Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] MPEG"" "subject:"[enn] MPEG""
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Metody pro zjišťování podobnosti obrazů / Methods for Determining the Similarity of ImagesJandera, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
Thesis in theoretical part deals with the procedures used in image databases searching. There are discussed two basic possible approaches - text based searching and content based searching. In next section there are described methods for image similarity detection. Practical part deals with detailed description and implementation of three selected image features used for image searching. In third part there are presented testing procedure for implemented algorithms and test results. In conclusion implementation of Rapidminer operator are described. This operator uses all implemented algorithms and allows image similarity matching, searching for most similar images in database, and copy these images to output folder.
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Verifikace metadat zvukových záznamů / Vefication of Metadata for Sound RecordingsPřerovský, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The work deals with verification of the metadata of audio recordings in an environment of mobile phones running Android. The text work is divided into three main parts. The first part is focused more on theoretical basis, where the main emphasis on the description of Android, application structure, description of the audio MP3 file and theoretical basis of Fourier transform in signal processing. The second part is devoted to solution design, analysis and implementation. The third part deals with testing.
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Získávání znalostí z multimediálních databází / Knowledge Discovery in Multimedia DatabasesJurčák, Petr January 2009 (has links)
This master's thesis is dedicated to theme of knowledge discovery in Multimedia Databases, especially basic methods of classification and prediction used for data mining. The other part described about extraction of low level features from video data and images and summarizes information about content-based search in multimedia content and indexing this type of data. Final part is dedicated to implementation Gaussian mixtures model for classification and compare the final result with other method SVM.
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A Contribution to Video Streaming Quality and Energy Efficiency in Optical and Ethernet NetworksVargas Hernández, Tito Raúl 18 April 2023 (has links)
[ES] La distribución de contenidos multimedia, tanto a través de Internet como de redes gestionadas dedicadas exclusivamente a este fin, está teniendo una mayor cuota del tráfico total y crece cada día, especialmente el servicio de vídeo streaming. Por ello, ha surgido el interés de investigar para mantener y mejorar la Calidad de Servicio (QoS) en redes de acceso y backbone, y ofrecer Calidad de Experiencia (QoE) a los usuarios finales; mediante el ajuste de parámetros, configuraciones, protocolos y algoritmos a los requerimientos de la red en cuanto a la alta demanda de tráfico de vídeo. Lo anterior aprovechando al máximo los recursos de la red, tanto en el núcleo y las redes de acceso, como el ancho de banda y la capacidad total instalada, y al mismo tiempo, proponiendo alternativas de transporte eficientes para el tráfico de vídeo agregado sin incrementar los costos de los servicios; y alternativas para reducir los costos operativos y gastos de mantenimiento de manera eficiente, como por ejemplo la reducción del consumo de energía.
En primer lugar, esta tesis aborda el estudio de propuestas de conmutación óptica en redes troncales y la distribución de contenidos multimedia, particularmente la propuesta de Red de Conmutación Óptica de Ráfagas (OBS) desde el punto de vista de la Ingeniería Telemática. Por lo tanto, se estudia la arquitectura, protocolos y algoritmos de estas redes para hacer aportes a la evaluación del tráfico de vídeo y alternativas para ofrecer QoS y QoE para el tráfico multimedia. En este sentido, este trabajo contribuye con propuestas para la evaluación de la calidad mediante simulación utilizando trazas de transmisiones de vídeo reales, y propuestas de algoritmos de scheduling y ensamblaje de ráfagas ópticas para ofrecer QoS y QoE al tráfico de vídeo en las redes OBS.
En segundo lugar, se estudian los patrones de tráfico de vídeo a nivel de aplicación y de red para caracterizarlos y realizar estudios de eficiencia energética y ahorro de consumo energético en las tarjetas de red utilizadas por servidores de vídeo en streaming y clientes que implementan el estándar IEEE 802.3az Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE), tanto en redes gestionadas, como IPTV que implementa transmisión de vídeo RTP, como en redes no gestionadas, como Internet, que implementa el estándar Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) para servicios Over The Top (OTT). Para alcanzar este objetivo, se implementan testbeds y se llevan a cabo experimentos para concluir cómo el tráfico de vídeo podría beneficiarse de la eficiencia energética y lograr una reducción a gran escala en el consumo de energía si el estándar EEE se implementa a nivel mundial en las tarjetas Ethernet de los dispositivos involucrados en la distribución de vídeo.
