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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Discussões sobre o minimalismo musical norte-americano : processos, repetição e tecnologia /

Lancia, Julio Cesar. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Lia Vera Tomás / Banca: Yara Borges Caznók / Banca: Paulo de Tarso Cambraia Salles / Resumo: O minimalismo musical de La Monte Young, Terry, Riley, Steve Reich e Philip Glass foi chamado, entre outros rótulos, de música repetitiva, modular, de pulsação, de processos e estática - e, portanto, não-teleológica - antes que o termo minimalismo prevalecesse. Uma vez que tais termos não são infundados e refletem características percebidas no minimalismo, este trabalho tenta definir as idéias por trás desses rótulos. O trabalho também discute os procedimentos mais típicos adotados por cada um dos quatro compositores mencionados, apontando as mudanças de feições na produção desses compositores entre as décadas de 1960 e 70, período normalmente utilizado como referência para estudos. / Abstract: The musical minimalism of La Monte Young, Terry, Riley, Steve Reich and Philip Glass had been called, among other labels, repetitive, modular, pulse, process, and static - and as a result, a-teleological - music before the name minimalism finally caught on. Since those labels reflect, at least in part, some of the features commonly found in the style, this study attempts to define the concepts behind such labels. This work also discusses some of the most typical procedures adopted by the four composers aforementioned, pointing their changing style during the 1960s and 70s, period often used as a reference for studies. / Mestre

Hermenêutica institucional, supremacia judicial e democracia / Institutional interpretation, judicial supremacy and democracy

Alexandre Garrido da Silva 08 July 2011 (has links)
A presente tese pretende estudar dois modelos de função judicial o perfeccionismo (perfectionism) e o minimalismo (minimalism) judicial delineados por Cass Sunstein, destacando os seus fundamentos filosóficos, suas principais teses hermenêuticas, suas limitações decisórias e suas contribuições para o desenho institucional das relações entre os Poderes de Estado. O presente trabalho desenvolverá, neste sentido, duas perspectivas fundamentais, que são complementares, para o estudo das relações entre o constitucionalismo e a democracia nos sistemas político-jurídicos contemporâneos: em primeiro lugar, uma perspectiva hermenêutica, cuja preocupação reside, sobretudo, na sistematização das principais teses de cada um dos dois modelos no tocante à interpretação do texto constitucional. Em segundo lugar, será realizada uma abordagem institucionalista sobre as possíveis alternativas ao protagonismo do Supremo Tribunal Federal em termos de sua atuação como última instância na definição do significado dos dispositivos constitucionais. Para tanto, serão analisados, com apoio em um estudo comparativo, propostas de diálogo institucional que podem ser fomentadas a partir de uma visão minimalista de moderação judicial que contrasta, por sua vez, com a defesa hegemônica de uma atuação institucional ativista das cortes constitucionais na atualidade. Por último, com apoio nos modelos de função judicial delineados, será elaborada uma análise crítica da atividade jurisdicional dos ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal com fundamento no exame da argumentação empreendida em seus votos em casos constitucionais difíceis de grande repercussão política, moral e social. / The present thesis intends to study two models of judicial function perfectionism and judicial minimalism delineated by Cass Sunstein, emphasizing their philosophical foundations, their main hermeneutical theories, their decisional limitations and contributions for the institutional design of the relations among the Powers of State. The work in question will develop, in this sense, two fundamental perspectives, that are complementary for the study of the relationships between constitutionalism and democracy in the contemporary political-juridical systems: in first place, an hermeneutical perspective, whose concern resides, above all, in the systemization of the main theories of each one of the two models concerning the interpretation of the constitutional text. In second place, an institutionalist approach will be attempted on the possible alternatives to the protagonism of the Federal Supreme Court in terms of its performance as "last instance" in the definition of the meaning of the constitutional devices. Therefore, proposals of "institutional dialogue" will be analyzed, with support in a comparative study, that can be fomented from a minimalist point of view of judicial moderation that contrasts with the hegemonic defense of an "activist" institutional performance of the constitutional courts at the present time. Lastly, with support in the delineated models of judicial function, a critical analysis of the jurisdictional activity of the ministers of the Federal Supreme Court will be elaborated based in the exam of the argument undertaken in their votes in constitutional hard cases of great political, moral and social repercussion.

