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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design samochodného postřikovače / Design of Self-Propelled Sprayer

Sovják, Richard January 2014 (has links)
The main aim of this master's thesis is innovative approach to design of self propelled sprayer with technical, esthetic, ergonomic and economic demands. The final design with it's modern and functional look should be an attractive element of agrotechnics. Another aim is also to fulfill social and psychological functions and address the public about protection of cultivated crops with emphasis on alternative energy and other uses of agricultural machinery.

Energy-Efficient Key/Value Store

Tena, Frezewd Lemma 29 August 2017 (has links)
Energy conservation is a major concern in todays data centers, which are the 21st century data processing factories, and where large and complex software systems such as distributed data management stores run and serve billions of users. The two main drivers of this major concern are the pollution impact data centers have on the environment due to their waste heat, and the expensive cost data centers incur due to their enormous energy demand. Among the many subsystems of data centers, the storage system is one of the main sources of energy consumption. Among the many types of storage systems, key/value stores happen to be the widely used in the data centers. In this work, I investigate energy saving techniques that enable a consistent hash based key/value store save energy during low activity times, and whenever there is an opportunity to reuse the waste heat of data centers.

Понашање моментих веза са чеоном плочом и четири завртња у реду / Ponašanje momentih veza sa čeonom pločom i četiri zavrtnja u redu / Behaviour of end-plate moment connections with four bolts per row

Jovanović Đorđe 05 June 2020 (has links)
<p>У овом раду спроведене су опсежна експериментална и нумеричка<br />испитивања понашања веза са чеоном плочом и четири завртња у реду,<br />као и карактеристичне компоненте ових веза - Т-елемента.<br />Експериментална испитивања укључују тестирања 36 узорака<br />Т-елемената у природној величини, као и четири везе греда-стуб са<br />чеоном плочом и четири завртња у реду, такође у природној величини.<br />Нумеричке анализе, спроведене у софтверском пакету ABAQUS, су<br />обухватале све типове нелинеарности, али и отказ материјала, те се као<br />такве сврставају међу ретке којима су слични проблеми нумерички<br />испитивани. Параметарска студија обухвата 33 различите конфигурације<br />Т-елемената са четири завртња и представља највећу такву студију<br />изведену за ову компоненту. Као основни још увек нерешен проблем,<br />круцијалан за понашање Т-елемената, препознати су положај сила услед<br />ефеката полуге, али и савијање завтњева. Приказан је и предложен нови<br />аналитички модел прорачуна носивости Т-елемената са четири завртња,<br />и квантификована његова предност над до сада постојећим моделима.</p> / <p>U ovom radu sprovedene su opsežna eksperimentalna i numerička<br />ispitivanja ponašanja veza sa čeonom pločom i četiri zavrtnja u redu,<br />kao i karakteristične komponente ovih veza - T-elementa.<br />Eksperimentalna ispitivanja uključuju testiranja 36 uzoraka<br />T-elemenata u prirodnoj veličini, kao i četiri veze greda-stub sa<br />čeonom pločom i četiri zavrtnja u redu, takođe u prirodnoj veličini.<br />Numeričke analize, sprovedene u softverskom paketu ABAQUS, su<br />obuhvatale sve tipove nelinearnosti, ali i otkaz materijala, te se kao<br />takve svrstavaju među retke kojima su slični problemi numerički<br />ispitivani. Parametarska studija obuhvata 33 različite konfiguracije<br />T-elemenata sa četiri zavrtnja i predstavlja najveću takvu studiju<br />izvedenu za ovu komponentu. Kao osnovni još uvek nerešen problem,<br />krucijalan za ponašanje T-elemenata, prepoznati su položaj sila usled<br />efekata poluge, ali i savijanje zavtnjeva. Prikazan je i predložen novi<br />analitički model proračuna nosivosti T-elemenata sa četiri zavrtnja,<br />i kvantifikovana njegova prednost nad do sada postojećim modelima.</p> / <p>In this research, extensive experimental and numerical investigations of<br />behaviour of end-plate moment connection with four bolts per row are<br />performed, as well as specific component of the connection &ndash; T-stub element.<br />Experimental research comprises tests on 36 unscaled specimens of T-stub<br />elements and 4 specimens of beam-to-column joints with end-plate connection<br />and four bolts per row, also in full-size. Numerical analyses, performed with<br />software ABAQUS, included all types of nonlinearities, and material<br />deterioration, hence they can be considered as one of the few most<br />sophisticated analyses used for investigation of the considered problem. The<br />parametric study comprises 33 different configurations of the T-stub element<br />with four bolts per row and it presents the biggest study of this kind for this type<br />of component. Bending of the bolts and position of the prying forces are<br />recognized as the largest, still unsolved problem, crucial for the behavior of the<br />T-stub elements. A new theoretical model for the resistance of the T-stub<br />element with four bolts per row is proposed and its advantage over the existing<br />models is presented and quantified.</p>

