Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] PLUMES"" "subject:"[enn] PLUMES""
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Some geological implications of the flow of clay-water mixturesRocco, Stefano January 2017 (has links)
This thesis investigates three problems in the general area of environmental fluid mechanics. The first two problems are related to liquid or gas flow through clay-water suspensions, with relevance for the underground storage of radioactive waste and also for understanding the mechanism of eruption in mud volcanoes. The third problem centres on the different problem of mixing in a turbulent buoyant plume. First, the injection of gas and water from a central source into a two-dimensional layer of clay confined between two circular horizontal plates is investigated. This provides a model of the potential pressurisation and failure of the seal rock around a radioactive waste repository as may arise if gas is continuously generated in the repository. As the gas injection pressure is gradually increased the cell walls deform and the clay moves radially outwards. However, at a critical radius, the liquid-clay interface becomes unstable and a series of channels propagate through the clay. When one of the channels reaches the edge of the domain the gas escapes and the pressure is released. As a result, the domain relaxes by elastic deformation and the clay seals the channel. In this way, continuous fluid injection leads to episodic release of gas from the cell. The second problem concerns the flow of mud along a vertical conduit driven by the combined effect of reservoir pressure and buoyancy associated with the gas injected at the base of the conduit. This represents an analogue model of the eruption of a mud volcano, in which mud rises from a deep reservoir to the surface. I find that the pressure associated with the reservoir and any buoyancy force produced by the migration of gas from deep in the reservoir to the surface leads to a continuous eruption if the net pressure is greater than the yield stress of the clay. If the reservoir pressure falls during such an event, the eruption will eventually stop, once the pressure reaches a dynamic yield stress condition. Only later, if the reservoir pressure increases to the static yield stress of the clay will the eruption start again, and this can lead to a series of eruption cycles which depend on the non-Newtonian rheology of the clay. In contrast, if this pressure is smaller than the yield stress of the clay, a series of episodic gas burst events can occur until the conduit is cleared of mud. The third problem relates to the mixing in a turbulent buoyant plume. Through a series of new experiments and some complementary theoretical modelling I show that the mixing in a turbulent plume is strongly affected by the eddies and leads to significant longitudinal dispersion in the flow. The implications of the modelling for determining the residence time distribution of the fluid in the plume is discussed.
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Solutions for the flows induced by lazy, forced and pure turbulent plumesLoganathan, Ramanan Mayoorathen January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis an analytical modelling approach is employed to predict and gain insight into the flows induced by turbulent plumes and jets above slender horizontal slots, in otherwise quiescent uniform environments. To supplement the solutions, the effect on the environment of a plume driven by an off-source supply of buoyancy was also considered. The solutions derived provide an advancement on existing idealised models for the jet and plume induced flows, and moreover, complement a number of key advances that have been made in our understanding of plume flows in recent years. The theory of functions of a complex variable, which has not previously been applied in such an application, has been utilised as a fundamental tool throughout the work. This has enabled the entrainment behaviour and geometry of the plumes to be accounted for when developing the induced flow solutions. A novel conformal mapping has been devised specifically to account for the curved perimeter of the contracting lazy plume. This modelling approach is robust in that future developments to aspects of the modelling, for instance, the formulation of a new entrainment closure, can be straightforwardly accounted for using the method. The induced flow solutions exhibit a range of flow patterns which are dependent on the source Richardson number of the plume flow. A pure plume induces a uniform horizontal flow. Forced and lazy plumes correspond to a relative deficit and excess in source buoyancy flux compared to the pure plume, respectively. Generally, forced plumes induce downwardly inclined flows, in contrast to lazy plumes, which induce upwardly inclined flows. Consistent with these solutions, the notionally lazy plume driven by a vertical uniform off-source supply of buoyancy induces an upwardly inclined flow. In addition to an improved understanding of induced flows, our solutions have provided us with insight into the plume flow. Notably, the solution corresponding to the forced plume has led us to fundamentally question existing models describing the plume and, in particular, closures that have been employed to model entrainment. We find that the existing well accepted closures exhibit some form of non-physical flow behaviour.
