Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] MEAN-SQUARE-ERROR"" "subject:"[enn] MEAN-SQUARE-ERROR""
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Estimating the parameters of polynomial phase signalsFarquharson, Maree Louise January 2006 (has links)
Nonstationary signals are common in many environments such as radar, sonar, bioengineering and power systems. The nonstationary nature of the signals found in these environments means that classicalspectralanalysis techniques are notappropriate for estimating the parameters of these signals. Therefore it is important to develop techniques that can accommodate nonstationary signals. This thesis seeks to achieve this by firstly, modelling each component of the signal as having a polynomial phase and by secondly, developing techniques for estimating the parameters of these components. Several approaches can be used for estimating the parameters of polynomial phase signals, eachwithvarying degrees ofsuccess.Criteria to consider in potential estimation algorithms are (i) the signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio threshold of the algorithm, (ii) the amount of computation required for running the algorithm, and (iii) the closeness of the resulting estimates' mean-square errors to the minimum theoretical bound. These criteria will be used to compare the new techniques developed in this thesis with existing techniques. The literature on polynomial phase signal estimation highlights the recurring trade-off between the accuracy of the estimates and the amount of computation required. For example, the Maximum Likelihood (ML) method provides near-optimal estimates above threshold, but also incurs a heavy computational cost for higher order phase signals. On the other hand, multi-linear techniques such as the high-order ambiguity function (HAF) method require little computation, but have a significantly higher SNR threshold than the ML method. Of the existing techniques, the cubic phase (CP) function method is a promising technique because it provides an attractive SNR threshold and computational complexity trade-off. For this reason, the analysis techniques developed in this thesis will be derived from the CP function. A limitation of the CP function is its inability to accurately process phase orders greater than three. Therefore, the first novel contribution to this thesis develops a broadened class of discrete-time higher order phase (HP)functions to address this limitation.This broadened class is achieved by providing a multi-linear extension of the CP function. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to demonstrate the statistical advantage of the HP functions compared to the HAFs. A first order statistical analysis of the HP functions is presented. This analysis verifies the simulation results. The next novel contribution is a technique called the lower SNR cubic phase function (LCPF)method. It is an extension of the CP function, with the extension enabling performance at lower signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). The improvement of the SNR threshold's performance is achieved by coherently integrating the CP function over a compact interval in the two-dimensional CP function space. The computation of the new algorithm is quite moderate, especially when compared to the ML method. Above threshold, the LCPF method's parameter estimates are asymptotically efficient. Monte Carlo simulation results are presented and a threshold analysis of the algorithm closely predicts the thresholds observed in these results. The next original contribution to this research involves extending the LCPF method so that it is able to process multicomponent cubic phase signals and higher order phase signals. The LCPF method is extended to higher orders by applying a windowing technique as opposed to adjusting the order of the kernel as implemented in the HP function method. To demonstrate the extension of the LCPF method for processing higher order phase signals and multicomponent cubic phase signals, some Monte Carlo simulations are presented. Finally, these estimation techniques are applied to real-worldscenarios in the fields of Power Systems Analysis, Neuroethology and Speech Analysis.
