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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Solar hot water production and thermal energy storage using phase change materials (PCMs) for solar air-conditioning applications in Morocco / Production de l’eau chaude solaire et stockage latent par matériaux à changement de phase (MCPs) pour les applications de rafraîchissement solaire au Maroc

Bouhal, Tarik 02 May 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse présente les résultats de recherche, de modélisation et de simulation d'un système de rafraîchissement solaire au Maroc dans le cadre du projet PRSM (Procédés de Rafraîchissement Solaire au Maroc) financé par l'IRESEN (Institut de Recherche en Energie Solaire et Energies Nouvelles). L'objectif est d'étudier les facteurs concernant l'optimisation d'une machine à absorption solaire (LiBr-H2O) sous les conditions marocaines. De plus, un certain nombre de critères de conception, qui peuvent être utilisés par les concepteurs de systèmes de climatisation et de chauffage solaires, ont été établis en tenant compte de considérations énergétiques et économiques. En conséquence, cette thèse couvre quatre aspects. Le premier aspect présente un aperçu de recherche bibliographique sur les technologies solaires, en mettant l'accent sur les systèmes du froid solaire, les processus pertinents existants, l'état du marché, les développements récents des technologies les plus prometteuses et les principaux indicateurs de performance qui figurent dans la littérature. De plus, l'aspect expérimental de l'installation de climatisation solaire adopté dans le projet PRSM a été décrit pour identifier les caractéristiques techniques importantes de l'installation et les difficultés rencontrées lors de la réalisation du prototype. La deuxième dimension concerne la faisabilité technique d'un système de climatisation solaire en se basant sur des indicateurs énergétiques et économiques et prenant en compte les effets combinés des climats, des catégories de bâtiments et des besoins en climatisation dans les conditions marocaines. Le troisième aspect présente le stockage latent de l'énergie thermique utilisant les matériaux à changement de phase (MCPs). Il porte sur l'étude des méthodes numériques utilisées dans la modélisation des phénomènes de changement de phase et se concentre également sur l'ajout des MCPs dans le système de climatisation solaire intégré à l'intérieur du ballon solaire connecté au générateur de la machine à absorption pour évaluer l'amélioration possible du rendement du système. Le quatrième volet de cette thèse présente l'analyse technico-économique et de sensibilité appliquée au développement d'un procédé solaire combiné d'eau chaude sanitaire, chauffage et climatisation au Maroc. L'analyse globale via une généralisation des résultats au niveau national a été réalisée en complément d'une analyse de sensibilité liée à l'investissement dans ces systèmes afin d'évaluer le potentiel de remplacement des technologies traditionnelles par les systèmes solaires et les gains éventuels liés à leur implantation au Maroc. / This thesis reports the results of research into the modeling and simulation of a solar air-conditioning system for Morocco in the framework of the project SCPM (Solar Cooling Process in Morocco) funded by IRESEN (Research Institute for Solar Energy and New Energies). The aim is to investigate the factors concerning the optimization of a LiBr-H2O solar absorption chiller under Moroccan conditions. Further, a number of design criteria, which can be used by designers of solar cooling and heating systems, have been established using energy and economic considerations. Accordingly, this thesis covers four aspects. The first overviews the literature survey on solar technologies with a focus on solar cooling systems which reports the relevant processes, summarizes the market status, presents the recent developments of the most promising technologies and describes the main performance indicators figuring in the literature. Moreover, the experimental aspect of the solar air-conditioning installation adopted in the SCPM project was described to identify the important technical characteristics of the installation and the difficulties encountered during the realization of the prototype. The second dimension concerns the technical feasibility of solar air-conditioning system using energy and economic indicators taking into account the combined effects of climates, building categories and cooling demands under Moroccan conditions. The third aspect presents the latent thermal energy storage using Phase Change Materials (PCMs). It concerns the investigation of numerical methods used in the modeling of phase change phenomena and also focuses on PCMs addition in the solar cooling process integrated inside solar storage tank connected to the generator of the absorption chiller to evaluate the possible enhancement in the system efficiency. The fourth aspect of this thesis outlines the technico-economic and sensitivity analysis applied to the development of a combined processes of solar DHW, heating and air-conditioning in Morocco. The overall analysis via a generalization of the results to the national level was carried out in addition to a sensitivity analysis related to the investment in these systems in order to assess the potential of replacing traditional technologies with the solar systems and the possible earnings related to their implementation in Morocco.

