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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of a novel cell traction force transducer based on cholesteryl ester liquid crystals : characterisation, quantification and evaluation of a cholesteryl ester liquid crystal based single cell force transducer system

Soon, Chin Fhong January 2011 (has links)
In biomechano-transducing, cellular generated tension can be measured by soft substrates based on polymers but these techniques are limited either by spatial resolution or ability to detect localised cell traction forces (CTF) due to their non-linear viscous behaviour under shear rates. A newly developed cell traction force transducer system based on cholesteryl ester lyotropic liquid crystals (LCTFT) was developed to sense localised traction forces of human keratinocyte cell lines (HaCaTs), in which the length of the deformation line induced represents the intensity of the CTF exerted. The physical properties of the cholesteryl ester based lyotropic liquid crystals (LLC) were characterised by using polarising microscopy, rheology, atomic force microscopy (AFM) based nano-indentation, spherical indentation, and micro-tensile tests. The interactions of LLC with cells were studied by using cell viability studies, cytochemical treatments, widefield surface plasmon resonance (WSPR) microscopy and various immuno-staining techniques. The results show that LLC is thermally stable (0-50 °C) and linearly viscoelastic below 10% shear strain at shear rates of < 1 s⁻¹. AFM nano and spherical indentations show a good agreement on the Young's modulus of both determined at ~110 kPa which is close to the elastic modulus of the epidermis. The Poisson's ratio of LLC was determined at ~0.58 by using micro tensile tests. The biophysical interaction studies indicated that LLC is biocompatible and allowed cell attachment. Cell relaxation technique by cytochalasin-B treatment suggested that the attachment and contraction of cells on LLC was due to the contractile activity of actin cytoskeletons that are mediated by focal adhesions. The staining experiments showed that cells consistently expressed the same suites of integrins (α2, α3, α5 and β1) and ECM proteins (collagen type IV, laminin and fibronectin) on both glass and LLC coated substrates. Interfacial interaction of cells with LLC observed via the staining of actin and vinculin, and WSPR imaging suggest the association of marginal actin filaments and focal adhesions in attaching HaCaT cells to the LLC. Linear static analysis applied in the Finite Element model of focal adhesion-LC confirmed the compressive force patterns induced by cells. By applying cell relaxation techniques and Hooke's theorem, the force-deformation relationships of the LLC were derived and used for direct quantification of CTF in culture. The sensitivity of the LCTFT was implied by a wide range of CTF (10 - 140 nN) measured at high resolutions (~2 μm). Nonetheless, a custom-built cell traction force measurement and mapping software (CTFM) was developed to map CTF of single cells. Reliability of the LCTFT was evaluated by using a known pharmacological active cytokine, TGF-β1, in inducing contraction of human keratinocytes. This study inferred internal consistency and repeatability of the LCTFT in sensing contraction responses of HaCaT cells in a concentration dependent manner of TGF-β1. The overall LCTFT and CTFM software had shown good potential for use in the study of contraction and migration of keratinocytes.

Co-valorisation de sédiments et de sols fins par apport de liants et de fibres

Liang, Yingjie 29 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de la thèse est de traiter des sédiments marins et des sols fins équivalents (fines de carrière) considérés comme des déchets, par un procédé de solidification/stabilisation et de les valoriser en matériau pour des sous couches routières. Ces traitements ont donné lieu à des mélanges composites sédiments-liants et/ou ajouts de cendres volantes, de fumée de silice, de produits chimiques réactifs et de fibres suivis d'une analyse comportementale des performances mécaniques et de durabilité. Après avoir sélectionné un panel représentatif de sédiments marins et une fine de carrière, une phase de caractérisation a été entreprise sur les paramètres déterminants en vue de traiter ces sédiments. Elle repose sur l'étude des propriétés physiques (répartition des grains, limites d'Atterberg) et chimiques (la teneur en matière organique et en carbonates). Les différentes caractéristiques, dosages et paramètres dimensionnels des constituants (ciment, chaux, cendre volante, fumée de silice, sables correcteur, produit chimique réactif et fibres naturelle et géosynthétiques) des mélanges sont déterminés. Le programme expérimental complet est présenté, il intéresse les sédiments marins à stabiliser ou solidifier. Les essais mécaniques de résistance et de durabilité (compression simple, traction indirecte, mouillage-séchage) ont été effectués sur échantillons cylindriques. L'analyse et l'interprétation des résultats ont permis de mieux cerner les différents facteurs influant sur la résistance à la compression et à la traction indirecte des mélanges traités avec des additions de liants hydrauliques et de liant pouzzolanique, puis avec des ajouts spécifiques de fumée de silice, de sable correcteur et de produits chimiques réactifs. Une phase innovante a porté sur l'utilisation de fibres déchets dans les mélanges. Ces fibres naturelle (lin) et artificielles (géosynthétiques) ont été proposées pour améliorer le comportement mécanique des mélanges de sédiments marins et/ou fine de carrière. En conclusion, pour les dosages économiques retenus et les mélanges étudiés, une application en sous couche routière est possible (classes S1à S5). La teneur en matière organique des sédiments marins a une forte influence sur l'efficacité des traitements des sédiments marins aux liants. Les renforts fibreux sont tout à fait prometteurs et l'idée de covaloriser deux déchets constitue une avancée dans la gestion durable et la valorisation des sédiments.