El tema integrador que se aborda en esta tesis es la distribución de vídeo digital. Por lo tanto, este trabajo también presenta un estudio sobre la codificación y adaptación de transmisión de vídeo en redes IP, presentando aspectos relacionados con la evaluación de la calidad de vídeo y la evaluación de la calidad de transmisión de la red. Por ello, se proponen e implementan metodologías y bancos de pruebas que involucran la programación y ejecución de simuladores, scripts, algoritmos, software y, en general, frameworks para realizar estudios de transmisiones de vídeo en redes de telecomunicaciones, cubriendo el amplio espectro de las Comunicaciones Multimedia. Este estudio podría ser de utilidad para emprender otros estudios necesarios ante la rápida evolución tanto de la demanda de servicios multimedia como de las propuestas de nuevas técnicas de distribución de contenidos. / [CAT] La distribució de continguts multimèdia, a través d'Internet i a través de xarxes gestionades dedicades exclusivament a aquesta finalitat, està tenint una part més gran del trànsit total i augmenta cada dia, especialment el servei de streaming de vídeo. Per tant, ha sorgit l'interés de la recerca per mantenir i millorar la Qualitat de Servei (QoS) en les xarxes d'accés i troncals, i per oferir Qualitat d'Experiència (QoE) als usuaris finals, ajustant paràmetres, configuracions, protocols i algoritmes als requeriments de la xarxa pel que fa a l'alta demanda de trànsit de vídeo. Aquest últim, aprofitant al màxim els recursos de xarxa al nucli i a les xarxes d'accés, com ara l'amplada de banda i la capacitat instal·lada total, i alhora, proposant alternatives de transport eficients per al trànsit agregat de vídeo sense augmentar els costos dels serveis i alternatives per reduir les despeses operatives i de manteniment d'una manera eficient, com ara reduir el consum d'energia.
En primer lloc, aquesta tesi tracta l'estudi de les propostes de commutació òptica en xarxes troncals pel que fa a la distribució de continguts multimèdia, especialment l'estudi de la proposta de xarxes de commutació de ràfegues òptiques (OBS) des del punt de vista de l'Enginyeria Telemàtica. Per tant, s'estudia l'arquitectura, els protocols i els algoritmes d'aquestes xarxes per fer contribucions a l'avaluació del trànsit de vídeo i alternatives per oferir QoS i QoE per al trànsit multimèdia. En aquest sentit, aquest treball contribueix amb propostes per a l'avaluació de la qualitat mitjançant la simulació utilitzant traces de transmissions de vídeo reals, i propostes d'algoritmes de programació i muntatge de ràfegues òptiques per oferir QoS i QoE al trànsit de vídeo a les xarxes OBS.
En segon lloc, s'estudien els patrons de trànsit de vídeo a nivell d'aplicació i xarxa per caracteritzar-los i realitzar estudis sobre eficiència energètica i estalvi energètic en les targetes de xarxa utilitzades pels servidors i clients de vídeo en streaming que implementen l'IEEE 802.3az Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) estàndard, tant en xarxes gestionades com IPTV, que implementa la transmissió de vídeo RTP, com en xarxes no gestionades com Internet, que implementa l'estàndard Dynamic Adaptive Streaming sobre HTTP (DASH) per als serveis Over The Top (OTT). Per assolir aquest objectiu, s'implementen bancs de proves i es realitzen experiments per concloure com el trànsit de vídeo podria beneficiar l'eficiència energètica i aconseguir una reducció a gran escala del consum d'energia si s'implementa l'estàndard EEE a les targetes Ethernet dels dispositius implicats en la distribución de vídeo.
El tema integrador que s'aborda en aquesta tesi és la distribució de vídeo digital, per tant, aquest treball també presenta un estudi sobre la codificació i adaptació de la transmissió de vídeo a les xarxes IP, presentant aspectes relacionats amb l'avaluació de la qualitat del vídeo i l'avaluació de la qualitat de la transmissió de la xarxa. Per això, es proposen i s'implementen metodologies i bancs de proves que impliquen la programació i execució de simuladors, scripts, algoritmes, programari i, en general, frameworks per a la realització d'estudis de transmissions de vídeo en xarxes de telecomunicacions, abastant l'ampli espectre de les Comunicacions Multimèdia. Aquest estudi podria ser útil per emprendre altres estudis necessaris en la ràpida evolució tant de la demanda de serveis multimèdia com de les noves propostes de tècniques de distribució de continguts. / [EN] Multimedia content distribution, both over the Internet and over managed networks dedicated exclusively for this purpose, is having a greater share of total traffic and it is raising every day, especially the video streaming service. Therefore, research interest has arisen to maintain and improve the Quality of Service (QoS) in access and backbone networks, and to offer Quality of Experience (QoE) to end users, by adjusting parameters, configurations, protocols and algorithms to the network requirements regarding the video traffic high demand. The latter is carried out taking full advantage of the network resources at core and access networks such as bandwidth and total installed capacity, and at the same time, proposing efficient transportation alternatives for the aggregated video traffic without increasing services costs and alternatives to reduce operational and maintenance expenditures in an efficient manner, such as reducing the energy consumption.
