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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring the role of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal and mitochondrial dysfunction in diabetic neuropathy

Akude, Eli Kwaku 07 March 2011 (has links)
In diabetes hyperglycemia and lack of insulin signaling are key factors in the induction of diabetic sensory neuropathy. The combination of these factors in diabetes may enhance oxidative stress and trigger distal nerve damage in the peripheral nervous system. The link between elevated reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels and nerve degeneration is not clear. We tested the hypothesis that elevation of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE) induced by oxidative stress in diabetes impairs mitochondrial activity and axonal regeneration in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. Also, we investigated the association between mitochondrial dysfunction and altered mitochondrial proteome in the axons of streptozotocin–induced diabetic rats. Research design and methods. Cultured adult rat DRG sensory neurons were treated exogenously with 4-HNE, and cell survival, axonal morphology, and level of axon outgrowth assessed. Western blot and fluorescence imaging were used to determine changes in the levels of adducts of 4-HNE and abnormalities in the mitochondria. Proteomic analysis using stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) determined expression of proteins in the mitochondria. Results. 4-HNE impaired axonal regeneration, mitochondrial activity and induced aberrant axonal structures along the axons, which mimicked axon pathology observed in nerve isolated from diabetic rats and replicated aspects of neurodegeneration observed in human diabetic neuropathy. Proteins associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative phosphorylation and biosynthesis were down regulated in diabetic samples. The axons of diabetic neurons exhibited oxidative stress and depolarized mitochondria. CNTF and resveratrol reversed abnormalities in the mitochondrial membrane potential induced by diabetes and treatment of neurons with 4-HNE. CONCLUSIONS. Elevation of 4-HNE levels in diabetes was associated with impaired mitochondrial function and might be an important link between increased ROS levels and nerve degeneration in diabetic neuropathy. Abnormal mitochondrial function correlated with a down-regulation of mitochondrial proteins, with components of the respiratory chain targeted in lumbar DRG in diabetes. The reduced activity of the respiratory chain was associated with diminished superoxide generation within the mitochondrial matrix and did not contribute to oxidative stress in axons of diabetic neurons.

Nestechiometrinio titano oksido, gauto vandens garų plazmoje, elektrinių savybių tyrimas / Electrical properties investigation of non-stoichiometric titanium oxide obtained by water vapor plasma treatment

Girdzevičius, Dalius 02 February 2012 (has links)
Titano dioksidas, pasižymintis unikaliomis fizikinėmis bei cheminėmis savybėmis, yra gerai žinoma, plačiai naudojama bei tyrinėjama medžiaga. Tiriant TiO2 elektrines savybes, galima gauti informacijos, kokios naujos medžiagos fazės formuojasi plonasluoksnėse dangose. Elektrinė titano dioksido varža priklauso nuo bandinio stechiometriškumo, nusakančio vyraujančius defektus bei laidumo tipą. Siekiant gauti norimų savybių plonasluoksnes dangas, būtina atsižvelgti į bandinių paruošimo ir gamybos procesus. Bandinių nusodinimui naudojama vakuuminė užnešimo technika leidžia kontroliuoti procesus, lemiančius dangos savybes. Šiame darbe buvo atliekama literatūros analizė apie elektrines TiO2 savybes bei įvairių faktorių įtaką šio parametro kitimui. Taip pat atkreiptas dėmesys į plonasluoksnių struktūrų nusodinimą, naudojant fizikinį dangų nusodinimą iš garų fazės (PVD). Paviršinės TiO2 varžos tyrimas buvo atliekamas panaudojant 4 zondų metodą. / Titanium dioxide is well known, widely used and investigated material that shows unique physical and chemical properties. Investigations of TiO2 electrical conductivity gives an information about the new phases formed in thin films. Surface resistance of titanium dioxide depends on sample‘s stoichiometry and it shows predominant defects and type of conductivity being in the thin film structure. It is very important to pay an attention into processes of sample‘s preparation and formation technique in order to get thin films with desirable properties. Thin films were formed using vacuum deposition technique. There has been done a scientific literature survey in order to know the main factors that causes changes of TiO2 electrical properties in this work. An attention was paid into deposition of thin film structures using physical vapor deposition (PVD) technique as well. Measurements of TiO2 surface resistance were done using four probe method.

