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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Asset-liability modelling and pension schemes: the application of robust optimization to USS

Platanakis, Emmanouil, Sutcliffe, C. 08 May 2015 (has links)
Yes / This paper uses a novel numerical optimization technique – robust optimization – that is well suited to solving the asset–liability management (ALM) problem for pension schemes. It requires the estimation of fewer stochastic parameters, reduces estimation risk and adopts a prudent approach to asset allocation. This study is the first to apply it to a real-world pension scheme, and the first ALM model of a pension scheme to maximize the Sharpe ratio. We disaggregate pension liabilities into three components – active members, deferred members and pensioners, and transform the optimal asset allocation into the scheme’s projected contribution rate. The robust optimization model is extended to include liabilities and used to derive optimal investment policies for the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS), benchmarked against the Sharpe and Tint, Bayes–Stein and Black–Litterman models as well as the actual USS investment decisions. Over a 144-month out-of-sample period, robust optimization is superior to the four benchmarks across 20 performance criteria and has a remarkably stable asset allocation – essentially fix-mix. These conclusions are supported by six robustness checks.


[pt] O estudo de séries temporais desempenha um papel fundamental no processo de tomada de decisão, dando origem a inúmeras metodologias ao longo do tempo. Dentro desse contexto, os modelos score-driven surgem como uma abordagem flexível e interpretável. No entanto, devido ao número significativo de parâmetros envolvidos, o processo de estimação desses modelos tende a ser complexo. Para lidar com essa complexidade, este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar como a adoção de técnicas modernas de otimização impacta o desempenho final do modelo. Além de simplificar o processo de estimação de parâmetros, essa mudança de paradigma permite a integração de novas técnicas, como a otimização robusta, na formulação do modelo, potencialmente aprimorando seu desempenho. O pacote SDUC.jl, que facilita o ajuste e a previsão de modelos impulsionados por escores com base em componentes não observáveis usando técnicas modernas de otimização, representa uma das principais contribuições deste estudo. Ao utilizar séries temporais conhecidas para ilustrar sua funcionalidade e dados mensais de carga elétrica do sistema brasileiro, o estudo foi capaz de demonstrar a flexibilidade do pacote e seu desempenho robusto, mesmo durante períodos de mudança de regime nos dados, graças à aplicação de técnicas de robustez. / [en] The study of time series plays a pivotal role in the decision-making process, giving rise to numerous methodologies over time. Within this context, score-driven models emerge as a flexible and interpretable approach. However, due to the significant number of parameters involved, the estimation process for these models tends to be complex. To address this complexity, this study aims to evaluate how the adoption of modern optimization techniques impacts the final performance of the model. Beyond simplifying the parameter estimation process, this shift in paradigm allows for the integration of new techniques, such as robust optimization, into the model formulation, thereby potentially enhancing its performance. The SDUC.jl package, which facilitates the adjustment and prediction of score-driven models based on unobservable components using modern optimization techniques, represents one of the main contributions of this study. By utilizing well-known time series to illustrate its functionality and monthly electrical load data from the Brazilian system, the study was able to demonstrate the flexibility of the package and its robust performance, even during periods of regime change in the data, thanks to the application of robustness techniques.

Develop a Robust Design Framework by Integrating Statistical Concepts and using Finite Element Analysis

Veluchamy, Bharatharun January 2024 (has links)
In the constantly changing field of engineering and design, achieving solutions that are both resilient and optimized is crucial. This thesis introduces a robust design methodology (RDM) that integrates statistical concepts and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to enhance the product reliability and durability. Altair Hyperstudy is used for design exploration, and it examines how changes in geometry and material properties influence the IKEA Wall-Mounting shelving unit. The objective is to efficiently parameterize geometric shapes, compare different Design of Experiments (DOE) methodologies, identify key input variables impacting outputs, and generate a response surface model based on training data. The parameterization of geometric shapes is achieved using the morphing tool in Altair Hypermesh, while the design exploration is conducted using Full factorial, Fractional factorial V, IV and III approaches with selected resolutions. A space-filling modified extensive lattice sequence design (MELS) is employed to examine the entire design space, providing input for the development of the response surface methodology (RSM). Finally, the RSM is developed for all design variables and the quality of fit is assessed. The methodology described is used to explore the design space and determine which parameters influence the system’s output response, ensuring these parameters are considered during the design phase.

