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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulating Dynamical Behaviour of Wind Power Structures

Ahlström, Anders January 2002 (has links)
<p>The workin this thesis deals with the development of anaeroelastic simulation tool for horizontal axis wind turbineapplications.</p><p>Horizontal axiswind turbines can experience significanttime varying aerodynamic loads, potentially causing adverseeffects on structures, mechanical components, and powerproduction. The need of computational and experimentalprocedures for investigating aeroelastic stability and dynamicresponse have increased as wind turbines become lighter andmore flexible.</p><p>A finite element model for simulation of the dynamicresponse of horizontal axis wind turbines has been developed.The simulations are performed using the commercial finiteelement software SOLVIA, which is a program developed forgeneral analyses, linear as well as non-linear, static as wellas dynamic. The aerodynamic model, used to transform the windflow field to loads on the blades, is a Blade- Element/Momentummodel. The aerodynamic code is developed by FFA (TheAeronautical Research Institute of Sweden) and is astate-of-the-art code incorporating a number of extensions tothe Blade-Element/Momentum formulation. SOSIS-W, developed byTeknikgruppen AB was used to develop wind time series formodelling different wind conditions.</p><p>The model is rather general, and different configurations ofthe structural model and various type of wind conditions couldeasily be simulated. The model is primarily intended for use asa research tool when influences of specific dynamic effects areinvestigated.</p><p>Simulation results for the three-bladed wind turbine Danwin180 kW are presented as a verification example.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>aeroelastic modelling, rotor aerodynamics,structural dynamics, wind turbine, AERFORCE, SOSIS-W,SOLVIA</p>

Modélisation thermique des alternateurs automobiles

Lutun, Jérémie 19 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La thèse évoque les problématiques liées à la thermique des alternateurs d'automobile. En particulier, un modèle aéro-thermique est mis en place pour la machine. Les transferts thermiques de type conductif, convectif et fluidique sont caractérisés par des méthodes numériques, expérimentales ou encore issus de la bibliographie. Une comparaison avec des essais expérimentaux est proposé pour valider le modèle établi. Puis, une étude sur l'amélioration du refroidissement du stator et du rotor est présentée. Concernant le premier, le travail consiste à augmenter l'évacuation de la chaleur au niveau des têtes de bobine par modifications de paramètres géométiques (tel que la position du ventilateur). Pour le deuxième, l'étude s'est principalement focalisée sur l'augmentation du débit d'air axial et l'impact sur la thermique rotor.

Etude du sillage de rotors d'hélicoptère en configuration de Vortex Ring State

Hoinville, Eric 17 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Les études sur le Vortex Ring State ont récemment reçu un regain d'intérêt suite à la mise en place de trajectoires d'approche à forte pente pour les atterrissages en ville qui conduisent à des conditions de vol proches des frontières du VRS. Dans les années antérieures, les aspects numériques ont été étudiés grâce à des méthodes empiriques ou des modèles analytiques, et des expériences ont été effectuées dans le but de mieux comprendre la physique du phénomène. Dans cette étude, le code CFD elsA a été utilisé dans le but de résoudre les équations d'Euler. Un balayage en vitesse de descente verticale avec différents maillages a été réalisé afin d'étudier la capacité du solveur à capturer le Vortex Ring State. Dans un premier temps, la précision de la représentation de l'écoulement a été évalué en fonction d'hypothèses numériques (stratégies et précision des maillages, consistance en temps des simulations, ...) et physiques (périodicité de l'écoulement, cinématique du rotor, ...). Ceci permet d'extraire les options pour effectuer, dans un second temps, des simulations les plus représentatives possible de l'état de VRS afin d'étudier et de pouvoir décrire les mécanismes d'apparition et d'évolution de ce phénomène.

Modélisation du bruit à large bande de soufflantes de turboréacteurs.

