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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Agregační reakce chitosanu využitelné při úpravě pitné vody. / Aggregation reactions of chitosan in drinking water treatment

Leskovjanová, Jana January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with treatment of surface waters containing humic substances. The most often used method of surface water treatment is coagulation with subsequent separation of aggregates. In this study, only perikinetic coagulation phase was studied. It is the phase when aggregates are formed by the Brownian motion only, i.e. without mixing. Separation of the formed aggregates was made by centrifugation. Coagulation tests were made under the laboratory conditions with model humic water. Humic substances were added from a concentrate, which was taken from a natural peatbog. The influence of temperature on the coagulation process was studied, ranging from 5 to 22 °C. Chitosan (natural biopolymer) was used as coagulant. In present, it is not used in Czech water treatment practice yet. No effect of temperature was observed when chitosan was used as coagulant. Influence of temperature was also studied with the use of aluminium and ferrous sulphates, which are used in common praxis as coagulation reagents. Influence of the temperature was observed and is in agreement with previously reported data of pilot-plant experiments by other researchers. Spectroscopic methods were used to evaluate the coagulation efficiency and determine residual concentration of aluminium and ferrous coagulant. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) was determined for optimal doses. At first, coagulation tests were made under the laboratory temperature. This tests determined optimal aggregation time and optimal coagulant dose under low temperature. Afterwards, all coagulants used were compared at given temperatures.

Kalorimetrická studie interakcí huminových látek s kovovými ionty / Calorimetric study of interactions of humic substances with metal ions

Solná, Irena January 2013 (has links)
The main object of the diploma thesis is study of interaction beetween humic acids and selected metal ions using calorimetric titration. The research about reactivity of humic substances is done comparing the different models used to describe the variety of properties of humic substances. In experimental part the methods of FT-IR spektrometry, potenciometric and conductometric titration are used to recieve the total acidity and carboxylic acidity of lignite humic acid. The optimalization of isothermic titration calorimetry is done to be used within study of reactivity of humic acids, revealing the best correlation with sols of studied humic acid. The basic organic compounds were used including benzoic acid, ftalic acid, salycilic acid, pyrocatechol and phenol as models of bonding groups in humic acids. The reaction enthalpy was calculated from the titration of models and results were compared with semiempiric quantum chemistry calculations following INDO method.

Studium optických a elektrických vlastností biomateriálů / Study of Optical and Electrical Properties of Biomaterials

Flimelová, Miroslava January 2016 (has links)
Studium nových materiálů potenciálně využitelných pro organickou elektroniku a fotoniku získává velmi důležitý význam z hlediska ekologie. Tato práce je zaměřena na studium vlastností biologických materiálů, které by našly uplatnění v aplikační sféře. Zájem o znalosti v oblasti základních a pokročilých vlastností organických a biologických materiálů, které mohou být potenciálně využity v oblasti organické elektroniky a fotoniky přináší nové otázky, které mohou přispět k rozvoji této oblasti. Ke studiu základních procesů souvisejících s optickými a elektrickými vlastnostmi materiálů, jako je například přenos náboje, jsme využili různé techniky a metody charakterizace. První část práce je zaměřena na souhrn vlastností anorganických a organických materiálů umožňující jejich možné využití v organické elektronice a fotonice, druhá část práce poskytuje nejnovější přehled z oblasti pokročilých biologických materiálů a jejich vlastností související se záměrem této práce. Třetí část práce pak shrnuje experimentální metody a shrnuje získané výsledky. Nakonec je diskutován vztah mezi pozorovanými jevy a strukturou studovaných materiálů na molekulární úrovni.

Transport kovových iontů v huminových hydrogelech / Transport of metal ions in humic hydrogels

Hegr, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the study of diffusion of metal ions in hydrogel of humic acid. The objective of this thesis was to investigate the effect of the concentration of metal ions supply source and duration of diffusion on transport through the gel using method of diffusion couple. Cupric, nickel and cobalt ions were esed like the diffusion medium. All these ions were selected thanks to their high affinity for the humic acids and because they are ideal to investigate the diffusion through the humic gel. Chloride salts of these metals, namely CuCl2, NiCl2 and CoCl2, were used like supply sources. Three different concentrations of each solution were compared, specifically 0,05M, 0,1M and 1M, and also were three different durations of diffusion, specifically 10 hours, 1 day and 3 days. Metal ions were compared with each other in order to determine which one has the best transport properties through the humic hydrogel. The data, necessary for calculation, were obtained by UV-VIS spectrophotometry. Diffusion coefficients and duffusive flux of individual metal ions were determined from measured data.

