Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] GEOCHRONOLOGY"" "subject:"[enn] GEOCHRONOLOGY""
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The Ocoee Supergroup is a sequence of Neoproterozoic, immature, continental rift facies clastic sediments. Potential source rocks were tested by analyzing modes of detrital framework minerals, detrital mineral chemistry, whole rock geochemistry and detrital zircon U/Pb geochronology by LA-ICP-MS for Ocoee siltstone-sandstone dominated formations. Ocoee units are arkosic to subarkosic siltstones/sandstones, and ternary tectonic discrimination diagrams confirm a continental basement uplift source. Alkali feldspar predominates over plagioclase feldspar. Detrital feldspar compositions of Ocoee sediments as a group are similar to feldspar in local basement granitic rocks except for high-Ca plagioclase grains present locally in basement granitic rocks. The high alkali content of the detrital feldspars in the Ocoee Supergroup is consistent with derivation from an A-type granite source terrane. Normative Q-A-P values, calculated from wholerock chemistry, and trace element diagrams are also supportive of an A-type granite source for these rocks. The siltstones and sandstones of the Snowbird Group contain high abundances of heavy minerals (zircon, titanite, ilmenite, epidote and apatite), which are dispersed among other detrital grains and as concentrations of heavy minerals in discrete laminae. ZTR index and titanite mineral chemistry suggest a granitic source for these sediments. Detrital zircon geochronology in Ocoee sediments indicates a dominantly Grenville (1000 to 1300 Ma) source for these sediments. The youngest zircon age in the basal Ocoee Wading Branch Formation (639±8 Ma) is related to rift magmatism and provides a minimum depositional age for the Ocoee Supergroup.
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Identifying the crustal affinity of Grenville basement rocks in the Dellwood quadrangle, western NC, provides insight into the tectonic evolution of eastern Laurentia during Grenville orogenesis. U-Pb zircon geochronology of orthogneiss, augen gneiss, and mafic xenoliths in orthogneiss reveal magmatic pulses at 1130, 1180, and 1330 Ma and metamorphic episodes at 450 and 1040 Ma. Xenoliths in 1330 Ma orthogneiss are as old as 1382 Ma and represent the oldest component of Blue Ridge basement identified to-date. Feldspar Pb isotope values span a range between juvenile-Laurentian and southern-central Appalachian basement/Amazonia. Most Pb isotope data define an array consistent with crustal mixing between Laurentia and Amazonia, however, one xenolith has a unique Pb isotopic composition interpreted as Laurentian crust. Sm-Nd isotope data yield depleted mantle model ages ranging from 1.52 to 1.79 Ga (200 to 650 Ma older than their crystallization ages) indicating a broadly non-juvenile heritage for Dellwood basement. Three biotite gneiss samples contain detrital zircon grains derived from 1060, 1160, 1330, and 1750 Ma sources. Multiple magmatic zircon age populations, variable depleted mantle modelages, and regionally unique isotopic Pb signatures are evidence of protracted Grenville magmatism in the southern Appalachians involving both Laurentian and Amazonian crustal components.
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Protracted Magmatism within the North Caribou Terrane, Superior Province: Petrology, Geochronology, and Geochemistry of Meso- to Neoarchean TTG SuitesVan Lankvelt, Amanda L. 08 May 2013 (has links)
The North Caribou Terrane forms the core of Superior Province and records a protracted history of crustal growth and modification. At the centre of the North Caribou Terrane, lies the North Caribou greenstone belt, which is surrounded by granitoids of diverse compositions and ages. This study reports whole-rock geochemistry, zircon and titanite geochronology, and hornblende geobarometry on these plutonic rocks. Although zircons as old as 3132 ± 7 Ma were found, the main magmatic pulse occurred between 2880 and 2830 Ma, and geobarometry indicates tectonic thickening during this period. This was followed by widespread hydrothermal alteration and limited magmatism from 2760 to 2680 Ma, and shallow, brittle-ductile intrusions at circa 2630 Ma. From 2730 to 2630 Ma, intrusions were emplaced at increasingly shallow crustal levels. All of the rocks, except for the youngest pegmatitic intrusions, show similar patterns in major and trace elements, with a general trend toward more evolved compositions through time. These patterns indicate that the granitoids record mostly reworking of early intrusions, which is also consistent with patterns observed in the geochronology.
