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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation du comportement mécanique sous sollicitations thermohydriques d'un mur multimatériaux (bois, terre crue, liants minéraux) lors de sa construction et de son utilisation / Evaluation of the mechanical behavior under thermo-hydric stresses of a multimaterial wall (wood, earth, mineral binders) during its construction and its use

Laou, Lamyaa 13 November 2017 (has links)
Les problèmes climatiques planétaires nous poussent à concevoir des systèmes constructifs à faible consommation d’énergie. L’utilisation des murs constitués d’écomatériaux (ossature bois avec un remplissage de brique de terre crue et assemblage parmortier minéral) apparaît comme une solution alternative intéressante et conforme aux objectifs en matière de développement durable. Dans une démarche de conception de ce type de système constructif, un outil de modélisation thermo-hydro-mécanique a été développé. Il vise d’une part à prédire la capacité de la paroi à réguler les conditions hygrothermiques ambiantes lors des alternances jour/nuit en fonction des différentes stratégies de ventilation, et d’autre part à identifier les différents scénarios décrits en termes de température et d’humidité pouvant induire l’apparition de fissures dans la paroi, aussi bien en phase de construction qu’en conditions de service. La rareté des travaux réalisés sur les propriétés de la terre crue nous a poussés à développer une campagne expérimentale multidisciplinaire pour caractériser les propriétés thermiques, hydriques et mécaniques sous différents états hydriques. Ces propriétés alimentent le modèle, dont les adaptations nécessaires sont présentées. Les résultats portent à la fois sur l’impact sur le confort hygrothermique et sur l’effet des variations hydriques sur la durabilité mécanique de la paroi. / Global climate problems push us to design energy-saving constructive systems. The use of walls made of eco-materials (wooden frame with a filling of brick of raw earth and assembled by mineral mortar) appears as an interesting alternative solution being in linewith the objectives in terms of sustainable development. In order to use a numerical simulation approach to this type of constructive system, a thermo-hydro-mechanical modeling tool was developed. On the one hand, it aims to predict the wall's ability to regulate the ambient hygrothermal conditions during day / night alternations according to the different ventilation assumptions and, on the other hand, to identify the various scenarios described in terms of temperature which can induce the appearance of cracks in the wall, both during construction and operating conditions. The originality of the work carried out on the properties of the raw earth make us able to develop a multidisciplinary experimental campaign to characterize the thermal, hydric and mechanical properties under different humidity conditions. These properties feed the numerical model with the necessary adaptations presented. The results present both the impact on hygrothermal comfort and to the effect of humidity changes on the mechanical durability of the wall.

Contribuição para a normalização da alvenaria estrutural com uso de tijolos de terra crua para construções urbanas / Contribution for the normalization of the structural masonry with the use of bricks of raw earth for urban constructions

