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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um estudo sobre a máquina Torus

Loureiro, Luiz Tiaraju dos Reis January 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta as características básicas de uma máquina elétrica com fluxo axial, ímãs permanentes, rotor duplo e estator com enrolamentos toroidais montado entre os rotores. A máquina foi construída no Laboratório de Máquinas Elétricas, Acionamentos e Energia da Escola de Engenharia da UFRGS. O trabalho contém modelos analíticos para as induções magnéticas dos ímãs permanentes e dos enrolamentos de armadura. A partir dos modelos foram desenvolvidas expressões para o cálculo de forças eletromotrizes e de conjugados, sendo utilizado um software de matemática simbólica para realização dos cálculos. É apresentada uma comparação entre os resultados obtidos através do modelo analítico e os resultados obtidos por simulação numérica. Alguns resultados são comparados também com valores experimentais. As expressões para o cálculo de conjugado desenvolvido pela máquina serão detalhadas em uma etapa posterior. Foi obtida uma razoável coerência entre os dados comparados. / This work presents the basic features of an axial flux, permanent magnet, double rotor and toroidal windings mounted between the rotors. The machine was built in the Laboratory of Electrical Machines, Drives and energy of the School of Engineering of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. The work contains analytical models of permanent magnets and armature windings magnetic inductions. Based in models, expressions of electromotive forces and torques were derived. The calculations were performed with a symbolical mathematical software. It is presented a comparison between results obtained with analytical model and results of the numerical simulation. Some comparisons include experimental results. The expressions of machine torque will be detailed in a next phase. The compared results present an acceptable conformity.

Modélisation des propriétés thermomécaniques effectives de dépôts élaborés par projection thermique / Modelling of the effective thermomechanical properties of thermal spray coatings

QiAO, Jianghao 20 September 2012 (has links)
Dans la présente étude, la conductivité thermique et le module d'élasticité de revêtementsd’YPSZ élaborés par projection plasma ont été prédits par modélisations numériques 2D et3D de type différences finies et éléments finis.L'influence de la résolution d'image, de la taille et de la valeur du seuil sur les propriétésprédites du revêtement a été étudiée. En outre, les effets de la méthode numérique et du typede condition aux limites ont été étudiés. En particulier, la quantification de l'effet Knudsen(effet de raréfaction) sur le transfert de chaleur à travers une structure poreuse a été réaliséepar modélisation numérique en combinaison avec l'analyse d'image. Les conductivitéseffectives obtenues par modélisation 3D s'avèrent plus élevées que celles obtenues en 2D, etaussi en meilleur accord avec les résultats mesurés. Une corrélation 2D/3D a été trouvéepour la modélisation de la conductivité thermique : cette corrélation permet de prédire lesvaleurs 3D à partir des valeurs calculées en 2D. / In the present study, the thermal conductivity and elastic modulus of thermal spray YPSZcoatings were predicted by 2D and 3D finite differences and finite elements numericalmodeling based on cross-sectional images.The influence of the image resolution, size and threshold on the predicted properties of thecoating was studied. Moreover, the effects of the numerical method and of the boundarycondition were investigated. In particular, the quantification of the Knudsen effect(rarefaction effect) on the heat transfer through a porous structure was realized by numericalmodeling in combination with image analysis. The predicted thermal conductivities obtainedby 3D modeling were found to be higher than those obtained by 2D modeling, and in betteragreement with the measured results. A 2D/3D correlation was sucessfully found for themodeling of thermal conductivity: this correlation allows predicting 3D computed valuesfrom 2D ones.

Modélisation et développement expérimental du procédé de fabrication additive par fusion laser sélective d'un lit de poudre métallique : influence de la pression de l'atmosphère / Modeling and experimental development of selective laser melting process of a metalic powder bed : Influence of the atmosphere pressure level.