Primena sorpcionih parametara odabranih hidrofobnih organskih polutanata na organskoj materiji sedimenata za procenu njihove dostupnosti u sistemima sediment-voda / Application of the parameters ofsorption of selected hydrophobic organic compounds onto the sediment organic matter for the assessment of their availability in the sediment-water system

Tričković Jelena 25 May 2009 (has links)
<p>Prirodna organska materija zemlji&scaron;ta/sedimenata predstavlja glavnu oblast<br />za sorpciju hidrofobnih organskih jedinjenja, a njene osobine utiču na stepen<br />retencije i konsekventnu (bio)dostupnost organskih jedinjenja. Da bi se procenio<br />ekotoksikolo&scaron;ki rizik zagađenih zemlji&scaron;ta/sedimenata po okolinu, dizajnirala<br />odgovarajuća strategija remedijacije ili predvidela sudbina i transport organskih<br />polutanata u zagađenim zonama, neophodno je razumevanje mehanizma sorpcije i<br />desorpcije na nivou mehanizma uspostavljenih veza. U radu je izvr&scaron;eno ispitivanje<br />sorpcije i desorpcije odabranih hidrofobnih organskih polutanata, pentahlorbenzena<br />i lindana, na sekvencijalno ekstrahovanim huminskim kiselinama i huminima iz<br />jednog uzorka sedimenta u cilju pronalaženja veze između strukturnih<br />karakteristika izolovanih huminskih kiselina i humina i sorpcionih i desorpcionih<br />parametara. Afinitet za sorpciju, nelinearnost izotermi i prividna sorpciono-desorpciona histereza korelirani su&nbsp; sa osobinama sorbenata dobijenim iz<br />elementarne i FTIR spektroskopske analize. Predloženo je da je mehanizam<br />sorpcije na huminskim kiselinama rezultat odigravanja raspodele i specifične<br />adsorpcije, pri čemu se pri nižim koncentracijama pentahlorbenzena i lindana prvo<br />popune sorpciona mesta u kondenzovanoj aromatičnoj oblasti, a tek potom pri<br />vi&scaron;im koncentracijama sorpciona mesta u amorfnim alifatičnim oblastima.<br />Sveukupno vi&scaron;i koeficijenti nelinearnosti dobijeni za sorpciju pentahlorbenzena na huminskim kiselinama u odnosu na nelinearnost sorpcionih izotermi lindana, ukazuju na to da u ukupnoj sorpciji pentahlorbenzena veći značaj ima mehanizam raspodele i sme&scaron;tanje molekula pentahlorbenzena u hidrofobne &scaron;upljine huminskih kiselina, u odnosu na specifičnu adsorpciju. Ovi zaključci su potvrđeni rezultatima spektroskopskih istraživanja interakcija&nbsp; odabranih organskih jedinjenja i N-metilformamida. Predloženi mehanizam sorpcije ne može objasniti sorpciju pentahlorbenzena i lindana na uzorcima humina, većje pretpostavljeno da nelinearna sorpcija za uzorke humina može biti rezultat ostvarivanja povr&scaron;inskih interakcija, a visoki afinitet za sorpciju rezultat je raspodele organskih jedinjenja u amorfnim alifatičnim oblastima koje pružaju odlično okruženje za sorpciju.</p><p>U cilju daljeg proučavanja mehanizma sorpcije, izvr&scaron;eno je ispitivanje kinetike<br />desorpcije tri odabrana hidrofobna organskajedinjenja, pentahlorbenzena, lindana i<br />pentahloranilina, posredstvom&nbsp; čvrstog adsorbenta, XAD-4 makroporozne<br />jonoizmenjivačke smole. Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih za uzorak sedimenta i<br />frakciju &lt; 125 &micro;m za dva ravnotežna vremena (15 i 90 dana) i za sva odabrana<br />organska jedinjenja može se zaključiti da se za procenu potencijalne (bio)dostupne<br />frakcije organskih jedinjenja može koristiti jednostavna desorpcija u prisustvu<br />XAD-4 makroporozne jonoizmenjivačke smole i to na dva načina: (1) ekstrakcijom<br />sedimenta tokom 24 časa, kada frakcija koja se desorbuje odgovara frakciji<br />jedinjenja koja se nalazi u brzo-desorbujućem domenu organske materije, ili (2)<br />ekstrakcijom tokom 6 časova, kada frakcija koja se desorbuje odgovara polovini<br />one frakcije jedinjenja koja se nalazi u brzo-desorbujućem domenu organske<br />materije.