Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] GEOCHRONOLOGY"" "subject:"[enn] GEOCHRONOLOGY""
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Petrogenesis of I- and S-type Granites in the Cape River - Lolworth area, northeastern Queensland - Their contribution to an understanding of the Early Palaeozoic Geological History of northeastern QueenslandHutton, Laurie James January 2004 (has links)
The geological history of the Early Palaeozoic in eastern Australia is not known precisely. The eastern margin of the outcropping Precambrian Craton 'Tasman Line' is poorly understood. The Thomson Orogen, which underlies much of eastern Queensland, lies to the east of the Tasman Line. Basement to the Tasman Orogenic Zone is poorly understood, but knowledge of this basement is critical to our understanding to the processes that formed the eastern margin of the Precambrian craton. The Lolworth-Ravenswood Province lies to the east of the Tasman Line in northeast Queensland. A study of basement terranes in the Lolworth-Ravenswood Province will therefore provide some insights as to the nature of crust beneath this area, and therefore to the basement to the Thomson Orogen. The Fat Hen Creek Complex comprises para-authchthonous bodies of granitoid within middle to upper amphibolite facies metamorphic rocks. Data contained herein demonstrate that the composition and geochemistry of the granitoid are compatible with the generation of the granitoid by partial anatexis of the metamorphic rocks that are part of the Cape River Metamorphics. Temperature and pressure of anatexis is determined to be between 800-850OC and 5-9kb. Under these conditions, experimental data indicate that meta-pelite and meta-greywacke will produce between 5-10% melt coexisting with biotite, cordierite, garnet and plagioclase. The mineralogy of the granitoid bodies in the Fat Hen Creek Complex is consistent with partial anatexis of meta-greywacke at these temperatures and pressures. 5-10% melt is generally insufficient to allow efficient separation of melt and restite. The granitoids of the Fat Hen Creek Complex are interpreted as being a closed system with melt generated during high-grade metamorphism not separating from the residium. U/Pb dating of zircon from the Fat Hen Creek Complex indicate two distinct periods of zircon growth. The older episode occurred during the Late Cambrian to Early Ordovician. A second episode is dated as Middle Ordovician. This younger age coincides with the onset of regional compression, and may be related to exhumation of a mid-crustal layer during thrusting. The Lolworth Batholith is one of three granite batholiths in the Lolworth-Ravenswood Province. It comprises mainly muscovite-biotite granite, with smaller areas of hornblende-biotite granite to granodiorite. Sills and dykes of muscovite and garnet-muscovite leucogranite extensively intrude both of these types. The hornblende-biotite granite to granodiorite is metaluminous, with petrographic and geochemical characteristics similar to the adjacent Ravenswood Batholith. U-Pb SHRIMP ages also overlap with those from the Ravenswood Batholith. ENd(tc) values of ~-3 suggest a significant crustal contribution in the magma. Zircon populations determined using the SHRIMP suggest some inheritance from a Neoproterozoic source. The two-mica granites make up over 80% of the batholith and show little variation throughout. Aluminium Saturation indices range dominantly from 1-1.1, in keeping with the muscovite-bearing nature of the granites. U-Pb ages are significantly younger than the hornblende-biotite granitoids. ENd(tc) is ~-10, suggesting a greater role for crustal material in these granites than in the hornblende-bearing varieties. Previously, these granites were interpreted as S-types, mainly on the basis of the presence of muscovite. Low Na/Ca and Na greater than K are both considered as indicators of source compositions and both are characteristic of a mafic igneous rather than a meta-sedimentary source. Anatexis of mafic igneous rocks at temperatures less than~1000OC are found experimentally to produce peraluminous melts similar to those which produced the two-mica granites. The third major rock-type in the Lolworth Batholith is muscovite leucogranite, which occurs as sills and dykes intruding older granites and basement. The age of