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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Graph Theoretic Clustering Algorithm based on the Regularity Lemma and Strategies to Exploit Clustering for Prediction

Trivedi, Shubhendu 30 April 2012 (has links)
The fact that clustering is perhaps the most used technique for exploratory data analysis is only a semaphore that underlines its fundamental importance. The general problem statement that broadly describes clustering as the identification and classification of patterns into coherent groups also implicitly indicates it's utility in other tasks such as supervised learning. In the past decade and a half there have been two developments that have altered the landscape of research in clustering: One is improved results by the increased use of graph theoretic techniques such as spectral clustering and the other is the study of clustering with respect to its relevance in semi-supervised learning i.e. using unlabeled data for improving prediction accuracies. In this work an attempt is made to make contributions to both these aspects. Thus our contributions are two-fold: First, we identify some general issues with the spectral clustering framework and while working towards a solution, we introduce a new algorithm which we call "Regularity Clustering" which makes an attempt to harness the power of the Szemeredi Regularity Lemma, a remarkable result from extremal graph theory for the task of clustering. Secondly, we investigate some practical and useful strategies for using clustering unlabeled data in boosting prediction accuracy. For all of these contributions we evaluate our methods against existing ones and also apply these ideas in a number of settings.

Social training : aprendizado semi supervisionado utilizando funções de escolha social / Social-Training: Semi-Supervised Learning Using Social Choice Functions

Alves, Matheus January 2017 (has links)
Dada a grande quantidade de dados gerados atualmente, apenas uma pequena porção dos mesmos pode ser rotulada manualmente por especialistas humanos. Isso é um desafio comum para aplicações de aprendizagem de máquina. Aprendizado semi-supervisionado aborda este problema através da manipulação dos dados não rotulados juntamente aos dados rotulados. Entretanto, se apenas uma quantidade limitada de exemplos rotulados está disponível, o desempenho da tarefa de aprendizagem de máquina (e.g., classificação) pode ser não satisfatória. Diversas soluções abordam este problema através do uso de uma ensemble de classificadores, visto que essa abordagem aumenta a diversidade dos classificadores. Algoritmos como o co-training e o tri-training utilizam múltiplas partições de dados ou múltiplos algoritmos de aprendizado para melhorar a qualidade da classificação de instâncias não rotuladas através de concordância por maioria simples. Além disso, existem abordagens que estendem esta ideia e adotam processos de votação menos triviais para definir os rótulos, como eleição por maioria ponderada, por exemplo. Contudo, estas soluções requerem que os rótulos possuam um certo nível de confiança para serem utilizados no treinamento. Consequentemente, nem toda a informação disponível é utilizada. Por exemplo: informações associadas a níveis de confiança baixos são totalmente ignoradas. Este trabalho propõe uma abordagem chamada social-training, que utiliza toda a informação disponível na tarefa de aprendizado semi-supervisionado. Para isto, múltiplos classificadores heterogêneos são treinados com os dados rotulados e geram diversas classificações para as mesmas instâncias não rotuladas. O social-training, então, agrega estes resultados em um único rótulo por meio de funções de escolha social que trabalham com agregação de rankings sobre as instâncias. Especificamente, a solução trabalha com casos de classificação binária. Os resultados mostram que trabalhar com o ranking completo, ou seja, rotular todas as instâncias não rotuladas, é capaz de reduzir o erro de classificação para alguns conjuntos de dados da base da UCI utilizados. / Given the huge quantity of data currently being generated, just a small portion of it can be manually labeled by human experts. This is a challenge for machine learning applications. Semi-supervised learning addresses this problem by handling unlabeled data alongside labeled ones. However, if only a limited quantity of labeled examples is available, the performance of the machine learning task (e.g., classification) can be very unsatisfactory. Many solutions address this issue by using a classifier ensemble because this increases diversity. Algorithms such as co-training and tri-training use multiple views or multiple learning algorithms in order to improve the classification of unlabeled instances through simple majority agreement. Also, there are approaches that extend this idea and adopt less trivial voting processes to define the labels, like weighted majority voting. Nevertheless, these solutions require some confidence level on the label in order to use it for training. Hence, not all information is used, i.e., information associated with low confidence level is disregarded completely. An approach called social-training is proposed, which uses all information available in the semi-supervised learning task. For this, multiple heterogeneous classifiers are trained with the labeled data and generate diverse classifications for the same unlabeled instances. Social-training then aggregates these results into a single label by means of social choice functions that work with rank aggregation over the instances. The solution addresses binary classification cases. The results show that working with the full ranking, i.e., labeling all unlabeled instances, is able to reduce the classification error for some UCI data sets used.

