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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La séparation des pouvoirs civil et militaire en droit comparé / The separation of civil and military powers : a comparative study

Papazian, Patrick 19 June 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse entend démontrer par le recours à la comparaison que le principe de séparation des pouvoirs civils et militaires constitue un élément fondamental des Etats de tradition libérale. En droit, elle prend la forme d’incompatibilités. Dans un premier temps, suite aux expériences de confusion des pouvoirs civils et militaires cette séparation a pris la forme d’une incompatibilité entre le militaire et l’électeur. Dans un second temps, cette séparation a pris la forme d’une incompatibilité entre le militaire et le représentant. / This comparative study aims to demonstrate that the principle of separation of civil and military powers is a fundamental part of States with liberal tradition. In law it takes the form of incompatibilities. In law, it takes the form of incompatibilities. Initially, following the experiences of confusion of civil and military powers that separation has taken the shape of an incompatibility between the military and the voter. In a second step, this separation has taken the shape of a mismatch between the military and the representative.

Prezident Ruské federace / The Prezident of the Russian Federation

Hradský, Kamil January 2014 (has links)
Diploma Thesis Abstract - The President of the Russian Federation This diploma thesis was written during my study stay in the Russian Federation. When I started working on the thesis, the outside temperature was well below 20 degrees Celsius and, by the time I was finished, the temperatures reached over 30 degrees Celsius. The thesis is based exclusively on sources in Russian, which I could access in the library of the Faculty of Law of the Saint Petersburg State University. The aim was to address the concept of the head of a state in general and, subsequently, to define the basic status of the president of the Russian Federation (RF) from the viewpoint of constitutional laws. The contents of the thesis can be summarised as follows: The head of the state plays two roles in the Russian constitutional system. Firstly, it is the role of an official entrusted with the task of uniting the RF, co-ordinating the activities of individual public authorities, representing the united voice of Russia both on the international political arena and within the country, and determining the general course of the Russian policy. This part of the president's role is paramount and we can even say that, in the RF, it is rampant. It justifies the calls for the establishment of a separate branch within the separation of powers -...

Nejvyšší soud USA - jeho vznik a prvá klíčová rozhodnutí / The US Supreme Court, its, formation and first key decisions

Miřejovský, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The US Supreme Court, its formation and first key decisions The thesis offers an insight of an era in which the Supreme Court of United States was founded and established itself as one of the major government institutions as well as a strong powerhouse of American politics. Essential for understanding of the future importance and role of the Court is to perceive not only its own early history but also an understanding of broader context concerning a development of the early American society as a whole. The thesis based on this implied layout consists of three main chapters. The first attempts to grasp a vast set of conditions which served, each to a different extent, as an inspirational background influence for the Founders in the creation of an American statehood. The natural rights philosophy, a product of the Age of Enlightenment, introduced by the work of John Locke set a foundation for American political thinking. The natural rights approach gloriously manifested itself in the Declaration of Independence (1776) and from then on runs as a red thin line throughout the entire legal history of United States. The Founders in the creation of a new American order amalgamated their knowledge of past human endeavors in various state systems and social structures into a constitutional based system of...

Constitutional interpretation under the new South African order

Hofmeyr, Adriane Janet 07 April 2014 (has links)
Thesis (LL.M.)--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Law, 1998. / This thesis explores the democratic legitimacy of the power of judicial review. It discounts the countermajoritarian dilemma on the basis that constitutional democracy means more than majoritarianism, it entails judicial protection of other characteristics fundamental to democracy from invasion even by a majority government. Such characteristics include political processes and values which ensure the continuation of democratic rule. The Court may, however, be criticised if it exercises its power of judicial review in a manner which is undemocratic. I argue that the Court is obliged to exercise its power in a manner which respects the doctrine of separation of powers. In interpreting the Constitution, the Court is therefore obliged to show deference to Parliament by giving effect to the purpose of a constitutional provision. I conclude that the Court may only have recourse to the values which the legislature chose to include in the Constitution, except when the Court protects those political processes and values which ensure the survival of constitutional democracy.