the leucogranite was not determined, but it has sharp contacts with the two-mica granite suggesting that the latter had cooled prior to intrusion of the former. The leucogranite is strongly peraluminous and is deemed to have been derived from anatexis of a supra-crustal (meta-sedimentary) source. The batholith is therefore deemed to comprise three different elements. The hornblende-biotite granitoids are the western extension of the adjacent Ravenswood Batholith. The two-mica granite and muscovite leucogranite are derived from different sources, but may be part of the same crustal anatexis event. During the Early Palaeozoic, the Lolworth-Ravenswood Province saw the intrusion of three granite batholiths into a basement of Late Neoproterozoic to Cambrian meta-sedimentary rocks. Also, Late Cambrian to Early Ordovician and Middle Ordovician high-grade metamorphism accompanied by partial anatexis is recorded at several sites across northeast Queensland. Although this metamorphism is restricted to these sites, they are widespread across the area suggestive of a widespread metamorphic event at these times. Similar metamorphism is recorded in the Arunta Inlier in Central Australia increasing the possible extent of this event. The geochemistry, isotopic characteristics and zircon populations of granites in the Lolworth-Ravenswood Province are used to characterise their source rocks; and thus the basement to the Province. Precambrian basement is indicated to underlie the entire province. However, the source rocks for the eastern part of the Province (Ravenswood and into the Lolworth Batholiths) are different to source rocks for the western part of the Province. Georgetown-type crust extends eastwards from the outcropping area, extending under the western Lolworth-Ravenswood Province. Late Mesoproterozoic rocks are recorded from the Cape River area adjacent to the Lolworth Batholith. They are also indicated as source-rocks for granites in the Ravenswood Batholith. Rocks of this age are characteristic of Grenvillian-age mobile belts in the United States. Their presence in north Qeensland has implications for the breakup of Rodinia, the Mesoproterozoic-age super continent that broke up during the Neoproterozoic.
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Magmatic-Hydrothermal Events, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Tourmaline Breccia in the Giant Río Blanco – Los Bronces Porphyry Copper Deposit, Central ChileHohf Riveros, Michael 26 April 2021 (has links)
The Río Blanco–Los Bronces (Chile) is one of the richest endowed porphyry copper-molybdenum districts worldwide, where about 20% of the known mineralization is hosted by tourmaline-cemented hydrothermal breccia.
This work seeks: (1) to find a relationship between tourmaline chemical and/or isotopic composition and the degree of mineralization in the breccia, (2) to constrain the source of the mineralizing fluid in the breccia, and (3) to determine of the composition and age of intrusive units in three new exploration projects and correlate them with the known intrusive rocks of the mine areas. Tourmaline from mineralized and barren breccias has similar boron isotopic compositions but differences in Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratios, Al-contents and Al-Fe correlation, which may have exploration value. Boron and sulfur isotopes results are consistent with a magmatic source of hydrothermal fluids. Results of whole rock geochemistry and U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of intrusive units, breccia and late-stage veins are combined with previous U-Pb, Ar/Ar and Re-Os ages to elucidate the magmatic and hydrothermal history of the district.:1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation of the study and statement of research questions
1.2 Scope of the study
2 Porphyry copper deposits (PCDs)
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Global copper inventory
2.1.2 Definition and classification of PCDs
2.2 Regional scale characteristics of PCDs
2.2.1 Tectonic setting
2.2.2 Space and time distribution
2.2.3 Porphyry stocks and their pluton and volcanic connections
2.2.4 Wall-rock Influence
2.3 Deposit-scale characteristics
2.3.1 Porphyry stocks and dikes
2.3.2 Hydrothermal breccia
2.3.3 Alteration-mineralization zoning
2.4 Processes of PCD formation
