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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


呉, 志強, Wu, Zhiqiang, 曽我部, 雄次, Sogabe, Yoji, 畔上, 秀幸, Azegami, Hideyuki 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Avaliação de ferramenta para a escarificação do solo em camadas de forma simultânea / Assessment tool for soil chiseling in layers simultaneously

Gassen, José Renê Freitas 28 October 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The growing demand for energy that causes the increased traffic of agricultural machinery, larger and more robust, acts negatively on soil compaction, directly and indirectly affecting crop productivity, as many changes in soil physical attributes. As a potential technique to solve this problem has the chiseling, which promotes the disruption of these compacted layers, without causing the inversion of the soil, keeps the plant residues deposited on the surface, improves infiltration, the structure and porosity of the soil and thus facilitates erosion control. However this operation has a high demand for traction. Seeking a more efficient operation of scarification, ie, better utilization of energy, developed and evaluated a tool to break ground in layers simultaneously. For this purpose it was necessary to construct a Structure-Port Mobile Tools capable of performing experimental procedures resulting from the planned treatments. As a mobile source of power was used a Massey Ferguson tractor model MF 275 with 53 kW. The experiment was conducted in the Municipality of Capon Beautiful South, Rio Grande do Sul, in a clayey soil. As a general objective, we sought to answer the following questions: (i) is there any significant difference between chiseling in a single layer or more than one layer, considering the average horizontal force on the drawbar, the specific resistance and the average hourly fuel consumption as criteria for each level of speed? (Ii) how the deepening affects the average horizontal force in the drawbar? And (iii) acts as the advance on the soil area mobilized? Configurations were tested with chiseling of the soil in one, two and three layers, with variations in longitudinal distances between the tips of the spikes. The chiseling treatments in two concurrent 0,15 meters layers and longitudinal distance between the tip ends of 0,30 and 0,40 meters, with one in 0,10 meter of deepening and 0,30 meters advancing presented as the most promising. It was concluded at the end of this work, considering all the tested configurations, there are combinations of deepening, advancing and speed, which proved more efficient than chiseling a single layer. / A crescente demanda de energia que ocasiona o aumento do tráfego de máquinas agrícolas, maiores e mais robustas, atua negativamente na compactação do solo, afetando direta e indiretamente a produtividade das culturas, pois modifica diversos atributos físicos do solo. Como técnica potencial para solucionar este problema tem-se a escarificação, que promove o rompimento dessas camadas compactadas, sem ocasionar a inversão do solo, mantém os resíduos vegetais depositados na superfície, melhora a infiltração, a estrutura e a porosidade do solo e facilita assim o controle da erosão. Contudo esta operação apresenta elevada demanda de tração. Visando uma operação de escarificação mais eficiente, ou seja, com maior aproveitamento de energia, desenvolveu-se e avaliou-se uma ferramenta para o rompimento do solo em camadas, de forma simultânea. Para tanto foi necessária a construção de uma Estrutura Porta-Ferramentas Móvel, capaz de executar os procedimentos experimentais decorrentes dos tratamentos planejados. Como fonte móvel de potência foi utilizado um trator marca Massey Ferguson, Modelo MF 275 com 72 CV (53 kW) de potência. O experimento foi conduzido no Município de Capão Bonito do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, em um solo de textura muito argilosa. Como objetivo geral, buscou-se responder às seguintes perguntas: (i) existe alguma diferença significativa entre a escarificação em única camada ou em mais de uma camada, considerando a força horizontal média na barra de tração, a resistência específica e o consumo horário médio de combustível como critérios, para cada nível de velocidade? ; (ii) de que forma influi o aprofundamento (espessura das camadas) na força horizontal média na barra de tração? ; e (iii) como atua o avanço (distância longitudinal entre as ponteiras das hastes), sobre a área de solo mobilizada? Foram testadas configurações com escarificação do solo em uma, duas e três camadas, com variações nas distâncias longitudinais entre as pontas das ponteiras. Os tratamentos com escarificação em duas camadas simultâneas de quinze centímetros e distância longitudinal entre as pontas das ponteiras tanto de trinta quanto de quarenta centímetros, juntamente com aquele com aprofundamento de dez e avanço de trinta centímetros apresentaram-se como mais promissores. Concluiu-se ao final deste trabalho, considerando todas as configurações testadas, que existem combinações de aprofundamento, avanço e velocidade, que revelaram-se mais eficientes que a escarificação em camada única.

