Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SIGNALING"" "subject:"[enn] SIGNALING""
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Control of Morphogenesis and Neoplasia by the Oncogenic Translation Factor eEF1A2Pinke, Dixie 29 February 2012 (has links)
The eukaryotic elongation factor 1 alpha 2 (eEF1A2) is a protein normally expressed only in the brain, heart and skeletal muscle. eEF1A2 is likely to be a breast and ovarian cancer oncogene based on its high expression in these malignancies and its in vitro transforming capacity . The goal of my thesis is to understand eEF1A2’s role in oncogenesis.
In order to determine if eEF1A2 was a prognostic marker for ovarian cancer, we examined eEF1A2 expression in 500 primary human ovarian tumours. We show that eEF1A2 is highly expressed in approximately 30% of ovarian tumours. In serous cancer, high expression of eEF1A2 was associated with an increased 20-year survival probability. Expression of eEF1A2, in a clear cell carcinoma cell line, SK-OV-3, increased the cells ability to form spheroids in hanging drop culture, enhanced in vitro proliferative capacity, increased stress fiber formations, and reduced cell-cell junction spacing. Expression of eEF1A2 did not alter sensitivity to anoikis, cisplatin, or taxol.
In order to examine the role of eEF1A2 in breast cancer, we used a three-dimensional culture system. The ability to disrupt the in vitro morphogenesis of breast cells cultured on reconstituted basement membranes is a common property of breast oncogenes. I found that phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (PI4KIIIβ), a lipid kinase that phosphorylates phosphatidylinositol (PI) to PI(4)P, disrupts in vitro mammary acinar formation. The PI4KIIIβ protein localizes to the basal surface of acini created by the human MCF10A cells and ectopic expression of PI4KIIIβ induces multi-acinar formation. Expression of the PI4KIIIβ activator, eEF1A2, also causes a multi-acinar phenotype. Ectopic expression of PI4KIIIβ or eEF1A2 alters PI(4)P and PI(4,5)P2 localization, indicating a role for these lipids in acinar development.
Therefore, eEF1A2 is highly expressed in ovarian carcinomas and its expression enhances cell growth in vitro. eEF1A2 expression is likely to be a useful ovarian cancer prognostic factor in ovarian patients with serous tumours. Furthermore, PI4KIIIβ and eEF1A2 both have an important role in the disruption of three-dimensional morphogenesis of MCF10A cells. Additionally, PI4KIIIβ and eEF1A2 likely have an important role in mammary neoplasia and development and could be anti-cancer targets.
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cIAP2 Negatively Regulates Proliferation and Tumourigenesis by Repressing IKK Activity and Maintaining p53 FunctionLau, Rosanna 09 May 2012 (has links)
The cellular inhibitor of apoptosis protein (cIAP)-2 plays an important role in the protection against apoptosis by inhibiting the endogenous IAP inhibitor Smac, thus allowing other members of the IAP family, such as XIAP to block caspases. Additionally, cIAP2 functions as a ubiquitin ligase and mediates survival/proliferative signaling through NF-κB. cIAP2 is overexpressed in many human cancers and is believed to play an oncogenic role. This led to the development of small molecule IAP antagonists aimed at eliciting apoptosis in cancer cells. However, the loss of cIAP2 is also associated with multiple myeloma, in which constitutively active NF-κB signaling contributes to pathogenesis of the disease and suggests that cIAP2 may also perform a tumour suppressive function.
We demonstrate a novel role for cIAP2 in maintaining p53 levels in mammary epithelial cells that express wildtype p53. Downregulation of cIAP2 resulted in activation of IKKs, which led to increased Mdm2-mediated degradation of p53. cIAP2 depletion also led to increased phosphorylation of ERK1/2. Reduction of p53 levels, in combination with survival signaling provided by NF-κB and MEK-ERK pathways were associated with increased colony formation in vitro and increased DMBA-induced adenocarcinomas in cIAP2-null mice.