Reboul, Gabriel 12 November 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse propose différentes méthodologies de calcul du bruit à large bande générée par l’interaction rotor-stator d’une soufflante de turboréacteur et ce de la génération des sources acoustiques jusqu’au rayonnement en champ lointain. En premier lieu, le mécanisme d’interaction rotor-stator est étudié à travers une turbulence de grille homogène et isotrope (THI) impactant un profil isolé. Le cas de l’interaction rotor-stator en milieu guidé est ensuite traité et appliqué à une maquette de compresseur axial. Enfin, la dernière partie traite de la simulation du rayonnement aval en sortie de conduit. Dans chacune de ces parties, des approches analytiques et numériques sont proposées. Les méthodes analytiques permettentune prévision rapide du problème simplifié, et les méthodes numériques permettent de leverles hypothèses au prix d’un temps de calcul plus long.Le modèle d’Amiet est mis en œuvre pour simuler le bruit d’interaction THI-profil àtravers une expérience en soufflerie anéchoïque. Ce modèle simplifiant le profil en une plaque plane non portante, une approche numérique est également mise en place. La convection de perturbations de vitesse incidentes synthétisant une THI et impactant un profil isolé est simulée à l’aide d’un code CAA (Computational AeroAcoustics) résolvant les équations d’Euler en deux dimensions. Les différences de rayonnement entre une plaque plane et un profil cambré épais observées expérimentalement sont en partie retrouvées. Une simulation plus avancée d’un calcul LES (Large Eddy Simulation) 3D est également abordée.Dans la deuxième partie du mémoire, le modèle d’Amiet est étendu au problème de l’interaction rotor-stator en conduit. Différentes formulations sont proposées et discutées. Elles sont appliquées au cas d’un banc d’essai du DLR (centre de recherche aérospatiale allemand) avec des données d’entrée provenant d’un calcul RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stockes) ou bien directement de mesures. Les prévisions acoustiques ainsi obtenues sont satisfaisantes (+/-2 dB avec des données d’entrée expérimentales) compte tenu de la relative simplicité des modèles. Un calcul LES est exploité pour fournir directement les sources de bruit (fluctuations de pression pariétale). Les spectres obtenus montrent des tendances similaires à ceux issus du modèle d’Amiet malgré certains phénomènes non-physiques encore présents au niveau du calcul LES.Pour terminer, le rayonnement en champ libre est traité. Une manière simple et rapidede résoudre ce problème consiste à utiliser une intégrale de Kirchhoff, en supposant unécoulement moyen uniforme. Une comparaison avec une solution analytique (technique deWiener-Hopf) exacte pour les mêmes conditions montre que le rayonnement du bruit largebande est bien prévu par la méthode de Kirchhoff pour des angles de rayonnement inférieursà 90°. Cependant, pour prendre en compte la géométrie d’éjection de la nacelle et l’effet d’un écoulement hétérogène (cisaillement) sur le rayonnement en champ libre, une approche numérique est mise en place. Une technique permettant de simuler le caractère aléatoire des sources turbulentes ainsi que de satisfaire l’hypothèse de modes acoustiques incohérents est développée. Cette méthodologie est appliquée au cas simple du conduit semi-infini, puis à une tuyère réaliste. Les calculs sont validés à l’aide de solutions analytiques sur les configurations simplifiées. Une analyse critique des instabilités créées dans la couche de cisaillement et de leur influence sur les formulations intégrales couplées au calcul Euler pour obtenir le bruit en champ lointain complète ce dernier chapitre. / This report presents several methodologies aiming to predict broadband noise generatedby the interaction between the rotor and the stator of a turbofan. The main objective is toobtain a complete prediction procedure from the acoustic sources generation to the far fieldnoise radiation. As a first step, the rotor-stator mechanism is studied as the interaction betweena homogeneous and isotropic turbulence (HIT) and an isolated airfoil. Then, the ductedrotor/stator interaction case is treated. Finally, the last part is devoted to the aft radiationthrough the bypass duct. In each part, analytical and numerical approaches are investigated.On the one hand, analytical models allow a fast prediction but on a simplified problem, onthe other hand numerical methods remove many assumptions with a longer computationaltime.The Amiet theory is applied to simulate the airfoil-HIT interaction and comparisons withexperimental results obtained in an anechoic wind tunnel are discussed. Since this modelsimplifies the airfoil to a non-lifting flat plate, a numerical approach has also been investigatedusing a CAA (Computational AeroAcoustics) code solving the Euler equations in twodimensions. The incoming HIT is synthesized by a sum of convected harmonic velocity perturbationsinjected through the inlet boundary. The acoustic radiation discrepancies betweena flat plate and a lifting airfoil observed between experimental results and the Amiet theoryare partly verified. Finally, the possibility to use a 3D LES (Large Eddy Simulation) is alsodiscussed.In the second part, the Amiet model for an isolated airfoil is extended in order to solvethe turbofan interaction noise problem. Several formulations are proposed and are validatedby comparisons with measurements obtained from an axial compressor test bed. Input dataare provided either by a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) or experiment. Acoustic resultsshown to be quite reasonable (�}2 dB in the later case) considering the simplicity of themodel. A LES computation is also studied in order to directly obtain the acoustic sources(vane surface pressure fluctuations). The resulting acoustic spectra shape are in relativelygood agreement with the Amiet model even if some non-physical phenomena are observed inthe LES data.The acoustic radiation in the free field is studied in the last part. A simple way to solvethe problem is to use a Kirchhoff integral along the outlet duct section assuming an uniformmean flow. A comparison with an exact(under uniform mean flow assumption) analytical modelinvolving a Wiener-Hopf technique demonstrates that good results can be obtained withthe Kirchhoff method up to 90°of radiation angle. However, in order to take in considerationthe effect of nacelle geometry and heterogeneous flow (shear) on the acoustic radiation, anumerical approach is set up. This method allows to simulate the non-deterministic and thenon-coherent mode behavior of a fan broadband noise. Simplified configurations are used topartly validate these numerical simulations by comparison with analytical solutions. This approachis finally applied to a realistic nozzle case. The instability waves created in the shearlayer and their effects on the integral formulations used to obtain the far field radiation arecarefully analyzed.