The Influence of Substrate Elasticity and Shear Rate on Human Blood Platelet Contraction / Time Resolved Data Acquisition, Microfluidic Designs and Algorithms

Hanke, Jana 20 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Elaboration et caractérisation de membranes nanofibreuses electrospinnées : influence de la rhéologie des polymères, de la structuration du réseau de fibres et de ses propriétés mécaniques / Processing and characterisation of electrospun nanofibrous membranes : influence of polymer Rheology , structuration of fiber network and its mechanical properties

Aljaber, Khula Ganhi jahsim 21 June 2017 (has links)
Electrospinning, un procédé original de mise en forme de polymère par application d'un champ électrique élevé, est largement utilisé pour la synthèse de membranes non tissées nanofibreuses. Les membranes électrospinnées ont une forte porosité et un rapport surface / volume élevé. En effet, ces matériaux ont suscité beaucoup d'intérêt et d'études au cours des dernières décennies, ce qui ouvre la voie à de nombreuses applications telles que la détection, l'ingénierie tissulaire ou la livraison de médicaments. La recherche actuelle vise à avoir des membranes fibreuses avec une architecture contrôlée utilisant différents types de collecteurs.Le développement de nanofibres à base de biopolymères et une stratégie thérapeutique pour la régénération des tissus mous.Le premier objectif de cette thèse était de développer de nouveaux matériaux biocompatibles et bio résorbables à l'aide de fibres à l'échelle nanométrique obtenues par électrospinning. En outre, cette étude a examiné l'influence de la viscosité, de la concentration et de la tension superficielle des solutions de polymère sur les fibres obtenues. En outre, le débit, la tension appliquée et les paramètres environnementaux (température et humidité) ont également été optimisés au cours de la production de nanofibres.Les fibres ont été obtenues à partir de PEO, polymère biocompatible. C'est un polymère linéaire qui se compose de segments éthylène et éther [-CH2CH2O-]n. L'oxyde d'éther peut être utilisé pour interagir avec des espèces hydrophiles. En raison de sa solubilité dans l'eau, sa non-toxicité et sa capacité à être électrospinné, le PEO a été utilisé comme additif dans des solutions de biopolymères pour permettre la formation d'électrodes fibreuses. La résistance mécanique du PEO dépend de la masse moléculaire, de la conformation des chaînes polymères et de la taille des fibres ainsi que la structure du réseau.Le deuxième effort majeur de cette thèse s'est concentré sur le contrôle des mailles fibreuses. Une telle activité de recherche est justifiée par l'influence attendue de la morphologie du réseau de fibres sur les propriétés mécaniques des membranes et leur caractère biomimétique qui favorise la colonisation et la croissance des cellules du tissu hôte. Le contrôle de cette structure a été réalisé grâce au développement de collecteurs.L'objectif de la thèse est de fabriquer des structures fibreuses non tissées aléatoires et structurées par electrospinning. Ces structures fibreuses sont obtenues à partir de Poly (oxyde d'éthylène), PEO, en solutions à différentes concentrations et masses moléculaires.Le dépôt de fibres est réalisé sur deux types de collecteurs: a) Feuille d'aluminium, b) Collecteur micro-structuré (dimension 3 × 3 cm). Les analyses morphologiques des membranes ont été menées à l'aide d'une microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB) et leurs propriétés mécaniques sous traction ont été réalisées à l'aide du rhéomètre ARESG2.La morphologie des matériaux electrospinnées passe graduellement d'une structure de type perles à des fibres uniformes lorsque la concentration et la masse moléculaire augmentent. Une étude comparative des propriétés morphologiques et mécaniques (essai de