Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] NETWORK MODELING"" "subject:"[enn] NETWORK MODELING""
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Caractérisation, Evaluation, mMdélisation des échanges entre aquifères karstiques et rivières : application à la Cèze (Gard, France) / CHARACTERIZATION, ASSESSMENT, MODELING OF EXCHANGES BETWEEN KARSTIC AQUIFERS AND RIVERS – APPLICATION TO THE RIVER CÈZE (GARD, FRANCE)Chapuis, Hervé 12 October 2017 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit dans un projet de recherche interdisciplinaire (Zone Atelier Bassin du Rhône – Agence de l’Eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse) portant sur la rivière Cèze, affluent du Rhône.Le terrain d’expérimentation se situe dans les formations karstiques du bassin de la Cèze (Gard, France). Cette zone touristique est exposée à une croissance démographique et de l’activité agricole, engendrant une augmentation de la demande en eau. La thèse se concentre sur la restitution des eaux karstiques à la rivière en période estivale pour en comprendre le fonctionnement de l’hydrosystème en période de basses eaux, quand la ressource est vulnérable.Ce travail a permis d’élaborer une méthodologie, pour analyser et quantifier les échanges entre la rivière et l’aquifère karstique, fondée sur : la géologie, l’hydrologie, la géochimie, la biologie, la radioactivité en radon, l’analyse d’images infrarouges thermiques et la modélisation. Les résultats obtenus avec ces approches sont confrontés pour interpréter les interactions karst/rivière d’un point de vue qualitatif et/ou quantitatif (localisation, périodicité, débits). La confrontation de ces résultats met en avant l’intérêt d’une méthodologie interdisciplinaire pour interpréter et quantifier les échanges karst/rivière. L’application de la méthode montre qu’en juin 2015, la Cèze est alimentée à 50 % par des eaux karstiques.L’analyse multi-métrique du système karstique a permis d’acquérir de nouvelles connaissances sur son fonctionnement nécessaires pour paramétrer le modèle par réseaux de neurones qui constitue la dernière étape de ce travail. / This work is part of an interdisciplinary research project (Rhone Basin Workshop Zone – the Rhone-Mediterranean and Corsica Water Agency) on the river Cèze, a tributary of the Rhône.The experimental field is located in the karstic formations of the Cèze basin (Gard, France). This tourist area is exposed to population growth and agricultural activity, causing an increase in water demand. The thesis focuses on the karstic water restitution to the river during summer, in order to understand the functioning of the hydrosystem in periods of low water levels, when the resource is vulnerable.This work led to the development of a methodology to analyze and quantify the exchanges between karstic aquifers and rivers. This methodology is based on geology, hydrology, geochemistry, biology, radon radioactivity, infrared thermal imaging analysis and modeling. The results obtained with these approaches are compared in order to understand the karst/river interactions from a qualitative and/or quantitative point of view (localization, frequency, flow rates). The comparison of these results highlights the advantages of an interdisciplinary methodology for understanding and quantifying the karst/river exchanges. The application of this method shows that in June 2015, 50 % of the river Cèze was fed by karstic waters.The multi-metric analysis of the karstic system has led to new knowledge about its functioning. This knowledge is necessary to set the model’s parameters using neural networks, which is the last stage of this work.
