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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Food quality and egg laying patterns in the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata

Newsome, Corina 09 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Quel niveau de qualité de traitement peut être obtenu par un système d'irradiation robotisé guidé par l'image en radiothérapie (CyberKnife TM) / Treatment’s Quality Level Can Be Obtained by an Image-Guided Robotized Irradiation System in Radiotherapy CyberknifeTM

Al Khawaja, Mohamad Safa 09 November 2011 (has links)
Le CyberKnifeTM est composé d’un accélérateur linéaire de 6 MV monté sur un bras robotisé, avec 6 axes de rotation et d’un système d’imagerie permettant de guider le faisceau d’irradiation sur la cible à traiter. Le but est d'améliorer la précision du traitement et la réduction de l’irradiation des organes critiques environnants. Le traitement est réalisé par la convergence « isotrope » d’une centaine d’orientation pour créer jusqu’à 1200 mini faisceaux dirigés sur la cible avec une précision sub-millimétrique. Cet ensemble est complété par une table de traitement montée sur un bras robotisé qui offre 6 degrés de liberté supplémentaires, permettant d’améliorer encore la précision du traitement et de lever d’éventuelles limitations. Grâce à son sous système SynchronyTM, le CyberKnifeTM est capable de traiter les tumeurs abdo-thoraciques, qui bougent avec la respiration en déplaçant dynamiquement le LINAC afin de compenser le mouvement respiro-induit. La forte dose utilisée dans ce genre de traitement hypofractionné, rend toute erreur même minimale inacceptable et impose une très grande précision géométrique, tout en assurant une précision dosimétrique maximale.Notre travail est consacrée à évaluer la qualité de traitement en termes des précisions géométrique et dosimétrique, pour les différents modes de suivi disponibles dans le système en statique, et en dynamique avec suivi respiratoire. Dans cette étude, nous avons utilisé différents types de détecteurs, et trois plateformes afin de simuler des simples mouvements respiratoires, des mouvements réels provenant des patients traités et enfin des mouvements complexes avec hystérésis / The CyberKnifeTM consists of 6MV LINAC mounted on a robotic arm, with six degree of freedom and is coupled to an image guiding system, allowing us to guide the irradiation beams toward the target. The aim is to improve the treatment accuracy and to reduce the irradiation of critical surrounding organs. The treatment is realized by the isotropic convergence of hundreds of orientations for creating up to 1200 mini-beams, which are orientated to the target with submillimetric accuracy. This group is completed by a treatment couch, which is also mounted on a robotized arm, that offers 6 additional degrees of freedom, allowing an additional improvement of accuracy, and eliminates the possible limitations. Using its subsystem SynchronyTM, the CyberKnifeTM is capable of treating the abdo -thoracic tumors, which move with respiration, by moving dynamically the LINAC to compensate the respiratory motion of the tumors. The high dose level, which is used in this kind of hypofractionated treatment, makes the smallest error unacceptable, and needs a very high geometric accuracy with keeping a maximal dosimetric accuracy. Our work is dedicated to evaluate the quality of treatment, in the terms of dosimetric and geometric accuracies. For the different modes of tracking, which are available in the system in static mode, and dynamic mode with respiratory motion tracking. By using different kinds of detectors (ionization chambers, radiochromic films) and three different platforms, which allow simulating simple respiratory motion, real respiratory motion coming from real treated patients, and finally complex motion with hysteresis

Allee effects : empirical analyses of wild British butterfly populations and theoretical implications for population synchrony

Dooley, Claire January 2014 (has links)
An Allee effect is a density-dependent process that can be responsible for the extinction of small populations. This thesis focuses on the detection of Allee effects, along with other density-dependent processes, and their influence on population synchrony. In chapter 2 I investigate the spatial variation in influential density-dependent processes and density-independent weather factors for the large skipper butterfly Ochlodes sylvanus across its British range. I find both qualitative and quantitative spatial variation in these processes and factors driving population dynamics. In chapter 3, I develop and test a Bayesian methodology, that I then use in chapter 4 to analyse local population level dynamics for 38 British butterfly species. For 35 of these species I found population level Allee effects and also found that phylogeny significant influenced a species’ susceptibility to Allee effects. Finally, in chapter 5 I examine the influence Allee effects have on network population synchrony in a theoretical framework.