Masmoudi, Amal 05 April 2016 (has links)
Le procédé de fusion sélective par laser (SLM) d’un lit de poudre métallique, est un procédé de fabrication additive qui permet de fabriquer des pièces de forme complexe directement à partir d’un fichier CAO en passant par la fusion totale de couches de poudre déposées successivement. Au cours du procédé SLM l’apport d’énergie du laser à la cible engendre de nombreux cycles thermiques: fusion – vaporisation – solidification. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse a pour double objectif :1) une meilleure caractérisation et compréhension des phénomènes qui se produisent lors de l’interaction du faisceau laser avec la poudre et le bain de métal fondu à l’aide d’essais et 2) le développement d’un modèle numérique prenant en compte les phénomènes de fusion et de vaporisation de la matière ainsi que à la présence du gaz environnant à l’intérieur de la chambre de fabrication.Dans un premier temps, en considérant des géométries simples (cordons et surfaces) en acier inoxydable 316L, on a étudié l’interaction faisceau laser - lit de poudre / bain liquide métallique par différentes méthodes de diagnostics (spectrométrie, calorimètre, …) pour comprendre la nature et le rôle de la vapeur métallique générée au cours du procédé. Les résultats ont montré que cette vapeur est sans effet sur la transmission de l’énergie du laser à la matière au cours du procédé SLM. Par contre, elle conduit à la formation de condensats et peut aussi entrainer des gouttelettes de métal fondu.Ces analyses ont permis, dans un second temps, de développer un modèle numérique qui a pour objectif principal de caractériser l’influence de la pression du milieu environnant sur le processus de fusion du lit de poudre par le faisceau laser. Des paramètres caractérisant l’évolution des propriétés physiques du matériau et du milieu gazeux en fonction de la température et de la pression ont été intégrés dans les bases de données du modèle. Ces paramètres physiques du matériau ont été déterminés à partir de la littérature et d’autres ont été obtenus empiriquement à l’aide de mesures expérimentales spécifiques.Ce modèle numérique a été utilisé pour traiter le sujet principal de la thèse, à savoir celui de l’effet de la pression. Le modèle a permis de préciser les phénomènes physiques inhérents à la variation de la pression. Des manipulations expérimentales ont permis de vérifier la pertinence des données du modèle numérique proposé. / The selective laser melting process (SLM) of a metallic powder bed is an innovative process that allows the manufacturing of complex shape parts directly from a CAD file via a complete melting of powder layers deposited successively. During the SLM process, the high laser energy density creates many thermal cycles: melting - vaporization - solidification.The purpose of this work was: 1) to better characterize and understand experimentally the phenomena that occur during the laser beam - powder / molten metal pool interaction and 2) to develop a numerical model taking into account the phenomena of melting and vaporizing of the material and the presence of the surrounding gas in the build chamber.In a first time, considering simple geometries (tracks and surfaces) and 316L stainless steel as material, we studied the interaction between the laser beam, the powder bed and the liquid metal pool using several experimental techniques (spectrometry, calorimetry, ...) in order to understand the nature and the role of the metal vapor generated during the process. The results showed that the vapor has no effect on the transmission of the laser beam energy to the material during the SLM process. Meanwhile it leads to the deposition of condensed vapor and also drag some molten metal droplets.In a second time a numerical model was developed to determine the influence of the pressure of the surrounding environment on the melting process of a powder bed by a laser beam. Parameters characterizing the evolution of the physical properties of the material and of the gaseous medium according to the temperature and pressure were incorporated into the model database. Some material parameters were determined from the literature and others were obtained empirically using specific experimental measurements.Finally, this numerical model, complementing experimental results, was used to treat the main subject of the thesis which is the effect of the surrounding pressure on the SLM process. The model helped to clarify the physical phenomena provided by the change in the pressure level and its validity was checked through experimental measurements.

Análise experimental e numérico-computacional da influência do jateamento com granalha na propagação de trincas. / Experimental and numerical-computational analysis of the influence of shot peening on crack propagation.