Evaluating the Advective Capacity of Regional Groundwater Flow Regimes to Transport Legacy DRP in a Tiled Farm Field of The Maumee River Watershed

McCormick, Matthew Ryan January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

An Analysis of Grain Corn Nutritional Supplements and Relative Maturity in Mississippi

Whittenton, Joseph Bryan 04 May 2018 (has links)
A review of available corn relative maturity groups in Mississippi shows a limited range of maturity groups in use. Research focusing on expanding the range of maturity groups was conducted in MS in 2015 and 2016. Along with expanded maturity groups, treatments of fertilizer (10-34-0), foliar zinc, and a plant hormone blend were studied to shorten the growing season. Four site years in MS were studied to determine optimal plant maturity group and treatment for length of season. The results showed decreased yield of 0.09-0.15 Mg ha-1 (1.5-2.3 bu ac-1) for each day of decreasing relative maturity in three of four site years. The addition of starter fertilizer increased vegetative growth stage, plant height V5 and V7, SPAD values at V5, and significantly decreases days to tassel and silking reproductive growth stages but did not affect yield.

Two decades in the life of a city : Grahamstown 1862-1882

Gibbens, Melanie January 1982 (has links)
[Preface]:In 1862 Grahamstown acquired the dignity, pride and responsibility of full municipal status by its own Act of Incorporation. Ibis Act marked the consolidation of Grahamstown's era of local government by its vigorous and far-sighted Municipal Board of Commissioners, which was established in 1837 and has been examined in depth in K.S. Hunt's thesis on Grahamstown municipal government up to 1862. Clearly, the year 1862 is the logical beginning for a further study of Grahamstown's changing position in the Eastern Cape and its development in the practice of local government during the crucial decades of the 1860's and 1870's. But the choice of 1882 to mark the end of this thesis is in some ways arbitrary. 1882 does not appear to be a turning point, a year of major significance in either the history of Grahamstown or of the Colony as a whole. Besides the convenient time-span of twenty years, there are various factors which, taken together, explain why 1882 is a useful date of demarcation from which to take stock and review Grahamstown's economic, political, social and municipal position after two vital decades in its history. In the civic sphere,the opening of Grahamstown's Town Hall made tangible,in solid Victorian design,a long held ambition of the City Councillors. Buildings, in Victorian attitudes, throughout the British Empire, were regarded as very important civic symbols. One can learn much of Grahamstown Victorian attitudes from the lengthy process of attaining a Town Hall. A much more elaborate ceremony surrounded the opening of the Jubilee Tower, an occasion for assessing the influence of Grahamstown's Settler heritage on the development of the town. Municipal problems concerning finance, water and "native" locations remained thorny questions as they had throughout the period 1862-32. Generally 1882 was a year of transition for Grahamstown and the Colony as a whole. Economically it appeared to start prosperously but 1882 actually marked the beginning of a severe depression which lasted until 1386. It is important to consider how Grahamstown’s economic development relates to the overall economic picture of the Cape Colony at this juncture. Though ostrich feather prices remained high in 1882, the ensuing depression was caused partly by the rapid overexpansion of the industry but most important of all, by a reaction to an inflated era of confidence during the diamond boom years of the 1870's and their consequent easy Bank credit plus intense speculation. Politically 1882 also appeared a year of transition. How to maintain the uneasy peace after the Basuto war remained a constant challenge to Scanlen's ministry. The beginnings of active party conflict in the workings of responsible government were evident only in embryo. The rapid growth of the Afrikaner Bond was to change this. Specifically in relation to the practice of local government in the Cape Colony, the General Municipal Act No. 45 was passed during the Parliamentary session of 1882, enabling any town to seek incorporation. The query is raised as to how far the modus vivendi of the Grahamstown municipality helped frame the clauses of this general Municipal enabling Act. For these various reasons, as well as the additional one that twenty years was found to offer a manageable research unit, 1882 has been decided on as the limit of this thesis. This thesis aims, through a careful examination of Grahamstown's economic, political but particularly civic development, to determine and trace the nature of the Grahamstown community's response to the challenge of the gradual isolation of the 1860's and 1870's. Grahamstown's civic history provides fascinating insights into the structure of the entire community and its attitudes and values. Study has been made of the following major primary sources for the history of Grahamstown 1862-1882: the Grahamstown Municipality records, complete except for incoming letters and housed in the Cape Archives, und the Grahamstown newspapers for the period. The most prolific as well us the most valuable newspaper source of the period is The Grahamstown Journal, a newspaper with a tradition firmly bound up with the formulation of frontier as well as Grahamstown thought, kingpin of the network built up by the successors of Robert Godlonton, the "architect of frontier opinion". It has to be treated with caution as a source because of this very bias. The Council Minutes themselves, meticulously recorded in the Town Clerk's copperplate Victorian script, are scrupulously objective, recording blandly proposers, seconders and fates of motions. What might appear the bare bones of a detailed study of the municipal records yet reflects the economic climate of the town, political opinions, class and race attitudes, civic pride, concepts of public health and charity. The newspapers are a vital addition to the Municipal records themselves. The weekly meetings received faithful, accurate and very copious coverage from press-representatives present at every ordinary meeting. Indeed these reports give a vivid immediacy to the meetings and reveal opinions, pressure groups and lines of conflict within the Council, on issues important and trivial. These, at times lively and enlivening, sometimes stormy meetings, are reported with an authenticity which makes one suspect that often words of speeches were given verbatim - personalities of the Councillors certainly emerge distinctly. Full newspaper coverage is also given to the meetings of the Albany Divisional Council. The annual reports of the Civil Commissioners and Resident Magistrates, which appear in the Parliamentary Blue Books of the period, provide some valuable economic comment on the vicissitudes of life in the eastern frontier districts from 1862-1882. Such information builds useful background for a study of Grahamstown's economic and social development. Efforts have been made to locate probable sources of family papers of one of the most influential Grahamstown families of the period, the Wood family, but to no avail. If any exist they would without doubt have given interesting insight into the business connections of leading Grahamstown men and possibly given an indication of how far civic and political connections linked with religious and family influences in Victorian Grahamstown. Jim's Journal, manuscript in Cory Library, is a record of letters sent home to England by James Butler, while on a visit to the Cape,1876-79 for his health. He provides illuminating glimpses into the day to day life of Grahamstown from a Quaker viewpoint. Taken together, these sources provide considerable insights into the life and times of Grahamstown in the second half of the nineteenth Century. A municipal study examines an area in its totality: it encompasses a study of minutiae within the context of general trends. This fact alone suggests that there are many sources on the history of Grahamstown which have not yet been discovered, but this assessment is submitted on the basis of a thorough study of those which are currently available.