Det förstärkta laglottsskyddet : En utredning av gällande rätt avseende 7:4 ÄB

Bäck, Daniel, Östman, Robert January 2014 (has links)
Uppsatsen behandlar det förstärkta laglottsskyddet i 7:4 ÄB som är en viktig del av den svenska successionsrätten samtidigt som den är svår att tillämpa i praktiken. Det är därför av vikt att bringa klarhet i detta komplexa rättsområde. Syftet med uppsatsen är därav att utreda gällande rätt kring denna rättsregel och påvisa samt analysera de praktiska tillämpningssvårigheter rättsregeln ger upphov till för domstolen med avsikt att undersöka om den är i behov av en reform av något slag. För att uppnå detta syfte används en rättsdogmatisk metod, där rättspraxis har en framträdande betydelse i uppsatsen. När någon avlider ska dennes kvarlåtenskap fördelas genom den legala arvsordningen om inget testamente har upprättats. En arvlåtare kan fritt testamentera bort den ena halvan av arvslotten medan den andra halvan utgörs av bröstarvingarnas laglott. En bröstarvinge är alltid berättigad att utfå sin laglott, vilket föranleder att en bröstarvinge kan påkalla jämkning av ett testamente som inskränker hens laglott. Det förstärkta laglottsskyddet ger bröstarvingar ett ytterligare laglottsskydd. Rättsregeln aktualiseras när en arvlåtare har bortgivit egendom under sådana omständigheter eller på sådana villkor att gåvan är att likställa med testamente och särskilda skäl ej föreligger. Om gåvan inskränker en bröstarvinges laglott ska gåvan återbäras till dödsboet. Kan gåvan inte återbäras ska ersättning motsvarande gåvans värde utgå. I rättsregelns ordalydelse återfinns tre stycken vaga rekvisit, vars innebörd har utkristalliserats i rättspraxis. Domstolen har därav tolkat vad som innefattas i begreppet gåva, vad som ska likställas med testamente samt när särskilda skäl ska anses föreligga. Vid en tillämpning av rättsregeln måste domstolen således beakta dessa vaga rekvisit, som till sist utmynnar i en subjektiv bedömning. Med det i beaktande och i samband med att vissa situationer faller utanför rättsregelns tillämpningsområde, vore det önskvärt med en reform avseende det förstärkta laglottsskyddet. / The thesis discuss the reinforced statutory share of inheritance in the 7th chapter 4 § ÄB, which is an important part of the Swedish inheritance law but likewise difficult to implement practically. It is therefore important to clarify this complex branch of law. The purpose of the thesis is to examine applicable law concerning the legal rule and to detect and analyze the practical implementation difficulties that occur for the court in order to examine if the legal rule is in need of a reformation. To achieve this purpose, a legal dogmatic method is utilized; where case-law have a prominent part of the thesis. When someone passes away, his estate shall be allocated through the legal rule of inheritance if a will has not been created. A devisor freely can bequeath one half of the share of inheritance, while the other half constitutes the direct heirs statutory share of inheritance. A direct heir is always entitled to obtain his statutory share of inheritance, which means that a direct heir can claim a will that circumscribes his statutory share of inheritance. The reinforced statutory share of inheritance gives additional protection of the statutory share of inheritance for direct heirs. The legal rule is actualized if a devisor gives property away during circumstances or upon such terms that the bequest is equivalent with a will and special reasons does not apply. If the bequest circumscribes a direct heirs’ statutory share of inheritance, the bequest shall be refunded to the estate. If the bequest cannot be refunded, remuneration corresponding to the bequest shall be reimbursed. The legal rules’ wording consists of three vague necessary conditions, whose meaning has been crystalized by case-law. The court has therefore interpreted what the term bequest is contained of, what is equivalent with a will and when special reasons shall apply. The court must therefore pay attention to these vague necessary conditions when the legal rule is applied practically, which finally results in a subjective judging. With that in mind and that some situations is not regulated within the legal rule, it would be desirable with a reformation regarding the reinforced statutory share of inheritance.