Simulação de fluxo de água e transporte de solutos na zona não-saturada do solo pelo método de elementos finitos adaptativo / Simulation of water flow and solute transport in the unsaturated zone of the soil by adaptative finite element method

Pizarro, Maria de Lourdes Pimentel 02 October 2009 (has links)
Devido aos riscos de contaminação dos recursos naturais solo e água, ao alto custo, ao tempo e ao esforço humano nas investigações de campo, os modelos matemáticos, aliados às técnicas numéricas e aos avanços computacionais, constituem uma ferramenta importante na previsão do deslocamento de solutos, contribuindo assim, para o controle de alterações ambientais. No Brasil, a modelação de fluxo e transporte de solutos na zona não-saturada é voltada, quase que exclusivamente, aos problemas relacionados às atividades agrícolas. Entretanto, tão importante quanto a problemática dos produtos químicos nas atividades agrícolas é a questão de poluição e contaminação do solo e da água por chorume, gerado pelos resíduos sólidos domiciliares. Neste trabalho, é desenvolvido e validado um modelo computacional unidimensional para simulação de fluxo e transporte de solutos na zona não-saturada do solo. O modelo matemático é dado pela equação diferencial parcial não-linear de Richards, que rege o movimento de água no solo, e a equação diferencial parcial linear de advecção-dispersão, do transporte de solutos, acompanhadas das condições iniciais e de contorno. A equação de Richards é dada em função do potencial matricial da água e a equação de transporte de solutos estima a evolução temporal da concentração de solutos no perfil do solo. Devido à dificuldade de se obter soluções analíticas destas equações, são resolvidas numericamente pelo método de elementos finitos. As referidas equações são resolvidas utilizando-se malhas uniformes inicialmente. Com a finalidade de obter simulações mais eficientes, a um custo computacional reduzido, é empregada a adaptatividade com refinamento h na malha de elementos finitos. A função interpolação polinomial utilizada é de grau 2 ou maior que garante a conservação de massa. Na equação de Richards, a derivada temporal é aproximada por um quociente de diferença finita e é aplicado o esquema de Euler explícito e na equação de advecção-dispersão, é aproximada por um quociente de diferença finita, aplicando-se o esquema de Euler implícito, devido à linearidade da equação. O sistema operacional é o Linux Ubuntu 32 bits, o ambiente de programação é o PZ, escrito em linguagem de programação C++. Na validação do modelo, utilizam-se dados disponíveis na literatura. Os resultados são comparados, utilizando-se malhas uniformes e malhas adaptativas com refinamento h. Usando-se as malhas uniformes para o problema de Richards e de transporte de potássio, o tempo de execução é de 22 minutos e a memória utilizada de 6164 Kb. Com as malhas adaptadas, o tempo de execução é de 3 minutos e 27 segundos, consumindo 5876 Kb de memória. Houve, portanto, uma redução de 84,32% no tempo de execução, usando-se malhas adaptativas. A utilização da função interpolação polinomial de grau 2 ou maior e o refinamento h, permitem uma boa concordância do modelo na comparação com soluções disponíveis na literatura. / Due to the risks of contamination of soil and water resources, the high cost, time and human effort in the field investigations, the mathematical models, combined with numerical techniques and computational advances, are important tools in forecasting the movement of solutes thereby contributing to the control of environmental alteration. In Brazil, modeling of flow and solute transport in the unsaturated zone is focused, almost exclusively, on problems related to agricultural activities. However, as important as the problematical of chemicals products in agricultural activities is the issue of pollution and contamination of soil and water by leachate, generated by municipal solid wastes. In this work, an one-dimensional computational model for simulation of flow and solute transport in the unsaturated soil has been developed and validated. The mathematical model is given by the Richards\'s non-linear partial differential equation, which determines the movement of water in the soil, and the advection-dispersion linear partial differential equation, of the solute transport, together with initial and boundary conditions. The Richards equation is a function of the water pressure head and the solute transport equation estimate the temporal evolution of the solutes concentration in the soil profile. Due to the difficulty of obtaining analytical solutions of these equations, they are solved numerically using the finite element method. The governing equations are solved using initially a uniform mesh. In order to obtain more efficient simulations with low computational cost, adaptativity with h refinement on the finite element mesh is implemented. The interpolation function is of degree two or higher, assuring mass conservation. In Richards\' equation, the temporal derivative is approximated by Euler explicit finite difference. For the advection-dispersion equation, due to the linearity of the equation, an implicit finite difference scheme is used. The code is written in the programming language C++ based on the programming environment PZ using operating system Linux Ubuntu 32 bit. Model results are validated in comparison with data available in the literature. The results are evaluated using uniform meshes and with h refinement adaptive mesh. Using the uniform meshes for the problem of Richards and transport of potassium, the running time is 22 minutes and 6164 Kb of memory is used. With the adapted meshes, the execution time is 3 minutes and 27 seconds, consuming 5,876 Kb of memory. Therefore there was a reduction of 84.32% in execution time, using adaptive meshes. The interpolation function with degree two or higher and the h refinement, with reduction of the computation time, showed a good agreement in comparison with the literature.