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Limitations and Improvements in Methods for Precise U-Pb Isotopic Dating of Precambrian ZirconDas, Abin 11 December 2012 (has links)
This thesis addresses various issues in U-Pb zircon geochronology, proposing new experimental protocols in conventional chemical abrasion-isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry or CA-(ID)-TIMS and developing a new method for Pb evaporation-condensation from zircon that allows high precision Pb-Pb age determination on Precambrian samples. Various experiments are also done on zircon to extract U-Pb information by in situ flux aided fusion methods and to optimize a better silica gel Pb-ionization activator.
Radiation damage caused by U decay in zircon disrupts its ‘closed system’ behavior leading to the loss of daughter radiogenic Pb and resulting in inaccurate ages. A high temperature thermal annealing procedure has been proposed to prevent such Pb loss. Studies presented here have been carried out using Laser Raman Spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy to characterize radiation damage and effects of laboratory induced thermal annealing on such damage. Backscattered electron images reveal a variety of textures for ZrO2 overgrowths on zircon annealed at 1450oC. Highly damaged zircon produces finer polycrystalline aggregates (<5µm) than zircon with less damage. Raman spectroscopy indicates that crystals with different levels of radiation damage are only partially restored by annealing at 1000oC for 2–3 or 20 days. Annealing at 1450oC for 1 h results in partial breakdown of zircon but restores Raman peak widths and wave numbers. Raman spectra are much less sensitive to polarization angle for annealed highly damaged grains than for weakly damaged zircon showing that when highly damaged zircon is recrystallized, it becomes a polycrystalline aggregate that pseudomorphs the original single crystal.
The whole grain Pb evaporation-condensation method is based on 206Pb-207Pb age analyses where zircon grains are pre-treated at 1450oC to drive out all disturbed Pb and then they are kept at 1600oC for an hour or two during which Pb atoms are evaporated out of the grain and deposited directly into a clean Savillex teflon vial or a wide Re filament. This technique allows the use of a 202Pb-205Pb double spike for precise isotopic fractionation correction. Examples are shown in which application of this technique to zircon from Precambrian samples has successfully yielded sub-million year age precisions.
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Uranium metallogeny in the North Flinders Ranges region of South Australia.Wulser, Pierre-Alain January 2009 (has links)
The geological province of the Mount Painter in the North Flinders Ranges (South Australia) is well-known for its uranium mineralisation, and uraniferous granites. The presence in the nearby Cenozoic sediments of the Lake Frome basin of uranium mineralisations (Beverley deposit) and the recent discovery of the Four Mile deposit has triggered the interest of explorers. Based on extensive laser-ablation inductively-coupled-plasma-mass-spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) U-Pb geochronological data and mineralogy of U-Th-bearing minerals, rock geochemistry and petrography, we present a global study on the mobility of U, Th and REE in the Mount Painter Domain, including a detailed reconstitution of the Beverley deposit genesis. Seven significant stages of U-Th-REE mobility are recognised: 1. The possible presence U-enriched ~1600 Ma lower crust under the MPD 2. Intrusion of two A-type Mesoproterozoic granites suites (~1575, and ~1560 Ma respectively) with high HFSE contents and crustal origin; the porphyritic biotite K-rich highly-enriched Yerila granite belongs to the youngest suite and hosts magmatic allanite-(Ce), potassic-hastingsite, ilmenite, fergusonite-(Y), chevkinite, molybdenite, zircon, uranothorite, uraninite and titanite and fluorite 3. Late-magmatic or post-magmatic metasomatism in the same granites; evidenced by F-rich annite, zircon, Y-bearing Al-F-titanite (< 6 kbar, >400°C), Y-rich fluorapatite, synchysite-(Ce) and fluorite. Early ilmenite, molybdenite, allanite-(Ce) and oligoclase reacted with an alkaline oxidising F-rich melt or fluid. The latemagmatic to post-magmatic metasomatism is also recorded at the intrusion contact in regional rocks, forming allanite-, magnetite-, uranothorite-, zircon- (1501 ± 6 Ma), and uraninite-bearing calcsilicate skarns. The spreading of zircon ages in the Yerila granite (~1565 to ~1521) relates to the mixing of magmatic and metasomatic crystals. 4. the MPD was subject to the Delamerian orogeny and related metamorphism (amphibolite facies); most Mesoproterozoic granitic assemblages present signs of recrystallisation or stress; recrystallisation of monazite-(Ce) and xenotime-(Y) during Paleozoic (Cambrian) (490-495 Ma). U-Th-rich minerals also bear Delamerian ages (polycrase-(Y), euxenite-(Y), davidite-(La) and uraninite). 