Exploring the role of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal and mitochondrial dysfunction in diabetic neuropathy

Akude, Eli Kwaku 07 March 2011 (has links)
In diabetes hyperglycemia and lack of insulin signaling are key factors in the induction of diabetic sensory neuropathy. The combination of these factors in diabetes may enhance oxidative stress and trigger distal nerve damage in the peripheral nervous system. The link between elevated reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels and nerve degeneration is not clear. We tested the hypothesis that elevation of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE) induced by oxidative stress in diabetes impairs mitochondrial activity and axonal regeneration in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. Also, we investigated the association between mitochondrial dysfunction and altered mitochondrial proteome in the axons of streptozotocin–induced diabetic rats. Research design and methods. Cultured adult rat DRG sensory neurons were treated exogenously with 4-HNE, and cell survival, axonal morphology, and level of axon outgrowth assessed. Western blot and fluorescence imaging were used to determine changes in the levels of adducts of 4-HNE and abnormalities in the mitochondria. Proteomic analysis using stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) determined expression of proteins in the mitochondria. Results. 4-HNE impaired axonal regeneration, mitochondrial activity and induced aberrant axonal structures along the axons, which mimicked axon pathology observed in nerve isolated from diabetic rats and replicated aspects of neurodegeneration observed in human diabetic neuropathy. Proteins associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative phosphorylation and biosynthesis were down regulated in diabetic samples. The axons of diabetic neurons exhibited oxidative stress and depolarized mitochondria. CNTF and resveratrol reversed abnormalities in the mitochondrial membrane potential induced by diabetes and treatment of neurons with 4-HNE. CONCLUSIONS. Elevation of 4-HNE levels in diabetes was associated with impaired mitochondrial function and might be an important link between increased ROS levels and nerve degeneration in diabetic neuropathy. Abnormal mitochondrial function correlated with a down-regulation of mitochondrial proteins, with components of the respiratory chain targeted in lumbar DRG in diabetes. The reduced activity of the respiratory chain was associated with diminished superoxide generation within the mitochondrial matrix and did not contribute to oxidative stress in axons of diabetic neurons.

Standardization of the Colombian version of the PHQ-4 in the general population

Kocalevent, Rüya-Daniela, Finck, Carolyn, Jimenez-Leal, William, Sautier, Leon, Hinz, Andreas 05 September 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Background: The PHQ-4 is a widely used open access screening instrument for depression and anxiety in different health care and community settings; however, empirical evidence of its psychometric quality in Colombia is lacking. The objectives of the current study were to generate normative data and to further investigate the construct validity and factorial structure of the PHQ-4 in the general population. Methods: A nationally representative face-to-face household survey was conducted in Colombia in 2012 (n = 1,500). The item characteristics of the PHQ-4 items, including the inter-item correlations and inter-subscale correlations, were investigated. To measure the scale’s reliability, the internal consistency (Cronbach’s α) was assessed. For factorial validity, the factor structure of the PHQ-4 was examined with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Results: The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the PHQ-4 was 0.84. The confirmatory factor analysis supported a two-factor model, which was structurally invariant between different age and gender groups. Normative data for the PHQ-4 were generated for both genders and different age levels. Women had significantly higher mean scores compared with men [1.4 (SD: 2.1) vs. 1.1 (SD: 1.9), respectively]. The results supported the discriminant validity of the PHQ-4. Conclusions: The normative data provide a framework for the interpretation and comparisons of the PHQ-4 with other populations in Colombia. The evidence supports the reliability and validity of the two-factor PHQ-4 as a measure of anxiety and depression in the general Colombian population.

Naujų 4-tiazolidinonų, turinčių sulfanilamido, alilamino ir nitrofurano farmakoforus, priešmikrobinių savybių tyrimas / New 4-thiazolidinones, containing sulfanilamide, allylamine and nitrofurane pharmacophores and evaluation of their antimicrobial activity