Soudcovský aktivismus / Judicial activism

Pumr, Jaromír January 2018 (has links)
Judicial activism Abstract This thesis tries to complexly grasp the phenomenon of judicial activism. The key role for it and its analysis of judicial activism is the theory of separation of powers in the state, without its comprehension it is hardly possible to correctly assess. The first chapter thus focuses on the theoretical concept of separation of powers, its evolution and current standing. Takes a critical stand with present thinkers and suggests rethinking its approach to stress the theory's purpose instead. The second chapter analyses judiciary and judicial system from the functional and institutional approach. Offers its classical definitions yet describes many authors who criticize the affinity of judicial power's activity to the one of state administration. It tries to rebut those opinions with arguments of specific expertise of judges and of its legitimacy. In the third chapter the focus is on the judicial activism. It identifies large dispersion of its definitions therefore uses meta-analysis of Keenan Kmiec for its definition. Firstly, discusses the major change of judicial power in society during the last century and for this reason addresses those most important changes: hypertrophy of law and human rights, and shift of the main interpretational paradigms to natural law emphasis....

A abertura do estado constitucional brasileiro ao direito internacional / The openness of Brazilian constitutional state toward international law

Oliveira, Ricardo Victalino de 16 May 2014 (has links)
O progressivo desenvolvimento das relações internacionais, acompanhado dos múltiplos reflexos da globalização, em especial do aparecimento de novos sujeitos que atuam, concomitantemente, nos âmbitos interno e externo, resultou na intensificação dos pontos de contatos entre Direito Constitucional e Direito Internacional. Esse cenário faz que, cada vez mais, as fronteiras entre o nacional e o exterior tornem-se rarefeitas, impondo significativas transformações em conceitos tradicionais consagrados pelo tempo. Assim, as Constituições nacionais abrem-se para o Direito das Gentes e as normas internacionais antes encarregadas de apenas possibilitar a coexistência entre soberanias ampliam seu campo de incidência na medida em que passam a disciplinar temas que eram objeto de estudo somente do constitucionalismo. É exatamente esse acentuado entrelaçamento entre as ordens jurídicas que inspirou a elaboração desta tese, cujo escopo principal é o de contribuir para que se conheça, ainda que de modo incompleto, os reflexos sentidos no Direito Constitucional brasileiro em decorrência do processo de internacionalização das Constituições. Apesar da ambivalência inerente à problemática tratada, na compreensão desse complexo quadro, primou-se por um enfoque centrado na perspectiva do Direito Constitucional. Essa opção demandou, pois, análises que evidenciassem como o constitucionalismo pátrio sem perder sua identidade e preservando suas conquistas tem enfrentado o desafio de assegurar a execução interna de uma infinidade de mandamentos provenientes do exterior. As conclusões obtidas apontam para a importância de cultivar um permanente diálogo entre Constituição e Direito Internacional como instrumento para que essa crescente interconexão resulte em aperfeiçoamento de ambas as ordens jurídicas. Do ponto de vista do Direito Constitucional, cabe antecipar que a aproximação sistêmica em questão já permite vislumbrar a revitalização do funcionamento do mecanismo de freios e contrapesos derivado do princípio da separação de poderes, a valorização dos mandamentos exteriores por parte das autoridades nacionais responsáveis por aplicá-los e, ainda, o fortalecimento da autonomia federativa em matéria de interações com o mundo externo. Embora os resultados finais desse processo sejam incertos, acredita-se que ele não acabará com o papel das Constituições para os Estados nacionais porque, se isso acontece, toda a dinâmica dos relacionamentos estudados restará severamente comprometida. / The progressive development of international relations, followed by the multiple reflexes of globalization especially the emergence of new subjects that act simultaneously in the internal and external spheres has resulted in the intensification of the intersections between Constitutional law and International law. Such a scenario makes the boundaries between national and international increasingly rarefied, imposing significant changes in traditional concepts consecrated by time. Therefore, national Constitutions open up to the Ius Gentium and the international rules originally in charge of merely enabling the coexistence of sovereignties expanding their scope as they shall regulate topics that were formerly approached only by constitutionalism. It is precisely this strong entwinement of legal systems that has inspired the development of this thesis, whose main aim is to contribute for the knowing, albeit incomplete, of the reflexes felt in the Brazilian Constitutional law as a result of the internationalization process of Constitutions. Despite the ambivalence inherent to the problem approached, we have chosen to focus on the Constitutional law perspective in the understanding of this complex scenario. Such an option has demanded, thus, analyses that would evidence how national constitutionalism without losing its identity and by preserving its achievements has faced the challenge of ensuring the internal implementation of a plethora of external commands. The conclusions drawn highlight the importance of cultivating a constant dialogue between Constitution and International law as a means for this increasing interconnection to result in improvement for both legal systems. From the point of view of Constitutional law, we should anticipate that the systemic approximation at issue provides insight into the revitalization of the functioning of the checks and balances mechanism deriving from the principle of separation of powers, the valuing of external commands by the national authorities in charge of their enforcement, and also the strengthening of federal autonomy in terms of interaction with the external world. Even though the final results of this process are still uncertain, we believe that it will not end the role of the Constitutions for the national States, because, if that happens, the whole dynamics of the relationships studied will ultimately be severely compromised.