5. Anatexis of local basement during Ordovician and generation of peraluminous granite (British Empire granite) with low Th/U. The granite is enriched in U and Y. We provide the first robust ages on it: 456 ± 9 and 459 ± 9 Ma on zircon, 453.3 ± 4.6 on xenotime-(Y). 6. Very active hydrothermal/pegmatitic uranium remobilisation along active faults; brannerite-quartz veins formation (367 ± 13 Ma), further signs of remobilisation or hydrothermal event during Permian (284 ± 25 Ma in thorite) and around the Mt Gee (~290 Ma radiogenic gain in davidite) which agrees with the previous data (paleomagnetic ages of 250-300 Ma). 7. Cenozoic supergene uranium remobilisation in MPD and migration of U-rich oxidised groundwaters into the Lake Frome. The uranium is precipitated in the sandy formation of the lake and in the top layer of the underlying organic-matter-rich clays and silts. The micro-environment of reduction efficiently trap U but also REE, fingerprinting the REE-rich MPD granite source. Coffinite and carnotite give concordant Pliocene ages (6.7 to 3.4 Ma). Provenance studies on the sands hosting the Beverley mineralisations suggest a reworking of Early Cretaceous glacial or glacio-lacustrine sediments originally sourced in Eastern Australia (Lachlan Fold Belt). The youngest recorded zircon (130 Ma) doesn’t constrain the sediment age but refines the provenance region (New England Orogen). / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1370301 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2009
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Uranium metallogeny in the North Flinders Ranges region of South Australia.Wulser, Pierre-Alain January 2009 (has links)
The geological province of the Mount Painter in the North Flinders Ranges (South Australia) is well-known for its uranium mineralisation, and uraniferous granites. The presence in the nearby Cenozoic sediments of the Lake Frome basin of uranium mineralisations (Beverley deposit) and the recent discovery of the Four Mile deposit has triggered the interest of explorers. Based on extensive laser-ablation inductively-coupled-plasma-mass-spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) U-Pb geochronological data and mineralogy of U-Th-bearing minerals, rock geochemistry and petrography, we present a global study on the mobility of U, Th and REE in the Mount Painter Domain, including a detailed reconstitution of the Beverley deposit genesis. Seven significant stages of U-Th-REE mobility are recognised: 1. The possible presence U-enriched ~1600 Ma lower crust under the MPD 2. Intrusion of two A-type Mesoproterozoic granites suites (~1575, and ~1560 Ma respectively) with high HFSE contents and crustal origin; the porphyritic biotite K-rich highly-enriched Yerila granite belongs to the youngest suite and hosts magmatic allanite-(Ce), potassic-hastingsite, ilmenite, fergusonite-(Y), chevkinite, molybdenite, zircon, uranothorite, uraninite and titanite and fluorite 3. Late-magmatic or post-magmatic metasomatism in the same granites; evidenced by F-rich annite, zircon, Y-bearing Al-F-titanite (< 6 kbar, >400°C), Y-rich fluorapatite, synchysite-(Ce) and fluorite. Early ilmenite, molybdenite, allanite-(Ce) and oligoclase reacted with an alkaline oxidising F-rich melt or fluid. The latemagmatic to post-magmatic metasomatism is also recorded at the intrusion contact in regional rocks, forming allanite-, magnetite-, uranothorite-, zircon- (1501 ± 6 Ma), and uraninite-bearing calcsilicate skarns. The spreading of zircon ages in the Yerila granite (~1565 to ~1521) relates to the mixing of magmatic and metasomatic crystals. 4. the MPD was subject to the Delamerian orogeny and related metamorphism (amphibolite facies); most Mesoproterozoic granitic assemblages present signs of recrystallisation or stress; recrystallisation of monazite-(Ce) and xenotime-(Y) during Paleozoic (Cambrian) (490-495 Ma). U-Th-rich minerals also bear Delamerian ages (polycrase-(Y), euxenite-(Y), davidite-(La) and uraninite). 5. Anatexis of local basement during Ordovician and generation of peraluminous granite (British Empire granite) with low Th/U. The granite is enriched in U and Y. We provide the first robust ages on it: 456 ± 9 and 459 ± 9 Ma on zircon, 453.3 ± 4.6 on xenotime-(Y). 6. Very active hydrothermal/pegmatitic uranium remobilisation along active faults; brannerite-quartz veins formation (367 ± 13 Ma), further signs of remobilisation or hydrothermal event during Permian (284 ± 25 Ma in thorite) and around the Mt Gee (~290 Ma radiogenic gain in davidite) which agrees with the previous data (paleomagnetic ages of 250-300 Ma). 