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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Road Infrastructure Readiness for Autonomous Vehicles

Tariq Usman Saeed (6992318) 15 August 2019 (has links)
Contemporary research indicates that the era of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is not only inevitable but may be reached sooner than expected; however, not enough research has been done to address road infrastructure readiness for supporting AV operations. Highway agencies at all levels of governments seek to identify the needed infrastructure changes to facilitate the successful integration of AVs into the existing roadway system. Given multiple sources of uncertainty particularly the market penetration of AVs, agencies find it difficult to justify the substantial investments needed to make these infrastructure changes using traditional value engineering approaches. It is needed to account for these uncertainties by doing a phased retrofitting of road infrastructure to keep up with the AV market penetration. This way, the agency can expand, defer, or scale back the investments at a future time. This dissertation develops a real options analysis (ROA) framework to address these issues while capturing the monetary value of investment timing flexibility. Using key stakeholder feedback, an extensive literature review, and discussions with experts, the needed AV-motivated changes in road infrastructure were identified across two stages of AV operations; the transition phase and the fully-autonomous phase. For a project-level case study of a 66-mile stretch of Indiana’s four-six lane Interstate corridor, two potential scenarios of infrastructure retrofitting were established and evaluated using the net present value (NPV) and ROA approaches. The results show that the NPV approach can lead to decisions at the start of the evaluation period but does not address the uncertainty associated with AV market penetration. In contrast, ROA was found to address uncertainty by incorporating investment timing flexibility and capturing its monetary value. Using the dissertation’s framework, agencies can identify and analyze a wide range of possible scenarios of AV-oriented infrastructure retrofitting to enhance readiness, at both the project and network levels.

Análisis de sistemas radiantes sobre geometrías arbitrarias definidas por superficies paramétricas