Time Is On My Side . . . Or Is It?: Time of Day and Achievement in Asynchronous Learning Environments

Gilleland, Angela 13 May 2016 (has links)
Previous research suggests that the optimal time of day (TOD) for cognitive function for young adults occurs in the afternoon and evening times (Allen, et al. 2008; May, et al. 1993). The implication is college students may be more successful if they schedule classes and tests in the afternoon and evening times, but in asynchronous learning environments, “class” and tests take place at any TOD (or night) a student might choose. The problem is that there may be a disadvantage for students choosing to take tests at certain TOD. As educators, we need to be aware of potential barriers to student success and be prepared to offer guidance to students. This research study found a significant negative correlation between TOD and assessment scores on tests taken between 16:01 and 22:00 hours as measured in military time. While this study shows that academic performance on asynchronous assessments was high at 16:00 hours, student performance diminished significantly by 22:00 hours. When efforts were taken to mitigate the extraneous variables related to test complexity and individual academic achievement, the effect TOD had on assessment achievement during this time period was comparable to the effect of test complexity on that achievement. However, when analyzed using a small sub-set of the data neither GPA nor TOD could be used to predict student scores on tests taken between 16:01 and 22:00 hours. Finally, individual circadian arousal types (evening, morning and neutral) (Horne & Ostberg, 1976) and actual TOD students took tests were analyzed to determine if synchrony, the match between circadian arousal type and peak cognitive performance, existed. The synchrony effect could not be confirmed among morning type students taking this asynchronous online course, but evidence suggests that synchrony could have contributed to student success for evening types taking this asynchronous online courses. The implication of this study is that online instructors, instructional designers and students should consider TOD as a factor affecting achievement in asynchronous online courses. Results of this research are intended to propose further research into TOD effects in asynchronous online settings, and to offer guidance to online students as well as online instructors and instructional designers faced with setting deadlines and advising students on how to be successful when learning online.

Relationship Between Nearly-Coincident Spiking and Common Excitatory Synaptic Input in Motor Neurons

Herrera-Valdez, Marco Arieli January 2008 (has links)
The activities of pairs of mammalian motor neurons (MNs) receiving varying degrees of common excitatory synaptic input were simulated to study the relationship between nearly-coincident spiking and common excitatory drive. The somatic membrane potential of each MN was modeled using a single compartment model. Each MN was modeled toreceive synaptic contacts from hundreds of pre-synaptic fibers. The percentage of pre-synaptic fibers that diverged to supply both MNs of a pair with common synaptic input could be varied from 0 (no common inputs) to 100% (all common inputs). Spikes trains on separate re-synaptic fibers were independent of one another and were modeled as realizations of renewal processes with mean firing rates (10 - 50Hz) resembling that associated with supra-spinal input. Maximum synaptic conductances and time constants were varied across synapsesto match experimentally observed somatic EPSPs. The number of active pre-synaptic fibers to each MN was adjusted in order that the firingrates of MNs were between 8 and 15 Hz. For each common input condition, 100 s of concurrent spiking activity of the MNs was usedto construct cross-correlation histograms. The sizes of the central peaks in the histograms were quantified using both the k' (Ellaway and Murthy 1985) and CIS (Nordstrom et al. 1992) indices ofsynchrony. Monotonically increasing linear relationships between the proportion of common synaptic input and the magnitude of synchronywere observed for both indices. For example, the model predicted that 10% common input would yield a CIS value of 0.27 whereas 100% commoninput would yield a CIS value of 1.5. These values are within the range of values observed experimentally. These results, therefore,provide a means to translate measures of nearly-coincident spiking into plausible renditions of synaptic connectivity.

