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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Český pojistný trh v době světové finanční krize / Czech insurance market during the global financial crisis

Kovaljevová, Dijana January 2011 (has links)
This work aims to describe the impact of the world financial crisis on the Czech insurance market from three different points of view. Firstly, it is the view concerning the macroeconomic indicators. Secondly, it focuses on the innovative aspects and finally, it is the view concerning the economy and legislation. The first part of the work deals with the macroeconomic indicators, their variation in time and impact on the insurance market. In this part, the variation of the insurance market indicators such as insurance companies' bottom line, the development of the technical account or the development of the premiums is assessed, too. The first part is followed by a chapter concerning innovations in life and non-life insurance. This chapter focuses mainly on the single premium life insurance as a trend closely related to the impacts of the financial crisis and the decline in financial-asset prices in the markets. Also, the chapter deals with the innovations in the particular insurance. In the conclusion of the work, the economic and legislative environment influenced by the financial crisis, which has lead to several proposals for legislative changes in the insurance, is outlined. My conclusion is that with the exception of the vehicle insurance market neither the world financial crisis nor the following depression has threatened the Czech insurance market in terms of the decline in the premiums. The financial crisis has changed the market in terms of product quality improvement and new innovations. Furthermore, it has started the debate and opened new space for the amendment of legislative documents. The legislative or product changes and processes caused by the crisis will continue in the market even in the nearest future.

Postavení České pojišťovny na českém pojistném trhu / Position of Ceska pojistovna in the Czech insurance market

Hájková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is dedicated to the largest insurance company in the Czech insurance market, Ceska pojistovna, which also has the longest tradition. Position is evaluated from different perspectives. It takes into account the historical context, position in Generali PPF Holding and rating. The new strategy of Ceska pojistovna and some innovations in the insurance products are described. The analysis is performed on indicators such as premium written and market share, as well as profit and different ratios of the financial statements. At the end, it tries to estimate the future development.

Analýza pojištění automobilů na českém pojistném trhu / Analysis of automobile insurance market in the Czech Republic

Kaska, Jaromír January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis analyze an automobile insurance market. Thesis provides comprehensive description of a car insurance products spectrum which are currently offered by insurance companies. Theoretical part deals with a defining auto insurance branches, a premium construction and a development in the Czech Republic insurance market. Practical part compares and appraises individual products of chosen insurance companies according to various standards such as insurance limits, price, bonus level, client segmentation.

The Influence that the Stock Options of the Salary Incentive Pay System have on the Management level of Chinese mainland Insurance Industry

Chang, Yu-Jen 03 September 2008 (has links)
Abstract This essay is a study on "the influence that the stock options of the salary incentive pay system have on the management level of Chinese mainland insurance industry". this study is divided into four parts : first , introduce the theory that influence the setting of the salary incentive pay system ; second, analyses the common-used incentive pay system in Chinese mainland at present and its developmental tendency ; third , introduce the basic information of Taiwan's insurance industry brought into mainland . We hope that the study on mainland's insurance industry will contribute to the Taiwan' study in the field of mainland' insurance market. Fourth, analyze how Taiwan's insurance industry establish salary incentive pay system that meet the market demands in their development in mainland . The stereotype of the industrialist, the collected data, the careful analysis and the case that was picked out, can be referred to by those who want to develop on the mainland market. From this study, we find that there are active effects of thestock options system from the salary incentive pay system, whichcannot be found in the mainland's intermediate insurance industry. The cause can be concluded into two species: individual factor, externalfactor. Each conclusion has three items. So there are totally sixitems. The conclusions suggest that, mainland's intermediate insurance companies' planning on the management's salary incentive pay system is faced with many influence factors now. Althongh there are some limitations of the annual salary, such as the management behaviors Short-termism, the frequently-liquid of the managements' talents, the shortage of management talents, still, the effects are more active than other incentive pay system forms such as manager acquisition, insurance plan and retire plan, golden parachutes and EVA, except stock rights and options. The key words : the salary incentive pay system; management; Chinese mainland insurance market; stock options; golden parachutes

Transformations in Health Policy: An Analysis of Alzheimer's Disease Testing, Medicaid Enrollment, and Insurance Market Concentration

