Spelling suggestions: "subject:"åker"" "subject:"åka""
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Implementering av Svanenmärkning / Implementation of Nordic Swan eco-labelingZakaria, Saliba, Chahine, Ali January 2018 (has links)
Bygg- och fastighetsbranschens miljöpåverkan är ingen hemlighet. Enligt en undersökning som baserats på flertalet miljöindikatorer från Boverket motsvarade det årliga utsläppet av växthusgaser i genomsnitt 13 miljoner ton under perioden 2008–2011 Det och mycket annat har gjort att stora aktörer inom byggbranschen, däribland Veidekke och Skanska valt att ansluta sig till miljöcertifieringssystem som en medveten satsning för en mer skonsam miljö. Åke Sundvall Byggnads AB är ett av dessa företag. Rapporten behandlar miljöcertifiering av Svanen och omfattar studier kring den verksamhetsanpassning som krävs för att säkerställa att tillhörande kriterier uppfylls. Syftet är att andra aktörer och företag med fördel ska ta del av denna rapport för att på ett effektivt sätt kunna styra sin arbetsberedning inför en eventuell licensansökan. Genom deltagande i en aktuell grundlicensansökan och direkt kontakt med berörda yrkesområden har verksamhetsarbetet studerats. Studien visar på en omfattande hantering av verifieringsdokument och ett administrativt arbete som anses kräva en samordnare med fokus på ämnet. Kriteriedokumentet från Svanen, som innehåller och förklarar samtliga krav, används som underlag för godkännande av licens. Uppdelat i två delar består dokumentet av obligatoriska- samt poänggivande krav. För att säkerställa att kriterierna uppfylls i produktionsskedet krävs ett förarbete under projekteringen och inköp av tjänster. Det är av högsta prioritet att vital information kring miljöcertifieringsarbetet och dess kriterier i rätt tid kommuniceras ut vid upphandling av entreprenörer i syfte att skapa en kultur där man arbetar efter rätt styrdokument och process för säkerställande av kriterieuppfyllnad. / The environmental impact from the construction and real estate line of business is not a secret. According to an investigation based on multiple environmental indicators from Boverket, the yearly release of greenhouse gases corresponded to an average of 13 million tons during the period 2008-2011. Many other factors have also resulted in major companies within the construction industry (see Veidekke, Skanska) joining eco-labeling systems as an aware investment for a more lenient environment. Åke Sundvall Byggnads AB is one of these companies. The study covers the Nordic Swan eco-labeling and comprises studies within the activity adaptation needed to ensure that associated criteria are met. The purpose is that other actors and companies will use this report in order to effectively lead their work set for an eventual license application. The business work has been studied through participation in a current basic license application and direct contact with concerned professions. The study shows an extensive management of verification documents and administrative work that is considered requiring a coordinator focusing on the subject. The criteria document from Svanen, which includes and explains all requirements, is used as a foundation for license approval. The document is divided into two parts; mandatory- and scoring requirements. In order to ensure that the criteria are exceeded in the production stage, a preparatory work during the projection is needed as well as purchase of services. It is of the highest priority that vital information concerning the environmental certification work and it´s criteria are communicated in time during procurement of entrepreneurs. This, in order to create a culture where you work after correct control documents and processes to ensure fulfillment of criteria.
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Att känna konsten : Att tänka genom kroppenHeurlin, Charlotta January 2023 (has links)
This study examines whether and how art, through its capacity for transformation, can promote empathy, provide insight into built-in prejudices and open up for new perspectives. The thesis analyzes three works of art: the film Love is the Message, the Message is Death, by Arthur Jafa, Go Gone, a textile sculpture group by Moa Israelsson and Modern sovande, a painting by Åke Göransson. In order to broaden the research material, in addition to the artworks, three projects at three different art institutions are examined, all of which treat empathy and art in different ways. These are: Center for Empathy and Visual Art (CEVA) at the Minneapolis Art Institute, Civic Wellness program, Art Institute of Chicago and In the mirror of the wonder of Luca Giordano, Art Perception, Florence. The study's theoretical framework is based on affect theory and empathy theory in aesthetics. The thesis applies an affect-based model as a method for the analysis of the works of art; the examination of the projects takes place through a description of each project's structure, implementation and outcome. This is presented through a schedule for each project. Main questions are: Can art of various kinds, by virtue of its own being, open up new perspectives, make prejudice visible and lead to the promotion of empathy? Can artists, curators and institutions such as museums, create a method to channel the ability of art? Can the thoughts a work of art includes and which take shape and permanence in the public space, lead to action? The study is based on, among other things, Gilles Deleuze’s thoughts about art's ability to release forces that are not themselves visible, as well as in Gustav Jørgen Pedersen's ideas about pictorial thinking – the paradox of wanting to paint what cannot be seen. Jill Bennett's ideas about exhibitions that function as affectively charged spaces, that is, the affective intensities released in the work of art are social and not something intrinsic and private, are also relevant to the study's reasoning. The study shows how the artist's ability to bring out a bodily dimension, a sense of presence – the ability to paint what cannot be seen– is crucial to what the work of art itself can do. The study also shows that it is fruitful to try to create environments through exhibitions, affective charged spaces, where the intention is to try to lead the visitors' attention towards a targeted goal.
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En kvalitativ studie i Ersta Sköndals orgellärares syn på mental träningÅberg Lindell, Elina January 2009 (has links)
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