A revisitação do princípio da separação de poderes: dialogicidade e tensão como elementos conformadores da identidade constitucional brasileira / Revisting the separation of powers principles: dialogue, tension and constitutional identity

Costa, Luciana da Silva 16 May 2014 (has links)
No contexto constitucional pós-88, o princípio da separação de poderes ocupa posição de destaque, especialmente a partir dos avanços do Poder Judiciário na solução de conflitos envolvendo arenas antes reservadas ao Legislativo ou ao Executivo. Temas como o ativismo do STF, o (ab)uso das medidas provisórias pelo Presidente da República, a apatia do Legislativo, o controle judicial de políticas públicas, dentre tantos outros, são recorrentes na bibliografia jurídico-brasileira. Entretanto, de forma frequente, a recente produção científico-jurídica que se dedica ao tema no Brasil, observa-o a partir de substratos que já se encontravam presentes na teoria moderna do princípio da separação de poderes, edificada no final do século XVIII, não apresentando inovações. É nesse cenário que a presente pesquisa busca revisitar, à luz da teoria do diálogo institucional, a teoria do princípio da separação de poderes, explorando fundamentos que permitam uma interpretação adequada das complexas interações travadas pelos poderes instituídos e pela esfera pública no constitucionalismo brasileiro contemporâneo.Trata-se de pesquisa jurídico-bibliográfica que, além da revisão da literatura, analisou quatro cenários de interação: Legislativo-STF; Legislativo-Executivo; Executivo-STF e STF-sociedade civil. Ao final, faz-se algumas incursões de como esse novo sentido interage com a compreensão de identidade constitcional esboçada por Michael Rosenfeld. / In 1988 post-constitutional context, the separation of powers principle occupies a prominent position, especially since the advances of the judiciary in resolving conflicts involving spaces previously reserved to the Legislature or the Executive. Themes as the STFs activism, the (ab)use of provisory acts by the President, the apathy of the Legislature, the judicial control of public policies, among many others, are recurrent in the Brazilian legal literature. Nevertheless, frequently, the recent scientific-legal production that is dedicated to the theme in Brazil, watches it from substrates that were already present in the modern separation of powers principle theory, built in the late eighteenth century, not presenting innovations. It is in this scenario that this research seeks to revisit, in the light of the institutional dialogue theory, the separation of powers principle theory, by exploring foundations that allow an appropriate interpretation of complexes interactions fought by the powers and by the public sphere in the contemporary Brazilian constitutionalism. It is a legal bibliographic research which, beyond the literature review, examined four interaction scenarios: Legislative- TF; Legislative-Executive, Executive-STF and STF-civil society. At the end, some inroads of how this new sense interacts with the constitutional identity outlined by Michael Rosenfeld are made.