Substratabhängige Entwicklung der Zellzugkräfte während der initialen Zelladhäsion

Müller, Christina 21 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Untersuchung von Zell-Material-Wechselwirkungen ist bedeutsam für die Entwicklung innovativer Biomaterialien, wobei aus biophysikalischer Sicht der Einfluss mechanischer Eigenschaften auf das Zellverhalten, d.h., die Mechanotransduktion, von besonderem Interesse ist. Für diese Dissertation wurden humane Endothelzellen aus der Nabelschnurvene zur Adhäsion auf Polyacrylamidhydrogele (PAA-Hydrogele) gegeben, die mit einer Maleinsäurecopolymer-Beschichtung versehen waren. Für Experimente unter veränderlichen Substrateigenschaften wurden die Steifigkeit der PAA-Hydrogele und die Ligandenaffinität der Beschichtung variiert. Der erste Teil der Dissertation umfasste die Charakterisierung der beschichteten PAA-Hydrogele. Dafür wurde der Elastizitätsmodul gemessen und die Adsorption von Fibronektin untersucht. Im zweiten Teil der Dissertation wurden die PAA-Hydrogele in der Zellzugkraftmikroskopie während der initialen Zelladhäsion (2 h) verwendet. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass zwar die finale Zellfläche unabhängig von den Substratparametern war, aber die Ausbreitung von Zellen mit zunehmender Steifigkeit und Ligandenaffinität schneller ablief. Außerdem waren der Anstieg und die Plateauwerte der Zellzugkräfte auf steiferen Substraten größer. Die Steifigkeitsabhängigkeit lässt sich aus der Dehnungsversteifung des Aktinzytoskeletts unter Wirkung einer Spannung erklären. Eine Zunahme der Ligandenaffinität führte ebenfalls zu einer schnelleren Zunahme und größeren Plateauwerten von Gesamtzellzugkräften. Diese Beobachtung kann der Zunahme von Reibungskräften zugesprochen werden. Im letzten Teil der Dissertation sollten die biophysikalischen Ergebnisse durch die Untersuchung intrazellulärer Signalprozesse zusätzlich unterlegt werden. Dafür wurde die Entwicklung von Adhäsionsstellen durch eine immunzytochemische Färbung untersucht. Obwohl diese aufgrund der technischen Herausforderungen keine umfassenden Aussagen liefern konnte, deuteten sich einige Korrelationen, z.B. eine schnellere Entwicklung der Adhäsionsstellen auf steiferen Substraten, an. Die Ergebnisse der Dissertation ordnen sich in den aktuellen Forschungsstand zur Mechanotransduktion von Zellen ein und konnten in Bezug auf die Adhäsionsdynamik neue Erkenntnisse beisteuern. Vor allem der Stellenwert dissipativer Beiträge zu Zell-Substrat-Wechselwirkungen (z.B. Ligandenreibung) wurde unterstrichen. Diese sind in der Entwicklung neuer Biomaterialien mit spezifischen viskoelastischen Eigenschaften von besonderer Bedeutung. / The investigation of cell-substrate-interactions is of great importance for the development of innovative biomaterials. The influence of thematerials mechanical properties on cells and their functions, i. e., the process of mechanotransduction, is of particular interest from a biophysical point of view. In this dissertation human umbilical cord vein endothelial cells were seeded onto polyacrylamide hydrogels which had been modified by a maleic acid copolymer coating. To tune the mechanical properties of the substrate the hydrogels’ stiffness and the affinity of the coatings to the adhesion ligand fibronectin were variied. The first part of the dissertation is concerned with the characterization of the coated polyacrylamide hydrogels. The hydrogels’ Young’s modulus was measured and the adsorption of fibronectin was investigated. In the second part of the dissertation these cell culture scaffolds were used for cell traction force microscopy during the first two hours of cell adhesion. Although maximum cell area was not influenced by substrate parameters, cell spreading was faster for higher stiffness and higher ligand affinity. Traction force increase as well as plateau forces were higher on stiff substrates. The dependence of the dynamics of area and traction force on stiffness and their respective magnitudes after saturation could be related to properties of the actin cytoskeleton under stress. The increase in ligand affinity also led to a faster increase and higher mean plateau values of the total cell force. This observation was assigned to increasing friction forces between ligands and polymer coating. In the last part of the dissertation possible correlations between cell traction forces and intracellular signalling processes were examined. The development of adhesion sites during early cell adhesion was investigated by immunocytochemical staining. Due to technical reasons no comprehensive investigation could be realized, but nevertheless some correlations were observed, such as a faster adhesion site formation with higher stiffness. The results of this dissertation add to the current state of research regarding mechanotransduction of cells and yield new findings regarding to cell adhesion dynamics. Most notably viscous contributions to cell-substrate-interactions (i.e., ligand friction) were shown to influence cell behavior. This highlights that a thorough understanding of viscous processes is of utmost significance for the development of new biomaterials with specific viscoelastic properties.

