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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Eco-inovação na gestão sustentável da cadeia de suprimentos : um estudo no setor de alimentos

Canto, Natália Rohenkohl do January 2016 (has links)
Considerando-se a importância crescente e a complementaridade das temáticas de eco-inovação e de Gestão Sustentável da Cadeia de Suprimentos (GSCS), bem como a relevância do setor de alimentos no Brasil, este trabalho apresenta o objetivo de analisar como a eco-inovação contribui para a GSCS no setor de alimentos. Realizou-se um estudo de caso múltiplo em duas Cadeias de Suprimento Sustentáveis (CSSs) que possuem práticas eco-inovadoras: uma cadeia cuja empresa focal é eco-inovadora desde seu início (cadeia Alfa, born green); e outra cuja empresa focal está mudando seu posicionamento em prol da eco-inovação (cadeia Beta). A coleta de dados contou com materiais secundários, 20 entrevistas semiestruturadas e visitas in loco. Os resultados indicam que a eco-inovação é incorporada na estratégia da maioria das empresas. As principais práticas referem-se a produtos e processos eco-inovadores, sendo motivadas tanto por drivers internos (preocupações ambientais por parte dos gestores e busca por eficiência) quanto externos (pressões normativas e cooperação). Existe um alinhamento parcial das cadeias em favor da sustentabilidade, sendo que os relacionamentos mais próximos ocorrem entre o elo produtor e as indústrias. Foram encontradas relações com membros não tradicionais, como o terceiro setor e o governo. As principais barreiras à eco-inovação referem-se a questões técnicas, financeiras e concorrenciais. Questões relacionadas aos consumidores são vistas tanto como barreira (pelo desconhecimento e falta de atitude de compra) quanto como oportunidade (pelas tendências de sustentabilidade e alimentação saudável). Outra oportunidade refere-se à diferenciação frente a concorrentes e posicionamento da empresa. Os resultados indicam o elo produtor como o mais frágil da cadeia, pela necessidade de seguir rigorosamente a legislação, sem obter muitos incentivos governamentais que amparem perdas ou o remunerem pelos serviços ambientais prestados. O trabalho contribui ao expor a perspectiva de um país em desenvolvimento, salientando a importância da eco-inovação para uma GSCS mais competitiva, principalmente no caso de cadeias born green. A partir do investimento inicial da empresa focal em eco-inovação, esta busca ou desenvolve outros elos alinhados a estas práticas. Os dados encontrados apontam para a importância crescente do setor de alimentos eco-inovadores, que é uma ótima opção para empresas agregarem valor à sua imagem e seus produtos. / Considering the increasing importance and complementarity of the issues of eco-innovation and Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM), as well as the relevance of the food industry in Brazil, the goal of this work is to analyze how eco-innovation contributes to the SSCM in the food sector. A multiple case study was conducted in two Sustainable Supply Chains (SSCs) that have eco-innovative practices: chain Alpha, which focal company is eco-innovative since its beginning; and chain Beta, which focal company is changing its position in favor of eco-innovation. Data collection included secondary data, 20 semi-structured interviews and on-site visits. The results indicate that eco-innovation is incorporated into the strategy of most companies. The main practices refer to products and eco-innovative processes, which are motivated by internal drivers (environmental concerns by managers and search for efficiency) and external drivers (regulatory cooperation and pressures). There is a partial alignment of the chains in favor of sustainability, and the closest relationships occur between producers and industries. Relations with non-traditional members (third sector and government) were also found. The main barriers to eco-innovation are technical, financial and competitive. Consumers-related issues are seen both as a barrier (for their lack of knowledge and purchasing attitude) and as an opportunity (because of sustainability and healthy eating trends). Another opportunity is the differentiation against competitors and the positioning of the company. The results indicate that the producer is the weakest link of the chain, as it must follow strict rules, but does not have government incentives that support losses or remunerate his environmental services. The work contributes by exposing the perspective of a developing country, stressing the importance of eco-innovation for a more competitive GSCS, especially in the case of born green chains. When the focal company invests in eco-innovation, it searches or develops other links according to these practices. The findings indicate the growing importance of eco-innovation in the food sector, which is a great option to add value to the company’s image and products.