Rotulação de indivíduos representativos no aprendizado semissupervisionado baseado em redes: caracterização, realce, ganho e filosofia / Representatives labeling for network-based semi-supervised learning:characterization, highlighting, gain and philosophy

Araújo, Bilzã Marques de 29 April 2015 (has links)
Aprendizado semissupervisionado (ASS) é o nome dado ao paradigma de aprendizado de máquina que considera tanto dados rotulados como dados não rotulados. Embora seja considerado frequentemente como um meio termo entre os paradigmas supervisionado e não supervisionado, esse paradigma é geralmente aplicado a tarefas preditivas ou descritivas. Na tarefa preditiva de classificação, p. ex., o objetivo é rotular dados não rotulados de acordo com os rótulos dos dados rotulados. Nesse caso, enquanto que os dados não rotulados descrevem as distribuições dos dados e mediam a propagação dos rótulos, os itens de dados rotulados semeiam a propagação de rótulos e guiam-na à estabilidade. No entanto, dados são gerados tipicamente não rotulados e sua rotulação requer o envolvimento de especialistas no domínio, rotulando-os manualmente. Dificuldades na visualização de grandes volumes de dados, bem como o custo associado ao envolvimento do especialista, são desafios que podem restringir o desempenho dessa tarefa. Por- tanto, o destacamento automático de bons candidatos a dados rotulados, doravante denominados indivíduos representativos, é uma tarefa de grande importância, e pode proporcionar uma boa relação entre o custo com especialista e o desempenho do aprendizado. Dentre as abordagens de ASS discriminadas na literatura, nosso interesse de estudo se concentra na abordagem baseada em redes, onde conjuntos de dados são representados relacionalmente, através da abstração gráfica. Logo, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo explorar a influência dos nós rotulados no desempenho do ASS baseado em redes, i.e., estudar a caracterização de nós representativos, como a estrutura da rede pode realçá-los, o ganho de desempenho de ASS proporcionado pela rotulação manual dos mesmos, e aspectos filosóficos relacionados. Em relação à caracterização, critérios de caracterização de nós centrais em redes são estudados considerando-se redes com estruturas modulares bem definidas. Contraintuitivamente, nós bastantes conectados (hubs) não são muito representativos. Nós razoavelmente conectados em vizinhanças pouco conectadas, por outro lado, são; estritamente local, esse critério de caracterização é escalável a grandes volumes de dados. Em redes com distribuição de grau homogênea - modelo Girvan-Newman (GN), nós com alto coeficiente de agrupamento também mostram-se representativos. Por outro lado, em redes com distribuição de grau heterogênea - modelo Lancichinetti-Fortunato-Radicchi (LFR), nós com alta intermedialidade se destacam. Nós com alto coeficiente de agrupamento em redes GN estão tipicamente situados em motifs do tipo quase-clique; nós com alta intermedialidade em redes LFR são hubs situados na borda das comunidades. Em ambos os casos, os nós destacados são excelentes regularizadores. Além disso, como critérios diversos se destacam em redes com características diversas, abordagens unificadas para a caracterização de nós representativos também foram estudadas. Crítica para o realce de indivíduos representativos e o bom desempenho da classificação semissupervisionada, a construção de redes a partir de bases de dados vetoriais também foi estudada. O método denominado AdaRadius foi proposto, e apresenta vantagens tais como adaptabilidade em bases de dados com densidade variada, baixa dependência da configuração de seus parâmetros, e custo computacional razoável, tanto sobre dados pool-based como incrementais. As redes resultantes, por sua vez, são esparsas, porém conectadas, e permitem que a classificação semissupervisionada se favoreça da rotulação prévia de indivíduos representativos. Por fim, também foi estudada a validação de métodos de construção de redes para o ASS, sendo proposta a medida denominada coerência grafo-rótulos de Katz. Em suma, os resultados discutidos apontam para a validade da