7. Cenozoic supergene uranium remobilisation in MPD and migration of U-rich oxidised groundwaters into the Lake Frome. The uranium is precipitated in the sandy formation of the lake and in the top layer of the underlying organic-matter-rich clays and silts. The micro-environment of reduction efficiently trap U but also REE, fingerprinting the REE-rich MPD granite source. Coffinite and carnotite give concordant Pliocene ages (6.7 to 3.4 Ma). Provenance studies on the sands hosting the Beverley mineralisations suggest a reworking of Early Cretaceous glacial or glacio-lacustrine sediments originally sourced in Eastern Australia (Lachlan Fold Belt). The youngest recorded zircon (130 Ma) doesn’t constrain the sediment age but refines the provenance region (New England Orogen). / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1370301 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2009
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Magmatisme acide plio-pleistocene de la marge tyrrhenienne : geochronologie, petrogenese et implications geodynamiquesCadoux, Anita 14 October 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Le magmatisme Néogène italien est caractérisé par une grande variété pétrologique et géochimique, couvrant presque entièrement le spectre des roches magmatiques connues dans le monde entier. Le volcanisme récent, Quaternaire, comprenant des laves de composition basiques et intermédiaires, est à la base de la majorité des modèles géodynamiques. Comparativement, le magmatisme acide, correspondant aux premières manifestations sur la marge Tyrrhénienne est beaucoup moins volumineux, affleure sans ou avec peu de roches basiques ou intermédiaires associées, et est relativement mal connu. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont (1) de préciser l'âge de ces manifestations, (2) de comprendre l'origine de ce magmatisme (détermination des sources) et, (3) d'intégrer ces contraintes dans le cadre général du magmatisme italien et de l'ouverture de la Mer Tyrrhénienne. Une étude combinée géochronologique et pétro-géochimique a donc été entreprise sur des édifices acides de la Toscane (San Vincenzo, Roccastrada, Amiata) et les îles de Ponza et Palmarola (Archipel des Pontine, région Campanienne, Golf de Gaeta). Vingt-cinq datations K-Ar précises (technique Cassignol-Gillot) ont été effectuées sur les îles de Ponza et Palmarola. Le début de l'activité de Palmarola a été datée pour la première fois à 1.64 ± 0.02 Ma ; l'âge Quaternaire (Pléistocène) obtenu remet en cause l'âge Pliocène qui avait été proposé sur des critères stratigraphiques. Concernant Ponza, un nouvel épisode rhyolitique a été découvert à 3.1-2.9 Ma. Un changement magmatique rapide a été mis en évidence entre les deux îles ; en seulement ~1.3 Ma (au passage Pliocène/Pléistocène), on passe d'un volcanisme calco-alcalin orogénique à Ponza vers un volcanisme s'approchant du volcanisme alcalin intraplaque à Palmarola. De nouvelles données minéralogiques et isotopiques permettent de proposer un modèle pétrogénétique pour ces magmas, faisant intervenir une cristallisation fractionnée accompagnée par une contamination crustale plus ou moins forte, à partir de liquides mantelliques différents. Des âges précis et reproductibles ont été obtenus pour les édifices de la Province Toscane (San Vincenzo, Roccastrada et Amiata). Pour le volcan de Monte Amiata, de nouvelles données isotopiques Sr-Nd et Pb confirment qu'il est en terme de sources un hybride entre les Province Toscane et Romaine. Nous proposons grâce aux âges obtenus un nouveau scénario pour sa mise en place. L'analyse en composantes principales (ACP) des données isotopiques du Pb de toutes les manifestations acides étudiées dans cette thèse a permis d'identifier les deux composants source à l'origine de ces roches. Le composant le plus important est un pôle mantellique correspondant à un mélange entre DM et HIMU, tandis que le second, dont le rôle est mineur comparé au premier, est un pôle enrichi de type crustal. Les roches acides les plus au Sud (Pontines) montrent une influence plus forte du composant DM+HIMU. Ainsi, même sur des roches aussi différenciées et à plus petite échelle (l'Italie centrale), on retrouve la tendance générale propre à l'ensemble de la péninsule Italienne et de la Sicile, dérivée de l'étude isotopique des roches basiques, qui montre un mélange général entre DM et HIMU auquel s'ajoute un composant dérivé de la croûte. L'influence du pôle DM-HIMU est croissante du Nord au Sud de l'Italie. Etendue à l'échelle de la marge Tyrrhénienne italienne, l'ACP permet d'identifier deux domaines sources, délimités par une discontinuité lithosphérique majeure de l'Italie centrale, le 41ème Parallèle, dans lesquels les composants évoluent différemment. Les caractéristiques du domaine Nord pourraient être contrôlées par un processus de délamination de la lithosphère inférieure, celles du domaine Sud par un retrait rapide du slab, les deux phénomènes provoquant une remontée asthénosphérique.
