Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SOIL STABILIZATION"" "subject:"[enn] SOIL STABILIZATION""
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Estudo da interação solo-muro em concreto convencional, com resíduo de construção e demolição (RCD) e alvenaria de pedra / Study of the interaction soil-wall in conventional concrete, with residue of construction and demolition (RCD) and rockWallace Borges de Sá 28 March 2006 (has links)
Um dos principais problemas, na Região Metropolitana do Recife (RMR), nas encostas, é a ocupação antrópica desordenada, aumentando o número de moradias em áreas de risco. Uma das soluções para a estabilização das encostas é o uso da construção de estrutura de contenção como muro de arrimo. O ângulo de atrito solo-muro é um parâmetro fundamental para o dimensionamento. O seu valor é utilizado na avaliação dos empuxos ativo e passivo na análise de
estabilidade do muro. A prática atual de projetos considera o valor do ângulo de atrito solo-muro como sendo igual ao ângulo de atrito do solo, uma parcela dele ou mesmo nulo a depender do caso. Valores experimentais para solos brasileiros não estão disponíveis na literatura. Desta forma, os projetos de muros de arrimo podem estar sendo dimensionados contra a segurança ou de forma antieconômica. Neste contexto na presente dissertação, foram realizados ensaios de cisalhamento direto em corpos de prova de solo e de outro material representativo de muros de arrimo (concreto convencional, concreto com agregado de resíduos de construção e demolição - RCD e rocha), com o objetivo de obter os ângulos de atrito interno do solo e do contato solomuro. Foram utilizados dois solos das encostas do Recife um arenoso (Ibura) e outro argiloso (Nova Descoberta). Foram avaliadas as rugosidades das superfícies em contato com os solos, para analisar sua influência na interação solo-muro. Os resultados obtidos são comparados com valores sugeridos na literatura, considerando a influência do solo e da rugosidade da superfície de contato. A relação entre o ângulo de atrito solo-muro e o ângulo de atrito do solo (ä/ö) varia de
3/4 a 1, com a Rugosidade Média, para o solo arenoso do Ibura e de 1/3 a 3/4 para o solo argiloso de Nova Descoberta. No solo arenoso, o atrito solo-muro tem menor influência da rugosidade da superfície de contato e tem valor muito próximo do ângulo de atrito interno do solo. No solo argiloso o atrito solo-muro é fortemente influenciado pela rugosidade da superfície de contato, e o seu valor varia de 1/3 a 3/4 do ângulo de atrito do solo / One of the main problems, in the Region Metropolitan of Recife (RMR), in the hillsides it is the disordered occupation, increasing the number of housings in risk areas. One of the solutions for the stabilization of the hillsides is the use of the construction of retained structure as support wall. The friction angle soil-wall is a basic parameter for the design of a support wall. Its value is used in the evaluation of the pushes active and passive in the analysis of stability of the wall. Practical the current one of projects in Brazil considers the value of the friction angle soil-wall as being equal to the angle of friction of the soil, a parcel of it or same zero to depend on the case. The values found in literature also indicate as estimative for this angle values that vary of zero to the angle of friction of the soil. Experimental values for Brazilian soils are not available in literature. Of this form the projects of support walls can be being designed against the security or of uneconomical form. In this context in the present dissertation tests of direct shear in specimens of composites of soil and another representative material of support walls had been carried through (conventional concrete, concrete with recycled aggregate of RCD and rock), with the objective to get the friction angle soil-wall. Two soils of the hillsides of Recife had been used (sandy and a other clayey one). The roughness of the surfaces in contact with soil had been evaluated, to analyze its influence in the interaction soil-wall. The gotten results are compared with values suggested in literature, having considered the influence of the soil and the roughness of the contact surface. The relation enters the friction angle soil-wall and the angle of friction of the ground (ä/ö) varies of 3/4 the 1, with the average roughness for the soil sandy of the Ibura and of 1/3 the 3/4 for the soil clayey of Nova Descoberta. In the soil sandy, the friction soil-wall has minor influence of the roughness of the faying surface and has value very next to the angle of internal friction of the soil. In the soil clayey the friction soil-wall strong is influenced by the roughness of the faying surface, and its value varies of 1/3 the 3/4 of the angle of friction of the soil