Rosalie, Beugre Ouronon Marie 20 February 2019 (has links)
O Jateamento com granalha (shot peening, em inglês) é um processo de fabricação amplamente utilizado em indústrias mecânicas, automotivas, navais, aeronáuticas e outras indústrias metalúrgicas. O objetivo principal é induzir tensões residuais de compressão para melhorar a vida à fadiga das peças e estruturas. A modelagem e simulação do processo são muito difíceis, pois envolvem a consideração de muitos e complexos aspectos. Este trabalho propõe um método de modelagem tridimensional utilizando o método dos elementos finitos para a simulação numérica desse processo assim como a sua influência na propagação de trinca, considerando efeitos pouco estudados, como o amolecimento do material devido ao aumento da temperatura na peça durante os impactos, ao comportamento elasto-plástico das granalhas e a rugosidade da peça tratada nos parâmetros da trinca. A modelagem proposta para simular o processo de jateamento com granalhas inclui: (i) análise dinâmica explícita, (ii) modelagem tridimensional, (iii) cálculo da velocidade real das granalhas, (iv) modelo de contato com coeficientes de atrito estático e dinâmico entre as áreas em contato, (v) o modelo constitutivo de Johnson-Cook para o comportamento do material alvo, (vi) um comportamento elasto-plástico multilinear para as granalhas, (vii) a consideração da cobertura real de uma área dada da superfície jateada, (viii) a consideração do aumento da temperatura no material durante o processo e (ix) o relaxamento de tensões residuais devido a este aumento de temperatura. As simulações numérico-computacionais para investigar a influência do processo em fenômenos, tais como fadiga e propagação de trinca, necessitou uma nova abordagem para a incorporação das tensões residuais num modelo de elementos finitos. Além disso, foram realizados vários ensaios quase-estáticos e dinâmicos para a determinação dos parâmetros do modelo constitutivo de Johnson-Cook para o aço AISI 5160. Para a avaliação das metodologias propostas, as tensões residuais foram introduzidas e avaliadas em uma mola parabólica automotiva, sendo que as tensões residuais foram avaliadas através da técnica de difração de raios-X, a intensidade e a cobertura do processo de jateamento com granalha na mola foram avaliadas com Lupa e rugosímetro. Também, dados experimentais de ensaios de fadiga relatados na literatura, realizados em corpos de prova tipo CT foram utilizados. A modelagem numérica do processo de jateamento com granalha desenvolvida neste trabalho consegue prever com sucesso os perfis das tensões residuais, com valores bem próximos aos obtidos experimentalmente. A investigação numérica do efeito do processo na vida à fadiga e fratura das peças comprovou a sua influência nos parâmetros de propagação de trinca nas regiões afetadas pelo processo, ocasionando um amplo aumento da vida à fadiga, e confirmou o relaxamento das tensões residuais devido aos ciclos de carregamento conforme as observações experimentais na literatura. / Shot peening is a manufacturing process widely used in the mechanical, automotive, marine, aeronautical and other metallurgical industries. The main purpose is to induce residual compression stresses to improve fatigue life. The modeling and simulation of the process are very difficult as they involve the consideration of many and complex aspects. This work proposes a three-dimensional modelling method using the finite element method for the numerical simulation of this process as well as its influence on crack propagation, considering little studied effects such as softening of the material due to the increase in temperature in the part during impacts , the elastic-plastic behavior of the shot and the roughness of the treated part in the crack parameters. The proposed modelling approach to simulate the shot peening process includes: (i) explicit dynamic analysis, (ii) three-dimensional modeling, (iii) calculation of the real velocity of the shot, (iv) contact model with static and dynamic friction coefficients between the contact areas, (v) the Johnson-Cook constitutive model for target material behavior, (vi) a multilinear elasto-plastic behavior for the shot, (vii) consideration of real coverage in a given area of the peened surface, (viii) consideration of temperature increase in the material during the process and (ix) relaxation of residual stresses due to this rise in temperature. Numerical-computational simulations to investigate the influence of the shot peening process on phenomena, such as fatigue and crack propagation, required a new approach for the incorporation of residual stress in a finite element model. In addition, several quasi-static and dynamic tests were carried out to determine the parameters of the constitutive Johnson-Cook model for AISI 5160 steel. To assess the proposed methodologies, the residual stresses were introduced and evaluated in an automotive parabolic spring, with the residual stresses being evaluated by the X-ray diffraction technique, the intensity and coverage of the shot peening process for the spring were evaluated with magnifying glass and roughness gauge. Also, fatigue tests available in the literature, carried out on types of CT specimens, were used. The numerical modeling of the shot peening process developed in this work can successfully predict the residual stress profiles, with values close to those obtained experimentally. The numerical investigation of the effect of the process in the fatigue life and fracture of the pieces proved its influence in the parameters of crack propagation in the regions affected by the process, causing a wide increase of the fatigue life, and confirmed the relaxation of the residual stresses due to the cycles loading according to experimental observations in the literature.