Caractérisation locale des couples de matériaux mis en jeu lors du contact rotor/stator dans une turbomachine / Contribution to the local characterization of the materials involved in rotor/stator contact in aircraft engines

Cuny, Marion 09 March 2012 (has links)
L'optimisation du rendement des turboréacteurs impose de limiter les fuites inter-étages et de réduire les jeux de fonctionnement entre le rotor et le stator. Cependant, l'adoption de jeux réduit conduit à des contacts rotor/stator qui peuvent avoir des conséquences désastreuses. Afin de prévenir les effets destructeurs de ces interactions, des revêtements "abradables" sont déposés sur le stator. La compréhension et la modélisation de ces interactions sont primordiales pour permettre la conception de nouveaux moteurs plus efficients et plus surs. Toutefois, la modélisation précise de ces phénomènes réclame des données expérimentales difficiles à obtenir du fait de la complexité de l'interaction, des matériaux mis en jeu et de leurs conditions extrêmes d'utilisation (500 m/s et 300 °C). L'objectif de ces travaux est donc de fournir de nouvelles données expérimentales relatives aux efforts générés lors d'un contact aube/abradable. Une nouvelle technique expérimentale a donc été développée. Elle permet de générer une interaction à très grande vitesse entre un outil représentant l'aube et une éprouvette de matériau abradable et de mesurer les efforts d'interaction. Du fait des très hautes vitesses d'interaction, le dispositif de mesure d'effort est associé à une méthode de correction des signaux. Ce protocole expérimental est appliqué à la caractérisation d'un matériau abradable Metco M601, employé à l'étage basse pression du compresseur dans les turboréacteurs d'avions civils. L'influence sur les efforts d'interaction de la vitesse tangentielle, la profondeur d'incursion ainsi que des caractéristiques géométriques de l'extrémité de l'aube est étudiée / Increasing efficiency of aircraft engines require optimization of the clearance between the rotor and the stator. However, the important thermo-mechanical solicitations undergone by the engines lead to unavoidable high speed interactions between the moving parts and the casing. To achieve reduced clearance without endangering the blading, abradable seals are deposited inside the casing. This coating is designed to wear out in case of contact with the blade tip. Characterization and understanding of the different phenomena which take place during interactions are essential to prevent premature failure and to design safer aircraft engines but accurate modeling of these phenomena requires experimental data which are difficult to obtain because of the extreme conditions in which contacts occur (500 m/s, 300 °C) and of the complexity of the involved materials. The purpose of this work is to provide new experimental data relating to the forces generated during blade-casing contacts. Thus, a new experimental technique has been developed in order to generate high speed interactions between a tool impersonating a blade tip and a sample of abradable material and to measure the interaction forces. Because of the high interaction velocities reached up, a signal correction method has been implemented. Finally, this new experimental technique has been applied on the characterization of the abradable material Metco M601 used in low-pressure compressor of commercial aircraft engines. The influence on the interaction forces of the blade velocity, the incursion depth and the mechanical and geometrical characteristics of the blade tip has been studied