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Interpretação sísmica dos eventos magmáticos pós-aptianos no alto de Cabo Frio, sudeste do Brasil, gênese e relação com os lineamentos pré-sal / Seismic interpretation of post-aptian magmatic events in the Cabo Frio high, Southeast Brazil, its genesis and its relation with pre-salt alignmentsSérgio Goulart Oreiro 15 December 2006 (has links)
A plataforma continental da área de Cabo Frio, localizada no extremo SW da Bacia de Campos e extremo NW da Bacia de Santos, possui distintas feições em sua evolução tectono -sedimentar quando comparada com outras áreas das referidas bacias. Entre essas feições, destaca-se a presença de falhas antitéticas no embasamento e nas seções sedimentares sin-rifte e pós-rifte, além de eventos magmáticos marcantes no Neocretácio e Eoterciário, com clímax no Eoceno Médio. O presente trabalho mostra uma perspectiva histórica da percepção humana dos fenômenos magmáticos, desde as primeiras teorias míticas e teológicas da antiguidade, até o atual debate entre os que adotam ou não o modelo de plumas mantélicas. Tais informações são necessárias para um melhor entendimento das conclusões aqui apresentadas. A base de dados do presente estudo consiste de análises detalhadas de dados de sísmica, de satélite, de métodos potenciais (magnéticos e gravimétricos) e de poços. Amostras de diques básicos na península de Arraial do Cabo, situada na porção continental mais próxima do limite entre as Bacias de Santos e de Campos, foram coletadas para estudos geocronológicos. O estudo integrado de todos esses dados confirmou o resultado de pesquisas anteriores, as quais identificaram dois eventos magmáticos principais, um no Santoniano/Campaniano (~ 83 Ma) e outro no Eoceno Médio (~ 50 Ma). Há também evidências, em seções sísmicas, de edifícios vulcânicos formados durante o Albiano, o Maastrichtiano e o Paleoceno. As análises de dados de sísmica de relexão e de perfis de poços, na área de estudo, revelaram uma série de feições diagnósticas para eventos magmáticos, incluindo a distinção entre eventos intrusivos dos extrusivos, bem como de intercalações entre os mesmos e seqüências sedimentares epiclásticas. Eventos magmáticos extrusivos podem ser identificados, nas seções sísmicas, como sismofácies caóticas com topos bem definidos e bases mal definidas. Tais sismofácies são interpretadas como o resultado da intercalação de derrames submarinos de lavas com sedimentos epiclásticos e vulcanoclásticos, juntamente com feições de escorregamentos e soleiras rasas. A presença de cones bem delimitados também constitui evidência de magmatismo extrusivo. Diques e derrames de lava são reconhecidos por fortes reflexões positivas com terminações laterais abruptas. Diques mais espessos de diabásio originam zonas com fracas reflexões, delimitadas acima e abaixo por fortes reflexões. Os critérios apresentados nessa tese podem ser aplicados a quaisquer contextos em que haja eventos magmáticos intercalados com seqüências sedimentares. A assinatura sísmica de eventos não- magmáticos é também mostrada; tais eventos correspondem a diferentes feições geológicas que podem ser interpretados por geofísicos e geólogos como sendo de origem magmática. Entre tais eventos, os mais importantes são os evaporitos, os mounds turbidíticos, os vulcões de lama originados por escape de gás e depósitos carbonáticos. Serão apresentadas algumas interpretações para a gênese do magmatismo pós-Aptiano na área em epígrafe, interpretações essas que não levam em conta o modelo clássico de plumas mantélicas. O mapeamento dos principais diques alimentadores, em seções sísmicas 2D e 3D, revelou que tais diques têm uma orientação preferencial SE-NW, coincidente com o alinhamento da Zona de deformações Cruzeiro do Sul, a qual inclui os Montes Submarinos Jean Charcot e as construções vulcânicas no Alto de Cabo Frio e suas cercanias. Tal observação é coerente com as características das falhas de rejeito direcional, preexistentes e reativadas nas áreas continentais próximas, e com a orientação do componente transtensional das mesmas. Além disso, comprova-se que os maiores volumes de rochas magmáticas, intercaladas na seção sedimentar, estão localizados nas áreas de interseção entre duas zonas de falhas com direção SE- NW (falhas de rejeito direcional) e SW-NE (falhas normais). O mesmo acontece com os corpos alcalinos do alinhamento Poços de Caldas-Cabo Frio. / The continental shelf of the Cabo Frio Area, at the southern part of the Campos Basin, shows unique features in its tectono-sedimentary evolution when compared to other areas of the Campos and Santos basins. The presence of a regular pattern of antithetic faults in the basement and in the syn-rift and the