UV Disinfection between Concentric Cylinders

Ye, Zhengcai 10 January 2007 (has links)
Outbreaks of food-born illness associated with the consumption of unpasteurized juice and apple cider have resulted in a rule published by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in order to improve the safety of juice products. The rule (21 CFR120) requires manufacturers of juice products to develop a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan and to achieve a 5-log reduction in the number of the most resistant pathogens. Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection is one of the promising methods to reach this 5-log reduction of pathogens. The absorption coefficients of juices typically vary from 10 to 40 1/cm and can be even higher depending on brand and processing conditions. Thin film reactors consisting of two concentric cylinders are suitable for inactivating pathogens in juices. When the two concentric cylinders are fixed, the flow pattern in the gap can be laminar Poiseuille flow or turbulent flow depending on flow rates. If the inner cylinder is rotating, and the rotating speed of the inner cylinder exceeds a certain value, the flow pattern can be either laminar or turbulent Taylor-Couette flow. UV disinfection between concentric cylinders in laminar Poiseuille flow, turbulent flow and both laminar and turbulent Taylor-Couette flow was investigated experimentally and numerically. This is the first systematic study done on UV disinfection between concentric cylinders in all three flow patterns. The present work provides new experimental data for pathogen inactivation in each of the three flow patterns. In addition, the present study constitutes the first systematic numerical CFD predictions of expected inactivation levels. Proper operating parameters and optimum gap widths for different flow patterns are suggested. It is concluded that laminar Poiseuille flow provides inferior (small) inactivation levels while laminar Taylor-Couette flow provides superior (large) inactivation levels. The relative inactivation levels are: laminar Poiseuille flow < turbulent flow < laminar Taylor-Couette flow.

Assessment Of Tunnel Induced Deformation Field Through 3-dimensional Numerical Models (necatibey Subway Station, Ankara, Turkey)

Akturk, Ozgur 01 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In heavily settled areas, deformations induced by the tunnel excavation may cause serious damage to nearby structures. In this study it is aimed to model ground deformations induced by main tunnels and connection tunnels excavations as well as groundwater drainage. Therefore, it is necessary to study effective means of controlling tunnel induced deformations. The main parameters affecting the failure and deformation state of the soil around a circular underground opening are the physical characteristics of the soil, the diameter of the opening, and the support pressure. During the construction stage of Necatibey Station of Kizilay&Ccedil / ayyolu metro line (Ankara, Turkey), challenging ground conditions involving highly heterogeneous and locally water saturated foundation soils have been encountered. Possibility of damage at the surface and/or on the underground structures can be estimated using finite difference method (FDM) of analysis. In this study, two geophysical methods namely Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) were utilized to distinguish soil types at the study area. By correlating these geophysical survey results with the boring v logs, 3-Dimensional soil profile was revealed at the study area to build up a basis for numerical models. 3-Dimensional (3D) FDM analyses were conducted to assess tunneling induced deformations, along with movements around shallow soft ground main tunnels and connection tunnels. During sequential excavations, temporary and permanent shotcrete lining was also simulated. The soil behavior is assumed to be governed by an elastic-perfectly plastic constitutive relation based on the Mohr&ndash / Coulomb criterion. The computed deformations around these openings have been compared with the in-situ measurements. The results of the study revealed that the 3-D elasto-plastic analyses yield comparably good correlation with the in-situ measurements. Also, in this study, the effects of main tunnels excavations on each other and the effects of connection tunnels excavations on main tunnels were identified in terms of ground deformations. In order to simulate induced surface settlement due to groundwater withdrawal at the site 3-D fully coupled (fluidmechanical) numerical models were run using different time durations. The model studies revealed that deformations monitored at the ground surface are directly related with the tunnel construction practice. Pumping groundwater has very little or no effect on the measured deformations.

