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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of Marketing Strategy in Chinese Software Marketi : A Case Study of UFIDA Softeare Co., Ltd

Zeng, Xiongyu, Du, Yang January 2008 (has links)
Date: 2008-06-08 Program: International Marketing Course: Master thesis in International Marketing (EF0705) Author: Xiongyu Zeng (780925) Yang Du (820830) Tutor: Jan Löwstedt Title: A Study of Marketing Strategy in Chinese Software Market – A Case Study of UFIDA Software Co., Ltd Strategic Question : What should be an Effective Marketing Strategy for UFIDA in order to Increase its Market Shares and Support its Market Leadership Position? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the current Chinese financial management software market conditions as well as competitors and to utilize the knowledge from the investigation to consider a better application of marketing mix for UFIDA. Theory and Method: Two theories, five forces and marketing mix, were applied in this thesis. The authors collected primary data by interview and questionnaire to learn company’s marketing operation and feedback of customers on the marketing mix. The authors also collected reliable secondary data with the guideline of five forces framework to learn the marketing situation. The analysis was conducted according to the selected theories and the collected data. Based on the analysis, the authors presented a relevant conclusion. Target Audience: The target audience is the market managers of UFIDA. The researchers wish the result of the paper could bring some benefits for them in the market performance. UFIDA can make use of the research result to design an effective strategy. The authors believe that the research could provide a general guidance and bring benefit to marketers in similar fields and help them to learn competitive situation. Conclusion: From the result of analysis, the authors think the market situation is good for UFIDA. UFIDA has competitive advantages to defend itself against the forces and influence them in its favor. As a consequence, in order to increase market share as well as support its leading position, UFIDA should maintain the existing competitive advantages and improve the disadvantages of marketing operation about marketing mix found from the feedbacks of customer. Through the analysis and recommendation, the authors wish that the investigation result could benefit to UFIDA and bring them some cues for designing an effective marketing strategy.

Skapandet av lojalitet : - en utvärdering av marknadsföringsstrategier

Hautanen, Emma, Rowe, Eve-Marie January 2007 (has links)
Titel: Skapandet av lojalitet - en utvärdering av marknadsföringsstrategier. Författare: Emma Hautanen & Eve-Marie Rowe Handledare: Lars Vigerland Ämne: Marknadsföring Dokumenttyp: Kandidatuppsats 10p. Publiceringsår: VT-2007 Nyckelord: Lojalitet, Word-of-mouth, Involvement theory, Marketing mix, Medicinteknisk verksamhet, Medicintekniska avdelningen analys på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset. Syfte: Syftet är att utvärdera om MTA-analys marknadsföringsstrategier skapar lojala kunder? Metod: I studien har författarna genomfört både en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ undersökning. Författarna har använt sig av abduktion i studien. Den kvantitativa undersökningen bestod av prestrukturerade svarsalternativ som utarbetas utifrån redan befintliga teorier för att på så sätt kunna koppla samman empirin och teorin kring studien. Således har studien gjorts enligt en abduktiv ansats. Undersökningen utfördes genom att enkäter skickades ut till MTA-A’s kunder, både avdelningar på sjukhuset och utomstående kunder. Den kvalitativa undersökningen bestod av intervjuer, författarna intervjuade sektionschefen och tre anställda på Medicintekniska avdelningen analys på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset. Författarna intervjuade chef och anställda för att få en bild av hur väl den interna kommunikationen på MTA-As verksamhet fungerar. Teori: För att kunna ge en bakgrund till uppsatsens teoretiska referensram har fem befintliga teorier legat som grund för studien; Interaktiv kommunikation, Involvement theory, Service Value Chain, Grönroos-Gummesons kvalitetsmodell samt Marketing Mix. Genom dessa teorier kan man få en bild av hur graden av involvering påverkar konsumenternas köpbeteende, effekterna av word-of-mouth, hur man genom en väl fungerande intern marknadsföring ska få nöjda och återkommande kunder, vilka faktorer som bidrar till den 3 kundupplevd kvaliteten, samt om de olika faktorerna i marketing mix har någon betydelse för kunderna. Empiri: För att utvärdera om MTA-A marknadsföringsstrategier skapar lojala kunder genomfördes en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ undersökning för att se om svaren stämmer överens med varandra eller om det finns gap mellan ledning, personal och kunder. Genom detta kunde förståelse erhållas om kundernas uppfattning om hur de resonerar kring valet av MTA-A’s verksamhet och hur ledningen samt personalen ser på verksamheten. Resultat: Uppsatsens syfte besvaras med hjälp av gap-modellen, för att se om det finns brister i MTA-A´s marknadsföringsstrategier. Gapen mellan ledning, personal och kund är ett fåtal och det finns andra positiva aspekter i MTA-A´s verksamhet som överväger bristerna, såsom kompetent personal och bra service. Detta styrkes av enkätundersökningen där 30 stycken kunder svarade att de är eller kommer att vara återkommande kunder. Med underlag av enkätundersökningen konstaterar vi att MTA-A´s marknadsföringsstrategier skapar lojala kunder. Slutsats: De faktorer inom marknadsföringsstrategierna som är viktiga för att skapa kundlojalitet är utbudet av tjänster, kompetent och trevlig personal, bra internkommunikation, bra service, tillgänglighet och geografisk närbelägenhet.

gooh! Marketing Mix och Brand image : En fallstudie om hur brand image och marketing mix modellens faktorer påverkar konsumenters köpbeteende.