post-rift sedimentary sections, along with important magmatic events in the Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary sequences (whose climax took place in the earli er portion of the Middle Eocene) are some of these features. This work presents a historical perspective of the human perception of the magmatic events, from the ancient mythic and theologic theories to the current debate between plumers and non-plumers. These informations are needed to allow a better understanding of the conclusions of the present thesis. The present study was based on the analyses of seismic, satellite, magnetic, gravimetric and well data, as well as rock samples collected in dikes cropping out at the Arraial do Cabo Peninsula, the nearest onshore position at the boundary between the offshore Santos and Campos Basins. This thesis has confirmed the results of previous research that had identified two major magmatic pulses, one in the late Cretaceous and the other in the Early Tertiary (~83 and 50 My, respectively). There is also seismic evidence for volcanic edifices formed during the Albian, Maastrichtian and Paleocene times. The analyses of seismic reflection and well log data, in the working area, points to a set of diagnostic features that can lead to the identification of magmatic events and the distinction of intrusive from extrusive rocks, as well as their intercalations with epiclastic sedimentary sequences. Extrusive magmatic events can be recognized in seismic reflection data as chaotic seismofacies with well defined tops and poorly defined bases; these seismofacies are interpreted as a result of interbedding submarine lava flows and epiclastic and volcaniclastic sediments, along with slumps and shallow intrusions (sills). The presence of well shaped conic edifices also points to extrusive magmatism. Dikes and lava flows are recognized by strong positive reflections with abrupt lateral ends. Thicker dolerite sills may be recognized by re flection free zones with strong reflections in their tops and bases. The criteria proposed by this thesis may be used to identify and classify magmatic events in any context where they are associated with sedimentary sequences. The thesis also shows the seismic signatures of nonmagmatic events, which comprise a different range of geologic features that may induce the geophysicists and geologists to interpret them as magmatic events. Among these features, evaporites, turbiditic mounds, mud volcanoes originated by gas escape, slump seismofacies and carbonate deposits are the most important ones. Some alternative interpretations to explain the genesis of this magmatism are presented, which do not take into account the classic model of mantle plumes. The mapping of the main feeder dikes, in 2D and 3D reflection seismic sections, has revealed that they have a predominant SE-NW direction, coincident with the alignment of the Cruzeiro do Sul Deformation Zone, which includes the Jean Charcot submarine mounds and the volcanic mounds on and around the Cabo Frio High. This observation is coherent with the characteristics of the preexisting and reactivated strike-slip faults on land and the orientation of their transtensional component. Moreover, it is shown that the largest volumes of magmatic rocks, intercalated in the sedimentary section, are located at areas of intersections between fault zones trending SE-NW (strike -slip faults) and SW-NE (normal faults), as are the onshore alkaline bodies of the Poços de Caldas Cabo Frio alignment.
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Estudo do impacto do complexo petroquímico COMPERJ na atmosfera / Study of petrochemical complex impact COMPERJ in the atmosphereAntonio Marco Siciliano 29 October 2009 (has links)
Os modelos de dispersão de ar têm sido utilizados amplamente para investigação de padrões de dispersão, comportamento de emissões, estimativas de potenciais riscos a saúde humana, elaboração de propostas de gerenciamento ambiental e, também, na previsão de impacto da qualidade do ar. Alguns modelos, homologados por agência de regulação de alguns países ou comunidades, servem de base para as análises de risco com auxílio de simulação. Somente após este tipo de análise uma unidade fabril terá direito à sua instalação e operação nestes países. Nesta dissertação, serão abordados os principais poluentes presentes em uma indústria petroquímica básica, uma revisão sobre os principais tipos de modelos existentes no mercado e um estudo de caso será realizado empregando os modelos AERMOD e OZIPR/SAPRC. A indústria petroquímica básica a servir de modelo será o Complexo Petroquímico do Rio de Janeiro, que deverá ser instalado no município de Itaboraí e com operação prevista para o ano de 2012.