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Análise estrutural de pavimentos de baixo volume de tráfego revestidos com solo modificado com cal considerando ensaios laboratoriais e monitoramento de trechos experimentais / Structural Analyze of low-volume roads covered with soil modified with lime with considering of laboratorial tests and monitoring of experimental sectionsKatz, Leonardo Behak January 2013 (has links)
Os solos das regiões arrozeiras apresentam características geotécnicas inadequadas para uso como revestimentos primários de estradas. Isto força o transporte de materiais de jazidas distantes, o que, além de onerar o custo de construção, nem sempre é uma solução durável. Nesta tese relata-se uma pesquisa que apresenta uma solução para esse problema: a pavimentação de estradas de baixo volume de tráfego com solo local modificado com cal. Foram realizados estudos laboratoriais e de campo, e os resultados analisados através de uma abordagem mecanístico-empírica. Dois pavimentos experimentais com revestimentos de solo-cal foram construídos e monitorados próximo a Cebollatí, leste do Uruguai. Foram realizados ensaios de caracterização e comportamento mecânico do solo e de misturas de solo e cal, variando-se o teor de cal, o tempo de cura e a energia de compactação. Realizaram-se ensaios de módulo de resiliência, para o qual foi projetado, montado e operado o primeiro equipamento de ensaios de carga repetida na compressão triaxial do Uruguai. Também foram realizados ensaios de fadiga na compressão diametral para o solo modificado com 3% e 5% de cal, curado por 28 e 150 dias. Para entender o comportamento das camadas de solo modificado com cal submetidas ao tráfego, realizou-se uma análise conjunta dos resultados laboratoriais e do monitoramento dos trechos experimentais, com uso de modelos computacionais. Apesar das limitações construtivas, de terem sido liberados ao tráfego em plena safra e das más condições de drenagem da região, após 5 anos de trafego, os pavimentos não mostram trincas de fadiga ou afundamentos nas trilhas de roda. Assim, a pavimentação de estradas de baixo volume de tráfego em regiões arrozeiras com revestimentos de solo local modificado com cal provou ser uma alternativa economicamente vantajosa, por reduzir custos de construção e manutenção, e sustentável, por preservar materiais não-renováveis, como solos e rochas. / Soils in rice plantation areas generally present geotechnical characteristics unsuitable for use as primary wearing course of roads. Because of that, it is necessary to import materials from distant sites, a solution that, besides increasing construction cost, is rarely long-lasting. In this thesis a research on paving low volume roads with lime modified local soils is reported, in order to present an alternative solution to that problem. Both laboratory and field studies were carried out and the results were analyzed by means of a mechanistic-empirical approach. Two test sections with wearing courses made of lime modified soil were built and monitored close to Cebollatí, a village in the east of Uruguay. Previously, laboratory characterization and mechanical tests on samples of the sedimentary soil were carried out. Lime contents for mixtures were determined and the stress-strain-strength behavior of mixes with different levels of lime content, curing time and compaction energy was studied. In order to analyze the elastic behavior of the lime modified soil under traffic, resilient modulus tests were carried out. This motivated the design, assembly and use of the first equipment for triaxial compression repeated loading tests in Uruguay. Besides, stress controlled fatigue tests were performed on cylindrical specimens of soil modified with 3% and 5% of lime, cured for 28 and 150 days. The results of laboratory tests and field monitoring were analyzed using computational models. In spite of the difficulties faced during pavements construction, including heavy traffic in early days, and the poor drainage, after 5 years of service no cracks or ruts are seen on top of the test pavements. Therefore, paving low volume roads in rice plantation areas with lime modified wearing courses has proved to be a cost-effective alternative, reducing construction and maintenance costs, and a sustainable practice, preserving non-renewable materials such as rocks and soils.