Análise numérica do efeito de instalação de ancoragens helicoidais em areia / Numerical analysis of the installation effect on helical anchors in sand

Agudelo Pérez, Zorany 03 April 2017 (has links)
O uso de fundações por estacas helicoidais tem aumentado consideravelmente nos últimos anos, devido às suas vantagens comparadas a outros tipos de fundação, como a sua rápida instalação e sua capacidade de resistir simultaneamente a esforços de tração e de compressão. No entanto, os métodos de previsão do comportamento deste tipo de fundação submetida a esforços de tração (denominadas ancoragens helicoidais neste caso), ainda são insatisfatórios, e normalmente são observadas discrepâncias entre os resultados estimados por métodos teóricos e medidos em provas de carga. Entre outras razões, estas diferenças ocorrem principalmente pelo fato dos efeitos da instalação destas ancoragens no solo não serem considerados nos métodos de previsão disponíveis. No momento da instalação, os parâmetros do solo atravessado são modificados, e como é o volume de solo alterado que deve resistir ao carregamento da ancoragem sob tração, é essencial entender e quantificar este efeito de instalação para uma previsão adequada da capacidade de carga deste tipo de ancoragem. Para contribuir com o entendimento deste efeito, no presente trabalho foram realizadas simulações numéricas com o software FLAC3D, para se conhecer as modificações ocorridas no solo devido à instalação de uma ancoragem helicoidal em areia compacta. Para este fim, na simulação do solo penetrado pela hélice, foram reduzidos os valores de ângulo de atrito e do módulo de elasticidade da areia. O modelo foi validado por meio da comparação com a curva carga-deslocamento obtida experimentalmente em ensaios realizados em centrifuga. Após o ajuste do modelo numérico, foi realizada uma análise paramétrica com o objetivo de investigar o efeito da instalação no fator de capacidade de carga (Nq). Por meio da análise paramétrica também foram avaliados o deslocamento da ancoragem sob carga máxima e as tensões horizontais atuantes na superfície de ruptura. Os resultados estimados de Nq foram comparados com estudos anteriores, e mostraram um bom ajuste com resultados de provas de carga in situ e em centrifuga. Além disso, o estudo paramétrico indicou que as tensões horizontais atuantes na zona de ruptura são distribuídas em forma de tronco de cone, e variam de acordo com o diâmetro da hélice. / The use of helical foundations has increased considerably in recent years due to its advantages compared to other types of foundations, such as rapid installation and the capacity of resisting tensile and compressive loads. However, the methods normally used to predict the behavior of this type of foundation under tensile loads (called helical anchors in this case), are still unsatisfactory, and discrepancies are usually observed between the results estimated by theoretical methods and measured in load tests. Among other reasons, these differences occur mainly because the effects of helical anchor installation in the soil are not considered in the available predicting methods. During installation, the parameters of the soil penetrated are modified, and since it is this disturbed soil volume that must support the loading of the anchor under tension, it is essential to understand and quantify this installation effect for an adequate prediction of the uplift capacity of this type anchor. In order to contribute to the understanding of this effect, in the present work numerical simulations with the software FLAC3D were performed to evaluate the modifications occurred in the soil due to the installation of a helical anchor in dense sand. For this purpose, in the simulation of the soil penetrated by the helices, the values of friction angle and modulus of elasticity of the sand were reduced. The model was validated by means of the comparison with a load-displacement curve obtained experimentally in centrifuge model tests. After adjusting the numerical model, a parametric analysis was carried out to investigate the effect of the installation on the breakout factor (Nq). The parametric analyses were also used to investigate the anchor displacement at the peak load and the horizontal stresses acting on the failure surface. The estimated Nq values were compared with previous studies, and showed a good agreement with experimental results obtained by field and centrifuge tests. Additionally, the parametric study indicated that the horizontal stresses acting on the failure zone are distributed in the shape of a truncated cone, and vary with the helix diameter.

Avaliação geológico-geotécnica da área do lixão de Poços de Caldas (MG): problemas ambientais, modelagem de fluxo e de transporte de poluentes e medidas de remediação / not available

Palma, Janaina Barrios 20 April 1999 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta os resultados obtidos na avaliação dos problemas ambientais relacionados a lixiviação de poluentes do lixão próximo ao Ribeirão dos Moinhos na cidade de Poços de Caldas (MG). O estudo considera as características geológicas - geotécnicas e climáticas da área e os vários tipos de técnicas de \"cleanup\". O software Visual Modflow foi usado para desenvolver simulações em termos de fluxo de água subsuperficial e de transporte de poluentes. / This work presents the results obtained from assessment of the environment problems related to the pollutant lixiviation from the urban wastes disposed near the Moinho River in Poços de Caldas (MG) city. The study considered the geological - geotechnical and climatic characteristics of the area and the main kinds of cleanup techniques. The software Visual Modflow were used to developed the simulation in terms of groundwater flow and pollutant transport.