Simulation numérique directe multiphasique de la déformation d’un alliage Al-Cu à l’état pâteux – Comparaison avec des observations par tomographie aux rayons X in situ en temps réel / Direct and multiphase numerical simulation of the Al-Cu alloy deformation in the mushy state – Comparison with in situ and real-time X-ray tomography observations

Zaragoci, Jean-François 09 July 2012 (has links)
La fissuration à chaud est un défaut majeur rencontré en solidification des alliages d'aluminium. Elle est liée à l'incapacité du liquide de s'écouler dans les zones où des porosités sont présentes, ne permettant pas de les refermer avant qu'elles gagnent en volume. Pour comprendre la fissuration à chaud, il est crucial de développer nos connaissances du comportement mécanique de la zone pâteuse. Pour cela, il est très utile d'effectuer des expériences de microtomographie aux rayons X et des simulations mécaniques sur des volumes élémentaires représentatifs. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons de coupler les deux approches en initialisant une simulation par éléments finis grâce à des données de microtomographie issues d'un test de traction isotherme d'un alliage d'aluminium-cuivre à l'état pâteux. Cette approche originale nous donne directement accès à la réalité expérimentale et permet des comparaisons des évolutions numérique et expérimentale de l'éprouvette. Nous expliquons dans un premier temps comment obtenir la représentation numérique à l'aide de l'algorithme des marching cubes et de la méthode d'immersion de volume. Nous présentons ensuite notre modèle numérique qui s'appuie sur une résolution monolithique des équations de Stokes. Une fois le champ de vitesse obtenu dans l'ensemble des phases solide, liquide et gazeuse, nous utilisons une méthode level set dans un formalisme eulérien afin de faire évoluer la morphologie de notre échantillon numérique. Malgré la simplicité du modèle, les résultats expérimentaux et numériques montrent un accord raisonnable en ce qui concerne la propagation de l'air à l'intérieur de l'échantillon. / Hot tearing is a major defect arising during solidification of aluminium alloys. This defect is associated with the inability of liquid to feed areas where voids have started to appear, not allowing to heal small defects before they grow bigger. To understand hot tearing, it is mandatory to develop a good knowledge of the semi-solid mechanical behaviour. It is thus very useful to carry out X-ray microtomographies experiments and mechanical simulations on representative elementary volumes. In this work, we couple the both approaches by initialising a finite element simulation with the help of microtomography data obtained during an isothermal tensile testing of an aluminium-copper alloy in the mushy state. This innovative approach gives a direct access to the experimental reality and allows comparisons of numerical and experimental evolutions of the sample. We explain in a first time how to get the numerical representation thanks to a marching cubes algorithm and the immersed volume method. Then, we present our numerical model for which we solve the Stokes equations in a monolithic way. Once the velocity computed in all the solid, liquid and gaseous phases, we use a level set method in a Eulerian formalism to obtain the morphological evolution of our numerical sample. Despite the model simplicity, numerical and experimental results show a reasonable agreement concerning the air propagation inside the sample.

