Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] NUMERICAL MODELING"" "subject:"[enn] NUMERICAL MODELING""
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[pt] Ligações semi-rígidas em estruturas de aço tem apresentado
uso crescente na construção metálica, pois é uma opção que
permite um melhor aproveitamento da capacidade da
estrutura. Neste trabalho apresentam-se as características
e a classificação das ligações semi-rígidas bem como a
evolução da modelagem numérica e analítica do comportamento
destas ligações.
Apresenta-se uma metodologia com base no método dos
elementos finitos para avaliar numericamente a relação
momento-rotação de conexões viga-coluna em estruturas de
aço. Parte essencial desta metodologia é a modelagem da
ligação e de seus diversos componentes.
Um modelo completo em termos da geometria, capaz de
representar a interação entre os diversos componentes da
conexão é proposto. Esta modelagem inclui a discretização
de todos os componentes da conexão: placa e ou cantoneiras,
porcas, coluna e viga, sendo a extensão da viga e da coluna
a ser considerada no modelo escolhida por calibração do
mesmo. O contato entre os componentes da ligação é
considerado por meio de algoritmo específico de contato com
base na formulação de um problema linear complementar.
Considera-se contato sem atrito entre corpos deformáveis.
A fim de representar com mais fidelidade as características
tridimensionais do problema, adota-se uma modelagem também
tridimensional com base em elementos finitos híbridos
hexaédricos de oito nós, permitindo o emprego de uma
discretização relativamente grosseira. Fenômenos como a
presença de grandes deformações, plastificação dos
componentes e a pré-tensão dos parafusos são incluídos no
Os modelos apresentados são empregados para o estudo do
comportamento de ligações tipo placa de extremidade
estendida e tipo cantoneira de alma simples. Para validação
dos modelos são comparados os resultados numéricos com
dados experimentais. Analisa-se também a participação da
flexibilidade dos diversos componentes da conexão, tais
como: parafuso, placa de extremidade, mesa da coluna, na
resposta da conexão. / [en] Semi-rigid connections are now-a-days widely employed by
steel structures. Such
connections take better advantage of the overall structure
capabilities. In this work the
properties and classification of semi-rigid connections is
discussed. Additionally numerical
and analytical models for prediction of connection behavior
are presented.
A finite element based methodology for the numerical
evaluation of moment-rotation
relations and load carrying capacity of semi-rigid
connections is proposed. An important
feature of this model is a complete a three dimensional
geometrical description of the many
components of the connection, such as plates, column, beam,
bolts and nuts and the
interaction between them. The extension of beam and column
to be modeled is determined by
numerical calibration. Frictionless contact between the
connection components is considered
by a specific contact algorithm which ensures non-
penetration and permits separation of the
individual parts. In this work a solution strategy for the
contact problem based on the
establishment of a linear complementary problem is adopted.