seleção de indivíduos representativos para semear a classificação semissupervisionada, corroborando a hipótese central da presente tese. Analogias são encontrados em diversos problemas modelados em redes, tais como epidemiologia, propagação de rumores e informações, resiliência, letalidade, grandmother cells, e crescimento e auto-organização. / Semi-supervised learning (SSL) is the name given to the machine learning paradigm that considers both labeled and unlabeled data. Although often defined as a mid-term between unsupervised and supervised machine learning, this paradigm is usually applied to predictive or descriptive tasks. In the classification task, for example, the goal is to label the unlabeled data according to the labels of the labeled data. In this case, while the unlabeled data describes the data distributions and mediate the label propagation, the labeled data seeds the label propagation and guide it to the stability. However, as a whole, data is generated unlabeled, and to label data requires the involvement of domain specialists, labeling it by hand. Difficulties on visualizing huge amounts of data, as well as the cost of the specialists involvement, are challenges which may constraint the labeling task performance. Therefore, the automatic highlighting of good candidates to label by hand, henceforth called representative individuals, is a high value task, which may result in a good tradeoff between the cost with the specialist and the machine learning performance. Among the SSL approaches in the literature, our study is focused on the network--based approache, where datasets are represented relationally, through the graphic abstraction. Thus, the current study aims to explore and exploit the influence of the labeled data on the SSL performance, that is, the proper characterization of representative nodes, how the network structure may enhance them, the SSL performance gain due to labeling them by hand, and related philosophical aspects. Concerning the characterization, central nodes characterization criteria were studied on networks with well-defined modular structures. Counterintuitively, highly connected nodes (hubs) are not much representatives. Not so connected nodes placed in low connectivity neighborhoods are, though. Strictly local, this characterization is scalable to huge volumes of data. In networks with homogeneous degree distribution - Girvan-Newman networks (GN), nodes with high clustering coefficient also figure out as representatives. On the other hand, in networks with inhomogeneous degree distribution - Lancichinetti-Fortunato-Radicchi networks (LFR), nodes with high betweenness stand out. Nodes with high clustering coefficient in GN networks typically lie in almost-cliques motifs; nodes with high betweenness in LFR networks are highly connected nodes, which lie in communities borders. In both cases, the highlighted nodes are outstanding regularizers. Besides that, unified approaches to characterize representative nodes were studied because diverse criteria stand out for diverse networks. Crucial for highlighting representative nodes and ensure good SSL performance, the graph construction from vector-based datasets was also studied. The method called AdaRadius was introduced and presents advantages such as adaptability to data with variable density, low dependency on parameters settings, and reasonable computational cost on both pool based and incremental data. Yielding networks are sparse but connected and allow the semi-supervised classification to take great advantage of the manual labeling of representative nodes. Lastly, the validation of graph construction methods for SSL was studied, being proposed the validation measure called graph-labels Katz coherence. Summing up, the discussed results give rise to the validity of representative individuals selection to seed the semi-supervised classification, supporting the central assumption of current thesis. Analogies may be found in several real-world network problems, such as epidemiology, rumors and information spreading, resilience, lethality, grandmother cells, and network evolving and self-organization.