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Adaptivitätssensitive Platzierung von Replikaten in Adaptiven Content Distribution NetworksBuchholz, Sven 08 July 2005 (has links)
Adaptive Content Distribution Networks (A-CDNs) sind anwendungsübergreifende, verteilte Infrastrukturen, die auf Grundlage verteilter Replikation von Inhalten und Inhaltsadaption eine skalierbare Auslieferung von adaptierbaren multimedialen Inhalten an heterogene Clients ermöglichen. Die Platzierung der Replikate in den Surrogaten eines A-CDN wird durch den Platzierungsmechanismus des A-CDN gesteuert. Anders als in herkömmlichen CDNs, die keine Inhaltsadaption berücksichtigen, muss ein Platzierungsmechanismus in einem A-CDN nicht nur entscheiden, welches Inhaltsobjekt in welchem Surrogat repliziert werden soll, sondern darüber hinaus, in welcher Repräsentation bzw. in welchen Repräsentationen das Inhaltsobjekt zu replizieren ist. Herkömmliche Platzierungsmechanismen sind nicht in der Lage, verschiedene Repräsentationen eines Inhaltsobjektes zu berücksichtigen. Beim Einsatz herkömmlicher Platzierungsmechanismen in A-CDNs können deshalb entweder nur statisch voradaptierte Repräsentationen oder ausschließlich generische Repräsentationen repliziert werden. Während bei der Replikation von statisch voradaptierten Repräsentationen die Wiederverwendbarkeit der Replikate eingeschränkt ist, führt die Replikation der generischen Repräsentationen zu erhöhten Kosten und Verzögerungen für die dynamische Adaption der Inhalte bei jeder Anfrage. Deshalb werden in der Arbeit adaptivitätssensitive Platzierungsmechanismen zur Platzierung von Replikaten in A-CDNs vorgeschlagen. Durch die Berücksichtigung der Adaptierbarkeit der Inhalte bei der Ermittlung einer Platzierung von Replikaten in den Surrogaten des A-CDNs können adaptivitätssensitive Platzierungsmechanismen sowohl generische und statisch voradaptierte als auch teilweise adaptierte Repräsentationen replizieren. Somit sind sie in der Lage statische und dynamische Inhaltsadaption flexibel miteinander zu kombinieren. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist zu evaluieren, welche Vorteile sich durch die Berücksichtigung der Inhaltsadaption bei Platzierung von adaptierbaren Inhalten in A-CDNs realisieren lassen. Hierzu wird das Problem der adaptivitätssensitiven Platzierung von Replikaten in A-CDNs als Optimierungsproblem formalisiert, Algorithmen zur Lösung des Optimierungsproblems vorgeschlagen und diese in einem Simulator implementiert. Das zugrunde liegende Simulationsmodell beschreibt ein im Internet verteiltes A-CDN, welches zur Auslieferung von JPEG-Bildern an heterogene mobile und stationäre Clients verwendet wird. Anhand dieses Simulationsmodells wird die Leistungsfähigkeit der adaptivitätssensitiven Platzierungsmechanismen evaluiert und mit der von herkömmlichen Platzierungsmechanismen verglichen. Die Simulationen zeigen, dass der adaptivitätssensitive Ansatz in Abhängigkeit vom System- und Lastmodell sowie von der Speicherkapazität der Surrogate im A-CDN in vielen Fällen Vorteile gegenüber dem Einsatz herkömmlicher Platzierungsmechanismen mit sich bringt. Wenn sich die Anfragelasten verschiedener Typen von Clients jedoch nur wenig oder gar nicht überlappen oder bei hinreichend großer Speicherkapazität der Surrogate hat der adaptivitätssensitive Ansatz keine signifikanten Vorteile gegenüber dem Einsatz eines herkömmlichen Platzierungsmechanismus. / Adaptive Content Distribution Networks (A-CDNs) are application independent, distributed infrastructures using content adaptation and distributed replication of contents to allow the scalable delivery of adaptable multimedia contents to heterogeneous clients. The replica placement in an A-CDN is controlled by the placement mechanisms of the A-CDN. As opposed to traditional CDNs, which do not take content adaptation into consideration, a replica placement mechanism in an A-CDN has to decide not only which object shall be stored in which surrogate but also which representation or which representations of the object to replicate. Traditional replica placement mechanisms are incapable of taking different representations of the same object into consideration. That is why A-CDNs that use traditional replica placement mechanisms may only replicate generic or statically adapted representations. The replication of statically adapted representations reduces the sharing of the replicas. The replication of generic representations results in adaptation costs and delays with every request. That is why the dissertation thesis proposes the application of adaptation-aware replica placement mechanisms. By taking the adaptability of the contents into account, adaptation-aware replica placement mechanisms may replicate generic, statically adapted and even partially adapted representations of an object. Thus, they are able to balance between static and dynamic content adaptation. The dissertation is targeted at the evaluation of the performance advantages of taking knowledge about the adaptability of contents into consideration when calculating a placement of replicas in an A-CDN. Therefore the problem of adaptation-aware replica placement is formalized as an optimization problem; algorithms for solving the optimization problem are proposed and implemented in a simulator. The underlying simulation model describes an Internet-wide distributed A-CDN that is used for the delivery of JPEG images to heterogeneous mobile and stationary clients. Based on the simulation model, the performance of the adaptation-aware replica placement mechanisms are evaluated and compared to traditional replica placement mechanisms. The simulations prove that the adaptation-aware approach is superior to the traditional replica placement mechanisms in many cases depending on the system and load model as well as the storage capacity of the surrogates of the A-CDN. However, if the load of different types of clients do hardly overlap or with sufficient storage capacity within the surrogates, the adaptation-aware approach has no significant advantages over the application of traditional replica-placement mechanisms.