The three dimensional modeling is carried out by a mesh of
hybrid hexahedral eight
node elements, which allow the use of relatively coarse
meshes. Effects such as the presence
of large deformations, yielding of components and pre-
stressing of bolts are present in the
The proposed model is applied to the analysis of the
behavior of extended end-plate
connections and web cleat connections. The numerical
results are compared to experimental
data for model validation. One of the objectives of this
analysis is the evaluation of the
participation of each component on the overall flexibility
of the connection. / [es] El uso de ligaduras semirígidas en extructuras de acero ha experimentado un crescimiento importante en la
construcción metálica. Esta opción permite un mejor aprovechamiento de la capacidad de la extructura. En este
trabajo se presentan las características de las ligaduras semirígidas, su clasificación; y la evolución de los
modelos numéricos y analíticos del comportamiento de estas ligaduras. Se discute una metodología con base en
el método de los elementos finitos para evaluar numéricamente la relación momento-rotación de conexiones
viga-columna en extructuras de acero. La parte esencial de esta metodología es el modelo de la ligadura y sus
diversos componentes. Se propone un modelo completo en términos de geometría, capaz de representar la
interacción entre los diversos componentes de la conexión. Este modelo incluye la discretización de todos los
componentes de la conexión, siendo que la extensión de la viga y de la coluna a ser considerada en el modelo,
deberá ser elegida por calibración del mismo. Para considerar el contacto entre los componentes de la ligadura se
utiliza el algoritmo específico de contacto con base en la formulación de un problema lineal complementar. A fin de
representar con más fidelidad las características tridimensionales del problema, se adoptó un modelo
tridimensional con base en elementos finitos híbridos hexaédricos de ocho nodos, permitiendo el empleo de una
discretización relativamente grosera. Se incluyen en el modelo fenómenos como la presencia de grandes
deformaciones, plastificación de los componentes y la pretensión de los tornillos. Los modelos presentados se
emplean en el estudio del comportamiento de ligaduras tipo placa de extremidad extendida y tipo esquinero de
alma simple. Para evaluar los modelos se comparan los resultados numéricos con datos experimentales. También
se incluye un análisis de la participación en la respuesta de la conexión, de la flexibilidad de los diversos
componentes de la conexión, tales como: tornillo, placa de extremidad, mesa de la columna.
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<p>Rising interest in high-performance servers in data centers to support the increasing demands for cloud-computing and storage have challenged thermal management systems. To prevent these increased power density servers from overheating due to the high heat fluxes dissipated, new cooling methods have continued to be investigated in recent years. One such solution is pumped two-phase cooling which shows promise over traditional air cooling due to the reduced power consumption it requires to operate, while also being able to dissipate large amounts of heat from the small components in servers.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Although pumped two-phase systems as a cooling strategy have existed for multiple decades, sub-optimal component design have hindered the potential efficiencies achievable. This is especially prevalent in the condenser where, in order to meet required metrics, these heat exchangers are commonly oversized due to maldistribution at low vapor qualities and a lack of understanding about the condensation behavior within certain geometries.</p>
<p>Through the work presented in this thesis, the capabilities of an air-cooled microchannel condenser model are explored for future use in optimization studies for data center applications. To perform this research, an investigation into the boundary conditions of these systems and common condenser modeling strategies were carried out. Using this knowledge, a flexible discretized condenser model was developed to capture the behavior of pumped two-phase cooling in data centers under a wide range of operating conditions. In conjunction, an experimental test setup was sized, designed, and constructed to provide validation for the model. Then, using the model, some initial parametric studies were conducted to identify the sensitivity effects of various parameters on overall condenser performance. In this initial study, some favored boundary conditions and geometries were found that both minimize refrigerant pressure drops and maximize heat transfer. For an air-cooled condenser operating with R1234ze(E), these include: refrigerant entering the condenser around 40% quality, operating at moderate refrigerant mass fluxes through the channels (130 - 460 kg/m^2-s), and designing microchannel condenser tubes with many tightly packed square ports. Continued investigation into the contributing parameters of weight in the future using the tools developed in this thesis will lead to further optimized condenser designs and operating conditions.</p>