Robust State Estimation, Uncertainty Quantification, and Uncertainty Reduction with Applications to Wind Estimation

Gahan, Kenneth Christopher 17 July 2024 (has links)
Indirect wind estimation onboard unmanned aerial systems (UASs) can be accomplished using existing air vehicle sensors along with a dynamic model of the UAS augmented with additional wind-related states. It is often desired to extract a mean component of the wind the from frequency fluctuations (i.e. turbulence). Commonly, a variation of the KALMAN filter is used, with explicit or implicit assumptions about the nature of the random wind velocity. This dissertation presents an H-infinity (H∞) filtering approach to wind estimation which requires no assumptions about the statistics of the process or measurement noise. To specify the wind frequency content of interest a low-pass filter is incorporated. We develop the augmented UAS model in continuous-time, derive the H∞ filter, and introduce a KALMAN-BUCY filter for comparison. The filters are applied to data gathered during UAS flight tests and validated using a vaned air data unit onboard the aircraft. The H∞ filter provides quantitatively better estimates of the wind than the KALMAN-BUCY filter, with approximately 10-40% less root-mean-square (RMS) error in the majority of cases. It is also shown that incorporating DRYDEN turbulence does not improve the KALMAN-BUCY results. Additionally, this dissertation describes the theory and process for using generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) to re-cast the dynamics of a system with non-deterministic parameters as a deterministic system. The concepts are applied to the problem of wind estimation and characterizing the precision of wind estimates over time due to known parametric uncertainties. A novel truncation method, known as Sensitivity-Informed Variable Reduction (SIVR) was developed. In the multivariate case presented here, gPC and the SIVR-derived reduced gPC (gPCr) exhibit a computational advantage over Monte Carlo sampling-based methods for uncertainty quantification (UQ) and sensitivity analysis (SA), with time reductions of 38% and 98%, respectively. Lastly, while many estimation approaches achieve desirable accuracy under the assumption of known system parameters, reducing the effect of parametric uncertainty on wind estimate precision is desirable and has not been thoroughly investigated. This dissertation describes the theory and process for combining gPC and H-infinity (H∞) filtering. In the multivariate case presented, the gPC H∞ filter shows superiority over a nominal H∞ filter in terms of variance in estimates due to model parametric uncertainty. The error due to parametric uncertainty, as characterized by the variance in estimates from the mean, is reduced by as much as 63%. / Doctor of Philosophy / On unmanned aerial systems (UASs), determining wind conditions indirectly, without direct measurements, is possible by utilizing onboard sensors and computational models. Often, the goal is to isolate the average wind speed while ignoring turbulent fluctuations. Conventionally, this is achieved using a mathematical tool called the KALMAN filter, which relies on assumptions about the wind. This dissertation introduces a novel approach called H-infinity (H∞) filtering, which does not rely on such assumptions and includes an additional mechanism to focus on specific wind frequencies of interest. The effectiveness of this method is evaluated using real-world data from UAS flights, comparing it with the traditional KALMAN-BUCY filter. Results show that the H∞ filter provides significantly improved wind estimates, with approximately 10-40% less error in most cases. Furthermore, the dissertation addresses the challenge of dealing with uncertainty in wind estimation. It introduces another mathematical technique called generalized polynomial chaos (gPC), which is used to quantify and manage uncertainties within the UAS system and their impact on the indirect wind estimates. By applying gPC, the dissertation shows that the amount and sources of uncertainty can be determined more efficiently than by traditional methods (up to 98% faster). Lastly, this dissertation shows the use of gPC to provide more precise wind estimates. In experimental scenarios, employing gPC in conjunction with H∞ filtering demonstrates superior performance compared to using a standard H∞ filter alone, reducing errors caused by uncertainty by as much as 63%.