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Petrologia e geocronologia do complexo máfico-ultramáfico trincheira, sudoeste do cráton amazônico: implicações tectônicas do mesoproterozóicoRizzotto, Gilmar Jose January 2012 (has links)
A ambiência geotectônica das rochas máfico-ultramáficas do sudoeste do Cráton Amazônico é, de uma maneira geral, pouco conhecida. A maioria dos trabalhos desta porção cratônica está enfocada nos estudos geocronológicos em granitóides, de modo que pouco se sabe sobre a origem e significado tectônico destas rochas. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa buscou contribuir para o conhecimento da evolução geotectônica do sudoeste do Cráton Amazônico, através da caracterização de um complexo ofiolítico Mesoproterozóico, correspondente ao Complexo Trincheira, de idade Calimiana. Desta forma, uma nova proposta de modelo tectônico é aqui apresentada, a qual explica muitas das características anteriormente enigmáticas da história Pré-cambriana desta área-chave e possibilita outras alternativas para a reconstrução do supercontinente Columbia. O ofiolito Trincheira é composto de rochas extrusivas (anfibolitos derivados de basaltos maciços e almofadados), intrusivas máfico-ultramáficas, chert, formação ferrífera bandada, pelitos, psamitos e pequena proporção de rochas cálcio-silicáticas. A composição geoquímica das rochas extrusivas e intrusivas máfico-ultramáficas mostra semelhanças com os basaltos toleiíticos modernos, as quais possuem moderado a forte fracionamento de elementos terras-raras leves, padrão quase horizontal dos elementos terras-raras pesados e moderada a forte anomalia negativa dos elementos de alto campo de força (especialmente Nb), uma assinatura geoquímica típica de zona de subducção. As unidades basais do ofiolito Trincheira são quimicamente similares aos modernos basaltos de cadeia meso-oceânica (MORB). Esse comportamento químico muda para as unidades de topo as quais apresentam uma assinatura similar aos toleiítos de arco-de- ilha (IAT). Portanto, o ofiolito Trincheira deve ter sido originado em um ambiente intra-oceânico de supra-subducção composto de um sistema de arco/retro-arco. Os dados isotópicos de Sm, Nd e Sr para essas rochas indicam valores iniciais de Nd de moderados a altamente positivos (+2.6 a +8.8) e muito baixa razão inicial de 87Sr/86Sr (0,7013 – 0,7033), sugerindo que esses magmas foram originados a partir de uma fonte mantélica empobrecida e nada ou fracamente contaminados por componentes de subducção. O complexo ofiolítico foi deformado, metassomatizado e metamorfisado durante o desenvolvimento da Faixa Móvel Guaporé, um orógeno acrescionário-colisional Mesoproterozóico (1,47-1,35 Ba), constituído pela zona de sutura Guaporé, a qual une o Cráton Amazônico com o Bloco Paraguá. A fase colisional que marca o encaixe final dessas duas massas continentais ocorreu por volta de 1,35 Ba, onde o metamorfismo atingiu temperaturas entre 780 a 853°C nos granulitos máficos e 680 a 720°C nos anfibolitos, com pressão média de 6,8 kbar. A sutura Guaporé foi reativada no final do Mesoproterozóico e evoluiu para a abertura de um rift intracontinental, com a sedimentação das rochas dos Grupos Nova Brasilândia e Aguapeí, o qual marca a fragmentação final do supercontinente Columbia, por volta de 1,3-1,2 Ba. Granulitos máficos, anfibolitos e trondhjemitos da porção meridional do Cinturão Nova Brasilândia, representativos da última fase compressional que afetou o sudoeste do Cráton Amazônico, forneceram idades U-Pb de 1110 Ma, as quais datam o metamorfismo de alto grau e o fechamento do rift, processo resultante da acresção do microcontinente Arequipa-Antofalla ao Cráton Amazônico. Portanto, a fragmentação do supercontinente Columbia foi seguida rapidamente pela aglomeração de outras massas continentais, formando o supercontinente Rodínia, por volta de 1100 Ma. / The tectonic framework of the ultramafic-mafic rocks of the southwestern Amazon Craton is generally little known. Most of work this cratonic portion is focused on the geochronological studies of granitoids, so that little is known about the origin and tectonic significance of these rocks. In this context, this study contributes to the knowledge of the tectonic evolution of the southwestern Amazon Craton, through the characterization of a Mesoproterozoic ophiolitic complex, corresponding to the Trincheira Complex of Calymmian age, and propose a tectonic model that explains many previously enigmatic features of the Precambrian history of this key craton, and discuss its role in the reconstruction of the Columbia supercontinent. The complex comprises extrusive rocks (fine-grained amphibolites derived