Ževžikovienė, Augusta 18 September 2012 (has links)
Klinikinėje praktikoje infekcinėms ligoms gydyti vartojama daugiau kaip 200 priešmikrobinių medžiagų, tačiau infekcinės ligos yra viena dažniausių mirties priežasčių ir naujų priešmikrobinių vaistų poreikis nemažėja. Modifikuojant 4-tiazolidinono žiedą susintetinami įvairaus biologinio aktyvumo junginiai. 4-tiazolidinono dariniai su sulfanilamido farmakoforu yra aktyvesni už sulfanilamidus prieš bakterijas ir pasižymi priešgrybeliniu poveikiu; su nitrofurano farmakoforu yra vieni aktyviausių priešmikrobinių junginių. Alilaminą įjungus į molekulę kartu su jau anksčiau žinomais farmakoforais, tikėtąsi geresnio naujų junginių priešmikrobinio aktyvumo. Pritaikius pasirinktas metodikas naujų 4-tiazolidinono darinių su pasirinktų farmakoforų (sulfanilamido, nitrofurano, alilamino) struktūriniais fragmentais sintezei, susintetinti 39 4-tiazolidinono ciklą turintys junginiai. Įvertinus fiziko-chemines savybes ir toksiškumo riziką in silico, nustatyta junginių, kaip biologiškai aktyvių medžiagų, vertė. In silico ir in vitro patvirtinta, kad nauji 4-tiazolidinono dariniai su sulfanilamido, nitrofurano ir alilamino farmakoforais pasižymi prieš¬mikrobinėmis savybėmis prieš skirtingas bakterijų (S. aureus, E. faecalis, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, K. pneumonia, B. subtilis, P. mirabilis) ir grybelio C.albicans kultūras. Apibendrinus mikrobiologinių tyrimų rezultatus, nustatyti aktyviausi antibakteriniai ir priešgrybeliniai junginiai. / More than 200 antimicrobial agents are used in clinical practice for the treatment of infectious diseases, however, infectious diseases are still one of the most common causes of death, and the need for new antimicrobials isn’t decreasing. Compounds with different biological activity are synthesized by modifying 4-thiazolidinone. 4-thiazolidinones with sulfanilamide pharmacophore are more active against bacteria than sulfanilamides, and are characterized as antifungals. 4-thiazolidinones with nitrofuran pharmacophore are one of the most active antimicrobials. Higher antimicrobial activity of new compounds was expected after attaching allylamine to the molecule together with the previously known pharmacophores. By applying the selected methodologies for the synthesis of new 4-thiazolidinones with the fragments of selected pharmacophores (sulfanilamide, nitrofurane, allylamine), 39 derivatives of 4-thiazolidinone were synthesized. The assessment of physico-chemical properties and toxicity risk in silico helped to determine the value of compounds as biologically active substances. In silico and in vitro studies confirmed that new 4-thiazolidinone’s with sulfanilamide, nitrofurane and allylamine pharmacophores showed antimicrobial activity against various bacteria (S. aureus, E. faecalis, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, K. pneumonia, B. subtilis, P. mirabilis) and fungal cultures of C.albicans. Summarising microbiological tests, the most active antibacterial and antifungal compounds... [to full text]

Naujų 4-tiazolidinonų, turinčių sulfanilamido, alilamino ir nitrofurano farmakoforus, priešmikrobinių savybių tyrimas / New 4-thiazolidinones, containing sulfanilamide, allylamine and nitrofurane pharmacophores and evaluation of their antimicrobial activity