Controle ativo de vibração de rotores com mancais magnéticos : influência da flexibilidade dos rotores /

Gonçalves Junior, Romildo. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz de Paula do Nascimento / Banca: Vicente Lopes Junior / Banca: Domingos Alves Rade / Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta uma análise teórica do desempenho de um sistema de controle ativo de vibração de rotores utilizando mancais magnéticos. O esquema de controle ativo proposto utiliza a estratégia de controle ativo feedforward sobreposta ao sistema de controle feedback dos mancais magnéticos. O desempenho desse sistema de controle foi analisado em função da flexibilidade dos rotores considerando o impacto do número e da localização dos atuadores e dos sensores de erro sobre a redução dos níveis de vibração desses rotores, tanto em termos de vibração global quanto em termos de vibração local. O sistema de controle foi aplicado em um modelo teórico de rotor desenvolvido através do método da matriz de impedância. / Abstract: This work presents a theoretical analysis of the performance of a system of active control of rotor vibrations using magnetic bearings. The proposed scheme of active control uses a feedforward active control strategy superimposed on the feedback control system of the magnetic bearings. The performance of this control system was analyzed as a function of the rotor flexibility considering the impact and optimization of the actuators and error sensors placement on the reduction of vibration levels of these rotors, in terms of global vibration as well as in terms of local vibration of the rotor. The control system was applied to a theoretical rotor model developed by the matrix impedance method. / Mestre

Dispositivo eletromagnético dissipador de vibrações para máquinas rotativas / Electromagnetic vibration damper device for rotating machines

Araujo, Marcus Vinícius Vitoratti de 01 November 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe uma solução inovadora para o amortecimento de vibrações laterais indesejadas em máquinas rotativas através da conversão de energia cinética em energia elétrica por meio de um dispositivo eletromagnético passivo de colheita de energia, com o mínimo de geração de torque reativo. Para atingir estes objetivos, foram descritas e avaliadas as três principais técnicas de coleta de energia vibratória (piezelétrica, eletrostática e eletromagnética) juntamente com análises qualitativas das equações de eletromagnetismo e pelo Método dos Elementos Finitos. Um protótipo que consiste em um conjunto de ímãs permanentes anexos ao rotor e um conjunto de bobinas no estator demonstrou experimentalmente uma diminuição da amplitude de vibração em até 6,8%, na região de velocidades críticas, com geração não significativa de torque. Estes resultados foram obtidos experimentalmente mantendo-se os enrolamentos independentes entre si. / In this work, it is proposed a novel damping solution for undesired lateral vibrations in rotating machines by converting kinetic energy into electrical energy through a passive electromagnetic energy harvesting device, with minimal generation of reactive torque. In order to achieve these goals, it is described and evaluated the three main vibration energy harvesting techniques (piezoelectric, electrostatic and electromagnetic) along with qualitative analysis of electromagnetic equations and nite element analysis (FEA). Furthermore, a prototype consisting of a set of permanent magnets attached to the rotor and a set of coils attached to the stator showed a decrease in the amplitude of vibration up to 6,8% in the range of critical velocities, with non-signicant torque generation. Such results were obtained experimentally with independent-circuit coils.