In the first place, this thesis deals with the study of optical switching proposals in backbone networks regarding multimedia content distribution, particularly studying the Optical Bursts Switching (OBS) Networks proposal from the Telematics Engineering point of view. Therefore, architecture, protocols and algorithms of these networks are studied to make contributions to the video traffic evaluation and alternatives to offer QoS and QoE for multimedia traffic. In this sense, this work contributes with proposals for the evaluation of quality through simulation using traces of real video transmissions, and optical burst assembly and scheduling algorithms proposals to offer QoS and QoE to video traffic in the OBS networks.
Secondly, video traffic patterns at the application and network level are studied to characterize them and carry out studies on energy efficiency and energy consumption savings in the network cards used by streaming video servers and clients that implement the IEEE 802.3az Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) standard, both in managed networks, such as IPTV that implements RTP video streaming, and unmanaged networks, such as Internet which implements Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) standard for Over The Top (OTT) services. To reach this goal, testbeds are implemented, and experiments are carried out to conclude how video traffic could benefit from the energy efficiency and achieve a large-scale reduction in energy consumption if the EEE standard is implemented word wide in the Ethernet cards of devices involved in video distribution.
The integrating subject that is addressed in this thesis is the distribution of digital video. Therefore, this work also presents a study on the IP networks video transmission encoding and adaptation, presenting aspects regard the video quality evaluation and the network transmission quality assessment. Therefore, methodologies and testbeds are proposed and implemented that involves programming and execution of simulators, scripts, algorithms, software and, in general, frameworks to carry out studies for video transmissions in telecommunications networks, covering the broad spectrum of Multimedia Communications. This study could be useful to undertake other necessary studies in the rapid evolution of both, multimedia services demand and new content distribution techniques proposals. / Vargas Hernández, TR. (2023). A Contribution to Video Streaming Quality and Energy Efficiency in Optical and Ethernet Networks [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/192760
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Error-robust coding and transformation of compressed hybered hybrid video streams for packet-switched wireless networksHalbach, Till January 2004 (has links)
<p>This dissertation considers packet-switched wireless networks for transmission of variable-rate layered hybrid video streams. Target applications are video streaming and broadcasting services. The work can be divided into two main parts.</p><p>In the first part, a novel quality-scalable scheme based on coefficient refinement and encoder quality constraints is developed as a possible extension to the video coding standard H.264. After a technical introduction to the coding tools of H.264 with the main focus on error resilience features, various quality scalability schemes in previous research are reviewed. Based on this discussion, an encoder decoder framework is designed for an arbitrary number of quality layers, hereby also enabling region-of-interest coding. After that, the performance of the new system is exhaustively tested, showing that the bit rate increase typically encountered with scalable hybrid coding schemes is, for certain coding parameters, only small to moderate. The double- and triple-layer constellations of the framework are shown to perform superior to other systems.</p><p>The second part considers layered code streams as generated by the scheme of the first part. Various error propagation issues in hybrid streams are discussed, which leads to the definition of a decoder quality constraint and a segmentation of the code stream to transmit. A packetization scheme based on successive source rate consumption is drafted, followed by the formulation of the channel code rate optimization problem for an optimum assignment of available codes to the channel packets. Proper MSE-based error metrics are derived, incorporating the properties of the source signal, a terminate-on-error decoding strategy, error concealment, inter-packet dependencies, and the channel conditions. The Viterbi algorithm is presented as a low-complexity solution to the optimization problem, showing a great adaptivity of the joint source channel coding scheme to the channel conditions. An almost constant image qualiity is achieved, also in mismatch situations, while the overall channel code rate decreases only as little as necessary as the channel quality deteriorates. It is further shown that the variance of code distributions is only small, and that the codes are assigned irregularly to all channel packets.</p><p>A double-layer constellation of the framework clearly outperforms other schemes with a substantial margin. </p><p>Keywords — Digital lossy video compression, visual communication, variable bit rate (VBR), SNR scalability, layered image processing, quality layer, hybrid code stream, predictive coding, progressive bit stream, joint source channel coding, fidelity constraint, channel error robustness, resilience, concealment, packet-switched, mobile and wireless ATM, noisy transmission, packet loss, binary symmetric channel, streaming, broadcasting, satellite and radio links, H.264, MPEG-4 AVC, Viterbi, trellis, unequal error protection</p>