De acordo com as simulações realizadas neste trabalho, o poluente NOx apresentou os resultados mais críticos violando em algumas áreas os padrões primários e secundários de emissão. Diante deste fato, o ozônio se tornou um poluente secundário importante a ser analisado. E para sua simulação, premissas tiveram que ser tomadas, devido a ausência de dados, criando cenários que apresentaram resultados díspares: Ora violando os limites, ora se mantendo abaixo deles. Apesar disso, estes cenários apontaram a mesma solução para minimizar esta formação de ozônio: controlar as emissões de compostos orgânicos voláteis. / Air dispersion models have been widely used to investigate patterns of air dispersal, to predict emissions behavior, to estimate potential risks to human health, to develop environmental management procedures and also to evaluate the impact of air quality on the dispersion. Some models, approved by regulatory agencies, work as a simulation tool for risk analysis purposes because in some countries only by performing a risk analysis like such an industrial facility is allowed to be constructed and to operate. This dissertation will relate the main pollutants produced by a petrochemical facility, a review of the main ar dispersion models available in the market and will present an air dispersion study case in a petrochemical facility considering the usage of AERMOD and OZIPR / SAPRC dispersion models. The petrochemical facility considered as a basic model will be the Petrochemical Complex of Rio de Janeiro, which should be installed in Itaboraí, which start up is planned for the year of 2012.
According to the simulations in this work, the pollutant NOx presented the more critical results violating primary and secondary limits in some areas. Given this fact, ozone has become an important secondary pollutant to be analyzed. To make it simulation became possible, assumptions had to be taken due to lack of data to create scenarios that resulted sometimes legal limits violation, another times no violation. Nevertheless, these scenarios pointed to the same solution to minimize this formation of ozone: control volatile organic compounds emissions
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Petrogênese e geocronologia das intrusões alcalinas de Morro Redondo, Mendanha e Morro de São João: caracterização do magmatismo alcalino no Estado do Rio de Janeiro e implicações geodinâmicas / Petrogenesis and geochronology of Morro Redondo, Mendanha and Morro São João alkaline complexes: characterization of alkaline magmatism in Rio de Janeiro State and geodynamic implicationsCarlos Eduardo Miranda Mota 21 December 2012 (has links)
Os modelos para a formação de plútons alcalinos da Província Alcalina do Sudeste Brasileiro ou Alinhamento Poços de Caldas-Cabo Frio associam a gênese destas rochas a grandes reativações ou a passagem de uma pluma mantélica, registrada pelo traço de um hot spot. O objetivo desta tese é, apresentar novos dados e interpretações para contribuir com a melhor elucidação e discussão destes modelos. Os estudos incluem mapeamento, petrografia, litogeoquímica, geoquímica isotópica de Sr, Nd e Pb e datação 40Ar/39Ar. As intrusões selecionadas correspondem ao Morro Redondo, Mendanha e Morro de São João, no Rio de Janeiro, localizados em posições distintas no alinhamento Poços de Caldas-Cabo Frio. A intrusão alcalina do Morro Redondo é composta majoritariamente de nefelina sienitos e sienitos com nefelina, com rara ocorrência de rochas máficas e é caracterizada por uma suíte alcalina sódica insaturada em sílica, de caráter metaluminosa a peralcalina. Esta intrusão foi datada em aproximadamente 74 Ma (idade-platô 40Ar/39Ar). A intrusão alcalina do Mendanha é composta por diversos tipos de rochas sieníticas, além de brechas e estruturas subvulcânicas, como rochas piroclásticas e diques e caracteriza-se por ser uma suíte alcalina sódica saturada em sílica, de caráter metaluminosa, diferente do que ocorre no Marapicu, este subsaturado em sílica. Esta intrusão apresentou duas idades-platô 40Ar/39Ar distintas de magmatismo: 64 Ma para as rochas do Mendanha e 54 Ma em dique de lamprófiro, registrando magmatismo policíclico. O Morro do Marapicu foi datado em aproximadamente 80 Ma. Já a intrusão alcalina do Morro de São João possui uma ampla