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Análise estrutural de pavimentos de baixo volume de tráfego revestidos com solo modificado com cal considerando ensaios laboratoriais e monitoramento de trechos experimentais / Structural Analyze of low-volume roads covered with soil modified with lime with considering of laboratorial tests and monitoring of experimental sectionsKatz, Leonardo Behak January 2013 (has links)
Os solos das regiões arrozeiras apresentam características geotécnicas inadequadas para uso como revestimentos primários de estradas. Isto força o transporte de materiais de jazidas distantes, o que, além de onerar o custo de construção, nem sempre é uma solução durável. Nesta tese relata-se uma pesquisa que apresenta uma solução para esse problema: a pavimentação de estradas de baixo volume de tráfego com solo local modificado com cal. Foram realizados estudos laboratoriais e de campo, e os resultados analisados através de uma abordagem mecanístico-empírica. Dois pavimentos experimentais com revestimentos de solo-cal foram construídos e monitorados próximo a Cebollatí, leste do Uruguai. Foram realizados ensaios de caracterização e comportamento mecânico do solo e de misturas de solo e cal, variando-se o teor de cal, o tempo de cura e a energia de compactação. Realizaram-se ensaios de módulo de resiliência, para o qual foi projetado, montado e operado o primeiro equipamento de ensaios de carga repetida na compressão triaxial do Uruguai. Também foram realizados ensaios de fadiga na compressão diametral para o solo modificado com 3% e 5% de cal, curado por 28 e 150 dias. Para entender o comportamento das camadas de solo modificado com cal submetidas ao tráfego, realizou-se uma análise conjunta dos resultados laboratoriais e do monitoramento dos trechos experimentais, com uso de modelos computacionais. Apesar das limitações construtivas, de terem sido liberados ao tráfego em plena safra e das más condições de drenagem da região, após 5 anos de trafego, os pavimentos não mostram trincas de fadiga ou afundamentos nas trilhas de roda. Assim, a pavimentação de estradas de baixo volume de tráfego em regiões arrozeiras com revestimentos de solo local modificado com cal provou ser uma alternativa economicamente vantajosa, por reduzir custos de construção e manutenção, e sustentável, por preservar materiais não-renováveis, como solos e rochas. / Soils in rice plantation areas generally present geotechnical characteristics unsuitable for use as primary wearing course of roads. Because of that, it is necessary to import materials from distant sites, a solution that, besides increasing construction cost, is rarely long-lasting. In this thesis a research on paving low volume roads with lime modified local soils is reported, in order to present an alternative solution to that problem. Both laboratory and field studies were carried out and the results were analyzed by means of a mechanistic-empirical approach. Two test sections with wearing courses made of lime modified soil were built and monitored close to Cebollatí, a village in the east of Uruguay. Previously, laboratory characterization and mechanical tests on samples of the sedimentary soil were carried out. Lime contents for mixtures were determined and the stress-strain-strength behavior of mixes with different levels of lime content, curing time and compaction energy was studied. In order to analyze the elastic behavior of the lime modified soil under traffic, resilient modulus tests were carried out. This motivated the design, assembly and use of the first equipment for triaxial compression repeated loading tests in Uruguay. Besides, stress controlled fatigue tests were performed on cylindrical specimens of soil modified with 3% and 5% of lime, cured for 28 and 150 days. The results of laboratory tests and field monitoring were analyzed using computational models. In spite of the difficulties faced during pavements construction, including heavy traffic in early days, and the poor drainage, after 5 years of service no cracks or ruts are seen on top of the test pavements. Therefore, paving low volume roads in rice plantation areas with lime modified wearing courses has proved to be a cost-effective alternative, reducing construction and maintenance costs, and a sustainable practice, preserving non-renewable materials such as rocks and soils.