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Effect of Rivers on Groundwater Temperature in Heterogeneous Buried-Valley Aquifers: Extent, Attenuation, and Phase Lag of Seasonal VariationYoung, Nathan Lee 20 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Dynamic response of a shipping container rack and suspended automotive parts under random excitation: Experimental, Computational and Analytical StudiesRamanathan, Arun Kumar Kumar 28 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Manufacturing Process of Ball BearingsFocusing on Enhancing the Aesthetics of the Outer Surface by Removing the ShiningBandAlsairafi, Abdullah Issa 23 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] A Modelagem de Bacias Sedimentares e Sistemas Petrolíferos (BPSM) integra técnicas sofisticadas das disciplinas de geologia, engenharia e desenvolvimento de software, com o objetivo de mitigar os riscos econômicos da atividade de exploração de hidrocarbonetos. Entretanto, ainda que o processo de formação de bacias sedimentares apresente alta complexidade, envolvendo diversos processos geológicos, a técnica empregada majoritariamente em análises numéricas para representar o comportamento tensãodeformação
das rochas sedimentares consiste em uma lei empírica desenvolvida pelo geofísico Lawrence F. Athy na década de 1930, fundamentada em uma série de simplificações sobre o problema mecânico. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho avalia a capacidade de modelos constitutivos baseados na mecânica do contínuo: elástico, elastoplástico com superfície de escoamento aberta e elastoplástico com superfície de escoamento fechada de representar o comportamento mecânico de rochas sedimentares associado aos processos de deposição e compactação observados na BPSM, usando os dados do modelo empírico de Athy como referência. Após a investigação inicial, os modelos constitutivos são comparados à solução tradicional (Lei de Athy) na representação de outros processos geológicos (erosão, compressão tectônica e extensão tectônica) usando cenários simplificados, com a finalidade de projetar o impacto desse tipo de representação em uma análise convencional de BPSM. / [en] Basin and Petroleum System Modeling integrates sofisticated techniques from the fields of geology, engineering and software development, aiming to mitigate the economic risks presented in the exploration of hydrocarbons. Even though the formation of sedimentary basins presents a high level of complexity, involving several geological processes, the main technique applied to represent the tension-deformation behavior of sedimentary rocks in numerical analyses is an empirical law developed by geophysicist
Lawrence F. Athy in the 1930s, based on a series of simplifications about the mechanical problem. In that context, this work evaluates the capability of constitutive models based on Continuum Mechanics: elastic, elastoplastic with an uncapped yield surface and elastoplastic with a capped yield surface to represent the mechanical behavior of sedimentary rocks associated with the deposition and compaction processes observed in BPSM, using the data from Athy s empirical model as reference. After the initial investigation, the constitutive models are compared to the traditional solution (Athy s Law) in the representation of other geological processes (erosion, tectonic compression and tectonic extension) using simplified scenarios to predict the impact of such models in conventional BPSM analyses.
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Lateral response of stiff column-supported shallow foundationsRivera Rojas, Alfonso Jose 15 May 2019 (has links)
The mechanisms that control the lateral response of stiff column-supported shallow foundations, resulting from the application of horizontal load on shallow foundations supported by stiff columns, are uncertain. Stiff columns constructed in soft clayey soil have been used to support retaining walls and in such cases, the lateral thrust applied behind these geotechnical structures is a source of horizontal loading. For seismic events, stiff columns constructed in soft clayey soil have been used to support shallow foundations subjected to horizontal load coming from the upper structure of buildings. Due to its practical applications, it has become important to understand the consequences of subjecting a shallow foundation supported by stiff columns to horizontal load by identifying the factors that control the lateral response of such systems.
A series of centrifuge tests were carried out to examine the lateral response of stiff column-supported shallow foundations. The experimental trends suggested that the thickness of the coarse-granular mattress placed above the soil-column composite, called the Load Transfer Platform (LTP), controlled the lateral capacity and the overall lateral response of these systems. A numerical study using the finite element method confirmed the experimental trends. A parametric analysis was conducted with the purpose of investigating the influence of different geometry-based and material-based variables in the lateral response of these systems. The results of the parametric analysis further confirmed the importance of the thickness of the LTP in controlling the lateral response. The parametric results also emphasized the contribution of other variables to this lateral response, and these variables included the undrained shear strength of the soft clayey soil around the stiff columns, the stiff column diameter, and the spacing of the stiff columns after they are constructed in the soft clayey soil. / Doctor of Philosophy / Ground improvement is the process of improving the properties of weak soils. In practice, there are several ways to accomplish the ground improvement of weak soils. One way is to use stiff columns. Stiff columns are solid cylinders that are constructed in the weak soil in order to produce a stiff and strong soil-column composite capable of better supporting the square-shaped foundations of structures.