Gonçalves, Jameson da Silva 30 September 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:09:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 parte3.pdf: 1961428 bytes, checksum: aad5d65b57d79a641e76ba316503798a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-09-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The production of industrialized materials, like concrete, ceramic bricks and steel, consumes enormous amounts of energy, throws pollutants in the atmosphere and generates absurd amounts of harmful residues into the environment. In spite of this, they have been strongly studied in all the engineering and architecture schools in the whole world. With already almost seven billion people, which almost half has an enormous need of infrastructure and housing, but at least half hasn t income to acquire the industrialized materials, another solution doesn't have the Earth Planet, than to return to the past and seek in the planet how to survive without attacking it intensely. In the Engineering field, if one hypothetically wants to supply the needs of the emerging countries only with the industrialized materials, considering that a single kilogram of cement consumes more than 2.6 kWh, there would probably be the energy collapse in the globe! So, the search for natural materials becomes an option for the future. In the area of the construction, among the beneficial materials to the human beings there are the raw earth that accompanies them from the humanity's origins. As it is still little studied, the raw earth is banished practically as construction material, despite all its history. This work presents a series of studies done in layers of raw earth, constructed using two technologies: the one of the pressed bricks and the one of the adobes. Eleven walls were tested, six of them in blocks pressed as Mattone type, that is, a brick with fittings that uses a flowing mortar with a small thickness in the assembly of the walls. The loads were applied in cycles, to verify the behavior of the walls also in unloading. On the top of the walls a beam of armed concrete was built to distribute the applied load applied by hydraulic jacks. The behavior of the walls was accompanied through measurements done by mechanical extensometer with which they were instrumented. The results showed a surprising capacity of carrying load of the wall panels, that, although there were load eccentricities always present in the tests, they behaves in a way more than satisfactory for use in community equipments and houses of social interest / A produção de materiais industrializados, como concreto, tijolos cerâmicos, aço, consome enormes quantidades de energia, lança poluentes na atmosfera e gera absurdas quantidades de resíduos danosos ao meio ambiente. Apesar disto, têm sido estudados fortemente em todas as escolas de engenharia e arquitetura no mundo todo. Com já quase sete bilhões de pessoas, das quais quase metade tem necessidade enorme de infra-estrutura e habitação, mas sequer tem renda para adquirir os materiais industrializados, outra solução não tem o Planeta Terra que não seja se voltar ao passado e procurar nele sobreviver sem agredi-lo intensamente. No campo da Engenharia, se hipoteticamente se desejar suprir as necessidades dos paises emergentes unicamente com os materiais industrializados, considerando que um único quilograma de cimento consome mais de 2,6 kWh, provavelmente haveria o colapso energético no globo! Assim a busca por materiais naturais passa a ser uma opção para o futuro. Na área da construção, entre os materiais benéficos aos seres humanos tem-se a terra crua que os acompanha desde os primórdios da humanidade. Como é ainda pouco estudada, a terra crua é praticamente banida como material de construção, malgrado toda sua história. Este trabalho apresenta uma série de estudos feitos em paredes de terra crua, usando-se duas tecnologias: a dos tijolos prensados e a dos adobes. Foram ensaiadas ao todo onze paredes, seis das quais em blocos prensados, tipo Mattone, que é um tijolo com encaixes que utiliza uma argamassa fluida e de pequena espessura na montagem das paredes. Os carregamentos foram aplicados em ciclos, para se verificar o comportamento dos muros também no descarregamento. No topo das paredes foi construída viga de concreto armado para distribuir melhor a carga aplicada por macaco hidráulico. O comportamento das paredes foi acompanhado através de medições feitas em extensômetros mecânicos com os quais elas foram instrumentadas. Os resultados apontam para uma surpreendente capacidade de carga dos painéis de parede, que, embora sempre apresentem excentricidades de carga nos ensaios, comportam-se de maneira mais que satisfatória para uso em equipamentos comunitários e habitações de interesse social


ARGUS CARUSO SATURNINO 11 November 2013 (has links)
[pt] A dissertação consiste em um estudo sobre tecnologias de baixo impacto, utilizando materiais como terra crua, fibras e resinas vegetais. Insere-se na linha de pesquisa do Laboratório de Investigação em Livre Desenho (LILD), do Departamento de Artes e Design da PUC-Rio. O objetivo do estudo é o desenvolvimento de objetos adotando metodologia do LILD, e sua experimentação em dois domínios: o de laboratório, que chamamos situacional, e o físico e social, destinado à observação do objeto em uso, que chamamos cultural. Na passagem de um domínio para o outro, o objeto fica sujeito a uma diversidade de interações. No domínio situacional, os conhecimentos existentes sobre a permeabilidade ao ar e a transferência de calor são aprofundados. Formas com estruturas internas alveolares de barro, para funcionar como unidades de vedações arquitetônicas, são estudadas e diferentes acabamentos são experimentados. No domínio cultural, envolvendo locais como Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais e São Paulo, são observados os aspectos de atividades convivenciais (termo de Ivan Illich, 1976), em que, nas ações de construção, está embutido o aprendizado. Diversas experiências são relatadas, todas envolvendo o uso de materiais como terra crua, fibras naturais e resinas naturais, no desenvolvimento de atividades de construção de uma cobertura e de um forno de barro; restauração de uma capela com estrutura geodésica; construção de um minhocário com estrutura treliçada; construção de um túnel em fibrobarro e reforma de um apartamento. Um levantamento fotográfico, sobre técnicas construtivas vinculadas a estes materiais no mundo, se encontra no apêndice. As habitações são vistas não somente sob o enfoque antropológico e construtivo, mas também sob a observação in loco do autor, em sua volta ao mundo de bicicleta. / [en] This dissertation consists in one study on low-impact technologies that use materials such as raw earth, fibers, and vegetal resins. It is part of the research line from PUC-Rio’s Department of Arts and Design’s Laboratory for Investigation in Living Design (LILD). The purpose of this study is the development of objects adopting the LILD s methodology, in which objects are analyzed under two domains: the laboratory, called situational, and the physical-social, encompassing the use of the object, called cultural. When passing from one domain to the other, the object stays under a diversity of its interactions. The analysis of the situational domain furthers the existing knowledge on air permeability and heat transfer through in-lab analyses of honeycomb-shaped clay structures serving as architectonic sealing units as well as experiments with various finishing options to the clay-fiber surface. On the other hand, the aspects of conviviality activities – term by Ivan Illich, 1976, in which learning is enclosed in construction endeavors – are explored in cultural domains located in Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, and Sao Paulo. Several experiences are reported, all of them involving the use of materials like raw earth, and natural fibers and resins, for the development of activities such as the construction of a shelter, a clay oven, and a clay-fiber tunnel, the restoration of a geodesic-structured chapel, the construction of a lattice-structured worm farm, and the renovation of an apartment. The appendix includes a photographic study of construction techniques associated with these materials across the world. Dwellings are seen not only under an anthropologic and construction perspective, but also through the author’s point of view on site during his bicycle tour around the world.