Semantic Mapping using Virtual Sensors and Fusion of Aerial Images with Sensor Data from a Ground Vehicle

Persson, Martin January 2008 (has links)
<p>In this thesis, semantic mapping is understood to be the process of putting a tag or label on objects or regions in a map. This label should be interpretable by and have a meaning for a human. The use of semantic information has several application areas in mobile robotics. The largest area is in human-robot interaction where the semantics is necessary for a common understanding between robot and human of the operational environment. Other areas include localization through connection of human spatial concepts to particular locations, improving 3D models of indoor and outdoor environments, and model validation.</p><p>This thesis investigates the extraction of semantic information for mobile robots in outdoor environments and the use of semantic information to link ground-level occupancy maps and aerial images. The thesis concentrates on three related issues: i) recognition of human spatial concepts in a scene, ii) the ability to incorporate semantic knowledge in a map, and iii) the ability to connect information collected by a mobile robot with information extracted from an aerial image.</p><p>The first issue deals with a vision-based virtual sensor for classification of views (images). The images are fed into a set of learned virtual sensors, where each virtual sensor is trained for classification of a particular type of human spatial concept. The virtual sensors are evaluated with images from both ordinary cameras and an omni-directional camera, showing robust properties that can cope with variations such as changing season.</p><p>In the second part a probabilistic semantic map is computed based on an occupancy grid map and the output from a virtual sensor. A local semantic map is built around the robot for each position where images have been acquired. This map is a grid map augmented with semantic information in the form of probabilities that the occupied grid cells belong to a particular class. The local maps are fused into a global probabilistic semantic map covering the area along the trajectory of the mobile robot.</p><p>In the third part information extracted from an aerial image is used to improve the mapping process. Region and object boundaries taken from the probabilistic semantic map are used to initialize segmentation of the aerial image. Algorithms for both local segmentation related to the borders and global segmentation of the entire aerial image, exemplified with the two classes ground and buildings, are presented. Ground-level semantic information allows focusing of the segmentation of the aerial image to desired classes and generation of a semantic map that covers a larger area than can be built using only the onboard sensors.</p>

Learning from Partially Labeled Data: Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Learning on Graphs and Learning with Distribution Shifting

Huang, Jiayuan January 2007 (has links)
This thesis focuses on two fundamental machine learning problems:unsupervised learning, where no label information is available, and semi-supervised learning, where a small amount of labels are given in addition to unlabeled data. These problems arise in many real word applications, such as Web analysis and bioinformatics,where a large amount of data is available, but no or only a small amount of labeled data exists. Obtaining classification labels in these domains is usually quite difficult because it involves either manual labeling or physical experimentation. This thesis approaches these problems from two perspectives: graph based and distribution based. First, I investigate a series of graph based learning algorithms that are able to exploit information embedded in different types of graph structures. These algorithms allow label information to be shared between nodes in the graph---ultimately communicating information globally to yield effective unsupervised and semi-supervised learning. In particular, I extend existing graph based learning algorithms, currently based on undirected graphs, to more general graph types, including directed graphs, hypergraphs and complex networks. These richer graph representations allow one to more naturally capture the intrinsic data relationships that exist, for example, in Web data, relational data, bioinformatics and social networks. For each of these generalized graph structures I show how information propagation can be characterized by distinct random walk models, and then use this characterization to develop new unsupervised and semi-supervised learning algorithms. Second, I investigate a more statistically oriented approach that explicitly models a learning scenario where the training and test examples come from different distributions. This is a difficult situation for standard statistical learning approaches, since they typically incorporate an assumption that the distributions for training and test sets are similar, if not identical. To achieve good performance in this scenario, I utilize unlabeled data to correct the bias between the training and test distributions. A key idea is to produce resampling weights for bias correction by working directly in a feature space and bypassing the problem of explicit density estimation. The technique can be easily applied to many different supervised learning algorithms, automatically adapting their behavior to cope with distribution shifting between training and test data.