Turbulent Jet Diffusion Flame : Studies On Lliftoff, Stabilization And Autoignition

Patwardhan, Saurabh Sudhir 07 1900 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with investigations on two related issues of turbulent jet diffusion flame, namely (a) stabilization at liftoff and (b) autoignition in a turbulent jet diffusion flame. The approach of Conditional Moment Closure (CMC) has been taken. Fully elliptic first order CMC equations are solved with detailed chemistry to simulate lifted H2/N2 flame in vitiated coflow. The same approach is further used to simulate transient autoignition process in inhomogeneous mixing layers. In Chapter 1, difficulties involved in numerical simulation of turbulent combustion problems are explained. Different numerical tools used to simulate turbulent combustion are briefly discussed. Previous experimental, theoretical and numerical studies of lifted jet diffusion flames and autoignition are reviewed. Various research issues related to objectives of the thesis are discussed. In Chapter 2, the first order CMC transport equations for the reacting flows are presented. Various closure models that are required for solving the governing equations are given. Calculation of mean reaction rate term for detailed chemistry is given with special focus on the reaction rates for pressure dependent reactions. In Chapter 3, starting with the laminar flow code, further extension is carried to include kε turbulence model and PDF model. The code is validated at each stage of inclusion of different model. In this chapter, the code is first validated for the test problem of constant density, 2D, axisymmetric turbulent jet. Further, validation of PDF model is carried out by simulating the problem of nonreacting jet of cold air issuing into a vitiated coflow. The results are compared with the published data from experiments as well as numerical simulations. It is shown that the results compare well with the data. In Chapter 4, numerical results of lifted jet diffusion flame are presented. Detailed chemistry is modelled using Mueller mechanism for H2/O2 system with 9 species and 21 reversible reactions. Simulations are carried out for different jet velocities and coflow stream temperatures. The predicted liftoff generally agrees with experimental data, as well as joint PDF results. Profiles of mean scalar fluxes in the mixture fraction space, for different coflow temperatures reveal that (1) Inside the flamezone, the chemical term balances the molecular diffusion term, and hence the structure is of a diffusion flamelet for both cases. (2) In the preflame zone, the structure depends on the coflow temperature: for low coflow temperatures, the chemical term being small, the advective term balances the axial diffusion term. However, for the high coflow temperature case, the chemical term is large and balances the advective term, the axial diffusion term being small. It is concluded that, liftoff is controlled (a) by turbulent premixed flame propagation for low cofflow temperature while (b) by autoignition for high coflow temperature. In Chapter 5, the numerical results of autoignition in inhomogeneous mixing layer are presented. The configuration consists of a fuel jet issued into hot air for which transient simulations are performed. It is found that the constants assumed in various modelling terms can severely influence the results, particularly the flame temperature. Hence, modifications to these constants are suggested to obtain improved predictions. Preliminary work is carried out to predict autoignition lengths (which may be defined by Tign × Ujet incase of jet- and coflowvelocities being equal) by varying the coflow temperature. The autoignition lengths show a reasonable agreement with the experimental data and LES results. In Chapter 6, main conclusions of this thesis are summarized. Possible future studies on this problem are suggested.