Numerical modeling of dry wear : Experimental study of fretting wear, fretting wear simulations with debris entrapped and industrial applications of fretting wear models / Modélisation numérique de l'usure à sec : Étude expérimentale de l'usure de fretting, simulations d'usure par frottement avec des applications de débris piégés et industrielles de modèles d'usure de fretting

Done, Vamshidhar 15 December 2017 (has links)
De nombreux modèles numériques sont proposés dans la littérature en utilisant des méthodes d'éléments finis et d'éléments finis discrets pour étudier l'usure par frottement, ils incluent à peine l'effet des débris d'usure. Ces modèles étant coûteux en termes de calcul, simuler un grand nombre de cycles d'usure par frottement n'est pas réalisable dans la pratique. Une nouvelle méthodologie est proposée qui ne nécessite que des propriétés de matériau en vrac comme les coefficients de frottement / usure et utilise des méthodes semi-analytiques pour simuler l'usure par frottement avec des débris piégés. Dans cette approche, les débris sont supposés être attachés à l'une des surfaces pendant le processus de fretting. Les résultats obtenus à partir de cette approche ont été comparés avec des expériences de fretting. La méthode proposée permet de saisir la profondeur d'usure et la largeur des cicatrices, et les résultats sont très proches de ceux observés dans les expériences. L'assemblage des soupapes des moteurs à combustion subit une usure par frottement en raison d'un phénomène complexe impliquant une rigidité structurelle et une tribologie de contact. L'usure des soupapes a de nombreux effets néfastes sur les performances du moteur. Il provoque une récession de la soupape entraînant des changements dans les connexions du mécanisme d'entraînement de la soupape, ce qui perturbe l'ouverture et la fermeture des soupapes. Avec des normes d'émission strictes, l'utilisation de lubrifiant pour réduire la friction au contact est limitée. Si l'usure à travers la circonférence n'est pas uniforme, il y aura une fuite de gaz et le moteur donne moins de puissance. Il est nécessaire de bien comprendre la raison de l'usure des soupapes et de développer un modèle numérique capable de prédire l'usure par frottement de la soupape pour le nombre d'heures de fonctionnement donné. Des expériences ont été réalisées pour comprendre le mécanisme d'usure et calculer les coefficients d'usure qui peuvent être utilisés dans le modèle numérique. Un modèle d'usure numérique est construit qui capture la rigidité structurelle de l'ensemble de soupape et le mécanisme d'usure au contact du siège. / Many numerical models are proposed in the literature using finite element and finite discrete element methods to study fretting wear, they barely include the effect of wear debris. These models being computationally expensive, simulating large number of fretting wear cycles is not practically feasible. A new methodology is proposed which needs only bulk material properties like friction/wear coefficients and uses semi-analytical methods to simulate fretting wear with entrapped debris. In this approach, debris are assumed to be attached to one of the surfaces during the fretting process. The results obtained from this approach were compared with fretting experiments. The proposed method permits to capture the wear depth and scar width, and results are very close to that observed in the experiments. Valve assembly of combustion engines undergo fretting wear due to a complex phenomenon involving structural stiffness and contact tribology. Valve wear has many detrimental effects on the engine performance. It causes valve recession leading to changes in connections of valve drive train in turn disturbing the opening and closing of valves. With stringent emission norms, usage of lubricant to reduce friction at the contact is restricted. If the wear across the circumference is not uniform, there will be leakage of gas and the engine gives lesser power output. There is a need to thoroughly understand the reason for valve wear and develop a numerical model that can predict valve fretting wear for the given number of operating hours. Experiments were performed to understand the wear mechanism and derive wear coefficients that can be used in the numerical model. A numerical wear model is built that captures structural stiffness of the valve assembly and wear mechanism at seat contact.

Étude expérimentale et modélisation numérique d'un système de climatisation multi-évaporateurs pour véhicule électrifié / Experimental study and numerical modeling of a multi evaporator air conditionning system for electrified vehicle