Sustentabilidade além da fronteira empresarial : proatividade e articulação na cadeia de suprimentos

Alves, Ana Paula Ferreira January 2014 (has links)
A introdução efetiva da sustentabilidade em empresas exige ações que extrapolam os limites organizacionais, abarcando o ambiente interorganizacional. Dessa maneira, as empresas deixam de ser consideradas isoladamente e passam a ser analisadas de acordo com suas cadeias de suprimentos, compostas por organizações que contribuem para o alcance dos mesmos objetivos de desempenho. Nesse sentido, uma cadeia de suprimentos é considerada mais sustentável quando insere as dimensões econômica, ambiental e social em suas operações, nas estratégias e na tomada de decisão, possuindo bons níveis de desempenho em tais dimensões. A adoção de práticas de sustentabilidade em cadeias de suprimentos pode ser analisada em um contínuo, formado por dois extremos: a resposta reativa e proativa. Nesse contexto, a proatividade de práticas sustentáveis pode ser definida como a adoção de ações, realizadas voluntariamente por empresas, com a finalidade de melhorar o desempenho ambiental e o desempenho social, além das exigências legais. A empresa proativa afirma sua preocupação e seu compromisso com a sociedade e o ambiente natural, em que está inserida. Diante dessas considerações, tem-se a premissa dessa pesquisa: a postura proativa de empresas em relação a práticas sustentáveis estimula melhor articulação com os elos de sua cadeia de suprimentos, o que colabora para a introdução da sustentabilidade nessa cadeia. O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar a contribuição da articulação de uma empresa proativa com seus elos para a introdução da sustentabilidade na sua cadeia de suprimentos. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, distribuída em duas etapas (exploratória e descritiva), envolvendo uma empresa focal proativa e parceiros de sua cadeia de suprimentos. Ressalta-se que, em virtude da complexidade e da extensão de cadeias de suprimentos, optou-se por analisar a cadeia à montante, isto é, foram entrevistados colaboradores da empresa focal (Mercur S.A.) e de empresas fornecedoras (LKC Transportes; PAMF Indústria e Comércio de Confecções; Caeté Embalagens; e, Artecola Química). Primeiramente, foi analisada a proatividade de práticas sustentáveis da Mercur. Os resultados indicam que a Mercur pode ser considerada uma empresa proativa, em função da implantação total de 37 ações em prol da sustentabilidade ao core business da organização e da implantação parcial de seis práticas. Em segundo lugar, investigou-se a articulação e o relacionamento da empresa proativa com os elos de sua cadeia de suprimentos. Verificou-se que os entrevistados consideram que os elos estão em processo de integração. Diante disso, pode-se observar que existem diferentes níveis de articulação na cadeia de suprimentos, envolvendo a Mercur e seus fornecedores. Em seguida, averiguou-se a existência de práticas sustentáveis ao longo da cadeia de suprimentos estudada, as quais foram descritas a partir de cinco categorias de análise (orientação estratégica, continuidade da cadeia de suprimentos, colaboração, gestão de risco, proatividade). Incentivos foram identificados para que práticas pró-sustentabilidade passem a ser concebidas e implantadas por todos os membros da cadeia, colaborando para um desenvolvimento mais sustentável. Nessa perspectiva, diante dos resultados encontrados, assume-se que a premissa de pesquisa foi confirmada, uma vez que a postura proativa de práticas sustentáveis da Mercur estimula maior articulação com os parceiros de sua cadeia de suprimentos, contribuindo para a inserção da sustentabilidade nessa cadeia. Entretanto, a articulação da Mercur com os parceiros também pode incentivar que posturas proativas em benefício da sustentabilidade sejam incorporadas pelas empresas da cadeia de suprimentos. / The effective introduction of sustainability in business requires actions that go beyond organizational boundaries, encompassing the inter-organizational environment. Thus, companies are no longer considered individually; they are analyzed according to their supply chains, composed by organizations that contribute to the achievement of the same performance goals. A supply chain is considered more sustainable when it enters the economic, environmental and social dimensions in their operations, strategies and decision making, possessing good levels of performance on these dimensions. The incorporation of sustainability practices in supply chain can be analyzed in a continuous, formed by two extremes: reactive and proactive response. The sustainable proactivity can be defined as the adoption of actions, performed voluntarily by companies, in order to improve the environmental and social performance beyond legal requirements. A proactive company states its concern and commitment to society and the natural environment in which it operates. Given these considerations, this research premise is: the proactive approach of companies towards sustainable practices encourages better integration with the partners in their supply chain, which contributes to the incorporation of sustainability in the supply chain. In this context, this research aims to analyze the contribution of proactive company integration with its partners to the introduction of sustainability in their supply chain. Therefore, a qualitative research was performed, composed by two phases (exploratory and descriptive), involving a proactive focal company and its supply chain partners. It is emphasized that, because of the complexity and the extent of supply chains, we chose to analyze the upstream chain, i.e., focal company (Mercur S.A.) and supplier firms (LKC Transportes; PAMF Indústria e Comércio de Confecções; Caeté Embalagens; and Artecola Química). The employees of these companies were interviewed. First, it was analyzed the proactivity of sustainable practices of Mercur. The results indicate that Mercur can be considered a proactive company, due to the full adoption of 37 actions for sustainability in the core business of the organization and the partial implementation of six practices. Secondly, it was investigated the integration and the relationship of a proactive company with its supply chain partners. It was found that the interviewees consider that the supply chain is in process of a complete integration. Thus, it can be observed that there are different levels of integration in the supply chain, involving the Mercur and their suppliers. Thirdly, it was examined the existence of sustainable practices throughout the supply chain. These practices were described considering five categories of analysis (strategic orientation, supply chain continuity, collaboration, risk management, and proactivity). Incentives were identified for the design and the implementation of sustainable practices by all supply chain members, contributing to a more sustainable development. From this perspective, given the results, it is assumed that the research premise was confirmed, since the proactive sustainable practices Mercur encourages greater integration with partners in the supply chain, contributing to the sustainable supply chain. However, the integration of Mercur with partners can also encourage that proactive practices in favor of sustainability be incorporated in the supply chain.