A juvenile–adult population model: climate change, cannibalism, reproductive synchrony, and strong Allee effects

Veprauskas, Amy, Cushing, J. M. 03 February 2016 (has links)
We study a discrete time, structured population dynamic model that is motivated by recent field observations concerning certain life history strategies of colonial- nesting gulls, specifically the glaucouswinged gull ( Larus glaucescens). The model focuses on mechanisms hypothesized to play key roles in a population's response to degraded environment resources, namely, increased cannibalism and adjustments in reproductive timing. We explore the dynamic consequences of these mechanics using a juvenile- adult structure model. Mathematically, the model is unusual in that it involves a high co- dimension bifurcation at R0 = 1 which, in turn, leads to a dynamic dichotomy between equilibrium states and synchronized oscillatory states. We give diagnostic criteria that determine which dynamic is stable. We also explore strong Allee effects caused by positive feedback mechanisms in the model and the possible consequence that a cannibalistic population can survive when a non- cannibalistic population cannot.

Formação e interpretação dos verbos denominais do português do Brasil / Training and interpretation of the denominal verbs of the portuguese of Brazil

Bassani, Indaiá de Santana 01 July 2009 (has links)
Em uma visão etimológica, o Verbo Denominal (VD) é aquele verbo que surgiu historicamente a partir de uma base nominal. Os dicionários consideram que um verbo é denominal quando sua forma nominal cognata tem uma datação anterior nos registros da língua. Há, dessa forma, duas maneiras de tratar a relação entre nome e verbo: em uma perspectiva sincrônica ou diacrônica. Como há certa mistura no tratamento do fenômeno, faz-se necessária uma distinção entre critérios etimológicos e sincrônicos para a determinação do que é um verbo denominal. No presente trabalho, buscamos encontrar critérios formais e sincrônicos para saber quais verbos diacronicamente considerados como denominais podem também ser assim considerados em uma análise sincrônica de formação das palavras e em quais casos há razões comprovadas para propor o abandono do rótulo denominal. Partimos de uma amostra de 4.548 verbos etimologicamente denominais do português, retirados do Dicionário Houaiss da Língua Portuguesa, e a restringimos por critérios de frequência a 95 verbos, que constituíram de fato o objeto de análise do estudo. Submetemos todos os verbos a testes estruturais de formação de sentenças sugeridos por Kyparsky (1987), Hale & Keyser (2002) e Arad (2003), a saber: Alternância Causativo-incoativo (Teste1); Alternância Média (Teste 2); Presença de Expressão Perifrástica (Teste 3); Presença de Objeto Cognato (Teste 4); Presença de Adjunto Cognato (Teste 5); Presença de Adjuntos Hipônimos e Hiperônimos (Teste 6). As sentenças foram submetidas a julgamento de 40 falantes nativos de português brasileiro. Os resultados apontaram para uma heterogeneidade no comportamento da classe geral dos VDs. Em suma, há um grupo para os quais os testes indicam uma etapa nominal (gramaticalidade para testes 3,(4),5 e 6) e um outro grupo para os quais os testes não indicam a presença de uma etapa nominal na formação (agramaticalidade para testes 3,5 e 6). Há verbos que participam e não participam de alternâncias (gramaticalidade e agramaticalidade para testes 1 e 2) e, por fim, há um grupo de verbos em que uma acepção remete a uma etapa nominal e outra acepção remete a ausência de etapa nominal. Após observar alternativas de análise em teorias lexicalistas de regras de formação de palavras (Basílio, 1993) e sintaxe-lexical (Hale & Keyser, 2002), conseguimos diferenciar estruturas com uma etapa nominal (denominais) de estruturas derivadas diretamente da raiz com base nos pressupostos da teoria da Morfologia Distribuída (Halle & Marantz, 1993; Harley & Noyer, 1999), mais especificamente Arad (2003), Marantz (2008) e Harley (2005). Conseguimos representar estruturalmente os diferentes tipos de (supostos) VDs no que se refere ao seu comportamento sintático e sua relação semântica com os (supostos) nomes formadores. Em primeiro lugar, tratamos dois grandes grupos: o primeiro contém os verbos que são formados a partir da categorização de uma raiz por um nome (n) e, em seguida, por um verbo (v) (estruturas denominais sincrônicas) e o segundo por verbos que são formados pela categorização direta de uma raiz () por um verbo (v) (estruturas não-denominais). No primeiro grupo, o dos denominais, observamos diferenças no comportamento sintático e sugerimos para eles diferentes tipos de estruturas: de alternância, de