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Error-robust coding and transformation of compressed hybered hybrid video streams for packet-switched wireless networksHalbach, Till January 2004 (has links)
This dissertation considers packet-switched wireless networks for transmission of variable-rate layered hybrid video streams. Target applications are video streaming and broadcasting services. The work can be divided into two main parts. In the first part, a novel quality-scalable scheme based on coefficient refinement and encoder quality constraints is developed as a possible extension to the video coding standard H.264. After a technical introduction to the coding tools of H.264 with the main focus on error resilience features, various quality scalability schemes in previous research are reviewed. Based on this discussion, an encoder decoder framework is designed for an arbitrary number of quality layers, hereby also enabling region-of-interest coding. After that, the performance of the new system is exhaustively tested, showing that the bit rate increase typically encountered with scalable hybrid coding schemes is, for certain coding parameters, only small to moderate. The double- and triple-layer constellations of the framework are shown to perform superior to other systems. The second part considers layered code streams as generated by the scheme of the first part. Various error propagation issues in hybrid streams are discussed, which leads to the definition of a decoder quality constraint and a segmentation of the code stream to transmit. A packetization scheme based on successive source rate consumption is drafted, followed by the formulation of the channel code rate optimization problem for an optimum assignment of available codes to the channel packets. Proper MSE-based error metrics are derived, incorporating the properties of the source signal, a terminate-on-error decoding strategy, error concealment, inter-packet dependencies, and the channel conditions. The Viterbi algorithm is presented as a low-complexity solution to the optimization problem, showing a great adaptivity of the joint source channel coding scheme to the channel conditions. An almost constant image qualiity is achieved, also in mismatch situations, while the overall channel code rate decreases only as little as necessary as the channel quality deteriorates. It is further shown that the variance of code distributions is only small, and that the codes are assigned irregularly to all channel packets. A double-layer constellation of the framework clearly outperforms other schemes with a substantial margin. Keywords — Digital lossy video compression, visual communication, variable bit rate (VBR), SNR scalability, layered image processing, quality layer, hybrid code stream, predictive coding, progressive bit stream, joint source channel coding, fidelity constraint, channel error robustness, resilience, concealment, packet-switched, mobile and wireless ATM, noisy transmission, packet loss, binary symmetric channel, streaming, broadcasting, satellite and radio links, H.264, MPEG-4 AVC, Viterbi, trellis, unequal error protection
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Μελέτη εφαρμογής για τη σύγκλιση και ενοποίηση αμφίδρομων ευρυζωνικών δικτύων για την παροχή ιατρικών υπηρεσιών με τη χρήση τηλεματικής στην υγείαΚαρδαράς, Κωνσταντίνος Χ. 17 December 2008 (has links)
Σκοπός της εργασίας είναι να μελετηθεί ο τρόπος, οι τεχνολογίες, οι υπηρεσίες
και οι περιορισμοί οι οποίοι εμφανίζονται στην παροχή υπηρεσιών υγείας σε έκτακτα
περιστατικά με τη χρήση τηλεματικής. Για την επικοινωνία των φορητών συσκευών
παρακολούθησης των ασθενών με τους σταθμούς βάσης επιλέχθηκε το ασύρματο
δίκτυο Wi-Fi για το οποιο μελετήθηκαν μια σειρά από παραμέτρους οι οποίες
συμβάλουν είτε θετικά είτε αρνητικά κατά περίπτωση. Η παρακολούθηση και η
αποστολή των κρίσιμων διοδυναμικών παραμέτρων ενός ασθενούς επιτεύχθηκε με τη
χρήση φορητής/φορετής Βιοιατρικής ζώνης η οποία παρέχει τον εξοπλισμό
ανίχνευσης και επεξεργασίας των σημάτων καθώς επίσης και τον εξοπλισμό
ασύρματης δικτύωσης με το κέντρο παρακολούθησης. Σημαντικός τομέας της
μελέτης αποτελεί η πρόταση για μεταφορά δεδομένων μέσα από ασύρματα δικτύα
διανομής επίγειας ψηφιακής τηλεόρασης και των γραμμών μεταφοράς ηλεκτρικής
ενέργειας μέσης τάσης. Το δεύτερο κομμάτι της εργασίας επικεντρώνεται στην
παροχή υπηρεσιών βίντεο για ιατρικούς σκοπούς για την αντιμετώπιση
προγραμματισμένων και έκτακτων περιστατικών. Εκεί αναλύονται οι τεχνικές
συμπίεσης και επεξεργασίας της εικόνας και προτείνεται η χρήση του πρωτοκόλλου
MPEG-4 για την αποδοτικότητα και την πιστότητα στην αναπαραγόμενη εικόνα. Η
εργασία κλείνει με τη διεξαγωγή μιας πειραματικής διαδικασίας αναλύοντας τα
χαρακτηριστικά της ποιότητας της εικόνας βίντεο από μια λαπαροσκοπική επέμβαση.
