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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo e desenvolvimento de código computacional baseado no método dos elementos finitos para análise dinâmica não linear geométrica de sólidos bidimensionais / Study and development of computational code based on the finite element method to dynamic geometrically nonlinear analysis of bidimensional solids

Marques, Gustavo Codá dos Santos Cavalcanti 18 April 2006 (has links)
O objetivo principal deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de uma formulação e sua implementação computacional para se analisar, via Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF),o comportamento dinâmico não linear geométrico de sólidos bidimensionais. Trata-se o comportamento geometricamente não linear através de uma formulação posicional classificada como lagrangeana total com cinemática exata. No estudo do comportamento dinâmico utiliza-se um algoritmo de integração temporal baseado na família de integradores temporais de Newmark. Para a consideração do impacto adota-se uma técnica que utiliza como integrador temporal o algoritmo de Newmark, modificado de forma a garantir sua estabilização, e limita-se a posição de cada nó da estrutura que por ventura sofra impacto. O código computacional desenvolvido é validado através de exemplos tradicionais da literatura científica. Analisam-se exemplos com comportamento apenas não linear geométrico e não linear geométrico dinâmico com ou sem impacto / The main goal of this work is the development of a formulation and its computational implementation, based on the finite element method (FEM), to analyze the dynamic geometrically nonlinear behavior of bidimensional solids. The geometrically nonlinear behavior is treated with a positional formulation classified as total Lagrangean with exact kinematics. In the study of the dynamic behavior, a time integration algorithm based on the family of time integrators of Newmark is applied. In order to consider the impact, a technique based on the time integrator of Newmark, modified to assure its stabilization, is used. This technique limits the position of each node that suffers impact. The developed computational code is validated through benchmarks of scientific literature. Examples with static geometrically nonlinear and dynamic geometrically nonlinear behavior, with or without impact, are analyzed

Contribuição ao estudo de estruturas de cabos para coberturas de grandes áreas livres, considerando as não linearidades física e geométrica / Contribution to the study of cable structures for large span roofs by considering material and geometric non-linearity

Aguiar, Elizabeth Oshima de 01 October 1999 (has links)
A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com a finalidade de se analisar o comportamento elástico e inelástico de estruturas de cabos, sob carregamento estático, pela técnica dos elementos finitos. Para a discretização das estruturas de cabos adotou-se um elemento retilíneo isoparamétrico, e na formulação dos princípios variacionais foram considerados a não linearidade física do material e a não linearidade geométrica, inerente às estruturas de cabos. Empregou-se o método incrementai-iterativo de Newton-Raphson para a resolução do sistema de equações não lineares. Alternativamente a solução foi obtida da minimização direta da função energia potencial total da estrutura de cabos, utilizando-se o método do Gradiente Conjugado. Vários exemplos de estruturas de cabos comumente empregadas em coberturas de grandes vãos foram estudados. Os resultados obtidos segundo os dois procedimentos foram analisados e a eficiência elos métodos foi comprovada. / The research was developed with the purpose of analyzing the elaslic and the inelaslic behaviour of cable slructures, under static load. The finite element method with straight isoparametric element was used. In the formulation of the variational principles, the material and the geometric non-linearity were considered. The Newton-Raphson method was used to resolve the non-linear equations system. Alternatively the solution was obtained of the direct minimization of the total potential energy of the cable structure; in this case using the Conjugated Gradient Method. Several examples of cable structures, commonly employed in roofs of large spaces were studied. The results were obtained according to both processes and the efficiency of the methods was verified.