não-alternância e location/locatum. Em seguida, discutimos dois tipos de fenômenos que culminam na formação tanto de verbos denominais quanto de verbos derivados diretamente da raiz para aqueles que parecem, em princípio, tratar-se de um só verbo (verbos com estruturas denominais e estruturas de maneira e Mesmo verbo com comportamentos opostos). Por fim, a maior contribuição teórica deste trabalho está em que avançamos no esclarecimento da diferença entre uma formação sincrônica e diacrônica de palavras, mostrando que nem sempre a explicação histórica é a única possível. / From an etymologycal point of view, the Denominal Verb is the one that derives historically from a nominal base. Dictionaries consider a verb as denominal when its cognate nominal form is older than the verbal one in language records. Thus, there are two ways of treating what is called denominal verb, regarding the relation between the noun and the verb: from a synchronic or from a dyachronic perspective. Since the description of this class is rather misleading, it is necessary to make a distinction between etymological and synchronic criteria in the definition of what a denominal verb is. For these reasons, the aim of this work is i) to find out synchronic and formal criteria to know which denominal verbs, from a diachronic point of view, can also be considered as such under a synchronic analysis of word formation and ii) in which cases can real reasons be found for the abandonment of the label denominal. We started from a sample of 4.548 etymologically denominal verbs in Portuguese, collected from Dicionário Houaiss da Língua Portuguesa, and, due to a frequency criteria, we reduced it to 95 verbs that constitute, in fact, the object of this study. We submmited all the verbs to structural tests of sentence formation suggested by Kyparsky (1987), Hale & Keyser (2002) and Arad (2003), namely: Inchoative- Causative Alternation (Test 1); Middle Alternation (Test 2); Presence of Periphrastic Expression (Test 3); Presence of Cognate Object (Test 4); Presence of Cognate Adjunct (Test 5); Presence of Hiponimous and Hiperonimous Adjunction (Test 6).The sentences were submitted to the judgement of 40 native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. The results pointed to heterogeneity in the behaviour of the general class of denominal verbs. To sum up, there is a group of verbs to which the tests indicated a nominal stage in the derivation of the verb (grammaticality for tests 3 (4), 5 and 6) and another group of verbs to which the tests did not indicate the presence of that nominal stage (agrammaticality for tests 3, 5 and 6). There are verbs that do and do not participate in alternations (gramaticality and agramaticality for tests 1 and 2) and, finally, there is a group of verbs for which one meaning indicates a nominal stage and the other meaning indicates the absence of such a nominal stage. After observing some analysis under lexicalist theories based on word formation rules (Basílio, 1993) or under lexico-syntactic approaches such as Hale & Keyser (2002), we could offer an analysis under which it is possible to distinguish the so-called denominal verbs in two classes: i) those represented by structures that include a nominal stage in the derivation (denominals), ii) those represented by structures in which the verb is derived directly from roots. This analysis is based on the Distributed Morphology model (Halle & Marantz, 1993; Harley & Noyer, 1999), more specifically, on Arad (2003), Marantz (2008) and Harley (2005). Our first step was to separate the two big groups: the first containing verbs that are derived from the categorization of a root () by a noun (n) and, then, by a verb (v) (synchronic denominal structures), and the second group containing verbs that are derived from the direct categorization of a root () by a verb (v) (non-denominal structures). In the first group, the denominal one, we observed that the sentences containing such verbs presented different syntactic behaviors and we suggested different kinds of structures: alternating, non-alternating and location/locatum. In sequence, we discussed some verbs that led us to suggest that they can be formed either as denominal verbs or as root-derived ones. We could then represent the structure of different types of so-called denominal verbs regarding their syntactic behavior and the relation they establish with the noun formed by the same root. Finally, the major theoretic contribution of this work is that we improved in clarifying the difference between a synchronic and a dyachronic word formation process, showing that the historical explanation is not always the single possibility.