</p> / <p>Natural organic matter of soil/sediment make the main region for&nbsp;sorption of hydrophobic organic compounds, ant its properties influence the degree&nbsp;of retention and, consequently, (bio)availability of organic compounds. In order to&nbsp;assess the ecotoxicological risks of contaminated soils/sediments to the&nbsp;environment and design the appropriate remediation strategy or predict the fate and&nbsp;transport of organic pollutants in contaminated zones, it is necessary to understand&nbsp;the mechanisms of sorption/desorption at the level of the mechanism of established&nbsp;bonds. Study of the sorption and desorption of selected hydrophobic organic&nbsp;pollutants, pentachlorobenzene and lindane, on sequentially extracted humic acids&nbsp;and humins from a single sediment sample with the aim of finding the relationship&nbsp;between the structural characteristics of the isolated humic acids and humin and&nbsp;sorption and desorption parameters. Sorption affinity, nonlinearity of isotherms,&nbsp;and apparent sorption-desorption hysteresis were correlated to the sorbent&nbsp;characteristics obtained from elemental analysis and FTIR spectroscopic data. The&nbsp;proposed sorption mechanism on humic acids assumes that at low concentrations&nbsp;of pentachlorobenzene and lindane the sorption sites in the condensed aromatic&nbsp;region are occupied first, and then, at their higher concentrations, the sorption sites&nbsp;in the amorphous and aliphatic regions. Generally higher nonlinearity coefficient obtained for the sorption of pentachlorobenzene on &nbsp;umic acids compared with the nonlinearity of sorption isotherms for lindane, indicate that in the overall sorption of pentachlorobenzene of higher significance is the &nbsp;echanism of distribution and insertion of pentachlorobenzene molecule into hydrophobic dips of humic acids, compared to specific adsorption. These conclusions were confirmed with the results of spectroscopic investigation of &nbsp;intermolecular interaction of chosen organic compounds and N-methylformamide.Since suggested sorption mechanism could not explain sorption of &nbsp;pentachlorobenzene and lindane onto humin samples, it is supposed that the nonlinearity can be a result of surface interactions, while the high sorption affinity is result of distribution of organic compounds in the amorphous aliphatic regions that offer an excellent environment for sorption.</p><p>With the aim of further insight into the sorption mechanism, investigation of&nbsp;desorption kinetics of three chosen hydrophobic organic compounds,&nbsp;pentachlorobenzene, lindane and pentachloroaniline, in the presence of &nbsp;soild&nbsp;adsorbent XAD-4 macroporous ion-exchange resin was performed. On the basis of&nbsp;the results obtained for sediment sample and fraction &lt; 125 &micro;m at two equilibrium&nbsp;times (15 and 90 days) and for all selected organic compounds, it can be concluded&nbsp;that the assessment of the potential (bio)avialable fraction of organic compounds&nbsp;may be obtained by using simple method of desorption in the presence of XAD-4&nbsp;macroporous ion-exchange resin, performed in two ways: (1) by sediment&nbsp;<br />extraction during 24 hours, when the desorbing fraction corresponds to the fraction&nbsp;of &nbsp;he compound that is found in the fast-desorbing domain of organic matter, or&nbsp;(2) by 6-hour extraction, when the desorbing fraction corresponds to one half of the&nbsp;fraction appearing in the fast-desorbing domain of the organic matter.</p>

Joint Project: Migration of Actinides in the System Clay, Humic Substance, Aquifer - Migration Behavior of Actinides (Uranium, Neptunium) in Clays: Characterization and Quantification of the Influence of Humic Substances (Final Report BMWi Project No.: 02 E 9673)