Cálculo das velocidades angulares críticas da linha de eixo de turbinas hidráulicas com ênfase no comportamento estrutural dinâmico do gerador. / Hydraulic turbines angular critical speeds evaluation with emphasis on the generator dynamic structural behaviour.

Magnoli, Marcelo Vinicius 11 May 2005 (has links)
O projeto de turbinas hidráulicas tem estado em constante evolução, levando a máquinas mais rápidas e mais leves, nas quais os carregamentos são mais severos e as estruturas mais flexíveis. Com isto, os cálculos dos componentes da turbina devem ser realizados com maior precisão do que no passado, entre eles a determinação das velocidades angulares críticas da linha de eixo e seus fatores dinâmicos de amplificação de deslocamento, sobre os quais a maior influência é exercida pelo rotor do gerador. Para tanto, é elaborado um modelo numérico da linha de eixo, com base na pesquisa da literatura, na qual o rotor do gerador é usualmente considerado como um corpo rígido. Entretanto, para se verificar o efeito de suas propriedades de inércia e rigidez distribuídas sobre o movimento da estrutura, ele é descrito aqui por um modelo de elementos finitos, incluído no restante do sistema através do método da síntese modal de componentes. Os resultados numéricos mostram desvios não desprezíveis entre o método tradicional e o proposto aqui, sendo que se aconselha que o rotor do gerador seja descrito por este procedimento, quando os fatores de segurança empregados forem pequenos ou se a exatidão dos valores calculados for de grande importância. / Continuous improvements in hydraulic turbines project has lead to faster and smaller machines, in which loads are more severe and structures are more flexible. As a matter of fact, its components must be calculated more accurately than in the past. Such is the case of shaft line angular critical speeds and their dynamic displacement amplification multipliers, whose main influence is caused by the generator rotor. Therefore, a shaft line numeric model is set up, based on the literature review, where the generator rotor is usually considered as a rigid body. However, in order to verify its distributed inertia and stiffness properties effect on the structure behaviour, it shall be described here by a finite element model, that is included in the overall system using the component mode synthesis method. The numerical results yield significantly deviations between the model proposed here and the traditional, taking one to recommend that, when security factors are low or when calculated values accuracy is important, the generator rotor shall be modelled by the procedure described here.

Estimação de rigidezes de mancais de rotores por análise de sensibilidade /

Caldiron, Leonardo. January 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz de Paula do Nascimento / Banca: Katia Lucchesi Cavalca Dedini / Banca: Gilberto Pechoto de Melo / Resumo: Neste trabalho são otimizadas rotinas computacionais de um método de estimação de rigidez de mancais de máquinas através de um processo de ajuste de modelo, utilizando a análise de sensibilidade. Este método consiste em utilizar a análise de sensibilidade dos autovalores com relação à variação da rigidez dos mancais de um rotor. A eficácia e a robustez do método são analisadas através de simulações teóricas, bem como através de dados experimentais obtidos de um rotor de rotação variável e rigidezes dos mancais ajustáveis. O modelo matemático de ajuste do sistema é desenvolvido pelo método dos elementos finitos e o método de ajuste converge empregando-se um processo iterativo. Este método de ajuste baseia-se na minimização da diferença entre autovalores experimentais e autovalores obtidos com o modelo matemático de ajuste a partir de valores de rigidez dos mancais previamente adotados. A análise é feita com o rotor em diversas velocidades de rotação para verificar a influência do efeito giroscópio, e em diversas condições de valores da rigidez dos mancais para analisar o método quando aplicado em rotores flexíveis e em rotores rígidos. O desempenho do método é analisado com resultados teóricos e experimentais. / Abstract: In this work, computational routines of estimation method of stiffness bearing of machine via a model updating process are optimized, using the sensitivity analysis. This method consists of using the eigenvalue sensitivity analysis, relating to the stiffness bearing variation of a rotor. The efficacy and the robustness of the method are analyzed through the theoretical simulations, as well as, based on the experimental data obtained of a test rotor with variable rotating speeds and adjustable bearing stiffness values. The mathematical model system is developed by the finite element method and the method of adjustment should converge employing an iterative process. The method of adjustment is based on the minimization of the difference between experimental eigenvalues and eigenvalues obtained via mathematical model from previously adopted stiffness bearing values. The analysis is made by using the rotor in different rotating speeds in order to check the influence of the gyroscopic effect, and in several conditions of the stiffness bearing values to analyze the method when applied on flexible and rigid rotors. The performance of the method is analyzed through theoretical and experimental results. / Mestre