from massive and pillowed basalts), mafic-ultramafic intrusive rocks, chert, banded iron formation, pelites, psammitic and a smaller proportion of calc-silicate rocks. The geochemical composition of the extrusive and intrusive rocks indicates that all noncumulus mafic-ultramafic rocks are tholeiitic basalts. These rocks display moderately to strongly fractionation of light rare earth elements (LREE), near-flat heavy rare earth elements (HREE) patterns and moderate to strong negative high field strength elements (HFSE) anomalies (especially Nb), a geochemical signature typical of subduction zones. The lowest units of the Trincheira ophiolite are similar to the modern mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB). This behavior changes to an island arc tholeiites (IAT) signature in the upper units of the Trincheira ophiolite. Therefore, the Trincheira ophiolite appears to have originated in an intraoceanic supra-subduction setting composed of an arc-back-arc system. Mafic-ultramafic rocks of the Trincheira ophiolites display moderate to highly positive initial Nd values of +2.6 to +8.8 and very low values for the initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio (0.7013 - 0.7033). It is suggested that these magmas originated from a depleted mantle source, which experienced low degree of contamination by variable subduction components. The ophiolitic sequence was deformed, metasomatized and metamorphosed during the development of the Alto Guaporé Belt, a Mesoproterozoic accretionary-collisional orogen that represents the Guaporé suture zone. Metamorphism was pervasive and reached temperatures of 780-853°C in mafic granulites and 680-720°C in amphibolites under an overall pressure of 6.8 kbar. The Guaporé suture zone is defined by the ESE–WNW trending mafic-ultramafic belt formed during a Mesoproterozoic (ca. 1.47-1.43 Ga) accretionary phase, and overprinted by upper amphibolite-granulite facies metamorphism during collisional phase in the Ectasian (~1.35 Ga), which mark the docking final of the Amazon craton and Paraguá Block. This suture was reactivated and evolved from the development of an intracontinental rift environment, represented by Nova Brasilândia and Aguapeí Groups, which mark the final breakup of the supercontinent Columbia in the late Mesoproterozoic (ca. 1.3-1.2 Ga). Mafic granulites, amphibolites and trondhjemites in the northernmost portion of the Nova Brasilândia belt yield U-Pb zircon ages ca. 1110 Ma, which dates the high-grade metamorphism and the closure of the rift, due to the accretion of the Arequipa-Antofalla basement to the Amazon craton. Therefore, the breakup of supercontinent Columbia was followed in short sequence by the assembly of supercontinent Rodinia at ca. 1100 Ma.
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Geologia e petrologia das rochas riolíticas do Cerro Ana Dias, Região de Quitéria, Sudeste do RSOliveira, Diego Skieresz de January 2015 (has links)
As manifestações vulcânicas e sub-vulcânicas riolíticas do Neoproterozoico do sul do Brasil são correlacionados a um intenso magmatismo ácido, ligados à diferentes associações petrotectônicas do Escudo Sul-Rio-Grandense. Uma porção deste vulcanismo ocorre no Cinturão Dom Feliciano, associado ao Batólito de Pelotas, e é resultante de episódios magmáticos vinculados à ambientes pós-colisionais relacionados com os estágios finais do Neoproterozoico no sul do Brasil. O Riolito Ana Dias é a principal ocorrência sub-vulcânica deste vulcanismo e está situado na região de Quitéria, na parte central do Rio Grande do Sul. O magmatismo ácido tem sido comumente associado com as fases mais diferenciadas das suítes graníticas durante os estágios finais de evolução do Batólito de Pelotas. O Riolito Ana Dias é caracterizado como um corpo intrusivo, constituído por rochas que apresentam textura porfirítica à seriada, variando para termos equigranulares finos. Novas idades U-Pb obtidas em zircões indicam uma idade de cristalização de 581,9 ± 1,9 Ma para estes riolitos. Dados geoquímicos caracterizam as rochas riolíticas como sendo da série alcalina. Apresentam um caráter metaluminoso a peraluminoso com teores elevados de SiO2, álcalis, FeOt/FeOt+MgO e índice agpaítico e baixos conteúdos de Al2O3, CaO e MgO. Os valores de Zr, Rb, Y, Nb e Ga são moderados em comparação com os conteúdos relativamente baixos de Ba e Sr. Estas características geoquímicas de elementos maiores e traços são comuns em magmas ácidos de afinidade alcalina, com caráter dominantemente metaluminoso. O padrão de alguns elementos-traços e ETR é caracterizado por um enriquecimento em elementos mais incompatíveis, o que juntamente com a anomalia