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Ενίσχυση σημάτων μουσικής υπό το περιβάλλον θορύβουΠαπανικολάου, Παναγιώτης 20 October 2010 (has links)
Στην παρούσα εργασία επιχειρείται η εφαρμογή αλγορίθμων αποθορυβοποίησης σε σήματα
μουσικής και η εξαγωγή συμπερασμάτων σχετικά με την απόδοση αυτών ανά μουσικό είδος. Η
κύρια επιδίωξη είναι να αποσαφηνιστούν τα βασικά προβλήματα της ενίσχυσης ήχων και να
παρουσιαστούν οι διάφοροι αλγόριθμοι που έχουν αναπτυχθεί για την επίλυση των προβλημάτων αυτών. Αρχικά γίνεται μία σύντομη εισαγωγή στις βασικές έννοιες πάνω στις οποίες δομείται η τεχνολογία ενίσχυσης ομιλίας. Στην συνέχεια εξετάζονται και αναλύονται αντιπροσωπευτικοί
αλγόριθμοι από κάθε κατηγορία τεχνικών αποθορυβοποίησης, την κατηγορία φασματικής
αφαίρεσης, την κατηγορία στατιστικών μοντέλων και αυτήν του υποχώρου. Για να μπορέσουμε να
αξιολογήσουμε την απόδοση των παραπάνω αλγορίθμων χρησιμοποιούμε αντικειμενικές μετρήσεις
ποιότητας, τα αποτελέσματα των οποίων μας δίνουν την δυνατότητα να συγκρίνουμε την απόδοση
του κάθε αλγορίθμου. Με την χρήση τεσσάρων διαφορετικών μεθόδων αντικειμενικών μετρήσεων
διεξάγουμε τα πειράματα εξάγοντας μια σειρά ενδεικτικών τιμών που μας δίνουν την ευχέρεια να
συγκρίνουμε είτε τυχόν διαφοροποιήσεις στην απόδοση των αλγορίθμων της ίδιας κατηγορίας είτε
διαφοροποιήσεις στο σύνολο των αλγορίθμων. Από την σύγκριση αυτή γίνεται εξαγωγή χρήσιμων
συμπερασμάτων σχετικά με τον προσδιορισμό των παραμέτρων κάθε αλγορίθμου αλλά και με την καταλληλότητα του κάθε αλγορίθμου για συγκεκριμένες συνθήκες θορύβου και για συγκεκριμένο μουσικό είδος. / This thesis attempts to apply Noise Reduction algorithms to signals of music and draw conclusions concerning the performance of each algorithm for every musical genre. The main aims are to clarify the basic problems of sound enhancement and present the various algorithms
developed for solving these problems. After a brief introduction to basic concepts on sound enhancement we examine and analyze various algorithms that have been proposed at times in the literature for speech enhancement. These algorithms can be divided into three main classes: spectral
subtractive algorithms, statistical-model-based algorithms and subspace algorithms. In order to
evaluate the performance of the above algorithms we use objective measures of quality, the results of which give us the opportunity to compare the performance of each algorithm. By using four different methods of objective measures to conduct the experiments we draw a set of values that
facilitate us to make within-class algorithm comparisons and across-class algorithm comparisons. From these comparisons we can draw conclusions on the determination of parameters for each algorithm and the appropriateness of algorithms for specific noise conditions and music genre.
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Transceiver Design Based on the Minimum-Error-Probability Framework for Wireless Communication SystemsDutta, Amit Kumar January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Parameter estimation and signal detection are the two key components of a wireless communication system. They directly impact the bit-error-ratio (BER) performance of the system. Several criteria have been successfully applied for parameter estimation and signal detection. They include maximum likelihood (ML), maximum a-posteriori probability (MAP), least square (LS) and minimum mean square error (MMSE) etc. In the linear detection framework, linear MMSE (LMMSE) and LS are the most popular ones. Nevertheless, these criteria do not necessarily minimize the BER, which is one of the key aspect of any communication receiver design. Thus, minimization of BER is tantamount to an important design criterion for a wireless receiver, the minimum bit/symbol error ratio (MBER/MSER). We term this design criterion as the minimum-error-probability (MEP). In this thesis, parameter estimation and signal detection have been extensively studied based on the MEP framework for various unexplored scenar-ios of a wireless communication system. Thus, this thesis has two broad categories of explorations, first parameter estimation and then signal detection. Traditionally, the MEP criterion has been well studied in the context of the discrete signal detection in the last one decade, albeit we explore this framework for the continuous parameter es-timation. We first use this framework for channel estimation in a frequency flat fading single-input single-output (SISO) system and then extend this framework to the carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimation of multi-user MIMO OFDM system. We observe a reasonably good SNR improvement to the tune of 1 to 2.5 dB at a fixed BER (tentatively at 10−3). In this context, it is extended to the scenario of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) or MIMO-OFDM with pa-rameter estimation error statistics obtained from LMMSE only and checked its effect at the equalizer design using MEP and LMMSE criteria. In the second exploration of the MEP criterion, it is explored for signal detection in the context of MIMO-relay and MIMO systems. Various low complexity solutions are proposed to alleviate the effect of high computational complexity for the MIMO-relay. We also consider various configurations of relay like cognitive, parallel and multi-hop relaying. We also propose a data trans-mission scheme with a rate of 1/Ns (Ns is the number of antennas at the transmitter) with the help of the MEP criterion to design various components. In all these cases, we obtain considerable BER improvement compared to the existing solutions.
