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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Média a důvěra. Analýza vztahu oblíbenosti druhů médií a vnímání jejich důvěryhodnosti / Analysis of the relationship between media popularit y and perceiving their credibility

Mičánek, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
The goal of our thesis was to study the relation between trust and media. Therefore, we have introduced some selected theoretical approaches of trust in relation to society and we have also formulated our own theoretical implications on the basis of this review which we have later used in our research of trust in media. In the theoretical part we have defined the concept of trust in terms of two key principals of trust based on the rational and intuitive understanding of trust. We have described hierarchical levels of trust in society and then we have focused on interpersonal and system level. We have reviewed selected theoretical approaches to trust and we have outlined the development of trust within sociology. We have explained the function of media in society and pointed out the reasons of the interest in studying trust in media together with the review of the concepts of media effects. Then we have briefly summarized the empirical research and mentioned the situation in the Czech Republic. Finally we have suggested some phenomenons that may cause the decrease in trust are named. In the research part we have concerned with the analysis between media source popularity operetionalised as a frequency of using of the media source and its credibility perceived by recipients. Another research goal...

Současné poznatky o vlivu léčiv na mužskou fertilitu / Recent knowledge on drug effect on male fertility

Klapková, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Candidate: Tereza Klapková Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. PharmDr. František Trejtnar, CSc. Title of diploma thesis: Recent knowledge on drug effect on male fertility Among the various types of side effects presented in clinically used drugs, negative effects on male reproductive functions can be find. This issue seems to be important and current especially due to the general trend of the decrease in fertility in men and the increasing drug use in younger age groups. The aim of this diploma thesis was to create an overview summarizing current expert knowledge on the effect of drugs on male fertility. For this purpose, we selected relevant publications in the PubMed database, perform their analysis and create the text ofthe thesis. The review focuses mainly on groups of drugs that are often clinically used and discussed in relation to male fertility, such as drugs acting on the cardiovascular system, antimicrobial drugs, drugs used in pain therapy, antidepressants, antiepileptics, antipsychotics, immunosuppressants and some other drugs. In addition to standard drugs, the review also includes several important natural substances, which are used as adjunctive therapy of various diseases or are important from a...

Nežádoucí účinky léčby antiepileptiky u dětí / Adverse effects of epilepsy medication in children

Arnošová, Karolína January 2020 (has links)
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biological and medicinal sciences Candidate Karolína Arnošová Consultant doc.MUDr. Josef Herink DrSc. Title of thesis Adverse effects of epilepsy medication in children The aim of this thesis was to determine the most commonly used antiepileptics in children, its adverse effects and to compare these results with the adult epileptology. In the theoretical part there are etiopathogenesis, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, types of the seizures and epileptic syndromes described. The specifics of epilepsy treatment in children, not only pharmacotherapy, but also non-pharmacological treatment options, were documented as well. In the study there was exact half of patients treated with monotherapy and the other half with combined therapy which is not in line with the original hypothesis that assumed a predominance of monotherapy. The most commonly used antiepileptics in children were valproate (62,5 %), lamotrigine (25 %), topiramate and levetiracetame (both in 18,75 %). The hypothesis assuming a higher incidence of adverse effects in combination therapy has been confirmed. The most common adverse effects in children were the effects on total daily activity, occuring in 83,33 %, even with the mildest score on average....

Vliv hiporehabilitace na člověka a koňský hřbet

Lörincová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
The main issue of this dissertation is the influence hiporehabilitation on the human body and the horseback. This thesis consist of the recherche and my own results. Recherche concentrate on the characteristic of all spheres of the hiporehabilitation, history and the effect. Furthermore, on diseases which are arising in particular spheres. For the treatment of results for this thesis was made a qualitative research with the help of questionaires which was consequently evaluated. Within the framework of the research I visited two centres and I found out all of the available information about clients who attend hiporehabilitation and about horses which the hiporehabilitation was practising on. The main task is evaluated in the end-influence of the therapy on the human body and the influence on the horses. The thesis finally lead in the help to relevant centres to reach some informationes about the effect on their clients.

Subjektivní hodnocení nežádoucích účinků antiepileptik u pacientů s epilepsií / Subjective evaluation of adverse reactions of antiepileptic drugs in patients with epilepsy

Žalud, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
Jakub Žalud PhDr. Alena Javůrková Ph.D. adverse effects of antiepileptics, their classification and expression from the patient's subjective assumption was that the patient's experience of the adverse effects of antiepileptic drugs will significant overall (p˂0.05; R2 = 0.20). ts was not statistically significant (p˃0.05; R2 = 0.21). (p˃0.05; R2 = 0.16).

Antiproliferativní a kardioprotektivní potenciál nově syntetizovaných analogů dexrazoxanu. / Antiproliferative and cardioprotective potential of the newly synthetised analogues of dexrazoxane.