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Návrh nových laboratorních úloh v síťovém simulátoru OMNeT++ / New laboratory exercises in OMNeT++ network simulatorVlašín, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with creating four laboratory tasks using simulation tool OMNeT++ and Inet Framework extension. Subject matter of these designed tasks is focused on routing protocols, providing quality of service, computer networking technologies used in local area networks and comparison of active networking devices. First task contains the comparison of behaviour and routing techniques between protocols RIPv2 and OSPFv2, including the effect of dividing OSPF network into smaller areas. Second task is focused on various techniques for controlling quality of service, namely FIFO queue, PQ and WFQ. Main goal is the comparison of results, that define quality of network services. Third task compares networking technologies, Ethernet and WLAN, parameters of transmission. Fourth task offers comparison of networking devices, hub, switch and router. This paper also contains required theory of network technologies and software tools used for executing simulations.
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Dynamic Modeling of Large-Scale Urban Transportation Systems / Modélisation dynamique des grands réseaux de transportsMariotte, Guilhem 14 November 2018 (has links)
La congestion en milieu urbain est un enjeu majeur que ce soit d’un point vue économique, social ou environnemental. À court et moyen terme, l’utilisation de la simulation dynamique du trafic routier peut permettre d’analyser et de guider des politiques d’optimisation des infrastructures existantes. Aujourd’hui, du fait de la complexité des systèmes de transport, les outils de modélisation classiques sont limités à des échelles géographiques peu étendues (de l’ordre du quartier). À grande échelle, le temps de calcul devient rapidement un facteur limitant tout comme le calibrage et la scénarisation. Néanmoins les dernières décennies ont vu l’apparition d’une nouvelle génération de modèles bien adaptés aux métropoles urbaines. Ceux-ci sont basés sur une relation phénoménologique entre la production de déplacements et le nombre de véhicules dans une zone spatiale d’un réseau routier, appelée Diagramme Fondamental de Zone (Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram, MFD). Cette relation, validée empiriquement sur de nombreuses villes, a permis d’étudier différentes méthodes de contrôle du trafic pour une ville entière, mais a été peu utilisée à des fins de prévision de la congestion. L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer un premier outil opérationnel de simulation et d’analyse des grands réseaux de métropoles, en utilisant et développant les modèles de trafic basés sur la relation MFD. Cet outil doit posséder un cadre théorique cohérent qui puisse convenir à des applications telles que la prévision d’états de trafic, le développement de nouvelles politiques de contrôle, l’estimation de pollutions liées au trafic, etc. Les contributions de la thèse portent sur deux aspects. Le premier est l’analyse des propriétés mathématiques et physiques des modèles existants, en incluant une formalisation complète de la gestion de plusieurs longueurs de parcours au sein d’une même zone urbaine. En particulier, cette formalisation traite de la distinction des trajets internes à la zone et des problèmes de flux convergents et divergents pour les trajets traversant la zone lorsque la congestion se propage d’une zone à l’autre. Le deuxième aspect est la proposition d’un nouveau modèle basé sur la distance individuelle parcourue à l’intérieur d’une zone urbaine (trip-based). Cette approche permet d’individualiser les usagers (auparavant représentés sous forme de flux continus) et donc de définir plus finement leurs caractéristiques, en vue de coupler leurs déplacements à des modèles d’affectations sur différentes routes. Enfin, des exemples d’application illustrant diverses collaborations sont donnés en dernière partie de la thèse. La simulation du trafic sur l’aire urbaine du Grand Lyon (France) y est présentée, ainsi que de nouveaux modules de modélisation de la recherche de parking ou de contrôle périphérique. Cette thèse est partie intégrante d’un projet européen ERC intitulé MAGnUM : Approche multi-échelle et multimodale de la modélisation du trafic pour une gestion durable de la mobilité urbaine. / Congestion in urban areas has become a major issue in terms of economic, social or environmental impact. For short or mid term, using dynamic road traffic simulation can help analyzing and providing guidelines to optimization policies of existing infrastructures. Today, because of the complexity of transport systems, classical modeling tools are limited to small geographical areas (of a district