Investigations into cyclopropanation and ethylene polymerization via salicylaldiminato copper (II) complexes

Boyd, Ramon Cornell 23 January 2007
Two distinct overall research objectives are in this Masters thesis. Very little relates the two chapters apart from the ligands. The first chapter addresses diastereoselective homogeneous copper catalyzed cyclopropanation reactions. Cyclopropanation of styrene and ethyl diazoacetate (EDA) is a standard test reaction for homogeneous catalysts. Sterically bulky salicylaldimine (SAL) ligands should select for the ethyl trans-2-phenylcyclopropanecarboxylate diastereomer. Steric bulk poorly influences trans:cis ratios. Salicylaldiminine ligands do not posses the correct symmetry to affect diastereoselectivity. The SAL ligand belongs to the Cs point group in the solid state. Other ligand motifs are more effective at altering the trans:cis ratios. The second chapter addresses the general route toward successful copper(II) ethylene polymerization catalysts. Catalytic activity of the copper(II) complexes is very low. Polymer chain growth from a copper catalyst is very unlikely. Copper-carbon bonds decompose by homolytic cleavage or C-H activation. Copper-alkyls and aryls readily decompose into brown colored oils and salts with different colors. Ligand transfer to trimethylaluminum (TMA) appears to explain low yield ethylene polymerization.

Investigations into cyclopropanation and ethylene polymerization via salicylaldiminato copper (II) complexes

Boyd, Ramon Cornell 23 January 2007 (has links)
Two distinct overall research objectives are in this Masters thesis. Very little relates the two chapters apart from the ligands. The first chapter addresses diastereoselective homogeneous copper catalyzed cyclopropanation reactions. Cyclopropanation of styrene and ethyl diazoacetate (EDA) is a standard test reaction for homogeneous catalysts. Sterically bulky salicylaldimine (SAL) ligands should select for the ethyl trans-2-phenylcyclopropanecarboxylate diastereomer. Steric bulk poorly influences trans:cis ratios. Salicylaldiminine ligands do not posses the correct symmetry to affect diastereoselectivity. The SAL ligand belongs to the Cs point group in the solid state. Other ligand motifs are more effective at altering the trans:cis ratios. The second chapter addresses the general route toward successful copper(II) ethylene polymerization catalysts. Catalytic activity of the copper(II) complexes is very low. Polymer chain growth from a copper catalyst is very unlikely. Copper-carbon bonds decompose by homolytic cleavage or C-H activation. Copper-alkyls and aryls readily decompose into brown colored oils and salts with different colors. Ligand transfer to trimethylaluminum (TMA) appears to explain low yield ethylene polymerization.

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