Wikler, Elizabeth McCarthy 07 December 2013 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three quantitative papers addressing contemporary issues in health policy. The first paper draws on a survey of 2,678 adults from the United States and four European countries to assess demand for a hypothetical early medical test for Alzheimer's disease (AD). Overall, 67% of respondents reported that they would be "very" or "somewhat" likely to get the test if it were available. Through logistic regression analysis, we find that interest was higher among those worried about developing AD, with an immediate blood relative with AD, and who have provided care for AD patients. Knowing that AD is fatal did not influence demand, except among those with an affected blood relative. We expect that a test becoming available could precipitate the creation of a large constituency of asymptomatic, diagnosed adults, affecting a range of health policy decisions. The second paper utilizes Current Population Survey data to explore state-level Medicaid enrollment rates among eligible parents between 2003 and 2010, focusing on the interaction of race and ethnicity and political ideology. Using logistic regression analysis, we find that average take-up for Hispanics in conservative states was 23%, whereas take-up was 38% for both whites and blacks in those states, adjusting for state and individual demographics. These differences abated in liberal and moderate states. Among eligible Hispanics, enrollment rates were less than half as high in conservative states than in liberal states (23% versus 61%). Adjusting for differences in state Medicaid policies narrowed these disparities significantly, highlighting the importance of new provisions aimed at streamlining enrollment procedures across all states. The last paper draws on public and private data from 2007 to 2010 to analyze how administrative spending by health insurers and providers varied across states with different levels of insurance and hospital market concentration. Using regression analysis, we find that in provider offices, high levels of insurance concentration were associated with lower administrative costs. If all states were as concentrated as the most concentrated state in our sample, we would expect nationwide savings of $3.6 billion in administrative expenses. However, market concentration did not reduce administrative spending by insurers or hospitals.

UAB gyvybės draudimo ,,Bonum Publicum" veiklos analizė ir tobulinimo galimybės / Analysis of action and possibilities of development of JS life insurance company "Bonum publicum"

Černiauskaitė, Daiva 30 April 2009 (has links)
Kiekviena gyvybės draudimo bendrovė turi pažinti ir suvokti draudėjų poreikius bei jų elgseną. Draudimo rinkoje veikia ne tik draudimo bendrovės, bet ir draudimo brokeriai. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti gyvybės draudimo ir draudimo brokerių veiklos reikšmę vartotojams. Atlikti gyvybės draudimo rinkos ir brokerių veiklos analizę, ir pateikti, gyvybės draudimo paslaugų, pardavimą skatinančius sprendimus. Darbo tyrimo objektas - UAB ,,Bonum Publicum“: atlikta jos veiklos sisteminė analizė, nustatyti lemiantys vartotojų/ klientų elgsenos veiksniai, įtakojantys gyvybės draudimo produktų pirkimo sprendimus. Magistrinis darbas susideda iš 3 dalių: 1) aptariama gyvybės draudimo ir brokerių veiklos reikšmė kitų mokslinių šaltinų autorių atžvilgiu; apžvelgiami vartotojų elgsenos veiksniai, darantys įtaką gyvybės draudimo produkto pirkimui; 2) atskleisti UAB gyvybės draudimo ,,Bonum Publicum“ veiklos, išorinės ir vidinės aplinkos veiksniai bei jos vartotojų/ klientų elgsenos ypatumus, apsisprendimą įsigyti gyvybės draudimo produktą; ištirti brokerių veiklos, nuo jų atsiradimo iki šių dienų, rezultatus; 3) apibendrinti UAB ,,Bonum Publicum“ vartotojų/klientų elgsenos tyrimo rezultatai, kurių metu įvertinti pagrindiniai veiksniai, įtakojantys sprendimą įsigyti gyvybės draudimo produkto priėmimo procesui. Atskleista draudimo brokerių veiklos įtaka gyvybės draudimo vartotojų elgsenai. Atliko tyrimo dėka, buvo nustatyta, jog būtina plėsti draudimo brokerių pardavimo kanalus, skatinti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Each life insurance company has to be aware of and realize the needs, attitude of assured. Not only insurance companies participate in the insurance market but insurance brokers are becoming more and more popular. The master’s work thesis is to estimate the importance of actions for consumers held by insurance companies and their brokers, to perform the survey of actions of life insurance and their brokers and to bring the solutions promoting selling up to discussion. The object of the research has been chosen a JS life insurance company of ‘’Bonum Publicum’’: systemic analysis of its activities has been performed to submit the determinants of consumers/clients influencing on decisions of the purchase of products of life insurance. The thesis is composed of three sections in the master’s work: 1. to submit the importance of actions of life insurance and their brokers, analysis of the activities of consumers that make great influence on selling products from life insurance companies; 2. external and inner environment factors and the actions of consumers/clients causing the reasons to get the products of life insurance; the results of actions of brokers since the very start of the JS company ‘Bonum Publicum’ were revealed. 3. the results of the research of actions of consumers/clients of JS insurance company ‘Bonum Publicum’ were summarized, the basic determinants were estimated to cause the actions of consumers by the actions of brokers. It is approached to... [to full text]