Gillet, Thomas 22 June 2018 (has links)
Avec l’avènement des véhicules hybrides rechargeables, voire tout électrique et la nécessité d’une augmentation de l’autonomie et de l’énergie volumique des batteries de traction, leur refroidissement au cours du roulage devient nécessaire pour garantir leur fiabilité et leur durabilité. Pour ces véhicules, le système de production de froid peut avoir à alimenter deux évaporateurs pour la climatisation de l’habitacle (Climatisation au rang 1 et rang 2) ainsi qu’un refroidisseur de liquide pour le refroidissement de la batterie de traction. Ce type de système de réfrigération multi-évaporateur présente un certain nombre de verrous technologiques qu’il convient de lever liés au dimensionnement des éléments dans un contexte de réduction de la charge en fluide frigorigène et au contrôle - commande de tels systèmes. Dans les systèmes de climatisation multi-évaporateurs, la pression d’évaporation est sensiblement égale dans chaque évaporateur de telle manière que leur fonctionnement est couplé dynamiquement. Cependant, la demande en puissance frigorifique et les consignes de température de l’air soufflée et de l’eau peuvent varier d’un évaporateur à l’autre. Le détendeur devient alors un composant clé et son fonctionnement doit être étudié. Pour ces raisons, un banc d’essais expérimental a été créé pour étudier ce type de climatisation multi-évaporateurs en régime stabilisé et en régime transitoire. Des détendeurs thermostatique et électronique ont été montés en parallèle sur chaque évaporateur afin de pouvoir étudier leur impact sur le système. Une fois les différents bilans réalisés, les résultats expérimentaux sont exploités pour caractériser l’ensemble des composants avec le nouveau fluide frigorigène R-1234yf. Les phénomènes de mauvaise distribution du fluide frigorigène dans l’évaporateur ainsi que de l’évaporateur endormi sont également étudiés. Dans un second temps, à partir des résultats expérimentaux, un modèle numérique et dynamique du climatiseur a été réalisé avec le logiciel LMS Imagine Lab Amesim® 1D. Après avoir validé indépendamment chacun des composants, le système est validé sur une série de points de fonctionnement en régime stationnaire. Le modèle est ensuite exploité afin d’étudier diverses lois de contrôle permettant l’optimisation du fonctionnement. / With the arrival of plug-in hybrid and fully electrified vehicles, the air-conditioning system has to be reconsidered. Battery cooling management system and high level of comfort for passengers make the single evaporator air-conditioning system a multi-evaporator one. In a multi-evaporator air-conditioning system, evaporating pressures are equal in each evaporator so that evaporators are coupled dynamically. However, the demand in cooling capacity and temperature target can vary from each other. For an operating point with a first evaporator working at high load and a second at low partial load, thermal interaction can occur from the superheated refrigerant coming from a first evaporator to the outlet of a second evaporator. This phenomenon makes the second evaporator sleeping since its expansion valve bulb misreads the superheat and closes. Furthermore, sleeping evaporator looks like an extreme case of refrigerant maldistribution in the evaporator. Refrigerant maldistribution is then investigated to show some drawbacks and advantages multi-evaporator air-conditioning systems (MEAC) have to face or can benefit by comparing two types of expansion valve: thermostatic and electronic ones. In this paper, sleeping evaporator and refrigerant maldistribution phenomena are experimentally investigated in order to propose in the future a robust control of an automotive MEAC. A test bench was built to compare two types of expansion valves (thermostatic/electronic) and study their behaviours in steady and transient state to tackle sleeping evaporators and benefit from refrigerant maldistribution. An automotive multi-evaporator air conditioning system, which is composed of two evaporators and a secondary fluid cooler, was modeled using the LMS Imagine.Lab Amesim® 1D software. The present study focuses on understanding the dynamic coupling of the several loop components such as the three evaporators having different cooling capacities. This kind of multi-evaporator air-conditioning system has a number of technological barriers that must be overcome. Understanding the behavior of their respective expansion devices and the choice of these latter is also essential to control properly the transient phase and ensure an optimal operation of the air-conditioning system. In order to study the behavior of the loop, step disturbances were simulated on an operating point at medium and high load. The impact of these disturbances on the stability of the supplied cooled air temperature is analyzed for two types of expansion valve. Initial results show that the thermostatic expansion valves can cause instabilities. Furthermore, the electronic expansion valves have to be regulated with an advanced control in order to use their full potential and to try to achieve desired results.

Metodologia de projeto de atuador eletromagnético linear para sistemas de suspensão semiativa e ativa