Nyström, Mattias, Åbonde, Johannes January 2008 (has links)
Till följd av en ständigt ökad konkurrens blir det allt svårare att som ny aktör att ta sig in på olika marknader. Vad som däremot kan underlätta etableringsprocessen för nya företag och varumärken är att associeras och förknippas med redan etablerade och välkända varumärken. Företaget gooh! är ett nytt måltidskoncept som funnits i drygt två år och är ett samarbete mellan Lantmännen och Operakällaren. Det intressanta här är att företaget gooh! har två kända varumärken som medverkar och står bakom konceptet. I den här uppsatsen kommer vi att undersöka hur Marketing mix modellens faktorer påverkar en konsuments första köp av en gooh! produkt, med syfte att se om någon av dessa faktorer är mer viktig än någon annan samt att se hur dessa samverkar med varandra. Vi vill också i denna uppsats se hur konsumentens första köp påverkas av att två starka varumärken står bakom konceptet gooh!. Undersökningen baseras på en kvantitativ undersökning där vi slumpmässigt frågat 50 konsumenter som alla handlat i en och samma gooh! butik. Resultaten vi kommit fram till i denna undersökning tyder på att den valda ”platsen” av butik, dvs. lättillgängligheten till butiken är den faktor som påverkar konsumentens första köp mest, men även de andra faktorerna i Marketing mix modellen är av stor betydelse. Vidare visar även våra resultat på att Lantmännens och Operakällarens samverkan, har en positiv inverkan på konsumentens köpbeteende. I vår slutsats kommer vi bl.a. fram till att dessa två aktörers medverkan bidrar till en kvalitetsstärkning av gooh! produkterna och skapar ett mervärde hos konsumenten.

Traditional marketing vs. Internet marketing. A comparison

Varfan, Mona, Shima, Alfa January 2008 (has links)
Title: Traditional marketing vs. Internet marketing: A comparison Problem: Marketing is an important strategy for businesses and it contains numerous effective tools. Traditional marketing has been in use for many years and nowadays Internet has brought new ways of doing business for companies and that has affected marketing. What are the main differences between Internet marketing and traditional marketing? Which one of the two approaches contains the most used and effective marketing tools according to chosen companies in this thesis? Purpose: The aim of this study is to compare traditional marketing and Internet marketing and show the differences of characteristics between them. And to find out what marketing tools are effective for some chosen companies in the fashion industry. Method: The information gathered in this study was obtained through qualitative research from textbooks, websites, articles and interviews. Some quantitative data such as statistics were also gathered. The authors conducted interviews with few companies operating in the fashion industry to collect information needed for the analysis in this study. Conclusion: By analysing different aspects of theory, comparison and interview answers, the authors came to a conclusion. Using the advantages of both Internet marketing and traditional marketing according to the goals of the company, is considered to be the most effective way of marketing. Comparing the two approaches, Internet seemed to be a complementary tool to traditional marketing.

What a Difference a Bank Makes

Klaus, Alexander, Marie, Ségolène January 2006 (has links)
Nowadays, the service industry, especially banks, faces increasing competition. In such environment, differentiation is necessary. The general purpose of this thesis is to understand how a bank can achieve differentiation based on a marketing approach. Two research questions will respectively examine the three additional P’s of the marketing mix (People, Presentation or Physical Evidence and Process) and the Customer Relationship Management as possible differentiators. To fulfill the purpose, the authors of the thesis introduce an extended model of the CRM concept, including the three additional P’s. Further, the researchers of the thesis interview the four major banks in Sweden SEB, Svenska Handelsbanken, FöreningsSparbanken and Nordea, to test their model. After an analysis of the interviews, the authors come to the conclusion that the extended model of the CRM concept is actually used as a differentiator. However, as the four major Swedish banks have a similar strategy; it then appears really difficult to differentiate to a large extent.

Increasing Brand Equity in Chinese Automobile Market- A case study of Volvo Car Corporation

Cai, Lili, Cao, Yun January 2013 (has links)
The huge market potential of some fast growing markets attract many international organizations’ attention, especially China, as a huge automobile market is one of the most typical examples. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore how Volvo Cars increase brand equity in Chinese automobile market. To answer this question, a literature review about brand equity and marketing strategy is done to create an analytical framework which is the foundation of the empirical observation and research analysis. Furthermore, the study constitutes a valuable source of information of Volvo’s operated marketing strategy, as well as providing practical situation on customer perception on a brand through interviewing Volvo's owners in different countries. The results of analysis and discussion indicated that there are distinctive customer perceptions in China and the appraised the Volvo brand equity is not completely matching the strategic goals. In this case, in order to increase brand equity in China, Volvo should craft and execute the corresponding marketing strategy on brand for the distinctive Chinese customer perceptions. As such, this paper complements previous research through presenting the current situation of Chinese automobile market and comprehending how Volvo as global car brand operating and performing in China from brand equity perspective. In that sense, this paper can contribute and add some useful information in this study field for other further studies.