Under horizontal load, there is uncertainty on the factors that control the lateral behavior of the stiff columns when used for the support of the square-shaped foundations of structures. An experimental and numerical approach was used to determine these factors and to understand their influence in the lateral behavior of such systems. The findings showed that the controlling factors of this lateral behavior included the thickness of a sand layer placed above the stiff columns, the diameter of the stiff columns, the spacing of the stiff columns after they are constructed in the weak soil, and the strength of the soil around the stiff columns. These findings will aid in improving the design of stiff columns used for the support of square-shaped foundations of structures subjected to horizontal load.
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[pt] O comportamento geotécnico da barragem de Curuá-Una, Pará,
foi estudado devido à importância que a barragem representa
para a Região Norte do Brasil. A usina hidrelétrica de
Curuá-Una, inaugurada em 1977, está localizada na
Amazônia, próxima à cidade de Santarém. O estudo englobou a
avaliação das condições atuais de operação e a previsão de
desempenho após uma possível elevação de 1,5m do nível do
reservatório, com e sem alteamento simultâneo da crista da
barragem. A elevação do nível do reservatório
possibilitaria o aumento da potência útil da usina,
beneficiando toda a região. Uma ampla campanha de
ensaios geotécnicos foi realizada em amostras indeformadas
dos materiais constituintes da barragem. As amostras de
bloco foram extraídas dos taludes de jusante e montante,
acima do nível freático. O programa experimental incluiu
ensaios de caracterização, permeabilidade, adensamento,
cisalhamento direto, e triaxiais, com diferentes condições
de umidade. A pesquisa envolveu também a análise dos
resultados da instrumentação de campo, composta por
piezômetros instalados no corpo da barragem e na fundação
de material arenoso. Uma surgência da linha freática foi
identificada no talude de jusante, sugerindo um
funcionamento inadequado do filtro vertical. As análises
englobaram simulações numéricas da elevação do nível do
reservatório e da cota da crista da barragem, com o
objetivo de avaliar a deformabilidade do maciço. Foram
também definidos os níveis de alerta referentes à segurança
da barragem, com base em estudos de estabilidade realizados
para diferentes condições de geometria e carregamento. / [en] The geotechnical behavior of Curuá-Una dam, Pará, was
studied due its importance to the North Region of Brazil.
The power plant, in operation since 1977, is located in the
Amazon forest, next to the city of Santarém. The study was
comprised of the evaluation of current operation conditions
of the dam and prediction of its performance after a
possible rise of 1,5m of the level of the reservoir with
and without simultaneous rise of the dam s crest. The rise
of the reservoir would increase the power capacity of Curuá-
Una plant, benefiting the entire region. A comprehensive
program of geotechnical tests was carried out on
undisturbed samples of the dam materials. Block samples
were extracted from the upstream and downstream slopes of
the dam. The experimental program included characterization
tests, permeability, consolidation, direct shear and
triaxial tests, with different saturation conditions. The
research also included the analysis of field
instrumentation results. The instrumentation included
several piezometers, installed in the body of the dam and
in the sandy foundation. A surgency of the freatic line was
identified at the downstream slope, suggesting a
malfunctioning of the vertical filter. The analyses
included numerical simulations of different reservoir and
crest levels, with objective to evaluate the deformability
of the earth embankment. In addition, stability studies for
different geometries and loading conditions were also
carried out. Alert levels regarding the dam s stability were
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[pt] O objetivo desta dissertação foi avaliar os mecanismos de ruptura em solo residual não saturado, nos locais da Comunidade da Prainha e Condomínio do Lago, em Nova Friburgo, após os deslizamentos ocorridos do dia 11 para 12 de janeiro de 2011, evento conhecido como Megadesastre 11 da Serra Fluminense.