traction) des deux structures fibreuses a été réalisée. Cette étude a montré qu'il est possible d'avoir une distribution de fibres formant une cellule primitive très uniforme dans un réseau de dimension 3 × 3 cm. Ce réseau structuré a une contrainte à la rupture plus importante que celle du réseau fibreux aléatoire obtenu conventionnellement avec une feuille d'aluminium. / Electrospinning, an original polymer process under high electric fields to produce a network of thin fiber having a micrometer diameter, is widely used for the synthesis of nanofibrous non-woven membranes. The fabricated electrospun membranes have a high porosity and a high surface to volume ratio. Indeed, they reveal much interest and have been much developed in the last decades, which paves the way for numerous applications such as sensing, tissue engineering or drug delivery. Current research aims to have fibrous membranes with a controlled architecture using various types of collectors.This thesis is part of a global and emerging project that focuses on the production of structured scaffolds nanofibers based on biopolymers and dedicated to the therapeutic strategy for the regeneration of soft tissues.In the present work, the first focus was to develop new biocompatible and bioresorbable materials composed of nanoscale fibers obtained by electrospinning. In addition, this study examined the influence of viscosity, concentration, and surface tension of PEO solutions on the obtained fibers. Further, the flow rate, applied voltage and environmental parameters (temperature and humidity) were also optimized in the course of nanofibers production.Biocompatible fibers have been obtained by using PEO. It is a linear polymer that consists of ethylene and ether segments [-CH2CH2O-]n. The ether oxygen allows this polymer to interact with other hydrophilic species, while the ethylene part participates in hydrophobic interactions. Due to its water solubility, non-toxicity and electrospinn ability, PEO has been used as an additive in biopolymer solutions to enable the formation of electrospun fibers. The mechanical strength of the PEO depended on the molecular weight, the conformation of the polymer chains and the fiber scale, the structure of the network.The second major effort of this thesis focused on the control of the mesh fibers. Such research activity is justified by the expected influence of the morphology of the fiber network on the mechanical properties of scaffolds and their biomimetic character that could favor the colonization and growth of the cells of the host tissue. The control of this structure has been achieved through the development of collectors.The objective of this project is making non-woven fibrous structures in uncontrolled architecture as well as non-woven with controlled architecture by using the electrospinning process. These fibrous structures are obtained from Poly(ethylene oxide), PEO, solutions with different concentration and molecular weight. The deposit of fibers is made on two types of collectors: a) Aluminum foil, b) micro-structured collector (dimension 3×3 cm). The morphological analyses of the membranes were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and their mechanical properties were characterized by tensile test using the ARESG2 rheometer. The morphology of the electrospun polymer gradually changes from beads to uniform fibers with increasing polymer concentration and molecular weight. A comparative study of the morphological and mechanical (tensile test) properties, of both fibrous structures is performed. This study showed that it is possible to have a distribution of fiber forming a very uniform primitive cell in a network of dimension 3×3 cm. This structured network has a strain at the break more important than that for the network fibers, which are collected on Aluminum foil.