Formação e interpretação dos verbos denominais do português do Brasil / Training and interpretation of the denominal verbs of the portuguese of Brazil

Indaiá de Santana Bassani 01 July 2009 (has links)
Em uma visão etimológica, o Verbo Denominal (VD) é aquele verbo que surgiu historicamente a partir de uma base nominal. Os dicionários consideram que um verbo é denominal quando sua forma nominal cognata tem uma datação anterior nos registros da língua. Há, dessa forma, duas maneiras de tratar a relação entre nome e verbo: em uma perspectiva sincrônica ou diacrônica. Como há certa mistura no tratamento do fenômeno, faz-se necessária uma distinção entre critérios etimológicos e sincrônicos para a determinação do que é um verbo denominal. No presente trabalho, buscamos encontrar critérios formais e sincrônicos para saber quais verbos diacronicamente considerados como denominais podem também ser assim considerados em uma análise sincrônica de formação das palavras e em quais casos há razões comprovadas para propor o abandono do rótulo denominal. Partimos de uma amostra de 4.548 verbos etimologicamente denominais do português, retirados do Dicionário Houaiss da Língua Portuguesa, e a restringimos por critérios de frequência a 95 verbos, que constituíram de fato o objeto de análise do estudo. Submetemos todos os verbos a testes estruturais de formação de sentenças sugeridos por Kyparsky (1987), Hale & Keyser (2002) e Arad (2003), a saber: Alternância Causativo-incoativo (Teste1); Alternância Média (Teste 2); Presença de Expressão Perifrástica (Teste 3); Presença de Objeto Cognato (Teste 4); Presença de Adjunto Cognato (Teste 5); Presença de Adjuntos Hipônimos e Hiperônimos (Teste 6). As sentenças foram submetidas a julgamento de 40 falantes nativos de português brasileiro. Os resultados apontaram para uma heterogeneidade no comportamento da classe geral dos VDs. Em suma, há um grupo para os quais os testes indicam uma etapa nominal (gramaticalidade para testes 3,(4),5 e 6) e um outro grupo para os quais os testes não indicam a presença de uma etapa nominal na formação (agramaticalidade para testes 3,5 e 6). Há verbos que participam e não participam de alternâncias (gramaticalidade e agramaticalidade para testes 1 e 2) e, por fim, há um grupo de verbos em que uma acepção remete a uma etapa nominal e outra acepção remete a ausência de etapa nominal. Após observar alternativas de análise em teorias lexicalistas de regras de formação de palavras (Basílio, 1993) e sintaxe-lexical (Hale & Keyser, 2002), conseguimos diferenciar estruturas com uma etapa nominal (denominais) de estruturas derivadas diretamente da raiz com base nos pressupostos da teoria da Morfologia Distribuída (Halle & Marantz, 1993; Harley & Noyer, 1999), mais especificamente Arad (2003), Marantz (2008) e Harley (2005). Conseguimos representar estruturalmente os diferentes tipos de (supostos) VDs no que se refere ao seu comportamento sintático e sua relação semântica com os (supostos) nomes formadores. Em primeiro lugar, tratamos dois grandes grupos: o primeiro contém os verbos que são formados a partir da categorização de uma raiz por um nome (n) e, em seguida, por um verbo (v) (estruturas denominais sincrônicas) e o segundo por verbos que são formados pela categorização direta de uma raiz () por um verbo (v) (estruturas não-denominais). No primeiro grupo, o dos denominais, observamos diferenças no comportamento sintático e sugerimos para eles diferentes tipos de estruturas: de alternância, de não-alternância e location/locatum. Em seguida, discutimos dois tipos de fenômenos que culminam na formação tanto de verbos denominais quanto de verbos derivados diretamente da raiz para aqueles que parecem, em princípio, tratar-se de um só verbo (verbos com estruturas denominais e estruturas de maneira e Mesmo verbo com comportamentos opostos). Por fim, a maior contribuição teórica deste trabalho está em que avançamos no esclarecimento da diferença entre uma formação sincrônica e diacrônica de palavras, mostrando que nem sempre a explicação histórica é a única possível. / From an etymologycal