A atuação do STF no pós-88: impacto sobre o equílibrio entre os poderes / The performance of the Brazilian Supreme Court in the post-88: impact on the balance of powers.

Paula, Carolina Gattolin de 27 February 2014 (has links)
Após a promulgação da Constituição de 1988, o Supremo Tribunal Federal passou a integrar a vida cotidiana da população, por meio das diversas informações sobre seus julgamentos, os quais envolvem, cada vez mais, questões políticas, com impacto sobre a vida dos cidadãos. Essa atuação da Corte tem despertado algumas críticas, relacionadas principalmente à sua legitimidade democrática para decidir sobre assuntos políticos e a uma suposta violação do princípio da separação de Poderes. Esse debate está inserido no contexto mais amplo de protagonismo do Poder Judiciário brasileiro no século XXI, expressado principalmente pela expansão da jurisdição constitucional, o que, por sua vez, se deve à consolidação do sistema de controle de constitucionalidade e a uma nova interpretação constitucional. Com efeito, a Constituição de 1988 expandiu as competências do Supremo, incitando o exercício de sua função política. As críticas feitas à Corte em razão de sua atuação com relação a questões políticas estão relacionadas a dois fenômenos, a judicialização da política e o ativismo judicial, sendo este considerado por parte da doutrina como uma indevida interferência do Poder Judiciário no âmbito de atuação dos Poderes Legislativo e Executivo. Casos como o reconhecimento da união estável homoafetiva foram considerados expressão desse ativismo. No entanto, é possível abordar o assunto da legitimidade democrática da Corte e da separação de Poderes de forma diferente, mais flexível. As teorias do diálogo, nessa medida, apresentam uma nova proposta de interação entre o Supremo Tribunal Federal e o Poder Legislativo, conferindo compreensão mais atual da democracia e da separação de Poderes. Isso porque prescinde da opção de predomínio do Legislativo ou do Judiciário em dar a última palavra sobre a constitucionalidade de leis e atos normativos. Desse modo, este trabalho visa a demonstrar, que há de se procurar saídas à rígida estrutura da Teoria da Separação de Poderes de Montesquieu, a fim de que a Constituição possa ser concretizada mediante uma efetiva colaboração dos Poderes. / After the promulgation of the Constitution of 1988, Brazilian Supreme Court became part of everyday life of the population due to the various information about its trials, which involve, increasingly, political issues that impact the life of Brazilian population. Such performance of the Court has aroused some criticism, mainly related to its democratic legitimacy to decide on political affairs and to the violation of the principle of the separation of Powers. This debate is embedded in the broader context of the Brazilian Judiciary protagonism in the XXI Century, specially expressed by the expansion of constitutional jurisdiction, which is due to the consolidation of the judicial review system and a \"new\" constitutional interpretation. Indeed, Constitution of 1988 expanded the powers of the Supreme Court, urging the exercise of its political function. The criticisms addressed to the Court by reason of its performance with respect to policy issues are related to two phenomena: the \"judicialization of politics\" and \"judicial activism\", which are considered by the doctrine as an undue interference by the Judiciary on the performance of the Legislative and Executive branches. Cases such as the recognition of homo-affective union were considered stable expression of activism. However, it is possible to approach more flexibly the issue of democratic legitimacy of the Court and of the separation of powers more flexibly. Theories of dialogue present a new proposal for interaction between the Supreme Court and the legislature, giving more current understanding of democracy and separation of powers. It reveals an alternative to waive predominance of the Legislature or the Judiciary to give the \"last decision\" on the constitutionality of laws and normative acts. Thus, this study aims to demonstrate, there to seek outlets to the rigid structure of Montesquieus Separation of Powers, so that the Constitution can be achieved through effective collaboration of Powers.