variedade de litotipos saturados a subsaturados em sílica, tais como sienitos, álcali-sienitos e monzossienitos (alguns portadores de pseudoleucita), com variedades melanocráticas, tais como malignitos e fergustios. Estas rochas definem suas distintas suítes alcalinas subsaturadas em sílica: Uma de composição sódica e outra potássica. Há também uma suíte alcalina saturada em sílica, definida por gabros alcalinos e shonkinitos. A petrogênese destas intrusões corresponde ao modelo de cristalização fracionada, com assimilação de rochas encaixantes (AFC) como indicado pela alta variabilidade de razões isotópicas de estrôncio. No Morro de São João é sugerido o modelo de mistura magmática. Estas intrusões foram geradas a partir de magmas mantélicos enriquecidos, possivelmente associados à antiga zona de subducção relacionada ao orógeno Ribeira. Em razão das novas idades obtidas, o modelo de hot spot proposto fica prejudicado, visto que o Marapicu é de idade mais antiga das intrusões analisadas, o que era esperado para o Morro Redondo. Alguns modelos projetam plumas mantélicas com aproximadamente 1000 km de diâmetro, o que poderia explicar o Mendanha ser contemporâneo ao Morro de São João. As assinaturas isotópicas obtidas para as intrusões não se associam à assinatura isotópica de Trindade e, caso o modelo de plumas mantélicas seja o correto, a pluma que teria maior semelhança de assinatura isotópica é a pluma de Tristão da Cunha. / The models for formation of alkaline plutons of the Southeastern Brazil Alkaline Province or Poços de Caldas-Cabo Frio Magmatic Lineament, which genetic modeling associates crust reactivations or mantle plumes, with definition of a hot spot track. The objective of this work is to report new data and interpretations to contribute to a better understanding and discussion about the model of alkaline rock generation. The studies involved geological mapping, petrography, litogeochemistry, Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. The selected alkaline complexes are the Morro Redondo, Mendanha and Morro de São João, located at Rio de Janeiro State. These intrusions are well-distributed along the Poços de Caldas-Cabo Frio Magmatic Lineament. The Morro Redondo alkaline intrusion is composed mainly by nepheline syenites and nepheline-bearing syenites and mafic rocks are rare. It was defined as a sodic silica-undersaturated alkaline suite, with metaluminous to peralkaline characteristics. The intrusion was dated at 74 Ma (40Ar/39Ar plateau age). The Mendanha alkaline intrusion is compose by various types of syenitic rocks, breccias and subvulcanic structures, as pyroclastic rocks and dikes. It was defined by a sodic silica-saturated alkaline suite with metaluminous characterisics. The intrusion presented two distinct 40Ar/39Ar ages for the magmatism: 64 Ma for Mendanha rocks and 54 Ma to lamprophyre dike, which illustrates a polycyclic magmatism. The Morro do Marapicu 40Ar/39Ar age yielded 80 Ma. The Morro de São João alkaline intrusion has a large variety of silica-undersaturated to silica-saturated rocks, as syenites, alkali-syenites and monzosyenites (some pseudoleucite-bearing), with melanocratic varieties, as malignites and ferguites. These rocks defined distinct alkaline silica-undersaturated suggenting sodic and potassic types. There was found an alkaline silica-saturated suite, defined by alkaline gabbros and shonkinites. The petrogenesis of these intrusions corresponds to the fractional crystallization, with assimilation of host rocks, and the crustal contamination is indicated by high variability of Sr isotope ratios. For Morro de São João origin is suggested a K-Na bimodal magma. These intrusions were generated from enriched mantle-derived magmas, possible associated to ancient subduction zone of Ribeira orogen. In terms of the new 40Ar/39Ar data, the hot spot model is not plausible, because the Morro do Marapicu is older than the other studied intrusions. Some models projected mantle plumes with 1000 Km size, what may explain the reason for Mendanha and Morro de São João have the nearly the same age. The obtained isotopic signatures for these intrusions were not associated to Trindade signature and, if the mantle plumes model is correct, the plume that has the most similar signature is Tristão da Cunha.