Métodos lineares e não-lineares de análise de dados cronobiológicos de Melipona quadrifasciata (Hymenoptera, Meliponini) / Linear and nonlinear methods of chronobiological data analysis of Melipona quadrifasciata (Hymenoptera, Meliponini)

Sebrian, Talita de Cássia Glingani 11 October 2011 (has links)
A Cronobiologia estuda a origem e a manifestação de ritmos biológicos nos mais diversos táxons. A análise dos dados obtidos experimentalmente, contudo, é bastante complexa, haja vista a restrita gama de métodos disponíveis para tal. Os osciladores que determinam a existência dos ritmos biológicos são exemplos de sistemas dinâmicos não-lineares, os quais estão amplamente distribuídos nos seres vivos. Esses sistemas, por suas peculiaridades, são melhor analisados por métodos não-lineares. O objetivo deste trabalho é testar diferentes métodos de análise séries temporais, tanto alguns classicamente empregados na Cronobiologia quanto métodos não-lineares, verificando sua empregabilidade e funcionalidade para dados cronobiológicos, bem como as propriedades que permitem ou não seu uso. Para tanto, foram utilizados dados de ritmos de consumo de O2 obtidos para diferentes grupos etários de operárias de Melipona quadrifasciata (Hymenoptera, Meliponini). Tais dados foram submetidos às seguintes análises: Transformada Rápida de Fourier (TRF), Análise de Potência Espectral (PSA), Estatística Circular (teste de Rayleigh), Teste de Estacionariedade (Teste da Raiz Unitária de Dickey-Fuller Aumentado - ADF), Plot de Poincaré, Entropia Aproximada (ApEn) e Entropia Aproximada Volumétrica (vApEn). Os resultados obtidos demonstram que os métodos não-lineares de análise detectam a existência de ritmo metabólico, assim como os métodos lineares utilizados por Teixeira (2006) e Camargo (em andamento) indicam sua presença. Ressalta-se, contudo, que há certa dificuldade em distinguir se a variabilidade existente nas séries deve-se, possivelmente, a seu comportamento determinístico ou a ruídos externos a elas, cuja detecção não é possível. Outro importante fator limitante da aplicabilidade das análises não-lineares é o número de pontos das séries temporais em questão, que era bastante reduzido nesse estudo. Dessa maneira, conclui-se que alguns métodos não-lineares, e.g. TRF, também são eficazes na detecção de ritmos biológicos, devendo ser observada a restrição devido ao tamanho da série temporal. / Chronobiology is the study of the origin and manifestation of rhythmical phenomena in all sorts of taxons. The analysis of the experimental obtained data is, however, still very complex due to the lack of availability of methods and techniques. The oscillators that determine the existence of rhythmical biological phenomena are examples of non-linear dynamic systems, which are widely spread among organisms. This research intends to present the result of a sort of temporal series analysis methods, some already used for Chronobiology research, as non-linear methods, testing their use and functionality for chronobiological data as well as determining their gaps and limitations for this purpose. For this research, data regarding to rhythm of O2 consumption were obtained from different age groups of Melipona quadrifasciata (Hymenoptera, Meliponini) workers. Such data were submitted to the following analysis: Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Power Spectrum Analysis (PSA), Circular Statistics (Rayleigh\'s test), Stationarity Test (Unit Root Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test - ADF), Poincaré Plot, Approximate Entropy (ApEn) e Volumetric Approximate Entropy (vApEn). The results indicate that nonlinear methods detect the presence of metabolic rhythm, such as previous researches where linear methods used by Teixeira (2006) and Camargo (ongoing research) indicate its presence. However, there is some difficulty in determining if the variability present in the series is possibly due to its deterministic behavior or to the external noise, from which the determination is still not possible. Another limiting factor is the number of points of analyzed temporal series, which was very small. We conclude that some nonlinear methods, e.g. FFT, are effective to detect biological rhythms, but the constraint to time series length must be observed.

Análise de problemas de contato/impacto em estruturas de comportamento não linear pelo método dos elementos finitos / Nonlinear structural contact/impact analysis problems using the finite element method