Hållbar logistik i norra Sverige : En kvalitativ studie om hållbarhetstrender hos tillverkningsföretag

Zemhret, Matheos, Piekarski, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
Ämnet hållbarhet är mer aktuellt idag än någonsin och en stor uppmärksamhet riktas idag mot tillverkningsföretag i Sverige. Denna uppmärksamhet och en ökad medvetenhet om de strategiska konkurrensfördelarna som mer hållbara tillvägagångssätt kan medföra, har lett till ökade hållbarhetsinsatser hos svenska tillverkningsföretag. En hållbar logistik är avgörande för alla företag som önskar minska sin negativa påverkan på denna planet. Denna kvalitativa studie visar hur tillverkningsföretag i norra Sverige idag arbetar med hållbarhet inom sin logistik. Studiens syfte är att skapa en djupare förståelse om hållbarhetstrender inom tillverkningsföretag för att sedan identifiera och presentera gemensamma trender. Förutom detta ges även rekommendationer på alternativa lösningar som tillverkningsföretag i framtiden kan implementera för att bygga på sina redan existerande hållbarhetsåtgärder. Studiens kunskapsbidrag blir således en djupare förståelse om gemensamma hållbarhetstrender inom tillverkningsföretag i Norra Sverige. Vidare har även ett teoretiskt bidrag givits i hållbarhetsmodellen Piekarski – Zemhret Sustainability Model, modellen förklarar vad som krävs för att uppnå långsiktig hållbarhet. Intervjuguiden och den teoretiska referensramen är indelad efter fyra teman;hållbarhet, industrins behov, incitament till hållbar förändring och hållbarhetsutmaningar i framtiden. Empirin har samlats in genom fem separata semi-strukturerade intervjuer med tillverkningsföretag i norra Sverige. Den insamlade data visar hur de tillfrågade företagen arbetar med hållbarhet inom sin logistik. Den ger även en förstahandsinsyn om vilka sociala, ekologiska och ekonomiska faktorer som driver tillverkningsföretagens arbete med hållbarhet inom deras logistik. En analys av empirin identifierar totalt sex hållbarhetstrender som delas av en majoritet av företagen som intervjuats. Bland dessa trender ingår bland annat arbete med riskhantering genom logistikkedjan och intresset för en framtida implementering av returlogistik och en mer cirkulär ekonomi. Analyskapitlet refererar sedan till den teoretiska referensramen för att förklara hur och varför de gemensamma hållbarhetstrender som identifierats växt fram. Baserat på analysen har två rekommendationer med alternativa lösningar givits. Dessa rekommendationer är en ökad användning av digitala verktyg och implementeringen av cirkulär ekonomi. Båda alternativen valdes på grund av dess goda möjlighet att uppnå en långsiktig hållbarhet inom logistikkedjan för tillverkningsföretag i norra Sverige. Detta eftersom båda alternativen gynnar hållbarhetens alla tre pelare (social, ekologisk och ekonomisk) som tillsammans med incitament och behov enligt Piekarski – Zemhret Sustainability Model är avgörande för att kunna uppnå långsiktig hållbarhet.