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ARIMA forecasts of the number of beneficiaries of social security grants in South AfricaLuruli, Fululedzani Lucy 12 1900 (has links)
The main objective of the thesis was to investigate the feasibility of accurately and precisely fore-
casting the number of both national and provincial bene ciaries of social security grants in South
Africa, using simple autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models. The series of the
monthly number of bene ciaries of the old age, child support, foster care and disability grants from
April 2004 to March 2010 were used to achieve the objectives of the thesis. The conclusions from
analysing the series were that: (1) ARIMA models for forecasting are province and grant-type spe-
ci c; (2) for some grants, national forecasts obtained by aggregating provincial ARIMA forecasts
are more accurate and precise than those obtained by ARIMA modelling national series; and (3)
for some grants, forecasts obtained by modelling the latest half of the series were more accurate
and precise than those obtained from modelling the full series. / Mathematical Sciences / M.Sc. (Statistics)
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Multi-Antenna Communication Receivers Using Metaheuristics and Machine Learning AlgorithmsNagaraja, Srinidhi January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, our focus is on low-complexity, high-performance detection algorithms for multi-antenna communication receivers. A key contribution in this thesis is the demonstration that efficient algorithms from metaheuristics and machine learning can be gainfully adapted for signal detection in multi- antenna communication receivers. We first investigate a popular metaheuristic known as the reactive tabu search (RTS), a combinatorial optimization technique, to decode the transmitted signals in large-dimensional communication systems. A basic version of the RTS algorithm is shown to achieve near-optimal performance for 4-QAM in large dimensions. We then propose a method to obtain a lower bound on the BER performance of the optimal detector. This lower bound is tight at moderate to high SNRs and is useful in situations where the performance of optimal detector is needed for comparison, but cannot be obtained due to very high computational complexity. To improve the performance of the basic RTS algorithm for higher-order modulations, we propose variants of the basic RTS algorithm using layering and multiple explorations. These variants are shown to achieve near-optimal performance in higher-order QAM as well.
Next, we propose a new receiver called linear regression of minimum mean square error (MMSE) residual receiver (referred to as LRR receiver). The proposed LRR receiver improves the MMSE receiver by learning a linear regression model for the error of the MMSE receiver. The LRR receiver uses pilot data to estimate the channel, and then uses locally generated training data (not transmitted over the channel) to find the linear regression parameters. The LRR receiver is suitable for applications where the channel remains constant for a long period (slow-fading channels) and performs well. Finally, we propose a receiver that uses a committee of linear receivers, whose parameters are estimated from training data using a variant of the AdaBoost algorithm, a celebrated supervised classification algorithm in ma- chine learning. We call our receiver boosted MMSE (B-MMSE) receiver. We demonstrate that the performance and complexity of the proposed B-MMSE receiver are quite attractive for multi-antenna communication receivers.