An Examination Of Turkish Insurance Industry In Light Of Information Asymmetry

Aygen, Mehmet Firat 01 October 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this study is to understand information asymmetry concept with its causes and consequences and its effects on insurance business especially in Turkey. Perfect markets, moral hazard, adverse selection, market signaling, and guarantee concepts are important to have a better examination of asymmetric information as a whole and there are many examples of these concepts faced in insurance sector. In order to have a closer look to Turkish insurance business, some insurance companies are chosen randomly and their general performance, types of information they demand their customers to give and the relation between them are studied. Consequently, it is seen that both companies and customers suffer from asymmetric information. However, there are, of course, some solution suggestions to decrease information asymmetry. A number of these solutions are easy to apply in Turkish market and some others are not that applicable. Therefore, it can be said that the important thing here is to find adaptable solutions not to lengthen the list and waste time by suggesting brilliant but useless ones.

Perceptions et couvertures des risques extrêmes en présence d'incertitudes sur les marchés de l'assurance et de la réassurance / Perception and coverage of extreme risks under uncertainty on the insurance and reinsurance markets

Dupont-Courtade, Théodora 06 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à mieux comprendre les décisions individuelles des acteurs des marchés de l'assurance et de la réassurance face à différents types d'information, la couverture des risques extrêmes, et les arrangements contractuels entre assureurs et réassureurs. Le contexte général de l'assurance des risques extrêmes est marqué par une intensification et un accroissement des catastrophes naturelles et industrielles depuis une vingtaine d'années dans le monde, ce qui rend délicat une évaluation correcte des caractéristiques des événements et questionne l'assurabilité de ces risques du fait de la présence d'incertitudes. La thèse est constituée de deux parties utilisant une large palette d'outils quantitatifs. La première partie se concentre sur l'analyse des effets de l'information sur les décisions d'assurance, en particulier sur les primes que les agents sont prêts à payer ou accepter pour transférer ou supporter des risques spécifiques. L'information disponible peut donner lieu à des situations de risque ou d'ambiguïté, en distinguant deux types d'ambiguïté: l'imprécision, situation dans laquelle l'information est consensuelle mais imprécise, et le conflit, situation où il y a désaccord entre experts. Cette partie s'appuie sur des enquêtes distribuées auprès d'un échantillon représentatif de la population en tant qu'acheteurs potentiels d'assurance (chapitre 2) ou auprès de professionnels de l'assurance (chapitre 3) afin d'étudier les comportements d'assurance du côté de l'offre et de la demande. Cette partie présente aussi une approche expérimentale de ces comportements avec rémunération des participants (chapitre 4). La seconde partie étudie le marché de la réassurance. Après avoir présenté les spécificités et mécanismes de ce marché (chapitre 5), l'offre de réassurance est analysée à travers des comportements d'enchères de réassureurs (chapitre 6). A partir d'une base de données exclusive, cette partie détermine les facteurs explicatifs des primes de réassurance qui dépendent des caractéristiques des risques, mais également de celles des traités, des réassureurs et du marché. / This thesis aims to better understand the individual decisions of insurance and reinsurance market actors facing different information types, the coverage of extreme risks, and the contractual arrangements between insurers and reinsurers. The insurance context of extreme risks is characterized by the intensification and the increased number of natural and industrial disasters for the last twenty years in the world, which makes it difficult to properly evaluate the event characteristics and questions the insurability of these risks due to the presence of uncertainties. The thesis is composed of two parts using a wide range of quantitative tools. The first part focuses on the analysis of information effects on insurance decisions, especially the premium that actors are willing to pay or to accept in order to transfer or to take specific risks. The available information can lead to situations of risk or ambiguity, distinguishing two ambiguity types: imprecision in which the information is consensual but imprecise, and conflict where there is a disagreement between experts. This part is based on surveys distributed to a representative sample of the population as potential insurance buyers (chapter 2) or to insurance professionals (chapter 3) in order to study demand and supply behaviors. This part also presents an experimental approach in which participants are paid according to their performance (chapter 4). The second part examines the reinsurance market. After presenting the characteristics and mechanisms of the market (chapter 5), reinsurance supply is examined through auction behaviors of reinsurers (chapter 6). 8ased on a proprietary data-base, this part identifies the underlying factors of reinsurance premiums which depend on the risk characteristics, but also on the treaties, the reinsurers and the market.