Estudo de um atuador planar de indução

Baggio Filho, Nolvi Francisco January 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata do estudo, análise, construção e teste de uma nova configuração para um atuador planar. O dispositivo, que apresenta uma movimentação sobre o plano com dois graus de liberdade a partir de um único dispositivo de tração, é formado por um carro, também chamado de primário, que apresenta dois enrolamentos trifásicos independentes, ortogonais entre si, montados em um núcleo ranhurado de material compósito magneticamente macio de grão isolado; e por um estator, também chamado de secundário, formado por uma chapa de alumínio plana montada sobre um núcleo ferromagnético igualmente plano, formando a área de trabalho ou de movimentação do primário. Através de um acionamento trifásico, os enrolamentos produzem campos magnéticos viajantes, fazendo com que correntes elétricas induzidas apareçam nos materiais eletricamente condutores do secundário. A interação entre os campos magnéticos e as correntes induzidas proporciona o aparecimento de uma força planar de propulsão na direção do campo magnético viajante, responsável pelo deslocamento do primário sobre a área de trabalho, definida pelo secundário. O atuador apresenta uma distribuição espacial da densidade de fluxo magnético em toda a sua estrutura. Este trabalho preocupa-se em analisar analítica, numérica e experimentalmente os fenômenos eletromagnéticos envolvidos, tanto em regime estático como dinâmico. O emprego de duas configurações para o secundário, utilizados separadamente, é investigado: no caso 1 é montado um núcleo de material ferromagnético sobre o qual é colocada uma chapa de alumínio; já no caso 2, é retirado o alumínio do conjunto, mantendo-se o mesmo material ferromagnético, a saber, aço maciço 1020. Uma análise estática e dinâmica, a partir do método dos elementos finitos tornou possível a verificação da densidade de fluxo magnético no entreferro e da distribuição da densidade de corrente elétrica induzidas nos materiais do secundário em função da excitação trifásica dos enrolamentos do primário, bem como a obtenção dos seus efeitos sobre a força planar de propulsão, considerando as duas configurações propostas para o estator. Além disso, pode-se comparar esses resultados, direta ou indiretamente, como os resultados analíticos e experimentais obtidos. Esses resultados apontam que existem diferenças significativas na utilização das duas configurações, indicando que o caso 1, quando utilizado de maneira adequada no sistema, produz uma melhor resposta de força em função da excitação elétrica. / The present work presents the study, analysis, implementation and test of a new type of planar actuator, the induction planar actuator with orthogonal windings. The device, which presents movement over the plan with two degrees of freedom from a unique traction device, is formed by a car, also called primary, which presents two three-phase independent winding, orthogonal among each other, assembled on a slotted core made of grain insulated soft magnetic composite material and by a stator, also called secondary, formed by an aluminum plate assembled over a plan ferromagnetic core equally plan, forming a work area or of primary movement. Through the three-phase operation drive, the windings produce traveling magnetic fields, having the electric induced current to appear at the electrically conductor materials of the secondary. The interaction between the magnetic fields and the induced currents provides the appearance of a planar traction force towards the traveling magnetic field, responsible for the displacement of the primary over the work area, defined by the secondary. The actuator presents magnetic flow density spatial distribution in all its structure. This paper is concerned about analyzing analytically, numerically and experimentally the phenomena involved as in steady as dynamic state. The employment of two settings to the secondary used separately is argued: in case 1 a ferromagnetic core is assembled over which is placed an aluminum plate; in case 2 the aluminum is taken off the setting, maintaining the same ferromagnetic material (steel 1020). Dynamic and statics analysis, from the finite elements method, made the verification of the magnetic flux density possible in the air gap and the distribution of the electric current density induced on the material of the secondary due to the three-phase excitation of the winding of the primary, as well as the obtainment of its effects over the planar traction force, regarding the two settings proposed for the stator. Besides, it’s possible to compare these results, direct or indirectly as analytical and experimental results obtained. These results point the there are meaningful differences at both settings, indicating that case 1, when used adequately in the system, produces better force response due to the electric excitation.

Étude et modélisation des interactions électriques entre les engins et les installations fixes de traction électrique 25kV/50Hz / Study of harmonics and low frequency interactions between advanced rail vehicles and the 25kV/50Hz power supply