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[pt] IoT refere-se a um sistema de dispositivos de computação inter-relacionados
que visa transferir dados através de uma rede sem exigir interação humanohumano
ou humano-para-computador. Esses sistemas de comunicação modernos,
exigem restrições de baixo consumo de energia e baixa complexidade
no receptor. Nesse sentido, o conversor analógico-digital representa
um gargalo para o desenvolvimento das aplicações dessas novas tecnologias,
pois apresenta alto consumo de energia devido à sua alta resolução. A pesquisa
realizada em relação aos conversores analógico-digitais com quantização
grosseira mostrou que esses dispositivos são promissores para o projeto
de futuros sistemas de comunicação. Para equilibrar a perda de informações,
devido à quantização grosseira, a resolução no tempo é aumentada através
da superamostragem. Esta tese considera um sistema com quantização de
1 bit e superamostragem no receptor com um canal de downlink MIMO
multiusuário com banda ilimitada e apresenta, como principal contribuição,
a nova modulação de cruzamento de zeros que implica que a informação
é transmitida no instante de tempo zero-crossings. Este método é usado
para a pré-codificação temporal através da otimização do design da forma
de onda para dois pré-codificadores diferentes, a maximização temporal da
distância mínima até o limiar de decisão com forçamento a zero espacial e
a pré-codificação MMSE no espácio-temporal. Os resultados da simulação
mostram que a abordagem de cruzamento de zeros proposta supera o estado
da arte em termos da taxa de erro de bits para os dois pré-codificadores
estudados. Além disso, essa nova modulação reduz a complexidade computacional,
permite dispositivos de complexidade muito baixa e economiza
recursos de banda em comparação com o método mais avançado. Análises
adicionais mostram que a abordagem do cruzamento de zeros é benéfica em
comparação com o método mais avançado em termos de maior distância
mínima até o limiar de decisão e menor MSE para sistemas com limitações
de banda. Além disso, foi desenvolvido um esquema de mapeamento de bits
para modulação de cruzamento por zero, semelhante à codificação de Gray
para reduzir ainda mais a taxa de erro de bits. / [en] The IoT refers to a system of interrelated computing devises which aims to
transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or humanto-
computer interaction. This Modern communication systems demand restrictions
of low energy consumption and low complexity in the receiver. In
this sense, the analog-to-digital converter represents a bottleneck for the
development of the applications of these new technologies since it has a
high energy consumption due to its high resolution. The research carried
out concerning to the analog-to-digital converters with coarse quantization
has shown that such devices are promising for the design of future communication
systems. To balance the loss of information, due to the coarse
quantization, the resolution in time is increased through oversampling. This
thesis considers a system with 1-bit quantization and oversampling at the
receiver with a bandlimited multiuser MIMO downlink channel and introduces,
as the main contribution, the novel zero-crossing modulation which
implies that the information is conveyed within the time instant of the
zero-crossings. This method is used for the temporal precoding through the
waveform design optimization for two different precoders, the temporal maximization
of the minimum distance to the decision threshold with spatial
zero forcing and the space-time MMSE precoding. The simulation results
show that the proposed zero-crossing approach outperforms the state-of-theart
in terms of the bit error rate for both precoders studied. In addition,
this novel modulation reduces the computational complexity, allows very low
complexity devices and saves band resources in comparison to the state-ofthe-
art method. Additional analyses show that the zero-crossing approach
is beneficial in comparison to the state-of-the-art method in terms of greater
minimum distance to the decision threshold and lower MSE for systems
with band limitations. Moreover, it was devised a bit-mapping scheme for
zero-crossing modulation, similar to Gray-coding to further reduce the bit
error rate.
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Essays in dynamic panel data models and labor supplyNayihouba, Kolobadia Ada 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse est organisée en trois chapitres. Les deux premiers proposent
une approche régularisée pour l’estimation du modèle de données de panel
dynamique : l’estimateur GMM et l’estimateur LIML. Le dernier chapitre de
la thèse est une application de la méthode de régularisation à l’estimation
des élasticités de l’offre de travail en utilisant des modèles de pseudo-données
de panel.