point of view, the Denominal Verb is the one that derives historically from a nominal base. Dictionaries consider a verb as denominal when its cognate nominal form is older than the verbal one in language records. Thus, there are two ways of treating what is called denominal verb, regarding the relation between the noun and the verb: from a synchronic or from a dyachronic perspective. Since the description of this class is rather misleading, it is necessary to make a distinction between etymological and synchronic criteria in the definition of what a denominal verb is. For these reasons, the aim of this work is i) to find out synchronic and formal criteria to know which denominal verbs, from a diachronic point of view, can also be considered as such under a synchronic analysis of word formation and ii) in which cases can real reasons be found for the abandonment of the label denominal. We started from a sample of 4.548 etymologically denominal verbs in Portuguese, collected from Dicionário Houaiss da Língua Portuguesa, and, due to a frequency criteria, we reduced it to 95 verbs that constitute, in fact, the object of this study. We submmited all the verbs to structural tests of sentence formation suggested by Kyparsky (1987), Hale & Keyser (2002) and Arad (2003), namely: Inchoative- Causative Alternation (Test 1); Middle Alternation (Test 2); Presence of Periphrastic Expression (Test 3); Presence of Cognate Object (Test 4); Presence of Cognate Adjunct (Test 5); Presence of Hiponimous and Hiperonimous Adjunction (Test 6).The sentences were submitted to the judgement of 40 native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. The results pointed to heterogeneity in the behaviour of the general class of denominal verbs. To sum up, there is a group of verbs to which the tests indicated a nominal stage in the derivation of the verb (grammaticality for tests 3 (4), 5 and 6) and another group of verbs to which the tests did not indicate the presence of that nominal stage (agrammaticality for tests 3, 5 and 6). There are verbs that do and do not participate in alternations (gramaticality and agramaticality for tests 1 and 2) and, finally, there is a group of verbs for which one meaning indicates a nominal stage and the other meaning indicates the absence of such a nominal stage. After observing some analysis under lexicalist theories based on word formation rules (Basílio, 1993) or under lexico-syntactic approaches such as Hale & Keyser (2002), we could offer an analysis under which it is possible to distinguish the so-called denominal verbs in two classes: i) those represented by structures that include a nominal stage in the derivation (denominals), ii) those represented by structures in which the verb is derived directly from roots. This analysis is based on the Distributed Morphology model (Halle & Marantz, 1993; Harley & Noyer, 1999), more specifically, on Arad (2003), Marantz (2008) and Harley (2005). Our first step was to separate the two big groups: the first containing verbs that are derived from the categorization of a root () by a noun (n) and, then, by a verb (v) (synchronic denominal structures), and the second group containing verbs that are derived from the direct categorization of a root () by a verb (v) (non-denominal structures). In the first group, the denominal one, we observed that the sentences containing such verbs presented different syntactic behaviors and we suggested different kinds of structures: alternating, non-alternating and location/locatum. In sequence, we discussed some verbs that led us to suggest that they can be formed either as denominal verbs or as root-derived ones. We could then represent the structure of different types of so-called denominal verbs regarding their syntactic behavior and the relation they establish with the noun formed by the same root. Finally, the major theoretic contribution of this work is that we improved in clarifying the difference between a synchronic and a dyachronic word formation process, showing that the historical explanation is not always the single possibility.