Gavurová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biochemical Sciences Candidate: Lucie Gavurová Supervisor: PharmDr. Anna Jirkovská, PhD. Title of diploma thesis: Antiproliferative and cardioprotective activity of novel dexrazoxane analogues Anthracycline antibiotics (such as daunorubicin, doxorubicin or epirubicin) forms the basis of anticancer therapy in many hematological malignancies and solid tumors. However, their clinical use is limited by adverse effects. The most serious of these effects is chronic form of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity. Dexrazoxane is the only one clinically approved cardioprotective agent against anthracycline cardiotoxicity so far. Despite its well-evidenced cardioprotective effects, dexrazoxane use is very limited due to its possible adverse effects. The the synthesis of novel analogs of might contribute to understanding of the relationship between structure and effects of dexrazoxane. Finally, this approach could lead to the synthesis of structure with better pharmacological properties. The aim of this diploma thesis was to assess the antiproliferative activity of novel analogues of dexrazoxane (JR-281B, JR-311, JR-306A, JR-306B, JR-232 and JR-312B), and the study of the influence on the antiproliferative effect of anthracyclines....

Souvislost mezi silami působící na obtékaná tělesa a disipativními procesy v mezních vrstvách / Relation between forces induced by fluid flow and dissipative processes in boundary layers

Mináriková, Petra January 2015 (has links)
Práce se zabývá vlivem disipativních proces· v mezních vrstvách, konkrétně vlivem viskozity tekutiny a dále vlivem difúze vodní páry ve vzduchu na vznik sil p·sobících na obtékaná tělesa. Z Croccovy věty plyne, že gradient entropie má sv·j podíl na vzniku cirkulace a d·sledkem toho i na vznik vztlakové síly. Práce zkoumá vznik vztlakové síly při obtékání rotujícího válce, v soft- waru FEniCS modeluje tuto situaci, porovnává s modelem nevazké nestlačitelné tekutiny a následně i s experimentem provedeným Ing. Zdeňkem Trávníčkem a Ing. Zuzanou Broučkovou. Taktéž zkoumá vznik vztlakové síly při vypařování na horní straně válce a srovnává s případem rotujícího válce. 1

Masáž jako kompenzační prostředek grafomotorického výkonu u dětí s mozkovou obrnou / Massage as a mean of a compensation of graphomotor performance by children with Cerebral Palsy.

Fojtová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Title: Massage as a mean of a compensation of graphomotor performance by children with Cerebral Palsy. Objective: The objective of diploma thesis is to verify a positive effect of relaxing massage by children with Cerebral Palsy relate to current graphomotor performance. Methods: The work is conceived as intraclass experimental research. The pre-test and the post-test is carried out by means of the selected items Ozeretzkij's test and the Test of circles and the Test of waves. Results: The methods used in the research did not prove the relationship between the use of the relaxing massage and the current graphomotorics performance by children with cerebral palsy. Key words: graphomotoric, cerebral palsy, relaxing massage, effects of massage

Započtení v obchodněprávních vztazích / Offset on business transactions

Porod, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
OFFSET ON BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS Topic of this thesis is set-off in commercial relations. It is structured in three main chapters which deal with the most relevant issues and problems related to set-off in commercial relations. Not only it analyzes the current state of law and case law but tries to interpret Act No 89/2012 Coll., New Civil Code. First part of the thesis aims at the preconditions for set-off. Firstly, the possibility of set-off of foreign currency claims in New Civil Code is discussed. It also reflects upon the long standing discussion of set-off of due rights against rights which are not due. Then it proceeds to new precondition for set-off - certainty of rights. Author of this thesis argues that such precondition refers to reasonable doubts as to the existence and value of the right. Second part of the thesis deals with set-off of two or more rights and obligations. Author analyzes problematic aspects of current case law which en bloc excludes such possibility with the result that notice of set-off has to be overly specific. Controversy of the current case law, moreover, lies in the fact that it contradicts the previous case law which (in the author's view correctly) do not excessively distinguish between set-off and performance of the obligations. Admittedly, some author's...

Zkušenost s vyuţíváním fytoterapie u dospělé populace v Plzeňském a Jihočeském kraji. / Experiences with use of phytotherapy in the adult´s population in Pilsen and South Bohemian Regions

HRABOVSKÁ, Aneta January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this Thesis was find out if adult population has experience with the use of medicinal plants, if people prefer local herbs to exotic plants, what is their knowledge in the preparation of herbal products and if they ever know what the herbs are and what is the meaning of the term Phytotherapy. Another aim was the creation of electronic manual of the most used herbs, which would include information on sellected medicinal plants and their effects on human body. In this thesis there are comprehensively summarized the theroetical and practical knowledge, which should be beneficial for general population. Research survey in the form of a questionnaire was focused on experience and utilization of herbal therapy in adult population. That was realized in South Bohemian and Pilsen Regions. Results of this work point out, that respondents still consider herbal medicine as an important supplement to classical medical treatment. On the basis of the research there were conclusion written and made the recommendation for practise.

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