Saiz Ipiña, Juan Antonio 01 December 1995 (has links)
En esta tesis se presenta un método para analizar antenas montadas sobre estructuras arbitrarias. La Optica Geométrica (GO) y la Teoría Uniforme de la difraccion (UTD), han sidoempleadas para analizar los efectos que la estructura produce sobre el diagrama de radiación de la antena emisora. Para la descripción geométrica de la estructura, han sido utilizados parches NURBS (Non Uniform Rational B-Spline), por lo que el método presentado, es compatible con la mayoría de los programas gráficos disponibles en el mercado.EL tratamiento de geometrías arbitrarias requiere un código eficiente en el análisis de tres dimensiones.Por otro lado, para obtener resultados satisfactorios, la descripción de la superficie de la estructura, debe ser muy próxima al modelo real, sin embargo, esto complica el tratamiento computacional. Aquí la estructura es modelada mediante un conjunto de parches NURBS, que unidos entre sí, describen el modelo completo. Esta descripción permite manipular superficies arbitrarias con un bajo numero de parches, lo que significa un volumen de información reducido.La descripción inicial por NURBS del modelo, es acompañada con información complemetaria como por ejemplo: la tipología de las superficies, las curvas frontera, el tipo de material, etc. Esto es imprescindible para la aplicación de criterios de selección dedicados a la aceleración del proceso.El método tras leer la descripción del modelo, descompone los parches NURBS en superficies racionales de Bezier. Un parche de Bezier es también una superficie paramétrica definida en términos de una combinación lineal de los polinomios de Bernstein.Las antenas son modeladas usando modelos numéricos simples basados en agrupaciones de dipolos infinitesimales eléctricos y magnéticos. Esta caracterización de la antena es muyventajosa ya que con un numero reducido de datos de entrada, la fuente queda definida para cualquier dirección del espacio y el valor del campo radiado puede ser calculado fácilmente.El análisis electromagnético de los efectos que contribuyen al campo dispersado por la geometría comienza con una selección rigurosa de la geometría iluminada desde la fuente.Unicamente los parches de Bezier iluminados serán almacenados por el ordenador durante el análisis. La filosofía de este proceso es descartar aquella parte de la geometría que no contribuye a los efectos de dispersión.El campo total calculado es la superposición de los siguientes efectos pertenecientes a la GO y a la UTD: campo directo procedente de la fuente, campo reflejado por los parches de Bezier, campo difractado por las aristas del modelo definidas como curvas de Bezier, ondas de superficie, dobles reflexiones, reflexione-difraccion y difraccion-reflexión. El método ha sido diseñado para analizar campo cercano y lejano. El mayor gasto computacional se debe a la búsqueda de los puntos de dispersión, por lo que antes de emplear los algoritmos de intersección es necesario aplicar un conjunto de criterios rápidos dependientes de la dirección de observación.El principio de Fermat en combinación con el Gradiente Conjugado (CGM) es usado para obtener de manera eficiente los puntos de dispersión sobre la estructura. Para cada efecto, laposible ocultación de la trayectoria completa del rayo es examinada, por ello, si el rayo corta alguno de los parches de Bezier su contribución será descartada. Los dobles efectos son tratados como una generalización de los simples efectos.El método desarrollado es eficiente ya que precisa de un numero reducido de superficies para modelar objetos complejos lo que se traduce en bajos requerimientos de memoria y reducidos tiempos de calculo. / In this thesis a method to analyze antennas on board of complex bodies is presented. The Geometrical Optics (GO) and Uniform Theory of Diffraction (UTD) have been used to analyze the effect of the structure in the radiation pattern of the antennas. The bodies are geometrically modelled by using NURBS (Non Uniform Rational B-Spline) surfaces. In addition to be accurate and efficient, the method is compatible with most of the modern CAGD (Computer Aided Geometric Design) available programs.The treatment of arbitrary geometries requires a code which can carry out an efficient 3D analysis. To obtain accurate results the description of the surface must be close to the real model, however this complicates the computational procedure. Here the structure is modeled by a collection of individual N.U.R.B.S. surface patches joined to form a complete description of the surface model. The NURBS description is able to manipulate free form surfaces with a low number of patches, and therefore, with a low amount of information. The initial description of the model by NURBS surfaces is accompanied with other complementary data for example : the topology of the surfaces, the boundary curves, the types of material and other inputs. It is very interesting to apply criteria to make the complete analysis faster.The method reads the NURBS description of the model and transforms the NURBS into the rational BEZIER surfaces. A rational BEZIER patch is also a parametric surface defined in terms of a linear combination of Bernstein polynomials.The antennas are modelled using simple numerical models based on arrays of electric and magnetic infinitesimal dipoles. This antenna modelization is very advantageous because with a little input data, the source is defined in any direction and the field value is readily accessible.The electromagnetic analysis of the contributive effects to the scattering field by the geometry, starts with the rigorous selection of the geometry illuminated from the source. Only the Bezier patches illuminated will be in memory of the computer during the analysis. The philosophy of this previous process is to discard in the process the part of the geometry which does not contribute to the scattering effects.The total field is the superposition of the following GO and UTD field components: direct field from the source, reflected fields from the Bezier patches of the model, diffracted fields from the arbitrary edges defined as a Bezier curves, creeping waves, double reflected field and diffracted-reflected and reflected-diffracted fields. The search of specular and diffraction points are the most CPU time consuming, thus before using the intersection algorithms it is necessary to apply a set of fast selection criteria which depend on the observation direction.The Fermat principle in conjunction with the Conjugate Gradient Method (CGM) is used for obtaining efficiently the reflection points and diffraction points on the structure. For each effect the complete ray path is examined to see whether or not it is interrupted by any Bezier patch of the model, in this case the field component is not computed. The double effects are treated using a generalization of the single effects algorithms. The method has been developed to analyze the near and far field cases for different frequencies.The developed method is quite efficient because it makes use of a small number of surfaces to model complex bodies, so it requires few memory and low computing time.


中村, 英樹, 大口, 敬, 森田, 綽之 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(B) 課題番号:17360245 研究代表者:中村 英樹 研究期間:2005-2007年度

Parâmetros do projeto geométrico para trens de passageiros de alta velocidade e longo percurso. / Geometric design parameters of passenger trains for high speed and long journey.