On-line dynamic optimization and control strategy for improving the performance of batch reactors

Mujtaba, Iqbal, Arpornwichanop, A., Kittisupakorn, P. January 2005 (has links)
No / Since batch reactors are generally applied to produce a wide variety of specialty products, there is a great deal of interest to enhance batch operation to achieve high quality and purity product while minimizing the conversion of undesired by-product. The use of process optimization in the control of batch reactors presents a useful tool for operating batch reactors efficiently and optimally. In this work, we develop an approach, based on an on-line dynamic optimization strategy, to modify optimal temperature set point profile for batch reactors. Two different optimization problems concerning batch operation: maximization of product concentration and minimization of batch time, are formulated and solved using a sequential optimization approach. An Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) is incorporated into the proposed approach in order to update current states from their delayed measurement and to estimate unmeasurable state variables. A nonlinear model-based controller: generic model control algorithm (GMC) is applied to drive the temperature of the batch reactor to follow the desired profile. A batch reactor with complex exothermic reaction scheme is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The simulation results indicate that with the proposed strategy, large improvement in batch reactor performance, in term of the amount of a desired product and batch operation time, can be achieved compared to the method where the optimal temperature set point is pre-determined.

Robust nonlinear control : from continuous time to sampled-data with aerospace applications. / Commande non linéaire robuste : du temps-continu jusqu’aux systèmes sous échantillonnage avec applications aérospatiales.

Mattei, Giovanni 13 February 2015 (has links)
La thèse porte sur le développement des techniques non linéaires robustes de stabilisation et commande des systèmes avec perturbations de model. D’abord, on introduit les concepts de base de stabilité et stabilisabilité robuste dans le contexte des systèmes non linéaires. Ensuite, on présente une méthodologie de stabilisation par retour d’état en présence d’incertitudes qui ne sont pas dans l’image de la commande («unmatched»). L’approche récursive du «backstepping» permet de compenser les perturbations «unmatched» et de construire une fonction de Lyapunov contrôlée robuste, utilisable pour le calcul ultérieur d’un compensateur des incertitudes dans l’image de la commande («matched»). Le contrôleur obtenu est appelé «recursive Lyapunov redesign». Ensuite, on introduit la technique de stabilisation par «Immersion & Invariance» comme outil pour rendre un donné contrôleur non linéaire, robuste par rapport à dynamiques non modelées. La première technique de contrôle non linéaire robuste proposée est appliquée au projet d’un autopilote pour un missile air-air et au développement d’une loi de commande d’attitude pour un satellite avec appendices flexibles. L’efficacité du «recursive Lyapunov redesign» est mis en évidence dans le deux cas d’étude considérés. En parallèle, on propose une méthode systématique de calcul des termes incertains basée sur un modèle déterministe d’incertitude. La partie finale du travail de thèse est relative à la stabilisation des systèmes sous échantillonnage. En particulier, on reformule, dans le contexte digital, la technique d’Immersion et Invariance. En premier lieu, on propose des solutions constructives en temps continu dans le cas d’une classe spéciale des systèmes en forme triangulaire «feedback form», au moyen de «backstepping» et d’arguments de domination non linéaire. L’implantation numérique est basée sur une loi multi-échelles, dont l’existence est garantie pour la classe des systèmes considérée. Le contrôleur digital assure la propriété d’attractivité et des trajectoires bornées. La loi de commande, calculée par approximation finie d’un développement asymptotique, est validée en simulation de deux exemples académiques et deux systèmes physiques, le pendule inversé sur un chariot et le satellite rigide. / The dissertation deals with the problems of stabilization and control of nonlinear systems with deterministic model uncertainties. First, in the context of uncertain systems analysis, we introduce and explain the basic concepts of robust stability and stabilizability. Then, we propose a method of stabilization via state-feedback in presence of unmatched uncertainties in the dynamics. The recursive backstepping approach allows to compensate the uncertain terms acting outside the control span and to construct a robust control Lyapunov function, which is exploited in the subsequent design of a compensator for the matched uncertainties. The obtained controller is called recursive Lyapunov redesign. Next, we introduce the stabilization technique through Immersion \& Invariance (I\&I) as a tool to improve the robustness of a given nonlinear controller with respect to unmodeled dynamics. The recursive Lyapunov redesign is then applied to the attitude stabilization of a spacecraft with flexible appendages and to the autopilot design of an asymmetric air-to-air missile. Contextually, we develop a systematic method to rapidly evaluate the aerodynamic perturbation terms exploiting the deterministic model of the uncertainty. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is highlighted through several simulations in the second case-study considered. In the final part of the work, the technique of I\& I is reformulated in the digital setting in the case of a special class of systems in feedback form, for which constructive continuous-time solutions exist, by means of backstepping and nonlinear domination arguments. The sampled-data implementation is based on a multi-rate control solution, whose existence is guaranteed for the class of systems considered. The digital controller guarantees, under sampling, the properties of manifold attractivity and trajectory boundedness. The control law, computed by finite approximation of a series expansion, is finally validated through numerical simulations in two academic examples and in two case-studies, namely the cart-pendulum system and the rigid spacecraft.