Influence de traitements physico-chimiques des renforts sur le comportement mécanique des composites à base de co-produits de bois / Influence of physico-chemical treatments of the reinforcements on the mechanical behaviour of wood-polymer composites

Saulnier, Florence 12 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le traitement de la farine de bois et son utilisation comme renforts de composites à matrice polymère. En effet, l’incompatibilité entre le bois, hydrophile, et les polymères, généralement hydrophobes, est la principale difficulté de mise en oeuvre des composites bois-polymère. Un traitement des renforts bois est alors nécessaire pour améliorer les propriétés mécaniques et hygroscopiques des composites. Un traitement par fluoration directe est ici proposé pour diminuer le caractère hydrophile du bois et augmenter son adhésion avec la matrice polymère. Après une phase de développement et de réglage du traitement, une caractérisation physico-chimique de la farine de bois non-traitée ou fluorée a été réalisée afin d’observer l’effet de la fluoration. Le greffage de fluor sur les constituants du bois a été validé, et une diminution du nombre des sites de sorption de l’eau dans le bois a été constatée. Cette réduction a conduit à une diminution de la teneur en eau du bois après fluoration. En outre, la structure physique des particules et le comportement thermique du bois n’ont pas été modifiés par le traitement. Des composites bois-polyester ont été fabriqués par moulage par compression à chaud, avec des renforts non-traités et fluorés. Ceux-ci ont été testés en traction, en flexion, et en fluage afin d’observer l’influence du traitement sur les propriétés mécaniques des composites. Par ailleurs, une caractérisation hygroscopique a également été conduite. Les résultats montrent que la fluoration directe des renforts permet d’améliorer les propriétés mécaniques et hygroscopiques des composites bois-polyester. / This thesis focuses on the treatment of wood flour used as reinforcement for polymer matrix composites. Indeed, the lack of compatibility between the hydrophilic wood and the hydrophobic polymers is the major difficulty encountered when processing wood-polymer composites. The treatment of the wood reinforcements is necessary to improve the mechanical and hygroscopic properties of the composites. Here, we proposed to apply direct fluorination to wood flour in order to reduce its hydrophilic character and then improve its compatibility with polymer matrix. Physicochemical characterization of the non-treated and fluorinated wood flours was carried out to observe the fluorination effects. The success of the fluorine grafting onto the wood components was confirmed by chemical analyses. Moreover, significant decrease in the number of moisture adsorption sites in wood was observed. This reduction led to a decrease in the equilibrium moisture content of wood after direct fluorination. In addition, the physical structure of the particles and the thermal behaviour of the wood were not modified by the treatment. Wood-polyester composites were processed by hot compression moulding with non-treated and fluorinated reinforcements. These composites were characterized by tensile, flexural and creep tests. Furthermore, a hygroscopic characterisation was also carried out. The results showed an improvement of the mechanical and hygroscopic properties of the composites with the reinforcements fluorination.

Fatigue Testing and Data Analysis of Welded Steel Cruciform Joints

Shrestha, Alina 17 May 2013 (has links)
In this study, ABS Publication 115, “Guidance on Fatigue Assessment of Offshore Structures” is briefly reviewed. Emphasis is on the S-N curves based fatigue assessment approach of non-tubular joints, and both size and environment effects are also considered. Further, fatigue tests are performed to study the fatigue strength of load-carrying and non-load-carrying steel cruciform joints that represent typical joint types in marine structures. The experimental results are then compared against ABS fatigue assessment methods, based on nominal stress approach, which demonstrates a need for better fatigue evaluation parameter. A good fatigue parameter by definition should be consistent and should correlate the S-N data well. The equivalent structural stress parameter is introduced to investigate the fatigue behavior of welded joints using the traction based structural stress approach on finite element models of specimens, and representing the data as a single Master S-N curve.