MARCIO AMORIM LAZARONI 07 August 2014 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação mostra estudos de aplicações e revestimento do fibrobarro em diferentes contextos dentro do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Através da pesquisa efetuada dentro e fora do Laboratório de Investigação em Livre Desenho (LILD) foram desenvolvidas possibilidades de aplicação do fibrobarro aproveitando os recursos disponíveis. A pesquisa relata alguns materiais já utilizados para a cobertura de construções em materiais biocompatíveis. Durante o processo da pesquisa avergou-se possibilidades para a fabricação de compósitos, principalmente na abrangência de possíveis fibras quando o fibrobarro não for utilizado como principal elemento estrutural. O revestimento também é pesquisado com destaque para o uso da pasta de cal hidratada. Ao efetuar a pesquisa de campo em paralelo aos estudos em laboratório foi possível perceber a importância do gestual no ato de fazer artesanalmente objetos que buscam ser perenes respeitando o ambiente local e considerando-se o seu descarte. Durante o processo de pesquisa também foi observado a construção dos objetos arquitetônicos com voluntários de diferentes contextos socioeconômicos o que possibilitou perceber a importância dessa diversidade para atingir a convivencialidade (Illich, 1976) e como uma metodologia atenta e sensível, fundamental para desenvolvermos uma verdadeira ciência de construção respeitando as características sociais e ambientais de cada região. / [en] This master thesis studies shows applications and finishes of fibersoil in different contexts inside the State of Rio de Janeiro. Through the work done inside and outside the Laboratory of Research in Free Drawing (LILD) investigate possible applications of fibersoil using the resources available. At the beginning of the work trace is already some materials used for covering buildings made with biocompatible materials inside and outside the LILD. During the process of research we discovered some possibilities for the manufacture of composites, especially in the range of possible using of fibers when it is not used as the main structural element. We also researched some possibilities for finishing construction of fibrosoil more careful in the use of hydrated lime paste. When we make the field research in parallel with laboratory studies we realized the importance of the gestures in the act of making objects that seek to be a evergreen respecting the local environment and considering your disposal. During the research process we also observed the construction of architectural objects with volunteers from different socioeconomic contexts which enabled us to realize the importance of gesture and an attentive and sensitive methodology is important to develop a true science of construction respecting the social and environmental characteristics of each region.