Social Sustainability Strategy Across the Supply Chain: A Conceptual Approach From the Organisational Perspective

Najjar, Mohammad, Small, Michael H., Yasin, Mahmoud M. 02 December 2020 (has links)
Much of the existing literature on the social aspects of sustainability in the supply chain has focused on dyadic buyer-supplier relationships. However, supply chains are much more extensive, featuring multi-tiered systems consisting of many interconnected sequential and parallel dyadic relationships; therefore, a more expansive and holistic approach to exploring the management and integration of social sustainability standards across the extended supply chain is desirable. This research attempts to help fill this void and considers the extent to which a series of sequential upstream and downstream supply chain partners, rather than only a focal organization’s immediate suppliers and buyers, influence the formulation process of the social aspects of a sustainability strategy and the deployment of associated practices across the extended supply chain. Findings in the literature indicate that, inter alia, sustainability efforts in the supply chain are likely to be guided by stakeholders’ sustainability desires/requirements, the geographical location of buyers and suppliers and the associated sustainability enforcement regulations and cultural norms, and the volume of trade between the buyer and supplier. This paper uses the results gleaned from a review of the literature to propose a conceptual framework for selection of sustainability strategy across the multi-tiered supply chain. Finally, we introduce a conceptual approach to the process of implementing and deploying the social aspects of sustainability strategies and practices across the supply chain using an integrated social-sustainability information management system (ISIMS).

Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Antecedents, Practices, and Performance

Kitsis, Aleksandr Alex 31 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Sustainable supply chains: a framework for environmental scanning practices

Fabbe-Costes, N., Roussat, C., Taylor, Margaret, Taylor, W. Andrew January 2014 (has links)
Yes / Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the empirical reality of environmental scanning practices in sustainable supply chain management contexts. In particular it tests and extends a conceptual framework proposed by Fabbe-Costes et al. (2011). Design and methodology: The empirical data for this research were obtained from 45 semi-structured interviews with key informants, combined with a discussion of the main results with a focus group of supply chain experts. These data are compared with the literature and brought to bear on the framework. Findings - The research finds both breadth and depth in the scope of sustainability scanning practices of the respondents and provides evidence of multi-level scanning, with all respondents describing scanning activity at the societal level. It further demonstrates the adoption of multiple and diverse scanning targets at all levels in the conceptual framework. The articulation and ranking of scanning targets for sustainable SCM at all levels informs the development of priorities for practice. The paper also makes some observations about the boundaries of the scanning process. Practical implications: The results provide managers with guidance about what to scan in sustainable supply chain contexts. The validated framework can serve as a practical tool to assist managers with the organization and prioritization of their environmental scanning activities. Originality/Value: The paper is among the first to address the role of environmental scanning in sustainable supply chain contexts. It highlights the need for a multi-level framework for such scanning activities and opens up a debate about their implementation.