2.4.1 Arc magmatism
2.4.2 Magmatic volatiles
2.4.3 Genetic models
3 Regional setting of the study area
3.1 Tectono-magmatic setting
3.2 Metallogenic belts
4 Río Blanco – Los Bronces mining district
4.1 Mining history
4.2 District geology
4.2.1 Stratified rocks
4.2.2 Plutonic and hypabyssal intrusions
4.2.3 Structures
4.2.4 Alteration and mineralization
4.2.1 Geochronology database
5 Results
5.1 Plutonic units
5.1.1 Petrography
5.1.2 Whole rock (WR) geochemistry
5.1.3 Geochronology
5.2 Mineralization
5.2.1 Petrography
5.2.2 Tourmaline occurrence and composition
5.2.3 Sulfides and sulfates
6 Discussion
6.1 Time-space relationships of intrusion, brecciation and hydrothermal alteration
6.2 Stable isotope constraints on fluid source and evolution
6.2.1 Oxygen, hydrogen and sulfur isotopes
6.2.2 Boron isotopes
6.3 Tourmaline as a redox indicator and significance for exploration
7 Summary and conclusions
8 References
Digital supplement
Appendix (Methods)
9 Appendix Methods
9.1 Optical microscopy (OM)
9.2 Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS)
9.3 Whole rock chemical analysis
9.4 Electron microprobe analyses (EMPA)
9.5 Boron isotopes
9.6 Sulfur isotopes
9.7 40Ar/39Ar dating
9.8 Zircon separation and characterization
9.9 U-Pb zircon LA-ICP-MS dating
9.10 U-Pb zircon CA-ID-TIMS dating
9.11 Single zircon evaporation as screening method
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Vznik a vývoj davelského vulkanického komplexu / Petrogenesis and evolution of the Davle Volcanic ComplexSantolík, Václav January 2021 (has links)
The Davle Volcanic Complex (DVC) situated in the Teplá-Barrandian unit (TBU) of the Bohemian Massif, is considered as a Neoproterozoic-Cambrian magmatic arc that developed on the northern active margin of Gondwana supercontinent during Cadomian accretionary orogeny. This study combines data obtained from fieldwork, petrography, rock-forming mineral microanalysis, major and trace element analysis, Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic systematics and U-Pb zircon geochronology in order to reveal the petrogenesis and evolution of the DVC. At least three-stage metamorphism including Cadomian seafloor alteration, Variscan regional metamorphism as well as contact metamorphism related to the emplacement of the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex affected the DVC. The studied rocks follow calc-alkaline trend whereas tholeiitic trend previously reported is rather related to younger magmatic events. The northern part of the DVC is dominated by felsic subvolcanic (plagiogranite), volcanic (dacite- rhyolite) and pyroclastic (dacitic-rhyolitic tuffs and breccias) rocks with a few outcrops of basaltic andesite-andesite pillow lavas documenting the subaqueous activity of the DVC. These rocks are Na-rich, but K-poor, the plagiogranite contains albite most likely primary in origin, and exhibit highly radiogenic εNd values (~ +6 to +11),...
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40Ar/39Ar Dating of the Late Cretaceous / Datation 40Ar/39Ar du Crétacé SupérieurGaylor, Jonathan 11 July 2013 (has links)
Dans le cadre du projet Européen GTS Next, nous avons obtenu des nouvelles contraintes sur l’âge des étages du Crétacé Supérieur à partir de plusieurs techniques de géochronologie et d’interprétations stratigraphiques au Canada et au Japon. Dans le bassin sédimentaire du Western Interior Canada, nous proposons une nouvelle détermination de l’âge de la limite Crétacé - Tertiaire (K/Pg) enregistrée dans la coupe de Red Deer River (Alberta). Il a été possible de calibrer par cyclostratigraphie haute-résolution cette série sédimentaire fluviatile non-marine et d’identifier 11-12 cycles associés à la précession orbitale de la Terre. En considérant la technique 40Ar/39Ar intercalibrée avec la cyclostratigraphie, l’âge apparent de la base du chron magnétique C29r suggère que la limite K/Pg se trouve entre un minimum et un maximum de l’excentricité, avec une durée pour C29r de 66.30 ± 0.08 à 65.89 ± 0.08 Ma. En supposant que le cycle contenant le niveau de charbon soit associé à un cycle de précession, l’âge révisé de la limite Crétacé - Tertiaire est donné par la plus jeune des populations de zircon datée par U-Pb à 65.75 ± 0.06 Ma.La limite Campanien – Maastrichtien est également enregistrée dans ce même bassin canadien, et se