negativa em Ba, o leve enriquecimento em Ce em relação aos elementos adjacentes e o enriquecimento de K2O e Rb em relação ao Nb, sugerem magmas derivados de fontes mantélicas, enriquecidas em elementos incompatíveis com alguma forma de participação crustal. As características químicas são semelhantes com as de magmatismo granítico do tipo A, relacionado a ambientes pós-colisionais. Os dados litoquímicos obtidos indicam uma vinculação genética com as rochas graníticas mais diferenciadas da Suíte Dom Feliciano do Batólito Pelotas, associadas ao magmatismo Neoproterozoico pós-colisional do Escudo Sul-Rio-Grandense. / Neoproterozoic volcanic and subvolcanic rhyolitic systems in southernmost Brazil are correlated with acid magmatism linked to different petrotectonic associations of the Sul-Rio-Grandense Shield. A portion of this volcanism in the Dom Feliciano Belt is associated with the Pelotas Batholith, which resulted from magmatic episodes associated with the Ediacaran post-collisional evolution of southern Brazil. Ana Dias Rhyolite is the main subvolcanic occurrence of this volcanism that took place in the Quitéria region, in the central part of Rio Grande do Sul State. The acid magmatism has been commonly associated with the most differentiated granite suite phases during the final stages of emplacement of the Pelotas Batholith. The Ana Dias Rhyolite is characterized as an intrusive body with rocks that present a porphyritic to seriated texture and a gradational variation to fine-grained equigranular rocks. New zircon U-Pb dating indicates crystallization age of 581.9 ± 1.9 Ma for the Ana Dias Rhyolite. Geochemistry data characterize the rhyolites as belonging to the alkaline series; they present a metaluminous to peraluminous character; elevated SiO2 and alkali concentrations, high FeOt/FeOt+MgO ratios and agpaitic index; and low Al2O3, CaO, and MgO contents. The Zr, Rb, Y, Nb, and Ga concentrations are moderate when compared with the relatively low Ba and Sr contents. These geochemistry characteristics are common in acid magmas with alkaline affinity. The behavior of certain trace elements and REE demonstrate enrichment in more incompatible elements, in addition to the negative anomaly of Ba, the slight enrichment in Ce relative to adjacent elements, as well as the enrichment in K2O and Rb relative to Nb, suggesting magmas derived from mantle sources enriched in incompatible elements with some crustal contamination. The chemical characteristics are similar to those of A-type granites associated with Neoproterozoic post-collision magmatism in the Sul-Rio-Grandense Shield.
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Tectônica e proveniência do grupo Santa Bárbara, região de Minas do Camaquã - RSBicca, Marcos Muller January 2013 (has links)
A região de estudo localiza-se na porção da Bacia do Camaquã, sendo classicamente conhecida com “Janela Bom Jardim”. Esta área já foi intensamente estudada, principalmente em decorrência dos depósitos minerais amplamente distribuídos. Apesar disso ainda não existe um consenso com relação à evolução tectônica da região, desde processos formadores da bacia até eventos pósdeposicionais, como também com relação ao seu posicionamento estratigráfico dentro da sequência deposicional da Bacia do Camaquã. Dessa forma, este trabalho vem contribuir e acrescentar aos modelos anteriores com dados geocronológicos e termocronológicos, aplicados diretamente às rochas sedimentares da região, bem como, novos dados de estrutural. Para tanto, submetemos seis amostras de rochas sedimentares da região de Minas do Camaquã à análise pelo método U-Pb com LA-ICP-MS e SHRIMP, aplicado a zircões detríticos, no intuito de mapear possíveis áreas fonte dos sedimentos como também, propor uma idade máxima de deposição para a sequência. Estas mesmas amostras foram utilizadas para separação de apatitas para análise termocronológicas (traços de fissão em apatitas), com o objetivo de caracterizar eventos de soerguimento e denudação relacionados à tectônica que afetou a área. O estudo de proveniência possibilitou identificar uma grande contribuição de zircões de idade Brasiliana, principalmente do final do Neoproterozóico e secundariamente populações de zircões de idade Paleoproterozóica, principalmente relacionadas ao Ciclo Transamazônico. A população principal foi correlacionada às intrusões graníticas do Terreno Taquarembó, e possivelmente contribuições do Batólito Pelotas, como também, das sequências vulcano-sedimentares mais antigas da própria Bacia do Camaquã. As idades Paleoproterozóicas foram atribuídas á rochas do Complexo Granulítico Santa Maria Chico e Complexo Encantadas, como também, zircões