Para isso foram realizados ensaios de caracterização física, química e mineralógica, ensaios de permeabilidade in situ e no laboratório, ensaios para a determinação da curva característica e porosimetria de mercúrio. Para a determinação dos parâmetros de resistência foram realizado ensaios de cisalhamento convencional em amostras indeformadas submersas. A partir destes resultados foram realizadas análises numéricas de infiltração e estabilidade com a utilização dos programas Vadose/W e Slope/W ambos do pacote GeoStudio 2007. Os resultados das análises mostraram que as rupturas foram do tipo planar,
ocorrendo na transição do solo maduro para o solo jovem para ambos locais. No caso do Condomínio do Lago verificou-se que a ruptura foi iniciada na base do talude, indicando um movimento de baixo para cima. Na Comunidade da Prainha a ruptura foi iniciada no topo da encosta. Em ambos os casos, ruptura ocorreu em decorrência da infiltração das águas de chuva. / [en] The objective of this dissertation was to assess the failure mechanisms in unsaturated residual soil, in places of Comunidade da Prainha Prainha (Comunity of Prainha) and Condomínio do Lago (Lago Condominium), in Nova Friburgo, after the landslides that occurred from the 11th to 12th of January of 2011. The event is known as Megadesastre 11 da Serra Fluminense. For this, tests of
physical, chemical and mineralogical characterization, in situ permeability tests and the in laboratory, tests to determine the characteristic curve and mercury porosimetry were performed. To determine the strength parameters, were conducted conventional shear tests on submerged soil samples. From these results,
numerical analyzes of infiltration and stability were performed with the use of Vadose/W and Slope/W, both programs of GeoStudio 2007. The analysis results showed that the ruptures were planar, occurring in the transition from the mature soil to the young soil for both locations. In the case of Condomínio do
Lago, the failure surface was located at the base of the slope, indicating a movement from bottom to top. In the Comunidade da Prainha the failure surface was located at the top of the slope. In both cases rupture occurred due to infiltration of the rainwater.
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On the physical drivers of transport processes in Lake Garda: A combined analytical, numerical and observational investigation.Amadori, Marina 07 May 2020 (has links)
This doctoral thesis provides the first comprehensive study on the physical processes controlling hydrodynamics and transport in Lake Garda. The investigation is carried out in parallel on three different levels: data collection and analysis, three-dimensional numerical modeling and theoretical study.
On the first level, data are collected by building up a network of research institutes and local administrations in the lake area. New data are acquired through traditional field campaigns (CTD, thermistor chains, satellite imagery), while a citizen-science approach, based on local knowledge harvesting, is successfully tested to gather qualitative data on surface circulation.
On the second level, a three-dimensional modeling chain is set up, by coupling one-way a mesoscale atmospheric model to a hydrodynamic model. Both models are validated on multiple temporal and spatial scales, allowing to identify the main interactions between the weather forcing and the hydrodynamic response of the lake.
Circulations in Lake Garda are found to be very sensitive to the thermal stratification, to the spatial distribution of the wind forcing and to the Earth’s rotation. Surface cyclonic gyre patterns develop in the lake as a residual outcome of alternating wind forcing of local breezes and differential acceleration induced by Earth’s rotation, whereas unidirectional currents flow under a nearly uniform and constant wind. Both model and observations evidences show that, under weak thermal stratification, Ekman transport activates a secondary circulations in the northern part of the lake, driving surface water to the deep layers and possibly preconditioning the lake for subsequent buoyancy-driven deep mixing events.
On the third level, the relevance of the Coriolis term in the equations of motion for relatively narrow closed basins is analytically addressed. The classical Ekman problem is solved by including the presence of lateral boundaries and a new analytical solution is formulated. The validity of the new solution is proved by numerical tests of idealized domains of different size, geographical location and turbulent regime, and on Lake Garda as a real test case. The meaningful length scales are discussed, and the significance of Rossby radious as a reference horizontal scale is disproved for steady-state circulations driven by wind and planetary rotation.
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