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Estudo da interação solo-muro em concreto convencional, com resíduo de construção e demolição (RCD) e alvenaria de pedra / Study of the interaction soil-wall in conventional concrete, with residue of construction and demolition (RCD) and rockSá, Wallace Borges de 28 March 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-03-28 / One of the main problems, in the Region Metropolitan of Recife (RMR), in the hillsides it is the disordered occupation, increasing the number of housings in risk areas. One of the solutions for the stabilization of the hillsides is the use of the construction of retained structure as support wall. The friction angle soil-wall is a basic parameter for the design of a support wall. Its value is used in the evaluation of the pushes active and passive in the analysis of stability of the wall. Practical the current one of projects in Brazil considers the value of the friction angle soil-wall as being equal to the angle of friction of the soil, a parcel of it or same zero to depend on the case. The values found in literature also indicate as estimative for this angle values that vary of zero to the angle of friction of the soil. Experimental values for Brazilian soils are not available in literature. Of this form the projects of support walls can be being designed against the security or of uneconomical form. In this context in the present dissertation tests of direct shear in specimens of composites of soil and another representative material of support walls had been carried through (conventional concrete, concrete with recycled aggregate of RCD and rock), with the objective to get the friction angle soil-wall. Two soils of the hillsides of Recife had been used (sandy and a other clayey one). The roughness of the surfaces in contact with soil had been evaluated, to analyze its influence in the interaction soil-wall. The gotten results are compared with values suggested in literature, having considered the influence of the soil and the roughness of the contact surface. The relation enters the friction angle soil-wall and the angle of friction of the ground (ä/ö) varies of 3/4 the 1, with the average roughness for the soil sandy of the Ibura and of 1/3 the 3/4 for the soil clayey of Nova Descoberta. In the soil sandy, the friction soil-wall has minor influence of the roughness of the faying surface and has value very next to the angle of internal friction of the soil. In the soil clayey the friction soil-wall strong is influenced by the roughness of the faying surface, and its value varies of 1/3 the 3/4 of the angle of friction of the soil / Um dos principais problemas, na Região Metropolitana do Recife (RMR), nas encostas, é a ocupação antrópica desordenada, aumentando o número de moradias em áreas de risco. Uma das soluções para a estabilização das encostas é o uso da construção de estrutura de contenção como muro de arrimo. O ângulo de atrito solo-muro é um parâmetro fundamental para o dimensionamento. O seu valor é utilizado na avaliação dos empuxos ativo e passivo na análise de
estabilidade do muro. A prática atual de projetos considera o valor do ângulo de atrito solo-muro como sendo igual ao ângulo de atrito do solo, uma parcela dele ou mesmo nulo a depender do caso. Valores experimentais para solos brasileiros não estão disponíveis na literatura. Desta forma, os projetos de muros de arrimo podem estar sendo dimensionados contra a segurança ou de forma antieconômica. Neste contexto na presente dissertação, foram realizados ensaios de cisalhamento direto em corpos de prova de solo e de outro material representativo de muros de arrimo (concreto convencional, concreto com agregado de resíduos de construção e demolição - RCD e rocha), com o objetivo de obter os ângulos de atrito interno do solo e do contato solomuro. Foram utilizados dois solos das encostas do Recife um arenoso (Ibura) e outro argiloso (Nova Descoberta). Foram avaliadas as rugosidades das superfícies em contato com os solos, para analisar sua influência na interação solo-muro. Os resultados obtidos são comparados com valores sugeridos na literatura, considerando a influência do solo e da rugosidade da superfície de contato. A relação entre o ângulo de atrito solo-muro e o ângulo de atrito do solo (ä/ö) varia de
3/4 a 1, com a Rugosidade Média, para o solo arenoso do Ibura e de 1/3 a 3/4 para o solo argiloso de Nova Descoberta. No solo arenoso, o atrito solo-muro tem menor influência da rugosidade da superfície de contato e tem valor muito próximo do ângulo de atrito interno do solo. No solo argiloso o atrito solo-muro é fortemente influenciado pela rugosidade da superfície de contato, e o seu valor varia de 1/3 a 3/4 do ângulo de atrito do solo
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Lime Stabilization of a Virginia Clay SoilBarney, Syed Ishratali 16 November 2012 (has links)
The fact that when lime is added to clayey soils same very beneficial results are produced dates back into the remote past. It is not a new development, In the United States lime has been in use since l923.
