein de W43-MM1 suggère que ce filament hypermassif est en phase de flambée de formation d'étoiles, flambée d'autant plus grande que l'on se rapproche de son cœur. J'ai comparé ces résultats observationnels aux modèles numériques et analytiques d'efficacité de formation stellaire les plus récents. Cette confrontation permet non seulement d'apporter de nouvelles contraintes sur la formation des filaments hypermassifs, mais suggère aussi que la compréhension de la formation d'étoiles dans les nuages hypermassifs nécessite une description fine de la structure de ces objets exceptionnels. En second lieu, ayant montré que la formation des étoiles massives est fortement dépendante des propriétés des filaments qui les forment, je me suis naturellement intéressé aux processus de formation de ces filaments, grâce à une étude de leur dynamique globale. Plus précisément, j'ai utilisé un traceur de chocs (la molécule de SiO) pour discerner les chocs dûs aux processus locaux de formation des étoiles (jets et flots bipolaires), des chocs dûs aux processus permettant la formation du nuage. J'ai ainsi pu, via une étude sans précédent alliant observations et modélisation de chocs dans une région formant de nombreuses étoiles, montrer l'existence de chocs à basse vitesse, première signature directe de la formation du nuage moléculaire dans lequel les étoiles massives se forment. Ces résultats constituent une étape importante reliant, via des processus dynamiques, la formation des nuages moléculaires à la formation des étoiles massives. / O and B types stars are of paramount importance in the energy budget of galaxies and play a crucial role enriching the interstellar medium. However, their formation, unlike that of solar-type stars, is still subject to debate, if not an enigma. The earliest stages of massive star formation and the formation of their parent cloud are still crucial astrophysical questions that drew a lot of attention in the community, both from the theoretical and observational perspective, during the last decade. It has been proposed that massive stars are born in massive dense cores that form through very dynamic processes, such as converging flows of gas. During my PhD, I conducted a thorough study of the formation of dense cores and massive stars in the W43-MM1 supermassive structure, located at ~ 6 kpc from the sun. At first, I showed a direct correlation between the star formation efficiency and the volume gas density of molecular clouds, in contrast with scenarii suggested by previous studies. Indeed, the spatial distribution and mass function of the massive dense cores currently forming in W43-MM1 suggests that this supermassive filament is undergoing a star formation burst, increasing as one approaches its center. I compared these observational results with the most recent numerical and analytical models of star formation. This comparison not only provides new constraints on the formation of supermassive filaments, but also suggests that understanding star formation in high density, extreme ridges requires a detailed portrait of the structure of these exceptional objects. Second, having shown that the formation of massive stars depends strongly on the properties of the ridges where they form, I studied the formation processes of these filaments, thanks of the characterization of their global dynamics. Specifically, I used a tracer of shocks (SiO molecule) to disentangle the feedback of local star formation processes (bipolar jets and outflows) from shocks tracing the pristine formation processes of the W43-MM1 cloud. I was able, via an unprecedented study combining observations and modeling of shocks in a starbust region, to show the existence of widespread low velocity shocks, that are the first direct signature of the formation of the massive molecular cloud from which massive stars form.These results are an important step connecting, via dynamical processes, the formation of molecular clouds to the formation of massive stars.

Formation continue des salariés, chômage et efficience : analyses empiriques et théoriques / Training, Unemployment and Efficiency : empirical and theoretical analysis

Rouland, Bénédicte 06 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour thème central les liens entre les décisions de formation et de licenciement, ainsi que l'efficience économique de ces décisions. La formation est ici entendue comme formation spécifique à l'entreprise dont les salariés bénéficient au cours de leur vie professionnelle via leur employeur. Le premier chapitre évalue, à partir de données individuelles, les rendements de la formation en France, à la fois sur le plan de la mobilité (emploi-emploi et emploi-chômage) qu'en termes de gain salarial. Le deuxième chapitre examine comment une protection de l'emploi, différenciée selon l'âge des salariés, affecte la volonté des entrepreneurs de former leurs travailleurs. Le troisième chapitre met en évidence que les décisions de formation et de destruction d'emploi sont fortement complémentaires. Dès lors, des subventions à la formation ciblées par niveau de qualification et combinées à des taxes sur le licenciement (également ciblées par niveau de qualification) doivent être mises en place pour que ces décisions soient socialement optimales. Le quatrième chapitre analyse comment le risque de licenciement, différencié entre les travailleurs d'un même niveau de qualification selon leur niveau d'aptitude, peut être source d'inégalités salariales. Enfin, le dernier chapitre souligne que, face aux disparités salariales, de formation et de risque de licenciement entre les salariés d'un même niveau de qualification, les subventions à la formation et les taxes sur le licenciement, nécessaires à l'efficacité économique, devraient non seulement différer selon la catégorie socioprofessionnelle, mais également au sein de chacune. / This thesis consists of five essays on firm-specific training investments, job destruction and inefficiencies issues. Both the positive aspects of firm-specific training and job destructions and the normative implications are considered. From French panel data, Essay 1 brings evidence on the empirical effect of formal training on workers’ mobility on the labor market, as well as on wages. Essay 2 identifies the effect of an exogenous change in employment protection among older workers on firms’ incentives to provide training. In light of theoretical considerations, this seems to be an important concern since employment protection may have an age-differentiated impact due to its anticipation. Essay 3 shows how complementary firms’ firing and training decisions are. Therefore, we suggest that skill-directed training subsidies and firing taxes (skill-directed as well) should be implemented to reach the optimal allocation in an imperfect labor market. Essay 4 highlights the role of firms’ decisions about reservation productivity in the wage dispersion analysis. Finally, the framework in Essay 5 generates a wage distribution, transition rates from employment to unemployment and average training amounts per worker by wage interval at the same time. In particular, we show that workers with the same skill level are paid and trained differently and have different employment to unemployment transitions rates. Therefore, we suggest that training subsidies and firing taxes should not only be skill-directed, but should also differ within a skill group of workers.

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