Fundamental Limitations of Semi-Supervised Learning

Lu, Tyler (Tian) 30 April 2009 (has links)
The emergence of a new paradigm in machine learning known as semi-supervised learning (SSL) has seen benefits to many applications where labeled data is expensive to obtain. However, unlike supervised learning (SL), which enjoys a rich and deep theoretical foundation, semi-supervised learning, which uses additional unlabeled data for training, still remains a theoretical mystery lacking a sound fundamental understanding. The purpose of this research thesis is to take a first step towards bridging this theory-practice gap. We focus on investigating the inherent limitations of the benefits SSL can provide over SL. We develop a framework under which one can analyze the potential benefits, as measured by the sample complexity of SSL. Our framework is utopian in the sense that a SSL algorithm trains on a labeled sample and an unlabeled distribution, as opposed to an unlabeled sample in the usual SSL model. Thus, any lower bound on the sample complexity of SSL in this model implies lower bounds in the usual model. Roughly, our conclusion is that unless the learner is absolutely certain there is some non-trivial relationship between labels and the unlabeled distribution (``SSL type assumption''), SSL cannot provide significant advantages over SL. Technically speaking, we show that the sample complexity of SSL is no more than a constant factor better than SL for any unlabeled distribution, under a no-prior-knowledge setting (i.e. without SSL type assumptions). We prove that for the class of thresholds in the realizable setting the sample complexity of SL is at most twice that of SSL. Also, we prove that in the agnostic setting for the classes of thresholds and union of intervals the sample complexity of SL is at most a constant factor larger than that of SSL. We conjecture this to be a general phenomenon applying to any hypothesis class. We also discuss issues regarding SSL type assumptions, and in particular the popular cluster assumption. We give examples that show even in the most accommodating circumstances, learning under the cluster assumption can be hazardous and lead to prediction performance much worse than simply ignoring the unlabeled data and doing supervised learning. We conclude with a look into future research directions that build on our investigation.

Contributions to Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning

Pal, David 21 May 2009 (has links)
This thesis studies two problems in theoretical machine learning. The first part of the thesis investigates the statistical stability of clustering algorithms. In the second part, we study the relative advantage of having unlabeled data in classification problems. Clustering stability was proposed and used as a model selection method in clustering tasks. The main idea of the method is that from a given data set two independent samples are taken. Each sample individually is clustered with the same clustering algorithm, with the same setting of its parameters. If the two resulting clusterings turn out to be close in some metric, it is concluded that the clustering algorithm and the setting of its parameters match the data set, and that clusterings obtained are meaningful. We study asymptotic properties of this method for certain types of cost minimizing clustering algorithms and relate their asymptotic stability to the number of optimal solutions of the underlying optimization problem. In classification problems, it is often expensive to obtain labeled data, but on the other hand, unlabeled data are often plentiful and cheap. We study how the access to unlabeled data can decrease the amount of labeled data needed in the worst-case sense. We propose an extension of the probably approximately correct (PAC) model in which this question can be naturally studied. We show that for certain basic tasks the access to unlabeled data might, at best, halve the amount of labeled data needed.

Learning from Partially Labeled Data: Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Learning on Graphs and Learning with Distribution Shifting

Huang, Jiayuan January 2007 (has links)
This thesis focuses on two fundamental machine learning problems:unsupervised learning, where no label information is available, and semi-supervised learning, where a small amount of labels are given in addition to unlabeled data. These problems arise in many real word applications, such as Web analysis and bioinformatics,where a large amount of data is available, but no or only a small amount of labeled data exists. Obtaining classification labels in these domains is usually quite difficult because it involves either manual labeling or physical experimentation. This thesis approaches these problems from two perspectives: graph based and distribution based. First, I investigate a series of graph based learning algorithms that are able to exploit information embedded in different types of graph structures. These algorithms allow label information to be shared between nodes in the graph---ultimately communicating information globally to yield effective unsupervised and semi-supervised learning. In particular, I extend existing graph based learning algorithms, currently based on undirected graphs, to more general graph types, including directed graphs, hypergraphs and complex networks. These richer graph representations allow one to more naturally capture the intrinsic data relationships that exist, for example, in Web data, relational data, bioinformatics and social networks. For each of these generalized graph structures I show how information propagation can be characterized by distinct random walk models, and then use this characterization to develop new unsupervised and semi-supervised learning algorithms. Second, I investigate a more statistically oriented approach that explicitly models a learning scenario where the training and test examples come from different distributions. This is a difficult situation for standard statistical learning approaches, since they typically incorporate an assumption that the distributions for training and test sets are similar, if not identical. To achieve good performance in this scenario, I utilize unlabeled data to correct the bias between the training and test distributions. A key idea is to produce resampling weights for bias correction by working directly in a feature space and bypassing the problem of explicit density estimation. The technique can be easily applied to many different supervised learning algorithms, automatically adapting their behavior to cope with distribution shifting between training and test data.