O federalismo sanitário como novo paradigma para determinação da responsabilidade dos entes federados em saúde

Cavalheiro, Andressa Fracaro January 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho ambiciona compreender a origem e o funcionamento do sistema de prestação de serviços de saúde a todos os brasileiros sem distinção, e, para tanto, esmiúça as origens a partir do qual sua organização se ergueu. São estudadas as formas de federalismo existentes desde o seu surgimento no Estado Moderno, e o desenvolvimento das limitações aos poderes centrais e dos entes federados, com ênfase na maneira sob as quais as responsabilidades foram e são divididas ou compartilhadas, bem assim como a maneira pelas quais suas balizas foram estabelecidas e modificadas no decorrer do tempo. O direito à saúde no Brasil é colocado no centro do debate e as formas como foi exercido, bem assim como as suas deficiências, foram todas observadas durante a investigação do processo que originou a criação de um formato inédito, amplamente respaldado pela participação popular. Esta legitimidade impressa ao que se denomina Direito Sanitário foi de crucial relevância para o enfrentamento do federalismo sob o prisma do direito à saúde, que se denomina atualmente federalismo sanitário, e é referência para a compreensão das políticas públicas que sucederam sua construção e exercício efetivo. A partir daí, foi possível proceder na avaliação da divisão das responsabilidades entre os integrantes do sistema, a forma de efetivação da divisão, sua vinculação estrita ao sistema federativo e aferir sobre a pertinência de que o federalismo sanitário seja reconhecido como a forma de responsabilização compartilhada nos termos em que o sistema único de saúde foi estruturado. Diante da conclusão a que se chegou, são apreciadas as decisões proferidas pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal. Por fim, são avaliadas de modo a que se conclua pela tese construída, que rechaça a responsabilização solidária da forma como compreendida pelo STF, por não se harmonizar com a estrutura federativa estabelecida para cumprimento do dever de assistência à saúde pelo Estado Brasileiro. / This work aims to understand the origin and functioning of the provision of health care system to all Brazilians without distinction, and, therefore, deeply analyzes the sources from which its organization arose. Existing forms of federalism are studied since its emergence in the Modern State, and the development of limitations to the central authorities and federal agencies, emphasizing the way in which the responsibilities were and are divided or shared, as well as the way the that their beacons have been established and modified over time. The entitlement to health in Brazil is placed in the center of the debate and the ways in which it was exercised, as well as its shortcomings were all observed during the investigation of the process that led to the creation of an unprecedented format, widely supported by popular participation. This printed legitimacy to what is called Health Law was of crucial importance to face the federalism through the prism of the right to health, which is now called health federalism, and is a reference to the comprehension of public policies that followed its construction and effective exercise. From there, it was possible to proceed in assessing the division of responsibilities between system integrators, how to effect the division, their strict adherence to the federal system and check on relevance of the health federalism is recognized as a form of shared accountability in terms in the unified health system was structured. Before the conclusion arrived at, they are appreciated judgments given by the Supreme Court. Finally, are evaluated so that it is determined by the built thesis, which rejects the joint accountability of how understood by the Supreme Court, by not harmonize with the federal structure established to comply with the health care obligation by Brazil.

Le dit du miroir : une étude parallèle d'Alain Robbe-Grillet et de Jean Echenoz / What the mirror said : a parallel study on Alain Robbe-Grillet and Jean Echenoz