trouve à environ 8 m sous le niveau de charbon No. 10 dans la formation de Horseshoe Canyon. L’étude cyclostratigraphique montre que le dépôt de cette séquence sédimentaire est directement influencé par les changements du niveau marin dû à la précession et dominés par l’excentricité Notre travail montre que la position de la limite Campanien – Maastrichtien dans ce bassin sédimentaire du Western Canada est placée à environ 2.5 cycles d’excentricité au dessus d’un niveau de téphra de la base de la coupe dont l’âge U-Pb est donné par la plus jeune population des zircons, et ~4.9 Myr avant la limite Crétacé - Tertiaire. Nous en déduisons un âge absolu de 70.65 ± 0.09 Ma pour la limite Campanien – Maastrichtien, ce qui est ~1.4 Myr plus jeune que les études récemment publiées.Enfin, à partir des isotopes du carbone et des foraminifères planctoniques enregistrés au centre d’Hokkaido (Pacifique Nord-Ouest), les coupes Crétacé du groupe Yezo ont été corrélée avec les séries européennes et nord-américaines. Plusieurs niveaux de téphra prélevés au sein des coupes de Kotanbetsu et Shumarinai ont été datés par les méthodes 40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb. Deux d’entre eux, placés de part et d’autre de la limite Turonien – Coniacien, ont donné des âges de 89.31 ± 0.11 et 89.57 ± 0.11 Ma, ce qui suggère un âge de 89.44 ± 0.24 Ma pour cette limite. En combinant notre résultat avec les âges récemment publiés, nous pouvons proposer un âge de 89.62 ± 0.04 Ma pour la limite Turonien – Coniacien. / As part of the wider European GTS Next project, I propose new constraints on the ages of the Late Cretaceous, derived from a multitude of geochronological techniques, and successful stratigraphic interpretations from Canada and Japan. In the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, we propose a new constraint on the age of the K/Pg boundary in the Red Deer River section (Alberta, Canada). We were able to cyclostratigraphically tune sediments in a non-marine, fluvial environment utilising high-resolution proxy records suggesting a 11-12 precession related cyclicity. Assuming the 40Ar/39Ar method is inter-calibrated with the cyclostratigraphy, the apparent age for C29r suggests that the K/Pg boundary falls between eccentricity maxima and minima, yielding an age of the C29r between 65.89 ± 0.08 and 66.30 ± 0.08 Ma. Assuming that the bundle containing the coal horizon represents a precession cycle, the K/Pg boundary is within the analytical uncertainty of the youngest zircon population achieving a revised age for the K/Pg boundary as 65.75 ± 0.06 Ma. The Campanian - Maastrichtian boundary is preserved in the sedimentary succession of the Horseshoe Canyon Formation and has been placed ~8 m below Coal nr. 10. Cyclostratigraphic studies show that the formation of these depositional sequences (alternations) of all scales are influenced directly by sea-level changes due to precession but more dominated by eccentricity cycles proved in the cyclostratigraphic framework and is mainly controlled by sand horizons, which have been related by autocyclicity in a dynamic sedimentary setting. Our work shows that the Campanian - Maastrichtian boundary in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin coincides with ~2.5 eccentricity cycles above the youngest zircon age population at the bottom of the section and ~4.9 Myr before the Cretaceous - Palaeogene boundary (K/Pg), and thus corresponds to an absolute age of 70.65 ± 0.09 Ma producing an ~1.4 Myr younger age than recent published ages. Finally, using advances with terrestrial carbon isotope and planktonic foraminifera records within central Hokkaido, Northwest Pacific, sections from the Cretaceous Yezo group were correlated to that of European and North American counterparts. Datable ash layers throughout the Kotanbetsu and Shumarinai section were analysed using both 40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb methods. We successfully dated two ash tuff layers falling either side of the Turonian - Coniacian boundary, yielding an age range for the boundary between 89.31 ± 0.11 Ma and 89.57 ± 0.11 Ma or a boundary age of 89.44 ± 0.24 Ma. Combining these U-Pb ages with recent published ages we are able to reduce the age limit once more and propose an age for the Turonian - Coniacian boundary as 89.62 ± 0.04 Ma.