Otimização do comportamento de sistemas estruturais pré-moldados de concreto com ligações viga-pilar deformáveis à flexão

Costa, Rodrigo Reis de Rezende 14 July 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In order to obtain the best relation between the parts of a structural system of precast concrete, this work proposes to perform the optimization of plane frames with semi-rigid connections between beams and columns. For this, some frames were simulated numerically using the Finite Element Method, in which beams and columns were modeled by beam elements and the beam-column connections by spring elements, allowing the modification of its stiffness. The implemented objective function was based on the search of lowest stiffness connection, which would meet the global stability of the building. At the end of the process, a connection model with great stiffness was adopted to compose the frame, followed by checking the horizontal displacement maximum allowed. The importance of considering the stiffness connection is to avoid idealizations in design that tend to consider the connections as perfectly articulated or perfectly rigid. Connections in central column and corner column with fixity factor about 0.32 and 0.27, respectively, were responsible for reducing the bending moments at the base of the columns by 36%, while reducing the displacement at the top of the frame reached 76%. For a second frame, semi-rigid connections between beam and column averaging fixity factor of 0.33 were sufficient to satisfy the maximum allowable horizontal displacement and the acting moment at connection. This proves that even connections with low constraints provide significant gains from a structural point of view, without loss of the constructive aspects and assembly. / Com a finalidade de obter a melhor relação entre as partes de um sistema estrutural de concreto pré-moldado, propõe-se realizar a otimização de pórticos planos com ligações semirrígidas entre vigas e pilares. Para isto, alguns pórticos foram simulados numericamente através do Método dos Elementos Finitos, em que vigas e pilares foram modelados por elementos de barra e as ligações viga-pilar por elementos de mola, possibilitando a modificação de sua rigidez. A função objetivo implementada baseou-se na busca da menor rigidez da ligação, que atendesse a estabilidade global da edificação. Ao final do processo, um modelo de ligação com rigidez ótima foi adotado para compor o pórtico, seguindo com a verificação do deslocamento horizontal máximo permitido. A importância da consideração da semirrigidez da ligação está em evitar idealizações de projeto que tendem a considerar as ligações como perfeitamente articuladas ou rígidas. Ligações para pilar central e para pilar de canto com fator de restrição da ordem de 0,32 e 0,27, respectivamente, foram responsáveis por reduzir o momento na base dos pilares em 36%, enquanto que a redução do deslocamento no topo do pórtico atingiu 76%. Já para um segundo pórtico analisado, ligações semirrígidas entre viga e pilar com fatores de restrição médio de 0,33 foram suficientes para atender o deslocamento horizontal máximo permitido e o momento solicitante da ligação, atingindo um parâmetro de estabilidade global igual a 1,12. Isto comprova que mesmo ligações com baixas restrições geram ganhos significativos do ponto de vista estrutural, sem prejuízos dos aspectos construtivos e de montagem. / Mestre em Engenharia Civil

Modelagem da impedância de suspensões de células biológicas na eletropermeabilização / Modeling the electrical impedance of biological cell suspensions in the electroporation