size). Computational time, together with simulation calibration, are notably very constraining at large scales. However, a new generation of models designed for metropolitan areas has arisen over the past decades. These models are based on a phenomenological relationship between travel production and the number of vehicles in a given spatial area of a road network, known as the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD). This relationship, supported by empirical evidences from several cities around the world, has allowed the study of different traffic control schemes at a whole city scale, but was rarely used for traffic state forecasting. The aim of this PhD is to propose an efficient modeling tool, based upon the concept of MFD, to simulate and analyze traffic states in large metropolitan areas. The theoretical framework of this tool must be consistent and applicable for traffic state forecasting, development of new control policies, traffic emission estimation, etc. There are two major contributions in this PhD. The first one is analyzing the mathematical and physical properties of existing models, and formalizing the dynamics of several trip lengths inside the same urban zone. In particular, this formalization distinguishes between internal trips and trips crossing the zone. Flow merging and diverging issues are also addressed when congestion propagates from one zone to another. The second contribution is proposing a new trip-based model based on individual traveled distance. This approach allows to treat users independently (previously represented with continuous flows), and thus to define their characteristics more precisely to couple their trips with assignment models on different paths. Finally, examples of application from various collaborations are given in the last part of this thesis. It includes a simulation study of the Grand Lyon urban area (France), as well as new modules to simulate search-for-parking or perimeter control. This PhD is part of a European ERC project entitled MAGnUM: Multiscale and Multimodal Traffic Modeling Approach for Sustainable Management of Urban Mobility.
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Multiphysics equivalent circuit of a thermally controlled hydrogel microvalveVoigt, Andreas, Marschner, Uwe, Richter, Andreas 25 October 2019 (has links)
Temperature-responsive hydrogels are polymer particles whose equilibrium size depends on the temperature of the water they are immersed in. Here we present an equivalent circuit model of a temperature-controlled microvalve based on hydrogel particles. The resulting network model consists of three physical subsystems. The thermal subsystem considers the heat capacities and thermal resistances of the layers of the valve and the coupling to the ambient environment. The polymeric subsystem describes the relaxation of the hydrogel particles to the temperature-dependent equilibrium size. The fluidic subsystem consists of the supply channel and a chamber whose cross section varies according to the size of the hydrogel particles. All subsystems are described and coupled within one single circuit. Thus the transient behavior of the valve can be calculated using a circuit simulator. Simulation results for a setup are presented and compared with experiments.
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The influence of physico-chemical surface properties and morphological and topological pore space properties on trapping (CCS) and recovery efficiency (EOR): a micromodel visualization studyGolmohammadi, Saeed 26 October 2023 (has links)
We theoretically and experimentally investigate the impact of pore space structure, wettability, and surface roughness on the displacement front, trapping, and sweeping efficiency at low capillary numbers. The microstructure of (i) 2D geologically-realistic media (2D natural sand and sandstone), (ii) a topological 3D-2D-transformation (2D sand analog), and (iii) geometrically representative media (Delaunay Triangulation) were studied over a wide range of wettability from water-wet to oil-wet systems provided by using various fluid-pairs. We observed the transition (compact to fractal) in the displacement front caused by local instabilities identified by Cieplak and Robbins. The trapping efficiency of 2D natural microstructures showed a non-monotonous dependency on wettability, whereas a crossover from no trapping to maximal trapping was observed in 2D patterns of circular grains. For the first time, we compared identical experimental microstructures with simulation, capturing the key elements of the invasion process. We demonstrated that corner flows occur particularly in low-porosity media, where the smaller grain-grain distance hindered the corner-flow bridging. These insights could improve the CO2 geological storage and Enhanced Oil Recovery processes.