Geipel, Gerhard, Sachs, Susanne, Brendler, Vinzenz, Mibus, Jens, Krepelova, Adela, Günther, Alix, Schmeide, Katja, Koban, Astrid, Bernhard, Gert January 2007 (has links)
Objective of this project was the study of interaction processes between humic substances, U(VI), Np(V) and kaolinite KGa-1b. It contributed to the attainment of a better process understanding, the improvement of the knowledge on the interaction of humic substances and metal ions and the enhancement of the thermodynamic database. With a synthetic humic acid (HA), N-containing functional groups of HA were characterized by 15N-NMR spectroscopy. Based on these results, model studies of the influence of amino groups on the complexation behavior of HA were performed. Spectroscopic studies with amino acids show that the amino group do not contribute to the U(VI) complexation at pH 4. The impact of kaolinite on the formation of HA and humic substance-kaolinite-sorbates was studied in model syntheses. The results exhibit that the presence of kaolinite during the syntheses mainly influences the yields on HA and their elemental compositions. Synthetic humic substance-kaolinite-sorbates were isolated. Under exclusion of CO2, the U(VI) complexation by HA was investigated at pH 7 by means of the conventional time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS) and TRLFS with ultrafast pulses. Complexation parameters for the ternary complex UO2(OH)HA(I) were determined. Studies of the Np(V) reduction in presence of HA with different functionalities under anaerobic conditions have shown that Np(V) is reduced to Np(IV) by HA. The redox capacity depends on the HA functionality. Applying a modified HA it was verified that phenolic/acidic OH groups play a dominating role in the Np(V) reduction. The influence of HA on the U(VI) and Np(V) sorption onto kaolinite was investigated in batch experiments. In dependence on the experimental conditions, HA effects the sorption and consequently the mobility of U(VI) and Np(V). From studies of the U(VI) sorption onto synthetic humic substance-kaolinite-sorbates it was concluded that the structure and functionality of sorbed/associated humic substances considerably influence the sorption behavior of U(VI). The structure of U(VI)-kaolinite-surface complexes in presence of HA was studied by means of X-ray absorption spectroscopy and TRLFS and compared to those of U(VI)-kaolinite-complexes. Investigations of the migration of HA and U(VI) in the laboratory system kaolinite-water were carried out in diffusion experiments. The migration of HA in compacted clay is governed by diffusion and influenced by its colloidal properties. Humic substances exert an immobilizing effect on the U(VI) transport in compacted kaolinite.

Coupling between iron and humic substances in a land-sea transitional zone in the northern Baltic Sea / Koppling mellan järn och humus i en land-hav övergångszon i norra Östersjön

Osterman, Anna January 2023 (has links)
In marine ecosystems around the world, iron (Fe) is a well-studied and important trace element which has been found to stimulate phytoplankton and cyanobacteria growth, as well as limit nitrogen fixation and being essential for Legionella pneumophila which is known as the main cause of Legionnaires’ disease. Fe also contributes to the brownification of freshwater and has recently been documented to increase in concentration in rivers in Sweden. The aim of this study was to investigate the link between Fe and humic substances (HS) in rivers and a coastal area in the northern Baltic Sea. In late winter, surface samples from rivers and the coast were analyzed for Fe, HS, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), pH, salinity, and temperature. Overall, the results showed a positive correlation between Fe and HS, indicating a terrestrial input of Fe. Other variables affecting Fe and HS including pH, salinity, and temperature were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA), which showed spatial variations between river and coastal samples. Fe is known to be transported in water as two main carrier phases, Fe-OM complexes and Fe-oxyhydroxides. Which carrier phase is the most contributing depends on multiple factors, including catchment characteristics, seasonal variations, and water chemistry. Understanding the link between Fe and HS in land-sea transitional areas is important since terrestrial Fe is identified as a source of bioavailable Fe in marine waters such as the Baltic Sea.