Eckert, Paulo Roberto January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia de projeto de atuadores eletromagnéticos lineares inovadora para aplicação em sistemas de suspensão semiativa e ativa. A metodologia, apresentada na forma de fluxograma, define critérios para determinar os requisitos de força e curso que um atuador deve desenvolver considerando um sistema mecânico vibratório com um grau de liberdade com excitação harmônica de base quando o método de controle skyhook é aplicado. Um atuador eletromagnético linear de bobina móvel com duplo arranjo de quase-Halbach que apresenta elevada densidade de força, reduzida massa móvel, ausência de força de relutância e baixa ondulação de força é definido como estudo de caso. Um modelo numérico parametrizado em elementos finitos do comportamento eletromagnético de um passo polar do dispositivo é criado e analisado, considerando restrições dimensionais, com os objetivos de projeto definidos como: elevada densidade de força e reduzida ondulação de força com acionamento brushless CA. Com base no modelo de um passo polar do dispositivo, define-se o volume ativo que o mesmo deve apresentar e, a partir deste, todas as dimensões são definidas de forma a atender os requisitos de projeto. Uma vez definidas as dimensões do atuador com base no modelo eletromagnético, realiza-se a modelagem térmica numérica que permite avaliar qual a máxima densidade de corrente elétrica aplicável de forma que a temperatura, estipulada como máxima, nos enrolamentos não seja excedida. Ainda, a distribuição térmica permite determinar a temperatura de operação dos ímãs permanentes que têm curva de operação dependente da temperatura. A partir dos resultados da simulação térmica e do modelo eletromagnético para um passo polar, realizou-se o acoplamento eletromagnético-térmico por meio da correção das propriedades dos ímãs permanentes e aplicando uma densidade de corrente eficaz dependente das dimensões do modelo parametrizado. O modelo acoplado é simulado e analisado, de modo que as dimensões finais do atuador podem ser obtidas atendendo aos mesmos objetivos de projeto previamente mencionados, respeitando os limites de operação térmica. Adicionalmente, são apresentados modelos analíticos do comportamento eletromagnético e térmico do atuador que podem servir de base para implementação da metodologia proposta, se esta for baseada em modelos analíticos, e podem futuramente ser empregados para a aplicação de otimização matemática do dispositivo. Por fim, um protótipo do dispositivo é construído de forma a validar a metodologia proposta. Com este protótipo são realizados ensaios de densidade de fluxo magnético no entreferro, tensão induzida a vazio, força estática e ensaio dinâmicos com o dispositivo instalado em uma bancada de testes de vibrações controladas desenvolvida durante o projeto. Os resultados mostram a eficácia da metodologia proposta, uma vez que os resultados experimentais mostraram boa concordância com os resultados esperados. / This work presents an innovative linear electromagnetic actuator design methodology for application in semi-active and active suspension systems. The methodology, synthesized in a flowchart, sets criteria to determine requirements such as axial force and stroke that an actuator should develop considering a vibration system with one degree of freedom with harmonic base excitation when the skyhook control method is applied. A linear moving-coil electromagnetic actuator with dual quasi-Halbach arrays of permanent magnets that presents high force density, low moving-mass, no reluctance force and low force ripple is defined as a case study. A finite element numerical parameterized model that describes the electromagnetic behavior of one pole pitch of the device is created and analyzed, considering dimensional constraints, with the design objectives defined as: high force density and low ripple of force with brushless AC drive. Based on the model of one pole pitch of the device the active volume and all dimensions are defined in order to meet the design requirements. Once the actuator dimensions are defined, based on the electromagnetic model, a numerical thermal model was constructed, which allows to evaluate the maximum applicable electric current density so that the maximum temperature at the windings is not exceeded. Furthermore, the thermal distribution gives the operating temperature of the permanent magnets, which present performance highly dependent on temperature. With the results of the thermal simulation, the electromagnetic-thermal coupling is performed by correcting permanent magnet properties and by applying a parametric-dependent effective current density. The coupled model is simulated and analyzed so that the final dimensions of the actuator can be obtained with the same design objectives previously mentioned, while respecting thermal operating limits. In addition, the work presents analytical models of the electromagnetic and thermal behavior of the actuator that can be the basis for implementation of the proposed methodology, if it is based on analytical models, and can further be used for the application of mathematical optimization of the device. Finally, a prototype was built to validate the proposed method. Measurements were carried out to assess magnetic flux density in the air gap, open-circuit induced voltage, static force and dynamic tests with the device installed in a test bench that was developed during this work. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed method since experimental results have shown good agreement with the expected results.

Modélisation de l'apport d'énergie par combustibles alternatifs dans les fours tournants de production de ciment / Modeling of the energy input by alternative fuels in cement rotary kiln