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Evolution volcano-tectonique du nord de la plaque arabique (la syrie) : cadre géodynamique, chronologie K-Ar, caractères géochimiques et éléments de cartographie (SIG et télédétection) / The volcano-tectonic evolution of the northern part of the arabian plate (syria) : geodynamic framework, chronology K-Ar, geochemical characters, mapping (remote sensing and GIS)Al Kwatli, Mohamad Amer 20 June 2011 (has links)
L'activité volcanique Cénozoïque de la plaque arabique offre l’exemple d’un volcanisme intra-plaque développé dans un contexte géodynamique complexe. Après la construction des trapps basaltiques du plateau yémeno-ethiopien, vers 31 Ma, à partir de l’Oligocène terminal, une importante activité volcanique se développe, liée à la déchirure du bouclier arabo-nubien (l’ouverture de la Mer Rouge) et la convergence des plaques Arabique et Eurasienne (zone de suture du Bitlis-Zagros). Au nord de la plate-forme arabique, le volcanisme syrien s’implante dans un contexte général de compression, autour de la ceinture de plissement des Palmyrides et des zones de déformation adjacentes (graben de l'Euphrate et système de faille de la Mer Morte). Cette thèse porte sur l'évolution volcano-tectonique de la partie nord de la plaque Arabique, en particulier celle de la Syrie, combinant des études géochronologiques, géochimiques et morpho-structurales et modélisation géophysique. Notre analyse morpho-structurale de la province volcaniques de Harrat Ash Shaam (HASV), au sud des Palmyrides, a permis de caractériser numériquement plus de 800 cônes volcaniques monogéniques répartis entre le Sud Syrien, la Jordanie et le Nord de l’Arabie Saoudite. Cette étude de la distribution des cônes volcaniques, jointe aux données existantes sur l’épaisseur de la couverture sédimentaire traversée démontre que la corrélation négative constante entre l’intensité des éruptions volcaniques et la profondeur au socle est, de fait, influencée par le contexte tectonique. L’analyse normative de la distribution des cônes volcaniques, comparée à l'épaisseur des sédiments, est essentielle pour caractériser la tectonique d'extension dans des différentes zones. La télédétection, les observations sur le terrain, et notre base de données de plus de 40 nouvelles datations potassium-argon, entre 50 ka et 18 Ma, nous permettent de préciser l’évolution volcano-tectonique de la Syrie. Cette approche pluri-disciplinaire, appliquée au plateau du Al-Lajat, le champ volcanique le plus récent de HASV, nous a permis, d’abord, de proposer un modèle chronologique pour le processus d'altération en relation aux changements paléoclimatiques du Quaternaire. Elle a surtout permis de reconstituer l'évolution volcano-tectoniques du Nord de la plaque arabique, au cours du Cénozoïque et de situer différents styles d’extension responsables de l’activité volcanique. Le volcanisme commence à la fin de l’Oligocène et au Miocène inférieur, entre ~ 26 Ma et ~ 16 Ma, au sud des Palmyrides, dans la province de HASV, dans un contexte tectonique extensif. Du Miocène au Quaternaire, entre ~ 19 Ma et ~ 0,08 Ma, des champs volcaniques se développe au nord des Palmyrides, conséquence d’extensions tectoniques de second ordre. A partir du milieu du Miocène, la compression augmente et le développement magmatique se poursuit potentiellement dans une ambiance tectonique de rotation antihoraire. Au sud des Palmyrides cela correspond à l’activité volcanique constante au cours des 13 derniers millions d’années. Au nord, cette phase d’activité liée à la tectonique de rotation est concentrée dans l’espace et le temps ; elle correspond au Plateau d’Homs, dans le NW Palmyre, entre 6,3 et 4,3 Ma.Nous proposons un nouveau modèle d'évolution volcano-tectoniques pour la province volcanique de HASV. Il souligne le rôle essentiel joué par l'hétérogénéité de la lithosphère (sous les chaînes du Liban – anti-Liban et la zone de plissement des Palmyrides) dans la formation du volcanisme à partir du milieu du Miocène. Nos modèles géophysiques permettent d’estimer à ~150 km la profondeur moyenne de la limite lithosphère-asthénosphère. A l’analyse des données géochimiques des laves, la zone à l’ouest de HASV où cette limite apparaît moins profonde, à ~ 110 km, s’expliquerait par une anomalie thermique plutôt que par une remontée asthénosphérique. Géochimiquement, les laves Cénozoïques syriennes sont alcalines et sub-alcalines et présentent les caractères de magma émis dans un contexte continental intra-plaque. Ce sont des basanites et des téphrites, des basaltes, des andésites et des trachy-andésites basaltiques et des trachybasaltes. 