Estudo biomecânico de tração (ex-vivo) em osteotomia da tuberosidade tibial de cães estabilizada com placa fixa por \"garfo\" ou parafuso / Biomechanical study of traction (ex-vivo) on the tibial tuberosity osteotomy in dogs stabilized with plates fixed by \"fork\" or screws

Ito, Kelly Cristiane 09 November 2012 (has links)
Avanço da tuberosidade tibial (ATT) é uma das técnicas para tratamento da ruptura do ligamento cruzado em cães desenvolvida por Montavon, Damur e Tepic (2002). O sucesso da técnica em reduzir ou eliminar as forças de deslocamento cranial da tíbia em joelhos com ruptura do ligamento cruzado cranial tem sido documentado em estudos experimentais e clínicos. No período pós-operatório a técnica, a falha do implante é relatada em 1 a 5% dos membros pélvicos operados. Este número foi atribuído a erro de técnica ou desenho inicial do implante que foi considerado insuficiente. Com objetivo de comparar a resistência biomecânica entre duas diferentes placas de ATT e minimizar a incidência de falhas de implante, foram realizados ensaios biomecânicos em 10 pares de membros pélvicos de cadáveres cães, no membro pélvico direito placa fixa por garfo e no membro pélvico esquerdo placa fixa por parafusos. Os ensaios foram realizados utilizando-se máquina universal de ensaios mecânicos Kratos® modelo 5002, dotada de célula de carga de 3000N com uma velocidade de ensaio de 20 mm/min. O parâmetro força e os gráficos gerados foram gravados por meio de sistema de aquisição analógica TRACOMP-W95 (TRCV61285). A média da carga máxima até a falha foi de 128,70 Kg/F (mínimo 104,55 Kg/F e máximo 151,80 Kg/F) e de 141,99 Kg/F (mínimo 111,60 Kg/F e máximo 169,65 Kg/F) no grupo utilizando \"garfo\" e parafusos respectivamente. O desvio padrão dos grupos \"garfo\" e parafuso foi baixo, 12,99 e 17,21 respectivamente. Foi encontrada diferença significativa (p = 0,0309) entre as médias dos grupos. / Tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) is one of the techniques for treatment of cruciate ligament rupture in dogs developed by Montavon, Damur and Tepic (2002). The success of the technique in reducing or eliminating the forces of cranial tibial displacement in knees with ruptured cranial cruciate ligament as been documented in experimental and clinical studies. In the post-operative technique, implant failure is reported in 1-5% of hindlimbs operated. This number was attributed to technical error or the initial design of the implant that was considered insufficient. To compare the biomechanical strength between two different plates ATT and minimize the incidence of implant failures, biomechanical tests were performed on 10 pairs of hindlimbs cadaver dogs, the right hindlimb fixed plate and a fork in the left pelvic limbplate fixed by screws. As says were performed using a universal mechanical testing Kratos ® model 5002, equipped with a load cell of 3000N with a test speed of 20 mm / min. The strength parameter and graphs generated were recorded via analog acquisition system TRACOMP-W95 (TRCV61285). The mean load to failure was 128.70 kg/F (minimum 104.55 Kg and maximum 151.80 Kg/F) and 141.99 Kg/F (minimum 111.60 Kg/F and maximum 169.65 Kg/F) in the group using \"fork\" and screws respectively. The standard deviation of the groups \"fork\" and bolt was low, 12.99 and 17.21 respectively. Significant difference (p = 0.0309) between the means of the groups.

Avaliação do tratamento ortopédico com mini-implantes como ancoragem esquelética em pacientes Classe III com retrusão do terço médio da face / Evaluation of orthopedic treatment using mini-implants as anchorage in Class III patients with retrusion of the middle third of the face