Ο συνδυασμός όλων των παραπάνω οδηγεί στην κατασκευή ενός υβριδικού
συστήματος τηλειατρικης το οποιο έχει τη δυνατότητα να αντιμετωπίσει έκτακτα
ιατρικά περιστατικά σε αντίξοες συνθήκες. / The present thesis is a full analytical study for the implementation of
technologies, the services and constrains that appears in the provision of medical
emergency services with the use of a telematics network. The communication of the
portable monitoring equipment with a medical station is accomplished through the
wireless WiFi infrastructure. Critical biosignals wireless transmission is accomplished
through a wearable biomedical belt that contains the sensory as well as the processing
devices. One section of in this study proposes alternative network infrastructures to be
used, in particular the Digital terrestrial TV network and the transmission of IP data
over the power lines. The last section deals with the provisioning of a MPEG-4
medical video service. Critical parameters are the image and compression techniques
that degrade the video picture quality. A video sample from a laparoscope’s surgery is
analyzed that shows how various quality parameters affect the perceived picture
quality in the decomposition section.
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Codage vidéo hybride basé contenu par analyse/synthèse de donnéesMoinard, Matthieu 01 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Les travaux de cette thèse sont destinés à la conception d'outils algorithmiques permettant d'accroître le facteur de compression des standards actuels de codage vidéo, tels que H.264/AVC. Pour cela, une étude préalable portant sur un ensemble de méthodes de restauration d'image a permis d'identifier et d'inspecter deux axes de recherche distincts. La première partie est fondée sur des méthodes d'analyse et de synthèse de texture. Ce type de procédé, aussi connu sous le nom de template matching, est couramment utilisé dans un contexte de codage vidéo pour prédire une portion de la texture de l'image suite à l'analyse de son voisinage. Nous avons cherché à améliorer le modèle de prédiction en prenant en compte les spécificités d'un codeur vidéo de type H.264/AVC. En particulier, la fonction débit/distorsion utilisée dans les schémas de codage vidéo normatifs se base sur une mesure objective de la qualité. Ce mécanisme est par nature incompatible avec le concept de synthèse de texture, dont l'efficacité est habituellement mesurée selon des critères purement perceptuels. Cette contradiction a motivé le travail de notre première contribution. La deuxième partie des travaux de cette thèse s'inspire des méthodes de régularisation d'image basée sur la minimisation de la variation totale. Des méthodes ont été élaborées originellement dans le but d'améliorer la qualité d'une image en fonction de la connaissance a priori des dégradations qu'elle a subies. Nous nous sommes basés sur ces travaux pour concevoir un modèle de prédiction des coefficients transformés obtenus à partir d'une image naturelle, qui a été intégré dans un schéma de codage vidéo conventionnel.
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Prototypage rapide d'applications de traitement des images sur systèmes embarquésNezan, Jean François 25 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
les travaux de recherche de Jean-François Nezan s'inscrivent dans le cadre général des méthodes et outils d'aide à la conception de systèmes embarqués. Plus particulièrement, les travaux présentés visent les systèmes électroniques constitués de plusieurs processeurs (MPSoC) et dédiés aux applications de compression/décompression vidéo. L'approche choisie se situe dans le cadre AAA (Adéquation Algorithme Architecture) qui utilise des modèles de descriptions haut-niveau des algorithmes et des architectures parallèles pour automatiser les processus de placement/ordonnancement et pour générer un code optimisé. La présentation montrera les apports à cette problématique issus des travaux encadrés par Jean-François Nezan, précisera également la manière dont ces travaux distincts s'intègrent dans un processus de développement cohérent et évolutif, et enfin donnera les perspectives attendues dans les années à venir.
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Analýza kvality obrazu v digitálních televizních systémech / Picture Quality Analysis in Digital Television SystemsBednarz, Robin January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the analysis of quality in digital television systems and contains theoretical description of subjective and objective assessment of quality picture methods. The thesis contains short-term and long-term analysis of quality picture of terrestrial television DVB-T. Measurements and experimentations were carried out with the help of Rohde&Schwarz DVQ analyzer of picture quality and software MPEG-2 Quality Monitor and MPEG-2 Elementary stream analyzer.
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