30 échantillons des différentes provinces volcaniques syriennes montrent une variation significative des signatures des éléments traces incompatibles. Le processus de genèse de ces magmas montre une influence négligeable de la contamination crustale, et un effet de la cristallisation fractionnée limité à l'olivine et au clinopyroxène. Nos résultats montrent que les laves syriennes ont été produites par des taux variables de fusion partielle à partir de niveaux différents dans le manteau lithosphériques présentant localement des hétérogénéités. Le rapport LREE / MREE nous permet de montrer non seulement comment le degré de fusion partielle varie spatialement et temporellement au cours des derniers 18 Ma, mais encore d’illustrer comment varie le degré et le style de la tectonique au cours de cette période. L’une des conséquences de ce contexte tectonique pourrait être la migration d’hydrocarbures vers l’ouest du fait de l’extension crustale au Plio-Quaternaire dans la zone du graben de l’Euphrate à l’Est ; cette migration pourrait être guidée vers une zone de la croûte préalablement fracturée située au NW de la Syrie.En conclusion, le volcanisme cénozoïque de la Syrie résulte d’une tectonique extensive, influencée périodiquement par la convergence arabo-eurasienne, au nord et à l’est, convergence qui provoque des styles tectoniques de rotation ; cette tectonique contrôle la fusion partielle à différents niveaux dans le manteau. Le volcanisme du Nord de la plaque arabique se développe dans le cadre de l’ouverture de la Mer Rouge et débute en même temps que l’activité au sud de la mer Rouge. Il se poursuit jusqu’à la période historique, progressivement amorti vers le nord, l’extension étant contrariée par le cadre compressif à la marge Arabie-Eurasie. / The Cainozoic volcanic activity in the Arabian plate offers an excellent opportunity to study the intra-plate volcanism related to a complex tectonic setting. After the emplacement of the Yemeni-Ethiopian continental flood basalt plateau, ~ 31 Ma, since the Late Oligocene, widespread volcanic activity has erupted, accompanying the separation of the Arabian-Nubian Shield (development of Red Sea rifting) and the convergence between the Arabian and Eurasian plates (building of the Bitlis-Zagros thrust belts). In the northern part of the Arabian platform, the Syrian volcanism has taken place in a general compressional context, surrounding the Palmyride fold belt and adjacent to other deformation zones (e.g. the Euphrates graben and Dead Sea fault system). This thesis focuses on the volcano-tectonic evolution of the northern part of the Arabia plate, particularly in Syria, and essentially combines geochronological, geochemical, and morpho-structural studies, in addition to supplementary geophysical models. Our morpho-structural analyses of the Harrat Ash Shaam volcanic province (HASV) to the south of Palmyride, digitally characterise more than 800 monogenic volcanic cones placed in Syria, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. These new data, together with the availability of sediment thickness data, give rise to a new volcano-tectonic approach. This study shows that the consistent negative correlation between the intensity of volcanism and basement depth is influenced by the tectonic setting. The normative analysis of the distribution of volcanic cones in relation to sediment thicknesses is critical when comparing the extension of tectonics in different zones. Remote sensing imagery, field work and our > 40 new K-Ar ages dataset ranging from ~0.05 million years (Ma) to ~18 Ma allow us to precise the Syria volcano-tectonic evolution through time. Regarding the youngest lava flows of HASV, the integration of the results makes it possible to suggest a chronological model for the alteration processes in relation to Quaternary palaeoclimatic changes. We reconstruct the volcano-tectonic evolution in Syria during the Cainozoic, and suggest different extension styles to explain the volcanism. It started during the Late Oligocene and the Early Miocene, between ~26 Ma and ~16 Ma to the South of Palmyride at HASV in an extensional tectonic context. From the Miocene to the Quaternary, between ~19 Ma and ~0.08 Ma, the volcanism developed to the North under