Treatment of cells with IAP antagonists resulted in significant cytotoxicity only in p53-mutant MDA-MB-231 cells, which was associated with autocrine production of TNF-α. We propose that the transcription of TNF-α is potentiated by gain-of-function mutation in p53 since downregulation of mutant p53 in MDA-MB-231 cells decreased TNF-α mRNA. Downregulation of cIAPs in p53-mutant cells resulted in a decrease in nuclear IKK-α, which may result in decreased IKK-α-mediated survival signaling. In contrast, cIAP downregulation in p53-wildtype cells resulted in no change in nuclear IKK-α, degradation of the corepressor SMRT and cell survival. We show that the effects of cIAP2 downregulation are context-dependent. Downregulation of cIAP2 in p53-wildtype cells results in a decrease in p53 and an increase in survival and proliferative signaling. These results suggest a tumour suppressor function for cIAPs that may account for cIAP mutation-associated cancers such as multiple myeloma. Moreover, our data also defines gain-of-function p53 mutation as a possible contributor to IAP antagonist sensitivity.
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Social Signaling and Urea Excretion in the Gulf Toadfish, Opsnus betaFulton, Jeremy 18 March 2013 (has links)
The gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta) is a member of a group of teleosts that have retained their ornithine urea cycle (OUC) allowing them to excrete nitrogenous waste in the form of urea (ureotely). Urea-N for the entire day is excreted in 1-2 quick pulsing events (1-3 h). This study evaluated the hypothesis that urea-N pulsing events in gulf toadfish can be triggered by social signals from conspecifics via a specific waterborne messenger. Using a crowding protocol, we found that pre-conditioned seawater induced a secondary urea pulsing event in naïve conspecifics. Furthermore, it was revealed that other factors such as signal concentration and donor body mass relay information to recipients as well. Fractionation of pre-conditioned seawater was carried out to narrow possible signal candidates and the aqueous portion was found to contain the active molecule. Ammonia was found to be an important factor controlling the response of toadfish to pre-conditioned seawater.
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Effects of endosulfan on human MCF-7 breast cancer cellsMannon, Sara 01 August 2011 (has links)
Organochlorine pesticides (OCs) are environmental toxicants with important links to human health. They have been found to activate signalling pathways within cells and thereby affect cell survival and proliferation. Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor kB (RANK) ligand and its receptor RANK are crucial for mammary epithelial proliferation in pregnancy and have recently been linked to hormone induced breast cancers. The objectives of this study were to confirm the proliferative effects of an OC (endosulfan) on human MCF-7 breast cancer cells, identify activated intracellular signaling pathways and investigate changes in RANK and RANKL gene expression. This study showed that endosulfan has a stimulatory effect on human MCF-7 cell proliferation, which may be invoked through activated intracellular signaling pathways (JNK, ERK1/2 and p38). In addition, there was a down regulation of RANK and upregulation of RANKL gene expression suggesting endosulfan is capable of modulating both cellular behavior and gene expression. / UOIT
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Regulators of Hedgehog Signaling in Chondrocytes: Sufu, Kif7, and Primary CiliumHsu, Shu-Hsuan Claire 22 August 2012 (has links)
The Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway has received attention regarding its important role in embryonic development, however the mechanism by which pathway regulators, such as Suppressor of fused (Sufu), Kinesin family member 7 (Kif7), and primary cilium, mediate Hh signaling transduction is not entirely understood. The work presented here examines the roles of Sufu and Kif7 in regulating Hh signaling in growth plate chondrocytes, as well as how they mediate parathyroid hormone-like hormone (Pthlh) signaling during chondrocyte development. I show here that Sufu and Kif7 are essential regulators of Indian hedgehog (Ihh) signaling. While Sufu negatively regulates Gli transcription factors, Kif7 functions both positively and negatively in chondrocytes. Kif7 plays a role in Sufu protein degradation and the exclusion of Sufu-Gli complexes from the primary cilium. Importantly, halving the dosage of Sufu restores normal Hh pathway activity and chondrocyte development in Kif7-null mice, demonstrating that the positive role of Kif7 is to restrict the inhibitory function of Sufu. Furthermore, Kif7 exerts inhibitory function on Gli transcriptional activity in chondrocytes when Sufu function is absent. Therefore, Kif7 regulates the activity of Gli transcription factors through both Sufu-dependent and Sufu-independent mechanisms. I show that Sufu is crucial for mediating the negative effect of Pthlh on Gli transcriptional activity and chondrocyte hypertrophic differentiation, whereas Kif7 and primary cilium are dispensable in this process. Although primary cilium is required for Hh ligand-mediated activation of Gli transcription, Pthlh negatively controls Gli transcriptional activity in a cilia-independent manner. The results of this work provide insight into how Hh signaling is regulated by Sufu and Kif7 in the context of primary cilium, but also suggest Sufu serves as an important link between Ihh and Pthlh signaling during growth plate chondrocyte development.
