Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] NEW AGING"" "subject:"[enn] NEW AGING""
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[pt] Este trabalho é uma investigação sobre o potencial do Design promover a diversidade, os ganhos e as possibilidades da velhice e partiu da constatação de que, apesar de plurais, os idosos são – em geral – tratados de forma homogênea e associados a produtos e serviços que ressaltam os aspectos negativos do avanço da idade, como bengalas e asilos. A abordagem sobre o tema se deu a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica e observação participante junto a idosos, e teve como principais condutores Simone de Beauvoir – autora de A velhice, obra que retrata a condição do idoso sob o ponto de vista histórico, biológico e social –, Mirian Goldenberg – autora de A bela velhice – e Celso Sá – que trata da teoria da Representação Social: base para a elaboração de um exercício projetual que verifica como os idosos são representados socialmente por produtos e serviços. A investigação sobre o potencial do Design de contribuir com novas formas de ver e viver a velhice foi baseada em coleta de ações projetuais em prol de idosos realizada a partir da criação de grupos de interesse com pesquisadores do Centro de Estudo e Pesquisa do Envelhecimento e do International Longevity Center- Brazil e alunos de Ciências Sociais e de Design, entre outros. Os exemplos coletados foram organizados em categorias, com base no estudo de Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi sobre a forma que as pessoas constroem significados em seus ambientes familiares por meio de artefatos e nas perspectivas do Design Emocional identificadas por estudos desenvolvidos no laboratório Design Memória e Emoção. Observou-se a existência de dois grandes grupos: (1) o das coisas de velho, que focam as limitações e perdas da velhice e tratam os idosos como um grupo homogêneo, e (2) o das coisas do novo velho, que atendem a demandas variadas por meio de formas igualmente variadas. Ao final, conclui-se que, a construção da nova velhice está intrinsecamente ligada à visão daqueles que projetam produtos e serviços e às ações que pretende-se favorecer: dançar, namorar, trabalhar, viajar, viver. / [en] The present study is an investigation into the potential of Design to promote diversity, gains and possibilities of old age and began from the observation that although plural, the elderly are treated, in general, homogeneously and associated with products and services that highlight negative aspects of aging, such as canes and nursing homes. The approach on the theme occurred with literature research and participant observation with elderly people and had as main conductors Simone de Beauvoir – author of Old Age, book that depicts the condition of the elderly from historical, biological and social perspectives –, Mirian Goldenberg – author of The Beautiful Age – and Celso Sá – who deals with the Social Representation Theory: basis for the elaboration of a projetual exercise that checks how the elderly are socially represented through products and services. The research about the potential of Design to contribute to new ways of seeing and living the old age was based on collecting examples of design actions on behalf of seniors, accomplished through the creation of interest groups with researchers from the Center for Research and Study of Aging and from the International Longevity Center-Brazil, students of Science social and Design, among others. The examples collected were organized into categories, based on the study by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi on how people construct meaning in their familiar environments through artifacts, and prospects of Emotional Design identified by studies conducted in the lab Design Memory and Emotion. It was observed the existence of two major groups: (1) the things of old people, focusing on the limitations and losses of old age and treat the elderly as a homogeneous group and (2) the things of new old people that meet varied demands through various forms also. Finally, it is concluded that the construction of the new old age is intrinsically linked to the vision of those who design products and services and actions intended to encourage: to dance, to date, to work, to travel, to live...
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Vieillir : le point de vue du cinéma américain contemporain (2000-2010) / Representations of aging in popular American films (2000-2010)Kautzmann, Maryline 05 June 2018 (has links)
La première décennie du XXIe siècle est une période charnière dans l’histoire des représentations du vieillir et de l’être vieux. Durant les années 2000, le cinéma hollywoodien offre de nouvelles images du vieillir, moins alarmistes, moins stéréotypées, en somme plus positives. Non plus systématiquement relégué au second plan, le personnage âgé se fait une place parmi les héros hollywoodiens. Le vieillir n’est alors plus dissimulé, mais mis à l’honneur, dans ces films portés par un héros âgé. Par leur présence et leur visibilité dans ce cinéma hautement commercial, ces nouveaux personnages vieillissants signalent un phénomène majeur : durant les années 2000, le vieillir devient commercialement profitable, notamment car se reconnaît dans ces films une génération exceptionnelle par de nombreux aspects, celle des baby-boomers. Par ailleurs, au travers de ces nouvelles représentations du vieillir se fait jour une transformation sociétale plus large avec l’avènement d’un nouveau rapport à la vieillesse, le « vieillir nouveau », qui substitue aux clichés âgistes et à l’idée du vieillir comme déclin un discours positif sur la vieillesse. Cette étude, circonscrite aux films hollywoodiens à succès de la période 2000-2010, propose de mettre en lumière ces nouvelles représentations hollywoodiennes du vieillir et la façon dont le cinéma s’est fait ainsi l’écho de discours innovants sur la question tout en tentant d’offrir sa propre version d’un vieillir nouveau. / The first decade of the 21st century marks a transition in the history of the representations ofaging and old age. In the 2000s, Hollywood started offering new images of aging : less alarmist, less stereotypical, they are, all in all, more positive. As he is no longer pushed in the background,the aging character finds his way amid Hollywood heroes. In those films, which are carried by an old hero, aging is no longer concealed, but it is put in the spotlight. By their mere presence and visibility in such commercial cinema, these new aging characters signal a major shift : in the2000s, aging has become bankable, especially since its new portrayals speak to a generation which stands out on many different levels, the baby boomers. Besides, a wider social transformation shows through these innovative representations of aging, that of a new relationship to aging. “New aging” thus discards ageist clichés and the idea that aging isdeclining, and supplants these conceptions with a positive discourse on aging. This study revolves around popular Hollywood movies released between 2000 and 2010. It offers to shed a light on these new Hollywood representations of aging and on the way cinema has thus echoed innovative discourses on the matter, while attempting to offer its own version of a new outlook on aging.