Tang, Yuqing 28 September 2009 (has links)
Les critiques littéraires estiment qu’il existe une certaine relation entre Robbe-Grillet et Echenoz, entre le Nouveau Roman et les jeunes écrivains de chez Minuit. Mais jusqu’à nos jours, il n’existe pas encore de recherches systématiques sur leur filiation dans les aspects divergents et convergents, notamment sur les différences et les ressemblances dans le récit. Dans cette étude, en interprétant l’obscurité du miroir non seulement comme fragmentation en multiples reflets mais aussi comme inversion du vide, nous apercevons que chez les deux écrivains, le sujet unit vainement en lui le même et l’autre en raison d’une crise identitaire. À travers un ailleurs en antithèse de l’ici, les auteurs dressent une typologie spatiale dominée par le vide et l’ouverture. Concernant la structure narrative, il existe aussi des voies différentes de reflets du miroir au sein du texte et entre les textes. D’ailleurs, les deux écrivains produisent par eux-mêmes des images spéculaires, qui se superposent et s’excluent, lorsque nous les envisageons au reflet du discours critique, ou dans le miroir de leur groupe respectif. / The literary critics have found the relation between Robbe-Grillet and Echenoz and that between New Novel and young writers at Midnight. However, in terms of their filiation, there is no systematic research related to the convergent and divergent aspects so far, especially the differences and similarities in the narration. By interpreting the obscurity of the mirror as the fragmentation of multiple reflections and the inversion of the vacancy as well, this dissertation finds that the subject in their writings incorporates both the self and the other to itself in vain because of the identity crisis. Based on the antithesis between here and there, both authors provide a typology space dominated by vacancy and openness. Regarding the narrative structure, there are different ways to mirror reflections within a text and between the texts. Moreover, from the perspective of the critical discourses, or in the mirror of their respective groups, both writers form some overlapped and inter-excluded specular images.

Complementation in Balinese: typological, syntactic, and cognitive perspectives

Natarina, Ari 01 May 2018 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is three-fold: to examine complementation in Balinese from typological, syntactic, and cognitive perspectives. This thesis contributes to typological studies of complementation by providing a descriptive account of the distinguishing syntactic properties of four types of Balinese clausal complements: sentence-like (s-like), Subject Control (SC), Object Control (OC), and Raising complements. The data presented in this thesis demonstrate the clausal complement in Balinese can be differentiated through the kinds of elements that can be admitted within the complements: the type of complementizer, aspectual auxiliaries, modals, temporal specifications, and overt subjects. The theoretical aspect of this thesis is the application of Minimalist theory to account for the syntactic structure of Balinese monoclausal and biclausal constructions. This thesis also addresses a theoretical problem related to the syntactic structure of complementation within Generative syntax: finiteness. The presence of modals, aspectual auxiliaries, and the temporal specification of the complement do not signify finiteness in Balinese. Instead, finiteness in Balinese is marked by the licensing of overt subjects in the clausal complement, following the argument made by Kurniawan & Davies (2015), based on the evidence provided through the comparison of control complements and their subjunctive sentence-like complement counterparts. The cognitive processing of Balinese complementation is investigated through two sentence processing experiments with the goals of understanding how ambiguous Crossed Control Construction (CCC) sentences are processed in comparison to the processing of unambiguous Subject Control (SC) sentences and Raising sentences. The self-paced reading experiment focuses on the comparison of reading times for the verbs in these three types of sentences when the animacy of the subject is manipulated (i.e. animate or inanimate clause-initial DP). The results suggest that CCC sentences are processed differently than the SC and Raising sentences. The second experiment aims at investigating the effect of discourse context on the interpretation of the ambiguous CCC sentences. The results show the influence of context that primes subject control interpretation on the processing of Balinese SC and CC sentences.

Philip Glass's Tirol Concerto for piano and orchestra (2000): a compositional analysis of the Second Movement