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Determining Lineage Fate, Survival and Proliferation of Differentiating Thymocytes: Interplay between Notch, TCR, PI3K and MAPK PathwaysWong, Gladys 04 March 2013 (has links)
A common bipotent thymocyte precursor gives rise to both lineages of T cells, αβ and γδ. This thesis addresses how the interplay between intrinsic T cell receptor (TCR) signals and cell extrinsic signals provided by Notch and TCR ligands help to assign and support a final lineage fate decision. Emerging data supports a model in which differential TCR signaling capacity plays an instructional role in specifying lineage fate, particularly through induction of the ERK - early growth response gene (Egr) - inhibitor of DNA binding 3 (Id3) pathway. In particular, Id3 expression serves to regulate adoption of the γδ fate. Moreover, Id3 is both necessary and sufficient to enable γδ-lineage cells to differentiate independently of Notch signaling and become competent interferon (IFN)-γ-producing effectors. These findings identify Id3 as a central player that controls both adoption of the γδ fate and their maturation in the thymus. While loss of Notch signaling in γδTCR-expressing CD4-CD8- (DN)3 cells does not affect development, Notch signals are critical for pre-TCR-bearing cells to transition to the CD4+CD8+ (DP) stage of αβ T cell development. Notch signals affect the activation of the PI3K/Akt pathway, which is required for pTα/TCRβ (pre-TCR)-induced survival, differentiation and proliferation of developing αβ-lineage thymocytes. Here, I identify the key molecular players responsible for the interaction between the Notch and PI3K pathways at this critical developmental stage. Notch induction of Hes1 expression is necessary to repress the expression of the PI3K/Akt pathway inhibitor, PTEN, which in turn facilitates pre-TCR-induced differentiation. c-Myc, another critical target of Notch, is required for proliferation during β-selection. Lastly, I find that the majority of DN3 cells expressing both pre-TCR and γδTCR follow the signal strength model for lineage development, and commit and mature along the γδ-lineage. However, manipulation of signal strength, through γδTCR ligand availability or Id3 expression, can skew this development outcome. Taken together, the results from this thesis provide a detailed examination of the molecular mechanisms that are instrumental in determining lineage fate, survival, and proliferation of differentiating thymocytes. Central to these outcomes is the interplay between the Notch, TCR, PI3K, and MAPK signaling pathways.
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High-thoughput Screen to Identify Small Molecule Inhibitors of the Canonical Wnt Signaling PathwayPerusini, Stephen John 26 February 2009 (has links)
Wnt signaling is important in human development and disease, thus dysregulated beta-catenin constitutes an attractive target for drug intervention. The few functional inhibitors currently available target transcriptional activation, therefore, identifying novel upstream modulators would be of tremendous importance to elucidating the mechanisms involved in regulatingbeta-catenin activity.