Dans un modèle de panel dynamique, le nombre de conditions de moments
augmente rapidement avec la dimension temporelle du panel conduisant à
une matrice de covariance des instruments de grande dimension. L’inversion
d’une telle matrice pour calculer l’estimateur affecte négativement les propriétés
de l’estimateur en échantillon fini. Comme solution à ce problème,
nous proposons une approche par la régularisation qui consiste à utiliser une
inverse généralisée de la matrice de covariance au lieu de son inverse classique.
Trois techniques de régularisation sont utilisées : celle des composantes
principales, celle de Tikhonov qui est basée sur le Ridge régression (aussi appelée
Bayesian shrinkage) et enfin celle de Landweber Fridman qui est une
méthode itérative. Toutes ces techniques introduisent un paramètre de régularisation
qui est similaire au paramètre de lissage dans les régressions non
paramétriques. Les propriétés en echantillon fini de l’estimateur régularisé
dépend de ce paramètre qui doit être sélectionné parmis plusieurs valeurs
Dans le premier chapitre (co-écrit avec Marine Carrasco), nous proposons
l’estimateur GMM régularisé du modèle de panel dynamique. Sous l’hypothèse
que le nombre d’individus et de périodes du panel tendent vers l’infini,
nous montrons que nos estimateurs sont convergents and assymtotiquement
normaux. Nous dérivons une méthode empirique de sélection du paramètrede régularisation basée sur une expansion de second ordre du l’erreur quadratique
moyenne et nous démontrons l’optimalité de cette procédure de sélection.
Les simulations montrent que la régularisation améliore les propriétés
de l ’estimateur GMM classique. Comme application empirique, nous avons
analysé l’effet du développement financier sur la croissance économique.
Dans le deuxième chapitre (co-écrit avec Marine Carrasco), nous nous intéressons
à l’estimateur LIML régularisé du modèle de données de panel
dynamique. L’estimateur LIML est connu pour avoir de meilleures propriétés
en échantillon fini que l’estimateur GMM mais son utilisation devient
problématique lorsque la dimension temporelle du panel devient large. Nous
dérivons les propriétes assymtotiques de l’estimateur LIML régularisé sous
l’hypothèse que le nombre d’individus et de périodes du panel tendent vers
l’infini. Une procédure empirique de sélection du paramètre de régularisation
est aussi proposée. Les bonnes performances de l’estimateur régularisé par
rapport au LIML classique (non régularisé), au GMM classique ainsi que le
GMM régularisé sont confirmées par des simulations.
Dans le dernier chapitre, je considère l’estimation des élasticités d’offre de travail
des hommes canadiens. L’hétérogéneité inobservée ainsi que les erreurs de
mesures sur les salaires et les revenus sont connues pour engendrer de l’endogéneité
quand on estime les modèles d’offre de travail. Une solution fréquente
à ce problème d’endogéneité consiste à régrouper les données sur la base des
carastéristiques observables et d’ éffectuer les moindres carrées pondérées sur
les moyennes des goupes. Il a été démontré que cet estimateur est équivalent
à l’estimateur des variables instrumentales sur les données individuelles avec
les indicatrices de groupe comme instruments. Donc, en présence d’un grand
nombre de groupe, cet estimateur souffre de biais en échantillon fini similaire
à celui de l’estimateur des variables instrumentales quand le nombre d’instruments
est élevé. Profitant de cette correspondance entre l’estimateur sur
les données groupées et l’estimateur des variables instrumentales sur les données
individuelles, nous proposons une approche régularisée à l’estimation du
modèle. Cette approche conduit à des élasticités substantiellement différentes
de ceux qu’on obtient en utilisant l’estimateur sur données groupées. / This thesis is organized in three chapters. The first two chapters propose
a regularization approach to the estimation of two estimators of the dynamic
panel data model : the Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) estimator
and the Limited Information Maximum Likelihood (LIML) estimator. The
last chapter of the thesis is an application of regularization to the estimation
of labor supply elasticities using pseudo panel data models.