retrabalhados das rochas metassedimentares do Complexo Metamórfico Porongos. Ainda foi possível estimarmos a idade máxima de deposição da sequência em 554 Ma a partir do grão de zircão mais jovem datado posicionando estas rochas dentro do intervalo deposicional do Grupo Santa Bárbara. A análise por traços de fissão em apatitas permitiu identificar quatro populações de idades principais. Estas populações foram atribuídas à influência de dois eventos orogênicos na margem sul – ocidental do Gondwana: Famatiniana e Gondwanides. O primeiro evento é bem documentado pelas populações de 407-362 Ma e o segundo pelas populações de 302 Ma e 242-211 Ma. A quarta população (133 Ma) foi registrada em uma única amostra indicando um evento térmico ocasionado por intrusões vulcânicas associadas ao vulcanismo Paraná-Etendeka (Cretáceo inferior). Por fim, dados estruturais permitiram identificar uma evolução tectônica complexa, marcada por processos relacionados formação da bacia até reativações pósdeposicionais. Os eventos D1 e D2 foram associados a esforços gerados durante os estágios finais do Ciclo Brasiliano, com campos de tensão S10E-N10W e SE-NW, respectivamente. Um evento D3 com campo de tensão W-L registra reativações causadas pela Orogenia Famatiniana. O evento D4 marcado por uma compressão NNE-SSW e uma extensão NE-SW são relacionados aos processos tectônicos Triássicos (Orogenia Gondwanides). Um último evento D5 extensional (L-W) foi correlacionado aos processos de separação do Gondwana. / The study area is located in the southern portion of the Camaquã Basin, being classically known as "Bom Jardim Window". This area has been intensely studied, mainly due to the ore deposits widely distributed. Yet there is still no consensus regarding the tectonic evolution of the region, since basin inception processes until postdepositional events, but also regarding its stratigraphic position within the depositional sequence Basin Camaquã. Thus, this work contributes to previous models with geochronological and thermochronological data, applied directly to the sedimentary rocks of the region, as well as new structural data. Therefore, we submitted six samples of sedimentary rocks from the Camaquã Mines region to U-Pb method with LA-ICP-MS e SHRIMP applied to detrital zircons in order to map possible source areas of the sediments, as well as, proposing a maximum depositional age for the sequence. These same samples were used for apatite separation for thermochronological analysis (apatite fission tracks), with the aim of characterizing uplift and denudation events related to tectonics process that affected the area. Provenance study enabled us to identify a large contribution of Brasiliano zircon ages, especially from Late-Neoproterozoic and secondarily, zircons populations of Paleoproterozoic age, mainly related to Trans-Amazonian Cycle. The main population was correlated with granitic intrusions from Taquarembó Terrene and possibly contributions from Pelotas Batholith, as well as, from older volcano-sedimentary sequences of the Camaquã Basin. Paleoproterozoic ages were assigned to rocks of Santa Maria Chico Granulitic Complex and Encantadas Complex, as well as, reworked zircons from metasedimentary rocks of Porongos Metamorphic Complex. Still it was possible to estimate the maximum deposition age of the sequence on 554 Ma from the youngest zircon grain dated. Previous isotopic data allow positioning these rocks within the depositional range of Santa Bárbara Group. Apatite fission track analysis identified four main ages populations. These populations were attributed to the influence of two orogenic events on the Southwestern margin of Gondwana: Famatinian and Gondwanides. The first event is well documented by the 407-362 Ma age populations and the second by the 302 Ma and 242-211 Ma. The fourth population (133 Ma) was recorded in only one sample indicating a thermal event caused by volcanic intrusions associated with volcanism Paraná-Etendeka (Lower Cretaceous). Finally, structural data allowed identifying a complex tectonic evolution, characterized by basin inception processes until post-depositional reactivations. The events D1 and D2 were associated with stresses generated during the final stages of the Brazilian Cycle with stress fields of S10E-SE-NW and SE-NW, respectively. A third event (D3) with W-L stress field records the reactivation Famatinian Orogeny. The D4 event marked by a NNE-SSW compression and a NE-SW extension related to Triassic tectonic processes (Gondwanides Orogeny). One last extensional (W-L) event (D5) was correlated to the processes of separation of Gondwana.
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