An integrated approach to feature compensation combining particle filters and Hidden Markov Models for robust speech recognition

Mushtaq, Aleem 19 September 2013 (has links)
The performance of automatic speech recognition systems often degrades in adverse conditions where there is a mismatch between training and testing conditions. This is true for most modern systems which employ Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) to decode speech utterances. One strategy is to map the distorted features back to clean speech features that correspond well to the features used for training of HMMs. This can be achieved by treating the noisy speech as the distorted version of the clean speech of interest. Under this framework, we can track and consequently extract the underlying clean speech from the noisy signal and use this derived signal to perform utterance recognition. Particle filter is a versatile tracking technique that can be used where often conventional techniques such as Kalman filter fall short. We propose a particle filters based algorithm to compensate the corrupted features according to an additive noise model incorporating both the statistics from clean speech HMMs and observed background noise to map noisy features back to clean speech features. Instead of using specific knowledge at the model and state levels from HMMs which is hard to estimate, we pool model states into clusters as side information. Since each cluster encompasses more statistics when compared to the original HMM states, there is a higher possibility that the newly formed probability density function at the cluster level can cover the underlying speech variation to generate appropriate particle filter samples for feature compensation. Additionally, a dynamic joint tracking framework to monitor the clean speech signal and noise simultaneously is also introduced to obtain good noise statistics. In this approach, the information available from clean speech tracking can be effectively used for noise estimation. The availability of dynamic noise information can enhance the robustness of the algorithm in case of large fluctuations in noise parameters within an utterance. Testing the proposed PF-based compensation scheme on the Aurora 2 connected digit recognition task, we achieve an error reduction of 12.15% from the best multi-condition trained models using this integrated PF-HMM framework to estimate the cluster-based HMM state sequence information. Finally, we extended the PFC framework and evaluated it on a large-vocabulary recognition task, and showed that PFC works well for large-vocabulary systems also.

A Comprehensive Approach to Posterior Jointness Analysis in Bayesian Model Averaging Applications

Crespo Cuaresma, Jesus, Grün, Bettina, Hofmarcher, Paul, Humer, Stefan, Moser, Mathias 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Posterior analysis in Bayesian model averaging (BMA) applications often includes the assessment of measures of jointness (joint inclusion) across covariates. We link the discussion of jointness measures in the econometric literature to the literature on association rules in data mining exercises. We analyze a group of alternative jointness measures that include those proposed in the BMA literature and several others put forward in the field of data mining. The way these measures address the joint exclusion of covariates appears particularly important in terms of the conclusions that can be drawn from them. Using a dataset of economic growth determinants, we assess how the measurement of jointness in BMA can affect inference about the structure of bivariate inclusion patterns across covariates. (authors' abstract) / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series