Greco, Marcelo 12 February 2004 (has links)
Trata de formulações e algoritmos para a análise não linear em problemas de impacto bidirecional entre estruturas reticuladas. São apresentadas novas formulações posicionais para problemas não lineares geométricos para os casos estático e dinâmico, baseadas no método dos elementos finitos. As formulações desenvolvidas são estendidas para problemas de impacto bidirecional entre estruturas reticuladas e anteparo rígido. Utiliza-se o método do multiplicador de Lagrange para impor as restrições de contato. Uma pesquisa foi realizada para se encontrar integrador temporal estável para análises de impacto. Desenvolveu-se uma nova estratégia de previsão do impacto, através da teoria de problemas potenciais e do método dos elementos de contorno. Por fim, a formulação é adaptada para o estudo de impacto bidirecional entre estruturas reticuladas, adotando-se algoritmo de retorno geométrico, no qual consideram-se situações com e sem atrito. São apresentados diversos exemplos numéricos, comparando-se resultados obtidos com soluções analíticas e numéricas de outros trabalhos. A formulação desenvolvida ainda considera efeitos elastoplásticos nos membros estruturais e ligações com deslocamentos livres nas conexões nodais, possibilitando a análise de mecanismos flexíveis / This work deals with formulations and algorithms for nonlinear bi-directional impact analysis between reticulated structures. New positional formulations for static and dynamic nonlinear cases are presented, both based on the finite element method. The developed formulations are extended to bi-directional impact problem between reticulated structures and rigid wall, using the Lagrange multiplier method to impose contact conditions. An appropriated time integration scheme is used to alleviate the numerical errors due high frequency vibrations occurring in the impact. Finally, the formulation is adapted for the bi-directional impact between reticulated structures. During the thesis several numerical examples are presented, comparing the obtained results with analytical and other numerical responses. The developed formulation also considers elastoplastic effects in structural members and nodal connections with free displacements

Stability Analysis of Frame Tube Building

Urs, Amit 22 January 2003 (has links)
The frame tube buildings have been the most efficient structural system used for building which is in the range of 40-100storey. The soaring heights and the demanding structural efficiency have led to them having smaller reserves of stiffness and consequently stability. In this thesis a Non-linear analysis and stability check of frame-tube building is done. Nonlinear analysis offers several options for addressing problems of nonlinearity and in this work focus is on Geometric Non-linearity. The main sources can be identified as P-Æ’´ effect of gravity loading acting on a transversely displaced structure due to lateral loading and can also be due to member imperfections, such as member camber and out of plumb erection of the frame. During analysis the element response keep continuously changing as a function of the applied load so simple step computing methods have been employed instead of direct analytical methods. The problem here is dealt in a piece wise linear way and solved. In this thesis a program using the matrix approach has been developed. The program developed can calculate the buckling load and can do Linear and Non-linear analysis using the Mat-lab as the computing platform. Numerical results obtained from the program have been compared with the Finite Element software Mastan2. The comparative solutions presented later on in the report clearly prove the accuracy of the program and go on to show, how exploiting simple matrix equation can help solve the most complex structures in fraction of seconds. The program is modular in structure. It provides opportunity for user to make minor manipulation or can append his own module to make it work for his specific needs and will get reliable results.

Estudo sobre a aplicação da não linearidade geométrica na análise de vigas mistas de aço e concreto / Study on the application of geometric nonlinearity in the analysis of steel : concrete composite beams