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Impacto do aterro controlado Morro do Céu na atmosfera / Impact from Morro do Ceu landfill in the atmosphereJorgina Rosete Teixeira 22 July 2009 (has links)
O principal objetivo deste estudo é estimar o alcance dos poluentes emitidos pelo Aterro Controlado do Morro do Céu (ACMC), localizado em Niterói e as possíveis áreas afetadas. Utilizou-se um modelo matemático para o estudo do transporte e difusão dos poluentes que fornece a concentração nas vizinhanças, a partir dos dados de emissões, meteorológicos e topográficos. Foram analisados e tratados os dados meteorológicos e a topografia da região de alcance da pluma. As amostras foram coletadas por uma bomba de ar a uma vazão de 500 mL min-1 por um período de 10 min, em dois dias e horários diferentes. A câmara de fluxo empregada foi de 30 L e de PVC, no formato cilíndrico, cuja boca foi emborcada no solo por 5 cm e a amostragem realizada por uma válvula posicionada no fundo. Foram empregados como meios de amostragem cartuchos de carvão ativo de leito duplo e as análises químicas foram realizadas por cromatografia de fase gasosa com detecção por ionização na chama. Os resultados encontrados indicam que o ACMC pode conter quantidade significativa de vários compostos químicos, principalmente compostos orgânicos voláteis, impactando a vegetação, prejudicando a saúde e a qualidade de vida da população do seu entorno. Foram obtidos valores de compostos orgânicos voláteis acima de 400 g m-3 a menos que 500 m do ACMC. Considerando que o ACMC não será desativado em um tempo próximo, creches, escolas e postos de saúde devem ser deslocados para uma área onde o impacto dos poluentes atmosféricos seja menor, contribuindo para a melhoria da qualidade de vida da população / The main purpose of this work is to evaluate the impacted areas of the pollutants emitted by Aterro Controlado do Morro do Céu (ACMC), located at Niterói. It was used the ISCSC3 mathematical model to calculate the diffusion and the transport of the pollutants, in order to estimate the concentrations at the neighborhood, using the emissions, meteorological, and topographical data. The samples were collected at 500 mL min-1 using a battery-operated air pump during 10 minutes, at two days at different hours. It was used a cylindrical PVC flux chamber of 30 liters, whose open top side was inserted inside soil by 5 cm, and the samples were collected using a valve at the opposite closed side. It were used double bed activated charcoal cartridges and the chemical analyses were done by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector. The results indicated that ACMC may contain several chemical compounds, mainly volatile organic compounds, causing injures to vegetation and human health at the vicinities. Values above 400 g m-3 for VOCs were found near 500 m from the landfill. As ACMC will be used for a long time it is necessary to evaluate the possibility to change the location of several schools, crèches, and hospitals to avoid the impacts of a contaminated plume arise from ACMC
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Investigation of Jet Dynamics in Cross-Flow: Quantifying Volcanic Plume BehaviorFreedland, Graham 23 November 2016 (has links)
Volcanic eruption columns inject high concentrations of ash into the atmosphere. Some of this ash is carried downwind forming ash clouds in the atmosphere that are hazardous for private and commercial aviation. Current models rely on inputs such as plume height, duration, eruption rate, and meteorological wind fields. Eruption rate is estimated from plume height using relations that depend on the rate of air entrainment into the plume, which is not well quantified. A wind tunnel experiment has been designed to investigate these models by injecting a vertical air jet into a cross-flow. The ratio of the cross-flow and jet velocities is varied to simulate a weak plume, and flow response is measured using particle image velocimetry. The plumes are characterized and flow data relative to the centerline is examined to measure the growth of weak plumes and the entrainment velocity along its trajectory. It was found that cross-flow recirculates behind the jet and entrainment occurs both up and downstream of the jet. Analysis of the generation of turbulence enhanced results by identifying the transition point to bending plume and the growth of the shear layer in a bending plume. This provides information that can be used to improve models of volcanic ash concentration changes in the atmosphere.
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A study of nozzle exit boundary layers in high-speed jet flowsTrumper, Miles Thomas January 2006 (has links)
The requirement for reduced jet noise in order to meet stringent noise legislation (civil aviation), and low infra-red observability and the use of unconventional exhaust nozzle configurations to improve aircraft survivability and performance (military aviation) is driving research to develop a better understanding of jet development and mixing mechanisms. One option open to the engineer is the use of small-scale model testing to investigate jets flows and provide valuable data for the validation of numerical models. Although more economical than large/full scale testing, additional factors that influence jet development may be present which would not be present at full scale and whose influence needs to be fully understood in order to allow small scale–large scale read-across. One such factor is the nozzle exit boundary layer. Although considerable data exist on the influence of nozzle exit boundary layers on low speed jet flows, current information on high speed jet flows is limited. It was, therefore, the aim of this thesis to extend the current understanding of nozzle exit boundary layers and their influence on the jet development for high speed jet flows through a combination of experimental and computational techniques. A combination of pneumatic probe measurements and Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) was used to investigate nozzle inlet and exit boundary layers of simple conical nozzles and the influence of adding a parallel extension piece. The measurements showed that the rapid acceleration of the boundary layer within the nozzle significantly reduced its momentum thickness Reynolds number and changed the state of the boundary layer from turbulent to laminar-like. The addition of a parallel extension to the nozzle exit returned the boundary layer to a fully turbulent state. A low Reynolds number RANS CFD approach was used to investigate the flow within the nozzle. Simulations using the Launder-Sharma low Reynolds number k–ε model revealed that the magnitude of the acceleration within the conical nozzles resulted in the boundary layer beginning to relaminarise. Full relaminarisation was not achieved due to the short axial distance over which the acceleration was sustained. The addition of a parallel extension provided a relaxation region in which the boundary layer could recover from the acceleration to become fully turbulent. Measurements of the jet plume originating from nozzles with laminar-like and turbulent boundary layers showed little influence of the boundary layer shape and thickness on shear layer spreading and jet centreline development.