Implementation of Green Marketing Strategy in China : A Study of the Green Food Industry

Fan, Haofu, Zeng, Lin January 2011 (has links)
Title: Implementation of Green Marketing Strategy inChina - A Study of the Green Food Industry Research Aim: Our research aim is to explore factors which influence Chinese consumers’ behavior, analyze marketing strategies of company we interviewed according to four Ps of conventional marketing mix, and finally put forward our own opinions about how green food companies use four Ps of conventional marketing mix to implement green marketing strategy in green food industry in China. Methodology: This thesis studies green marketing of green food industry inChina from two aspects, consumers and company we interviewed by conducting a mixed methods research. Quantitative and qualitative data are simultaneously from consumers and company though questionnaires and interviews survey respectively. Conclusion: Based on the analysis on Chinese consumers and the empirical materials collected from our interview with a green food company we draw some implications on how to implement green marketing strategy in the industry of green food inChina. As the factors which influence Chinese consumers’ behavior and characteristics between green agricultural products and green processed food are different, green marketing strategies of the two kinds of products should be implemented by different ways.

Customer Satisfaction within Live Performing Arts: The Case of Programbolaget i Jönköping

Ramanava, Aliaksandra, Scholl, Maria Franziska January 2012 (has links)
Live performing arts are one of the most important heritages, defining the cultural identity of a society. Since live performing arts are cultural services, the process of experiencing them is pivotal in forming satisfaction on the customer side. Achieving customer satisfaction is crucial for non-profit cultural institutions operating under the Swedish cultural model. An investigation of the achieved level of customer satisfaction and a comparison to customer expectations is therefore necessary for offering cultural services, which meet customer expectations. Since service quality and hence customer satisfaction can be controlled via the elements of the services marketing mix, the authors focused on investigating the marketing mix of Programbolaget i Jönköping (PJ). The authors wish to investigate to what extent PJ’s current audiences are satisfied with the quality of the services marketing mix provided by PJ, what customers expect from it and what managerial implications can be advised to improve the service. The authors use a mixed methods approach. Quantitative data about customer satisfaction is collected via a questionnaire, which applies a five point Likert scale. Descriptive and non-parametric statistics are used in the data processing. Semi-structured interviews with PJ and customers are conducted to obtain information about the nature of PJ and customer expectations. The conclusions drawn from this study are that the overall level of satisfaction with PJs services marketing mix among PJ’s customers is satisfying, while deviations between the different elements exist, where the elements price, promotion and product score lowest. It is also found that some parameters of the marketing mix have significant levels of importance for customer groups. Customer expectations regarding the services, which scored low, were investigated through interviews. Based on the conducted statistical tests and the expectations of the customers, recommendations regarding PJ’s services are made in order to increase customer satisfaction.

Scandinavian Fashion Brands : Finding the puzzles betwen marketing strategy and Swedes customers behaviour

Agripina, Irene Garnit January 2012 (has links)
Fashion is one of the most profitable industry in the world, Sweden has been seen as a fashionable nation, thanks to the big fashion brands that consumed by most of the Swedish of all segment. Scandinavian fashionbrands which is analyzed on this thesis is H&M, Kappahl, Ginatricot, Dressman, and JackJones. All of these fashionbrands are analyzed based on their marketing strategy, then compared to the result from the quitionaires about these brands. From the questionaires, it can be found which kind of marketing strategy profitable for their segment. The result of this research show that most of the company know much about their customers, they do the right thing especially with the product design. Sometime the companies do the unuseful marketing that's wasting money because the customers don't react on the desirable behaviour

Understanding Green Marketing with Marketing Mix : a case study on The Body Shop

Li, Shanshan, Tang, Zifei January 2010 (has links)
Aim: The purpose of the study is to investigate how a company blends its greenness sense into their marketing mix and marketing strategy and the response from the customers toward corresponding aspects.   Method: A case study was adopted. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were constructed, in which face-to-face interview and questionnaires were used to collect the fundamental data.    Result & Conclusions: The Company has completely involved greenness into their marketing strategies. However, not many consumers are aware of it. The quality of the product, the price and the popularity of the brand still the most important influence factor in their purchase decision-making.    Suggestions for future research: A further study can be put on a research about how to gain advantages, such as customers’ loyalty and trust, by improving their green strategy.   Contribution of the thesis: This study contributes to enhancing the understanding of the combination of the 4Ps of marketing and green marketing. Furthermore, the findings have improved our knowledge of the consumers’ attitude toward their strategies.   Paper type Case study/ Research paper

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