Dinâmica de grafoelementos do sono e seus impactos na neurofisiologia de pacientes com apneia obstrutiva através de sinais de eletroencefalografia

Souza, Rafael Toledo Fernandes de. January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Ney Lemke / Resumo: O sono (do latim, somnus) é um período que apresenta uma atividade fisiológica característica, que pode ser registrada com o EEG. Algumas ondas em um sinal de EEG são vistas apenas durante o sono, como os fusos do sono e complexos K. O fuso é um dos elementos mais bem conhecidos no estudo do sono. No presente estudo serão estudados fusos globais e potenciais complexos K, os quais são observados simultaneamente em todos os canais de EEG. Para isto, um novo método de investigação foi proposto, que estuda tanto o envelope do sinal quanto a fase/frequência de cada fuso. Através da análise da fase do fuso global, foi mostrado que 90% dos fusos de indivíduos saudáveis sincronizam com um tempo de latência de 0,11s. O método também avalia a frequência de modulação (chirp) de fusos globais, e foi averiguado que não há correlação entre o chirp destes fusos e sua sincronização. Através do estudo do envelope do sinal juntamente com a implementação de um modelo de propagação isotrópico, foi possível estimar a origem do fuso e sua velocidade de propagação. Os resultados obtidos indicam que através desta abordagem simples e não invasiva é possível determinar, com uma precisão razoável, o local de origem dos fusos do sono, e sua velocidade estimada de propagação de 0,12m/s. Os potenciais complexos K detectados foram usados para avaliar a robustez do método desenvolvido, e apresentaram frequências, durações e amplitudes dentro das faixas esperadas para complexos K. A velocidade do propagação ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Sleep (derived from the Latim, somnus) is a brain state with distinct physiological activity that can be investigated by EEG evaluation. Some waves are unique in sleep EEG such as sleep spindles and K complexes. Spindles are one of the best known elements in sleep studies. In this work we considered global spindles and K complexes, which are spindles that are observed simultaneously in all EEG channels. We propose a method that investigates both the signal envelope and phase/frequency of each global spindle. By analysing the spindle phase we showed that 90% of spindles in healthy subjects synchronize with a median latency time of 0.11 s. The method also measured the frequency slope (chirp) of global spindles and found that global spindle chirp and synchronization are not correlated. By investigating the signal envelopes and implementing a homogeneous and isotropic propagation model, we could estimate both the signal origin and velocity in global spindles. Our results indicate that this simple and non-invasive approach could determine with reasonable precision the spindle origin, and allowed us to estimate a signal speed of 0.12 m/s.Potential K complexes are used to assess the robustness of developed method and shows that frequencies, durations and amplitudes within the K complex expected range. Propagation velocity in potential K complexes are around 0.05 m/s which is lower than spindles velocity. Partial synchronization tendencies were detected in potential K complex, a... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

O instrumento jurisdicional da audiência pública e os movimentos de sincronia e anacronia com relação à comunidade contemporânea

Suptitz, Carolina Elisa 27 April 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T17:21:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 27 / CAPES – Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente trabalho tem sua origem na preocupação com a dificuldade de o direito e a jurisdição modernos se adaptarem ao contexto contemporâneo, caracterizado pelas diferenças e singularidades constantemente produzidas. Haja vista a amplitude da temática, a investigação restou delimitada no instituto da audiência pública, previsto nas Leis nºs 9.868 e 9.882 e utilizado, até o momento, em três processos: a ADin 3510 e as ADPFs 101 e 54. A questão, portanto, é saber se a audiência pública é capaz de sincronizar o direito e a jurisdição atualmente vigentes à comunidade contemporânea, a partir do acolhimento e reconhecimento das diferenças. Para atender a tal propósito, foram necessários três capítulos. No primeiro, a audiência pública foi analisada a partir da legalidade que lhe é instituidora, bem como da realidade que lhe deu concretização prática. Com efeito, foram apreciados o processo legislativo de discussão e aprovação das leis mencionadas, bem como investigados a finalidade e o procedimento de referido i / This paper emerged from our concern regarding the difficulties faced by modern law and jurisdiction in their attempt to adapt to the contemporary backdrop, characterized by the differences and peculiarities that it endangers on an ongoing basis. Given the broad scope of this theme, we restricted our investigation to the institute of public hearing, set forth by Laws n. 9868 and 9882, and so far used in three lawsuits: ADin 3510, ADPF 101 and ADPF 54. The issue here, therefore, is determining whether a public hearing is capable of synchronizing the law and the current jurisdiction in today's communities by embracing and acknowledging their differences. Three chapters were required to meet such goal. In the first chapter, the public hearing was analyzed based on the legislation that has instituted it, as well as on the circumstances that have made it effective in practice. In fact, we examined the legislative process that discussed and approved the aforementioned laws. We also investigated the purpose and proce

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