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of increasing soaking time of soil-lime mixtures on the strength, swell potential, and degree of saturation. In order to ascertain the exact composition of clay minerals, X-ray diffraction analysis was run on the soil sample. The analysis showed that the clayey soil contained a large amount of water with a greater percentage of halloysite minerals. The soil, it was concluded, was poorly crystalline and was found to be midway between montmorillonite and kaolinite group. / Master of Science
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Enhancing Geotechnical Properties of High-Water Content Clay Using Finely Shredded Paper / 古紙微細粉体を用いた高含水粘土の地盤工学的諸特性の改良Kebede, Teshome Birhanu 25 March 2024 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第25251号 / 工博第5210号 / 新制||工||1994(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科社会基盤工学専攻 / (主査)教授 安原 英明, 准教授 橋本 涼太, 准教授 澤村 康生 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Effect of paper mill ash on properties of expansive soilsByiringiro, Alfred 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Expansive soils, one of the problematic soils, are encountered on all continents with exception of polar continents. Problems caused by their heaving and shrinking behaviour, particularly to light structures, have been reported from different countries to place large financial burden on developers. For this reason, many techniques have been developed and applied to prevent and/or remediate the damage caused by these soils. Soil stabilization with traditional chemical additives has been applied successfully since ancient times. In addition to traditional additives such as lime, cement, fly ash, etc., some non-traditional additives, such as polymer based products, salts, etc. have been used effectively for soil treatment.
On the other hand, industries are increasingly challenged by waste management in an acceptable and environmentally friendly manner. In this regard, a number of researches have been done on using industrial waste for soil improvement purposes. The study and understanding of basic reactions involved in lime-soil stabilization persuaded many researchers to study the applicability of lime-rich products for soil treatment. Studies conducted by Khalid et al. (2012); Muchizuki et al. (2004) and Thacker (2012) showed that lime-rich products such as pulp fly and bottom ashes and CaO by-products, can be applied for soil stabilization. This research was thus performed to investigate the effect of lime-rich paper mill waste ash on expansive soil properties. Two commonly listed soil engineering properties namely volume change and strength were investigated. Soil strength was examined in terms of unconfined compressive strength (UCS), due to its correlations with a number of other soil properties, and the volume change in terms of free swell and swelling pressure. In addition to these two engineering properties, dry density and moisture content were also studied due to their involvement in structural design, as well as gradation, Atterberg limits and California Bearing Ratio (CBR). The choice of these properties was also influenced by the availability of a standard (ASTM D4609-08) specifically developed to assess the effectiveness of admixtures for soil stabilization.
Two main types of materials were used namely three clay materials and paper mill ash. According to the index properties, commonly used for expansive soil classification, three clays were classified into low, medium and high degrees of potential expansiveness. The ash results from the combustion of paper mill sludge, sawdust, bark, coal ash and bituminous coal in a multi-fuel boiler for the purpose of electricity and steam production. The tests mentioned above were conducted on both untreated and treated clays and the results were compared. Since the study was carried out on this material based on the fact that it contains lime, the procedure applied for lime-soil stabilization was considered.