WALTER DOS SANTOS TEIXEIRA FILHO 11 November 2013 (has links)
[pt] A presente tese trata de técnicas de baixo custo econômico, acessíveis à população e adequadas ao emprego de materiais que possam ser utilizados em seu estado natural, com pouco beneficiamento. O bambu, a terra crua e as fibras e resinas vegetais, são basicamente os materiais utilizados. Primeiramente foram realizados e testados objetos experimentais para funcionar como elementos de vedações, de cobertura, de sobrecobertura, de proteção externa – brise-soleil e arcos estruturais. Em seguida descreve o aperfeiçoamento de processos de encapsulamento do bambu em desenvolvimento no Laboratório de Investigação Livre Desenho da PUC-Rio. Dando continuidade ao trabalho sobre essas técnicas construtivas, a partir da manipulação de uma determinada bolha de sabão, foi elaborada uma série de modelos experimentais mecânicos e virtuais para uma sala multiuso de 7,70m x 6,00m de base, com altura de 3,20m, feita de fitas de bambu, mantas de barro cru, fibras e resinas vegetais. Na geometria destes modelos, paredes e cobertura se fundem em uma superfície contínua, com duas camadas superpostas, espaçadas e interligadas, formando uma casca que se apoia em toda a extensão do seu perímetro. A seguir, foi feita uma construção em escala real em que fitas de bambu descreviam a geometria base da bolha para testarmos de maneira não instrumentalizada possibilidades de montagem e desmontagem e os índices de resistência devidos ao particular formato da bolha. Finalmente, baseado neste último experimento, são apresentadas soluções gerais inovadoras para o conforto higrotérmico em climas tropicais úmidos que substituem a estratégia da inércia térmica dos materiais espessos e pesados pela leveza de uma dupla casca estrutural que abriga câmaras de ar ventiladas em seu interior. / [en] This thesis studies low cost building techniques that are accessible to a wide range of population groups and are suitable for the use of materials in their natural state with little or no processing. The materials used are basically bamboo, raw earth and vegetable fibers and resins. First a series of tests were carried out with experimental objects to assess suitability for use as sealants, covering, outer covering and external protection – brise –soleil panels and structural arches. Following this, we describe the perfecting of the bamboo coating process in progress the Free Design Laboratory of Rio’s Catholic University. Building on these construction techniques, inspired by the manipulation of a soap bubble a series of experimental mechanical and virtual models were elaborated for a multi-use space measuring 7.7m by 6m at the base with a height of 3.2m, made of bamboo tapes, with a raw earth, fiber and resin covering. In the geometry of these models the walls and covering are a continuous surface with two layers one on another, separated but interconnected. In this way the outer wall is formed which extends over and is supported by the entire perimeter of the structure. The following step was to make a full scale construction in which bamboo tapes were used to form the geometric shape of the base of the bubble in order to do practical tests of the possibilities of assembly and disassembly of such a structure. Tests were also done on the resistance factors afforded by the singular bubble format. Finally, based on the previous experiment we present innovative solutions to the problem of hygrothermic comfort in humid tropical climates which substitute the thermal inertia strategy of thick, heavy building materials with the lightness of a double outer layer that holds ventilated air chambers between these layers.

Étude du comportement hygro- mécanique de la terre crue hyper-compactée pour la construction durable / Hygro-mechanical characterisation of hypercompacted earth for sustainable construction