Ževžikovienė, Augusta 18 September 2012 (has links)
Klinikinėje praktikoje infekcinėms ligoms gydyti vartojama daugiau kaip 200 priešmikrobinių medžiagų, tačiau infekcinės ligos yra viena dažniausių mirties priežasčių ir naujų priešmikrobinių vaistų poreikis nemažėja. Modifikuojant 4-tiazolidinono žiedą susintetinami įvairaus biologinio aktyvumo junginiai. 4-tiazolidinono dariniai su sulfanilamido farmakoforu yra aktyvesni už sulfanilamidus prieš bakterijas ir pasižymi priešgrybeliniu poveikiu; su nitrofurano farmakoforu yra vieni aktyviausių priešmikrobinių junginių. Alilaminą įjungus į molekulę kartu su jau anksčiau žinomais farmakoforais, tikėtąsi geresnio naujų junginių priešmikrobinio aktyvumo. Pritaikius pasirinktas metodikas naujų 4-tiazolidinono darinių su pasirinktų farmakoforų (sulfanilamido, nitrofurano, alilamino) struktūriniais fragmentais sintezei, susintetinti 39 4-tiazolidinono ciklą turintys junginiai. Įvertinus fiziko-chemines savybes ir toksiškumo riziką in silico, nustatyta junginių, kaip biologiškai aktyvių medžiagų, vertė. In silico ir in vitro patvirtinta, kad nauji 4-tiazolidinono dariniai su sulfanilamido, nitrofurano ir alilamino farmakoforais pasižymi prieš¬mikrobinėmis savybėmis prieš skirtingas bakterijų (S. aureus, E. faecalis, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, K. pneumonia, B. subtilis, P. mirabilis) ir grybelio C.albicans kultūras. Apibendrinus mikrobiologinių tyrimų rezultatus, nustatyti aktyviausi antibakteriniai ir priešgrybeliniai junginiai. / More than 200 antimicrobial agents are used in clinical practice for the treatment of infectious diseases, however, infectious diseases are still one of the most common causes of death, and the need for new antimicrobials isn’t decreasing. Compounds with different biological activity are synthesized by modifying 4-thiazolidinone. 4-thiazolidinones with sulfanilamide pharmacophore are more active against bacteria than sulfanilamides, and are characterized as antifungals. 4-thiazolidinones with nitrofuran pharmacophore are one of the most active antimicrobials. Higher antimicrobial activity of new compounds was expected after attaching allylamine to the molecule together with the previously known pharmacophores. By applying the selected methodologies for the synthesis of new 4-thiazolidinones with the fragments of selected pharmacophores (sulfanilamide, nitrofurane, allylamine), 39 derivatives of 4-thiazolidinone were synthesized. The assessment of physico-chemical properties and toxicity risk in silico helped to determine the value of compounds as biologically active substances. In silico and in vitro studies confirmed that new 4-thiazolidinone’s with sulfanilamide, nitrofurane and allylamine pharmacophores showed antimicrobial activity against various bacteria (S. aureus, E. faecalis, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, K. pneumonia, B. subtilis, P. mirabilis) and fungal cultures of C.albicans. Summarising microbiological tests, the most active antibacterial and antifungal compounds... [to full text]

Therapeutic effect of Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist in Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae challenged pigs

Khan, Shamila January 2005 (has links)
Immunological stressors, in the form of clinical and sub-clinical disease are currently controlled using both prophylactic antibiotics in-feed, and therapeutic antibiotic treatment. Respiratory disease, primarily Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App) infection, is recognised as a major factor causing reduced productivity in pigs. This thesis reports investigations into the use of novel immunomodulators in particular Interleukin 4 (IL-4) and Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) as alternatives to antibiotics to treat App infection. Immunological and molecular biological assays were used to investigate and accumulate data. An in vitro study undertaken to find potential anti-inflammatory substances, revealed that Interleukin 8 (IL-8) mRNA production stimulated by PMA or LPS in whole pigs' blood was suppressed by IL-4. IL-1ra also suppressed stimulated IL-8 mRNA production by heat killed App bacteria (KB) in vitro. An acute LPS challenge in pigs in vivo however, showed no variation in illness or weight loss between pigs treated prophylactically with anti-inflammatory substance (IL-4 and IL-1ra) and saline treated pigs. The use of plasmids as a delivery system for anti-inflammatory substance did not show promise since it did not enhance growth or prolong the expression of the substances in the pigs. However, in the chronic App challenge model IL-4 and IL-1ra administered prophylactically in vivo showed an ability to improve growth. The therapeutic administration of IL-4 and IL-1ra to App challenged pigs showed no difference in pigs' growth, regardless of the treatment or control administered. To conclude, IL-4 and IL-1ra showed promise when administered prophylactically and improved growth and abrogated disease under conditions of App challenge. However when IL-4 and IL-1ra where administered therapeutically they did not perform as well. Moreover these compounds have potential as a commercial application to reduce the growth reduction caused by disease such as App.

CD4+CD25+ T regulatory cells in multiple sclerosis /

Putheti, Prabhakar, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2004. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Studies on aquaporin 4, a molecular determinant of brain water homeostasis /

Gunnarson, Eli, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

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