Graphical Models for Robust Speech Recognition in Adverse Environments

Rennie, Steven J. 01 August 2008 (has links)
Robust speech recognition in acoustic environments that contain multiple speech sources and/or complex non-stationary noise is a difficult problem, but one of great practical interest. The formalism of probabilistic graphical models constitutes a relatively new and very powerful tool for better understanding and extending existing models, learning, and inference algorithms; and a bedrock for the creative, quasi-systematic development of new ones. In this thesis a collection of new graphical models and inference algorithms for robust speech recognition are presented. The problem of speech separation using multiple microphones is first treated. A family of variational algorithms for tractably combining multiple acoustic models of speech with observed sensor likelihoods is presented. The algorithms recover high quality estimates of the speech sources even when there are more sources than microphones, and have improved upon the state-of-the-art in terms of SNR gain by over 10 dB. Next the problem of background compensation in non-stationary acoustic environments is treated. A new dynamic noise adaptation (DNA) algorithm for robust noise compensation is presented, and shown to outperform several existing state-of-the-art front-end denoising systems on the new DNA + Aurora II and Aurora II-M extensions of the Aurora II task. Finally, the problem of speech recognition in speech using a single microphone is treated. The Iroquois system for multi-talker speech separation and recognition is presented. The system won the 2006 Pascal International Speech Separation Challenge, and amazingly, achieved super-human recognition performance on a majority of test cases in the task. The result marks a significant first in automatic speech recognition, and a milestone in computing.

Développement de modèles non paramétriques et robustes : application à l’analyse du comportement de bivalves et à l’analyse de liaison génétique

Sow, Mohamedou 20 May 2011 (has links)
Le développement des approches robustes et non paramétriques pour l’analyse et le traitement statistique de gros volumes de données présentant une forte variabilité,comme dans les domaines de l’environnement et de la génétique, est fondamental.Nous modélisons ici des données complexes de biologie appliquées à l’étude du comportement de bivalves et à l’analyse de liaison génétique. L’application des mathématiques à l’analyse du comportement de mollusques bivalves nous a permis d’aller vers une quantification et une traduction mathématique de comportements d’animaux in-situ, en milieu proche ou lointain. Nous avons proposé un modèle de régression non paramétrique et comparé 3 estimateurs non paramétriques, récursifs ou non,de la fonction de régression pour optimiser le meilleur estimateur. Nous avons ensuite caractérisé des rythmes biologiques, formalisé l’évolution d’états d’ouvertures,proposé des méthodes de discrimination de comportements, utilisé la méthode des shot-noises pour caractériser différents états d’ouverture-fermetures transitoires et développé une méthode originale de mesure de croissance en ligne.En génétique, nous avons abordé un cadre plus général de statistiques robustes pour l’analyse de liaison génétique. Nous avons développé des estimateurs robustes aux hypothèses de normalités et à la présence de valeurs aberrantes, nous avons aussi utilisé une approche statistique, où nous avons abordé la dépendance entre variables aléatoires via la théorie des copules. Nos principaux résultats ont montré l’intérêt pratique de ces estimateurs sur des données réelles de QTL et eQTL. / The development of robust and nonparametric approaches for the analysis and statistical treatment of high-dimensional data sets exhibiting high variability, as seen in the environmental and genetic fields, is instrumental. Here, we model complex biological data with application to the analysis of bivalves’ behavior and to linkage analysis. The application of mathematics to the analysis of mollusk bivalves’behavior gave us the possibility to quantify and translate mathematically the animals’behavior in situ, in close or far field. We proposed a nonparametric regression model and compared three nonparametric estimators (recursive or not) of the regressionfunction to optimize the best estimator. We then characterized the biological rhythms, formalized the states of opening, proposed methods able to discriminate the behaviors, used shot-noise analysis to characterize various opening/closing transitory states and developed an original approach for measuring online growth.In genetics, we proposed a more general framework of robust statistics for linkage analysis. We developed estimators robust to distribution assumptions and the presence of outlier observations. We also used a statistical approach where the dependence between random variables is specified through copula theory. Our main results showed the practical interest of these estimators on real data for QTL and eQTL analysis.

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