Bruno, Agostino Walter 28 October 2016 (has links)
Cette étude vise à contribuer au développement d’un produit de construction à faible impact environnemental utilisant la terre crue. Pour cela, le comportement hygro-mécanique de la terre crue compressée à haute pression par une technique novatrice mise au point dans ce projet a été caractérisé. De plus, plusieurs méthodes de stabilisation ont été évaluées afin d’améliorer la durabilité de ce matériau, notamment vis-à-vis de l’érosion induite par l’eau. Une vaste campagne d’essais expérimentaux a été menée sur ces matériaux stabilisés ou non, à deux échelles différentes : les caractérisations des échantillons cylindriques (petite échelle) ont tout d’abord permis de sélectionner la formulation optimale. Par la suite, les tests menés à grande échelle sur les briques de terre compressée ont contribué à développer un produit pour la construction. Une nouvelle technique de fabrication basée sur l’application d’une contrainte de compactage très élevée (hyper-compactage) a été mise au point. Son objectif principal est d’augmenter la densité du matériau afin d’améliorer ses performances mécaniques. Les échantillons compactés par la méthode proposée présentent une densité sèche d’environ 2320 kg/m3, ce qui représente la valeur la plus élevée jamais enregistrée dans la littérature pour une terre non stabilisée. Les effets de la contrainte de compactage sur la microstructure du matériau ont été analysés par intrusion au mercure et adsorption d’azote liquide. Les résultats montrent que l’augmentation de la contrainte de compactage réduit la porosité du matériau, majoritairement les grands pores inter-agrégats. Cependant, le compactage mécanique influence peu les petits pores intra-agrégats. L'approfondissement de la caractérisation des propriétés microstructurales des échantillons stabilisés constitue un développement intéressant de ce travail. La résistance et la rigidité des échantillons non stabilisés et stabilisés ont été mesurées. Ces essais mécaniques confirment que la méthode d'hyper-compactage permet d’améliorer grandement la réponse mécanique du matériau par rapport aux techniques de fabrication existantes. Ainsi, les briques réalisées présentent une résistance en compression comparable à celle-là des matériaux traditionnels de construction (e.g. terre stabilisée et briques en terre cuite). Pour compléter cette étude, des essais mécaniques à l’échelle paroi sont à mener. Le comportement hygroscopique des échantillons stabilisés et non stabilisés a été analysé par la mesure du paramètre MBV (i.e. Moisture Buffering Value), qui traduit la capacité d’échange avec la vapeur d’eau. Il s'avère que la terre non stabilisée possède une excellente capacité à absorber et relarguer l’humidité ambiante. Cette capacité est, par contre, réduite pour les échantillons stabilisés testés dans le cadre de cette étude. La caractérisation du comportement thermique de la terre compressée à haute pression ainsi que l’analyse expérimentale des transferts thermo-hygroscopiques à l’échelle paroi représentent deux compléments d'étude afin de préciser le comportement hygroscopique d'un mur à base de terre crue. Enfin, la durabilité par rapport à l’érosion induite par l’eau des briques stabilisées et non stabilisées a été estimée à travers les essais d’immersion, de succion et de contact qui sont prévus par la norme DIN 18945 (2013). Les briques stabilisées montrent une meilleure résistance à l’eau par rapport aux briques non stabilisées. Toutefois, des études supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour améliorer les méthodes de stabilisation garantissant la durabilité dans le cas d'applications structurelles exposées aux intempéries, tout en maintenant de bonnes performances hygro-mécaniques et un faible impact environnemental. / The present work explores the hygro-mechanical behaviour of a raw earth material and investigates different stabilisation techniques to improve the durability of the material against water erosion. An extensive campaign of laboratory tests was performed on both unstabilised and stabilised materials at two different scales: small cylindrical samples and large bricks. An innovative manufacturing method based on the application of very high compaction pressures (hypercompaction) was proposed. Also, the compaction load was maintained constant for a sufficient period of time to allow soil consolidation. The main objective was to increase material density, thus improving mechanical performance. Samples compacted with the proposed method exhibited a dry density of about 2320 kg/m3, which is the highest value registered in the literature for an unstabilised earthen material. The effect of the compaction pressure on the material fabric was assessed by means of mercury intrusion porosimetry and nitrogen adsorption tests. Results showed that the increase of compaction pressure reduced material porosity with major effects on large inter-aggregate pores. On the contrary, small intra-aggregate pores were not affected by the mechanical compaction. Mechanical tests were then performed to measure stiffness and strength of both unstabilised and stabilised samples. These tests demonstrated that hypercompaction can largely improve the mechanical response of the material over conventional manufacturing methods. Hypercompacted bricks showed a compressive strength comparable with that of traditional building materials, such as stabilised compressed earth and fired bricks. The hygroscopic behaviour of both unstabilised and stabilised samples was investigated. The capacity of the samples to absorb/release water vapour was assessed by measuring their moisture buffering value (MBV). Results showed that unstabilised earth has an excellent capacity to buffer ambient humidity. This capacity was significantly reduced by the different stabilisation techniques tested in the present work. Finally, the durability against water erosion of both unstabilised and stabilised bricks was assessed by performing different tests prescribed by the norm DIN 18945 (2013). Stabilised bricks exhibited a higher resistance against water erosion compared to unstabilised bricks. Still, these materials cannot be adopted for structural applications exposed to natural weathering as indicated by the norm DIN 18945 (2013). Therefore, further investigation is required to identify novel stabilisation methods that can balance the needs of sustainability, durability, moisture buffering and mechanical performance.

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