Suarez Diaz, Julian Andres 17 December 2014 (has links)
Depuis un demi-siècle, le développement de la traction électrique ferroviaire en courant monophasé en France s'est appuyé sur les progrès réalisés aussi bien au niveau des installations fixes de traction qu'au niveau du matériel roulant. Toutefois, au cours des deux dernières décennies, l'augmentation du trafic et l'introduction de locomotives avec des chaines de traction innovantes ont été à l'origine de phénomènes électriques qui se sont avérés néfastes pour l'exploitation du système. Les premiers phénomènes observés ont été à l'origine de dégâts matériels à bord de locomotives. Il s'agissait de surtensions résultant d'une interaction défavorable entre l'impédance interne de l'infrastructure et les harmoniques générés par les engins moteurs équipés de redresseurs à thyristors. Plus récemment, suite à l'introduction massive d'engins équipés de redresseurs à absorption sinusoïdale de courant, un phénomène de modulation très basse fréquence de la tension caténaire est apparu et a provoqué la mise hors tension des locomotives voire la disjonction de la sous station alimentant le secteur concerné. Ceci constitue aujourd'hui un obstacle majeur à l'utilisation généralisée de la nouvelle technologie à bord des engins. Ces perturbations affectent l'exploitation du système en entrainant généralement des retards voire des annulations de circulation. Elles peuvent aussi dégrader la qualité d'énergie du réseau d'électricité amont à un niveau tel que la sous-station d'alimentation doit être déconnectée. La direction de l'ingénierie de la SNCF a donc pris des dispositions pour comprendre puis éviter l'apparition des phénomènes observés. Une collaboration interne entre le centre d'ingénierie du matériel et la division des installations fixes de traction électrique ainsi qu'un partenariat avec le LAPLACE ont été mis en place. Le présent document est le fruit de cette collaboration. L'objectif de cette thèse est donc d'étudier et de modéliser les interactions entre les engins et les installations fixes de traction sur le réseau français 25kV/50Hz. Ce manuscrit comporte deux parties principales qui s'organisent ainsi : La première partie est consacrée à l'étude du phénomène de modulation très basse fréquence de la tension caténaire. Les modèles des deux principaux composants du système sont d'abord présentés. Les études ainsi menés permettent de comprendre l'origine du phénomène, puis ensuite de développer une méthode de caractérisation des engins permettant de retrouver les limites de stabilité dans les secteurs problématiques du réseau ferré. Ceci nous a conduit à proposer une représentation générale des locomotives modernes sous forme d'une matrice admittance qu'il est possible d'obtenir par une mesure directe sur des engins réels. La deuxième partie concerne l'étude des interactions harmoniques à l'origine de surtensions sur la caténaire. L'analyse systématique du phénomène est basée sur des outils de simulation de circuits électroniques de puissance utilisant une bibliothèque de modèles élémentaires. La première étape consiste à développer un modèle « moyenne fréquence » du réseau d'alimentation afin de mettre en évidence les fréquences de résonance de l'ensemble ligne/sous-station. La deuxième étape consiste à modéliser les locomotives afin de prendre en compte leur réponse harmonique. Au final, il devient possible de savoir si un engin donné va générer des déformations de la tension en vérifiant si l'une des composantes harmoniques du courant absorbé coïncide avec une des résonances caractéristique du circuit d'alimentation. Pour compléter cette deuxième partie, une modélisation plus fine, intégrant l'effet de peau et l'effet de proximité est abordée. Elle s'appuie sur la caractérisation expérimentale en moyenne fréquence d'un transformateur 50Hz. Ceci nous permet de vérifier l'influence de ces phénomènes sur le comportement fréquentiel du réseau d'alimentation. / For a half a century, the increasing development of AC electrical traction railway networks in France relied on the progress made in the infrastructure power supply an in the rolling stock. However, over the past two decades, increased traffic and the introduction of modern locomotives were the cause of electrical phenomena that have proven harmful to the operation of the railway network. The first events that occurred induced serious faults on board locomotives. It was overvoltages resulting from unfavourable interaction between the internal impedance of the infrastructure and the harmonics generated by the electrical vehicles using thyristor controlled rectifiers. More recently, with the massive introduction of active front-end locomotives, problems of low frequency oscillations and instability were observed causing power off locomotives or disjunction of the sector sub-station. The objective of this thesis is to study and model the interactions between locomotives and fixed installations for electric traction on the French rail network 25kV/50Hz. This script has two main parts, which organized as follows: The first part is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of very low frequency modulation of the catenary voltage. The models of the two main components of the system, namely the single-phase power and the active front-end locomotives are first presented. Studies conducted this way, help to understand the origin of the phenomenon and then to develop a method to characterize the vehicle to find the stability limits in problems sectors of the rail network. This led us to propose a general representation of modern locomotives as an admittance matrix that can be obtained by direct measurement on real machines. The second part is the study of harmonic interactions causing overvoltages on the catenary. Systematic analysis of the phenomenon is based on simulation tools of power electronics circuits using a collection of specific elementary models. The first step consists in developing a “medium frequency” model of the power network in order to highlight the resonance and anti-resonance frequencies of the line/sub-station set. The second step is to model locomotives to take into account their harmonic response. In the end, it becomes possible to know whether a particular machine will generate deformations of the catenary voltage, by checking if any of the harmonic components of the consumed current coincides with one of the characteristic resonances of the traction electric circuit. To complete the second part, a more detailed model is discussed incorporating physical phenomena that occur with an increasing frequency (skin effect in the insulted conductors or proximity effect between conductors).It is based on the experimental characterization on medium frequency of a 50Hz transformer. This allows us to check the influence of these phenomena on the frequency behaviour of the supply network.