RAFAELA DE GREGORIO DIAS 26 January 2011 (has links)
[pt] O estudo individualizado da mortalidade em planos de previdência e de seguros de vida é um assunto de crescente interesse tanto por parte das seguradoras quanto do órgão regulador destes segmentos, a Superintendência de Seguros Privados – SUSEP. Neste sentido, o LABMA/UFRJ calculou tábuas de referência para o mercado segurador, segregadas por sexo e cobertura, utilizando informações sobre 80% dos segurados das companhias seguradoras que atuam no Brasil. A teoria econômica prediz que existe um viés nas saídas dos planos com cobertura por sobrevivência e por morte, o que ocasiona uma diferença nas taxas de mortalidades entre o subgrupo que abandona seus planos e o grupo remanescente, e que esta diferença é variável no tempo, dependendo do número de anos decorrido desde que o indivíduo deixou o plano: assim como as tábuas seletas convergem para uma situação geral, a hipótese é a de que, passado algum tempo, a mortalidade dos indivíduos que saíram do plano converge para o mesmo nível dos que ficaram. Valendo-nos da mesma base de dados utilizada pelo LABMA/UFRJ para a construção das tábuas de referência para o mercado segurador, bem como da base de dados de registro de óbitos da previdência social, o objetivo dessa dissertação é a verificação da existência de seleção adversa nas saídas dos planos com cobertura por sobrevivência ou morte por meio da construção de tábuas seletas de mortalidade para os indivíduos que abandonam seus planos. / [en] The study of mortality in individual pension plans and life insurance is a subject of growing interest both for insurers as well as for the regulator of these segments, the Superintendence of Private Insurance - SUSEP. In this sense, LABMA/UFRJ calculated mortality tables used as a reference for the insurance market, segregated by sex and coverage, using information covering 80% of the insured population originated from insurance companies operating in Brazil. Economic theory predicts that there is a bias on the outputs of plans with coverage for survival and death, which causes a difference in rates of mortality among those who quit the plan and the remaining group. This difference varies over time, depending on the time lag since the individual quit the plan: as select tables converge to the general level, the assumption here is that after some time, the mortality of individuals who left the plan converges to the same level of those who remained. Based on the same database used by LABMA/UFRJ for the construction of tables of reference for the insurance market as well as the database of deaths from the Social Security Administration, the goal of this study is to test the existence of adverse selection on the outputs of the plans with coverage for survival or death by means of constructing select mortality tables for individuals who quit their plans.

Estimando a aversão ao risco no mercado de seguros de automóveis / Estimating Risk Preferences From Auto Insurance Market

Caio Matteúcci de Andrade Lopes 20 May 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é estimar a distribuição conjunta do risco e da aversão ao risco no mercado de seguros de automóveis. Para tal, será utilizado o modelo estrutural proposto por Cohen e Einav (2007), que permite identificar esta distribuição à partir das coberturas escolhidas pelos segurados e dos sinistros declarados. Na metodologia empírica, utilizamos o método de Monte Carlo via Cadeias de Markov (MCMC). A base de dados utilizada se refere à apólices de seguros transacionadas na região metropolitana de São Paulo, apenas para a seguradora com maior participação neste mercado. Os resultados obtidos indicam que os coeficientes de aversão ao risco absoluto apresentam média baixa, mediana ainda menor e elevada heterogeneidade não observada. Observou-se também uma correlação negativa entre o risco e a aversão ao risco. / This study aims to estimate the distribution of risk aversion from the car insurance market. For this, the method proposed by Cohen e Einav (2007) model that allows unobserved risk is used. The data refer to the metropolitan area of São Paulo with an analysis restricted to only one insurer. The methodology will be the Gibbs sampling which enables increased data risk of latent variables and risk aversion. The results indicate a small mean level of absolute risk aversion and even lower median, featuring high dispersion coefficients.

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