Análise do comportamento dinâmico de um rotor vertical através do método dos elementos finitos /

Agostini, Cristiano Eduardo. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Edson Antonio Capello Sousa / Banca: Kátia Luchese Cavalca Dedini / Banca: Jose Manoel Balthazar / Resumo: Neste trabalho, analisaram-se as freqüencias natuais (axiais, torsionais e de flexão) e as respostas em frequencia de um rotor vertical com um disco rígido na extremidade através da análise modal clássica e complexa. A equação que governa o movimento foi obtida através da formulação Lagrangeana. O modelo considerou os efeitos à flexão, torção e deformação axial do eixo, além dos efeitos giroscópicos e gravitacionais. o método dos elementos finitos foi utilizado para discretização da estrutura em elementos cilíndricos vazados com 12 graus de liberdade. As matrizes de massa, rigidez e giroscópia foram explicitadas de forma consistente. A análise modal tradicional, normalmente aplicada a estrutura estacionárias, não considera uma importante característica das máquinas rotativas que são os modos de precessão direta e retrógrada. Inicialmente, através da análise modal clássica, foram obtidas as frequencias naturais axionais e torsionais no eixo estacionário, já que estas não sofrem influência dos efeitos giroscópicos. Posteriormente a investigação foi executada através da análise modal complexa. Este tipo de ferramenta, que se baseia na utilização de coordenadas direcionais para descrever o comportamento dinâmico do eixo rotativo, permite a decomposição dos modos do sistema em dois submodos, sendo um direto e outro retrógrado. Dessa forma, consegue-se visualizar de maneira clara a órbita e a direção do movimento precessional em torno da linha não deformada do eixo rotativo. Um programa de elementos finitos foi desenvolvido utilizando o software MATLAB e simulações numéricas foram efetuadas de forma a validar o modelo construído. Foram obtidas as frequencias naturais e a resposta forçada em frequencia direcional (dFRF), com o uso da análise modal complexa, para um rotor vertical simples e também para uma coluna de perfuração típica utilizada na construção de poços de petróleo / Abstract: In this study, natural frequencies were analyzed (axial, torsional and flexural) and frequency response of a vertical rotor with a hard disk at the edge through the classical modal and complex analysis. The equation that rules the movement was obtained through the Lagragian formulation. The model considered the effects of bending, torsion and axial deformation of the shaft, besides the gravitational and gyroscopic effects. The finite element method was used to discretize the structure into hollow cylindrical elements with 12 degrees of freedom. Mass, stiffness and gyroscopic matrices were explained consistently. The classical modal analysis, usually applied to stationary structures, does not consider an important characteristic of rotating machinery which are the method of forward and backward whirl. Initially, through the traditional modal analysis, axial and torsional natural frequencies were obtained in a static shaft, since they do not suffer the influence of gyroscopic effects. Later research was performed by complex modal analysis. This type of tool, based on the use of complex coordinates to describe the dynamic behavior of rotating shaft, allows the decomposition of the system in two submodes, backward and forward. Thus, it is possible to clearly visualize that the orbit and direction of the precessional motion around the line of the precessional motion around the line of the rotating shaft is not deformed. A finite element program was developed using MATLAB, and numerical simulations were performed to validate this model. Natural frequencies and directional frequency forced response (dFRF) were obtained using the complex modal analysis for a simple vertical rotor and also for a typical drill string used in the construction of oil wells / Mestre

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