Estudo prospectivo da correção da má-oclusão de Classe II, divisão 1ª com forças ortopédicas por meio de aparelho extrabucal de tração cervical e expansão rápida da maxila

Farias, Aguinaldo Coelho de [UNESP] 29 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:33:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-10-29Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:05:10Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 farias_ac_dr_araca.pdf: 7772446 bytes, checksum: d72f25c93e09f3c730b41f634d9cc7ea (MD5) / Neste trabalho foram avaliadas as alterações esqueléticas e dentárias ocorridas após o tratamento da má-oclusão de classe II, divisão1ª, com a utilização do aparelho extrabucal com tração cervical tipo Kloehn (KHG), forças ortopédicas e expansão rápida da maxila. O tratamento foi realizado em 28 pacientes com idade cronológica entre 9 anos e 6 meses e 11 anos completos e maturação das vértebras cervicais nos estágios de iniciação (12 pacientes), aceleração (10 pacientes) ou transição (6 pacientes), os quais foram avaliados por meio de cefalometria de Ricketts em telerradiografias em norma lateral nas fases pré-tratamento (T1), pós-tratamento ou após a correção da relação molar (T2) e 12 meses pós-tratamento (T3). Após a análise estatística realizada pelo teste de Newman-Keuls para comparações múltiplas e análise de variância (P<0,05%), os resultados mostraram que não houve deslocamento posterior da maxila, mas o deslocamento anterior foi inibido. O crescimento mandibular normal e a concomitante inibição do deslocamento anterior da maxila contribuíram para a obtenção de uma relação molar de Classe I. Houve movimento distal dentoalveolar dos caninos e molares superiores. A expansão maxilar previamente à utilização do AEB com forças ortopédicas não contribuiu para o movimento posterior da maxila. O tempo médio para a correção da relação molar foi de 6 meses. / This study evaluated the skeletal and dental changes after Class II, Division 1 malocclusion treatment with Kloehn cervical headgear (KHG), orthopedics forces and previous maxillary expansion. The sample consisted of 28 subjects, all with chronological ages between 9 years and 6 months and 11 years and Cervical Vertebral Maturation (CVM) at the stages initiation (12 subjects), acceleration (10 subjects) or transition (6 subjects). Ricketts lateral cephalograms were taken at three phases: pretreatment (T1), posttreatment or after the correction of the molar relation (T2) and 12 months posttreatment (T3). Statistical analysis was performed with the test of Newman-Keuls for multiple comparisons and analysis of variance (P<0.05%) to determine the skeletal and dental changes. Results demonstrated that the maxilla was not displaced posteriorly, but its anterior displacement was inhibited. The normal mandibular growth and the inhibition of the anterior displacement of the maxilla contributed for the achievement of the Class I molar relationship. Cuspids and upper molars dentoalveolar distal movement were found. Maxillary expansion previously to the use of KHG with orthopedics forces did not contribute for the posterior maxillary movement. The average time for molar correction was six months.