Farias, Heric Dênis 25 September 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-12T20:27:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Heric Denis Farias.pdf: 2196819 bytes, checksum: ebe776ba26727b6ab81d9c4b1fb49e5d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The application of high electric fields on biological cells causes the formationof pores in the cell membrane, thereby causing an increase in their permeability. This phenomenon, called electropermeabilization have attracted increasing attention due to its wide application in biotechnology. Even being known for decades, the pore opening process in biological cell membranes is still not fully understood, nor was it even properly modeled. In this paper, two types of modeling are presented, which allow characterizing the electropermeabilization in biological cell suspensions. One of the methods is based on the analysis of the electrical impedance spectra of suspensions using genetic algorithm to determine parameters of a generic model dielectric dispersion. The other method uses instantaneous voltage and current values applied to a cell suspension during the electroporation experiment to determine the variation of the medium conductivity and thus, through the analytical model proposed by Ramos and colleagues (RAMOS et al., 2012), determine the cell conductivities. By modeling the impedance spectrum, it was observed the change in the dielectric dispersion of the sample due to the electropermeabilization process, in addition to obtaining the electrical conductivity and permittivity of the involved media. Using the electroporated cell model proposed by Ramos and colleagues (RAMOS et al., 2012), it was possible to determine the change of membrane conductance during the electropermeabilization. The validity of this model is assessed using finite element simulations, which showed good agreement with the analytical model used. Genetic algorithms are used in obtaining the parameters of the various models presented, showing great robustness in obtaining parameters based on the git between experimental and theoreticalcurves. / A aplicação de campos elétricos intensos em células biológicas provoca a formação de poros na membrana celular, causando assim o aumento de sua permeabilidade. Este fenômeno, denominado de eletropermeabiliza ção têm atraído cada vez mais atenção devido a sua ampla aplicação em biotecnologia. Mesmo sendo conhecido há várias décadas, o processo de abertura de poros em membranas de células biológicas ainda não é plenamente entendido e nem foi ainda corretamente modelado. Neste trabalho, apresenta-se dois tipos de modelagem que permitem a caracterização da eletropermeabilização em suspensões de células biológicas. Um dos métodos baseia-se na análise do espectro de impedância elétrica de suspensões com o uso de algoritmo genético para determinar parâmetros de um modelo genérico de dispersão dielétrica. O outro método utiliza valores instantâneos de tensão e corrente aplicados em uma suspensão de células durante um experimento de eletropermeabiliza ção para determinar a variação da condutividade do meio e com isso, através do modelo analítico proposto por Ramos e colaboradores (RAMOS et al., 2012), determinar a condutividade das células. Através da modelagem do espectro de impedância, foi possível verificar a alteração da dispersão dielétrica da amostra devido ao processo de eletropermeabiliza ção, além da obtenção das condutividades e permissividades elétricas dos meios envolvidos. Utilizando o modelo de célula eletropermeabilizada proposto por Ramos e colegas (RAMOS et al., 2012), foi possível obter a variação da condutância de membrana durante a eletropermeabilização. A validade deste modelo é avaliada utilizando simulações em elementos infinitos, as quais apresentaram grande concordância com o modelo analítico utilizado. Algoritmos genéticos são utilizados na obtenção dos parâmetros dos diversos modelos apresentados, mostrando grande robustez na obtenção de parâmetros baseada no ajuste entre curvas experimentais e teóricas.

Modélisation et conception des machines haute vitesse pour la turbocompression assistée électriquement / Modeling and design of high-speed electric machines for electrically-assisted turbochargers