Souza, Ricardo Alves de 27 April 2018 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a hipótese nula de que pacientes com maloclusão de Classe III esquelética por deficiência do terço médio da face poderiam ser tratados ortopedicamente utilizando mini-implantes ortodônticos convencionais como apoio de elásticos intermaxilares durante a protração da maxila. No grupo mini-implantes (MI) foram selecionados 12 cranças, nas quais foram instalados dois mini-implantes convencionais na região próxima à mesial das raízes dos primeiros molares permanentes e, outros dois na distal das raízes dos caninos inferiores. Foi orientado que as crianças utilizassem elásticos intermaxilares ¼\" médio, durante 24 horas por dia e força de 200g. No grupo máscara facial (MF) foi realizado o protocolo de expansão rápida da maxila e uso de máscara facial em 13 criancças. Todos os participantes estavam em fase de crescimento, e tinham entre 7 e 12 anos de idade. Através dos dados cefalométricos iniciais e finais dos casos foram realizadas análises estatísticas com Teste t de Student e Mann-Whitney para comparação de amostras independentes, Wilcoxon para amostras pareadas, e nível de significância foi de 5%. Foi possível confirmar que ambos os grupos apresentaram melhora no perfil facial com aumento da convexidade facial e correção da sobressaliência negativa na maioria das crianças, mostrando avanço da maxila, pelas superposições cefalométricas, com diferenças entre T0 e T1 significativas nas medidas SNA, ANB, Wits, Co-A, Co-Gn, NAP, A-Npog, overjet e relação molar, além de Sn-linha H, 1-NB para o grupo MI. Não houve diferença significativa estatisticamente intergrupos nas medidas cefalométricas avaliadas, mas o tempo de tratamento foi significante, sendo mais rápido para o grupo MI. Como conclusão geral, a hipótese nula foi aceita, sendo possível afirmar que mini-implantes convencionais associados a elásticos intermaxilares podem ser uma opção para tratamentos de pacientes Classe III com retrusão maxilar, principalmente em casos de falta de colaboração com o uso da máscara facial, e com reduzido grau de intervenção cirúrgica, que é característica do protocolo de instalação dos mini-implantes. / The aim of this study was to test the null hypothesis that patients with Class III skeletal malocclusion due to deficiency of the middle third of the face could be treated orthopedically with the use of conventional orthodontic mini-implants and support of intermaxillary elastics during protraction of the maxilla. In the mini-implants group (MI) with n = 12, two conventional mini-implants were inserted in the region close to the mesial area of the permanent first molar roots and another two, in the distal area of the mandibular canine roots. The children were instructed to use ¼\" medium intermaxillary elastics, throughout almost 24 hours per day and force of 200g. In the facial mask group (MF) with n = 13, the rapid maxillary expansion protocol and facial mask were performed. All participants were in the growth phase, and were between 7 and 12 years of age. Statistical analyzes were performed using the Student\'s t-test and the Mann-Whitney test for comparison of independent samples, Wilcoxon for paired samples, and a significance level of 5% was used for the initial and final cephalometric data. It was possible to confirm that both groups presented improvement in the facial profile with increase of the facial convexity and correction of the negative overjet in the majority of the children. Advancement of the maxilla was shown by means of cephalometric superimpositions, with significant differences between T0 and T1 in the following measurements: SNA, ANB, Wits, Co-A, Co-Gn, NAP, A-Npog, overjet and molar relationship, in addition to Sn-line H, and 1-NB for Group MI. There was no statistically significant intergroup difference in the cephalometric measurements evaluated, but the time of treatment was significant, as it was faster for Group MI. As a general conclusion, the null hypothesis was acepted, because it was possible to affirm that conventional mini-implants associated with intermaxillary elastics could be an option for the treatment of Class III patients with maxillary retrusion, particularly in cases of lack of cooperation with the use of the face mask. In addition, the degree of surgical intervention was reduced, which is characteristic of the protocol for the insertion of mini-implants.

Estudo in situ da deformação criogênica em aços inoxidáveis aisi 430 e AISI 316l utilizando radiação síncrotron

Crivoi , Maicon Rogerio 23 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Eunice Novais (enovais@uepg.br) on 2018-09-03T21:43:50Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Maicon_Crivoi.pdf: 5082056 bytes, checksum: cf064a8b661e7eb5e1be0dca41eab5f1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-03T21:43:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Maicon_Crivoi.pdf: 5082056 bytes, checksum: cf064a8b661e7eb5e1be0dca41eab5f1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-23 / Dois aços inoxidáveis (AISI430 ferrítico e AISI316L austenítico) foram analisados por testes de tração uniaxial às temperaturas ambiente e criogênica, com taxas de deformação controladas para ambos os metais. Utilizou-se o equipamento Synchrotron Gleeble®, capaz de realizar medições de difração de raios X in situ, controlando a temperatura da amostra, a condição de tensão / tração, bem como a atmosfera da câmara e permitindo também a injeção de nitrogênio líquido diretamente sobre a amostra com excelente versatilidade e reprodutibilidade. Os testes foram realizados em um sistema de simulação termomecânica avançado, XTMS, localizado Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais - CNPEM - Campinas, SP, Brasil. A caracterização foi realizada por meio de imagens MEV e XRD in situ. As fotomicrografias e os resultados dos ensaios de tração mostram que o aço AISI 430 apresenta uma fratura dúctil à temperatura ambiente e fratura frágil a temperatura criogênica com aumento da resistência. Os resultados do aço AISI 316L evidenciam que o material tem uma fratura dúctil em ambas as condições. Para este mesmo metal, o alongamento a ambas as temperaturas foi praticamente o mesmo, mas a resistência à tração no ambiente criogênico foi muito maior. Este comportamento pode estar associado ao efeito TRIP, o que está de acordo com os dados XRD, uma vez que os picos de martensita α' induzida por deformação são evidenciados. / Two stainless steels (AISI430 ferritic and AISI316L austenitic) were analyzed by uniaxial tensile tests at room and cryogenic temperatures, with controlled strain rates for both metals. The Gleeble® Synchrotron system was used; it is capable to perform X-ray diffraction measurements in situ, controlling the sample temperature, controlling the stress / strain condition, as well as the chamber atmosphere, and also allowing the injection of liquid nitrogen directly into the sample with excellent versatility and reproducibility. The tests were performed in an advanced thermo mechanical simulation system, XTMS, located in the National Center for Research in Energy and Materials - CNPEM - Campinas, SP, Brazil. The characterization was performed by means of SEM images and in situ XRD. The photomicrographs and the results of the tensile tests show that AISI 430 steel presents a ductile fracture at room temperature and fragile fracture at cryogenic temperature with resistance increasing. The results of the AISI 316 L steel show that the material has a ductile fracture in both conditions. For this same metal, the elongation at both temperatures was practically the same, but the tensile strength in the cryogenic environment was much higher. This behavior may be associated with the TRIP effect, which agrees with the XRD data, since peaks of α’ strain induced martensite are evidenced.