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The Effect of Interactive Selection on Personalized Drug Prediction Using Interactomes : Examination of Parameters Impacting Drug Treatment Rankings from Network Models for Covid-19 Patients / Personlig läkemedelsprediktion och inverkan av interaktivt urvalgenom användning av interaktom : Undersökning av olika parametrars påverkan påläkemedelsrekommendationer från nätverksmodeller för patienter med Covid-19Torell, Cornelia January 2023 (has links)
Patients not responding to therapy as expected is one of the most pressing healthcare concerns of today. It causes economical, medical and societal issues along with suffering for patients. This project aimed to address this problem and evaluate how to find the best suited drug treatments for individual patients to treat Covid-19. This project was carried out in collaboration with the company AB Mavatar, that have two networks, one experimental and one predicted, which produce drug treatment rankings differently. Different methods are used to connect drug targets to disease associated genes and thus evaluate what drugs are best suited for specific patients to treat Covid-19. The aim of this project is to examine how network, method and drug category affect the ranking of a drug treatment for four mapped Covid-19 patients. Which drug category a drug belongs to did not seem to significantly affect the drug ranking. Yet, certain drug subcategories were closely correlated. However, these subcategories were not those that are typically associated with Covid-19. The method used to connect drug targets to disease associated genes heavily impacts the ranking of the drug treatment. The methods should be further evaluated to see if some should be excluded or weighted less in drug ranking calculations. The two networks are similar in how they rank different drugs, especially in severely ill patients. Through this project and the evaluation of the impact of method choice, one can start to figure out what should be prioritized among disease related changes. Also, important parameters for personalized treatment can be evaluated. / Patienter som inte svarar på terapi som förväntat är en av de största utmaningarna inom hälso- och sjukvård idag. Det orsakar ekonomiska, medicinska och samhälleliga problem samt lidande för patienter. Det här projektet adresserade detta problem och evaluerade hur man kan hitta det bäst lämpade läkemedlet för specifika patienter för att behandla Covid-19. Projektet gjordes tillsammans med företaget AB Mavatar, som har två interaktom, en experimentell och en datadriven, som rangordnar läkemedelsrekommendationer på olika sätt. Olika metoder används för att koppla samman läkemedelsmål med sjukdomsrelaterade gener och således evaluera vilka läkemedel som är bäst lämpade för specifika patienter för behandling av Covid-19. Syftet med projektet var att undersöka hur nätverk, metod och läkemedelskategori påverkar hur läkemedel rangordnas för fyra kartlagda Covid-19-patienter. Vilken läkemedelskategori ett läkemedel tillhör tycks inte märkbart påverka läkemedelsrangordning. Trots detta var vissa läkemedelsunderkategorier nära korrelerade. Dock var dessa underkategorier inte typiskt associerade med Covid-19. Metoden för att koppla samman läkemedelsmål med sjukdomsassocierade gener påverkade läkemedelsrangordningen väsentligt. Metoderna borde dock evalueras ytterligare för att eventuellt exkludera eller vikta vissa mindre i uträkningar av läkemedelsrang. De två nätverken är lika i hur de rangordnar olika läkemedel, särskilt för svårt sjuka patienter. Genom detta projekt och genom evaluering av metodvalets påverkan kan man börja begripa hur man borde priorita bland sjukdomsrelaterade förändringar. Dessutom kunde viktiga parametrar inom personlig behandling evalueras.
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Design and Performance Analysis of Access Control Mechanisms for Massive Machine-to-Machine Communications in Wireless Cellular NetworksTello Oquendo, Luis Patricio 10 September 2018 (has links)
En la actualidad, la Internet de las Cosas (Internet of Things, IoT) es una tecnología esencial para la próxima generación de sistemas inalámbricos. La conectividad es la base de IoT, y el tipo de acceso requerido dependerá de la naturaleza de la aplicación. Uno de los principales facilitadores del entorno IoT es la comunicación machine-to-machine (M2M) y, en particular, su enorme potencial para ofrecer conectividad ubicua entre dispositivos inteligentes. Las redes celulares son la elección natural para las aplicaciones emergentes de IoT y M2M. Un desafío importante en las redes celulares es conseguir que la red sea capaz de manejar escenarios de acceso masivo en los que numerosos dispositivos utilizan comunicaciones M2M. Por otro lado, los sistemas celulares han experimentado un tremendo desarrollo en las últimas décadas: incorporan tecnología sofisticada y nuevos algoritmos para ofrecer una amplia gama de servicios. El modelado y análisis del rendimiento de estas redes multiservicio es también una tarea desafiante que podría requerir un gran esfuerzo computacional.
Para abordar los desafíos anteriores, nos centramos en primer lugar en el diseño y la evaluación de las prestaciones de nuevos mecanismos de control de acceso para hacer frente a las comunicaciones masivas M2M en redes celulares. Posteriormente nos ocupamos de la evaluación de prestaciones de redes multiservicio y proponemos una nueva técnica analítica que ofrece precisión y eficiencia computacional.