Gilson, Adrien 12 January 2018 (has links)
Dans le milieu automobile, les règlementations visant à limiter l’émission de particules fines et de gaz à effet de serre sont devenues de plus en plus sévères au cours des dernières années. Cette tendance ne va pas s’inverser et des solutions doivent être trouvées pour améliorer le rendement des moteurs à combustion interne (ICE) qui propulsent la majorité des véhicules de tourisme dans le monde.Une des solutions permettant d’améliorer le rendement thermodynamique de l’ICE est d’utiliser un turbocompresseur. Cet organe de suralimentation permet d’accroître le couple du moteur en augmentant la pression d’air dans les cylindres et par conséquent la quantité de comburant. Le turbocompresseur présente cependant un inconvénient pour l’agrément de conduite. Selon la technologie employée, un temps de latence (turbo lag) plus ou moins important apparait entre le moment ou le conducteur appui sur la pédale d’accélérateur et le moment ou le couple est disponible sur les roues.Pour pallier ce problème, on peut utiliser une machine électrique venant assister le turbocompresseur durant la phase de montée en vitesse. Cette machine peut faire partie d’un système indépendant de compression d’air et placée en amont du turbocompresseur, on parlera alors de turbo assisté électriquement. Cette machine peut aussi être intégrée directement au turbocompresseur, on parlera alors de turbo électrique. Dans les deux cas, le temps de réponse du turbocompresseur est amélioré ce qui impacte directement la dynamique du véhicule et le plaisir de conduite. Dans le cas du turbo électrique, l’intégration de la machine électrique directement sur le turbocompresseur permet son fonctionnement en génératrice en offrant ainsi une amélioration du rendement global de l’ICE.Le sujet de la thèse est la modélisation et la conception des machines électriques haute vitesse pour ces applications. Les principales qualités recherchées pour ces machines seront :-leurs capacités à pouvoir fonctionner à haute vitesse : les vitesses recherchées se situe typiquement entre 70 000 et 150 000 tr/min pour des vitesses périphériques de l’ordre de 150 m/s ;-leurs densités de puissance : on recherche des puissances de 3 à 15 kW pour des machines compactes qui devront être intégrées sous le capot du véhicule ;-des rendements élevés de l’ordre de 95 % ;-une conception adaptée à la production en grande série pour l’automobile.Pour répondre à cette problématique, les travaux suivants ont été entrepris :Dans un premier temps, nous avons modélisé finement les phénomènes électromagnétiques et mécaniques liées aux machines électriques haute vitesse à encoches et aimants permanents positionnés en surface. Pour cela, nous avons développé un modèle de calcul en sous-domaines pour la partie électromagnétique et un modèle multicouches de résistance des matériaux pour le calcul de la tenue du rotor à haute vitesse.Dans un deuxième temps, pour pouvoir explorer des topologies de machines très différentes, nous avons eu recourt aux méthodes de calcul par éléments finis. Nous avons pu identifier et de comparer plusieurs topologies de machines à encoches, sans encoches, à bobinage dentaire ou toroïdal. Cette étude paramétrique a permis de comparer la densité de couple et le rendement de ces machines.Enfin, dans une dernière partie, nous avons traité le cas du prototypage et des mesures de ces machines. Pour cela, sur la base des études réalisées, nous avons prototypé trois machines aux performances prometteuses. La conception mécanique des différentes machines est abordée ainsi que les méthodes de mesures et les difficultés liées aux caractérisations à haute vitesse.Au cours de ce travail de thèse, d’autres aspects ont aussi été abordés tel que la modélisation des pertes du système machine électrique et convertisseur de puissance, la dynamique des rotors ou encore les émissions acoustiques. / In the automotive industry, regulations to limit the emission of greenhouse gases have become more and more severe. This trend is not going to change and solutions must be found to improve the efficiency of internal combustion engines (ICE) that drive the majority of passenger cars in the world.Turbochargers are a clever solution to improve the thermodynamic efficiency of the ICE. This forced induction device increases the air pressure in the cylinders and therefore the engine torque. However, turbochargers have a major disadvantage for the driver experience: a lag time (turbo lag) between the moment when the driver steps on the accelerator and the moment when torque is available.To overcome this problem, an electric machine can be used to assist the turbocharger during the speed up phase. This machine can be a part of an independent system of air compression and placed upstream of the turbocharger or it can be integrated directly into the turbocharger. In both cases, the response time of the turbocharger is greatly reduced which directly impacts the dynamic of the vehicle and the driving pleasure. The integration of the electric machine directly on the turbocharger allows its operation as a generator to improve the overall efficiency of the ICE.The subject of this thesis is the modeling and design of high speed electric machines for these applications. The main requirements are:-High-speed operation: between 70,000 and 150,000 rpm and peripheral speeds around 150 m/s.-Power density: from 3 to 15 kW for compact machines that will have to be integrated under the hood of the vehicle.-High efficiency: around 95 % and above.-A design adapted to mass production for the automotive industry.To cope with this requirements, the following tasks were undertaken:Firstly, we modeled the electromagnetic and mechanical behaviors of high-speed slotted electric machines with surface-mounted permanent magnets. For the electromagnetic part, we developed a subdomain calculation model. For the mechanical part, we worked on a multilayer model to evaluate the rotor strength at high speed.Secondly, we used finite element analysis methods to explore different machine structures. We compared several topologies of slotted and slotless machines, with tooth-coil winding and toroidal winding. This parametric study allowed us to compare the torque density and efficiency of these machines.Finally, we dealt with the case of prototyping and measurements of these machines. Based on the previous studies, we prototyped three machines with promising performances. The mechanical design of the different machines is discussed as well as the measurement methods and the difficulties associated with high speed characterization.During this thesis work, other aspects were also discussed such as the losses in power converters driving high-speed electric machines, rotor dynamics and acoustic emissions.

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