second order extension tectonic conditions. Since the Mid-Miocene, the compression has increased and the magma erupted in relation with a possible counter-clockwise rotation tectonic relative motion. South of Palmyride it corresponds to the widespread eruptive phase during the last 13 Ma. To the North, this phase, linked to rotational tectonics appears concentrated in superficies and time; it corresponds to the Homs plateau, NW Palmyride, between 6.3 and 4.3 Ma. We suggest a new volcano-tectonic evolution model for the HASV. It highlights the essential role of lithosphere heterogeneity beneath Lebanon, in particular the anti Lebanon Mountains and Palmyride thrust belts, in triggering the Mid-Miocene volcanism. Our geophysical models estimate mean lithosphere – asthenosphere boundaries at about 150 km depth. According to geochemical data, the zone of shallowest depth ~110 km, W of HASV, could be the result of a thermal anomaly, instead of an asthenospheric upwelling. Geochemically, the Cainozoic Syrian lavas are alkaline and subalkaline rocks, typical of magma emitted in continental intraplate contexts. They are basanites and tephrites, basalts, basaltic andesites, basaltic trachyandesites, and trachybasalts. Thirty samples from different Syrian volcanic provinces show significant variation in terms of incompatible trace element signatures. Crustal contamination plays a negligible role in the process of magma genesis, as does crystal fractionation, essentially restricted to olivine and clinopyroxene. Our results show that the Syrian lava has been generated by variable rates of partial melting from different levels of a locally heterogeneous lithospheric mantle. The LREE/MREE ratio not only illustrates how the degree of partial melting was changed spatially and temporally during the last ~18 Ma, but it also illustrates how the degree and style of extension tectonics changed through time.
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Double dating detrital zircons in till from the Ross Embayment, AntarcticaWelke, Bethany Marie 21 May 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / U/Pb and (U-Th)/He (ZHe) dating of detrital zircons from glacial till samples in the Ross Embayment, Antarctica records cooling after the Ross/Pan-African orogeny (450-625 Ma) followed by a mid-Jurassic to mid-Cretaceous heating event in the Beacon basin. Zircons were extracted from till samples from heads of major outlet glaciers in East Antarctica, one sample at the mouth of Scott Glacier, and from beneath three West Antarctic ice streams. The Ross/Pan-African U/Pb population is ubiquitous in these Antarctic tills and many Beacon Supergroup sandstones, thus 83 grains were analyzed for ZHe to subdivide this population. Two ZHe age populations are evident in East Antarctic tills, with 64% of grains 115-200 Ma and 35% between 200-650 Ma. The older population is interpreted to be associated with the Ross/Pan-African orogeny including cooling of the Granite Harbour Intrusives and/or exhumation of the older basement rocks to form the Kukri Peneplain. The lag time between zircon U/Pb, ZHe and 40Ar/39Ar ages from K-bearing minerals show cooling over 200 My. Grains in East Antarctic tills with a ZHe age of 115-200 Ma likely reflects regional heating following the breakup of Gondwana from the Ferrar dolerite intrusions, subsidence within the rift basin, and a higher geothermal gradient. Subsequent cooling and/or exhumation of the Transantarctic Mountains brought grains below the closure temperature over a span of 80 My. This population may also provide a Beacon Supergroup signature as most of the tills with this age are adjacent to nunataks mapped as Beacon Supergroup and contain an abundance of
Beacon pebbles within the moraine. Nine zircons grains from three Beacon Supergroup sandstones collected from moraines across the Transantarctic Mountains yield ages from 125-180 Ma. West Antarctic tills contain a range of ZHe ages from 75-450 Ma reflecting the diverse provenance of basin fill from East Antarctica and Marie Byrd Land. ZHe and U/Pb ages <105 Ma appear to be distinctive of West Antarctic tills. The combination of U/Pb, ZHe and 40Ar/39Ar analyses demonstrates that these techniques can be used to better constrain the tectonic evolution and cooling of the inaccessible subglacial source terrains beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet.
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