Mungyeko Bisulandu, Baby-Jean Robert 06 March 2018 (has links)
En raison de l'épuisement des combustibles fossiles et en raison de son coût croissant, les déchets ont été utilisés comme combustibles alternatifs dans les fours rotatifs à ciment pendant plusieurs années. Afin de répondre aux exigences de protection de l'environnement et de qualité du produit final, il est nécessaire de comprendre et de quantifier les différents processus intervenant dans le four. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à la substitution partielle des déchets (pneus usés et Refuse Derived Fuel « RDF ») et biomasse (résidus d’agriculture) dans les fours tournants de production de ciment à un taux de 50 % d’apport énergétique. Le présent projet de thèse a été financé par la République Démocratique Congo, porté par l’Université Kongo (UK), dans le cadre du renfoncement des capacités des universités congolaises. Les travaux de recherche ont été réalisés au sein du Laboratoire de Thermique, Energétique et Procédés (LaTEP) de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure en Génie de Technologies Industrielles (ENSGTI)/Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (France), dans le but d’étudier et de comprendre les phénomènes thermochimiques se déroulant dans les fours tournants de production de ciments, dans le cas de substitution partielle des combustibles fossiles par des combustibles alternatifs. Pour cela, un modèle mathématique à deux sous-modèles a été établi : - Le modèle monodimensionnel stationnaire du lit de solides et de l’enveloppe du four, caractérisé dans sa première partie par le mélange de la farine de ciment, de déchets et/ou biomasse, et de gaz, et alors que dans sa deuxième partie par les échanges thermiques. Le travail de modélisation est effectué à l'aide du langage de programmation Fortran 90 dans lequel sont implémentées les équations de conservations de la masse, des espèces et de l’énergie, l’équation de transport de la charge, ainsi que les équations algébriques. - Le modèle tridimensionnel instationnaire, repose sur l’utilisation de la mécanique des fluides numérique, et l’outil commercial Fluent a été retenu pour représenter les processus se déroulant au-dessus de la surface libre du lit.Le modèle complet est le couplage entre les deux sous modèles, étant donné les échanges qui s’y effectuent.Deux grands groupes de simulations ont été réalisés dans cette thèse : le cas monodimensionnel et le cas global (couplage Modèle 1D-Modèle 3D). Dans les deux situations, les simulations ont été effectuées dans le cas de fonctionnement au fuel lourd seul, puis dans celui du fonctionnement avec substitution partielle du combustible fossile par les combustibles alternatifs. Pour le modèle monodimensionnel, les simulations ont été effectuées en imposant les flux de chaleur dans la surface libre du lit et dans la paroi découverte. Alors que pour le modèle global, les simulations ont été effectuées en considérant les densités de flux de chaleur associées aux phénomènes physico-chimiques (combustion du fuel lourd, rayonnement, turbulence) se déroulant dans le volume de gaz situé au-dessus de la surface libre du lit.Les résultats ainsi obtenus nous ont permis de conclure sur l’importance de mener en amont une étude expérimentale dans un four tournant à l’échelle pilote afin de pouvoir disposer des ordres de grandeur des différents flux de chaleur au sein du four tournant. Les résultats obtenus nous ont également permis de nous rendre compte de la nécessité de disposer de la géométrie exacte (emplacement) du brûleur dans le four tournant. / Because of the depletion of fossil fuels and because of its increasing cost, waste has been used as alternative fuels in cement rotary kilns for several years. In order to fulfill the requirements of environmental protection and quality of the final product, it is necessary to understand and quantify the different processes occurring in the kiln.As part of this thesis, we focused on the partial substitution of waste (used tires and Refuse Derived Fuel "RDF") and biomass (agricultural residues) in rotary kilns producing cement at a rate of 50 % of energy supply. This thesis project was funded by the Democratic Republic of Congo, led by Kongo University (UK), as part of the capacity building of Congolese universities. The research work was carried out within the Laboratory of Thermal, Energy and Processes (LaTEP) of the National School of Engineering in Industrial Technologies (ENSGTI) /University of Pau, with the aim of to study and understand the thermochemical phenomena taking place in rotary kilns for the production of cement, in the case of partial substitution of fossil fuels by alternative fuels. For this, a mathematical model with two sub-models has been established:- The stationary one-dimensional model of the bed of solids and furnace casing, characterized in its first part by the mixing of cement flour, waste and / or biomass, and gas, and while in its second part by thermal exchanges. The modeling work is performed using the Fortran 90 programming language in which the conservation equations for mass, species and energy, the load transport equation, and the algebraic equations are implemented.- The unsteady three-dimensional model relies on the use of digital fluid mechanics, and the Fluent commercial tool has been retained to represent the processes taking place above the free surface of the bed.The complete model is the coupling between the two sub models, because of the exchanges that take place there.Two large groups of simulations have been realized in this thesis: the one-dimensional case and the global case (Model 1D-3D model coupling). In both situations, the simulations were carried out in the case of operation with heavy fuel oil alone, then in the case of operation with partial substitution of the fossil fuel by alternative fuels. For the one-dimensional model, the simulations were performed by imposing the heat flux in the free surface of the bed and in the exposed wall. Whereas for the global model, the simulations were performed considering the heat flux densities associated with physico-chemical phenomena (combustion of heavy fuel oil, radiation, turbulence) taking place in the volume of gas located above the free surface of the bed.The results thus obtained allowed us to conclude on the importance of carrying out an experimental study in a pilot scale furnace in order to be able to have orders of magnitude of the different heat flows within the rotating furnace. The results obtained also allowed us to realize the necessity to model the exact geometry (location) of the burner in the rotary kiln.