In a dynamic panel data model, the number of moment conditions increases
rapidly with the time dimension, resulting in a large dimensional covariance
matrix of the instruments. Inverting this large dimensional matrix to compute
the estimator leads to poor finite sample properties. To address this
issue, we propose a regularization approach to the estimation of such models
where a generalized inverse of the covariance matrix of the intruments is used
instead of its usual inverse. Three regularization schemes are used : Principal
components, Tikhonov which is based on Ridge regression (also called Bayesian
shrinkage) and finally Landweber Fridman which is an iterative method.
All these methods involve a regularization parameter which is similar to the
smoothing parameter in nonparametric regressions. The finite sample properties
of the regularized estimator depends on this parameter which needs
to be selected between many potential values.
In the first chapter (co-authored with Marine Carrasco), we propose the regularized
GMM estimator of the dynamic panel data models. Under double
asymptotics, we show that our regularized estimators are consistent and
asymptotically normal provided that the regularization parameter goes to
zero slower than the sample size goes to infinity. We derive a data driven
selection of the regularization parameter based on an approximation of the
higher-order Mean Square Error and show its optimality. The simulations confirm that regularization improves the properties of the usual GMM estimator.
As empirical application, we investigate the effect of financial development
on economic growth.
In the second chapter (co-authored with Marine Carrasco), we propose the
regularized LIML estimator of the dynamic panel data model. The LIML
estimator is known to have better small sample properties than the GMM
estimator but its implementation becomes problematic when the time dimension
of the panel becomes large. We derive the asymptotic properties of
the regularized LIML under double asymptotics. A data-driven procedure to
select the parameter of regularization is proposed. The good performances
of the regularized LIML estimator over the usual (not regularized) LIML estimator,
the usual GMM estimator and the regularized GMM estimator are
confirmed by the simulations.
In the last chapter, I consider the estimation of the labor supply elasticities
of Canadian men through a regularization approach. Unobserved heterogeneity
and measurement errors on wage and income variables are known to
cause endogeneity issues in the estimation of labor supply models. A popular
solution to the endogeneity issue is to group data in categories based
on observable characteristics and compute the weighted least squares at the
group level. This grouping estimator has been proved to be equivalent to instrumental
variables (IV) estimator on the individual level data using group
dummies as intruments. Hence, in presence of large number of groups, the
grouping estimator exhibites a small bias similar to the one of the IV estimator
in presence of many instruments. I take advantage of the correspondance
between grouping estimators and the IV estimator to propose a regularization
approach to the estimation of the model. Using this approach leads to
wage elasticities that are substantially different from those obtained through
grouping estimators.
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Régression non-paramétrique pour variables fonctionnelles / Non parametric regression for functional dataElamine, Abdallah Bacar 23 March 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse se décompose en quatre parties auxquelles s'ajoute une présentation. Dans un premier temps, on expose les outils mathématiques essentiels à la compréhension des prochains chapitres. Dans un deuxième temps, on s'intéresse à la régression non paramétrique locale pour des données fonctionnelles appartenant à un espace de Hilbert. On propose, tout d'abord, un estimateur de l'opérateur de régression. La construction de cet estimateur est liée à la résolution d'un problème inverse linéaire. On établit des bornes de l'erreur quadratique moyenne (EQM) de l'estimateur de l'opérateur de régression en utilisant une décomposition classique. Cette EQM dépend de la fonction de petite boule de probabilité du régresseur au sujet de laquelle des hypothèses de type Gamma-variation sont posées. Dans le chapitre suivant, on reprend le travail élaboré dans le précédent chapitre en se plaçant dans le cadre de données fonctionnelles appartenant à un espace semi-normé. On établit des bornes de l'EQM de l'estimateur de l'opérateur de régression. Cette EQM peut être vue comme une fonction de la fonction de petite boule de probabilité. Dans le dernier chapitre, on s'intéresse à l'estimation de la fonction auxiliaire associée à la fonction de petite boule de probabilité. D'abord, on propose un estimateur de cette fonction auxiliare. Ensuite, on établit la convergence en moyenne quadratique et la normalité asymptotique de cet estimateur. Enfin, par des simulations, on étudie le comportement de de cet estimateur au voisinage de zéro. / This thesis is divided in four sections with an additionnal presentation. In the first section, We expose the essential mathematics skills for the comprehension of the next sections. In the second section, we adress the problem of local non parametric with functional inputs. First, we propose an estimator of the unknown regression function. The construction of this estimator is related to the resolution of a linear inverse problem. Using a classical method of decomposition, we establish a bound for the mean square error (MSE). This bound depends on the small ball probability of the regressor which is assumed to belong to the class of Gamma varying functions. In the third section, we take again the work done in the preceding section by being situated in the frame of data belonging to a semi-normed space with infinite dimension. We establish bound for the MSE of the regression operator. This MSE can be seen as a function of the small ball probability function. In the last section, we interest to the estimation of the auxiliary function. Then, we establish the convergence in mean square and the asymptotic normality of the estimator. At last, by simulations, we study the bahavour of this estimator in a neighborhood of zero.