To achieve this, I developed a high-throughput screen to assess beta-catenin stability in mammalian cells using a luciferase tagged beta-catenin molecule. This assay was used to screen three chemical libraries to identify small molecule modulators of the pathway. Identified inhibitors/activators of the pathway were investigated via secondary assays. The most promising inhibitor, 21H7, significantly attenuated activated beta-catenin signaling in colon cancer cells, decreasing beta-catenin stability. The inhibitory effects of 21H7 and a structurally similar compound were shown to not only inhibit Wnt target gene expression in colon cancer cells, but also prostate cancer lines. Thus, 21H7 represents an attractive lead compound for further study.
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The Genetic and Behavioral Analysis of Insulin Signaling in Caenorhabditis Elegans Learning and MemoryLin, Chia Hsun Anthony 15 February 2010 (has links)
Insulin signaling plays a prominent role in regulation of dauer formation and longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans. Here, I show that insulin signaling also is required in benzaldehyde-starvation associative plasticity, where worms pre-exposed to the odor attractant benzaldehyde in the absence of food subsequently demonstrate a conditioned aversion response towards the odorant. Animals with mutations in ins-1, daf-2, and age-1 which encode the homolog of human insulin, insulin/IGF-1 receptor, and PI-3 kinase, respectively, have significant deficits in benzaldehyde-starvation associative plasticity. Using a conditional allele I show that the behavioral roles of DAF-2 signaling in associative plasticity can be dissociated, with DAF-2 signaling playing a more significant role in the memory retrieval than in memory acquisition. I propose DAF-2 signaling acts as a learning specific starvation signal in the memory acquisition phase of benzaldehyde-starvation associative plasticity but functions to switch benzaldehyde-sensing AWC neurons into an avoidance signaling mode during memory retrieval.
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The Presynaptic F-box Protein FSN-1 Regulates Synapse Development via Retrograde Insulin Signaling in Caenorhabditis elegansHwang, Christine 26 July 2010 (has links)
Synaptogenesis entails the development and establishment of functional synapses, which form the fundamental unit of communication in the nervous system. Initially identified in Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), the FSN-1, F-box protein family has emerged as evolutionarily conserved binding partners of PHR family proteins, which regulate synaptogenesis. Previously, we have shown that FSN-1 and RPM-1 form a SCF/FSN-1/RPM-1 ubiquitin ligase complex that negatively regulates synapse growth by downregulating presynaptic targets, like the MAP kinase pathway. For my master’s thesis, I used a combination of both candidate and forward genetic approaches to identify additional components of signaling pathways that are regulated by FSN-1 during synaptogenesis. Our studies are among the first to suggest diverging roles for these partners and provide the first evidence for a mechanism through which the F-box protein regulates synaptogenesis via retrograde insulin/IGF/FOXO signaling and glucosaminidase/O-GlcNAc modifications.
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The Presynaptic F-box Protein FSN-1 Regulates Synapse Development via Retrograde Insulin Signaling in Caenorhabditis elegansHwang, Christine 26 July 2010 (has links)
Synaptogenesis entails the development and establishment of functional synapses, which form the fundamental unit of communication in the nervous system. Initially identified in Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), the FSN-1, F-box protein family has emerged as evolutionarily conserved binding partners of PHR family proteins, which regulate synaptogenesis. Previously, we have shown that FSN-1 and RPM-1 form a SCF/FSN-1/RPM-1 ubiquitin ligase complex that negatively regulates synapse growth by downregulating presynaptic targets, like the MAP kinase pathway. For my master’s thesis, I used a combination of both candidate and forward genetic approaches to identify additional components of signaling pathways that are regulated by FSN-1 during synaptogenesis. Our studies are among the first to suggest diverging roles for these partners and provide the first evidence for a mechanism through which the F-box protein regulates synaptogenesis via retrograde insulin/IGF/FOXO signaling and glucosaminidase/O-GlcNAc modifications.
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