In general, it was observed that ash-soil treatment has a number of effects similar to lime-treatment and almost all studied properties were enhanced for all clays. It can thus be concluded that the paper mill ash from a multi-fuel boiler can be efficiently used for expansive soil treatment. For optimum use of this material for expansive soil treatment, more tests and further researches have been recommended. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Uitsettende gronde, een van die probleemtipe-gronde, kom op alle kontinente voor, behalwe die twee poolkontinente. Probleme veroorsaak deur uitswellende en inkrimpende gedrag van hierdie gronde, veral finansiële onkostes van ligte strukture is al in baie lande aangemeld. Vir hierdie rede is baie tegnieke ontwikkel en toegepas om skade wat deur hierdie tipe gronde veroorsaak is, te voorkom en/of herstel. Hierdie tegnieke sluit grondstabilisasie met chemiese bymengsels in, veral tradisionele bymengsels, wat met groot sukses in die verre verlede toegepas en na moderne tye oorgedra is. Bykomend tot tradisionele bymengsels soos kalk, sement, vlieg-as ensovoorts is ʼn aantal nie-tradisionele bymiddels soos polimeergebaseerde produkte, soute en ander produkte ontwikkel vir grondstabilisasie.
Aan die ander kant raak industrieë toenemend daarmee gemoeid om afvalstowwe op ʼn aanvaarbare en omgewingsvriendelike wyse te bestuur. Op hierdie gebied is ʼn aantal navorsingsprojekte al uitgevoer om industriële afval vir grondverbetering te gebruik en sodoende die las op nywerhede te verlig. Navorsing is onderneem om die basiese reaksies wat onstaan tydens stabilisasie van grond met tradisionele en moderne middels te bepaal en om die geskiktheid van kalkryke produkte vir grondstabilisasie te ondersoek. Baie navorsing is uitgevoer wat aangetoon het dat kalkhoudende produkte soos pulp vlieg- en oondresidu-as, asook CaO neweprodukte gebruik kan word vir stabilisasie. Gebaseer hierop is hierdie projek onderneem om die effek van papiermeulas, verkry deur die verbranding in ʼn veelvuldige brandstof-stoomketel, op die gedrag van uitsettende grond te ondersoek. Tydens hierdie studie is twee algemene ingenieurseienskappe van grond, naamlik sterkte en volumeverandering ondersoek. Grondsterkte is geëvalueer in terme van eenassige druksterkte (EDS) as gevolg van ? deur middel van die korrelasie met ʼn aantal ander grondeienskappe, en die volumeverandering in terme van vry-swel en sweldruk. Addisioneel tot hierdie twee grondeienskappe is droë digtheid en waterinhoud ook bestudeer aangesien beide in struktuurontwerp betrokke is. Verdere eienskappe wat ondersoek is, is gradering, Atterberggrense en Kaliforniese drakragverhouding (KDV). Die keuse van hierdie eienskappe is beïnvloed deur die beskikbaarheid van ʼn toetsstandaard (ASTM D4609-08) wat spesifiek ontwikkel is om die effektiwiteit van bymengsels vir grondstabilisasie te evalueer. Hierdie standaard is deurgaans as verwysing tydens die projek gebruik. Daar is waargeneem dat as-behandeling van grond ʼn aantal effekte het soortgelyk aan kalkbehandeling, met die uitsondering van die droë digtheid en optimum waterinhoud van een van die gronde wat getoets is. Byna al die eienskappe wat ondersoek is, soos EDS, KDV, ensovoorts, is verbeter behalwe in die geval van die eerste klei waarvan die plastisiteitsindeks verhoog het en die grond meer plasties geraak het. Daar kan dus afgelei word dat papiermeule-as vanaf ʼn stoomketel wat veelvuldige tipes brandstof gebruik geskik is vir die behandeling van uitsettende grond. Om die optimumgebruik van hierdie materiaal vir die stabilisasie van swellende klei te bepaal, is meer toetse en projekte nodig.