Fulvic acid as water additive in aquaculture / A new way to deliver an immunostimulant to juvenile fish and fish larvae

Lieke, Thora 27 April 2022 (has links)
Aquakultur ist essentiell um den heutigen Bedarf an Fisch als Nahrungsmittel zu decken. Einsatz von Antibiotika und Kontaminationen mit Schadstoffen in der Vergangenheit haben das Vertrauen von Verbrauchern in Fischprodukte aus Aquakulturproduktion massiv geschwächt. Zeitgleich sind die Ansprüche der Verbraucher an Qualität, Frische und Sicherheit von Lebensmitteln, aber auch das Bewusstsein, negative Auswirkungen der Lebensmittelproduktion auf die Umwelt zu minimieren, erheblich gestiegen. In der Dissertation wurde der Einsatz einer natürlichen organischen Substanz (Fulvosäure) auf die Fischgesundheit und das Immunsystem untersucht. Dabei wurde gezeigt, dass die Zugabe zum Haltungswasser bei Salmoniden und Cypriniden zu verbesserter Stressresistenz und einer Anregung des Immunsystems führte. Dies hilft den Tieren sich auf natürliche Weise gegen Krankheitserreger zu verteidigen, reduziert den Einsatz umweltschädlicher Therapeutika und steigert gleichzeitig das Tierwohl. Weiterhin führte der Zusatz der Fulvosäure zu einer signifikanten Verbesserung der Futterumsatzrate, was sich ebenfalls in gesteigertem Wachstum der Tiere widerspiegelte. Huminstoffe, zu denen die Fulvosäure zählt, sind natürlicher Bestandteil aller aquatischen Ökosysteme. Die Zugabe zum Haltungswasser stellt daher nicht nur eine umweltfreundliche, sondern auch die ursprüngliche Expositionsroute mit diesen Immunstimulanzien für aquatischen Lebewesen dar. Weiterhin besteht mit diesem innovativen Ansatz erstmals die Option die extrem empfindlichen Embryo- und Larvenstadien ohne Zusatz von Antibiotika vor Krankheiten zu schützen. Zeitgleich wird der Metabolismus stimuliert und die Larven im Schlupf und Wachstum unterstützt. Da die Sterblichkeit in diesen Stadien bei über 80 % liegen kann, eröffnen die Ergebnisse der Dissertation ein immenses Potenzial den Tierschutz zu verbessern, und sowohl die Nachhaltigkeit als auch gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz und Konkurrenzfähigkeit der Aquakultur zu steigern. / Aquaculture has become imperative to cover the dietary demand for fish as food. The use of antibiotics and contaminations with harmful substances in the past have caused a lot of prejudices for fish products from aquaculture production. At the same time, consumer standards for quality, freshness and safety of food, as well as the awareness to minimize negative impacts of food production on the environment, have increased significantly. In the dissertation, the use of a natural organic substance (fulvic acid) on the health and immune system of fish was determined. Supplementing the water resulted in improved stress resistance and a stimulation of the immune system in salmonids and cyprinids. This helps the animals to defend themselves against pathogens in a natural way, thereby reduces the use of environmentally harmful therapeutics and at the same time increases animal welfare. Furthermore, the addition of fulvic acid led to a significant improvement in feed conversion rate, which was also reflected in increased growth of the animals. Humic substances, which include fulvic acid, are a natural component of all aquatic ecosystems. Therefore, the addition to the holding water represents not only an environmentally friendly but also the original route of exposure to these immunostimulants for aquatic organisms. Furthermore, this innovative approach provides for the first time the option to protect the extremely sensitive embryo and larval stages from disease without the need of antibiotics. At the same time, the metabolism is stimulated and larvae are supported in hatching and growth. Since the mortality in these stages can be more than 80 %, the results of the dissertation show an immense potential to improve animal welfare and to increase sustainability as well as social acceptance and competitive

Interakce mezi proteiny a huminovými látkami při koagulaci / Interactions between proteins and humic substances during coagulation

Novotná, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on coagulation of humic substances (HS) and BSA (Bovine Serum Albumin) protein which was chosen as a representative of proteins contained in AOM (Algal Organic Matter). Additionally, possible interactions between these compounds were also investigated. It was found that the optimal dosage of coagulant is much higher for HS compared to BSA. The best removal of both HS and BSA was reached in slightly acidic pH range and it is attributed mainly to charge neutralization and adsorption mechanisms. The maximum removal rate was 70 % for humic substances and 80 % for BSA. The results show that BSA has a positive effect on coagulation of HS (resulting in a lower coagulant demand) and vice versa while BSA was removed more efficiently than HS. The existence of interactions between BSA and humic substantces during coagulation was demonstrated in certain pH ranges and it can occur even without the presence of coagulant. These interactions are highly dependent on pH that determines charge properties (and hence reactivity) of organic matters. Finally, the comparison of BSA and cyanobacterial proteins shows that their behavior during coagulation is similar. Consequently, BSA can be used as a model compound representing AOM proteins, especially their high molecular weight fraction....