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Relative or Discounted Cash Flow Valuation on the Fifty Largest US-Based Corporations on Nasdaq : Which of these valuation methods provides the most accurate valuation forecast?Öhrner, Marcus, Öhman, Otto January 2023 (has links)
The topic of this Bachelor Thesis is “Which of these valuation methods provides the most accurate valuation forecast”. Assuming that the year is 2020, the goal of this thesis is to forecast the future stock prices of the fifty largest US-based companies on the Nasdaq stock exchange for 2021 and 2022. By using a quantitative method and looking ten years back at historical data. We determine which valuation method provides the most accurate stock price when conducted in a non-sector specific sample by comparing predicted prices to actual stock prices and discussing the results. There are several ways to evaluate a company and the ones being utilized in this thesis are the discounted cash flow valuation method, the price-to-earnings ratio method (equity multiple), and enterprise value to enterprise value before interest, tax, and depreciation (firm multiple). Our results show that when reviewing the valuations of multiple companies in different sectors the relative valuation methods provide better predictions with EV/EBITDA rather than the discounted cash flow method. This thesis provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of these different valuation methods and their effectiveness in providing valuation forecasts. The result of this thesis is beneficial for policymakers, investors, and financial analysts when forecasting future stock prices.
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The Application of Multiuser Detection to Spectrally Efficient MIMO or Virtual MIMO SC-FDMA Uplinks in LTE Systems.Ben Salem, Aymen 20 December 2013 (has links)
Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) is a multiple access transmission scheme that has been adopted in the 4th generation 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) of cellular systems. In fact, its relatively low peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) makes it ideal for the uplink transmission where the transmit power efficiency is of paramount importance. Multiple access among users is made possible by assigning different users to different sets of non-overlapping subcarriers. With the current LTE specifications, if an SC-FDMA system is operating at its full capacity and a new user requests channel access, the system redistributes the subcarriers in such a way that it can accommodate all of the users. Having less subcarriers for transmission, every user has to increase its modulation order (for example from QPSK to 16QAM) in order to keep the same transmission rate. However, increasing the modulation order is not always possible in practice and may introduce considerable complexity to the system. The technique presented in this thesis report describes a new way of adding more users to an SC-FDMA system by assigning the same sets of subcarriers to different users. The main advantage of this technique is that it allows the system to accommodate more users than conventional
SC-FDMA and this corresponds to increasing the spectral efficiency without requiring a higher modulation order or using more bandwidth. During this work, special attentions wee paid to the cases where two and three source signals are being transmitted on the same set of subcarriers, which leads respectively to doubling and tripling the spectral efficiency. Simulation results show that by using the proposed technique, it is possible to add more users to any SC-FDMA system without increasing the bandwidth or the modulation order while keeping the same performance in terms of bit error rate (BER) as the conventional SC-FDMA. This is realized by slightly increasing the energy per bit to noise power spectral density ratio (Eb/N0) at the transmitters.
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