Fundamental Limitations of Semi-Supervised Learning

Lu, Tyler (Tian) 30 April 2009 (has links)
The emergence of a new paradigm in machine learning known as semi-supervised learning (SSL) has seen benefits to many applications where labeled data is expensive to obtain. However, unlike supervised learning (SL), which enjoys a rich and deep theoretical foundation, semi-supervised learning, which uses additional unlabeled data for training, still remains a theoretical mystery lacking a sound fundamental understanding. The purpose of this research thesis is to take a first step towards bridging this theory-practice gap. We focus on investigating the inherent limitations of the benefits SSL can provide over SL. We develop a framework under which one can analyze the potential benefits, as measured by the sample complexity of SSL. Our framework is utopian in the sense that a SSL algorithm trains on a labeled sample and an unlabeled distribution, as opposed to an unlabeled sample in the usual SSL model. Thus, any lower bound on the sample complexity of SSL in this model implies lower bounds in the usual model. Roughly, our conclusion is that unless the learner is absolutely certain there is some non-trivial relationship between labels and the unlabeled distribution (``SSL type assumption''), SSL cannot provide significant advantages over SL. Technically speaking, we show that the sample complexity of SSL is no more than a constant factor better than SL for any unlabeled distribution, under a no-prior-knowledge setting (i.e. without SSL type assumptions). We prove that for the class of thresholds in the realizable setting the sample complexity of SL is at most twice that of SSL. Also, we prove that in the agnostic setting for the classes of thresholds and union of intervals the sample complexity of SL is at most a constant factor larger than that of SSL. We conjecture this to be a general phenomenon applying to any hypothesis class. We also discuss issues regarding SSL type assumptions, and in particular the popular cluster assumption. We give examples that show even in the most accommodating circumstances, learning under the cluster assumption can be hazardous and lead to prediction performance much worse than simply ignoring the unlabeled data and doing supervised learning. We conclude with a look into future research directions that build on our investigation.

Contributions to Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning

Pal, David 21 May 2009 (has links)
This thesis studies two problems in theoretical machine learning. The first part of the thesis investigates the statistical stability of clustering algorithms. In the second part, we study the relative advantage of having unlabeled data in classification problems. Clustering stability was proposed and used as a model selection method in clustering tasks. The main idea of the method is that from a given data set two independent samples are taken. Each sample individually is clustered with the same clustering algorithm, with the same setting of its parameters. If the two resulting clusterings turn out to be close in some metric, it is concluded that the clustering algorithm and the setting of its parameters match the data set, and that clusterings obtained are meaningful. We study asymptotic properties of this method for certain types of cost minimizing clustering algorithms and relate their asymptotic stability to the number of optimal solutions of the underlying optimization problem. In classification problems, it is often expensive to obtain labeled data, but on the other hand, unlabeled data are often plentiful and cheap. We study how the access to unlabeled data can decrease the amount of labeled data needed in the worst-case sense. We propose an extension of the probably approximately correct (PAC) model in which this question can be naturally studied. We show that for certain basic tasks the access to unlabeled data might, at best, halve the amount of labeled data needed.

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