The War on Terror and the Separation of Powers Tug-of-War

Burnep, Gregory January 2016 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Shep Melnick / Most of the literature on the separation of powers in the war on terror vastly overstates the power of the presidency and pays little attention to the respective roles of Congress, the courts, and the bureaucracy in prosecuting that conflict. Scholars – especially those in the legal academy – have consistently failed to appreciate the ways in which the president has been, and continues to be, checked and constrained by a variety of forces. In my dissertation, I engage in highly detailed case studies of U.S. law and policy with respect to detention and military commissions in the war on terror. I pay special attention to the complex interactions that occurred within and between our governing institutions in these policy areas. There are two central arguments that come out of my research and run through my case studies. First, the political scientist Robert Kagan’s work on “adversarial legalism” is no longer simply applicable to the domestic policy realm. The proliferation of legal rules and extensive litigation has increasingly come to characterize foreign affairs as well, with important consequences for how the U.S. implements its national security policies and fights its armed conflicts. In short, adversarial legalism has gone to war. Second, loose talk about the “unitary” nature of the executive branch is misleading. The executive branch is a sprawling bureaucracy made up of diverse actors with different perspectives, preferences, and norms, and that bureaucracy has interacted with Congress and the courts in surprising ways to constrain the presidency in the war on terror. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2016. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Political Science.

Executivo versus legislativo: os vetos presidenciais no Brasil (1988-2000) / Executive versus Legislative: the presidential vetoes in Brazil (1988-2000)

Moya, Mauricio Assumpcao 05 May 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho trata dos vetos presidenciais ocorridos no Brasil entre outubro de 1988 e dezembro de 2000. Seu objetivo é identificar eventos que estejam associados ao uso do veto pelo presidente, e que permitam prever com alguma precisão as chances de sua ocorrência. O universo de análise é composto pelos 1322 projetos aprovados no período, excluindo-se os projetos relativos ao Orçamento e aqueles de autoria do Judiciário. São observadas cerca de duas dezenas de variáveis, classificadas em dois grupos: no primeiro estão as variáveis ligadas diretamente aos projetos e aos seus respectivos processos de tramitação; no segundo grupo estão as variáveis referentes ao ambiente político e às condições gerais da relação Executivo-Legislativo. A hipótese testada é que as variáveis do primeiro grupo têm um impacto muito maior sobre as chances de ocorrência de veto que as do segundo, indicando que o contexto político pouco afeta o uso do veto, e que este se dá predominantemente por meio de exames caso a caso. Os resultados, obtidos por meio de regressões logísticas e testes de pós-estimativa, corroboram a hipótese, e apontam uma diferença crucial entre os vetos parciais e os vetos totais. Enquanto os primeiros são difíceis de prever e envolvem uma gama maior fatores, os últimos são usados sistematicamente contra as propostas do Poder Legislativo, impedindo-as de entrar em vigor / This work accesses the presidential vetoes occurred in Brazil from October/1988, when the current Constitution was approved, to December/2000. Its goal is to identify events that may be related to the use of the veto, which can help foreseeing its occurrence. The analyzed database contains the 1322 bills approved during that period, excluding appropriations bills and those presented by the Judiciary. Near twenty variables are observed, divided in two groups: one containing factors directly linked to the projects and their legislative procedures; the other composed by factors concerning the political environment and the general conditions of the Executive-Legislative relation. The hypothesis is that the variables in the first group have much bigger impact on the chances of a veto occurring than the variables in the second group. This indicates that there is no such thing as a veto-prone political context, and that the vetoes occur due to a case-to-case basis analysis. The results obtained by logistical regressions and post-estimative tests support the hypothesis, and show a crucial difference between line-item vetoes and total vetoes. The formers are hard to predict, and are affected by a high number of factors, while the last are systematically used against bills proposed by the legislators , preventing them to become effective

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