Nuestro principal objetivo es proporcionar soluciones para aliviar la congestión en la red de acceso radio cuando un gran número de dispositivos M2M intentan conectarse a la red. Consideramos los siguientes tipos de escenarios: (i) los dispositivos M2M se conectan directamente a las estaciones base celulares, y (ii) forman grupos y los datos se envían a concentradores de tráfico (gateways) que les proporcionan acceso a la infraestructura. En el primer escenario, dado que el número de dispositivos añadidos a la red aumenta continuamente, esta debería ser capaz de manejar el considerable incremento en las solicitudes de acceso. El 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) ha propuesto el access class barring (ACB) como una solución práctica para el control de congestión en la red de acceso radio y la red troncal. El ajuste correcto de los parámetros de ACB de acuerdo con la intensidad del tráfico es crítico, pero cómo hacerlo de forma dinámica y autónoma es un problema complejo cuya solución no está recogida en las especificaciones del 3GPP. Esta tesis doctoral contribuye al análisis del rendimiento y al diseño de nuevos algoritmos que implementen efectivamente este mecanismo, y así superar los desafíos introducidos por las comunicaciones masivas M2M. En el segundo escenario, dado que la heterogeneidad de los dispositivos IoT y las arquitecturas celulares basadas en hardware imponen desafíos aún mayores para permitir una comunicación flexible y eficiente en los sistemas inalámbricos 5G, esta tesis doctoral también contribuye al diseño de software-defined gateways (SD-GWs) en una nueva arquitectura propuesta para redes inalámbricas definidas por software que se denomina SoftAir. Esto permite manejar tanto un gran número de dispositivos como el volumen de datos que estarán vertiendo en la red.
Otra contribución de esta tesis doctoral es la propuesta de una técnica novedosa para el análisis de prestaciones de redes multiservicio de alta capacidad que se basa en un nuevo enfoque del modelizado analítico de sistemas que operan a diferentes escalas temporales. Este enfoque utiliza el análisis del transitorio de una serie de subcadenas absorbentes y lo denominamos absorbing Markov chain approximation (AMCA). Nuestros resultados muestran que para un coste computacional dado, AMCA calcula los parámetros de prestaciones habituales de un sistema con mayor precisión, en comparación con los resultados obtenidos por otr / Nowadays, Internet of Things (IoT) is an essential technology for the upcoming generation of wireless systems. Connectivity is the foundation for IoT, and the type of access required will depend on the nature of the application.
One of the leading facilitators of the IoT environment is machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, and particularly, its tremendous potential to offer ubiquitous connectivity among intelligent devices. Cellular networks are the natural choice for emerging IoT and M2M applications. A major challenge in cellular networks is to make the network capable of handling massive access scenarios in which myriad devices deploy M2M communications. On the other hand, cellular systems have seen a tremendous development in recent decades; they incorporate sophisticated technology and algorithms to offer a broad range of services. The modeling and performance analysis of these large multi-service networks is also a challenging task that might require high computational effort.
To address the above challenges, we first concentrate on the design and performance evaluation of novel access control schemes to deal with massive M2M communications. Then, we focus on the performance evaluation of large multi-service networks and propose a novel analytical technique that features accuracy and computational efficiency.
Our main objective is to provide solutions to ease the congestion in the radio access or core network when massive M2M devices try to connect to the network. We consider the following two types of scenarios: (i) massive M2M devices connect directly to cellular base stations, and (ii) they form clusters and the data is forwarded to gateways that provide them with access to the infrastructure. In the first scenario, as the number of devices added to the network is constantly increasing, the network should handle the considerable increment in access requests. Access class barring (ACB) is proposed by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) as a practical congestion control solution in the radio access and core network. The proper tuning of the ACB parameters according to the traffic intensity is critical, but how to do so dynamically and autonomously is a challenging task that has not been specified. Thus, this dissertation contributes to the performance analysis and optimal design of novel algorithms to implement effectively this barring scheme and overcome the challenges introduced by massive M2M communications. In the second scenario, since the heterogeneity of IoT devices and the hardware-based cellular architectures impose even greater challenges to enable flexible and efficient communication in 5G wireless systems, this dissertation also contributes to the design of software-defined gateways (SD-GWs) in a new architecture proposed for wireless software-defined networks called SoftAir. The deployment of these SD-GWs represents an alternative solution aiming at handling both a vast number of devices and the volume of data they will be pouring into the network.
Another contribution of this dissertation is to propose a novel technique for the performance analysis of large multi-service networks. The underlying complexity of the network, particularly concerning its size and the ample range of configuration options, makes the solution of the analytical models computationally costly. However, a typical characteristic of these networks is that they support multiple types of traffic flows operating at different time-scales. This time-scale separation can be exploited to reduce considerably the computational cost associated to determine the key performance indicators.