Pedro Henrique Stech 13 December 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal direcionar a tomada de decisões para a escolha dos diferentes parâmetros que envolvem o alinhamento horizontal e vertical do projeto geométrico ferroviário de trens de alta velocidade (TAV) e de longo percurso, bem como descrever conceitos teóricos para parâmetros de segurança e conforto, baseados em normas internacionais. A pesquisa se desenvolve através de consultas em revistas especializadas, artigos, publicações, normas técnicas e livros. Pela escassez de dados em língua nacional e material bibliográfico desatualizado, as pesquisas se concentram essencialmente em material internacional. Apesar do Brasil ser um dos países em desenvolvimento com maior ascensão no cenário global, tem apresentado, nas últimas décadas, sérios problemas de infra-estrutura devido a uma distribuição desequilibrada na área de transportes, com altíssima concentração no modo rodoviário, com aeroportos e rodovias operando acima da capacidade satisfatória, além de um leque limitado de alternativas de transporte. Devido à falta de investimentos no setor ferroviário, grande parte da malha ferroviária brasileira tornou-se inoperante ou até mesmo inexistente, resultando numa enorme diminuição da mão de obra qualificada e formação acadêmica nesse ramo. Como conseqüência, os estudos relacionados ao projeto ferroviário também foram afetados diretamente. Nesse contexto, é importante que se resgate normas, publicações, especificações técnicas e experiências adotadas em outros países com sólidas tradições ferroviárias, de modo a incorporar em nossa formação acadêmica tais conceitos, como é um dos objetivos dessa dissertação. / This dissertation has as main objective to guide in taking decisions for the selection of different parameters which involve the horizontal and vertical railway geometric design of high speed (HST) and long distance trains as well as theoretical concepts for describing security parameters and comfort, based on international standards. The research is developed through consultations in specialized magazines, articles, publications, standards and technical books. Due to the scarcity of data in the national language and outdated library materials, the research focuses primarily on international material. Although Brazil is a developing country with one of the highest rises in the global scene, the country has faced in recent decades serious infrastructure problems due to an uneven distribution in the area of transport, with high concentration in the road, and airports and roads operating above satisfactory capacity, resulted by a limited range of transportation alternatives. Due to the lack of investment in the railway sector, much of the Brazilian railway system became inoperative or even nonexistent, resulting in a tremendous decrease of skilled labor and academic training in this field. As a result, studies related to the railway project have also been directly impacted. In this context, it is important to rescue standards, publications, experiences and technical specifications adopted in other countries with strong tradition in railways in order to incorporate these concepts into our academic formation, which is one of the purposes of this dissertation.

Roštový kotel na spalování biomasy / Grate Boiler for Biomass Combustion

Szabó, Gergely January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design of a grate steam boiler which has natural circulation and is determined for combustion of wood chips. The boiler has a capacity of 45 t/h and produces superheated steam with the output parameters of 3,5 MPa and 450 °C at the 125 °C feed water temperature. Stoichiometric calculations and the flue gases enthalpy calculations are based on the composition of the specified fuel. The efficiency and fuel consumption of the boiler is also determined. The thesis mainly focuses on the thermal calculation and geometric design of the individual heat transfer surfaces of the boiler. The drawing documentation of the steam boiler is available in the attachment of the thesis.