Does Size Matter? : Exploring the Impact of Long Supply Chains and Interorganizational Relations on Workplace Safety in the Construction Industry

Kinnunen, Wilma, Mica, Langels January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to analyze how the length of the supply chain and theinterorganizational relation between the suppliers within a construction project affects theoutcome of social sustainability with a focus on workplace safety and accidents. A qualitativestudy was conducted through semi-structured interviews with nine respondents from differentparts of the supply chain. An analytical model was created based on the theoretical framework ofinterorganizational relation factors (communication, collaboration, coordination and cooperation,organizational culture, and knowledge sharing) and sustainable supply chain management tounderstand how the length and the relationships affect safety on construction projects. The thesisidentified that the multiple tiers of subcontractors, increases the complexity of implementing aneffective interorganizational relation and sustainable supply chain management. Therefore, thelength of the supply chain and the interorganizational relations influence the degree of safety.Other findings included how the changing workforce, with increased foreign workers, is a newchallenge for the industry, and the long supply chain makes the safety work more difficult. Thefindings could be of interest to actors in the construction industry since it adds aninterorganizational perspective to the long supply chain's influence on workplace safety

Kan Green supply chain management reducera onödiga transporter? : En fallstudie med fokus på osäkerhet och variation

Sediqi, Bahram, Ramli, Syamsulbahri January 2016 (has links)
Introduktion- Den miljömässiga varianten av Supply chain management, även kallad Green supply chain management, har som mål att minimera eller eliminera negativ miljöpåverkan. Onödiga transporter innebär negativ miljöpåverkan. Trots transporters påverkan på miljön, finns lite forskning om samband mellan transporter och Green supply chain management. Syftet med studien är därför att utforma en strategi för att uppnå Green supply chain management och minska på onödiga transporter med fokus på osäkerhet, variation och transparens.   Metod- För att möjliggöra ett besvarande av syfte har en fallstudie bedrivits med hjälp av litteratur och ett fallföretag.   Resultat, analys, diskussion och slutsats - Fallföretaget påverkas negativt av osäkerhet, variation och har även brist på transparens i försörjningskedjan. Onödiga transporter genom återkallningar skapas på grund av kvalitetsbristerskapar hinder för en effektiv supply chain management strategi. Ett systematiskt tillvägagångssätt genom PDCA kan hjälpa fallföretaget att skapa en stabil grund och uppnå Green supply chain management. Det är viktigt att Plan-Do-Check-Act bedrivs med god kommunikation för att skapa transparens, hindra osäkerhet och variation. Green supply chain management kan uppnås genom en kombination av ISO 9001, ISO 14001 och Lean. Dessa delar ska bedrivas med Plan-Do-Check-Act för att minska på onödiga transporter. / Introduction- The environmental variant of Supply Chain Management, also known as the Green supply chain management, aims to minimize or eliminate negative environmental impacts.  Unnecessary transports are a negative environmental aspect and means negative environmental impact. Although transports affect the environment, there is little research on the relationship between transport and Green supply chain management. The purpose of the study is therefore to design a strategy for achieving Green supply chain management and reduce unnecessary transport with a focus on uncertainty, variability and transparency. Method- To enable the answering of purpose, a case study conducted with the help of literature and a case company. Results- The case company is negatively affected by uncertainty, variety, and also by a lack of transparency in the supply chain. Unnecessary transportations through recalls are created because of quality defects. This creates obstacles for a supply chain management strategy to be more effective. A systematic approach by Plan-Do-Check-Act can help the case company to create a stable basis and achieve green supply chain management. It is necessary to conduct Plan-Do-Check-Act with good communication in order to create transparency, prevent uncertainty and variation. Green supply chain management can be achieved through a combination of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and Lean. These parts should be conducted with PDCA, which can reduce unnecessary transportation.