Efeitos dentários dos aparelhos extrabucais removíveis no tratamento da Classe II /

Araujo, Milena Andrade. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Ary dos Santos Pinto / Banca: Marcio Rodrigues de Almeida / Banca: Lídia Parsekian Martins / Resumo: Os aparelhos extrabucais removíveis são indicados no tratamento da Classe II divisão 1 de Angle com protrusão maxilar e atuam promovendo mudanças esqueléticas e dentoalveolares. Na primeira parte do trabalho, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática com o objetivo de avaliar as informações existentes a respeito dos efeitos dentários destes aparelhos. A literatura analisada revelou que os aparelhos extrabucais removíveis promovem aumento das distâncias intermolares e intercaninos, superiores e inferiores, aumento do comprimento do arco superior, diminuição do comprimento do arco inferior, aumento do perímetro do arco superior, diminuição do overjet e aumento do overbite, além de melhora na relação de molares. Dos estudos selecionados, apenas um realizou medidas em modelos de estudo em pacientes tratados com aparelhos extrabucais removíveis. Na segunda parte do trabalho foi realizada uma pesquisa com o objetivo de avaliar as mudanças na forma e dimensão dos arcos dentários em pacientes tratados com o aparelho extrabucal de Thurow modificado. Para este estudo foram obtidos modelos de estudo de uma amostra de dezessete pacientes com idade média de 8,8 anos tratados com o aparelho extrabucal de Thurow modificado, sendo os modelos obtidos ao início (T1) e após 1 ano de tratamento (T2). Um grupo controle pareado foi gerado a partir da amostra obtida por Moyers et al em 1976. A análise estatística demonstrou que o aparelho promoveu alterações significativas nas dimensões dos arcos superior e inferior e no relacionamento entre os arcos. Além disso os pacientes do Grupo Tratado após 1 ano de tratamento apresentavam-se mais próximos da normalidade, se aproximando dos valores observados no Grupo Controle, demonstrando a melhora do relacionamento maxilomandibular com o uso do aparelho extrabucal de Thurow modificado. / Abstract: Removable extraoral appliances are indicated on the treatment of Angle Class II Division 1 malocclusion with maxilar protrusion and promote skeletal and dentoalveolar changes. On the first part of the study, a systematic review was conducted with the aim to evaluate information regarding dental effects of those appliances. The analysed literature related that removable extraoral appliances promoted an increase on intermolar and intercanine distances, upper and lower, an increase of upper arch depth, a decrease of lower arch depth, an increase of upper arch perimeter, decrease of overjet, increase of overbite and also an improvement on molar relationship. Of the reviewed studies, only one used cast models to evaluate the changes on dental arches of pacients treated with removable extraoral appliances. On the second part of the study, a research was conducted with the aim to evaluate shape and dimensions changes on dental arches of patients treated with modified Thurow extraoral appliance. For this study cast models of seventeen patients treated with modified Thurow extraoral appliance and with average age of 8.8 years old were obtained on the beggining (T1) and after 1 year of treatment (T2). A paired control group was generated using Moyers et al sample from 1976. The statistical analysis showed that the appliance promoted significative changes on upper and lower arch dimensions and on relationship between arches Furthermore, after 1 year of treatment the group of treated patients were closer to normality, approaching to the values observated on Control Group demonstrating the improvement of maxilomandibular relationship with the use of modified Thurow extraoral appliance. / Mestre