Mittelstadt Júnior, Luiz Carlos January 2017 (has links)
As vigas mistas de aço e concreto, por empregarem cada um desses materiais dentro de suas melhores características mecânicas, são uma boa solução estrutural para vários problemas de engenharia. Em função da geometria, carregamento e restrições de deslocamentos essas vigas apresentam vários modos de falhas que precisam ser verificados no seu dimensionamento. Nesse contexto, esse trabalho tem como objetivo estudar o comportamento das vigas mistas em situações onde a aplicação da não linearidade geométrica pode a priori ser importante. Em vigas simplesmente apoiadas, com a linha neutra localizada no perfil de aço e em vigas contínuas na região de momentos negativos, o perfil de aço está sujeito à compressão. Nessas situações os modos de falha de flambagem local, flambagem lateral por torção e flambagem distorcional (no caso de perfis I enrijecidos) podem ocorrer principalmente quando o perfil de aço é do tipo não compacto. Em vigas mistas com aberturas no perfil de aço, por exemplo, para passagem de tubulações, também há modos de falhas adicionais que devem ser investigados. O trabalho em questão foi conduzido empregando-se o código desenvolvido no CEMACOM com pequenas alterações para a priori permitir analisar problemas com pequenas não linearidades geométricas. Em paralelo empregou-se o software ANSYS customizado para analisar problemas com não linearidades geométricas significativas. Vários exemplos foram analisados empregando-se ambos os softwares e os resultados obtidos mostram o bom funcionamento do ANSYS customizado e do script para modelar vigas mistas. Por outro lado, algumas vigas analisadas demonstraram a carência de alguns recursos do programa desenvolvido no CEMACOM. / The steel - concrete composite beams are a good structural solution to various engineering problems. The main advantage of steel - concrete composite beams is to employ each of these materials within their best mechanical characteristics, which results in a more efficient stiffness/ weight ratio. Due to the geometry, loading and displacement constraints, these beams present several failure modes that need to be verified in their design. In simply supported beams, the steel profile is subjected to compression when the neutral line is located in the steel profile. In continuous beams, the steel profile is subject to compression in the hogging moment region. In these situations, local buckling, lateral - torsional buckling, and distortional buckling failure modes (in the case of I stiffened profiles) may occur. Local buckling becomes important when the steel profile is of the non-compact type. In several practical situations it is also common to use composite beams with openings in the steel profile, for example, for passage of pipes. This solution also introduces failure modes that must be investigated. A priori these problems require the use of a nonlinear geometric analysis to be studied. The work in question was conducted using the code developed in CEMACOM with small changes to a priori allow analyzing problems with small geometric nonlinearities. In parallel, the customized ANSYS software was used to analyze problems with significant geometric nonlinearities. Several examples were analyzed using both software and the results obtained show the proper functioning of the customized ANSYS and the script to model mixed beams. On the other hand, some analyzed beams demonstrated the lack of some resources of the program developed in CEMACOM.

Flexural Behavior of Interlocking Compressed Earth Block Shear Walls Subjected to In-Plane Loading

Stirling, Bradley James 01 July 2011 (has links)
This thesis investigates the flexural behavior of interlocking compressed earth block (ICEB) shear walls. In-plane cyclic tests were conducted to evaluate the performance of three flexure dominant large scale ICEB specimens: a slim wall with a 2:1 height to width aspect ratio, a flanged wall, and a wall with an opening at the center. Following the experimental investigation, two types of analyses were conducted for calculating the ultimate strength of flexure dominant ICEB walls: a nonlinear static analysis model assuming lumped plasticity and a plastic analysis model. In addition, incremental dynamic analysis was conducted to address the seismic performance of flexure dominant ICEB buildings. Based on the database from the incremental dynamic analysis, the collapse potential of demonstration ICEB buildings were compared for the countries of interest.