Optimal geometric configuration of a cross bore in thick compound cylinders

Kiplagat, N. 09 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology), Vaal University of Technology. / The purpose of this research was to develop optimal numerical solutions that can be employed during the design of cross bored thick-walled compound cylinders. The geometric design parameters of a cross bored compound cylinder that were optimized include shrinkage pressure, cross bore size, shape, location, and obliquity. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) modeling software called Abaqus version 2019 was used to generate numerical solutions. A total of 48 different part models were created and analyzed in this work. The generated FEA results from these models were validated using analytical solutions developed from Lame’s theory. The effects of shrinkage pressure on hoop stresses and Stress Concentration Factor (SCF) were studied to determine the optimal conditions. The optimum shrinkage pressure obtained was henceforth used for further analysis in this work. In addition, using one factor at time optimization technique, an optimization process was carried out to determine the optimal combination of the cross bore configuration geometry that gives minimum SCF. These parameters of cross bore configuration geometry include different sizes of either circular or elliptical-shaped cross bore, positioned at radial, offset, and/or inclined. The analyses of the effects of shrinkage pressure ranging from 4.4733 to 223.662 MPa on 11 different part models, established that the shrinkage pressure of 89.464 MPa generated the minimum SCF magnitude of 3.02. After analyzing 8 different circular cross bore size ratios ranging from 0.1 to 0.8, at the radial position, it was established that the hoop stress increases with an increase in a cross bore size. The smallest cross bore size ratio of 0.1 gave the lowest hoop stress and minimum SCF of 3.02. Whereas the highest stress was developed at the cross-size ratio of 0.8 with an SCF magnitude of 6.75. The minimum magnitude of SCF translates to a reduction of the pressure carrying capacity of the compound cylinder by 67% than a similar plain compound cylinder. Generally, offsetting of the circularly shaped cross bore from the radial position, led to a reduction of the magnitude of SCFs. For instance, from the 8 offset positions analyzed, the minimum SCF occurred at the offset position of 0.006 m with a magnitude of 2.50. This SCF magnitude indicated a reduction of pressure carrying capacity of 60% in comparison to a similar plain compound cylinder. Evaluation of 12 different diameter ratios of elliptical-shaped cross bore ranging from 0.5 to 10, at the radial position, established the lowest SCF magnitude of 1.33 that occurred at a diameter ratio of 5. Henceforth, this optimum diameter ratio was used for further analysis. This aforesaid SCF magnitude translated to a reduction of the pressure carrying capacity of the compound cylinder by 24.81% when compared to a similar plain compound cylinder. Besides, offsetting of elliptically shaped cross bore generally decreased the magnitudes of SCFs. Therefore, for elliptically shaped cross bore, the lowest SCF occurred at radial position with magnitude of 1.33. A general comparison between the effects of circular and elliptical cross bore, established that the elliptical-shaped cross bores generated both lower hoop stresses and SCFs than those of circularly shaped cross bores. On the other hand, oblique elliptical offset cross bores along the Z-axis of the compound cylinder led to an increase in SCFs. As the oblique angle increased from 0 0 to 75 0, the SCFs also increased progressively, however, there was a significant increase in SCF when the inclination angle increased from 60 0 to 75 0. The lowest and highest SCF magnitude was 1.52 and 1.92 at 15 0 and 6.19 at 75 0, respectively. Overall, the optimum geometric configuration of a cross bore in a thick compound cylinder was found to be elliptically shaped, offset at radial position which is an obliquity angle of 0 0 having a diameter ratio a/b of 5.


Camacho Torregrosa, Francisco Javier 31 March 2015 (has links)
Road safety is one of the most important problems in our society. It causes hundreds of fatalities every year worldwide. A road accident may be caused by several concurrent factors. The most common are human and infrastructure. Their interaction is important too, which has been studied in-depth for years. Therefore, there is a better knowledge about the driving task. In several cases, these advances are still not included in road guidelines. Some of these advances are centered on explaining the underlying cognitive processes of the driving task. Some others are related to the analysis of drivers’ response or a better estimation of road crashes. The concept of design consistency is related to all of them. Road design consistency is the way how road alignment fits drivers’ expectancies. Hence, drivers are surprised at inconsistent roads, presenting a higher crash risk potential. This PhD presents a new, operating speed-based global consistency model. It is based on the analysis of more than 150 two-lane rural homogeneous road segments of the Valencian Region (Spain). The final consistency parameter was selected as the combination of operational parameters that best estimated the number of crashes. Several innovative auxiliary tools were developed for this process. One example is a new tool for recreating the horizontal alignment of two-lane rural roads by means of an analytic-heuristic process. A new procedure for determining road homogeneous segments was also developed, as well as some expressions to accurately determine the most adequate design speed. The consistency model can be integrated into safety performance functions in order to estimate the amount of road crashes. Finally, all innovations are combined into a new road design methodology. This methodology aims to complement the existing guidelines, providing to road safety a continuum approach and giving the engineers tools to estimate how safe are their road designs. / Camacho Torregrosa, FJ. (2015). DEVELOPMENT AND CALIBRATION OF A GLOBAL GEOMETRIC DESIGN CONSISTENCY MODEL FOR TWO-LANE RURAL HIGHWAYS, BASED ON THE USE OF CONTINUOUS OPERATING SPEED PROFILES [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/48543

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