Thus, we propose a novel analytical modeling approach based on the transient regime analysis, that we name absorbing Markov chain approximation (AMCA). For a given computational cost, AMCA finds common performance indicators with greater accuracy, when compared to the results obtained by other approximate methods proposed in the literature. / En l'actualitat, la Internet de les Coses (Internet of Things, IoT) és una tecnologia essencial per a la propera generació de sistemes sense fil. La connectivitat és la base d'IoT, i el tipus d'accés requerit dependrà de la naturalesa de l'aplicació. Un dels principals facilitadors de l'entorn IoT és la comunicació machine-to-machine (M2M) i, en particular, el seu enorme potencial per oferir connectivitat ubiqua entre dispositius intel · ligents. Les xarxes mòbils són l'elecció natural per a les aplicacions emergents de IoT i M2M. Un desafiament important en les xarxes mòbils que actualment está rebent molta atenció és aconseguir que la xarxa siga capaç de gestionar escenaris d'accés massiu en què una gran quantitat de dispositius utilitzen comunicacions M2M. D'altra banda, els sistemes mòbils han experimentat un gran desenvolupament en les últimes dècades: incorporen tecnologia sofisticada i nous algoritmes per oferir una àmplia gamma de serveis. El modelatge i análisi del rendiment d'aquestes xarxes multiservei és també un desafiament important que podria requerir un gran esforç computacional.
Per abordar els desafiaments anteriors, en aquesta tesi doctoral ens centrem en primer lloc en el disseny i l'avaluació de les prestacions de nous mecanismes de control d'accés per fer front a les comunicacions massives M2M en xarxes cel · lulars. Posteriorment ens ocupem de l'avaluació de prestacions de xarxes multiservei i proposem una nova tècnica analítica que ofereix precisió i eficiència computacional.
El nostre principal objectiu és proporcionar solucions per a alleujar la congestió a la xarxa d'accés ràdio quan un gran nombre de dispositius M2M intenten connectar-se a la xarxa. Considerem els dos tipus d'escenaris següents:
(i) els dispositius M2M es connecten directament a les estacions base cel · lulars, i (ii) formen grups i les dades s'envien a concentradors de trànsit (gateways) que els proporcionen accés a la infraestructura. En el primer escenari, atès que el nombre de dispositius afegits a la xarxa augmenta contínuament, aquesta hauria de ser capaç de gestionar el considerable increment en les sol · licituds d'accés. El 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) ha proposat l'access class barring (ACB) com una solució pràctica per al control de congestió a la xarxa d'accès ràdio i la xarxa troncal. L'ajust correcte dels paràmetres d'ACB d'acord amb la intensitat del trànsit és crític, però com fer-ho de forma dinàmica i autònoma és un problema complex, la solució del qual no està recollida en les especificacions del 3GPP. Aquesta tesi doctoral contribueix a l'anàlisi del rendiment i al disseny de nous algoritmes que implementen efectivament aquest mecanisme, i així superar els desafiaments introduïts per les comunicacions massives M2M en les xarxes mòbils actuals i futures. En el segon escenari, atès que l'heterogeneïtat dels dispositius IoT i les arquitectures cel · lulars basades en hardware imposen desafiaments encara més grans per permetre una comunicació flexible i eficient en els sistemes sense fil 5G, aquesta tesi doctoral també contribueix al disseny de software-defined gateways (SD-GWS) en una nova arquitectura proposada per a xarxes sense fils definides per programari que s'anomena SoftAir. Això permet gestionar tant un gran nombre de dispositius com el volum de dades que estaran abocant a la xarxa.
Una altra contribució d'aquesta tesi doctoral és la proposta d'una tècnica innovadora per a l'anàlisi de prestacions de xarxes multiservei d'alta capacitat que es basa en un nou enfocament del modelitzat analític de sistemes que operen a diferents escales temporals. Aquest enfocament utilitza l'anàlisi del transitori d'una sèrie de subcadenes absorbents i l'anomenem absorbing Markov chain Approximation (AMCA). Els nostres resultats mostren que per a un cost computacional donat, AMCA calcula els paràmetres de prestacions habituals d / Tello Oquendo, LP. (2018). Design and Performance Analysis of Access Control Mechanisms for Massive Machine-to-Machine Communications in Wireless Cellular Networks [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/107946
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