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Nouvel indicateur de vieillissement de l'isolation inter-spires des machines électriques utilisées en aéronautique. / New turn-to-turn insulation aging indicator for electrical machines used in aeronauticsSavin, Serghei 25 June 2013 (has links)
Le réseau électrique de bord des avions devient le principal vecteur de transmission de l'énergie utilisée en dehors de celle réservée à la propulsion. Le réseau électrique remplace progressivement les réseaux hydrauliques et aérauliques qui assurent respectivement les contrôles de vol et le confort dans la cabine des avions actuels. Pour transmettre une puissance électrique plus importante sans augmenter la masse des conducteurs, un nouveau standard a été défini, le réseau de bord des avions plus électriques sera continu et sa tension est fixée à 540V. En conséquence, les convertisseurs statiques seront systématiquement utilisés pour commander les actionneurs électriques. Des contraintes électriques nettement plus importantes seront appliquées aux bobinages des machines en plus de celles qui sont inhérente à l'aéronautique. Pour obtenir la sureté de fonctionnement requise, la surveillance du vieillissement de l'isolation des machines électriques embarquées devient indispensable. Le travail effectué dans cette thèse est centré sur la définition d’un nouvel indicateur de vieillissement de l’isolation des bobinages des machines électriques utilisées en aéronautique. Le nouvel indicateur delta-C est basé sur la corrélation entre l'augmentation de la capacité inter-spires du bobinage et la réduction des performances caractérisée principalement par la réduction du seuil d'apparition des décharges partielles. La partie expérimentale des travaux est importante; le mémoire donne les résultats des campagnes de vieillissement accéléré d'un grand nombre d'échantillons de fil émaillé standard. Ces résultats permettent de définir des seuils critiques des variations du nouvel indicateur delta-C en fonction du profil de mission de l'actionneur. Le nouvel indicateur delta-C est corrélé avec un paramètre facilement mesurable sur une machine électrique en fonctionnement qui est la fréquence de résonance du bobinage. Un outil numérique est développé pour déterminer les fréquences de résonances à surveiller en fonction de la géométrie et de la technologie du bobinage de la machine. Les prédictions des fréquences déterminées par l'outil numérique développé sont vérifiées par des mesures faites sur des bobines vieillies artificiellement. L'étude est étendue à l'influence du câble d'alimentation de la machine. Les limites de fonctionnement du système de surveillance proposé sont définies pour différentes distances entre la machine et le point de connexion des systèmes de mesure. / For modern aircrafts, the onboard electrical grid becomes the main energy transmission system apart from energy reserved for propulsion. Electrical systems are gradually replacing hydraulic and air systems providing respectively flight controls and cabin comfort in current aircrafts. To transmit higher electrical power without increasing the conductors’ masses, a new standard has been set, the grid of more electrical aircrafts will be 540 VDC. As a result, static converters will systematically be used to drive the electrical actuators. Substantially higher electrical constraints will be applied to electrical machine windings, in addition to those inherent in aeronautics. To obtain the required operational safety, the monitoring of the insulation for onboard electrical embedded machines has become indispensable. This thesis work is focused on the definition of a new aging indicator for the electrical insulation of machine used in aeronautics. The new delta-C indicator is based on the correlation between the increase in the turn-to-turn winding capacitance and reduction of performance mainly characterized by the decrease of Partial Discharge Inception Voltage (PDIV). The experimental part of this work is considerable; the thesis gives the results of accelerated aging tests on a large number of enameled wire standard samples. These results make it possible to define critical threshold for the new delta-C indicator depending on the mission profile of the actuator. The new delta-C indicator is correlated with an easily measurable parameter on an operating electrical machine, i.e. the resonance frequencies of the winding. A numerical tool was developed to determine the resonance frequencies to be monitored according to the geometry and the technology of the winding machine. The prediction frequencies determined by the developed numerical tool have been verified by measurements on artificially aged coils. The study has been extended to the influence of the supply cable of the electrical machine. The operating limits of the proposed monitoring system are defined for various distances between the electrical machine and the connection point of the measurement systems.
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