Antoniazzi, Simone Pippi 28 February 2011 (has links)
Introduction: Treatment with Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME) and Facemask Therapy (FM) has been reported as one of the most effective forms of treatment for patients with Class III malocclusion, with maxillary involvement. Objective: To evaluate the cephalometric changes in the facial tegumentary in patients with malocclusion of skeletal Class III with maxillary retrusion, with greater or less extent, immediately after orthopaedic therapy, with RME/FM. Methods: The treatments with RME/FM were performed by a single operator in a suitably selected sample (10 girls and 6 boys), whose the initial and final data were collected on two times (T0 and T1), evaluating cephalometric parameters and soft tissue. The experimental phase lasted about 12 months. The data were analyzed and compared statistically (Wilcoxon Test - SPSS 13.0), through descriptive analysis, on changes in facial tissue and bone, and dental conditions. Results: A significant increase in maxillary forward growth, inhibition of mandibular forward growth, and clockwise rotation of the mandible were observed. The maxillary incisors were significantly proclined and the mandibular incisors significantly retroclined. Conclusion: Changes produced in the midface were clinically and cephalometric observed, demonstrating anterior displacement of maxilla and point "A", improvement in facial convexity, correction of the anterior crossbite, increase in the overbite and overjet. However, more studies are needed, since the information in the literature are still inconclusive, given the divergent findings and consensus between authors. / Introdução: O tratamento Ortodôntico com Expansão Rápida da Maxila (ERM) e Tração Reversa (TR) tem sido descrito na literatura como uma das mais eficazes formas de tratamento, para pacientes portadores de má oclusão de Classe III, com envolvimento maxilar. Objetivo: Avaliar as alterações cefalométricas e no tegumento da facial, em pacientes portadores de má oclusão de Classe III esquelética, com retrusão maxilar em maior ou menor grau, imediatamente após o tratamento com ERM/TR. Metodologia: Os tratamentos com ERM/TR foram realizados pelo pesquisador, em uma amostra convenientemente selecionada, sem distinção de gênero (10 meninas e 6 meninos), jovens, com necessidade de tratamento, onde os dados iniciais e finais foram coletados em dois momentos (T0 e T1), avaliando parâmetros cefalométricos ósseos e de tecidos moles. O período experimental foi de aproximadamente 12 meses. Os resultados foram analisados e comparados estatisticamente (Teste de Wilcoxon - SPSS 13.0), por meio de análises descritivas, quanto às alterações ósseas e no tegumento facial, e quanto às modificações dentárias. Resultados: Significante aumento no crescimento anterior da maxila, limitação do crescimento anterior da mandíbula, rotação mandibular no sentido horário. Incisivos maxilares foram significativamente proclinados e incisivos mandibulares retroinclinados. Conclusão: As alterações produzidas na face média foram clinica e cefalometricamente observadas, demonstrando anteriorização da maxila e do ponto A , melhora na convexidade facial, correção do cruzamento anterior, viabilização de sobremordida e sobressaliência positivas. Entretanto, mais estudos são necessários, visto que as informações existentes na literatura ainda são pouco conclusivas, dadas as divergências de achados e de consenso entre autores.

Martensita induzida por deformação a temperatura ambiente na liga de 3,5Ni 1V 13,8Al Cu com efeito, memória de forma / MARTENSITE INDUCED BY DEFORMATION AT ROOM TEMPERATURE IN THE ALLOY OF 3,5Ni-1V-13,8Al-Cu WITH SHAPE MEMORY EFFECT

Guedes, Nilmário Galdino 28 October 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-08T14:59:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 parte1.pdf: 2223950 bytes, checksum: 585473348fd57251708f0ba93240c53b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-10-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The presented work consists of a study for observation of the martensite kept in the transformation of martensite phase - austenite in a alloy of Ni - Al - V, with memory shape effect, into, a room temperature. We defined that the alloy with composition the 3,5% (in weigh) of nickel, presents better results when happens successive loading and downloading cancel though, 3,0% of deformation into a room temperature, back to austenite phase after retreat the load. Above 3,0% of deformation became evident the appearance of retrain martensite. For her identification it was necessary the development of on equipment to traction, as well as bodies of proofs dimensioned for that. The analyses were done through X rays diffraction of optical microscopy and rehearsal of traction. / O trabalho apresentado consta de um estudo para observação da martensita retida na transformação de fase de martensita austenita em uma liga de Ni Al V, com efeito de memória de forma, a temperatura ambiente. Definimos que a liga com composição 3,5% (em peso) de níquel, apresenta melhor resultado quando submetida a carregamento e descarregamento sucessivos; chegando a 3,0% de deformação a temperatura ambiente, retornando ao estado austenítico depois de retirada a carga. Acima de 3,0% de deformação, evidencia-se o surgimento de martensita retida. Para sua identificação, foi necessária a confecção de um equipamento para tracionar, como também corpos de prova dimensionados para tanto. As observações foram realizadas através de análises de raios X, microscopia ótica e ensaios de tração.

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