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Reactivation of an old landslide in response to reservoir impoundment and fluctuationsLoo, Hui., 盧慧. January 2006 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Civil Engineering / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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Barreiras de solos estabilizados com cal e cimento para proteção ambiental / Soil barriers chemically stabilized with lime and cement to environmental protectionLoch, Felipe de Campos 16 December 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a avaliação dos efeitos da estabilização química com cal e cimento na condutividade hidráulica e resistência à compressão de um solo arenoso proveniente da Formação Botucatu (Estado de São Paulo, Brasil), com o objetivo de obter um material menos permeável e mais resistente. O projeto e análise de experimentos foram realizados através de um planejamento fatorial 3², com duas variáveis independentes: teor de umidade e porcentagem de estabilizante, variando em três níveis cada. Foi utilizado cal hidratada CH-III, cimento Portland CP II-Z32 e água fornecida pela concessionária local. Os ensaios de condutividade hidráulica (K) foram executados em permeâmetros de carga constante. Foram realizados ensaios de resistência a compressão simples (RC) após 7 e 28 dias de cura. As amostras de solo estabilizado e natural foram compactadas na energia Proctor Normal. Na avaliação da estrutura das amostras de solo estabilizado verificou-se a alteração da matriz de poros promovida pela adição de cal e cimento. Após a obtenção dos resultados, análises estatísticas possibilitaram avaliar os efeitos das variáveis independentes sobre o K e RC. Pelo método de superfície de respostas foi possível demonstrar o comportamento das misturas e identificar a tendência de alteração das propriedades. As amostras de solo-cimento alcançaram reduções de condutividade hidráulica de até 9,5 x 10-7 m/s e o menor valor experimental de K foi de 1,4 x 10-8 m/s. Os ensaios de RC, com 28 dias de cura, apresentaram acréscimo de resistência de até 5,1 MPa e os resultados obtidos possuem uma variação, aproximadamente, entre 0,1 e 5,1 MPa. O procedimento adotado permitiu avaliar a influência dos fatores e determinar as misturas ótimas para cada estabilizante. / A laboratory study was conducted to evaluate the effects of lime and cement stabilization over the hydraulic conductivity and unconfined compressive strength of a sandy soil from Botucatu Formation (São Paulo State, Brazil) with the intend to generate a less permeable and more resistant material. The experiment was performed using the technique of factorial design 3², with the two independent variables: moisture content and stabilizer percentage, varying on three levels each. Hydraulic conductivity (K) was measured in constant-head permeameters. Unconfined compressive strength (CS) was measured after 7 and 28 days of curing. The samples of stabilized and natural soils were compacted with the normal Proctor energy. The evaluation of the stabilized soil structure verified a pore matrix modification promoted by lime and cement addition. With the results of the characterization, statistical analysis allowed to assess the effects of the variable factors on K and CS. The response surface method was used to demonstrate the hydraulic and compressive strength behavior of the stabilized soil. The soil-cement hydraulic conductivity achieved reductions up to 9.5 x 10-7 m/s and the lowest K experimental value was 1.4 x 10-8 m/s. The compressive strength, with 28 days of curing, presented an increase in CS up to 5.1 MPa and the obtained results showed a range between 0.1 and 5.1 MPa. The adopted experimental procedure allows the assessment of the variables influence and the determination of the optimal mixtures for each stabilizer.
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Stability Analysis of Geosynthetic Reinforced MSW Landfill Slopes Considering Effects of Biodegradation and Extreme Wind LoadingUnknown Date (has links)
A numerical investigation was conducted to evaluate the geotechnical safety and slope
stability of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) landfills, considering the effects of
geosynthetic reinforcements, biodegradation of the waste, and associated changes in
material properties, and extreme wind force simulating hurricane conditions. Three
different landfill slopes, 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3 having the height of 122m and width of 2134m,
were analyzed using Limit Equilibrium Method (SLOPE/W) and Finite Element
Modeling (ANSYS). Techniques developed in this study were used to analyze a case
history involving a geogrid reinforced mixed landfill expansion located in Austria. It was
found that few years after construction of the landfill, there is a significant decrease in the
FS due to biodegradation. Extreme wind loading was also found to cause a substantial
loss in the FS. The geosynthetic reinforcement increased the slope stability and
approximately compensated for the damaging effects of biodegradation and wind
loading. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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