Gênesis de espodossolos amazônicos: um estudo sobre a estrutura e a mobilidade da matéria orgânica / Genesis of Amazonian Spodosols: a study on the structure and mobility of organic matter

Tadini, Amanda Maria 10 November 2017 (has links)
Os solos têm um importante papel na maioria das atividades que ocorrem no planeta, dentre as quais, destaca-se a sua participação nos principais ciclos biogeoquímicos. A matéria orgânica do solo (MOS) tem um papel primordial na sustentabilidade ambiental, pois está relacionada com a ciclagem de carbono e nutrientes, sendo assim uma figura chave tanto para estudos relacionados com mudanças climáticas globais, quanto para estudos agronômicos. Um dos principais fluoróforos da MOS são as substâncias húmicas (SH), as quais são fracionadas de acordo com a sua solubilidade em ácidos húmicos (AH), ácidos fúlvicos (FA) e humina (HU). O estudo das propriedades ópticas da matéria orgânica é uma importante ferramenta para a compreensão estrutural e molecular das frações húmicas. Frente ao exposto, esse trabalho teve com objetivo estudar a gêneses de Espodossolos Amazônicos através da avaliação das características estruturais da matéria orgânica e suas propriedades de complexação com metais empregando diversas técnicas espectroscópicas. Os resultados mostraram grandes acúmulos de carbono em profundidade e que a Matéria Orgânica nesses Espodossolos Amazônico é constituída de quatro grupos: - mais recalcitrante, humificada e antiga; - lábil e jovem; - recalcitrante, pouco humificada e antiga; - humificada e jovem. Claramente o trabalho mostrou que o processo de humificação não tem relação direta com a datação do material orgânico, e que fatores como textura, presença de água e microorganismos influenciaram nos processos de formação e humificação desse material orgânico. Por fim, a fração AF do solo parece ter uma contribuição oriunda de lençóis freáticos, sua estrutura química varia pouco no perfil e possui seletividade na interação com os metais presentes nesses solos. Basicamente, o AF tem alta afinidade de complexação com Al. A fração AH, entretanto, mostrou-se menos seletiva, associando-se com vários tipos de metais, como K, Fe, Mg, Zn e Al; e sua estrutura química varia bastante no perfil do solo. Em função da diversidade de metais associados ao AH, ele deve ser o principal responsável pela fertilidade do solo. Desta forma, os resultados mostraram que as três frações húmicas estão envolvidas no processo de podzolização do solo, e que o AF tem papel predominante no transporte de Al e o AH é o responsável no transporte do Fe. / Soils play an important role in most of the activities that occur on the planet. It participation in the main biogeochemical cycles can be highlighted. Soil organic matter (SOM) plays a key role in environmental sustainability, since it is related to carbon and nutrient cycling, being essential for studies related to global climate change and agronomy. One of the major SOM fluorophore is the humic substances (HS), which is fractionated according to their solubility in humic acids (HA), fulvic acids (FA) and humin (HU). The study of the optical properties of the organic matter is an important tool for structural and molecular understanding of humic fractions. Based on that, this work aimed the study of the Amazonian Spodosols genesis through the evaluation of organic matter structural characteristics and its properties of metal complexation using different spectroscopic techniques. The main results of this research showed large carbon accumulations in depth. Furthermore, it was possible to infer how the Amazonian Spodosols organic matter is divided: - more recalcitrant, humified and old; - labile and young; - recalcitrant, little humified and old; - humified and young. The study demonstrated clearly that the humification process has no direct relationship with the organic material dating, and that factors such as texture, presence of water and microorganisms have influenced the formation and humification of that organic material. The FA fraction of the soil has a contribution from groundwater and its chemical structure varies little in depth. Additionally, FA showed selective interaction with soil metals. However, the HA fraction has been shown less selective, associate with various metal types, such as K, Fe, Mg, Zn and Al. Moreover, its chemical structure varies greatly in the soil depth. Due to the diversity of metals that the HA has affinity, it should be the main responsible of the soil fertility. After all, the results showed that all the three humic fractions are involved in the process of soil podzolization. Furthermore, the FA has a predominant role in Al transport as the HA is the responsable of Fe transport.

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