Modélisation du système de puissance du véhicule électrique en régime transitoire en vue de l'optimisation de l'autonomie, des performances et des coûts associés. / Electric vehicle power system modeling in transientstate in order to optimize vehicle range , performances and system costs

Janiaud, Noëlle 29 September 2011 (has links)
Dans le contexte automobile actuel de réduction des émissions de CO2, une réponse semble être apportée par le véhicule électrique. De nombreuses questions se posent alors, notamment concernant l’autonomie, d’autant plus que le nombre de consommateurs électriques dans les véhicules est en constante augmentation. Il est nécessaire de concevoir un groupe-motopropulseur électrique alliant autonomie et performances en considérant les contraintes de coût auxquelles est confronté tout constructeur.Concernant les outils de conception, très nombreux sont les constructeurs qui s’orientent vers d’autres solutions que la réalisation de prototypes en faisant appel à la simulation numérique dès le début du cycle en V pour optimiser leur prédimensionnement et assurer un gain non négligeable sur les délais et les coûts. Les travaux de thèse s’articulent ainsi autour de deux axes. Une première étape consiste à modéliser le réseau électrique automobile (chaîne de traction, système de confort thermique et réseau 14V) afin de simuler son fonctionnement en régime dynamique. L’aspect dynamique est important : des cartographies de pertes ne peuvent suffire si nous nous intéressons aux performances du véhicule en termes d’accélérations. D’autre part, l’autonomie est impactée de façon non négligeable par cet aspect dynamique.Dans une seconde étape, nous procéderons à l’optimisation du système de puissance. Les critères qui nous intéressent, autonomie et performances, sont antagonistes, ce qui donne lieu à la recherche de « meilleurs » compromis. Nous distinguons l’optimisation des lois de pilotage des organes de l’optimisation de l’architecture, les deux étant menées séquentiellement. / In the current automobile trend of global CO2 emissions reduction, the electric vehicle seems to be one of the most effective solutions. It is a new technology and, consequently, many questions appear, in particular concerning the range impacted by the constant increase of the number of electric loads embedded in vehicles. It is necessary to design an electric powertain allying sufficient range and good performances and respecting cost constraints, which is a determining criterion for every car manufacturer. Concerning conception tools, many car manufacturers turn to other solutions that only physical prototypes realization by using numerical simulation from the beginning of the V-cycle in order to optimize powertrain presizing and ensure a significant costs and delays reduction.The thesis works are based on two axes.The first part consists in modeling the power system of electric vehicle (powertrain, air-conditioning, heating system and 14V network) in order to simulate the global system behavior in transient state. The dynamic aspect is important: for example, losses maps cannot be used if we are interested in vehicle performances in terms of accelerations. Moreover, as that will be shown, the vehicle range is impacted in a significant way by the dynamic phenomena. The models are validated by comparison with tests results.In a second part, we proceed to electric power system optimization. The criteria that interest us namely range and performances are conflicting, what gives rise in search of "best" compromises. It is necessary to distinguish control laws optimization from architecture optimization, both being led sequentially.

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