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Simulations aux grandes échelles de panaches libre et impactant / Large eddies simulation of free and impinging plumesLamalle, Damien 12 December 2014 (has links)
Lors des études de désenfumage, le recours à la mécanique des fluides numérique, par l’emploi de codes tridimensionnels (CFD), est de plus en plus employé. Cependant, suite aux études de Dalmarnock (2007) et d’Arcueil (2009), il a été montré que les résultats numériques peuvent s’éloigner de façon significative des résultats expérimentaux. Ces différences peuvent être notamment induites par des faibles erreurs de certains paramètres clés, ce qui limite l’utilisation prédictive de ces codes dans les études d’ingénierie de la sécurité incendie. Dans ce cadre, cette thèse est consacrée à la simulation numérique d’écoulement induit par une source de chaleur. Les simulations sont réalisées avec le code FDS, largement utilisé par la communauté incendie, afin d’étudier sa capacité à reproduire la dynamique de ces écoulements. L’étude se porte principalement sur la simulation d’un panache, créé par une plaque chauffante, avec une comparaison détaillée à des résultats expérimentaux. Les résultats des simulations montrent que, les profils radiaux des statistiques en un point de vitesse et température d’ordre 1 et 2, sont en très bon accord avec les résultats de la littérature. Les évolutions des flux de masse, de flottabilité et de quantité de mouvement, ainsi que celle du nombre de Richardson du panache, sont également bien reproduites. Après avoir validé la simulation, l’évolution du coefficient d’entraînement avec la hauteur a pu être examinée en détail, montrant que ce coefficient diminue en s’éloignant de la source de chaleur, passant de 0.4 en partie proche de la source à 0.1 en partie éloignée. Cette évolution a pu être expliquée par une dépendance du coefficient d’entraînement avec le nombre de Richardson local du panache et le rapport des masses volumiques entre le panache et l’air ambiant. La thèse a également permis de montrer que les variables étudiées sont sensibles à différents modèles de sous maille. Pour finir, une méthodologie a été proposée pour étudier la sensibilité de différents paramètres d’entrée de simulation et appliquée sur un cas réaliste d’incendie dans un bâtiment. Cette analyse a permis de mettre en évidence plusieurs paramètres explicites (paramètres définis en concertation avec le propriétaire du bâtiment, les services d’incendie et les autorités compétentes) qui modifient les résultats de la simulation : la puissance du foyer, le débit d’extraction des gaz chauds, mais également certains paramètres implicites (paramètres définis par le modélisateur) comme le débit d’insufflation au niveau des entrées d’air frais. / Fire Safety Engineering studies often rely on the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics, but several recent studies (e.g. Dalmarnock 2007, Arcueil Numérique 2009) have highlighted significant differences between experimental data and the results of numerical simulations. The numerical models are often rather sensitive to the choice of boundary conditions, and may depend on key parameters which are poorly understood. The research presented in this thesis addresses some of these questions, using the CFD code FDS to simulate a set of experimental test cases, and to test the sensitivity of the simulations to different input parameters. The general configuration studied is that of a thermal plume generated by a heated plate, either rising freely or else impacting on a ceiling. Radial profiles of 1st and 2nd order statistics of temperature and velocity agree well with published data, as does the axial variation of Mass, Momentum and Buoyancy fluxes, and the local Richardson number. A detailed study of the entrainment coefficient shows that this varies with distance from the heat source, between about 0.4 and 0.1; this is explained by the dependence of entrainment on the local Richardson number and the density difference between the plume and the ambient air. The comparison between simulations has also been used to investigate the applicability of different sub-grid scale models for this type of flow. Finally, a methodology has been developed for evaluating the sensitivity of the calculations to different input parameters, and the method has been applied to a test configuration representing a fire in a building. The results show the relative importance of both explicitly-defined parameters that characterize the situation (thermal power of the fire, ventilation regime inside the building) and implicit model parameters.
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A Two Dimensional Plume In A Rotating FluidRaju, Jampana V S 11 1900 (has links) (PDF)
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