Delport, Wilhelm H January 2015 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references / Philip Glass is best known for his role in the establishment of the 1960s minimalist movement, which was characterised by an extensive reduction of musical means. Since the mid-1970s, the composer has adopted a richer, more complex musical language, and distanced himself from the minimalist label. Academic scholarship on the composer's more recent compositions is severely limited, with the result that he is often still viewed as a minimalist. This dissertation's focus is on a more recent work by Glass, the Tirol Concerto for Piano and Orchestra (2000), and thus seeks to contribute to our knowledge of the composer's more recent stylistic development and the extent to which it is minimalist. The research approach entails compositional analyses of the concerto's second movement from both literary and theoretical perspectives. The movement's conception, its background and factors that had an influence on its compositional content are explored through literature studies. This is followed by theoretical investigations of its musical characteristics through the application of functional harmonic analysis and neo-Riemannian theory. Findings from the research provide evidence that the composition's title stems from the 'Tyrolean character' that was requested by its commissioners. However, relations between the movement and the film The Truman show (1998) challenge the composer's affirmations of a Tyrolean folk-song basis. Musically, the movement consists of a simple, repetitive structural and harmonic framework that undergoes superficial variations through melodic, textural and rhythmic changes. Transformational coherence within a functional structure is an essential component of the movement's harmonic content. This dissertation concludes that the piece contains musical characteristics consistent with all of Glass's stylistic periods, including minimalism, as well as new compositional devices that have not been identified previously. It recommends further study of the composer's more recent output , especially through transformational perspectives, and a reconsideration of the ontology and appropriateness of stylistic labels such as minimalism.

Evolving Collections

Williams, Nathan Thomas 01 March 2019 (has links)
My art practice begins with the collecting, processing, and organizing of materials. Through experimentation, I have developed processes centered around a commitment of time and devotion to the plainest beauty of these found materials, their inherent properties, and related systems, making the resulting objects of order possible. Through my application of these personal ordering systems, I strive to bring intrigue and focus to the common and discarded. The process of finding and organizing common surplus materials has given me an understanding of myself, seeing things that may never have occurred were it not for these experiences. This practice has taken what might have been an unhealthy obsession and converted this energy into what I consider a positive outcome and an avenue to living a good productive life.

Malba v rozšířeném poli / Painting in Expanded Field

Donát, Vojtěch Unknown Date (has links)
This work deals with overlapping paintings in other media, while maintaining an emphasis on "the essence of painting" (Painting) approach. It remains crucial for the whole session, overlaps paintings will be investigated as a function of the new language of discourse, supplementing traditional painting as a medium.

Can we slow down? Challenges and possibilities of living slowerand simpler in Sweden

Österlund, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
This thesis takes its departure in the view of modern society as being characterised by a heavy focus on efficiency and economic growth, and perception that everything is moving faster and faster in line with Hartmut Rosa´s theory of social acceleration. The effects of this can be seen in rising numbers of stress related sicknesses and mental health problems, as well as a heavy pressure on the earths resources to facilitate continued growth. The aim of the thesis is to investigate the challenges and possibilities for individuals in Sweden to slow down and live a simpler life in this context. Previous research suggests that slower lifestyles can be beneficial both for well-being and environmental sustainability reasons, so understanding the preconditions of this to be possible can be an important aspect when trying to plan for a sustainable future. The theoretical framework consists of the model of voluntary simplicity lifestyle by Osikominu and Bocken (2020), the theory of social acceleration by Rosa (2009) and selected writings on Social Change. The thesis is based on a thematic analysis of empiric material from individuals in Sweden who has transitioned to a slower and more simple lifestyle, generally in terms of working less, reducing their consumption and living closer no nature, and also are visible on social media, reaching out to many others as inspiration. The material consists of writings and recordings from the study-persons in the form of blog-posts and podcasts. The study could confirm that many parts of the VSL-model also were applicable and experienced in the Swedish context. Most participants had in common that their previous lifestyle was characterised by stress, pressure, and living according to others expectations, in line with Rosa´s theory of social acceleration. Their new slower and simpler lifestyles were a decision to follow their own path in life and start to value their time more. The challenges that could be recognised was the norm of working full-time, achievement values, living outside the norm, ethical dilemmas regarding consumption and, for those living on the countryside, transport and infrastructure. The possibilities most recognised were concerning their wellbeing, closely related to their possibility of finding time for recovery, as well as living more in contact with the environment. Social life appeared both as a challenge and a possibility.

Minimal Criteria: Minimizing User Input and User Interface for Faster Output in Minimalistic Mobile Applications

Maddirala, Sumanth 19 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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