Méthodologie de traitement et d'analyse de signaux expérimentaux d'émission acoustique : application au comportement d'un élément combustible en situation accidentelle / Methodology of treatment and analysis of experimental acoustic emission signals : application to the behavior of a fuel element in accident situation

Traore, Oumar Issiaka 15 January 2018 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer à l’amélioration du processus de dépouillement d’essais de sûreté visant étudier le comportement d'un combustible nucléaire en contexte d’accident d’injection de réactivité (RIA), via la technique de contrôle par émission acoustique. Il s’agit notamment d’identifier clairement les mécanismes physiques pouvant intervenir au cours des essais à travers leur signature acoustique. Dans un premier temps, au travers de calculs analytiques et des simulation numériques conduites au moyen d’une méthode d’éléments finis spectraux, l’impact du dispositif d’essais sur la propagation des ondes est étudié. Une fréquence de résonance du dispositif est identifiée. On établit également que les mécanismes basses fréquences ne sont pas impactés par le dispositif d'essais. En second lieu, diverses techniques de traitement du signal (soustraction spectrale, analyse spectrale singulière, ondelettes. . . ) sont expérimentées, afin de proposer des outils permettant de traiter différent types de bruit survenant lors des essais RIA. La soustraction spectrale s’avère être la méthode la plus robuste aux changements de nature du bruit, avec un fort potentiel d’amélioration du rapport signal-à-bruit. Enfin, des méthodes d’analyse de données multivariées et d’analyse de données fonctionnelles ont été appliquées, afin de proposer un algorithme de classification statistique permettant de mieux comprendre la phénoménologie des accidents de type RIA et d’identifier les mécanismes physiques. Selon l’approche (multivariée ou fonctionnelle), les algorithmes obtenus permettent de reconnaître le mécanisme associé à une salve dans plus de 80% des cas. / The objective of the thesis is to contribute to the improvement of the monitoring process of nuclear safety experiments dedicated to study the behavior of the nuclear fuel in a reactivity initiated accident (RIA) context, by using the acoustic emission technique. In particular, we want to identify the physical mechanisms occurring during the experiments through their acoustic signatures. Firstly, analytical derivations and numerical simulations using the spectral finite element method have been performed in order to evaluate the impact of the wave travelpath in the test device on the recorded signals. A resonant frequency has been identified and it has been shown that the geometry and the configuration of the test device may not influence the wave propagation in the low frequency range. Secondly, signal processing methods (spectral subtraction, singular spectrum analysis, wavelets,…) have been explored in order to propose different denoising strategies according to the type of noise observed during the experiments. If we consider only the global SNR improvement ratio, the spectral subtraction method is the most robust to changes in the stochastic behavior of noise. Finally, classical multivariate and functional data analysis tools are used in order to create a machine learning algorithm dedicated to contribute to a better understanding of the phenomenology of RIA accidents. According to the method (multivariate or functional), the obtained algorithms allow to identify the mechanisms in more than 80 % of cases.

Análise numérica de uma tubulação enterrada submetida a carregamentos móveis / Numerical analysis of a buried pipe under live loads

Angelo, Rafaela Machado de 15 February 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre o comportamento de tubos metálicos enterrados, submetidos ao carregamento móvel de um veículo. Foram realizadas análises numéricas utilizando o método de elementos finitos para o cálculo da tensão vertical no solo, momento fletor, tensão normal e deformação diametral vertical do tubo. Foram analisados 630 modelos, obtidos da variação das características do solo (módulo de elasticidade) com o objetivo de representar diferentes níveis de compactação do solo, características do tubo (espessura da parede do tubo) e da altura da camada de recobrimento do solo. O programa utilizado nas análises numéricas foi o SIGMA/W do pacote Geostudio. Os resultados encontrados apontam que as maiores tensões no solo, momentos, tensões normais e deformações no tubo ocorrem devido ao carregamento móvel quando este se localiza exatamente acima do tubo. Observou-se que o aumento da espessura da camada de solo que recobre a tubulação causa uma diminuição de 15% a 55% das tensões verticais no solo, momentos fletores, tensões normais e deformações no tubo. Foram desenvolvidas equações para o cálculo das deformações para os casos estudados. Foi também desenvolvido um procedimento para a moldagem de corpos de prova de areia no estado fofo (índice de vazios máximo) para realização de ensaios triaxiais. / This paper presents a study on the behavior of buried metal pipes, subjected to the vehicle live load. Numerical analysis using the finite element method to calculate the vertical stress were made on the ground, bending moment, normal stress and diametral vertical pipe deformation. 630 models were analyzed, obtained from the variation of the soil characteristics (modulus) in order to represent different levels of soil compaction, the pipe characteristics (thickness of the pipe wall) and the height of the soil cover layer. The program used in numerical analysis was the SIGMA/W Geostudio package. The results show that the highest stresses on the ground moments, normal stresses and strains in the tube occur due to live loading when it is located just above the tube. It was observed that increasing the thickness of the layer of soil covering the pipe causes a decrease from 15% to 55% of the vertical tensions in the ground, bending moments, normal stress and strain on the pipe. Equations were developed to calculate the deformations in the cases studied. It has also developed a procedure for molding sand specimens into the soft state (maximum void ratio) to perform triaxial tests.

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