Mathematical Analysis of Some Partial Differential Equations with Applications

Chen, Kewang 01 January 2019 (has links)
In the first part of this dissertation, we produce and study a generalized mathematical model of solid combustion. Our generalized model encompasses two special cases from the literature: a case of negligible heat diffusion in the product, for example, when the burnt product is a foam-like substance; and another case in which diffusivities in the reactant and product are assumed equal. In addition to that, our model pinpoints the dynamics in a range of settings, in which the diffusivity ratio between the burned and unburned materials varies between 0 and 1. The dynamics of temperature distribution and interfacial front propagation in this generalized solid combustion model are studied through both asymptotic and numerical analyses. For asymptotic analysis, we first analyze the linear instability of a basic solution to the generalized model. We then focus on the weakly nonlinear case where a small perturbation of a neutrally stable parameter is taken so that the linearized problem is marginally unstable. Multiple scale expansion method is used to obtain an asymptotic solution for large time by modulating the most linearly unstable mode. On the other hand, we integrate numerically the exact problem by the Crank-Nicolson method. Since the numerical solutions are very sensitive to the derivative interfacial jump condition, we integrate the partial differential equation to obtain an integral-differential equation as an alternative condition. The result system of nonlinear algebraic equations is then solved by the Newton’s method, taking advantage of the sparse structure of the Jacobian matrix. By a comparison of our asymptotic and numerical solutions, we show that our asymptotic solution captures the marginally unstable behaviors of the solution for a range of model parameters. Using the numerical solutions, we also delineate the role of the diffusivity ratio between the burned and unburned materials. We find that for a representative set of this parameter values, the solution is stabilized by increasing the temperature ratio between the temperature of the fresh mixture and the adiabatic temperature of the combustion products. This trend is quite linear when a parameter related to the activation energy is close to the stability threshold. Farther from this threshold, the behavior is more nonlinear as expected. Finally, for small values of the temperature ratio, we find that the solution is stabilized by increasing the diffusivity ratio. This stabilizing effect does not persist as the temperature ratio increases. Competing effects produce a “cross-over” phenomenon when the temperature ratio increases beyond about 0.2. In the second part, we study the existence and decay rate of a transmission problem for the plate vibration equation with a memory condition on one part of the boundary. From the physical point of view, the memory effect described by our integral boundary condition can be caused by the interaction of our domain with another viscoelastic element on one part of the boundary. In fact, the three different boundary conditions in our problem formulation imply that our domain is composed of two different materials with one condition imposed on the interface and two other conditions on the inner and outer boundaries, respectively. These transmission problems are interesting not only from the point of view of PDE general theory, but also due to their application in mechanics. For our mathematical analysis, we first prove the global existence of weak solution by using Faedo-Galerkin’s method and compactness arguments. Then, without imposing zero initial conditions on one part of the boundary, two explicit decay rate results are established under two different assumptions of the resolvent kernels. Both of these decay results allow a wider class of relaxation functions and initial data, and thus generalize some previous results existing in the literature.

A Finite Element Model For Partially Restrained Steel Beam To Column Connections

Koseoglu, Ahmet 01 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In the analyses of steel framed structures it is customary to assume the beam to column connections as either fully rigid which means that all moments are transferred from beam to column with negligible rotation or ideally pinned that resists negligible moment. This assumption is reasonable for some types of connections. However when considering steel connections such as bolted-bolted double web angle connections it can be seen that the behavior of these connections is in between the two extreme cases. Thus a third connection type, namely semi rigid or partially restrained connection, is introduced. However this type of connection exhibits such a nonlinear behavior that modeling this behavior necessities a substantial effort. Moreover to perform a performance based analyses the true behavior of these connections should be incorporated as part of the modeling effort. Several researches dealing with these two topics have been undertaken in literature. Despite these efforts, modeling of the moment rotation behavior of these connections still requires improvement especially under cyclic loading conditions. In addition to this, performing an analysis with existing elements incorporating semi-rigid connections as a spring attached to beam ends is not practical because of the fact that displacement based formulation increases meshing significantly which requires substantial computational power. In this study a hysteretic (quadra-linear) moment rotation model considering pinching, damage and possibility of residual moment capacity is developed. The behavior is calibrated via experimental data available in the literature. Furthermore a force based macro element considering spread inelastic behavior along the element is presented. With this element several connections located anywhere along the beam could be incorporated in the analysis with less degree of freedom with respect to displacement based elements. Moreover the macro element model can be used in conjunction with corotational formulation for the capture of nonlinear geometric effects.

Seismic Interstory Drift Demands in Steel Friction Damped Braced Buildings

Peternell Altamira, Luis E. 16 January 2010 (has links)
In the last 35 years, several researchers have proposed, developed and tested different friction devices for seismic control of structures. Their research has demonstrated that such devices are simple, economical, practical, durable and very effective. However, research on passive friction dampers, except for few instances, has not been given appropriate attention lately. This has caused some of the results of old studies to become out-of-date, lose their validity in the context of today's design philosophies or to fall short on the expectations of this century's structural engineering. An analytical study on the behavior of friction devices and the effect they have on the structures into which they are incorporated has been undertaken to address the new design trends, codes, evaluation criteria and needs of today's society. The present study consists of around 7,000 structural analyses that are used to show the excellent seismic performance and economic advantages of Friction Damped Braced Frames. It serves, at the same time, to improve our understanding on their dynamic behavior. Finally, this thesis also sets the basis for future research on the application of this type of seismic energy dissipating systems.

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