Managing stakeholder salience, influence and exposure with sustainable supply chain management practices and triple bottom line measures: The case of Safaricom, Kenya

Thomas, Ombati Ogoro January 2018 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD (School of Business and Finance) / As organizations face stiff pressure from various stakeholders, management has had to move beyond the idea of shareholder wealth maximization and incorporate the environmental and social concerns from the various stakeholders. The study identifies how Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) practices enable the firm to manage the social, environmental and economic Triple Bottom Line (TBL) for four key stakeholder groups - customers, suppliers, regulators and the community. The study adopted a case study design, focused on Safaricom, arguably Africa's most innovative cellular firm which has championed the M-pesa money transfer platform. The objectives were, first, to establish key attributes namely; power, legitimacy and urgency of selected stakeholders of Safaricom and the key determinants of their salience, second, to determine stakeholder expectations and how they hold Safaricom accountable; third, to identify the extent of Safaricom's influence and control over the selected stakeholders; and finally, to establish how and to what extent the firm manages stakeholder exposure through their SSCM practices and TBL measures. Data from semi-structured interviews with Safaricom management and the four key selected stakeholder groups, together with company and public documents, were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Stakeholder groups were selected to represent examples of low, moderate or high levels of salience and exposure. While all are considered important, the case reveals how Safaricom management prioritizes and addresses stakeholder needs according to their attributes. As each stakeholder group is heterogeneous, the case reveals how the firm manages each distinctively and adopts diverse SSCM practices, which are aligned with the firm's TBL measures. Moreover, stakeholder exposure has a moderating effect on the relationship between the firm's SSCM practices and the TBL measures.

Incorporação da sustentabilidade em cadeias de suprimentos: práticas estabelecidas e barreiras encontradas

Nascimento, Annelise Mendes 31 July 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:52:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 6152.pdf: 3354145 bytes, checksum: 79e1a8f933f561877e3ab568d8156e1c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-31 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / This research aims to present and analyze the practices that can be established by focus companies with their suppliers, distributors and consumers, so that sustainability is embedded in their supply chains. Moreover, as a way to better understand the dynamics of sustainability, the research also analyzes the barriers faced by organizations when adopting this type of practice. From the information obtained by the technique of systematic literature review, we developed a questionnaire for the empirical stage of this research - a survey with organizations known for adopting sustainable practices. Among the results, it is emphasized that the practices aimed at environmental issues are further explored, both in literature and empirically. Regarding the practices with suppliers, those that require a lesser degree of involvement between companies - less collaboration - and had a more assessment nature stood out. Considering the chain downstream, practices among distributors are still poorly known, both in literature and empirically; and practices that stood out with consumers referred to the sharing of information, and labeling of products. Considering the barriers, the more relevant indicated by respondents was the cost. From the results obtained, proposals were outlined, both theoretical and practical, about the incorporation of sustainable practices throughout the supply chain, and how to overcome potential barriers. It is believed that these proposals can be a starting point for further academic research, and still be used by managers interested in the sustainable management of their organizations. / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo apresentar e analisar as práticas que podem ser estabelecidas pelas empresas foco junto a seus fornecedores, distribuidores e consumidores, para que a sustentabilidade seja incorporada em suas cadeias de suprimentos. Além disso, como uma forma de se compreender melhor a dinâmica da sustentabilidade, a pesquisa também analisa as barreiras enfrentadas pelas organizações quando da adoção desse tipo de prática. A partir das informações obtidas por meio da técnica de revisão sistemática da literatura, desenvolveuse um questionário para a etapa empírica do trabalho - uma survey junto a organizações que reconhecidamente adotam práticas sustentáveis. Dentre os resultados obtidos, destaca-se que as práticas voltadas a questões ambientais são mais exploradas, tanto na literatura quanto na prática. Com relação às práticas junto aos fornecedores, as que mais se destacam são aquelas que precisam de um menor grau de envolvimento entre as empresas menor colaboração e que possuem um cunho mais avaliativo. Considerando a cadeia a jusante, as ações junto aos distribuidores ainda são pouco difundidas, tanto na literatura quanto na prática; e as práticas de destaque junto aos consumidores referiram-se ao compartilhamento de informações, e à rotulagem de produtos. Considerando ainda as barreiras, a de maior relevância indicada pelos respondentes foi o custo. Finalmente, a partir dos resultados obtidos, foram delineadas propostas, tanto teóricas quanto práticas, relativas à incorporação de práticas sustentáveis ao longo das cadeias de suprimento, e à superação das possíveis barreiras. Acredita-se que as mesmas possam ser ponto de partida para novas pesquisas acadêmicas, e ainda ser utilizadas por gestores interessados na gestão sustentável de suas organizações.

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